Scooby Doo Fanfic Chap 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Scooby

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc ...

Scooby Doo Fanfic Chap 2

Larena was up and had breakfast cooked when the gang finally crawled out of bed. Moving around the kitchen cooking, she whistled happily. Scooby, Shaggy and Scooby Dum were sitting at the kitchen table. Wolfing down Bacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits, hash browns and lots of jelly.

"I'm sorry I don't have any grits guy's." Larena drawled.

"Like that's ok Larena... could ya please pass the mustard." Shaggy grunted around mouthfuls of food.

Daphne glancing at the breakfast table sourly. "Don't you have anything... lighter?" She grumbled.

"Lighter?" Larena asked confused.

"Grapefruit maybe." Daphne supplied.

"Grapefruit... Nawwww." "Got some banana's and cornflakes."

Daphne winced. "Ok... I'll have that then." She answered sourly.

"Me to." Velma agreed smiling happily, as she took a sausage from the platter. Playing with the long greasy sausage, she grinned wickedly at Daphne.

"What about you Fred?" Larena asked smiling.

"Oh I've got it covered Larena." Freddie answered, making himself a bacon and egg sandwich. Picking up a glass of milk he walked over to the window seat. Sitting down he peered out the open window, the sun was just barely making it through the clouds. Fog shrouded the morning landscape, and the sky threatened rain once again. "We'd better get an early start gang, or we'll be sogged out." Freddie said around bites of his sandwich.

"Yeah, like we didn't bring any rain gear." Shaggy grunted shoveling food into his mouth.

"Awww that's alright." Larena chuckled. "Paw bought a bunch of old surplus navy rain slickers." "They're still hanging in the closet, I'll get y'all one."

"Gee... like thanks Larena." Shaggy mumbled around the food in his mouth.

"Yeah thank you Larena, that would be a big help." Freddie agreed.


With breakfast out of the way, and the gang clad in old rain slickers. They headed out the back door an up into Larena's stand of growing X-mas tree's. Slowly make they're way up the mountain slope. It took them ten minutes to walk up to the upper edge.

"Wow Larena!" "Did you plant all of these yourself?" Freddie exclaimed looking around in awe.

"Nawwww." Ma and Pa started planting years back; only the smallest ones are really my work.

"Well that's still impressive." Fred answered looking down at the tiny forest of X-tree's at the base of the slope.

"Where should we go from here?" Daphne asked glaring crossly at Larena and the fawning Freddie.

"Well the old Jenkins place was up on top there." Larena pointed. "But they had an old family cemetery over in that saddle back." Larena off to the right hand side of the mountain.

"Well gang it looks like we need to..."

"Split up yeah... yeah we know." Shaggy cut him off.

"Yep that's right Shaggy you Scooby and Scooby Dum take the cemetery."

"C... Cem... Cemetery..." Shaggy stammered shivering.

"While Velma, Daphne, Larena and I will look into the old home place." Freddie went on ignoring Shaggy's protests.

"Awww Fred... I'd like to help." Larena cut in. "But I've got and appointment with the bank in town."

"Oh that's ok Larena!" Daphne answered quickly. "We can handle this without you." "Isn't that right Freddie!?!" She snapped.

"Yeah sure... it's ok." Freddie answered, looking confused.

"Thanks y'all." Larena said smiling. "I'll be back in a few hours." She calls waving goodbye, as she walks back down the mtn.

"Ok gang lets get cracking." Fred said cheerfully, looking up at the overcastted skies. "No telling how long the weather will hold!" Turning he and the girls marched off into the tall old tree's that surrounded mountain peak. Shaggy and the two big dogs stood looking them until they disappeared into the forest.

"Well I g... guess w... we should get going too Scoob." Shaggy stammered shivering.

"Rot the Remetery!" Scooby howled wild eyed and trembling.

"I'm afraid so old buddy... old pal!" Shaggy answered as he started off slowly toward the saddleback.

