Netflix and Chillin'

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#21 of Draccy RPs

Legasp! 4 submissions in a week?

I have quite a -koff- backlog -koff- so you all get to enjoy a few extra up and coming =D

In this scenario, Sargon's gryphon character Ares ends up getting lucky with a lady friend when the two of them make a couple... questionable decisions. Zombies might not make the best porn music but they can certainly get the blood pumping in the right circumstances.


If you're still reading, pleaseVOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!

D: is me, S: is Sargon and his finely feathered friend.


Jennie carried the tray of meats and cheeses and crackers out to the living room, adding to the small pile of edibles she'd gotten together for them. Ares was supposed to bring drinks and then it was Walking Dead time! She'd giggled when he'd been so awestruck finding out how into a survival horror zombie apocalypse she was; like girls couldn't have fun too! A little smirk curled at the corner of her beak at the memory. He was such a cute goof. Her red and white feathers fluffed up for a moment before she shook off, licking her paw and caressing her pink crest floof as well, trying to make sure she looked presentable at least. With her mother working night shifts, she had the whoooole house to herself for a couple hours; at least until he showed up.

Erp, speak of the devil! Her head tilted at the sound of a knock, the young gryphoness trotting down the hall and prying the door open.


Ares waved hi with one foreclaw. And then he held up the other with a six pack of beer. "I think my dad has forgotten he had these in the fridge. So I thought... want to try them tonight?"

He'd brought fruit juice when they did this the first time. He'd only recently met her at school because he'd overheard her talking about Walking Dead. And not long after they'd starting talking about it, she'd suggested he could come over after school since they both happened to be on the same episode catching up to current.

He was still wearing his clothes from school, shorts and shirt, only having dropped by home briefly to drop off his pack and get drinks.


"Hi Are- Oh geeze!" She stretched her neck out, glancing around behind him as if anyone would know what the two teens were up to. She stepped back, admitting the golden feathered male in with his packet of booze, eyeing him and the cans suspiciously. "Just be glad mom's already gone, she'd kick your butt if she saw that." The young gryphoness spoke with a grin, closing the door behind him. She was already free feathered. Chances are mom would have wanted her to stay decent around guests but she didn't feel like putting clothing back on after stripping out of her uniform earlier.

"I've just about got everything ready in the living room." She spoke over her shoulder wandering down the hall back toward the kitchen. "You want those in the fridge or just on the table?"


The young male smirked at her concern. "You said she would be yesterday," he remarked, looking around again himself. He'd already checked that nobody else was around to notice the teen holding a pack of beer. He'd flown in low. He wasn't dumb.

He didn't realize she was free feathered until she turned down the hall. He'd noticed right away she didn't appear to be wearing much, but until then he'd assumed she was still wearing bottoms. But she wasn't wearing anything at all, and he was tempted to lower his head down to try to catch a glimpse under her tail feathers before she turned into the kitchen. But he didn't.

"Uh. A few on the table and the rest in the fridge, I guess. Unless you want to try drinking them all at once. Heh." He followed in after her, closing the door, but diverted to the living room to lay on the couch.

He idly drew off his clothes and tossed them in a pile in front of the couch a little to the side. If she wasn't dressed, he wasn't going to be either.


With everything about set up, she collected two cans and wandered back toward the living room, her young agile form hopping over the back of the couch. She walked down the end and sat the two cans down on the table. Having lived with only her mother for her whole life, Jennie wasn't used to having a male around in her home so, even if he wasn't trying to look, it would be hard to miss the area under her lovely tailfeathers this time. The view would have been brief before she turned around, pausing as she noticed the young male now undressed as well.

"Just go ahead and make yourself at home why don't you." She spoke with a post-smirk, her fine form circling around to find a comfortable position and plopped down. She reached out and acquired the two cans of beer, offering one to him, then stretched out to grab the remote. "Ready?"


Laid on his side, dumbfounded for a moment as he caught a glimpse under Jennie's tailf feathers as she hopped over. She didn't seem to be concerned about making sure he couldn't see at all.

He'd been around free feathered hens before, usually older ones like his parents. It wasn't such a big deal for ferals as it was for two leggers, after all. But he'd never once caught a 'glimpse' of a hen's sex, as they were always careful about their tail feathers.

