Paw... Enter the Claw... Fan Fic

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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FluffyPony asked me to see if I could write the 5th chapter in that wonderful Paw series. Because this one deals with a specialty of mine namely castration. I have humbly done my best and I hope it pleases the Fluffy little equine and all the fans of that very hot series...


Enter the Claw

The Zebra stallion's massive coal shovel sized hands pressed down hard on the small Fox's shoulders. Big strong blunt fingers digging into the scrawny muscle, as the big stud held the slut down. Using the pillows and mattress to muffle the little Vulpine's squeals, as powerful hip's slammed that huge black shaft in and out of the Fox's wreaked tail hole. It was the Zebra's ninth or tenth sexual encounter that day... and he was having a hard time reaching orgasm. But it was the little Fox rent boi who was paying the price, like most hustlers he was really straight. And like most that Detective Mike Palmer used he would never be the same... in fact this encounter would send the Fox back to his home in Idaho.


The Zebra lit a cheroot and took a long drag off it, as he slowly redressed in the flop house hotel room. The little Fox had limped away as soon as the big equine had let him up. And now Mike was alone in the poorly lit hotel room, slowly dressing as he smoked. The smell of that strong tobacco would mask the sweaty musky scents of male on male sex. The Detective knew from long experience... of course it also calmed him down. But already he could feel the need beginning to build... in a few hours he'd be back looking for cheap quick sex. It was his way of dealing with things... he lied to himself. Some guys drank... some beat their spouse's... or gambled away every dime. He liked to rut... nothing made him feel better... more powerful... large and in charge.

Carefully he picked up the holstered pistol, pulling the big black automatic from it's leather sheath. And did a quick pinch check to make sure the chamber had a big fat .45 round in it. Then ejected the flat single stack magazine, smacking its spine against his palm to make sure all the cartridges were seated. Quickly replacing the magazine, he holstered his weapon and pull his jacket on over it. Before heading out into the seedy back alleys of the city, he was looking for an informant of his. A ratty old Raccoon named Sanders, who had reached out to him about this Paw thing.

The Zebra cursed harshly under his breath, this case had been a thorn in his side every since he and Sterling had caught it. His normally level headed partner, had became obsessed with the damned thing. To Mike it was just another case... sick and depraved as any other he'd caught in his six years on the Detective Squad. Fact was, to the sexually preoccupied Zebra it had been erotically entertaining and had forced him to get his rocks off more than once. This Paw guy was having some fun, and while the Zebra respected that... it was his job to catch him. And they would... it was only a matter of time. France was to obsessed with doing it... and he himself was just to good... had to many street contacts. Between the two of them they would bring this sick Paw guy down like they had so many criminals over the years.

The dark back alleys of the old city crooked and twisted, a dangerous maze for the unwary and less well armed. At last the big striped detective made his way to the dead end alley he was looking for. A burned out old car was almost blocking the entrance way, carefully he made his way around it. The old Raccoon was waiting for him in a doorway. "Sanders." The Zebra greeted softly as the Raccoon slipped back into the dimly lit room beyond.

"Its safer in here..." "Can't be seen talkin' to you..." "Ruin my street cred... get me killed talkin' to cops..." Sanders rattled off his standard line of warnings and denials for a few minutes. As the big Zebra stood in the door way puffing on his cigarette slowly. The Raccoon's new digs were a step up... the lobby of some derelict hotel. It was much better than his old place in the basement of an old abandon Mill.

"So... what ya got for me?" The big equine Detective asked as the speech began to whined down.

"I... I know somethings... things about this Paw thingy." The Raccoon repeated.

"Yeah..." Mike grunted. "Your message said as much..." "So what are they?" He prompted when Sanders remained silent, his whiskers twitching as he seemed to almost smile.

" This... this is big..." The nervous Raccoon grunted rubbing his paws together in a unmistakable gesture. "Twenty aint gunna do it... hell fifty aint enough..." The Zebra frown as he took out the envelope and lay out five twenties, then quickly clapped his fist down on them as Sanders reached for them.

"Tell me what ya got and if I decide its good enough you'll get'em." He growled as the Raccoon looked around nervously as if fearful someone was going to leap out on them.

