Mesmerizing Costume

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#18 of Draccy RPs

I told Balasar I wanted to get fucked by a gryphon and Bal said he didn't have a gryphon character. I told Bal I wanted to do some mind/memory control and that gave him an idea.

What came about was a naughty, horny red dragon dressing up as a gryphon and using a memory altering charm to convince his mark for the evening that her lust was safe with him. There's going to be some confusing signals in a few weeks...

If you haven't, check out the visual aid made by the lovely Nawka.

You can find the Mesmerizing Costume Visual under the link.

B: would be Balasar

D: would be myself

B: The red drake took one last look in the mirror and made sure his costume was adorned correctly. The small patch of fake feathers layered over his scales, mildly covering portion of the drake's crimson, plated scales, but certainly wasn't fooling anyone into thinking his a gryphon. He huffed a bit, adjusting the jewel that sat centered on his necklace, watching the dark gem gleam. Finally satisfied, the "gryphon" took off and made his way to the Halloween party, ready to socialize, and perhaps, mingle a bit! After all, nothing quite like fulfilling certain fantasies of others in costume!

D: The black dragoness wiggled her way through the crowd, there were quite a few people here. She had enjoyed mingling and seeing all the neat costumes others had come up with and gotten a few compliments on her own design. Her mechanical steampunky body suit skin tight against her hide with gear buttons and connecting chains, horns fitted like exhaust vents and metal 'jaws' on her mask. Her glowing eyes had gotten more than a few second looks as she played up the role with a laugh. Her bump into another large feral on her way through gave her pause, glazing over his form with an appreciative eye. The feathers were lovely!

B: Balasar was enjoying the scenery quite a bit, noticing quite a few friends amongst the many a new faces! The mixture of ideas and creativity shined brightly amongst the crowd. However, there stood a lovely dragoness who's hide was covered with the lovely reflection of brass and bronze! The drake couldn't help but be drawn towards her, admiring such amazing craftsmanship in her costume! Lost in the moment he didn't realize it till he was rubbing his feathers on your metal plates that he snapped out and spoke up! "Oh! Sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" The crimson drake apologized, looking down at the lovely black, getting a very close look at her intricate details!

D: "Its alright, I was." She retorted with a playful wink. The black dragoness arched herself a little this way and that, letting the other drake give her a good look over. "I like your costume." She responded a few moments later, nodding toward the feathery attire. "I've always loved gryphons, such beautiful creatures." She rumbled, lifting a paw to pet the covered surface of his body with delicate indulgence. "And the beak is cute." She continued with a grin, dooting the artificial curve with a talon tip.

B: The crimson reciprocated the hen's rather forward and affectionate gestures, but mostly with his own eyes. Seeing the way she arched and moved, showing off her lovely form under the armor. "Well, thank you! I like yours too!" The drake was enjoying the attention received, letting her paw roam about as he stepped in closer, even dipping his head to let her pet his fake snout. "Well... they do say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!" A soft chuckle came from Balasar as he agreed. His snout came in closer, nosing at her neck and shoulder curiously, picking up the hen's lovely scent. "And I gotta say... I love a classic looking gal myself! So much finesse!" As he spoke, a paw came up to stroke down her sides, curiously feeling the textures of her costume.

D: She hummed softly at the compliment; her head watching him swing around to her flank and press his feathers against her. Despite knowing it was just a costume, she couldn't help the little shiver of delight at feeling those avian appendages touching her. A little nosing around would give the drake an opportunity to sniff out her little secret, not something she was intending to advertise but it was difficult to wear a scent pad in a skin tight costume like this. "Been working on it for about two months, glad the little details weren't lost in the grander idea." She hummed. Her tail swished a little, thinking, when a strange smirk curled at the corner of her 'mechanical' maw.

B: The drake's own fantasies began to return to him as the hen's sweet scent invaded his mind, stirring quite the devious thoughts from the depths of his desires. His eyes came back to her glowing green ones, smiling in return. "Well... I can certainly tell you your work has paid off quite well! And I would love to see a few more... details..." The crimson rumbled deeply, reaching up to his chest to tap the little gem he wore, letting it glow as it began to project into the black's thoughts. The crimson's scales began to fade from her mind, and the feathers felt real as he brushed up against her again. "Perhaps... we can take a closer look at each other's works... and I can show you just how majestic us gryphons can be..." The bird squawked lightly, leaning down to nibble on her chin encouragingly.

