What a Pleasant Surprise

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Commission for Viperious

If you want to help support me and my work and hopefully get more fun stories out in the future, I would apprecaite any sort of donation to my Kofi, which can be found here!

It was January, and the winter chill was setting into people's bones as the frost settled on the ground beneath their feet. It was never nice weather: some might enjoy the cold, but for the most part, people tried their hardest to stay in the warmth when the biting wind started to pick up outside.

The streets were quiet as a couple of young boys, huddled in their winter coats and long, baggy jeans, trudged their way through the sludge and frost beneath them. They had a destination, of course: the local shops. The two of them had been keen on gathering up some sweets and holding themselves up in their pillow fort back at home, but their mother refused to go out and get it for them, giving them the money to get it themselves instead. The two were dreading the chill and were pressed up against one-another as they walked, their hoods tucked tightly over their heads, keeping them warm.

The two were practically identical. A mixture of Akita and Husky, the twins had a rich collection of auburn, cream, and white fur in a peculiar pattern that made them look unique. Their snouts were small and rounded, their frames lithe and boyish. They muttered to each other in a foreign dialect as they walked, discussing their plans for the rest of the evening, when they finally got into the warmth.

As the duo passed by a dark alley, they heard the scuffling of shoes, and glanced to one-another anxiously. They picked up the pace a little, not looking behind them as they went. The shop was only around the corner, in any case.

"Hey boys, you want someone to suck your dick for £10?" A voice spoke to them, and the twins slowed, looking to one-another. It wasn't that they were surprised, or even remotely tempted by the offer, but it was for a wholly different reason: the voice was familiar.

The two of then turned, greeted to the sight of a lanky, slightly effeminately built Red Panda, with two red horns protruding from his forehead. A sly grin spread across the man's face as he strode towards them, his winter coat clinging to his lithe frame. As he drew closer, he slowed, his brow furrowing. He, too, recognised the boys who were standing in front of him. Slowly, one of the twins reached up to pull his hood back, and the man's eyes lit up.

"Oh, it's you two." He seemed surprised, and the other twin pulled his hood back as well, the twins looking up to the man in front of him. Indeed, they had met before, on a number of occasions, and they were often sordid and lewd encounters that all three of them enjoyed. One of the twins grinned widely, running a hand through the fur on his head.

"Privet, Viperious." The boy spoke, and his brother sported his own shy-ish grin. The Red Panda smirked in response.

"'Sup, Nicolai, Viktor?" He glanced to the two of them in turn, referring to the shy one as Viktor, and his twin as Nicolai. "I thought you were both already back in Russia by now."

"Our Mother, she likes this country," Viktor sourly responded. "She wants to stay."

"Eh, is not so bad," Nicolai chipped in, nudging his brother with an elbow. "Is it colder in Rossiya. Here, is it not so cold."

"That's very true," Viperious smirked. "England's not so bad, once you get used to it. So, where you two headed in horrible weather like this?"

"We want sweet treats." Viktor spoke up, sporting a sheepish grin, which Nicolai mimicked with a little more bravado. Viperious put his hands on his hips and grimaced a little. This meant they were likely expected home soon, which was a bit of a shame. He wished he could spend a little more time with them.

"Are you expected home soon?" He questioned, and the twins glanced at one-another.

"She said before 3." Nicolai hinted, and that encouraged a wide grin to spread across the Red Panda's face. He coaxed them with a finger as he retreated backwards into the alleyway he'd come from. The twins glanced at each other, their faced a mixture of excitement and nervousness, before they eventually followed him into the dark alley.

It was quiet and damp, but at least they couldn't really be seen here. Nicolai briefly hugged himself to warm himself up as Viktor leant up against the wall, watching his misty breath float up in the air. Viperious, however, was keen on doing something much more sordid: he was already unbuttoning his jeans, and he tucked a hand into his pants, briefly worming his hand around. After a moment, he pulled his member free, and his half-hard cock hung in the air, twitching and pulsing. Sure, the air was cold, but doing it in public was also a little kinky.