"I know where he's gunna be next..." Sander said quickly, then seeing the look of confusion on the Zebra's muzzle added. "I know where he's gunna do his next intercession."

"Next intercession huh..." The big Zebra snorted shaking his head at the odd way the Raccoon had of talking.

"Thats right... I know when... I know where... all I don't know is who..." Sander stammered out the lie... all the while fearing the Detective would know. But the big Zebra was to caught up in his own thoughts of ending this case... and desires of what he would do if he caught the Wolf alone. The Fox boi he'd had earlier had it easy... compared to what that Wolf was in for... The Zebra picked up the money and lay it in Sanders paw, noting that the nutty Raccoon was wearing nail polish. Sander clutched the money to his chest, and then babbled.

"Tomorrow night... ten o clock..." The Raccoon paused and held out his other paw... the red nail polish sparkling in the half light. The Detective frowned... but dug into the envelope again taking out another hundred. It wasn't his money after all... he'd taking this cash as evidence in a drug case. That case had gotten thrown out... so this cash had ended up in his pay off file. He waved the money at Sanders paw tauntingly then held it up, not wanting to appear to willing.

"Place..." He demanded watching as the Raccoon hopped from one foot to the other nervously.

"The old sewage treatment plant out on Pullmans neck... around on the river side theres a door with a red star painted on it." Sanders whined as he reached for the money again, the Zebra held onto it a moment longer.

"This information had better be right... or I'm taking this money out of your hide." He threatened, knowing the Raccoon would have the money spent or gambled away before the night was out.

"Its good... you go there and you'll get what you need." The Raccoon promised softly, almost lovingly. Mike snorted as he lit another smoke and turned away...

"I damn well better!"


The old water treatment plant set out on a little peninsula, jutting into the river... Pullmans neck. A huge old graying limestone fortress that had been built around the turn of last century... And like most things made at that time it was built to last, no cheap prefab concrete here. Two foot thick limestone blocks... bronze doors and windows cast iron piping. The city had tried to rip it down, but the preservation folks had named it a landmark. And anyway buildings like it cost a hell of a lot to tear down... to much hard work and pride of craftsmanship had gone into building them. The big Zebra knew that this place had been locked up, while they waited on money to refurbish it into a historic display. So it had been sitting unused for the past ten years... it wasn't high on the mayors list of priorities.

Circling around to the river side... he found the bronze door with a red star painted on it. And sure enough... it was unlocked just as Sanders said it would be. The centuries old lock was ridiculously easy to pick... it was simply made for a simpler time. The heavy bronze door swung open with only the slightest push, groaning softly on ancient hinges. Inside was a long dark hallway, with a dimly lit room at the end... The rich sweet scent of very old wood, that these ancient building always had filled his senses. As his hooves made hollow clopping sounds on the dusty wooden flooring.

"No... noooo please you can't..." A familiar sounding voice pleaded softly... Mike ripped his .45 from its holster and quickly leaped into the room. Scanning left and right as he heard Frances voice protest again... And then clouds of gray blue gas sprayed out all around him, the big Zebra took a quick breath and instant felt dizzy and light headed. Desperately he turned dashing back towards the door... but somehow he'd gotten turned around. Bouncing off the wall he gulped a second deep breath of gas... and the world began to shimmer. "Fuck..." The big equine swore as he staggered along the wall, groping for the open door he'd came through.


Mike awoke with a start... jumping and struggling wildly for an instant. Until it became apparent that he was tightly if strangely secured. A harness around his torso along with wide leather cuff's around his ankles and wrists held him dangling in the air. And one part of him was dangling more than any other... the Zebra's long black stallion hung below him fully engorged. Rock hard and pulsing with need, even secured as it was in the strange apparatus around it. The groggy Detective wondered then just how long he'd been out... because his huge needy genitals were aching like they hadn't gotten off in days. But by his memory it had only been a few hour's since the Fox boi had taken it hard. Not realizing he'd been slipped a highly potent liquid form of Viagra.

