Incarnation #8

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#8 of Incarnation

It's weird how a story can take flight on it's own. This is not the chapter I expected to write. It's like, as I was writing it, it took off on it's own. I do downplay and dismiss a lot of the sex here. It seemed superfluous to the story here, though I'm sure it will rear it's wet, shiny head again soon enough. It's not that it isn't important, just that the details aren't.

I hope this works. This chapter, to me at least, isn't porn. It's something else.

And while Mirage was my inspiration for the character (and thus the image), even physically there's one major difference. Mirage didn't have a tail! Borin most decidedly does. But I ended the chapter not sure how I felt about her. Yet I think I did her justice anyway. She is a sympathetic enough character, while also being a murderous bitch. Does such a character deserve redemption? I think my final answer is, yes!

Morning in Hell, he thought as he awoke beside Lisrian, is at best a theoretical concept. Nothing changed outside the hut, though it's open construction did bother him some in that there was no door. Borin had installed a privacy curtain apparently in her hut. Perhaps Lisrian could be persuaded to do the same.

He turned on his side to her. She was still sleeping and he debated if he wanted to disturb her. Hell's inherent warmth did, at least, have one redeeming value - sleeping nude without blankets was not a problem. But for all his affection for her, watching the swell of her breasts underneath her as she breathed and the curve of her hips was too much to resist. He moved down and began to gently stroke her ass and tail, taking care not to get too frisky but just feeling the curves that he loved so much. He'd gotten used to the fur quickly, but the tail still fascinated him.

He felt her stir, the deep breathing changing to a deep purr as she left sleep behind, but she didn't change position and just let him continue his attentions without complaint. The purring was at least one thing he could count on to know she was enjoying his touch. But he was inevitably male and he couldn't much help it that eventually his stroking strayed to even more private areas. Not only did her purring not stop, but she moved one leg farther up, exposing herself to his gentle hand.

Later, after she was sated, she finally spoke to him after licking his wet face. "That was nice, X. Very, very nice. I think I'm going to like having you around."

"Even when I..." he asked her, leaving the specifics out but knowing she'd understand what he was referring to.

"Oh yes. Even that. You are a very good lover. You seem to know just how much attention to give, and when and where I want it. That requires empathy, and you have that."

"Well thank you! You inspire me to greatness!" X laughed.

"I can try to reciprocate, but I'm afraid you'll just end up frustrated."

"I'm getting used to that," X said, frowning. "I guess I have to."

Lisrian rose, supporting herself on one arm. "X... When I get back from my meeting this morning, let's go somewhere."

"Sure! Anywhere specific?"

"I have a place in mind. But as for you and Borin..."

"That's for me to work out, Lis. I know I have your permission, so if I fail, I'll tell you anyway. Let's keep no secrets from each other here."

Suddenly she hugged him to herself and he fell back on top of her.

"Maybe... a little secret," she said. "Just a little bit longer."

He was confused. "Secret? What do you mean? Are you hiding something from me Lisrian?"

She looked directly at him seriously. "Yes. But only for a little longer, I promise."

"Well that's certainly intriguing!" he said and kissed her muzzle. But he felt her shift her legs underneath him and then he felt something else, warm and still wet.

"How long before that meeting anyway?"

She smiled, exposing fangs that he'd at first feared, but now he'd grown used to it and found them a little erotic actually.

"Long enough. Sorry for the frustration but... I want you in me."

"I live to serve my Demon of Mystery... gladly!"

Later he helped her get cleaned up and ready for her meeting, then watched her leave the hut. As he watched the tuft of her tail swaying into the darkness, he wondered if she ever wore clothing. Some Demons did certainly. He thought briefly about looking around the place to see, but then realized she might find it offensive to find he had snooped around her hut without her permission, and changed his mind. Instead, he took a stool and sat it outside the doorway, watching the Demons and humans while he sipped some fruit juice of undeterminate origin.

His eyes strayed to Borin's hut. He'd go soon enough, he thought.

"But damn, I shouldn't have got myself so excited with Lisrian first. What I wouldn't give for just a little release. And I'd really prefer to walk in without a raging erection! Well, big boy, I guess you set yourself up for this. At least I won't have to lie to Lisrian no matter what happens."