"Rooo Nooo!" Scooby whimpered, as he and Scooby Dum slunk along behind him.

The trek to the saddleback was relatively easy, as they were walking around the mountainside rather than climbing. And as they neared the old cemetery they were able to actually walk down hill. Surrounded by a rusted old iron spike fence, and a dense growth of trees. The burial ground would have been dark and shadowy even on a bright sunny day. Much less a dark cloudy rain swept day, walking up to the rusted old iron gates. They found them through open so violently, that one was hanging by only a single corroded hinge.

"Hey scoob... know why they put fences around cemeteries?" Shaggy asked grinning nervously.

"Ro Rhy?" The big Great Dane asked shaking his head at the same time.

"Cause like people are just dyin' to get in!" Shaggy finished the punch line giggling nervously.

"Oh... Rehehe." Scooby chuckled grinning back, and then looked confused. "Ri ron't get it." He confessed.

"Awww come on..." "Dyin' to get in!" Shaggy insisted, drawing a second confused stare from Scooby and Scooby Dum both. "Oh like never mind." Shaggy grumbled turning to examine the rusted gates. "Looks someone's been wanting... like out awfully bad t..too!" He whimpered terror on his face. At that moment the heavy low hanging dark storm clouds spit a cold but brief torrent of rain and gusty wind. "Oh man!" "Like we'd better hurry, before we like get flooded out!" Shaggy exclaimed moving quickly through the gates and into the old cemetery. Standing on his hind leg's Scooby Dum edges along the fence spy like, then leaped through the opened gates. Stumbling and knocking Scooby and Shaggy to the damp earth as he does so. "OOF!" Shaggy exclaimed as he hits the slick muddy ground, and Scooby came down on top of him roughly. "Hey watch out." His voice going up a couple of octaves as Scooby Dum's hind paw comes down on his groin. Tripping over them both Scooby Dum flies through the air coming to rest on a mound of fresh red Georgia clay.

"Dum dum dum dum." The big gray Great Dane mumbles. "Hu hee... look guys...I found a cluuuee!"

"Oh no!" Shaggy exclaims climbing to his feet. "Like this whole grave yard is a clue!" He whimpered trembling, as he stared at all the freshly dug opened graves. Quickly he leaped to his feet stumbling along between the opened graves. Caskets were opened, and skeletons lay grinning out of them. Strange fetishes were lain out around the bodies, and heavy wooden crosses were stuck through the rib cages. "Like it look's like someone wants to make sure these folk's aren't going to get up."

"Reah reah Roo doo!" Scooby agreed as he trailed along behind Shaggy. Quickly they made a quick circle around the small burial ground, stopping at the far gate. "tRacks." Scooby exclaimed as he stopped to stare at the rutted old dirt road leading up to the cemetery.

"Hey yeah like truck tracks... big one's!" Shaggy exclaimed. "Why would anyone wanta drive a one ton up to a disserted old cemetery like this?" Shaggy wondered, as the three of them walked along a loud wailing moan came from behind them. Making Shaggy leap into Scooby's arms.

"Zoinks!" "Like what was that?!?" He exclaimed.

"RI don't Rnow!" Scooby wailed, looking back.

"Rhost!" Scooby Dum wailed racing past them...

"GHOST!" Shaggy and Scooby screamed together, as they turned and ran after Scooby Dum. Just ahead of them an old stone crypt loomed, it's weathered old iron door half open. Quickly the three of them ducked in pushed the heavy door shut behind them. "Like were safe now." Shaggy panted turning around, to lean back against the iron door. Just then a dark shadowy figure stood up from behind a crypt vault.

"IIIIIIIEEA!" Shaggy, Scooby and Scooby Dum screamed.

"IIIIIIEEEA!" The dark figured screamed back. "Stay back you undead fiends!" The figured scream holding up a fetish.


Crawling through the thick brush, then into the tall trees. Freddie and the girl's climb steadily toward the mountain top cabin. The under growth was thick with blackberry bushes, they're sharp thorns snagging in Velma's thick sock's and Daphne's pale purple stockings. They were all panting for breath, and swearing under they're breath as they neared the ramshackle old house. "Doesn't look like much." Daphne snorted.

