Popobawa... loosely based on actual events...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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An American reporter is sent to Africa to report on the sodomistic attacks of a gay sex demon... and learns first hand all about it... loosely based on actual events...


Popobawa, also Popo Bawa, is the name of an evil spirit which is believed by residents to have first appeared on the Tanzanian island of Pemba. In 1995 it was the focus of a major outbreak of collective hysteria or panic which spread from Pemba to Unquja, the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago, and across to Dares Salaam and other urban centers on the East African coast.

The Popobawa has since joined the global pantheon of occult beings, a development fueled by local journalists. Popobawa is a Swahili name which translates literally as 'bat-wing' (from Swahili popo, 'bat', and bawa, 'wing'). This name is said to have originated, as a description of the dark shadow cast by the spirit when it attacks at night. It does not refer to the actual form of the spirit, which is liable to change. Swahili speakers also use a plural form of the name mapopobawa to refer to multiple manifestations of the feared spirit.

Popobawa is a shape shifter and described as taking different forms, not just that of a bat as its name implies. It can take either anthropomorphic or animal form, and metamorphose from one into the other. Popobawa typically visits homesteads at night, but can also be seen in the daytime.

It is sometimes associated with the presence of a pungent odor, but this is not always the case. Popobawa attacks males, females, and may attack all of the members of a household, before passing on to another house in the neighbor hood. Its nocturnal attacks can comprise simple physical assault and/or poltergeist-like phenomena; but most feared is sexual assault and the sodomizing of adult males and females.

Victims are often urged to tell others that they have been assaulted, and are threatened with repeat visits by Popobawa if they do not. During Popobawa panics, many furs try to guard against attack. By spending the night awake outside of their houses, often huddled around an open fire with other family members and neighbors. Panics occur most often in Zanzibar, throughout the island of Pemba and in the north and west of Unguja (Zanzibar) island, including Zanzibar town. Episodes have also been reported in Dar es Salaam and other towns on the mainland coast of Tanzania.

As legendary creatures go, Popobawa is of fairly recent origin. A popular origin story of Popobawa proposes that in the 1970s an angry sheik released a djinna to take vengeance on his neighbors. The sheik lost control of the djinni, who took to demonic ways. It has been argued that because of Zanzibar's past as a Arab run slave market, the story of Popobawa is an articulated social memory of the horrors of slavery.

Modern Popobawa panics

Reports of Popobawa attacks rise and fall with the election cycle in Zanzibar, although victims argue Popobawa is apolitical. Popobawa reports rose dramatically relatively recently, in 1995. A further spate of attacks was reported in Dar es Salaam in 2007.

Villagers maintain that Popobawa becomes enraged if his existence is denied. Popobawa spoke to a group of villagers on Pemba in 1971 through a girl possessed by the monster. The girl, called Fatuma, spoke in a man's deep voice. And then villagers say they heard the sound of a car revving and rustling on a nearby roof. Many of those on the islands believe in exorcisms, and place charms at the base of fig trees or sacrifice goats.

Jerome finish typing the last sentence of his report on the Popobawa, for the tabloid the weekly world weirdness. Then attached it to his email asking the paper's editor for his next assignment. Jerome liked being one of the papers foreign correspondents, the big equine loved the traveling. And the stories were interesting to say the least... this last one was particularly entertaining to the gay stallion. A sex demon who ravished males anally ever night...

"Sound like just what I need!" The horny equine mused as he finished up the last of his drink. And got ready for bed, there wasn't a lot of night life in Unguja. Idly the big stallion rubbed himself, as he thought about the handsome little bell hop who had brought him his drink. The sleek little antelope had been worried about him sleeping up here alone. At first the big horse had through it was some kinda come on... maybe the kid looking to make some extra bucks. But no such luck the antelope had been a believer, and warned him against sleeping alone because of the Popobawa. Jerome smirked at the memory of the kid confessing, that he'd been attacked and sodomized. It made the big horse horny just thinking about it, he thought of rubbing one out. But he was still a bit jet lagged and the local travel had been worse. So the big stud just rolled over and drifted off to sleep...

The big horse's eyes snapped open, as he awoke with a start, a pungent odor assaulting his nostrils. The room was pitch black, except for the eerie red glow coming from the digital clock beside the bed. But the big stallion knew that something was wrong, his long pointed ear pick up a rustle of movement. Someone was in his room! The world wise stallion knew that these places could be dangerous... Which was why he'd been very careful to lock and bolt the door. Jerome lay very still listening hard as he tried to peer into the darkness. When suddenly the bed covers were yanked off of him... the big stallion tried to react then. Tried to leap up to defend himself... but powerful paws seemed to grip his ankles, wrists and the back of his long equine neck! He tried to squeal in fear, but found his muzzle pressed hard into the pillows. As a massive weight settled atop his back, hot breath blew teasingly into his ear making it twitch.

"Naked... how convenient for me..." The voice that growled roughly into his ear had a strange unworldly tone to it. That sent shivers racing down the horses spine... Huge hot paws roamed over Jerome's firm round rump cheeks, stroking and squeezing playfully. Far from being a lovers caress... it was the lustful kind of treatment one would get in a prison rape! But unable to resist Jerome began to get an erection, as his long flowing tail was savagely yanked to one side! A hot slimy tongue tip snaked into his ear tauntingly as his attacker felt up that hot soft equine pucker. "So soft and tight Heheh." The breath in his ear grew more deep and ragged with sexual excitement. "And whats this..." That scary unworldly voice chuckled, gloating as yet another paw began feeling up the horses erection. 'Gods how many paws did this thing have?' Jerome wondered as the creepy voice purred into his ear once again. "My... my you are an eager one..." Jerome felt something smoldering hot bouncing between his inner thigh's, then up on his ball sack. It left a trail of burning hot pre-cum as it slid smoothly up his taint. He felt it... burning at his gates... drooling its acid like pre all over them... poised. And then it was stabbed deep into him... like a brutal weapon piercing to his very core!