"Shouldn't we get somewhere warmer?" Nicolai questioned as he reached over, grabbing the member with his gloved hand and lightly peeling the foreskin back, before tugging it back up again, starting in on a lazy rhythm as he pumped the Red Panda's cock. Viperious sighed and leant back, smirking a little as he watched the young boy jerk him off. His twin occasionally glanced over, but seemed more concerned with whether they were going to be spotted or not.

"We could. Maybe in a little bit. My flat's not far." Viperious pointed out, licking his lips as he watched the boy's hand roll over his member, back and forth. His cock had already stiffened to it's fullest and was weakly pulsing in the young cub's grip, pre-cum oozing form the tip and forming tiny beads that dribbled down his member.

"Can we hurry up? I need the bathroom." Viktor remarked, and Viperious glanced over to him with a curious expression. His smile spread into a wicked grin and Viktor stared at him, momentarily bewildered. Slowly, the Red Panda made his way over and crouched down, squatting on his heels as he toyed with the boy's pants. Viktor took in a sharp breath and anxiously glanced towards the entrance to the alley, scared that he might be seen. Viperious' expert hands deflty popped the button on his jeans and pulled them down until they fell leisurely around his ankles. The cub momentarily shuddered from the cold.

The incubus reached up to grasp the waistline of the boy's tight white briefs as his mouth pressed in one that pre-pubescent bulge, taking in the scent of his underage musk and feeling the way the bulge twitched against the pressure of his mouth up against it. He eased back, if only so that he could pull down the front of the underwear, hooking the waistband under Viktor's balls and exposing his soft, humanoid member to the cold air. The young cub gritted his teeth and watched as Viperious took the member between his thumb and forefinger, sticking his tongue out to trace it against the boy's foreskin. He slid his tongue under the underside of the small cock and took the whole thing in his mouth. He made a gesture, and Viktor didn't quite know what he meant.

"Pee." Viperious demanded after he pulled his head back, before replacing his mouth around the member once more. Viktor anxiously stared down at him and glanced nervously to the entrance of the alley once more, before he reached down, grabbing the hem of his coat and sweater, lifting it up a little in case it got messy. There was a moment of silence, before the cub's cheeks started to redden. His lower lip wobbled and a whimper escaped his throat. A stready stream of urine spurted from the end of his member right into Viperious' mouth, and the Red Panda greedily gulped down what he could, swallowing each mouthful before it become too much to handle. His free hand furiously jerked himself off as he pressed his mouth deeper, gripping Viktor's hip. He wanted every last drop, and he was going to get it. The urine trickled down his throat in a steady stream as his muscles occasionally convulsed to swallow appropriately, whilst the embarrassed cub watched, ashamed and a little aroused.

It didn't take him too long to finish up: cubs had small bladders, after all. When the Red Panda tasted the last final droplets of the boy's piss, he pulled his head back, groaning under his breath as he tucked his mouth under the member to slather the boy's small balls in spit, sweetly kissing and caressing the small package with as much affection as he could muster.

Nicolai shuffled closer with a sheepish grin, popping the button on his jeans and tugging them down. He seemed just as eager to get into this as Viperious was. Nicolai had always been the adventurous one of the duo, and these sorts of situations were where he seemed to really thrive. As his jeans fell around his ankles, he pulled down his underwear completely as well, letting them drop the same distance, exposing his member. He was a little harder than his twin was, weakly pulsing at half-mast, but he seemed to have other ideas in mind.

"I need to go, too." Nicolai grinned cheekily, and Viperious quirked an eyebrow at him. He pulled his head back from Viktor, who leant up against the wall, his cheeks flushed and his breathing shaky. Nicolai shuffled until he was in an appropriate position, and Viperious brought his head just a little closer.

