Caught in the Act

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Commission for anonymous.

If you want to help support me and my work and hopefully get more fun stories out in the future, I would apprecaite any sort of donation to my Kofi, which can be found here!

Wes lazily yawned, rolling his head back and leaning against the cushioned backrest of his gaming chair. It was a warm, cosy sunday afternoon, and the worries and chores of school work had long since been thrown out the window, metaphorically speaking. With the afternoon free to do whatever he wanted, Wes had taken up most of his time playing a wide variety of video games, though could never really settle on one in particular.

He heard the quiet thuds and clanks of pots and pans being pressed and put together as Wes's father, otherwise known as Carl, was putting away the last of the clean utensils and pens from the dishwasher. They had had an interesting curry the previous night, and Wes's father tended to use numerous different pieces of cooking equipment whenever he made dinner.

It had been a little difficult for the two of them in the past 2 years. Wes was just coming into his prime, and as a 15 year old Anthropomorphic Pikachu, he needed to be taught the 'birds and the bees', though his school was disinclined to do so. His father hadn't been much help in that department: the marginally overweight Raichu had always been a bit of an awkward sort when it came to raising his son. He could do the basic duties of looking after him: washing his clothes, cooking his meals, and so on, but the more personal matters were ones that always left the two in an awkward silence.

Wes didn't blame him. The times were changing, and Wes had already been very open about his sexuality, something that he thought his father was a little uncomfortable about. That didn't mean to say that Wes liked to 'flaunt it', of course. Sure, the young Pikachu was slim and was at best considered 'attractive' to his peers, but he'd never really put himself open for any kind of intimate contact. He was a naturally introverted kid, and liked to keep to himself and his small circle of friends. Wes assumed his father to be straight, and whilst he tried to be supportive, any talks that involved Wes's sexuality were often riddled with some underlying tension that Wes could never quite place.

The young Pikachu sighed, his ears silently flicking to and fro as he stared down at his computer screen. He was dressed in a loose T-Shirt and a pair of baggy sweatpants, with a desktop fan pointed directly at him. The heat was a little humid in his room with the door closed, and despite the window being open, he was getting little in the way of breeze. All it took was one pull of his collar and a deep inhale to realise he likely stank of sweat. He decided he'd shower soon, but he wanted to do something else first.

He turned in his chair and glanced anxiously at the door, which remained firmly, silently closed. He tapped on his knees and then slowly turned back towards his computer screen, pulling the keyboard towards him and clicking open his internet browser. He browsed to a frequented sight on a private browsing window: Pokehub.

Any budding 15 year old knew of the site and the wonders it held within. Already into the cusp of his puberty, Wes was often overwhelmed with sexual desire at any given opportunity, and he found the best way to release was to simply look up an appropriate video and go at it. Of course, the site wasn't just for those into women, and held a gay section as well, which he casually flicked over to and began browsing.

The first number of videos bored him, the commercialism in each scene painstakingly obvious, leaving him frustrated, and barely at half-chub. His eyes danced across the screen, going from one video to the next. He reached down to his sweatpants and carefully eased the front further down, slipping it over his rump and allowing himself to casually sit with his pants around his knees. He wasn't wearing any underwear underneath, and his hand immediately wrapped around the pulsing, humanoid member that sat between his legs. 6 inches of cock steadily throbbed to life as he slowly began to find his rhythm, settling on a video or two as he went, before moving to the next.

Before he knew it, he found himself delving deeper and deeper. His desires were tantalised, and his mind was delirious with the swimming chemicals of lust. His eyes danced over the screen, staring at twitching cocks and stretched, used behinds. He worked himself up in a sex-driven frenzy, idly pumping his cock and letting the sticky pre-cum dribble down and soak his fingers. He was steadily masturbating for a good half an hour or more, leisurely stopping himself before he reached the edge, before he set off again. His hand occasionally drifted down to cup and fondle his own balls, feeling the head emanating from his inner thighs.