Mike struggled again... this time more to see what all was holding him. Body harness, leg and ankle cuffs, and then there was that dangerous contraption fitted around his huge male hood. His big velvety black nut sack was pulled far down, and fitted into what looked like a guillotine. While a strange bare wire was wrapped around both the base of his massive cock and balls. Suddenly the dark screen just in front of his muzzle flickered on. And that all to familiar caprice starred out at him... The Paw's clownish avatar.

"Good evening Detective..." That electronically altered voice purred in greeting. "I'm glad you could make it to our game." Paw purred in a decidedly self satisfied sounding voice as the big Zebra snarled.

"You've made your last mistake..." The big equine spat even as the equipment in the room around him began to hum. "You hurt me and every cop in this city will be on your case night and day." Mike promised as he struggled once again at the bonds holding him.

"Indeed..." The grinning caprice agreed blandly. "That is as it maybe..." "We both know that doesn't matter here and now..." "Oh no here and now we must be concerned with you... and your problem." Paw purred softly as below the big Zebra a panel slid open, glance down the Zebra grunted in surprise. It was not something he was expecting to see at all... a tight tiny pink tail hole glittered up at him. Nestled between the two round sleek furry globes of some small males buttocks. Judging by the fur and short powder puff of a tail... it was some pretty little bunny boi. Instantly the Zebra stallion's hard on surged, as desire filled his mind. Mike gasped as he could feel the heat from that tiny pink orifice on the huge blunt head of his stallion hood.

And then just as suddenly, a second panel slid open in front of him. And a long thick equine cock was thrust through, until it rubbed against the soft smooth black fur of his muzzle. "What the fuck is this?" The big equine Detective demand, even as his body was lowered. Until his long black cock was thrusting down between those silky soft butt cheeks.

"This is our game Detective." Paw explained softly even as the big Zebra panted for breath his hip's already making little thrusting motions. "The wire coiled around your organs will slowly begin to heat up." "Until in an hours time it will become white hot and sear your male organs completely off." The big Zebra blanched slightly at this, already feeling warmth in the wire. "Unless you orally pleasure seven males." Paw explained even as Mikes thick erection prodded at the tight tiny hole it rested against.

"What... I gotta suck off seven guys..." The normally all top stud snorted in disgust... as the big dangling stud stick smear hot pre-cum down his cheek.

"Not just seven males... seven males you know... seven males you interact with on a daily basis." Paw explained amusedly as the big equine thought about that... "Seven males who will be watching you do it on monitors..." "They will all know you sucked their cocks... oh and you must swallow every drop of their orgasmic fluids."

"Its that or have my junk cooked off huh." Mike snorted angrily, but unable to see anyway of getting out of it.

"They will not know that..." Paw explained as he directed the Zebra's gaze down to the Guillotine. "Just to make this fun, you can also stop the coil from heating by cumming within this nice ass I've provided." Paw chuckled. "Of course if you do so... that will trigger the blade to release... however you will only be ball less in that event."

"You sick freak!" Mike swore, even as he became aware of the fact that the hot little tail hole on his cock was well lubricated.

"I do enjoy a good game... and good games come with challenges Detective." Came Paws predictable reply, even as the Zebra's body dropped again. Forcing his rock hard cock against that tight hole even harder, the Rabbit began to wiggle back and forth even as his little tail hole opened slowly. Mike bite his lower lip's doing his best to resist, but as that hot slick ass rubbed over his aroused stud hood. He couldn't help but to thrust his hip's forwards, those tight anal gates already half open were no match for his mighty cock. And with a lewd sounding 'Slurp', his big blunt cock head slipped pasted those quivering sphincters. And his mighty cock slid smoothly up the Rabbits tight tail hole....

"Ohohoooo!" The big Zebra moaned, panting for breath and self control; as the pleasure of that taboo orifice thundered through him.

"And now our game Begin's... you have one hour to please your males!" Paw sneered, as that long thick equine cock dangling in the Zebra's face, began to thrust back and forth. Already Mike could feel the wire coiled around his male hood begin to warm. Cursing angrily the big Zebra opened his muzzle, and moved it to catch that huge thrusting cock. The mighty organ was rammed unceremoniously into his mouth, sliding across his tongue leaving a slimy trail of hot sweet pre-cum. Before bumping against the back of his throat, Mike gagged at once and almost spit it out. Only the heat coming from around his crotch keeping him from doing so. Pulling his long narrow equine head back as far as he was able, the Zebra waited a second until the cock had stopped thrusting. And then slowly began to suckle his way down it, lubricated with pre-cum and his own spittle. That massive cock slid smoothly into his muzzle, and then up against the back of his throat. The big Zebra knew the theory of deep throating, even if he'd never considered doing it himself!

