Milkin'.... A big Bull gets talked into letting himself be milked... by a little mouse...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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"Now... what to do with you?" The grinning little mouse wondered, as he looked the big red Bull man over.

"Moooooo..." "I could use a good milking..." The horny Bull sneered.

"Ooooooh?" The little Mouse flexes his fingers. "I haven't found an udder that I couldn't squeeze some milk from yet!"

"Oh I just bet..." The huge masculine Bovine smirked!

"And of course I work primarily with Bulls... they have the nicest udders, you know."

"Oh... ya like what a Bull has to offer huh?" The big masculine bovine snorts derisively. The little mouse rubs under his chin.

"My you are an ornery one... aren't you?"

"Not ornery... hornery... heheh..." The big red Bull snickered.

"Hornery?" The rodent repeats then reaches down to wrap both paws around a thick soft sheath. "You think just cuz I'm a tiny little mouse that I can't handle a big guy like you?" He demands looking up at the huge horny bovine grinning wickedly.

"Hahaha... I could club ya to death with it!" The smirking Bull replies, as that big pulsing muscle starts to climb from his sheath!

The mouse snorts angrily. "There will be no clubbing, not today Sir." He takes a step away, pulling on that growing stud muscle. "Would you like to investigate my milking chamber?" "I'm sure you will find it to your liking..."

"Oh no clubin'... hows about a little plungin'... Huhuuu..." The big aroused Bull grunts as his long thick fuck club is manhandled so that it flopping out! "Oh yeah lead the way..." "Mooooo..." The Mouse takes that long cock in his paws, using it as a leash over his shoulder no lesss! Tugging on it none to gently and lead the big Bull towards the backroom. A large pillowed 'throne' is there, with the middle of hte seat cut out. All sorts of hoses and tubes and equipment clustered around it. There is also a soft electrical hum in the air.

"I promise... by the time I'm done with you... you'll be milked totally dry." The sleek white Mouse assured in a business like manner.

"Ohooooo totally dry huh... heard promises like that one before..." The big red Bull man snorted, as he looked over the strange contraptions and odd equipment. Was all this really use just to milk the females? The little Mouse chuckled, shutting and locking the door behind his guest as the Bull checked out the room.

"Well here at Genetech... we deliver on our promises." 'Like the Mouse's own promise made, just that morning... that a certain amount of shall we say 'Genetic Source Material' would be shipped out by the end of the day! "I'm sure you'll find the chair quite comfortable..." "It is made for rather... ahem, lovely ladies of course." "But I am sure your narrow hips will fit in there just fine." The Mouse's small paws touch the Bull on the hips as he points where to sit with the other paw, subtly nudging him forward.

"Oho... Oho sure goina have me mooooin' in a minute huh..." The big red Bull man grunts lustfully... as he sits in the chair finding it a surprisingly comfortable fit. "Goina make a cow out of me?" He snorts derisively at that thought as he leans back and smile.

"Do you mind what happens to the... ahhhh... milk we extract?" The little mouse inquires.

"Nawww I don't care... ya can drink it yerself it ya want."

The Mouse laughs. "No... I have other uses for it trust me..." "Now if you'll just spread your legs... some of the equipment can be bulky." "I'll need to keep your legs clear of the utensils..."

"Yeah... yeah ok sure..." The big Bull snorts letting the Mouse have his way.

The little Rodent straps those beefy legs to either side, the Bull man's heavy loins dangling through the open part of the chair.

"That's good... if you'll lean back, I'll turn on the Shiatsu back massager too." And he does, warm metallic fingers beginning to stroke and knead the big fellow's shoulders and along his spine. Heat begins to radiate into his broad powerful back, soooo comfortably. But is it comfortable enough to distract the Bull from the feeling of his chest and arms being strapped down as well?