"Don't be fooled." Freddie warned. "Larena told me that most of it was under ground." "Seem's the old man was a real mole, digging tunnels and chambers all over."

"Oh really?" "And when did she tell you all that?" Daphne asked angrily her eye's narrowing as she looked at him.

"Ahem... this morning while I was shaving." Fred admitted.

"What was she doing in the bathroom while you were shaving?" Daphne growled darkly.

"Just talking... oh and brushing her teeth." Freddie answered.

"Oh I bet!" Daphne said through gritted teeth, as she pictured a half naked Larena drooling over an equally unclothed Freddie.

"I really don't know what your getting so..." Freddie was cut off and a powerful wind splattered the trio with big cold raindrops. "Looks like it's about to fall a flood." Freddie observed.

"Yes we'd better get inside and have a look around." Velma said quickly trying to avoid any more arguments. Freddie grasped the sliding latch, and pulled it back. The old roughly crafted wooden door, opened slowly it's rusty hinges squealing loudly.

"No one has opened that door in years." Velma observed, and she and the others moved in out of the cold stinging rain. The room was dark and damp, but shown surprisingly clean in the yellow beam of Freddie's flashlight. The old wooden floorboards creak and moan as they walk across them but still felt sound. The room is sparsely furnished with a ragged old sofa, straight-backed old wooden chairs clustered around a field stone fireplace. The wide mantle board is cluttered with mugs, jugs and small picture frames. An old black powder rifle hung on pegs above the fireplace. Looking around the gang saw a big open archway near the back of the room, it leads into the rustic kitchen. A rickety old dinner table and chairs taking up most of the kitchen. On the left was a small room lined with coat hooks and old wooden benches along its walls.

Glancing into the coatroom Freddie shook his he, and looked back at the girl's. "Like why don't we check out the kitchen!" Freddie said doing his best to imitate Shaggy, this making Velma chuckle and Daphne frown and shake her head. The kitchen was much like the living room; besides the table and chairs there was an old icebox. And a big black cast iron cook stove, buckets of coal were still stacked up beside it.

"Jinkies." Velma exclaimed, as she peered into the old wood stove.

"What is it Velma?" Freddie asked.

"Fresh ashes." Velma exclaimed. "Theres been a fire in here recently." She explained as she poked through the ashes.

"Now why would there be a fire in that old thing?" Daphne wondered as she headed across the room to join Velma.

"What's this Velma?" Freddie asked hold up a thick-sided cast iron cauldron

"Why that looks like a cauldron they use for smelting precious melts." Velma answered moving over to Freddie to examine it. "What would this be doing here?" She asked looking it over thoughtfully. The eyes of the painting over Daphne's shoulder move, watching as she walked across the room towards Fred and Velma. Then a soft mechanical noise could be heard, Daphne tilted her head curiously. And was suddenly swept away, as the ratty looking old bookcase rotated.

"I don't think it belonged to the old man, it looks to new." Freddie observed, looking over the cauldron with Velma. Neither noticing as Daphne disappears into the darkness behind the spinning bookcase.


"Oh Man like were not undead!" Shaggy screamed back at the dark figure in the back of the crypt. The dark shadowy figure raised his other hand, suddenly blinding the trio with glare from a small flashlight.

"Gads!" "You aren't zombies after all!" The deep voice observed as the light played over the three of them slowly. "Heheh... just a gawky kid and his dog's."

"Hey!" Shaggy growled. "I'm no kid... Like I'm over eighteen." He protested as his voice cracked to a higher pitch.

"Reah... Rover Reighteen." Scooby agreed.

"I'm Cameron Balmer... good to meet ya." The burly red bearded man said as he stepped out where Shaggy and Scooby could see him.

"I'm Shaggy and this is Scooby Doo and Scooby Dum..."