His eyes eventually set on a video that intrigued him, and he clicked on it, leaning back in his chair and watching with a piqued curiosity. It started off simple enough, featuring a rather simple, thin Weaville attending some sort of university, and then moving into a bathroom stall. There, he was suddenly greeted by a heavy-set, slightly overweight Nidoking, with a surprising amount of gut. Wes knew the figure well enough: the internet described it best as 'muscle-gut', and he knew his father shared a similar physique.

The video quickly grew sordid, and Wes felt his cheeks grow flushed as he watched. The Weaville was getting on his knees, bowing his head down onto the Nidoking's impressively-endowed member. The Nidoking put a hand on his head and forced him down, making him take every inch of the member in his mouth, bulging his throat and causing his eyes to briefly roll up. Wes groaned quietly under his breath and worked his member, peeling back the foreskin and tracing his fingers over the sensitive head of his cock.

His mouth grew dry as he watched the Nidoking force the Weaville up against the wall, manhandling his body and pulling down his pants. In a matter of seconds, the Nidoking was in him, and the Pikachu was greeted to a fabulous shot of the two from underneath. His eyes centreed in on the swaying balls and the thick, endowed member sliding in an out of the weaville's behind. In his headset, he could hear the both of them moaning: a peculiar mixture of young, slightly effiminate groans, mixed with the carnal, manly grunts of pleasure.

Wes closed his eyes and imagined in, taking in the sounds and rapidly bouncing his hand up and down his member, his breath growing laboured and his chest heaving. He could imagine them in his mind, but his mind immediately wandered and thought up something else: the same scenario, of course, only Wes was the one receiving. That turned him on even more and his eyelids fluttered, his breath hitching in his throat. Then, he imagined someone else fucking him: his father.

He hesitated for a moment and stopped, opening his eyes. He frowned and paused the video, taking off his headset and running his hands over his forehead. He had worked himself up into quite a sweat, and he was noticeably aroused. More than that, he was perplexed, and a little bit confused.

He barely had time to think as he heard the door behind him click open, and he scrabbled for the keyboard, trying to hide the video.

"Hey, sport. You up to anything? I was just wondering what you wanted for...dinner?" Wes's father was a particularly bumbling sort of man who had definitely had more confidence in the prime of his life, but has since been humbled by the journey of raising a child. Whilst he had done it well, he had left his own body to grow as it wanted to in that time. He padded into the room as he saw Wes hunched over the computer, and he stepped closer.

Wes's fingers pressed over the wrong keys and full-screened the video instead, as the precisely wrong moment: a still image of the muscle-gut Nidoking dick-deep in the Weaville's behind, with a clear, visible shot of the Weaville's member hanging between his legs. Wes paled and tried, intead, to desperately hide himself, covering his arousal with his hands and curling his body up as best as he could.

There was an awkward silence. Carl glanced across to the screen and felt his cheeks redden at the sight of the porn up on the screen, before he looked down at his son, who was so desperate to hide himself. He quickly put two and two together and cleared his throat, realising he was intruding on a particular intimate and private matter.

"Oh, I didn't--" He began, letting out an awkward chuckle. "I...didn't know you were into those types of guys?"

Why had he said that? That only made the entire situation even more awkward, and he could see his son openly cringing at what he'd said. Carl's mind floundered and desperately tried to formulate some sort of better conversation topic, even though the back of his mind screamed for him to just leave.

"Look, uh, Wes, it's perfectly natural to--"

"I know that, Dad!" Wes exclaimed in dismay, admist a chuckle. He was mortified, but his father's awkwardly bumbling way of going about things was making him laugh. If anything, it was helping a little bit: each time he laughed, he could feel his member softening. At the sound of his son chuckling, Carl couldn't help but join in a little bit.

"I-I mean..." Carl continued. "It's kind of my body type, right?"

That was likely the wrong thing to have said. Wes slowly raised his head to stare at his father in dismay, and noticed how flustered Carl looked. In return, Carl was keenly aware of his flustered his son looked in response. The Raichu leant up and rubbed the back of his rodent head, his ears flicking briefly. This was getting increasingly awkward.

