The Christmas Party

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"Thanks for coming! Let me take your coat."

The last of the guests handed their large winter coats over to the hostess, and made their way deeper into the house, mingling with the various other invited guests. They laughed and talked over glasses of cherry and wine, occasionally taking from the buffet table of 'nibbles' and snacking on anything they found delectable, of which there were numerous options. Outside, the snow gently drifted down onto the cold ground below, forming a layer of fluffy snow that would settle until the morning light.

This was probably one of the most peculiar Christmas parties that the neighbourhood had ever had. It wasn't the contents of the part that made them curious, but it was who was hosting it. Mr. and Mrs. Wells, a couple who had, for the most part, been neither seen nor heard since they had moved into the area. They had been the source of a great deal of speculation since they had moved in a little over 2 years ago. Whenever the door was rang to offer them welcome baskets of fruits and chocolates, no-one ever came to answer the door. In fact, for the majority of the time, they had quite literally been unseen, leaving them open to even more speculation. Most assumed they had worked, but whenever they watched to see if they drove out in the morning, they always came out from the garage, unable to be seen from within their car.

Then, out of the blue, most of the residents on the street had received a letter through their door, inviting them to a Christmas party at their house, merely 3 days before Christmas Day. For most of the street, they saw this as a chance to dig up dirt. After all, the majority of them were middle-aged housewives and house-husbands, with nothing left to do but create gossip and sit around a table for book club. Their respective partners were high earners, which granted them the luxury of rather lavish homes and plenty of extra spending money. The Wells' house had been one that had been coveted by the majority of the hobby interior designers of their little 'street gang', and now that they were inside, they were scrutinizing it.

It was almost as lavish as they had anticipated. After stepping in through the front door, they were greeted to a sleek, minimalist wooden staircase that lead up to the rooms above, and there was an obvious sign and rope put across the bottom of the staircase to forbid anyone from going up. Down the side of the staircase was a long corridor, and the guests could easily catch a glimpse of the sleek, modern kitchen as they were ushered into a vast living room. There, a buffet table sat up against the wall closest to them, and a fire crackled in the fireplace on the opposite wall. To their far right was a set of ceiling-high glass windows, overlooking a beautifully tended to garden, with it's own stone path leading to a wooden bench at the far end.

Of course, the house had other facilities: there were two bathrooms, one on either floor, and the bedrooms seemed to be mostly upstairs. Another room sat on the bottom floor that was labelled as a study, but people were obviously forbidden from entering. What seemed to be the source of rumours were the contents of the rooms: many of the guests slyly snooped on the things that occupied shelves, books that ran on bookcases, and so on. They had already begun to build up a profile of the people who lived in the house, but it would all be confirmed when they finally spoke to them. That was the game they played, and they sincerely enjoyed it.

Of course, the minute the guests had been in the home, the couple were bombarded with questions about their lives. What jobs did they have? What did they do in their spare time? Where were they born? Why hadn't they planned on having children?

The answers they had received more than impressed them in some regards, and worried them in others. For one, Mr. Wells-- A grizzly, grey-furred canine whom they found out was named Samuel-- was a man of few words. He answered every question with a curt and short response, and the longer those questions became, the shorter his responses. He obviously kept his personal life a secret, but he at least answered a few of their questions honestly enough. When asked about his profession, he told them he worked in IT. He refused to specify what his role was, and that left the others to speculate whether he was a CEO, or just a 'grunt' worker. Any questions about where he'd come from or how he'd come to meet his wife were dismissed with bland, vague responses.

His wife Clarissa, however, had been more than honest with her responses, and she was thankfully left to fill in the blanks. She was a canine, much like her husband, but her fur with a rich blond colour, similar to that of a Labrador, and black hair framed her face and muzzle. She told those who asked that she worked in Real Estate, and made a great deal of money in commissions from selling high-end houses in the city. She had met her husband when he was seeking a home of his own, and the two had hit it off. She couldn't provide many details of where her husband used to live before, but she at least told them he didn't originate from this country. The guests had been surprised, of course: his accent didn't give anything away. In fact, he sounded just like the rest of them. When asked why she didn't have any children yet, she cleared her throat and had dismissed the question. The guests could only assume it was a personal matter, and one that was a touchy subject. Despite their eagerness to snoop, they knew better than to upset a woman.