"You made me feel overdressed," he said with a chuckle. He was laying on his side against the back of the couch. He wasn't being too careful himself. His higher hind leg was back far enough that the end of his sheath was visible, though the young male wasn't doing this on purpose (and would probably have taken on an overly exaggerated pose if he'd thought of it).

He accepted the can as the hen took up position on the couch and spooned with him. This part she'd done the first time... but she hadn't been free feathered then.

"Yeah. Hit it." he said.

He opened the can with a talon tip the way he'd seen his dad do it, not bothering with the tab. And then he took a drink of beer for the first time.

He nearly spit up on Jennie. Thankfully, he managed not to. "Smooooth..." he joked. "I haven't actually tried beer before," he admitted after recovering for a moment. He did better on his second try. And by about the fourth sip, he was doing okay.


The couch was big enough for a pair of gryph's to lay on comfortably alone but Ares had taken the best spot and she wasn't about to let him steal the show. She had waited till Ares had taken his first drink before taking her own, grinning at his response- though when she tried it herself she understood why.

"Bleh! That's so weird!" She said, shaking her head slightly... and then took another sip. "Old people are weird." She spoke, lifting the remote and starting up the next episode.

She loved this sort of stuff, the world and character building, interpersonal drama, ever present danger with no clear resolution. Oooh this was the good stuff. The first episode went by without issue, the two teens nibbling on a few cracker treats and drinking Ares' father's beer. Neither of them had really had anything substantial to eat since lunch at school so the bubbly sensation went straight to her head. By the end of one can she was still good. A potty break between episodes gave her an opportunity to get a second for them as they began the next in the series.


Ares didn't have any more trouble after the first sip. Though he had to agree with her that it didn't taste good. But still, it was so obviously popular with people old enough to drink... "I've heard it's an acquired taste. Which I guess means you have to have enough to like it."

Ares idly preened Jennie while they watched the show. He'd done that the first time, too. But this time with her free feathered, he was able to roam further.

After the pee break and getting the second episode started and getting into a second beer, he was feeling a lot more relaxed. He nuzzled into the back of her neck rough, still watching the show over her head. His fore claw had gone around her belly without him really realizing it until he accidently brushed one of her nipples. What the heck... he kneaded that nipple gently as he watched the TV with her.


She'd ended up wiggling in a little more closely the second time around. She didn't mean anything by it of course, she was just... enjoying herself right then. The young gryphoness nursed her drink slowly, her golden eyes fixated on the screen as the gang did their best to escape certain death. There were still seasons left so of course they were going to get away but it didn't make the immediate tension any less satisfying. She was into it enough she hadn't even noticed the paw on her lower belly toying with her youthful teats for several minutes giving Ares the opportunity to casually explore. It wasn't until she was reaching over to set the empty can down on the table and his paw slipped off her nipple that it occurred to her.

The red-feathered fem scooped up another set of cheese and crackers, munching on it casually as she slid back into place against him. Her eyes weren't on the screen, instead giving his paw a sidelong glance as she ate. Once her paw was free of the tasty morsel, she reached back and slid her paw up over his, gently gripping and drawing it back to her belly where it had been...


Ares felt that nipple get quite stiff in his grasp, but the hen didn't seem to be reacting to it as they both continued to watch zombies. She wasn't apparently having any negative reaction either, so he just went gently kneading it.

He thought that little bit would be over when she moved away for a moment to get more morsels to eat. But then she directed his claw back to her belly, and he obligingly started rubbing that nipple again. And then expanded to feeling around for and then kneading each of her other nipples as well.

His groping nearly reached down past her belly to her sex at one point before he realized that he was off course and drew up her belly a little to finally find the next nipple he'd been feeling around for.

His primary attention was still on the show, watching intently and enjoying it along with her. This was why his fore claw stumbled around a bit as he idly rubbed the hen. The alcohol was also limiting his attention span. His cock was out and hard, and he hadn't really realized that yet.


He'd realize it soon enough though as the young girl shifted a little, her tailfeathers accidentally brushing against his exposed length. It had happened in reaction to his delicate caresses, a soft exhale escaped her beak when his talons drew up along underbelly, touching her in ways that made her feathers puff up slightly in warmth. She didn't know why she felt this hot, certainly wasn't the poor foxfur being eaten by zombies on the screen so that really left only one thing...

