Paying your Dues

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#20 of Draccy RPs

Today we have our favorite green-tipped taxdragon off on a rampage making the rounds to collect dues. When a particularly pretty dragoness is down on her luck and unable to pay, its off to the stocks with her- unless she has some other way to pay!

A fun fancy play with my boy LoDrak getting some tail with a random dragoness.

This ones got some naughty themes but its all consensual, if a little coercive.

D: would be the good D hirself and L: is the Lo'Drak.

If you enjoy these little shared romps, please help a writer's muse out by:VOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!


Kyria sighed exhausted. Herding her wave of hatchlings to school was tiring. They were adorable and she wouldn't give them up for anything but they were certainly a drain physically and mentally. She could only give herself a few minutes to relax before plopping down at the end of their table, sifting through the mail. She sighed again, always bills. What reserves she'd had were nearly gone and her work was barely covering the cost of living as it was. They were going to have to cut back on niceties soon, though she dreaded the thought of having no cable to keep her little ones preoccupied. She rubbed her temples with her large forepaws.


Drak meanwhile was just arriving outside the house, keying it open on the little tablet he had been given. A Miss Kyria. He let out a low whistle as the figure of debt flickered up. She better have some expensive furniture because she was going to have to heave a lot to make this one up... He continued to flick through her details, even as he arrived at the doorway, his tail giving a quick rat-tat-tat on the door.


The smooth skinned dragoness perked at the sound. She didn't need this distraction, but it was better than trying to figure out what she had to do to make all this fit. The bills were a future-her problem. The lovely lady trotted to the door and opened it, finding a green nosed red drake at her doorstep, his eyes looking at her, then past her then back at her. "Hello." She greeted cheerfully.


The drake returned the smile, although he knew hers wouldn't last that long once he began to talk. "Morning Miss, I'm with the National Taxation service, you've picked up a few too many bills I'm afraid, and you've had two warnings already. I'm here to accept payment immediately." His eyes did wander around inside, and over her, as he spoke. Rather young for how many young she had on file; what an active one!


He was right, her smile faded almost immediately, though she didn't frown. Future her had bills, now current her had them too. "I- wait, what do you mean too many bills? Tax service? I..." She sighed, "Well what is it for and how much is it?" Her tail swished anxiously, the young dragoness obviously feeling a bit cornered.


"That would be... six thousand, eight hundred and twenty four dollars." He spoke as a bit matter of factly, even turning the tablet he had around to show her, as if to prove it, taking a step closer. His nostrils gave a sudden flare as he did, catching her scent. Jeez, is that perfume? She smelt... alluring.


She stretched her nose out, peering at the screen, the red drake holding it before her without issue, letting her take her time and read all her debts. She'd forgotten about a few of those bills, lost in the woodwork or something... She sighed. "I don't... have 6000 to spare, I can barely keep up with what I get in the mail notwithstanding extra bills." She huffed, ears flicking in agitation.


He hummed softly as she said that, pulling the tablet back and reading through it. "Then I'm afraid I'm going to see about confiscating an equivalent amount from your personal possessions, unless you have any outstanding circumstances?" He inquired softly, glancing back up at her as she huffed, getting a bit more time to scent and view her. That wasn't any perfume... He shook his head a little, trying to clear the thoughts rising.


"Buh... I -huff- I don't know if I even have $6000 worth of things to take!" Being a collector, Drak was undoubtedly used to the sort of distress his contacts went through but the souring of that beautiful muzzle was defiantly undesirable. "Well, ahh..." She huffed, trying to think. "What's... what's an 'outstanding circumstance'...?" Maybe there was something in the tome of a rule book these tax people had to follow that would give her time to figure this out.


He hummed as she said that... Thoughts resurfaced, got reburied, then surfaced once more. Could he get away with such a thing? Well, it was up to her if he would indeed do so. "Well, circumstances that would mean you are incapable of work, such as disability, accident... pregnancy leave." He let that last one roll of the tongue, before he glanced about. "I mean, I don't wish to be the bad drake here. I would gladly wish to assist you in skipping out on my bosses."


"N-no, I don't have any of those..." She replied, getting desperate. "I work normal hours buh-" She paused as he made his sidelong offer. "Well... help how? At this point any help is appreciated." Her meager smile was forced but it looked better on her snout than the frown she wore earlier. Her tail had stopped fidgeting, the long fin on the tip hovering above the ground now. She needed a break and the world didn't look like it was going to give her one.


