Slutcat and Sworddog #26

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#28 of Slutcat

In which Slutcat, Sworddog and Lydia climb the Throat of the World and ponder the laws of thermodynamics while dispatching a few pests along the way.


As the two climbed higher up the mountain, clouds thickened and snow began to fall.

"Thanks for the ride, Lydia. But no, I think I'm getting my energy back. I can take it from here. You sure are a strong one, aren't you?", Slutcat said, climbing down from Lydia's shoulders.

"Well thank you, Slutcat. I do try to stay in shape. I'm not above admitting that I take pride in my body," Lydia said as she set the Khajiit back on her feet.

"And a lovely shape it is. But I was wondering something..."

"Yes, what is it?"

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"Well, Sworddog has her fur to keep her warm up here. And I've got a little of my own of course..."

"Right," Lydia responded, not quite sure what she was getting at.

"But you... You're naked. Why aren't you freezing?"

Lydia looked down at herself. The cat was right. Why_wasn't_ she freezing? She looked back at Slutcat. "I... really don't know! But I feel fine."

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The two walked on, but Lydia's thoughts kept coming back to Slutcat's question.

"I should have frostbite by now or something," she said to no one in particular. "Could the reverse proportionality rule have something to do with it?"

Slutcat shugged, noticing a large dragon descending. She prepared her Sparks for battle.

"Who knows? The cold has never bothered_me_, but I always assumed it was my fur."

Lydia readied her sword. "But you don't have that much fur. I mean, really your ass is completely exposed for all practical purposes."

The three began to battle the dragon halfheartedly.

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After the battle was over and Slutcat had gathered up some scales and bones, they continued on.

"Well, that dragon's fire sure warmed me up some," Lydia considered.

"Sure, sure. But that was a half hour ago. And the wind is whipping around something fierce up here!"

"Must be the Rule. It's the only explanation," Lydia concluded.

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Then a frost troll attacked and they once again resumed their battle positions.

As they fought the beast, Slutcat continued the conversation.

"But you even sweat! All the laws of physics and thermodynamics would surely say that sweat should be frozen. Of course I don't sweat myself, but I know what it is. It's kinda sexy actually."

"Thanks!" Lydia said, slashing the troll while Sworddog leapt for its throat.

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"Get the troll fat," Lydia suggested after they'd killed it. "It's worth some gold."

Slutcat knelt down, ripped the troll's fur from sternum to bowels and removed the fat, wiping her hands on it's still-warm fur.

"Thanks! Got it."

"I know why she doesn't get cold," Sworddog muttered, "if anyone would just ask me."

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Finally they came in sight of High Hrothgar.

"I guess that's it," Lydia said, not unimpressed herself with the place.

"It looks empty. Lydia, I never really thought about it before, but... maybe I'm not cut out for this Dragonborn stuff."

"Oh, sure you are Slutcat. Don't get scared now. The Greybeards are nothing to be scared of. They're just a bunch of old men in robes."

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"I suppose..." Slutcat said, taking a deep breath before continuing on to the building.

"I'll bet you weren't what they were expecting!" Lydia laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"A cat you mean. No, you're probably right."

"Oh this isn't like you Slutcat! Lighten up!"

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Sworddog followed behind them to one of the main doors to High Hrothgar.

"The heat comes from your audience," she said to no one in particular.

"No one to meet us. I wonder if that's a bad sign?"

In answer, Lydia hugged her strongly from behind. "It's not a sign of anything, Slutcat. Remember, they called you. Besides, you're a Thane of Whiterun, and you have me as your housecarl. You've defeated two dragons now and a frost troll, not to mention all those wolves and spiders along the way."

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"Bears," Slutcat reminded her. "There weren't any spiders."

Lydia looked at Sworddog, who nodded her head. "Oh, sorry. That's right. But all those bears too. Now march right on in there and tell them you're here. The Dragonborn doesn't knock!"

"You're right. Now kiss me one more time, you strong, lusty, sweaty Housecarl!"

Under her breath, Sworddog added, "What's amazing is that there's still any snow left anywhere near you two! Get a room!"

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Slutcat and Sworddog #27

| "You rang?" Slutcat said as she strolled into High Hrothgar, for all the world the essence of confidence. The four old men lived up to their namesakes. The beards they sported were indeed grey and the wrinkled eyes above them watched as Slutcat,...

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