"Ahahahaaa..." The big red Bull moans as the back massager does its work on his tense muscle, the feeling so good he almost forgets about his needy loins for a second. The feeling of his big arms and chest being belted in place totally unnoticed. The little Mouse rubs the mooman's chin again, and then slips a gag over his muzzle. The rubbery, smooth tip of something presses into the Bull mans muzzle; spreading his strong teeth until the reinforced O nestles between them. His tongue winds up resting in the hole, and his jaws are found to be unable to crush that o-ring! He strips the muzzle into place behind the Bull's little pin ears. And then settles back down examining his 'catch'

"Okay... so what have we here?" Little pink fingers cup under that dangling cock, and rub those huge low hangers just underneath.

"WWWWOOOOO..." The big Bull man grunts shaking his head and trying to spit out the O-ring gag. As he becomes aware of it... struggling suddenly only to find himself full restrained by this strange chair. He looks round wildly still fighting to force the gag out of his mouth. "Wut mee goooo..."

"Now now... you wanted to be milked... didn't you?" "Of course you did, and you will be!" "The gag is for your own protection... sometimes the pleasure males feel from our milking instruments make them crack their teeth... or worse." Those little pink fingers continue to trace and rub, sliding down to both knead the Bull man's heavy ball sac. "Now in order to properly get all of your sperm out of here, we're going to make sure that your balls are loose an ready to squirt!" The big red Bull snorts through his wide nose those dark beady little eyes still rolling wildly. But he is beginning to calm down at the Mouse's words of explanation... of course he didn't want to crack his teeth or bite his tongue! And those caressing fingers on his big danglies felt really good. "Know what I mean?"

The little mouse lets them swing, as he turns and picks up a rubber paddle, similar to the kind used in ping pong! "I'm going to have to slap them a few times, to make sure all the sperm inside have been shaken loose..." He starts off lightly, padding and swatting at those huge swinging nuts playfully! The big Bovine's beady little bullish eyes widen as he sees and hears what the Mouse is saying... Watching as the paddle flies into his big balls with a soft 'Smack' then as they bounce back and forth the hits growing into a loud 'Twhack!' Until his guts are throbbing making the big Bull 'Mooooo...' in pain! The little Mouse 'Hmmmmms' as the big Bull man moos, stepping it up! Thudding those big soft Bull balls with the hard rubber of the paddle, again and again. The Bull can feel his nuts swinging wildly around, thumping into nothing though as he always slaps them from above. Smacking and knocking them lower and lower into the Bulls hefty sac.

"Oh my see they're not swollen yet..." The little Rodent smirks. "I can tell when the balls are ready to give up their seed, when they are big and soft and puffy." "Yours are still so hard." He takes a second paddle and begins to CLAP the nuts between the two as if swatting at flies. With his beady black eyes tightly shut now, the big Bull is laying back in the chair. As if trying to pull away from the paddle between his legs... his long slim cock laying across his chest drooling pre-cum all over the dark red fur! as those hefty orbs swing around wildly.

'CLAP' "MOOUUOOUUU!" 'CLAP' "MOOOUUUUOO!" His huge body jumping and jerking as long strings of pre blasting out to splatter across his own muzzle while his huge orbs are tenderized! The little Mouse leans over, scooping up a blob of pre-cum and tasting it making a face.

"Oh my... your prostate must be horribly bloated for your pre-cum to be so salty!" "We're going to have to work on that too... Ummmm." "But I can't work on two things at once, now can I?" So he moves a simple little machine over, attaching the two paddles. It slaps the paddles together, again and again, with two-second intervals between. Then he moves that device so that the Bull's low-slung nuts are between them! 'THUMP... THUMP... THUMP!' The machine pounded the paddles much harder than the Mouse himself had been doing it; never the less it isn't quite hard enough to pop them... yet! The shiatsu fingers still roll up and down the Bull's broad back, as the Mouse climbs underneath the chair and starts fiddling with something.

"HHHAHAHAAA..." The big Bull sighed with relieve for a moment, as the paddles stop. As the Mouse explains about his prostate... then bellows louder still as those paddles. Now mechanized smack his big jewels even harder making his head jerk back and his body jerk and hump.