"Look, it's, uh...nothing I haven't seen before, son. You don't need to be embarrassed." Carl insisted, clearing his throat. The porn up on the screen was tantalising him, even if only a little. He couldn't help but feel stirred by it: he barely had any time for that sort of thing nowadays, to the point where he hadn't even gone out to look for a date in a number of years. It was part of the reason he'd let himself go a little. He could feel a brief tingling in his loins and immediately knew what it meant. Unfortunately for him, he was like his son, dressed in baggy sweatpants.

Wes openly groaned his embarrassment and squeezed his legs tighter together, glancing briefly over at his Father, who was awkwardly trying to look away. For reasons unknown, he peeked a glance further south and found his gaze briefly lingering on the steadily growing member. He could see the outline of it pressing against Carl's sweatpants, and that told him all he needed to know.

"Um. Dad...have you ever...?" Wes almost didn't want to say it. "Done this sort of thing before?"

Carl looked over at him in surprise to see him gesturing to the screen, and he realised what it was he was asking.

"Oh! I mean, back when I was younger, yes. When you were in university, it was easy to have a fling or two-- granted, we didn't have 'Poké-r' in those days, like you do now." He referred, briefly, to the app on smartphones that young adults used to hook up for sex and dates.

Wes was momentarily surprised by the revelation that his father had, indeed, done similar gay things in the past and, for whatever reason, he felt a little more at ease. He anxiously began to move his hands away from his crotch to fully display his member. He was surprisingly still aroused, and his 6 inch cock pulsed against his stomach. He saw his father glance down at it, and their gaze met, briefly.

Both of them seemed to instinctively know what they wanted. They didn't dare say a word, lest it made the situation even more awkward. Carl grabbed at the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his relatively muscled arms and firm chest, and the obvious belly-gut that he bore from years of comfortable eating. He wasn't inherently overweight, but it was still quite obvious. Wes began doing the same, the the contrast between their figures was apparent: Wes was notably lanky and lacking in muscle definition.

The Pikachu shuffled onto the floor and made his way towards his father, kicking his sweatpants from off his ankles as he went. He reached up, grasping the waistline of Carl's sweatpants and pulled, yanking them over his rump and sliding them down past his legs. It was clear now where Wes got his good genes from: the Pikachu was greeted to the sight of a thick, throbbing member, at least 9, maybe even 10 inches in length. He stuck his face into the crotch and took in the brief hint of sweat and flesh as his hand wrapped around the thick member. He heard his father groan above him as he peeled back the foreskin, revealing the swollen, pulsing head.

Slowly, Wes pulled his head up and pressed his mouth over the tip of the cock, feeling a brief, tiny spurt of pre-cum against the roof of his mouth. He'd never really done oral before, but research on the internet had given him 2 golden rules: 'Always pay attention', and 'Don't use your teeth'. He employed these strict rules rather quickly as he bowed his head down, taking the member further into his mouth. He struggled to keep his jaw open wide enough and resorting to just handling what he could, rolling his tongue around the inches that were there. His hands nestled at the base of the member: one squeezed and firmly stroked the cock, whilst the other stroked along his father's upper pelvis, and down to his balls.

He could hear Carl moaning his approval as his tongue scooped and slurped up thin beads of pre-cum that oozed out to greet him. He closed his eyes and sweetly suckled, feeling a nervous knot forming in his stomach. This was his first sexual experience, and it was with his father. He was hopelessly turned on, of course: his cock was throbbing powerfully between his own legs and oozing pre-cum everywhere, but the other half of him was anxious, wondering whether this would alter their relationship for the better or the worse.

"Wait." Carl suddenly said, cupping his son's face and pulling him back. Wes took in a large gulp of air and wiped his mouth, darting his gaze down. He immediately felt worried: had he done something wrong? However, when a hand came and grabbed his arm fairly roughly, he was surprised. He looked up to see his father grinning toothily.

"It all being one-sided isn't very fair, is it?" He remarked, pulling the lanky Pikachu to his feet, and guiding him over towards Wes's double bed that sat in the far corner of the room. There, he rolled onto the bed himself, laying on his back and pulling the Pikachu onto him. Wes was both moderately turned on and a little excited at the same time. It was a peculiar feeling to be so directly manhandled. He felt his father pushing him around and he followed his directions, quickly realising that he was being gestured to turn a wholst 180 degrees.