After a few moments of waiting, Nicolai started to urinate as well. He had much more confidence than his twin and there wasn't any signs that his stream was restrained due to embarrassment or nerves. A steady arc of piss shot through the air and straight into Viperious's mouth, a thin mist floating through the air as it went. The Red Panda expertly craned his head to catch the piss and gulped it down just as readily as he had with the boy's twin. Nicolai smirked under his breath and started deliberately twisting his member left and right, changing the trajectory of the arc. Viperious was a lot smarter than he looked, however, and was easily able to intercept the stream before it managed to hit the floor.

Though, much like Viktor, Nicolai didn't have a lot in him, simply due to his size. As the trickle began to die down, Viperious angled himself closer to catch the last, final remnants, before wiping his mouth, delighted with how this afternoon had turned out. A long string of pre-cum hung from the end of the Red Panda's member and he reached down to lightly stroke himself, groaning under his breath. These two cubs always knew how to push his buttons, and now the two of them were standing more or less in the nude.

"Feel like getting a little more frisky?" The Red Panda asked, and the two cubs glanced to one=another. Nicolai seemed all for it, whilst Viktor was shivering a little from the cold. Catching the adventurous cub's expression, Viperious raised himself up and brung himself closer, manhandling the boy, cupping his rump and running a hand over his hip. He turned the boy around, getting him to step out of his jeans. He threw them over his shoulder and had them hang there, simply so they couldn't get wet.

Nicolai seemed to grasp what might be happening, and he bent himself over a little, placing his gloved hands on the brick wall in front of him. Viperious's hands squeezed his flesh and gently massagged the boy's behind, before a hand reached around, lightly tugging the boy's member. Nicolai was quick to stiffen under the man's assault, spreading his legs a little further and planting his shoes on the damp ground firmly. Viktor shuffled awkward and moved to pull his pants up, covering himself up and keeping himself warm. Nicolai, however, seemed unperturbed by the chill on his legs.

Slowly, Viperious crouched down again and clasped his hands on the boy's behind, spreading Nicolai's cheeks and pressing his mouth directly between them. His lips met with the boy's small pucker and his tongue lashed out immediately, suckling sweetly and slathering the tight entrance with his spittle. Nicolai groaned quietly under his breath, his cheeks growing flushed as he felt the Red Panda's tongue probing and prodding at his entrance, threatening to press in further at any moment. A hand went around and began lightly jerking on the boy's member once more, peeling back the small foreskin to expose the head of his cock. Nicolai whimpered in delight, rolling his eyes up and pushing his behind back against the Red Panda's mouth.

After a few minutes of delicate licking and suckling, Viperious finally pulled back, slowly raising himself to stand at his full height. He leant his hips forward and slid his member between those cheeks, and Nicolai deliberately clenched his small behind around the member. He could feel it pulsing against his own flesh, and he heard Viperious groan in pleasure.

"Feisty." The Incubus remarked, squatting down just a little and angling his hips back, prodding his member between the cheeks until he found what he sought. He smeared his pre-soaked head against the tight, pink button, before he began to push. He watched with utter delight as Nicolai's behind swallowed up his cock without a second thought, the muscles spasming and squeezing tightly around his member like a vice. Viperious sighed shakily, sinking himself deeper and deeper, feeling every inch of those inner walls clamping around his cock, milking him as much as they could.

Viktor stood at the sidelines and watched, feeling the ache of his erection within his jeans. He didn't want to admit the sight of someone fucking his brother turned him on, but he also yearned to touch himself. The duo didn't really seem to be paying much attention to him, and that didn't bother him in the slightest. His cheeks grew flushed as he saw Nicolai moaning out his approval, his little cock bouncing up and down as Viperious began to thrust into his tight passage.

The Red Panda firmly gripped onto Nicolai's behind and squeezed firmly as his hips bucked back and forth, his balls bouncing and slapping off of the boy's behind as the force of his thrusts shook his own pants towards his knees. He shot a glance over to Viktor, who's eyes widened when he was finally spotted.