D: The costumed black dragoness looked up at him as he spoke, her eye shifting from his to his paw as he stroked the gem at his chest, watching it swirl pleasingly, entrancing her mind and blending the details with painterly precision. In the span of a heartbeat, the dragon was gone, replaced with a true avian beauty. Her mental perception could no longer seeing a big red dragon in a cute gryphon costume, just a big feral gryphon walking beside her... "Mmmn, I would love to." She rumbled, reaching up to stroke his 'beak'. "Let me guess-" She lowered her voice and leaned in. "-your costume is called 'naked gryphon'." Then leaned back into a normal posture as the two began walking away. "Suits me just fine, I can.... enjoy the details of a gryphon in a way I couldn't with a drake." She spoke with a swish to her tail.

B: The "gryph" rumbled and lets off a small chirp, grinning just a tad at the black hen's own words, letting his expression be the response to her question. He slowly followed her away, seeking a touch of privacy from the crowd. His eyes followed her tail for a moment before asking her the obvious, mostly wanting to sate his own lust and confirm his own suspicions. "Oh? And why would that be?" The drake spoke as he found an empty room in the house. He looked back and double checked for prying eyes before opening the door fully and slipping into the dimly lit office.

D: This was so naughty! Sneaking away from the party with a bird she didn't know. It made her a little hot under the collar. "Oh I forget, gryphons smell differently. I'm in heat." She said nonchalantly, stepping into the room and giving it a quick look over before turning around as he entered. "And considering your lack of 'costume', I expect we're here to take a look at some of the more... intimate details." She paused to step up close in front of the faux beak. "Which is fine by me since you can't get me pregnant." She spoke, giving his beaktip a playful lick and grin. "Or have I misunderstood which details you're interested in?" She inquired playfully with a wink.

B: The rather forward nature of the hen was a bit of surprise for the "gryph", but just a touch arousing as well! He grinned at her quite wide as she stepped in closer, himself taking a step forward and nuzzling down her neck with his beak, nibbling at her scales lightly. "Hmmrrr... well, you are quite on point and correct my dear, and, I can't say that I've had the pleasure of sating a dragoness in heat" The "gryph" lied through his beak, almost certain he had the hen right between his digits where he wanted her. Without hesitation, the feathered creature stepped forth, letting his beak continue to nose down the hen's costume. His body rubbed firmly against her own, his own scent of arousal began to permeate the air. Without the jewel fogging the black's mind, the thick virile scent of a breeder drake might have been obvious to her. But, the hen was treated to the sight, scent, and flavors of a smooth, avian member swelling out, dripping pre already.

D: Ahh hells, she really shouldn't be doing this- she huffed, her eyes flicking to the side, catching a glint in the low light beneath his belly. It might be rude to stare but fuck it, she was horny and a little inebriated and there was no risk doing this sort of thing with a big sexy gryphon stud. Her haunches wiggled a little as a heated flush of excitement swam through her frame. "Mmmn, quite an interesting piece of your 'costume' down here." She rumbled, stepping aside and ducking her head below the curve of his obviously draconic belly, seeing only feathers and fur- and cock. "Mind if I take a look?" She asked superficially, her paw already reaching out to cup and gently cradle his arousal, thumbing at its glossy surface and feeling around it like one might a piece of fabric, gumming up her talons in his musky slime.

B: There was no resistance from the gold and brown gryphon, and he even stretched out a bit, raising a leg slightly as he let her paws get better access. He rumbled deeply in approval, cock throbbing a bit from the touch and letting loose some pre. But all you could hear is the approving chirps of a big gryph, and his paws reaching over, sliding down the black's costumed sides. He wasn't about to let the hen take complete lead of the situation now! And her scent seems to be getting quite strong as well! Like her body reacting to the drake's! His paws continue to slide back, cupping over her haunches before sliding over her tail, massaging the appendage as he watched the black hen work his bare shaft. "Hmmrff! Someone is quite eager I see!" The bird chuckled a bit, just as eager to want to sample the hen in return!