After a brief spell of difficulty, Wes was greeted to his father's member once more, but this time at a more peculiar angle. He'd read it up on the internet before, and he'd seen it in multiple instances: it was what was best referred to as a '69', and one he'd been eager to try out for a while. Only, he hadn't expected it to be with his father!

Carl grasped his son's behind with his hands, firmly kneading his rear end and digging his thumbs against the flesh, before his hands traced down towards the prize. He wrapped his large hand around Wes's cock and felt the boy shudder and groan from the touch, lightly thrusting into his hand. In return, Wes bowed his head down and immediately began to roll his tongue around the head of his father's cock, tasting every inch of his glans as he vigorously pumped the member with his hand.

Slowly, Carl lifted up his son's body and opened his mouth, taking Wes's cock down into him, letting it brush against his tongue. He enclosed his lips around the member and began to suckle, curling his tongue around all 6 inches of the member, with the tip pressing against the back of his throat, threatening to push down further at any time. Carl had done a thing or two like this back in the day, and he was no stranger to a little bit of oral, even if it were with his own son. Wes was overcome with such a startling amount of pleasure that he hesitated in pleasing his father, shakily jerking the member as his knees wobbled. His eyes rolled up and he pushed his hips down instinctively, pressing his member further down against the back of his father's throat.

Carl reached up to massage and knead his son's behind, squeezing the flesh in his fingers as the boy pulled back and thrust down again, his breath hitching in his throat. He knew his son was get particularly animalistic in his pleasure: in fact, he was counting on it. He curled his tongue around against as best as he could and squeezed tightly, applying some extra suction to the boy's member. His fingers probed the Pikachu's behind and eventually moved towards and press against his tight entrance, testing just how tight it was. Wes bowed his head, idly licking his father's cock as he began to hump in earnest, his hips thrusting up and down over his father's face, his yellow fuzzy balls lightly bouncing off of his father's snout.

"O-Oh fuck, I'm...I think I'm gonna...!" It didn't take Wes long until he was already reaching his peak, but Carl had a long way to go yet. Despite that, Carl closed his eyes and felt his son shudder in utter ecstasy his his thrusting slowed and stopped. Thick globules of cum deposited themselves in Carl's throat and he quickly gulped down them, readily accepted another load. Wes had plenty to give, as every boy in his prime does, and it took him a good half a minute or so until he was finally done. He felt utterly spent, and even a little empty. The pleasure had been exquisite, and his knees wobbled in exertion. Slowly, he pulled his hips back and the final remnants of his orgasm dribbled down lazily onto his father's snout.

"Oh god..." Wes groaned tiredly, and he rolled off of his father to lay on the bed next to him, taking in deep gulps of breath. It was a good thing he owned a double bed, or else there'd be no room for the both of them. Slowly, Wes closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Just as he was about to relax, he felt the looming weight of his Father over him, and his eyes opened wide in surprise.

"I'm not done yet!" Carl smirked, reaching down and grasping his son's legs, yanking them up and spreading them. Wes felt his hips leaving the soft surface of his bed, only to be replaced with his own pillows, giving his rear end some height. He could think of only one reason why, and he gulped nervously as the thought.

He watched as Carl stick a finger or two into his mouth, lathering them up with spittle, before he brung them down between the Pikachu's legs. There, he probed the entrance with a finger or two, briefly gauging the right angle before he pressed his index finger against the tight hole. Wes gritted his teeth and his rear end opened up to accept the digit. He felt a peculiar place inside his rear end open up, and he felt a pang of discomfort, which was quickly replaced by a soothing pleasure.

"That feels..." He rolled his head back and sighed in pleasure, his toes curling in delight. Carl smirked.

"How about this?" He asked, and Wes suddenly felt a sharp stab of pleasure that made his entire body tingle, as Carl's finger curled up to pressed at the 15 year old's prostate. The Pikachu wriggled and let out a groan of pleasure, which was greeted by a chuckle that came from Carl's mouth.