"Wait a second... isn't that Larena Doolin's dog." The big burly red bearded man asked, as he looked the three of them over curiously.

"Duh... where?" Scooby Dum asked looking around wonderingly, before at last stopping and nodding to himself. "Golly Rhats me!"

"You know Larena?" Shaggy asked.

"Aint many men in these parts that don't know her, 'course I don't know her as well as most." "But then I don't hang around the beer joint that much... but I've seen her drunk down at the swimming hole a few times." "I hear she's good about not botherin' a fella afterwards, jest gives ya a poke no strings."

"Ooooook." Shaggy muttered raising one eyebrow, and glancing at Scooby. The two sharing an oddly devious smirking look.

"So what are you three doing out here." The burly red head asked.

"Like we're working for Larena... The Scooby Do Detective agency working to solve the mystery of the HillBilly Zombies." Shaggy answered proudly.

"Hah!" "Aint no mystery... old man Jenkins was a warlock... and someone's done pissed off his ghost!"

"WW.. Warlock... G..G..Ghost!" Shaggy and Scooby whimpered.

"Hell ya... conjourin' up zombies to help him... and you came out here looking for'em?" Cameron asked, shaking his head.

"Like... well... we were kinda hoping the other guys would find them." Shaggy admitted trembling in fear. "If it's that bad what are you doing out here then?" Shaggy asked slyly.

"I've been hard at work keepin' that old Ghost from raising anymore of those undead fiends!" Cameron explained, digging around in his battered old backpack. "I've dug up, and placed wards around every body in that cemetery!"

"Yeah.. like we noticed!" Shaggy agreed visibly trembling. "But like if you got them all at least were safe." He muttered obviously relieved.

"Errr well except for the bodies in this crypt!" The burly red head admitted, as a stone crypt lid began to slowly slide open. As the four-watched paralyzed in fear, a pale white hand gripped the side of the stone crypt. Slowly the cold dead face of a corpse rose up, as the zombie climbed to it's feet.

"Mahhaaaaaaa!" It groaned as it reached out for them.

"Z...ZOMBIE!" Shaggy screamed throwing open the crypt door and bolting out into the heavy rain; followed instantly by Scooby Dum.

"Rombie!" Scooby whimpered, leaping into Cameron's arm's as the burly red headed hill billy raced out into the storm; after Shaggy and Scooby Dum. Instantly the ragged zombie lumbered after the fleeing bunch, mean while unseen in the crypt. Two more dark figures arose from the under ground passage way.

"I hope Steve gets that bunch scared far enough away, or the old man won't bring the truck up." The first shadowy figure grumbled.

"I'd just as soon put the loading off until Friday anyway." The second figure countered.

"The hell you say... we'd have to do a double load!" The first figure snarled.

"So it'd be a little more work." The second figure replied shrugging.

"Hahaha... you just wanta go back and fuck that red headed snooper we caught in the cabin!" The first figure accused.

"Like you don't!" The second figure countered. Just then a big truck with no lights, and it's warning beeper disabled; backed quietly into the old cemetery.

"Lets hurry up and get this loaded... then I'll flip ya to see who gets first go on her." The first figure bargained.

"Deal!" The second figure answered quickly.


"Daphne!" Freddie and Velma called together as they searched the cabin for the sixth time.

"Where could she have gone?" Fred asked incredulously.

"Well... I'm sure she wouldn't have gone out into the storm!" Velma observed. "The rain and wind would just ruin her hair, and the hood on the rain coat would be nearly as bad!" "There has to be some trap door, or hidden passage way; trust danger prone Daphne to fall through it!" Velma griped.

"IIEIEIEIEEEEE!" Freddie and Velma jumped, as the blood-curling scream over came the howling of the wind. Quickly they rushed to the door, peering out into the wind and pelting rain. Far down the hill, Shaggy in the old surplus rain slicker; could be seen running between the young pine trees. Scooby and Scooby Dum right behind him, as two strange figures chased after.