"Why don't you come suck your brother off, huh?" Viperious suggested, and Viktor obeyed instantly. He crawled into the damp, wet space underneath his brother and raised his gloved hands up, touching his brother's member. Nicolai groaned out his encouragement, pushing his hips back against the Red Panda's bucking hips. Viktor felt his mouth go dry and he raised his head up, pressing his lips around the head of the member. He barely had to move at all: with each powerful thrust, Nicolai's body bounced forwards for an inch or two, his cock naturally thrusting into Viktor's mouth each time. The cub reached up to place his hands over Viperious's own as his lips enclosed around his brother's member, his tongue sliding underneath the underside of his cock.

"D-Da..." Nicolai muttered, pushing his hips back as hard as he could, desperate for more. Viperious was just the perfect size, perhaps more, to stimulate his prostate. With each thrust, Nicolai felt a stab of pleasure that made his entire body tingle, and his toes curl. He wanted more, and he was getting it. His hips pushed down into his brother's mouth as the man pounded into him, and his little cock dribbled pre-cum against Viktor's tongue. His twin readily gulped down whatever he was given.

"Fuck..." Viperious muttered, thrusting a little harder and a little faster each time. He could feel the way Nicolai was clenching around him: he knew he was hitting the boy's buttons. He was just about reaching his limit, and he knew it, but he didn't want it to end. The pressure in his loins was beginning to build, and his groans grew more laboured and more intense with each passing second. Nicolai seemed to be beginning to moan with a greater intensity as well, and the air soon began to fill with their groans of pleasure and the wet slaps of their sex. They didn't care who heard them now.

Then, it was all over. Viperious felt the pressure release and he thrust forwards as hard as he could manage, his cock pulsing and throbbing within the boy's behind. Thick ropes of cum spurted from the end of his member and coated the cub's inner walls, splattering him with seed. Nicolai rolled his hips back against Viperious, whimpering his frustration, desperate to cum. Viktor caught onto his brother's plight particularly quickly, and he bobbed his head a few times against his brother's member, pushing his mouth up as far as he could. That was enough for Nicolai, who let out a shaky little groan and tensed up. His insides convulsed and spasmed, squeezing with each thick pulse of his own small member, simultaneously cumming inside his brother's mouth whilst milking the man's cock at the same time.

"Oh damn." Viperious muttered to himself as he felt that tight pressure around his member, only encouraging his cock to spurt with a little more intensity. He rolled his head back and sighed in pleasure, before he finally pulled his hips back, his half-limp member hanging in the air, coated in seed and pre-cum. Nicolai's rump began to dribble with the viscous liquid, and the boy giggled his amusement, wiggling his rump left and right, deliberately showing off to the Red Panda behind him.

"You uh, like what you see, da?" Nicolai cheekily grinned, craning his neck back to see the Red Panda, whose cheeks were flushed.

"You know it," Viperious smirked, squeezing the boy's behind. "But I think someone else needs a bit of attention now."

"Huh?" Viktor poked his head out from underneath his brother, and Nicolai straightened up, moving aside and leaning up against the wall, his legs wobbling, tired from the exertion of their sex. Viperious grinned down at Viktor, who stared up at him anxiously. The Red Panda crouched and he popped the button on Viktor's pants once more.

"Now, why did you get undressed, hm?" The Incubus inquired, slowly pulling the boys jeans from past his rump again. Viktor's rear end touched the damp floor and he shivered from the chill.

"It's cold." The boy complained, but Viperious simply shook his head, sliding the underwear past Viktor's behind, exposing his twitching, hard member once more. The Red Panda rolled his hand around the head of the boy's cock and felt just how sticky it was. He scooped up what he could and slid it between his legs, smearing it one somewhere unknown.

"Well, I know how to warm you up." Viperious assured him. He stepped back to kick himself out of his jeans, handing them to Nicolai, who held them for him. Standing with his bottom half naked, and with Nicolai's jeans slung over his shoulder, the Red Panda towered over Viktor and began to crouched down on top of him, sliding himself lower and lower. He planted a hand on the ground to steady himself and used the other hand to angle the cub's small member against his body, probing it between his legs and behind his balls. Viktor wasn't sure what he was going as first, but it soon became clear when he felt a sudden, intoxicating warmth around his cock.