D: Her painted talons toyed with his heavy spire, feeling him up, her perception and his reality different but not unaccountably so. While her eyes saw a big black gryphon dick in front of her, her nostrils sucked in the hot virile scent of a dragon sending her body into a wanting shudder of desire, stronger than she would have anticipated. "Rrrf, you try being a dragoness in heat wandering around a room full of cute sexy males and see if you don't get 'eager' too." She extended her tongue, slathering around the tip and gathering his flavor on its forked tips before drawing it in to savor the sensation of rubbing it along the roof of her maw. The skin suit did little to hide her lovely curves but it did keep the details of her anatomy hidden. Luckily, his roaming paws found a cleverly disguised zipper of her suit down near her tailvent; an aspect of her costume that wouldn't take much more than a little stroke of that avian paw to draw down and give him a good view of her warm pink machinery too.

B: The "gryph" shuddered and spurted as she massaged then licked at his bare tip, once more chirping and squawking in approval. His hips instinctively thrusting against her tongue. "Hmmrff, fair point... but you can also imagine smelling a few hens in heat and wanting to... sate their needs." The gryph grinned again, eyes closed, and enjoying the light pleasure from the black. His paw roamed right over the hen's slit, intentionally pushing the tight fitting clothing against her vent. Already he can feel the heat, and a touch of moisture from beneath. But for now, he content himself with just savoring her sweet scent. But, he wanted just a bit more! He pulled away only to roll onto his back, showing off all of his "feathers" to the hens, then reached and pulled her on over his belly, nose to crotch, and his beak buried right under her tail! With a deep inhale, the drake filled his lungs with the potent hormones from the hen, making him growl and shudder! The hen instead got a rather loud chirp and purr! His claws reached up to unzip her slowly, enjoying watching her reaction as he unwrapped her slowly.

D: The mechdragon stood there on three limbs as the large bird stepped away and rolled over, spreading himself out before her. Despite her polite rearing not to stare, she couldn't help admiring all the lovely details of his feathered form, indulging in her feathery lust for a few moments while licking her talons clean. A few little tugs and she got the message, the big hen shifting to stand over him and make herself comfy, wiggling in against his belly 'fur'. Her tail arched upward a little as his nose caressed her undertail, her scent spreading over his beak in the process. The stretchy fabric spit at the seam of the zipper with ease, peeling back nice and wide to expose her silky gender to the dirty 'bird'. She sucked in a deep breath, more of his heady musk washing through her system making her shiver from tip to tail. While he was busy tinkering with her inner workings, she decided it couldn't hurt to check his pressure as well. Her mask made it hard to do much oral, unable to close her maw around his spire but her tongue made up for it for the most part, slathering up and down and around the gifted gryphonhood between her teeth.

B: The gryph shuddered and purred happily as the hen's weight settled down on his belly, leaving her in quite the position for the bird to explore and tease at her insides. His warm, wet tongue darting out, lapping away stroke after stroke, dragging in fertile hen juice back into his beak. Even his claws joined in, gently peeling her pedals open to reveal the silky pink insides. Already the "gryph"s beak was a mess, dripping with the heated dragoness' nectar, while the rest were savored deeply down his throat. Those cute shivers from the hen above were giving the bird all the right signs from her, letting him know just how well she's reacting! He was lost in the moment in sampling such a fine hen that he nearly bucked feeling her tongue wrapped about the bare girth below. Spurts of pre came quick in heavy throbs, splattering all over her muzzle as well, getting more of the drake's virile scent deep into the black's mind. "Hmmrrf! Your tongue!" The "gryph" chirped excitedly. "Best be careful or this load won't get in your belly!" He teased, letting the hen's mind fill with thoughts of gryph on her back pumping her belly to a swell!

D: It didn't take much for her intimate interactions to get him all gooey, her tongue dripping with his lust with no way to close her maw around him and swallow. She toyed with him for a few more moments before easing off, leaving a gooey strand of thick male juice dripping from the tip. "Mmmn, indeed." She rumbled savoring the scent rubbed along her maw. "Don't suppose you know how to use this tool mm?" She teased, sliding a talon along the underside. "I could certainly use a bit of a 'tune up' from a skilled mechanic like yourself." She wiggled her haunches suggestively.

B: "Hmmrrr... I guess the worst I can do is take a look and see what needs to be... refilled!" The gryph's eyes were narrowed look up at the hen's messy display all over his own chest, already having a small patch of fur and feathers matted from the dripping vent. Perhaps you should... step up to my desk and I can take look *He waited patiently while the hen positioned herself, watching the slender form take up a sensual pose. Those eyes followed her predatorily, undressing more of the black than needs to, tracing down that slightly arched tail to the glistening underside that he just made a mess of! Once more the "bird" drew in close and buried his beak under the hen's tail, licking, pressing in, exploring and sampling her depth before the inevitable tainting with his seed! "Well... I think I can certainly... assist, your dilemma!"