"We should go help them." Velma admitted.

"But... what about Daphne!" Freddie protested.

"It isn't like this is the first time, something like this has happened to Daphne." Velma pointed out. "I'm sure she'll be alright, besides once we help Shagg and Scoob; we can come back and look for her."

"Yeah your right of course." Fred admitted, pausing only a moment before racing out into the rain. Looking around one last time, Velma shook her head and followed Freddie out into the storm. The chase between the green walls of the young head high Christmas tree's, lasted for hours. Becoming a confusing and startling hide and seek, until the darkened skies broke open. The cold pelting rain was replaced by marble size hailstones, and the wild swirling winds became hurricane force.

Howling in fear and pain as they were pounded by the growing hailstones. Fred, Velma, Shaggy and the Scoobies at last retreated into the house. Slamming the back door, and locking it. They collapsed into the kitchen chairs to catch they're breaths, it was then that Freddie and Velma noticed Cameron. Shaggy and Scooby quickly made the interdictions, telling Fred and Velma they're tale of terror along the way.

"So your some kinda Voodoo witch doctor?" Fred asked eying the big burly red head suspiciously.

"Nawww... but I know a bit about fightin' fiends called up by the dark arts." Cameron explained. "My family use to work for the church, in the dark ages as slayers... so the knowledge was passed down."

"Wow your family were slayers!" Velma asked excited, obviously enamored with the idea and the burly hillbilly.

"Well that was aways back... like I said." Cameron reminded... obviously displeased with Velma's interest.

"Hey... like where's Daphne?" Shaggy asked suddenly looking around.

"Ahem... she disappeared while we were investigating the cabin." Freddie explained.

"We were looking for her when we heard your screams." Velma explained. "We were kinda hoping she had somehow got out there with you."

"No... like we haven't seen her." Shaggy whimpered. "Have we Scoob?"

"Rwe Raint seen Rher!" Scooby agreed.

" not seen her." Scooby Dum agreed.

"The old man of the Mtn must have got her!" Cameron exclaimed his face blanching paler. "No tellin' what he'll do to her!"

"Like what do you mean?" Shaggy asked shivering.

"Yeah what could he do?" Freddie asked.

"A powerful old warlock ghost like Cornelius Jenkins?" Cameron shook his head. "There's no end to the things... turn her into one of his undead fiends most likely tho'!"


Daphne awoke with a start... her head spinning even though she was still blind folded. "Aamammm..." She moaned discovering that she had not been gagged, this did not bode well; she realized. It they hadn't gagged her, then they obviously weren't concerned if she screamed and yelled for help. It wasn't the first time she'd been taken captive of course, there was the mask mix up in San Francisco. And a number of other times, but her captors had always taken care to gag her. So she knew rescue had not been far off, even when they had been ravishing her; she was sure help was on the way.

Of course at that moment, she hadn't been anxious to be interrupted; in truth she was glad when it hadn't arrived. As her head cleared, and the world stopped spinning crazily around her. She tried to move, discovering that her arms and wrist's were tightly bound behind her back. She could feel the rough hemp ropes cutting into the flesh of her wrists; the sleeves of her blouse protected her arms thankfully. Judging from the feeling, she could tell that her ankles had been tied to a bar of some type. It was keeping her leg's wide spread, and keeping her from getting up off her stomach. She was laying on an old blanket, spread over what felt and smelled like fleshly over turned dirt. In the distance she could hear water dripping, unable to see; she finds herself focusing on her other senses. It was then she heard distant footsteps, and voices muttering soft and indistinctly. As the footfalls drew closer, Daphne found herself holding her breath to listen.

"Yer sure?" A creepy voice asked.

"Yeah I like sloppy seconds!" A second eerie voice admitted.

"Hehehe... that's good cuz I aint popped one off in a week... so it's goina be plenty sloppy, when I'm done with it!" It was plainly obvious what they were planning to do; Daphne struggled against her bonds ineffectively. And was still doing so when they came into the room, and dropped to the ground beside of her. Rough hands grasped her hip's lifting them up, automatically she bent her knee's up under herself. Only afterwards, realizing what a vulnerable position that put her in. Face pressed to the blanket, ass high in the air.