"Ahhhhh... here we go..." The Mouse muttered and something cold and smooth was slowly pressed into the Bull mans backside.

"MOOOUUUUUUU!" He grunts again louder this time... but luckily the nerves in his nuts are going numb from overload. Its then he feels the cold wetness pressing on his tail hole. "Whut tha fuucx!?!" The mouse threads the long slippery dildo into the Bull man's backside. It slithers right up inside, goosing through his guts until it nestles against his tingling prostate.

"There we go... heh, big straight Bulls like you rarely get their prostates played with." "And their prostates wind up being rather neglected, sensitive and bloated..." He presses a button and the root of the dildo inflates, 'tying' with the Bulls anus and trapping the dildo inside! He moves back around front and picks up that long slender dick in his soft pink paws. "Heh... not much for girth are ya?" The Mouse taunts. "Oh well that's fine..." He assures, wrapping a thick rubber condom down over that long Bull cock's length. The condom has a long tube attached to it, which he threads up and into the big bovines gag. Grinning as he watches a spurt the Bull's own pre against wash over his tongue! "Cows like salt licks... right?"

"WHAHAA... MOOOUUOO..." The red Bull man bellows, as his virgin anus is plundered shame and humiliation burning on his muzzle. As he feels that long invader swell up and lock its self inside of him! This was much more than the Bull had bargained for... he wasn't a fag. But the dildo touching his prostate made a shiver of pleasure run through him. Even as the Mouse fondled and toyed with his long slender fuck stick, making light of its slight girth. But the real shock and horror came, as he saw the condoms tube leading from his cock into his mouth; and tastes his own pre on his tongue. "NOOMOONOOO..." He tries to protest between grunts of pain/pleasure shaking his long head angrily.

"Yes... yes... Omnomnom." The Mouse smirks. "It's very tasty isn't it?" "Don't worry... you'll be tasting more of yourself before we're done." The small rodent laughs darkly. "The big males like you are always so wary of their own bodies... but I can see by the way you're licking at that tube that you like how cum tastes." He takes a little remote control and plays with the two buttons, on-and-off, with a rotary dial. He turns the dial up, and the clapping paddles thump and thunk harder and faster against the Bulls dangling swollen numb nuts. Sending them spinning and bouncing about wildly under the chair. "Your balls look about ready to eke out their load." The Mouse smirks. "So it's time to drain your prostate, so that our sample is as pure as possible." "Now, if you are trying to tell me you don't like the feeling of something in your ass." "Then how do you explain this?" He pressed a button, and the big Bull feels a cold shock tingle up into his loins. As his cock lurches, tightens and swells, his whole body bucking as if in orgasm.

"MMMAHAHAAAAA!" The big red Bull squeals, his head snapping back. His body jerking and bouncing as those powerful sensations blast through his prostate! Nerve endings singing with pleasure, as the big dildo fucks his ass. While a powerful electric pulse makes his pleasure knot contract and suddenly his mouth is flood with hot heady bull spunk. 'OMG... OMG he'd just cum on his own mouth!' 'GLUMUP' He chokes as he's forced to swallow that flood of stud milk... head twisting and turning but finding no escape.

"Yeah... you like that... huh?" "Now you haven't actually climaxed yet..." The Mouse explained very professionally. "That's just the probe emptying out the milk in your pleasure gland... your seed is still being smashed up in your nutsack." "Gotta keep'em separate if we want to harvest the maximum potential." "And people buy seed from me for a reason, because they know they are getting the very best!" He leans in, watching as the salty 'cum' drains down the Bull's throat. The mouse rubs his little pink paws together, as he moves the ball-clapper to the side and feels up those fat nuts! Tender, swollen and sore they were prime for harvesting. "I'll let you enjoy that sensation of your prostate being milked... you'll Moo when you run out of fluids... yes?" The big Bull is at a loss... caught in a bizarre world of pleasure and pain humiliation and excitement. The bitter taste in his mouth, those hot thick fluids sliding down his throat. Embarrassed and unsure of everything he thought he knew. Finally the gushing into his mouth stops, the buzzing in his rear fading until the Bulls is left dangling by his straps. Fat nuts numb, but still swollen with seed and need. The Mouse tugs the tube from the Bulls mouth, and replaces it with a life-like dildo thick veined and surprisingly realistic. It even tastes like cock. "Now, we're about ready to do the actual milking..." "You ready handsome?" The big red stud lays back in the chair eyes glazed from the pleasure of the moment, nodding his head only half aware of what he was agreeding to. The tastes of the strange dildo in his mouth, making him feel very strangely meek.