D: Damn he was hot... She had no idea why she was this horny, just being around him made her body churn with excitement! So when he offered to take a look, she grinned and lifted herself up off his fine self, eyeing the desk. Large and sturdy enough for an examination she suspected, walking up to it with a seductive swish to those haunches. With tail arched and costume exposed, it made for a lovely scene to watch too. She lifted herself up over the end, one hind leg supporting herself on the ground while the other lifted and laid a ninety degree spread on the desk surface. "I think the problem is somewhere around here." She spoke with a huff, her wing claws reaching back to grip haunches and spread them a little, opening up that warm pink pussy nice and wide for the dirty bird to come take a look at. He didn't waste time, rolling over onto all fours and sticking his beak in under her tail, using the opportunity to give her a very close exam indeed. She let out a long shaky breath as he eased back and announced he could help. "Oooh... glad you can fix the problem." She huffed again.

B: "Anything for you, my dear..." The big bird chirped out those words as he climbed onto the displaying hen, paws sliding up from her hips to the small of her back, his beak getting close to her neck once more before nipping down a few times. The large avian snuggled in close, fur and feather pressing against the hide and costume of the mechanical hen. The black spire throbbed and spurted as it was dragged against the exposed pink of the hen. From base to tip, the gryph let the hen be teased by the unprotected girth, only enticing at how it'll feel once buried deep in her snatch. The building tension was getting to the gryph just as much, chirping and hissing, occasionally pressing his knot against her lips, fully intend to let the hen feel a "proper", breeding! But of course... only the drake would know! With a lustful huff, the avian drew back to line up, wedging that spear tip right in place before slowly rolling forward. The hen below may be getting her mind filled with sensation of gryphon, but the drake was feeling the pleasures of a raw, unprotected hen. Slick, fertile, and ready to be bred, he kept telling himself to pace and savor, to enjoy pumping the hen over and over, and not quite yet just pound her brains out!

D: Fuck did he knew how to use that tool! She arched a little, the mechanical dragoness' biological parts tensing in anticipation as he wet her undertail. A gryphon was the closest thing to a dragon she could get without the risk of doing this with a real drake but hells if it didn't feel just as good as having a drake on her back. He hugged her, bucked against her a few times, then leaned down, dragged that fat log of gryphon flesh across her naked sex and dug right into her warm wet vent. Her toes curled in hot carnal pleasure as she felt him enter her, his body tensing atop her as he fed his bare cock into her welcoming channel. Every part of her body knew the truth, the log of dragon cock slowly being stuffed under her tail but her mind saw it differently, totally relaxed with her guard down, feeling fur brushing against her costumed hide and not the scales of a naughty feral male of her own kind pressing himself inside her. "Nnnrft... unh... yes... I think that's the spot." She huffed out.

B: The "gryphon" hissed and chirped as he continues on, sliding all the way home till the fat knot came to a rest against the stretched lips. The deliciously tight hen making his bare cock throb and pulsate, pumping pre deep into her tunnel. But the drake can feel his ridges flaring lightly, wanting to be tied and orgasming into the hen right now! He growled and gave her a few short, slow thrusts, dragging those ridges across her bare tunnel, making her feel the thick knot pressing against her entrance, ready to seal the deal! Balasar huffed and panted, steadying himself, letting his hips roll slowly into the lustful hen below. From base to tip, the gryphon pumped in flawless rhythm, spurting each time and adding to the mess. His paws held her down on hips, while the other wrapped around her waist, rubbing at the slender belly of the black, massaging nice and low. "Hmmrff... I think so too... looks like it can use a little... top off!" Emphasizing his words, the bird pushed in firm while his digits continued to massage! Leaving the hen little doubt where the climatic finale take place!