"Stop yer strugglin'... ya aint goin' no where!" The first creepy voice growled in her ear. She felt her short skirt being flipped up, then felt big rough fingers exploring her dark purple pantie clad ass. "Heh garter belt and stockings!" The rough creepy voice exclaimed obviously pointing it out to her second molester. "What've we got here?" Her molester snickered, as his big blunt fingers swept down her silky pantie clad cleft. To pinch, and cup the prominent bulge of her sex mound.

"Camel toe!" The second voice sang gloatingly, making her body flushing with shame.

"Www... what do you think your doing?" Daphne asked, her voice quivering in an equal mixture of fear and sexual excitement. Slowly her purple panties were pulled down her wide spread thigh's. " can't do this!" She whimpered.

"Hahaha!" "Tryin' stop us!" Was the amused reply. As her panties were tucked under her knees, she heard her molester's zipper go down.

"Da..d..don't..." She started, but paused as big rough fingers explored her shamefully damp sex.

"You're a wet little cunt!" Her molester whispered into her ear, as his fingers teased her sex. "And wet little cunts need fucking... so I'm going to fuck you!" She cringed at his words, but was not intimidated by the stiff cock pressing forcefully against her red haired pussy. Daphne bit her lip, and cried out in pain. As the broad unlubricated head of her ravishers cock, thrust into her tight damp love canal. Dragging the dry flesh of her outer lip's painfully along with it. Once within her, its path was quickly eased; lubricated by her own sexual excitement.

"Uhuhhhhh!" Her molester moaned, as her creamy excitement slicked his entry. Quickly he filled her to the balls with his throbbing manhood, grunting in delight. He began brutally thrusting into her then, giving her no quarter; whispering lewdly into her ear.

"Oh ya baby, nice and tight!" "Fuck yeahhhh... bet you aint had much of this!" Daphne's blush deepened at the accuracy of this observation, and struggled uncomfortably. Minutes, which seemed like hours passed as he rode her. Slamming her slender hips and buttocks with his powerful body, painfully grinding her cheek into the old blanket; with each downward thrust. Meanwhile her loins began to tingle, as it's own creamy wetness began to turn his brutal thrusts into pleasure. A warmth spread through her body, as he slowly fucked her.

She felt the thick aroused nipples on her buxom, but pert breasts begin to tingle wildly. As the rubbed against the softness of her purple silk dress, the rough blanket behind it adding to the savage feel. Each thrust of her ravisher's powerful cock brought a muffled gasp from her, as sparks of pleasure flashed through her body. A flush swepted over her body as her pleasure and arousal grew. Suddenly he froze on top of her groaning in sublime delight, and she could feel his seed fill her sex; coating the inside of her vagina.

'Damn it not so soon!' She thought frustrated as she felt her orgasmic peak eddying away. 'Why do guys always have to go off so quick?' She wondered as he pulled out of her and staggered away. Before she could do or say anything, she felt a second pair of rough hands grasp her. Suddenly she was rolled over on to her back, knees pushed up beside her head. As the second man climbed on top of her, his rigid penis searching for her newly violated pussy.

"Oho gads!" She gasped, wiggling her hips around trying to capture his thrusting organ as it bumped against her delicate flesh. "Ahahhhh!" She moaned as he at last found the spot and entered her in one smooth motion. With her previous ravisher's cum lubricating the way, it didn't hurt at all this time! Held like this, almost folded in half; she found herself unable to move. And so could only lay there moaning, as she slowly got fucked for one of the few times in her young life.