He hummed softly, stroking his chin as if he were in thought. "Well, we'd need to just simply get you into one of those categories. Now, you're obviously not disabled. I would never wish to harm you in an accident of course, can't have that with the nippers! So that leaves... pregnancy!" He seemed to light up as if he had gotten in, then leant forward to scent at her. "Ah, perfect, it seems you're even ready for such a feat to be achieved! This will give you up to a year to get the money."


The fine female backed up a step at the suggestion, giving the red drake space to enter her home. "Wait, what?! No I...!" She struggled to find the words, her tail curling around her hind end protectively. This was crazy, she couldn't get pregnant, she already had so many to take care of already! "But Mr... ah, um..." She'd never actually gotten his name, but skipped it in the heat of the moment. "There has to be another way to get an extension right...?"


He shook his head, then shrugged a little. "It's unlikely, and not one I can immediately sign off. I'd have to confiscate pretty much everything, and then you'd get to appeal within... hmm... 30 working days? That's it." He took a step forward, taking her step back as an invitation to enter the lovely small family home. "So, I get back at my boss, you get to have a year to not worry about tax. Win-win."


The poor girl took another step back as he entered further, observing the inner workings of her home. There certainly wasn't much of value in the immediate vicinity. Unless she was stashing some fine jewelry or antiques somewhere... She saw him sizing up the contents of her home and gently bit her lip; so lose everything she owned or lift her tail... The lovely female sighed and extended a wing, pushing the door closed behind him. "Alright... Is there anything else I need to do to get the extension, or not do perhaps?" This didn't seem exactly legal and if she were going through with it, best to have all her facts straight.


He chuckled quietly at that, slowly making his way into the living room. "No, all I have to do is fill in a form to say you cannot fulfil your duties to pay the tax and I'll be able to freeze them for you." And as if it were the most comfortable thing in the world, he began to unzip his jumpsuit, humming softly to himself as he steadily made himself freescaled. "Wish to get yourself ready?"


She watched the big male stride into her rather roomy living room and followed a dragonlength behind. Her tail swished, Kyria knew she was in heat, her little ones were too young to notice so she didn't have any issue with them, little need to hide it while at home but she hadn't expected a collections drake to show up at her door. The smooth hide of her form looked even more lovely in the morning sun, even if still rather nervous. She fidgeted a little at his question. "I... don't think that's really necessary." This really wasn't her kind of hookup. Truth be told, lifting her tail for a stranger is what had gotten her into this sort of mess last time and here she was doing it again...


He gave a swift nod, the jumpsuit crumpling to his paws and soon flung to one side. "Suit yourself." He mumbled, staring at her with a good bit of disbelief and adrenaline pumping through his system, transferred into blood rushing to that swollen sheath. "I would appreciate then if you could tend to me with your muzzle." He then said, as if this were another procedure list he had to make sure was completed. "Just to ensure a nice good session."


The feral fem let off a soft sigh but closed the distance between them. He wasn't bad looking at least, she hadn't really given him a look over like that until now. The red drake just sat, letting her initiate. Well at least she had that going for her as she ducked down on her front and laid, nosing her way between his four legs to his gender. She could smell him, thick male musk that made her belly churn with a sort of queasy nervous excitement. She nuzzled his sheath with her nose tip, rolling it around some, feeling it pulse to life. She wasn't exactly happy about her circumstance but she was still good with her tongue anyway. That blue forked appendage slid out and caressed him, leaving a glaze of saliva. The casual earthly flavor of his sheath was interrupted as her tongue touched his cocktip, adding a new level of intensity to the moment. One swipe, two swipes, the pretty hen licking him slowly like a sticky lollipop.


He huffed softly as her nose began to probe at his groin, paws moving to her neck, giving it gentle rubs as if to encourage her behavior, small movements that told her this was the right way to go. As he grew out into the open, tip shining in the light of the living room, he let out a pleasures grunt, letting her tongue wash over it until he was at half mast. He then slowly moved his paws to her head, gripping there at her horns before pulling her nice and gently until his tip pressed and pried at her lips. "Now now, let's put some excitement behind this, yes lass? With that many young you must remember how to service a drake properly." And with that, he pressed more firmly, practically forcing that drake hood into her muzzle, his pre-essence drizzling messily along the walls of her cheeks.