She could smell the beer on her breath but it wasn't what was on her mind as his paw stroked around her lowers. Dirty thoughts unbecoming a good girl like herself wiggled their way into her mind and stubbornly sat there. Any attempt to sweep them away was foiled by the soothing touches of the male she was cuddled against. When she leaned back and nibbled on his throat, she wasn't quite sure what she was expecting that to mean but she felt like it was the right thing to do; after all he was touting her with attention, only fair to give some back.


He definitely noticed how hard he'd become when the hen brushed her tail feathers along it. His attention was drawn for a moment by the fox getting his brains eaten. He pushed his haunches forward, grinding his cock against her tail feathers a little.

When she nibbled his throat, he half lidded his eyes. Normally he'd be getting really nervous about now, but he wasn't. He reached and took another drink from his beer and set the can down again. And then he pushed his cock through her tail feathers.

He shifted in tight against the hen, his cock coming up against her abdomen as if it were her own cock instead of his. The base of the back of it rubbed against her actual sex.


Jennie stiffened a little as he wiggled and rolled his hips forward, that red teenage cock gliding up between her hinds. She didn't bawk or pull away though, the younger girl instead tugging those lovely hind feathers out of the way to make it more comfortable on both of them when he hugged her up against him. She let off a little puffed exhale, her cheeks rosy warm now. Gawd this was hot...

Still, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it for several minutes more, gluing her eyes to the screen instead which gave Ares a few moments to just enjoy having his cock between a hen's legs- in some form anyway. His scent tickled her nares, earthy and rich and very different than her own. That naughty thought in the back of her mind edged its way further into her imagination, little wisps of ideas and thing she should do torturing her.

Finally she broke down, slowly sipping a paw down her belly. She'd done this plenty of times before; she was a horny teenager with lonely nights to herself after all. But this time there was a stiff red log of male in the way. So instead of touching herself, she ended up sliding her soft pawpads down the length of his girth, feeling its warm sensitive surface jerk slightly in reaction to her motions. She'd seen males in the same offshoot way Ares had seen females and certainly never touched one before. It was thrilling and caused a knot of want to form in her belly.


The hen didn't seem to mind. He was still surprised at how relaxed he was; how relaxed they both were really.

The teenaged male had had sex twice before. Both times with a hen earlier this year. And he'd been intensely nervous during both of those encounters; so much so that he'd had trouble getting the condoms on, especially the very first time. And had generally felt so flustered by his difficulties that he almost didn't enjoy the sex. Almost.

Now he drew in a breath as the hen, after a few minutes, grasped his length and felt along it. His feathers would usually have puffed out, but they didn't. He felt more confident than usual and didn't realize it was the alcohol.

He reached his fore paw around to grasp her own and guide it to start stroking his length as he continued to watch the show. His alcohol limited attention span was starting to make it harder to follow now though. But it didn't take a lot to follow zombies.


She had to be careful with her claws. The soft pawpads would feel delightful against his bare skin like that though and she let them roll up and down. She reached all the way down to the base, feeling up his feathery sheath with youthful curiosity. She exhaled as her talons slid across her naked vent too, the sensation of that red shaft cupped against her pink flesh making her squirm a little with interest. What would that feel like...? She'd seen plenty of videos of course, her wandering paws had plenty of material to enjoy bit it was just her talons that had been inside her.

She didn't know how to ask though, her talons sliding up to the tip of his shaft, a little glaze of precum gumming her talon tips. She brought them up to her nares and sniffed, shivering slightly at the pleasant sensation that washed through her, the carefully ran her tongue through the sticky fluid. Was that what a boy tasted like...? She thought, trying both to watch the show and sate her interest.


The young golden gryphon was having a really hard time following the show now as the hen's claw rubbed back and forth over his stiff red length.

He was wishing now that he'd brought his condoms with him. When he'd used them before, he'd actually made a date with that hen, and they'd both actually expected to have sex from the get go. This time, he hadn't expected anything to happen at all. But here it was.

He watched her lick his precum from her claw and shivered a little. "I don't have any condoms," he whispered into her ear. "But... do you want to pause the show for a little while?"


She froze as he spoke to her mid-lick, her ears perked, then folded in hot embarrassment. She looked at the television, realizing she didn't even really know what this episode was about. Shifting forward, she scooped up the controller and paused the show. Shifting back she found his hard flesh rubbing against her nethers in a way that made her shiver slightly. She puffed an exhale, lifting one of her hind legs some to, you know, give him more... breathing room, or something...