With that big blunt cock head against the back of his muzzle, Mike gulped and let it slide down his long equine throat. It blocked his breath, and for a moment he panicked slightly. But then that long equine fuck stick was pulled back... up into his mouth giving him the first taste of another males cock he'd had in years. The monitors flickered to life... giving him a perfect side view of his suckling muzzle and the huge cock fucking it. The proud Zebra was forced to watch himself sucking cock... as that leering voice purred. "Ammmm you do seem to be good at that... perhaps this game was to easy for you... or maybe not." "You'd better watch yourself Detective... if you keep pounding like that you'll be a gelding in no time!"

It was only then that the Zebra realized his hip's were thrusting down wildly, burying his massive cock deep into the little Rabbits guts. Unable to grit his teeth with the huge cock still fucking his throat, the Zebra closed his eyes tightly shut and tried to think of something disgusting. But that smooth hot skin sliding over his lip's and tongue... plunging down his gasping throat. Made it maddeningly hard to concentrate, that and the fiery hot and vice tight tail hole on his needy organ. Filled his mind with erotic images rather than the sexually deadening images he wanted. It was a fierce battle of self control... a tight rope that would drop him into sexual mutilation.

He was concentrating so hard on not rutting that tight little tail hole, that the scalding geyser of cum caught him totally off guard. That huge equine fuck stick tensed as hard as steel as it released, blasting thick bitter gooey slimy into his mouth. The big stud stick had been pulled back, so that its spoo would go into his muzzle and not straight down his throat. Mike was forced to taste another stallion's spunk, he choked on it at first. Only just remembering he could not lose a single drop... and so was forced to lick his lips wildly when the big cock was removed. Making sure that he don't let any of it dribbled down off his lip's and chin.

"Oho ho... one down and in record time... you are a most talented and eager cock sucker Detective." Paw taunted even as a second fat equine cock was shoved through the hole. Straight into the Zebra's waiting muzzle, and he wasted no time with this one. Suckling it right down his throat... letting it rape his muzzle just as hard as it wanted. He'd win this game... he'd get himself loose and track the bastard down... And then... he'd rape the freak so hard his eye ball's would shoot out... This second cock proved no more of a challenging than the first, being an equine he knew how stallions like their cocks sucked. And was quickly rewarded with the hot gooey stud milk, this act was designed to get. "Ammmm you are a pleaser... aren't you Detective." Paw teased, as the third huge thick equine fucker was crammed through the hole. It faired little better than the last and was quickly dumping its spunk down the Zebra's throat.

The fourth stud was shorter and thicker than the others, belong to a donkey. And proved harder than the others to get off, the Zebra began to worry about the time. The wire around his junk was beginning to get hot now, it was only with wild lustful effort that he made it spurt. Instantly the next one came through... this one was feline and confused the Detective. He'd gotten use to equines now here was something different... how many felines did he know... He began to work on it quickly, but the taste and smell was different. And what worked so well on the stallion's, didn't seem to have the same effect on the big cat. He worked harder and harder his efforts becoming more frantic... as time ticked by loudly. And the coil around his junk began to get uncomfortably hot, desperately the big Zebra concentrated on getting that hard feline cock off. His mind lost in the effort... leaving his body to it's own desires. Those powerful hip's that had been held back through force of conscious will began to move once again. Spearing that huge hard organ into the hot slick hole below it, savagely pounding the little Rabbit.

"Tick Tock Detective." Paw taunting voice purred in his ear, as the big Zebra swallowed that heft feline fucker right up to the sheath. Then that long narrow head twisted rubbing the feline ball's with his velvety nose and chin. As Mike Palmer did everything he could to pleasure that mysterious male on the other side of the wall. At last he felt a hot bitter slash against the back of his throat... and gulped it down quickly even as the feline cock was with drew. And a big red canine bone slid out to replace it... this was another new experience for the Zebra. But he quickly threw everything he had at it... licking and lapping, sucking and deep throating... "Ammmm my Detective so close..." Paw snickered into his ear... as the big Zebra spit that hefty dog bone out panting for breath.