And so, the party continued, and they talked amongst themselves, enjoying their glasses of expensive wine and the rich flavours of the food before them. If there was one thing they knew, it was that Samuel clearly disliked these sorts of get-togethers. He had avoided any kind of social conversation like it was the plague, and spent most of his time over by the windows, brooding over a glass of whisky.

It was true, of course. Samuel hated socialising. The most he could stomach at the best of times was his wife, but even that was rocky at the moment. He had put her off doing this sort of thing for a couple of years, and she had been kind enough to hold off for that long, but it was around this time of year that she had put her foot down, insisting they needed to get to know their neighbours. He had allowed it, albeit begrudgingly. If he could get through the night by avoiding people, then that would be enough. He didn't care if they disliked him: they weren't part of his job. Perhaps that might have been some selfish thinking, but it didn't matter to him either way.

Something caught his eye when he finally glanced over towards the party guests: a child. For the most part, the guests had left their children at home to be babysat by their respective older siblings, or by a professional babysitter, but one couple in particular brought their child with them. Samuel remembered overhearing their conversation, dismayed about how they couldn't find a babysitter, whilst trying to usher the boy into going and doing something else. They had even asked his wife if she had anywhere to 'put him', like he was a coat that looked unruly. The thought made his stomach turn.

There was a reason he and his wife had not yet had children, and it was a medical condition. His wife was sterile. Whilst it had hit them pretty hard a year or so ago, the two of them hadn't looked back on it. His wife had her ways of coping: notably, she had poured herself into her work and insisted the lack of a child was a good thing, as it meant she could build up her career. She had made an mountain of excuses, but Samuel saw through them all: he knew she was hurting. He had no words to comfort her, and had let her get on with his life. In truth, Samuel wasn't even sure if he was fit to be a father. Still, he didn't like to see a child being so deliberately neglected or tossed aside, just to make their night easier.

The kid was only on the cusp of his teenage years, by the looks of it. He looked no older than 14, and had obviously been forced to dress for the occasion. He was a Lizard of some description: a little less than a Dragon, considering the lack of wings, but had a similar facial and body structure. Samuel had caught him tugging on the collar of his tight winter sweater every so often, whilst holding a glass of fizzy drink in his hands. He seemed to not know where to put himself and was clearly at odds with the others in the room, to lingered by his parents, who were frustrated that he didn't go somewhere else. With a sigh, the older canine took his eyes of him and went back to looking out the window.

"So," Someone spoke from behind him and moved to stand at his side. "Doing anything special for the new year? Visiting your folks or something?"

"No." He replied simply. Samuel knew this woman: Elizibeth Burtress, a known gossip and probably the 'head honcho' of their group. He knew better than to give her any information to spread, and thankfully, his wife had had similar ideas as well.

He didn't even bother looking at her, but he knew she had faltered when his response had been short and dismissive. She spluttered over her drink for a moment, before finally retreating and leaving him to himself. A smile tugged at the canines lips as he raised his glass to his lips, taking a small sip.

His ears perked when he heard the sound of an almighty smash, and the tinkle of glass. The room fell silent, and his head turned to regard the scene from a distance. If he had to guess, the young teenager had dropped his glass, and notably spilt the drink over his front. Samuel couldn't even begin to guess how that had come about, but all eyes were on him. His mother raised her head and gave them all an awkward grin, but her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she bent her head low to hiss angrily at the boy, who hung his head. Samuel glanced to the left to see his wife looking at him, tilting her head and making motions. He sighed through his nose.

Setting his glass down, he strode across the room into the hall, as the murmuring of voices picked back up again, albeit slowly. He hear the effeminate tones of his wife trying her best to encourage them as he opened up the side cupboard under the stairs, grabbing a long-handled brush and dustpan. He strode back through into the main living area, but not before grabbing a towel off the rack.