This wasn't how she had expected to spend her afternoon. Being under the belly of a big frisky drake was good and all but- she shuddered involuntarily as the flavor of his arousal glazed her tongue. Her cheeks warmed at his comment as he slid inside her warm angular muzzle, the depths of her snout a comfortable place for him to grow inside. She'd been a feisty young hen not too many years ago and had her fare share of encounters with her kin, she'd just learned the hard way what vodka did to her. Her tongue cradled his pink flesh, keeping it away from her teeth as she tended the collections agent with as much 'enthusiasm' as she could muster. Her muzzle felt good either way, the big male able to press his sheath up against her lips, making her wrap them around the base of his spire and give it a little suck with the tip pointed down her throat.


He leant over her some, one paw now bracing against the base of her tail while the other continued to hold her maw nice and still. His hips back to scoot back and forth, tip jabbing her throat with each firm thrust into her squishy gullet. He was eager, young, and it showed with how much he was pushing himself, no regard for trying to make the moment span any longer than it needed to be. In fact, he pushed himself too hard, going hog wild and brutally forcing that tip back and forth into her neck. His shaft suddenly jerked, the male making a strangled noise above her. He had released quickly, perhaps too quickly in some eyes, but the male didn't seem to care. He'd been out of action too long, so dumping one into her stomach seemed like the perfect foreplay in his mind, his seed half gushing down her throat and half backwashing to wash over her tongue, his maw opening and tongue hanging out as he let the moment take him. When he finished up, he broke into a light pant, withdrawing from her sticky maw to let him gaze upon his handiwork.

"Mmf... Yeah, now I can go for it." He chuckled quietly, before doing a quick circle movement with his paw, signaling her to assume a nice position for his enjoyment.


She'd had feisty males before, the soft sleek curves of her body seeming to invite naughty males into her vicinity. Her nose met his crotch with each thrust as he leaned over her and rubbed his bulging shaft down her throat just well enough to get himself off, unconcerned with her. The shortness of his need did surprise her some but pent up males weren't hard to get off, apparently she still had some of that old feminine flare. His hips rocked in wide swipes as he came, globs of seedy good down her throat, on her tongue and off her chin. Only after he was finished indulging did he back off and adjust her sore jaw. She didn't complain though, he was doing her a favor after all. She looked delightful with a bit of cum dropping off the corner of her maw. She backed out from beneath him, swiping her muzzle with that pretty blue tongue to clean up, getting most but not all of the stuff. With an anxious huff, she nodded and stepped past him, standing there with her rump to the frisky male, her heart thundering too hard to let her look back.


He walked forward immediately, paws gripping at her rump and pulling himself upon her back with haste. It was like he was pouncing on prey, wanting to finish the job before it slipped away, but for now it seemed like she wanted to play along. Soon enough his weight was pressed to her back, muzzle nibbling behind hers, shaft dragging against belly and groin. He huffed against her skin, giving it a long, firm lick as his groin ground against hers. She was moistened, but... perhaps not enough. So, when he drew back, she didn't find her puffy vent was the target of his attention, but the tight ring above it! The semi-aquatic female was certainly used to being streamlined, so the sticky cum-coated cock seemed to find its mark there with ease, the drake managing to unceremoniously cram his tip in there before she could protest much.

"Rrngh... Just some prep for you now..." He whispered to her, a ridge popping into that strained, virgin(?) like ring. "Need to make sure you're... hmmmnf... all warmed up."


Her body stiffened as he hopped forward, crawling up over her and rubbing his scaled underside against her smooth-skinned backside. The teasing under her tail made it arch upward instinctively. Despite her mind not wanting chicks her body certainly did. With her only protection pushed out of the way, she felt him teasing against her undertail, the big girl taking a deep breath and let it out slowly to relax. Unfortunately it gave him a chance to slip into an unexpected area of her body, the lovely lady's eyes opening with a clenching hiss as his pointed tip wedged in against the wrong hole. Before her body could prevent its intrusion, the tip popped inside, its saliva and cum coated surface squeeeeezing inside her body inch by eager inch. It wasn't until he was halfway in that she was given a moment to reassess the situation. She bit her lip gently as he retracted then rolled forward, pressing another inch and another, forcing her tail further and further up out of the way as he pried her tight little sphincter open. Her toes scraped the floor but still didn't complain.