He looked at his hand, the hand that Borin had 'scented'. Surely after the lovemaking he and Lisrian had just gone through, not to mention the washing they'd both done, that business at least was over, right?

He couldn't help himself. He brought his hand up to his face. No hint of Lisrian remained, but there was something faint. He put it away from his nose, but couldn't deny there was something there still that wasn't Lisrian. Not unpleasant. Just a little musky hint. It reminded him, oddly, of an old attic he'd once gone into. Dusty with non-use, the old boxes and discarded items that were no longer needed put away with care. Unneeded, but they still could not be completely thrown away. Why that memory came to mind, he couldn't say, but the scent reminded him of old things, things loved by someone, but long disused and forgotten.

He rose, put his cup away, took a deep breath, and headed to Borin's hut.

He called to her from outside her open door. Her voice came from behind the partition.

"Come in X, I've been expecting you," came her voice, the hint of an accent still there. He almost laughed when her tail appeared, beckoning.

"Borin, REALLY? Do you REALLY have to do that? It's nothing short of comical!"

"Aww, X, you don't like my tease?"

He rounded the partition and saw only her eyes in the darkness there. There really should be some reflected light, so near to rest of the lighted hut beyond, but the only reflections came from the two gold orbs within. He felt the touch of her paw on his hand.

"Come, you'll get used to the light soon. I see you've brought me a toy! I like toys."


"Ah, your erection of course. But you came only to talk, yes? Here, let me guide you until you can see..."

Her paw strayed to his ass and pushed it a little, guiding him farther inside. The air smelled full of her musk. A beautiful, intensely feminine scent.

"Here, sit here and we will... talk."

He bent to do just that, but realized he sat on her leg. He apologized and shifted, only to find himself sitting between her legs, and she encircled him with them.

"There, that's better. You are comfortable?"

"No, Borin. I am not comfortable. I am decidedly uncomfortable. Because you are trying to seduce me, and I don't want to be seduced."

"Oh? I thought all men like to be seduced. All I have met seem to like it. But perhaps you are different? Do you think you are different? Do you think you are BETTER?" Somehow she managed to hiss the last word.

"Borin," he began, and he felt her tail begin to brush his chest. That should not have been possible, given her position, yet the tail was undeniable. "Borin, please. Lisrian... I like her. She's been good to me, and... well, I think maybe I'm in love with her. I'm not better than anyone else, but I want to be... Oh, what's the word?"

"Exclusive, perhaps is the word? You think me cruel I know. Maybe selfish? I am, I admit this, but I do not take what is not given. You have already failed, X. You cannot resist me. You will give yourself to me without complaint. Do not feel bad, you could not have known. You were mine the moment you stepped within my lair. But that's for later. Let me tell you a story, shall I? Yes? Just a little one. A little talk."

X nodded, but vaguely wondered why his eyes had not yet become accustomed to the dark. But all he saw was her eyes, felt her body and breathed her scent. He felt himself laying back as she began, her eyes now above him.

"Long ago," she started, "in a land you do not know, there was once a man, very like yourself. This man, he loved a woman. Every day he would bring her gifts. The things do not matter, you would not know of them, but the sentiment was clear. But the woman was selfish. In her way, she loved him, but she wanted him all to herself. In this land, men did not know of monogamy. They did not know exclusivity. They took what they wanted, when they wanted. It was not so bad. The women were the same, you see. Only the rulers demanded exclusivity. For the people, this was not known. It was not expected. Lust ruled the people. But this woman, she was no ruler. She was not royalty. So she should not expect the man to keep himself only to her. Why should she? She would not keep herself only to him!"

The eyes floating above X were entrancing. Their lids were lowering, but they no longer looked at him - as if lost in their own recollection. He felt his body being stroked by more than just her tail now. He felt her nails rake lightly across his chest, down to his groin and beyond, then back up again. But his attention was focused only on her voice and her eyes as she continued her tale.