That big red fucker bounced up and down excitedly in front of him as the Zebra sucked in great lung fulls of air. His eyes flying open wide, as he realized why he was so out of breath. Glancing down, he watch his fat equine cock bury it's self up to the ring in the bunny's ass. Deep inside that big blunt cock head flared, and the Zebra squealed loudly as he shot a massive up the Rabbits ass. "You've needed this for years." Paw's voice purred as the Guillotines blade tripped, slicing Detective Mike Palmer balls off with a soft slithering hiss. The big Zebra watched in horror, as his huge black ball sack dropped into the waiting mouth of a meat grinder. 'RRRRRRR...' The meat grinder roared to live and instantly diced those fat nuts, sack and all.

"Ohoo Gods Ohoooo Gods!" The Zebra moaned, even as the restraints around his crotch dropped off. The hot wire uncoiling and the little Rabbit pulling away leaving his long cock dangling loosely. The hard canine cock started to withdraw then... but Mike looked up at it quickly begging. "Please... Paw can I...?" "I want to finish pleasing... Paw please."

"Thats Claw... not Paw... Paw is finished!" Came the ragged distorted reply... but that long canine cock slid back out through the hole. Its pointed dripping tip hot against those velvety black lip's... Mike opened his mouth and took it in. Suckling slowly and lovingly on it now concerned only with giving pleasure to the mysterious male on the other side of the wall... The world was bouncing and quivering as shock set in, even as the last cock slipped out of his mouth and splattered its load all over his muzzle.


Mike woke up with France standing over him, a slightly worried look on his muzzle. But it broke into a wide smile as he saw the Zebra's eyes open. "We got him buddy... Paw is finished." France assured him, as the big Zebra nodded and smiled back weakly...

"I know... but... but what about... The Claw..." France frown only slightly... as Mike recounted the last thing he'd heard.

"Wanta be copy cat..." "He's somebody else's problem buddy." "Right now you just concentrate on getting well..."


Detective France slowly pulled open the stainless steel cooler door. And looked down at the corpse on the slab, the dead wolf looked remarkably peaceful. "Rest well Paw..." The big feline purred down to the wolf softly. "Your labors are done... but the work will continue." The Detectives paw caressed the wolfs cold head once, and then he shoved the drawer closed. And strolled away strongly with the stride of a fur who had a purpose... A purpose and a list of those who needed his help...


On a dark and lonely back road a small car is stopped. "Dude." "I should have known better that to road trip in your old beater!" The sleek handsome otter jock complained loudly, as a cute little squirrel opened the cars hood. And starred blankly at the dark silent engine, neither of the two collage frat boys knew anything about fixing cars.

"I'm sure its nothing..." The Squirrel assured, never the less sounding uncomfortable. "My dad always just takes a wrench and taps it... and it goes back to running." The little rodent stood there holding a adjustable end wrench, starring hard at the engine.

"Ok so show me..." Toby growled, as the pair heard a engine approaching. Looking up they are blinded for a moment by the bright lights of the approaching vehicle. Quickly they move to flag down the car down... thinking how lucky they were. To have someone come along on such a lonely and deserted road. The car rolled to a stop only a short distance away from them. The bright lights didn't turn off however, but a tall rangy figure stepped out of the drivers side door.

"Oh man... like we're so glad you came along..." Toby started... when the Taser was fired twin prongs hitting them. And then there was the click click click... as the juice arched through them...


Popobawa... loosely based on actual events...

An American reporter is sent to Africa to report on the sodomistic attacks of a gay sex demon... and learns first hand all about it... loosely based on actual...

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Mikin' "Now... what to do with you?" The grinning little mouse wondered, as he looked the big red Bull man over. "Moooooo..." "I could use a good milking..." The horny Bull sneered. "Ooooooh?" The little...

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Scooby Doo FanFic Chap 3

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc...

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