Her body was exceedingly pleasing. Her rubbery ring was hard, vice like around his shaft but once he was inside her insides were squishy, churning, and tight. He growled softly as he began to work her hot little hole with want, claws digging into her shoulder blades as he climbed into her, ridge after ridge marking the inches he was engorging her passage on. His thrusts were short and unforgiving, tip grinding against the lower portion of that tract for good reason as he worked her; every time he thrust, he aimed to jostle the chamber below, trying to force her to keep ovulating even as he worked himself back and forth. By a good few minutes in, he was practically hammering that slimy shaft into her body, taking liberties with the desperate hen to do her a simple favor.


Each time she considered asking him to stop she reminded herself that the alternative was to watch him shovel her belongings out the door. It didn't take long for him to have her tailhole kissing his sheath as well, the frisky drake wedged in deep, rubbing and grinding against her insides in a way that was most pleasing to him. For her, she had to stand there and take it, the feeling not entirely unpleasant as his pointed tip nudged and massaged her reproductive system through the fleshy layer of her undertail. The stimulation was unforgiving successful, the poor girl's ovaries being worked on from an unexpected angle as the red drake eased himself in and out of that improper hole under her tail. The welt of cummy juice at the edge of her pucker made a nice squish each time he rammed home in her, the young hen shuddering slightly as he caused her womb to tremble in reaction. She thought the sensation was just of the act but it was oh so much more than that.


He worked her to the point of his own bliss, not caring for her own, the drake just leaning in, muzzle clamping around her neck and holding her still as his sheath ground against her hole after one last, wet splat of a thrust. Down her tract the second splattering of seed went, her digestive system getting a good shot of protein to work with flowing from the wrong direction. He growled softly to her, the lust pulsing through his system as her soft massaging walls swallowed him eagerly. He breathed against her as he slowly ebbed away towards afterglow, simply holding himself in her clingy embrace.

"H-Hahn... Having a good time?"


Back and forth he rocked against her, shoving that thick spear down under her lifted tail. Soft exhaling puffs could easily be misinterpreted as lustful noises as she strained to take him. As his teeth came down on her neck, her body naturally tensed making those final golden strokes in her tailhole all the more satisfying. The big drake indulged fully, pushing firmly against her lifted rump and soaked her insides once more, thick viscous pulses of seed hosing her insides down, scant inches away from the womb he'd helped encourage. She let off a soft grunt as he released her neck, chancing a glance back as he spoke. Her cheeks were alight, rear end sore. "I suppose so..." she lied, every little motion causing her undertail to clench reflexively from all this carnal abuse.


He slowly pulled out as she spoke, his ridges causing a drippy sludge of seed to slip away, drooling down her rear. "I'm glad." He spoke softly, paw rubbing at her sides, before he slipped off of her. With a couple pushes, he had re-arranged the hen onto her side, then with a good shove, splayed in her back. He began to line himself up with her now waiting form, almost looking like she was accepting a penance. In truth she was, the penance for her crimes not to pay, she now had a rough ride ahead, her sloppy lips prodded rubbed, then quickly schlipped into, the dragon giving an obviously pleased sound as his seed coated spire dug into her blue wet vent, churning the leftover sperm from the last two encounters around as he dug in deeper... she was probably already knocked up from this one act alone, but he needed to make sure... for taxation reasons.


Her insides tensed one last time as that slippery tip slid from her insides leaving a thin glob of seedy fluid to drip to the floor; one more mess she'd have to clean up. She huffed softly as he nudged and nosed, giving her encouraging little pushes to get her down and around on her back. It was a gorgeous sight, seeing a hen with his cum at both ends of her body, those fine haunches spread and that silken sex on full display just waiting for the clutch he was about to give her. Her soft little inhale as he mounted her, forepaws resting on his forelimbs, the big red making no bones about what he was about to do to her as he rolled her hips upward some, lined himself up with the last hole and wedged himself inside her unprotected sex. His preparation seemed to work rather well, that tapered spear sliding deep into her slick folds with ease. Her claws gripped him tighter, eyes a bit wide as she felt him inside. She knew quite well how virile he was and having that naked shaft sliding around inside her like that made everything all the more real. Her ripe little womb was an easy target and he seemed eager to have a go at putting a clutch in her.