Every little shift dragged his red spear against her unprotected sex, the blood flushed pink between her legs mostly hidden by that teen shaft. "Do... Did you need a break or something...?" She inquired, looking back at him with those golden eyes, her red and white feathers brimming with gorgeous drunken attraction. She leaned in and nibbled his jawline, preening the feathers around it some, subconsciously offering her body for some more intimate attention.


"Mmm... yeah. I kinda do," the teenaged male said. He reached over the hen again to take another sip from his beer and ended up downing the whole thing before putting the can back down as he realized nerves were starting to touch him a little.

He nibbled back along her beak and then shifted himself back a little. With little experience in the first place, a little inebriation, and a somewhat awkward position, he fumbled a bit at first, his bare red tip rubbing along the hen's soft netherlips. But he found the right spot and then let out a shivering breath as his stiff length pushed in.

It was his third time inside a girl and the first time inside a girl bare, though he had done boys bare a few times before. He gripped her belly as he pushed all the way into her as deeply as the position would allow.


Her eyes watched him, drinking in his own attraction. She had a vision in her head of how this would go, how countless hours of watching porn told her it would go. The reality was very different but so much more real! His wiggling motions got him into position, his paw sliding between her legs to the feisty red spear she'd been toying with and drew it further down. Part of her knew what was going to happen but that didn't detract from the sensations she was experiencing as he nuzzled his tip against her nether lips and slid inside.

She sucked in a sharp breath as he entered her. Every time before she'd been in complete control of what was happening to her body, her talons, her beak, her motions. This... this was completely different. What was slipping inside her, how deep, how fast, she had almost no control over it... and feeling him hug her on the outside while she hugged him on the inside... A good roll of his hips ensured he was in good and deep, feeling her hot naked channel around the majority of his girth, her little form curling up just slightly to give him that little bit of extra depth as took stock of what it felt like to be inside a teenage girl bare like that.

For her, it was all new and amazing, her eyes glued on the scene between her legs, knowing just how big he was on the outside what with having him pressed against her belly like that before, it was quite a scene to watch nearly all of that shaft disappear inside her. She let off a soft grunting moan as he held there, the two young lovebirds just absorbing the moment that came, indulging in a new first for both of them.

And all the risks that came with it.


It was so much more intense without a condom, the young male realized quickly when he started thrusting in and out of the hen. Though he supposed he should have been more concerned about not wearing one. And surprisingly, she wasn't seemingly very concerned about it either. He wouldn't realize until sometime later that this was part of the effect of the alcohol they'd both consumed.

He concentrated instead on just how good the hen's pussy felt around his shaft. For several minutes, he pumped inside her.

The position was a bit difficult, his lower leg getting a little chafed against the couch and having a more limited range to thrust. He slowed and took a breath, nibbling the hen's ear for a moment. And then he lifted himself up, shifting behind her haunches on the couch.

"Get on all fours," he told her while making a flipping gesture with a fore claw. This was more the way he'd been used to doing it with other males. The prior hen he'd fucked had been on her back with her hind paws up in the air, and this seemed to work okay, but he'd had a much easier time with the males. So wanted to try it that way now.


The slow sensual draw of that cock back and forth between her legs felt amazing. She was hot and horny and in heat so it was a perfect storm for alcohol soaked lust to take over her mind. It was erotic watching that glossy shaft work around inside her like that, knowing she wasn't watching some other vent being stuffed- it was her vent this time. While the short grinding motions certainly turned her on, she'd have agreed on the limited range chafed the possibilities the two young birds had at their disposal.

She watched that hard slick length slip out from between her legs with a heavy shudder, a thin line of lusty fluid strung between them before breaking across her inner thigh. She huffed softly at his request, the young female sliding off the couch and rolling onto her hind legs, her front half still resting on the end of the couch. One paw reached back to rub her naked sex but it felt woefully inadequate at the moment. Still, with her tailfeathers raised, Ares got a good view of her pink vent being played with, her claws trying, unsuccessfully, to scratch an itch he'd started.


Ares realized that this was actually his first time getting a good look at the hen's vent, despite having fucked it for several minutes.

She got into position a little differently than he had expected, but that wasn't a problem. In fact, the way she draped herself over the couch was even more sexy, he thought, as he hopped down off of the couch to get behind her.