"Ummm yeah..."

"Awesome." The Mouse chuckles, pulling the stud's cock down, and fishing around into his sheath. Sleek nimble pink fingers spreading a tingling salve around the root of that shaft. He then presses it in, further and further, the enzyme dissolving against the tendons, making them weak. "Well first we're going to have to move this out of the way..." He explains lazily. "This should do it." He takes that hard thin Bull cock and tugs upwards. And with a wet 'splorching' sound it comes free of its sheath, pink naked and long. He puts it to the side, and goes about attaching a fresh tube to the root deep inside. Those glazed eyes widen... but no protests come. The big Bull is passive, as he watches his long thick pride and joy detached. The whole thing so unreal so strange and exciting, he can't process it all and so just lays back passively and watches.

"Don't worry, that will be put to good use." The Mouse confides leeringly, as the tube is hooked up. "Now, we just have to up the amperage a bit, and of course stimulate your balls." "I'll be able to draw every last drop of your sperm out of them." "Now, this probably won't be as pleasant for you as the other one was." "But... heh it's called milking... not masturbation am I rite?" The Mouse chortles, as he goes about sticking small needles into the beefy stud's oversized nuts... making them look like little porcupines.

"MOUOUOUUUU!" The passive Bull squeals as the Mouse presses a button, and the Bull can feel his body convulse again. The sensation totally pleasure less his big prostate dry burping into a cock that doesn't existing anymore. And then something more... as those nuts are lightly zapped they draw painfully upwards. And thick white cream begins to fill that tube... oozing slowly down its length. The big bovine clutches the arms of the chair, his body shaking and convulsing wildly. As the machine does it's work, draining his big fat balls in away he'd never heard or even dreamed of. The air filled with a odd cooking ozone scent, as the current rushes through his loins again and again... making muscles contract and release! "OOOOMOOMOOOOO..." The Mouse pats the Bull's shoulders as one... two... three... until seven loads are literally milked out of the stud's fat balls. The Mouse reaches down to feel them up, and they are nearly red hot to the touch. Their rounded features beginning to crumple inwards, as they are sucked dry, getting wrinkly and soft.

"Just a few more good spurts and you'll be done...Cow..." The little mouse taunts... knowing the big bovine will be more of a Cow than a Bull when he's done. The big red stud can only lay back trembling and grunting as he watchs it all take place. Helpless to do anything about it at this point slowly beginning to realize this is really happening. The spurts coming from the tube dissipate into droplets... and the Mouse begins to knead those softening testicles. To help them send out one last weak pinkish spurt. However, it stops then and he sighs... "Well that's a shame, you were a big spurter." The little rodent grunts. "I thought for sure you'd have more..." He shows the big bovine the quart-jar he's got nearly filled with pure sperm, sloshing it around. "This is probably worth... oh... thirty maybe forty thousand dollars though." "Even more if it turns out that there's no others like it." "So you'll of course understand..." He pulls the tube out of the Bull's sheath, and removes the electrodes from his crumbling nuts! "I'll have to be removing these... to ensure I have the only stock." He explained.


Scooby Doo FanFic Chap 3

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc...

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Master Squirrels Dungeon...

A big Bison goes looking for a cruel master to Dom and use...

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Scooby Doo Fanfic Chap 2

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