"EEEHEHEEE!" The big stallion screamed into his pillows as that huge organ plunged within his taboo orifice.

"Your did not believe in me..." That dark scary voice purred in pleasure, as it's organ withered and twisted like a live eel inside of him. "But now you know... now you believe..." The demon growled as it began to rape him seriously, that twisting tentacle like penis battering and squeezing the stallion's prostate. "And you Will tell the world of what I have done to you this night!" The Popobawa snarled viciously into his ear, the demons eerie voice sounding strained. "You will tell everyone... or I will come every night..." The Popobawa panted as the experienced stallion's strong anal muscles gripped and squeezed his huge organ in the most delightful ways. "I... I will use you repeatedly until dawn breaks every night!" The Demon promised as his own pleasure swiftly grew, and he was forced to stop thrusting as vigorously as Jerome's ass did more of the work.

The pain and the pleasure blended together into a intense mixture... as hours seemed to pass. Jerome found himself bucking and thrusting in time to his molesters rutting. His long thick stud stick sliding so swiftly against those cool cotton sheets that they began to heat up. And only the copious amounts of the horses only pre-cum, kept him from getting friction burns along the sensitive underside of that big cock. The big bed groaned softly under their weight... the headboard banging against the wall loudly. As the pair reporter and Demon struggled for control. Each trying to bring the other off, while seeing to their own pleasures. Lost in a timeless moment they struggled for control as their rutting went on contentiously through the night.

The Popobawa howled in pleasure just as the first rays of dawn shown through the window. Unable to resist any longer the demon orgasmed it's pleasure into the captive Stallion. Only to vanish in a puff of brim stone laden smoke, as the first rays of sunlight struck him. Jerome lay panting in exhaustion and sexual satisfaction for several long minutes. Before reaching over and picking up the bedside telephone. Dialing up the long distance number for the international office, and then punching in the extension number for the research department. "Hi ya Benny... yeah this is Jerome." "Oh I'm loving it down here..." He panted breathlessly into the receiver. "Listen I need you to look me up the name and number for the top expert in Demonology." "Hell yeah I can hold..."


Jerome finished scribbling out the last of his list, and then thank Professor Dimint before hanging up the phone. Wincing at the thought of his phone bill, and then deciding to put it on his company expense account. After all, this was related to the story they had sent him down here to cover. Picking up the receiver again he quickly dialed 0 for the front desk. "Yes this is room 423..." "I'd like to have someone run out, an pick up a few things for me in the city." "Yes I need them all before the end of the day... Thank you"

The big horse's eyes snapped open, as he awoke with a start, that pungent odor assaulted his nostrils once again. The room was pitch black, except for the eerie red glow coming from the digital clock beside the bed. Jerome lay very still listening hard as he tried to peer into the darkness. Waiting to some sign that the Popobawa was actually in the room, that it was close. When suddenly the bed covers were yanked off of him... just like the night before. But this time the big stallion reacted, one hand tugging on the cord which would seal the circle.

Even as powerful paws seemed to grip his ankles, wrists and the back of his long equine neck. He found his muzzle pressed hard into the pillows. As a massive weight settled atop his back, hot breath blew teasingly into his ear making it twitch.

"Naked... again and you've told no one of you violation... how convenient for me." That strange unworldly demonic voice growled roughly into his ear. It still sent shivers racing down the horses spine... Huge hot paws roamed over Jerome's firm round rump cheeks, stroking and squeezing playfully. Far from being a lovers caress... it was the lustful kind of treatment one would get in a prison rape. When suddenly the Demon screamed... in anger and fear. The magical circle formed around them, sealing him in the room. "What is this?" The Popobawa demanded as it threw itself against the barrier, flapping and fluttering helpless to escape.

Jerome was up then moving to the already prepared table... chanting the ancient formula. Even as he triggered the symbols of protection, and then turned smiling at the hulking demon. Who was stalking angrily around the stallion and his wards. "As ancient and as well versed as you are... I should think you would know..."

"The rituals of Solomon..." The hulking demon spat in disgust... "You wish to seal me away in a bottle for eons..."

The reporter smiled and shook his head negatively. "Now where would the fun be in that..." "After what you did to me last night... oh no I don't want you sealed away..." The hulking demon actually flinched at these words a even more disgusted and horrified look coming across its muzzle.

"Banishment you are going to... to send me back to the abyss." Jerome smirked and shook his long narrow equine head.

"And never get another rutting like you gave me last night... No Way!" Quickly the stallion finished his spell, sealing the demon into the tiny device in the center of the table. And then he picked it up flipping the on switch, and watched as the Popobawa spilled from the headphones of his Ipod.

"Wha... what is the meaning of this?" The demon asked, as Jerome slipped the Ipod's lanyard over his own head. And then smiled lustfully up at the dark hulking sex demon.

"Now no matter where I go... I can get that same treatment every night." Jerome explained as he pushed the huge demon back onto the bed. The Popobawa looking more than slightly uncomfortable as the stallion climbed between his legs...


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