He lifted himself behind the needy hen and got into position. His tip first pressed against her anus. This is what he was used to when he mounted other males, so yeah... his aim was a little high. Realizing it would be different with a girl, he tried again, aiming a little lower and this time pushed his slickened cock back into the tunnel that had slickened it.

He steadied his fore claws against the edge of the couch where she was laid over it. "That's better..." he said shortly after he started thrusting again, half lidding his eyes. He was able to take much longer and deeper thrusts inside that heated pussy now, and it felt amazing.

This was definitely going to get him off. And he started thinking about whether he should cum in or out.


Her white chest rested against the edge of the couch. Mom would kill her if she knew what she was doing right now... she thought, not even thinking about the beer the rash teens had taken to. Her body instinctively tensed as the feathery male mounted her and poked at her tailvent. She was going to reach up and guide him in but he didn't seem to need it, his second attempt found its mark and that gorgeous red cock wedged itself back inside her. She exhaled a soft moan as he did so, this time feeling his length slip between her talons as if she were guiding him inside. Her talons pinched gently on either side which caused a glaze of their mingled lust to well up along the edge of her talons until, at last, she felt his feathery sheath tickle her pussy lips.

Gawds she felt so full! She wondered if she'd ever be able to use just her paw again... And then he drew back and thrust forward. Her body rocked slightly beneath him as he did it again... and again... working into the hot natural rhythm of hot carnal sex. And she was along for the ride 100%. Her paw retreated; there was nothing it could do there that he wasn't doing a million times better so she just placed it next to its twin to help stabilize her as he got going. Soft mmmf's and nuahh's escaped her beak as he ground into particularly sensitive spots of her virgin vent, the young girl laying the side of her head on the couch.

Ares had the perfect view too, the TV show had nothing on being able to watch a pretty young hen bounce beneath him like that. He was the director and star actor in this scene, he could make her squeak with a well timed thrust or grunt with a particularly deep one. Thoughts of consequences were far outside her current mind at the moment giving Ares the choice whether to find out what it felt like to cum inside a girl or paint her red tail a fresh shade of white.


With the other hen, she'd been very clear on using condoms and being careful to not get her pregnant. And even then, she'd been nervous about doing it at all.

With this hen, well, they hadn't even talked about it ahead of time. Things were just kind of happening.

And, as the director of this show, he could take the opportunity to do something he might well never get to do again.

Besides, he realized as the very thought made him feel even more worked up, he had been fascinated with the idea of getting a girl pregnant. That had only been a minor thought before when he had gone through sex ed like everyone else in school. But right now it had very much come to the foreground of his thoughts.

He was pumping harder into the hen as he thought it. And soon brought on his release. Hot pulses of his seed shot deeply into the hen, one after another as he stayed deep for his final thrusts.

He came a lot, more than he ever had a single release before. His balls were still jerking a few more times even after their contents had been expended completely.

And inside the hen, his sperm did its work. Soon little tails were disappearing into each and every one of the pretty hen's eggs.


The grinding friction of a hot male on her back was intense; both inside and out, the horny featherdrake leaning in and really getting into it. Each stroke ensured he was balls deep under those fine tailfeathers, kissing her vent with his sheath. The sensations made her weak knee'd but somehow she managed to stay upright through it all on the tips of her toes. Her eyes pinched closed as he worked his climax up and let it go inside her. The sensation of having a male cum inside her was... mmpfh!

She shouldn't have been so high on the sensation, her young fertile body highly vulnerable and being in heat, the risk was immense but that didn't stop her body from diving into those powerful, pleasurable contractions wholeheartedly. His hips jerked forward with each splatter of cum he loosed deep inside those soft juicy folds, apparently deciding to paint her insides a fresh coat of sticky white this time. She warbled weakly, soft sexual gasps escaping her beak as the horny boy on her back impregnated her. This was what real sex felt like...

Her soft post-climactic moan was sweet, the two horny birds soaking in the hormone rich afterglow of such a successful copulation. Hells he came a lot... she could feel the thin trail of semen oozing off the cusp of her freshly filled pussy. This was going to be a mess to clean up; literally and figuratively, what with the cum stains on the carpet and the unguarded eggs of her womb being fertilized by Ares' energetic youthful little sperm. But, for the moment, she was just glad for zombies and night shifts...

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