He held her still against the ground as he slowly worked his way out of her tender snug hole, his ridges causing at first more backwash of seed than her own heat scented honey to well up. He'd barely even reached the tip before he clapped his hips back against hers, the drake now eager after having a starter, main course and now the sweet, sweet dessert he'd been after. She bottomed out just as the last few inches of his shaft tried to dig in, so he made a good show of that tip battering her cervix, the spongy wall attempting to hold back a pillar of breeding flesh from entering her sanctuary; a losing battle. He leant his head down once more, biting at her neck from the underside this time, one eye looking up at her smugly while the other watches the bulge under her smooth skin move back and forth, fully knowing what is going on under it and the consequences of such.


She'd been a good little girl, each piece of her he'd sampled better than the last. While her vent wasn't as tight as her undertail, it gave him room to really rut, his body throwing his breeding spire down her glorious little channel again and again, feeling that slick sex take him all the way. Her blue nether lips wrapped comfortably around the base of his spire each time it hit home, his tip leaving a sticky kiss in its wake, her haunches wobbling uselessly in the air as she was fucked by a stranger. He could only imagine what that trim little tummy would look like bloated with his brood, watching the lump under her skin moving back and forth as he plowed into her. Again and again his hips met hers, his tip prying her open, each thrust getting him just a little deeper until he was peeking inside her egg chamber. Those stimulating ridges worked her walls, encouraging the young hen to give up her clutch, stimulating her mercilessly. She huffed and gasped, starring up at the ceiling, blushing furiously as she was rocked against him.


The dragon's stamina was certainly a lot more able than the last two sessions with her, two orgasms leaving him able to freely nail her into her own rug without worries of releasing on the spot. Still, she was _warm_around him, that heat incomparable to the rest of her and simply screaming her fertility to the uncovered cock drizzling into it. A doubt actually flickered in his mind. What if she was going to report this? He'd be ruined, and she'd have her taxes wiped... But the sudden feeling of her chamber giving up and letting that tip and a scant half inch slip in behind it made him suddenly not care if it even put him in the firing line, his seed drooling over her dangerously fertile inner chamber carelessly. With that, he kept going, her soft petal of a pussy soon a bruised sore hole of lust as he worked her, metering himself now and then to keep his lust down, but by the way he groped up her sex, she knew she didn't have long until the deed was done.


The silky young hen pursed her lips as he felt him roll forward, that pointed tip squeeeeezing into her soft vulnerable chamber, the dirty drake at last able to mush his crotch flush up against that cock-stuffed cunt of hers. Her heart thundered in her chest, her ass lifted up into a properly fuckable angle letting his tainted fluid drizzle right into her receptive little womb. And ripe for the taking it was, the poor hen's terribly stimulated sex having taken the brunt of this sexual escapades. She might get a year to figure out her debt problem but by then she was going to have a lot_more mouths to feed. The red drake strained to have her pussy lips kissing around his cocksheath as he buried himself inside her to the hilt, thoroughly enjoying the situation he was in and seemingly unconcerned for the results. Even the worry that swam through her thoughts wasn't enough to keep the sensation of being fucked _deep like this at bay. Again and again his body shoved up inside her, riding her hard, searching for that moment of satisfaction that would end up leaving this poor hen fat and gravid.


He quickly learned that he wasn't able to hold back much longer, although he only really had about a few more seconds until he hit his peak, which let him shove his crotch against hers, the wet clap and heavy _throb_of his cock as the vein bulged with his fertility giving a split second warning to the hen below him, before it happened. Although the walls of her womb were stained already with his pre, a small puddle of it settled at the bottom, it was nothing compared to the real stuff; long, scolding and hart hitting thumps of seed hitting her back wall, gushing over her inner sanctuary with little care for what it meant for her. All those wrigglers cared about was finding those soft shells, which they found in abundance, clambering and reaping her the reward of a tax free year, and a lot of new chicks to buy school clothes for!


She felt that final shove, her heart skipping a beat. She knew what it was, what was happening and had no way to stop it now. Instead the moment dragged on, feeling his cock swell, ridges flare out and then... The slap of cum hitting her inner chamber. Then another and third, the horny male holding himself inside her, cumming freely within her vulnerable womb, filling her up with thick wads of sticky goo. Her forepaws gripped him, hind legs spread and toes splayed out as he emptied himself inside her for a third time, for real this time, ensuring a good abundant clutch would keep her out of the payment cycle for another year. She gritted her teeth and grunted, her head swimming.

How did she always get into these messes?

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