"She told him of this, when - despite his advances, gifts and pleas - she refused him. But the more she resisted, the firmer his resolve to have her, until at the end he was completely in love and devoted to her. He professed this to her, and she accepted. Oh what nights of passion they had afterwards. The gods themselves dream of such things! But she was not sure. She was not confident. Finally, one day she decided to test him. She took his gifts and sold them, buying the most beautiful slave girl ever - so beautiful, she was, that the royal court bid against her. But she prevailed. Yet she did not take the slave into her home. Instead, she sent her to seduce the man in the marketplace. She didn't believe his vow of exclusivity, you see?"

The eyes suddenly flashed brightly and looked at X, who was lost in his own imagination of the story.

"She did not believe! Fool that she was. She did not believe in herself, you see! Despite the nights, despite his vow, despite everything, she felt she would never be enough to sate a man's passion forever. More foolish, she thought it was a thing worth striving for! So she sent the slave girl to seduce him. He succumbed, of course. How could he not? Is it not a man's nature to take what is freely given him? The rest, of course, you can guess. Murder. Suicide. It is an old tale. It matters not, the details. Their love was lost. That is enough. Lost forever, and never to be found again."

"That is a sad story," X said quietly. She was straddling him, fucking him now. But he didn't care. His body responded, but he was looking into her eyes. Looking back at her as they fucked. He wanted to kiss her - to kiss her soul.

"They say she still exists, somewhere. Searching for something that doesn't exist. Searching for exclusivity. It is a noble goal, man. You cannot achieve it. Your body will not allow it, but... I think perhaps... there still may be a way if you change the definition."

He felt her quicken her pace on top of him, but he was still blind to everything but her golden eyes as their lids closed to just a sliver of glowing gold beneath darkness.

"The body does not matter, man... Only the soul matters. Perhaps you can remain exclusive... in your soul. She did not understand this. She remains lost, looking for what cannot be. But you may learn that it is possible. A lesson she will never learn. In this you have not failed. Your body is fucking me, but your soul is not."

Suddenly she howled, catlike and mournful. He felt her walls constrict and relax in pulsing rhythm to her orgasm as his body continued to rise and fall, never stopping, never satisfied. But she became satisfied, at last, until she collapsed upon him. She lay on his chest then, breathing hard and crying.

He had no words, but he stroked the slick black fur of her back, unable to console her grief but still trying... empathizing. That he had failed seemed pointless now. What he felt now was nothing but pity for this creature of blackness. Slowly the darkness raised itself from his eyes and he began to see her outline. He was still buried deep within her, still erect.

"You failed, man," she finally said, between sobs. "You failed again."

"I did, Borin. I did and I don't care. You... have my sympathy."

"Thank you, man. Now go. You want to relieve me of my burden but I cannot be relieved. Go back to Lisrain. I will not bother you again. I have known you, and you are just a man. No better, no worse. Just a man. You will keep her happy, this I know. And this is all that can be asked of a man. No more."

He left her there, knowing he was still heavily scented with her perfume. He wore it in her honor for the suffering she had been through and would continue to go through. As he left her hut and began to walk back towards Lisrian's, a voice came from the darkness between them. Farnsworth.

"Is she crying?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. Farnsworth... Yes. She's crying."

X felt the man take his hand. "It's okay X. It's okay. She's a special creature, you know."

"Very special, Farnsworth. I'm sorry I wasn't the man she was looking for."

"Don't be, sorry X. I don't know if she'll ever realize it but... I am that man."

X stood stunned, not knowing what to say.

"We have a special kind of Hell, X," Farnsworth said. I suppose everyone does. But we're still together. And someday maybe she will recognize me again. She is worth the wait."

"Farnsworth isn't your real name then?"

The man laughed. "Farnsworth? Hell no! Do I look like a Farnsworth?! I've forgotten my real name, X. Maybe someday she'll tell me. I'll go in to her now."

"Farnsworth... I'm sorry, for what it's worth."

"For what? For being a man? Might as well be sorry for breathing, X. I know her methods. There was no hope for you. Did you tell Lisrian?"

X nodded.

"Good. Very good. You're a good man X. But now I want to get back to her. She'll be sad all day, but I think I make her feel a little better.

X continued on towards Lisrian's hut, feeling worse than he had since he arrived. As he watched Farnsworth enter the hut, it struck him suddenly. Who was being punished here?

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