D: Stuck between a frisky gryphon and the end of the desk, the horny hen relaxed, laying her head down on the desk and just soaking in the sexual satisfaction of having a male tending to her needs. She could feel his tapered tip tickling her deepest recesses, pressing at the entrance to her vulnerable womb and, without worry over the featherdrake on her back, let him have his way with her. The split in the costume just under her tail gave him full access to her reproductive tract and, as his body rushed against her again and again in slowly increasing tempo, she felt her own encroaching orgasm building. The knot of pressure under her tail mimicked the knot of pressure she thought he was stuffing in against her vent. The reality was far more devious; those real and dangerously stimulating draconic ridges scraping pleasingly across her unprotected sex, stimulating the lovely little hen beneath him to open up and accept his clutch. The more he worked her the greater the risk she'd carry his clutch. Even though in her mind there was no risk, left to believe this hot feral fucking nothing more than a better replacement for tail or toy in her 'dire' situation.

B: The drake above watched and rumbled in approval, watching the hen below him melt and submit to the heated breeding. His own ego rather inflated, grinning from frill to frill as he took the pleasure from the depths of the hen, casually painting her walls in his pre with each stroke. He knew full well she wouldn't be an eager, wanting hen, wanting to feel the sensation of a drake pumping her till she was round, making the mess drip down her thighs! But all she could feel was the gryphon on her back, steadily working that thick breeding tool deep into her tunnel. His grip was tightening a bit, feeling the pleasure welling up steeply as he added pressure, wanting to be deep within the hen, past her barrier, and leaving nothing between his seed and her fresh eggs. The pace was quickening again, and the gryphon hammered hard, nearly slipping that thick knot into her snatch. The growing pleasure was starting to show as he strained to hold on just a bit longer, wanting to savor such a delicious, pure sensation of carnal satisfaction! "Hope... you're ready... to be filled!"

D: Long deliberate strokes of that fat flesh under her needy tail gave the horny male just the opportunity to savor the satisfaction of such pristine breeding grounds. Her sloppy nethers were slathered in his virile goop making the sounds and scents of their tune up vicious and real. Anyone else would see two dragon's fucking but to her his feathers were real, his talons gripping her hide was real and the knot splitting her open was so deliciously real! Reality was far more enjoyable for the red drake driving himself deeply under her lifted tail, rigorously pounding a clutch into that saucy pink pussy of hers. Her painted foretalons gripped the far end of the desk with a deep shocking gasp as she felt him enter her, the feral gryphon squeeeeezing his cocktip into her womb and fucking her eggchamber directly. His hips met hers hard two, three, four times in quick succession, their genital slits aggressively kissing. A warbling noise escaped her throat as he plowed an orgasm out of her cunt, those powerful, pleasurable contractions opening her ovaries up nice and wide for the wicked drake to dump a clutch into, nothing to stop his own virile sperm from 'topping' her off and leaving her full for several months to come.

B: Unable to hold back another stroke, the "gryphon" pounded away a few more times, just as he felt the constriction of her orgasm strike. The drake pushed in deep, feeling his ridges flare out, securing them in place. Then came the heavy shots of seed, pumping steamy ropes of white all over her egg chamber. The adorned drake shuddered and growled, maws clamping down on her neck as he felt the pressure relieved in the form of an unprotected orgasm. Over and over again, his cock throbbed and spewed more, overfilling the small hen till she was swelling up, and even more backwashing out in thick drools! But to the hen, her feathery fuck toy had just push that knot in and emptied a breeder's load of avian seed into her belly! Her body would recognize the satisfaction of a drake's virile seed painting her ovaries, but her mind was only given the satisfaction of heated male juices flowing into her womb. The drake shuddered and rumbled, paws rubbing over her rounded belly with a grin, still feeling the hen's contractions massaging more of his seed deep into her freshly claimed snatch. "Hmmrrff... well... I certainly hope this little... top off, can keep you going for a while" The avian winked, still staying tied within the hen, letting his seed get as much opportunity to stew and take root.

Hunting Trip

The day was mild and filled with the scents of fall, the crushed leaves beneath his paws was lovely feeling as he padded along the pathway that led towards distant lake. The gryphon flicked his tail tip lazily as the buzz and sound of the city faded...

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The Spirit of Christmas

D: Christmas was Anzi's favorite time of year. Not because of the good will, the lights or family and friends but because of the presents. It was the best time of year to be a burglar and his system was flawless. Homes across the city were packed with...

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Feeding the Addicition

D: Slow night, the big drake thought, tossing the wrapper of his meal into a bin on his way by. Was hard to find a bit of action on a work night. The feral male sat, pulling out his phone, working through the extensive list of contacts seeing who might...

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