She closed her eyes, trying to forget what was happening to her. Trying to forget that she was lying in the dirt, being ravished by two men possibly zombies. The sensations engulfing her body, the delicious feeling coursing along her nerves; began to overwhelm her. His kisses on her face, and neck became burning thrumming pleasures. As the tingling deep within her dribbling sex, increased with each stroke of his powerful cock into her tender teenage sex. She felt him increase the pace of his rutting on top of her, as thick clumsy fingers pushed up her dress. Her strapless bra was pulled down exposing her buxom breasts to the cool air.

"I aint never seen teats this pretty before." He admitted in a low gruff lustful voice.

"Oho gads... No!" She whimpered as hot hand's and then mouth's covered her firm distended nipples. His eager lip's repeatedly tugging on her thick pink nipples, stretching it outwards. "Ummmmm!" She moaned. The pain of lying on her arm's vanished in a swirl of pleasure, as he limbs went numb. Her eyes, that had been tightly closed behind the blindfold snapped open. Her mouth doing the same, as she gasped and panted in pleasure.

"Damn look at them pretty lip's!" The first creepy voice grunted.

"Heh you hard again already!" The voice of her present ravisher observed. "Why don't you put it in her mouth?" "She'd be happy to suck on it...wouldn't you slut?"

"YES!" Daphne was surprised to hear herself moan loudly.

"Hahahaha!" Both of her ravisher's laughed at that.

"You better not bite me girl!" The first ravisher warned. "Or things can get much worse for ya!" Daphne's only reply was to open her mouth wider slipping her tongue out to cover her teeth. She felt his knee's move up on either side of her head, then felt the damp velvety soft flesh lay throbbing on her tongue. Closing her lips around the hard pulsing muscle she was surprised by its smooth velvety softness. The salty taste of sweat, cum, and her own sexual juices filled her senses. Her body started trembling as between her leg's the tension of coming ecstasy grew.

So many new and pleasurable sensations swarmed through her mind, it left her head spinning. Hand's teasing, and hot mouth suckling on her aroused breasts. Smooth hard silky wet flesh sliding over her own suckling lips, as another massive organ thrust deeply into her tingling excited pussy! 'It all feels sooooo good!' She thought wildly. 'Soooo good!' Suddenly her ravisher froze on top of her, groaning in sublime delight as his body began making short sharp thrusts again almost at once!

"Uhu uhu uhu!" He grunted nearly breathlessly, and she could feel his seed fill her sex. For the second time that day a man was cumming into her! Opening her suckling mouth, she screamed in release. As her ravisher bit down hard on her right nipple, the pain sending ecstasy screaming down to her cunt. Which burst out in the most incredible sensations, as her arousal spilled over it's peak into orgasm. Wave after wave of agonizing pleasure rocking her slender young body, her cunt gripping and grasping her ravisher's huge invading organ! As soon as her screams of delight stopped the hard cock was roughly rammed back into her mouth. Her ravisher thrust deep and swiftly down her throat making her choke and gag. Then suddenly her mouth was being filled with hot thick gwooy feeling man lust.

"Swallow my spunk slut!" That deep aroused voice growled aggressively, obediently she gulped the tart fluid down. "Ahhhhhhhhh yeah she likes that!"


Freddie tossed and turned restlessly on the old sofa, moaning in his sleep.

"Man!" "Like it looks like Fred's having some pretty terrible nightmares!" Shaggy observed trembling.

"With all that's going on... we'll be lucky if we're all not having nightmares!" Cameron commented stroking Scooby's head, as he starred out the window into the still raging storm. Scooby arched his neck and grumbled in pleasure as the burly hillbilly scratched and stroked him behind the ears.

"Poor dear!" Velma whispered, climbing on the sofa and cuddling up to the restless Freddie. Holding him tightly, as he moaned and tossed his head from side to side. Slipping up beside Cameron and Scooby, Shaggy motioned for them to follow him into the kitchen. Silently the pair followed the lanky Shaggy into the kitchen, Scooby Dum tagging along behind.

"What?" Cameron asked as they reached the kitchen.

"Like are you guy's hungry?" Shaggy asked, moving over to the fridge; he opened it and began piling food on to the table.