Viktor's breath hitched in his throat, and he reached out, curling his hands over Viperious's legs and around to his rump, his shoes scuffing against the ground as he tried to find some sort of purchase. The Red Panda's behind sunk down further and Viktor whimpered in delight, pushing his hips up and allowing all 4 inches of his cock to thrust into the adult's behind, his balls tucked up towards his body. He pressed his head into Viperious's chest, weakly panting. He had never felt something so warm.

"Hold up now. I have a present for you." Viperious smirked, reaching around towards the jeans on his shoulder. With his free hand, he retrieved Nicolai's underwear from inside the jeans, and he reached down, pushing them against Viktor's face. The cub wrinkled his nose as first, but a small groan escaped his lips as he took in the scent of his brother's musk. It wasn't overbearing, but there was a subtle hint of his scent, mixed with the usual scent of flesh and cock. It was no secret to Viperious that Viktor was infatuated with his brother, and he knew this would only make things better for the shy twin.

"You like that, huh?" Viperious asked, glancing to Nicolai, who merely quirked his eyebrows in response. Viktor let out a quiet whimper as his hips began to buck up again, thrusting and pushing against Viperious's behind. His thrusts were clumsy, his shoes scraping against the wet ground and slipping every so often, making his sudden burst of energy difficult to maintain. Viperious aided him, pushing his hips down and slowly rising himself back up again, keeping up a steady, slow rhythm. He was in a precious position, balancing himself on one hand whilst holding the underwear to Viktor's nose in the other.

"I-I think I'm..." Viktor knew he was close. He felt stabs of pleasure swimming through his system, making his skin tingle. His senses were heightened: all he could focus on was the swarming pleasure and the sound of thier heavy panting. He felt as if he were going to burst. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped, and his muscles immediately relaxed.

He soon realised he was orgasming. Tiny little strings of cum shot from the end of his member and traced along Viperious's inner walls, and his little cock convulsed and pulsed with pleasure. His fingers relaxed themselves on the Red Panda's rump, and he quickly became aware of the cold ground underneath him. He squirmed uncomfortably and looked up at Viperious, who was panting and breathing heavily. He reached up to brush the hair from his face as he smirked down at the young cub. Slowly, he slid himself off of the boy's member and shakily got to his feet, brushing himself down. Viktor quickly scrabbled to standing and shuddered from the chill, tugging his clothes back up.

"That was...quite the wild ride, boys. I hope you had fun." He passed Nicolai his pants back, who seemed completely unperturbed by the cold, allowing his small humanoid dick to be on display without a care in the world. He tugged his pants on relatively quickly though-- perhaps he was a little more cold than he appeared. The Red Panda slowly stepped into his own jeans, before holding out a hand.

"10 pounds please." He insisted, and the twins gawked, glancing to one-another. After a moment of silence, Viperious started chuckling, shaking his head.

"I'm joking. Hey, uh, text me your address sometime, yeah? I can pop by when you guys aren't too busy. Kind of lucky that we live in the same area, right?" He assured him, and they glanced once again to one-another, before nodding at him. The pair of them were grinning sheepishly, to the point where it was hard to tell them apart.

"Here," Viperious reached into his pocket and placed some coins in Nicolai's hand. "Get yourself some extra sweets, on me."

"Spasibo, tebe drug." Nicolai spoke in his native tongue and stepped forwards to wrap his arms around Viperious's body, giving him a brief and simple hug.

"He is thanking you." Viktor pointed out, and he stepped forwards to do the same, though he appeared a little more tense than his twin.

"Alright, seen you guys soon." Viperious ushered them along, and the twins stepped out of the alley, heading back down the road. Once again, they huddled close for warmth as the chill wind picked up, buffeting down the street.

As they rounded the corner, they could hear Viperious calling out to someone for another blowjob again.

"That man never changes." Viktor remarked.

"Da. He is what you call...Strastnyy." Nicolai muttered, and Viktor seemed to nod in agreement.

The two of them entered the shop and spend their well-earned money, knowing they'd likely see the Red Panda again very soon.

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