"Alright, you seem pretty okay. You ready?" The Raichu asked, leaning his head down to dribble spittle onto his cock from a distance, using his free hand to lubricate his thick, pulsing member. Wes anxiously nodded, and Carl smirked, before he leant forwards.

"Just tell me if it hurts, okay?" Carl asked, and Wes nodded once more. The weight of his father was over him, and after a moment, he felt his rear end opening up once more, accepting something a lot larger, and a lot thicker than a finger.

Immediately, he felt a stab of discomfort, but just like with the finger, it was soon replaced with a wave of pleasure that made his body tingle. He felt the cock sinking into him. Deeper and deeper it went, inch by inch, until the thick member was pushing up against that sweet, sensitive spot inside him again, making him shudder and groan.

Just as he was about to speak, he felt a mouth upon his eyes, and his eyes widened in surprise. His father was kissing him, and he found himself melting into it, pressing up against him and arching his body. He felt the wetness of a tongue against his lips, and he opened his mouth to greet it. Carl took the invitation and pushed his tongue into his son's mouth, worming his fleshy appendage around as his hips plunged deeper and deeper.

Carl kept going until his cock was firmly embedded in his son's behind, every inch of his member inside the 15 year old's stretched entrance. His tongue continued to roam and push, tasting every surface of his son's mouth as his hands reached for Wes's own, pulling them up and forcing them down against the best. He heard his son moan his approval through their kiss, and felt those ankles lock around his waist. Slowly, the Raichu pulled back, and his member slipped steadily from his son's behind, an inch at a time. Then, he thrust down, and Wes let out a weak gasp.

"F-Fuck!" The Pikachu cried out as Carl parted their kiss, if only to change tact and explore his son's neck. His thrusting was loose and carnal, spurred on by years of abstinence. His hips ploughed down against his son's behind, his hefty nutsack rapidly bouncing off of the fuzzy, yellow-furred behind. With every other thrust, Wes groaned his approval, and that only encouraged the Raichu to thrust harder and faster.

"Y-You like that, son? You like me being rough?" Carl panted, the sticky, wet sounds of their sex steadily growing wetter and wetter, as the Raichu's pre-cum joined with his thrusts to create thick, wet 'splats' with each powerful thrust.

"Fuck me, D-Daddy!" Wes groaned out, and those words encouraged Carl to give it his all. The bed creaked and wobbled with their powerful thrusts, the head of the bed slamming against the wall as the Raichu rocked back. He slowed down considerably, resorting to hard, powerful thrusts that made Wes groan in delight each time. Soon, he felt a familiar pressure in his loins, and he knew what it signified. He traced his mouth up again and wormed his tongue into his son's mouth for the final time, thrusting forwards with all the power he could muster.

His orgasm hit him hard, and his cock powerfully throbbed inside his son's behind, pulsing and twitching from years of pent-up desire. A thick rope of cum erupted from the end of his member, splattering his son's insides with a thick layer of sticky cum that shot back, coating the Raichu's own member in seed. Another rope soon joined it, and Wes felt a warmth emanating from within that would have made him go weak at the knees, if he were standing up. His father grunted above him, still roaming his mouth with his thick tongue, his heavy weight pressed upon his son's lanky frame.

His cock never seemed to stop, continually spurting thick ropes of cum that steadily behind to die down into weak strings, until inevitably, his orgasm faded. The two panted tiredly, covered in sweat, the sexual tension in the room dwindling into nothing. Carl slowly pulled back as the cum seeped from his son's behind, dribbling onto the bed in a steady, slow stream. He rolled onto his back and the bed creaked with his hefty weight, his half-limp cock coated in cum, his balls splattered with a mixture of pre-cum and sweat. Wes crawled up to his side and cuddled into him.

"I love you, Dad." Wes quietly murmured, and Carl put an arm around his son, sighing tiredly.

"You too, Son. Now, uh, what do you want for dinner? We got Chicken, Steak, Fish..."

"Is now really the time?"

"...Probably not."

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