"Reah Reah Rungery!" Scooby agreed at once drool already dribbling from the corners of his mouth.

"Uuuuuu yep..yep hungery!" Scooby Dum agreed.

"I could eat." Cameron admitted suddenly realizing he hadn't had a bite since the night before.

"Hahaha cool I'll make you one of my triple decker specials." Shaggy chuckled winking, and quickly begins to slap together a massive sandwich. With Scooby and Scooby Dum looking on eagerly, Shaggy quickly made the monstrous meal. Asking as he went what Cameron wanted on it, until at last it was done. Cutting it in two and slipping it on a plate with a pile of chips he brought it over and sat it before the burly red head. "Like here ya go!" Shaggy said cheerfully giving Cameron a leering grin.

"Ahem... thanks!" The red head grunted, picking up a half and munching it slowly as he watched Shaggy make the same for himself and the two great Danes.

Moving down the dark creepy corridor Freddie pause, ahead of him he could see a faint light. Cautiously he moved closer and closer, hearing soft moan and slurping squishing sound. Sneaking up to the dark corner, he peered around it into the dimly lit room beyond. Daphne, her long auburn hair swinging freely; was kneeling on a filthy old bed. As a pale ragged corpse like figure kneeled behind his pounding a massive mule like cock into her dripping pussy. Around the fucking pair stood three more pale massive hung zombies. All obviously waiting they're second or third turn on the ravished Daphne. "I'll save you!" Freddie scream racing into the room, but as he stepped into the dim light. He noticed he was bare footed, looking down shock surprise turned to horror. As he realized that not only that, but he totally naked. His tiny pale cock looking all that much smaller, compared to the donkey sized one's of the zombies. The zombies big dead eye's opened in surprise and then mirth, as they pointed and burst into hauntingly creepy guffaws.

"Anyone want a Vienna sausage?" The zombie fucking Daphne asked, pointing at Freddie's tiny fully erect organ. The others roared with derisive laughter joining in pointing and making fun of Freddie's diminutive manhood. A full body blush of shame and humiliation burned on his cheeks. But the worse was still to come, as Daphne's head turned. Her cute face going slack jawed in shock, them melting into a look of derisive scorn.

"I'll just stay here... pin prick!" She moaned scornfully as she impaled herself on the zombies massive mule like cock. "I'm not a lesbian!" Daphne joked. "I need a real man, with a real cock!" "Not a no prick pussy like you!" She snapped, making the leering zombies roar with even louder laughter....

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Freddie's screamed sitting bolt up right on the sofa, nearly knocking Velma to the floor.

"It's s ok... Freddie it was just a dream!" Velma assured, grasping his shoulders; and shaking him gently.

"Like what's happening?" A pale and trembling Shaggy asked as he stuck his head into the room.

"More zombies?" Cameron asked, standing in the kitchen doorway fetish in hand.

"No Freddie just had a bad dream." Velma assured, as she looking into Fred's dazed eyes. "Freddie... Freddie!" Velma shook him again until the dazed look had faded from his eyes.

"Errr yeah...Ahem sorry!" Freddie mumbled softly. "Has the storm let up?"

"Not much if at all." Cameron answered. "And it's well after sun down... you'd have to be mad to go out there now... night... it's their time."

"Yes, it is getting late; you guys should get some rest." Velma told Cameron and Shaggy.

"" Shaggy started.

"Don't worry I'll wait up for Larena." She assured, then in lower tones. "And take care of poor Fred."

"Like... you can have Freddie's bed... I guess." Shaggy told Cameron and he pulled the burly hillbilly down the hallway.

"Errr could I get a shower?" Cameron asked gesturing to his dirty clothing. "Digging up graves all day is pretty filthy work."

"Like sure our bed room's right beside the bath room." Shaggy assured.

Scooby Doo FanFic Chap 3

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc...

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Scooby Doo Fan Fic Chap 1

Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc...

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Designated driver Sharing the Fun...

The third story in this series... Other stories in this...

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