The scene was roughly the same as it was before, but the guests had kept a firm circle around the teenager and his mother. His father was standing off to the side, murmuring something to the other male guests and sipping a drink. Samuel parted through the crowd and stepped closer.

"Leave him." He spoke in a low, authoritative manner, and it was enough to made the mother raise her head, and her lizard eyes to bulge in surprise. His withering gaze was enough to make her back off, and he glanced down at the boy. He could see the teenager's hands trembling and his lips moving as he silently muttered something to himself. Wordlessly, Samuel moved the broom around his feet, twisting the handle around to scoop the glass up from around him and sweep it up loosely into the dustpan. With that, he leisurely tossed the towel down and let it soak up the fizzy drink. That didn't concern him too much: the floor was laminated, so it wasn't going to soak through or stain.

"Follow me," He muttered to the boy, who snapped his gaze up, his eyes wide. Samuel didn't read his expression as he swept across the room and back towards the kitchen. He briefly glanced behind him as he went to see the teenager was following him.

He tossed the remnants of the glass into the bin as he loosely gestured with his hand, leaving the brush and pan to the side and stepping through a side door in the kitchen that somehow lead back through into the hallway. He strode across towards the door, and as he turned to unhook the hope across the stairs, he caught the boy's fearful expression. His own brow wrinkled.

"What?" He crudely snapped out, which made the lizard wince.

"You're not kicking me out?" He asked tentatively, and that made Samuel frown even more.

"No. I'm not cruel." He hooked the rope over towards the other side to allow him access, and he gestured once more, striding up the wooden steps. He heard the padding of the boy's feet behind him as he made his way up, but it was further behind him. He knew the kid had lingered, if only for a moment.

Samuel wasn't leading anywhere untoward, of course. The tall canine strode into his own private bedroom and began rifling for his drawers as the teenager lingered in the hallway. When Samuel finally looked up, he saw the boy's gaze lingering on something in particular. He followed his stare and realised he was looking at the unkempt double bed on the far weall.

"Forgot to tidy. Guests aren't meant to be up here." Samuel explained vaguely as he pulled a T-Shirt from the drawn, examining it at arm's length, before striding over and holding it over the boy's chest. He twisted and tilting his head, before letting out a small snort of satisfaction. He gestured, and the teenager stood there for a moment, clueless.

"Take off your jumper, and shirt. They'll be damp and sticky." Samuel had to explain, and the lizard seemed to understand, finally pulling his top over his head. Samuel's eyes lingered on the boy's body, drinking in his unrefined muscles, the lack of any definition and his rather lanky posture. The teen briefly caught him staring, and he quickly averted his gaze, holding the shirt out.

"I never caught your name." Samuel pointed out absently, and heard a muffled grunt in response as the boy tugged the shirt over his head. It was clearly a few sizes too big for him, but it would at least do, for now. The warmth of the house would be enough to stop him from getting too cold.

"Oliver, sir." The boy replied, his voice wavering slightly. Samuel could tell he was nervous, and his accent made it clear he'd had a proper upbringing thus far. He looked timid and meek, and he saw the way he shrank from his parents at any given point. He felt his blood go cold at the insinuation that he was given any sort of unfair treatment. Perhaps that was just the budding parental figure in him who felt that way, but it felt...right.

"Oliver. Right. Look, I'm no sir, so you don't need to do any of that," Samuel assured him, glancing back towards the bed, and quickly making his way over to try and adjust it a little. "...I get the feeling you dislike parties."

"Not...Not parties, as such, but..." He trailed off, and the canine got the impression he didn't want to say something he would regret.

"You just don't like your parents snobby friends?" He guessed, and Oliver's eyes widened in surprise, before ashamedly nodding his head. Samuel sighed through his nose and patted the bed, indicating that the boy should at least take a seat. Oliver made his way over and sunk down against the soft mattress, resting his elbows on his knees. Samuel took a seat beside him, resisting to urge to put an arm around his shoulder and soothe him.

"I don't blame you," Samuel began. "I know the rumours. People have been itching to come here for years because they want to dig up gossip. They're not good people. There's truth in the saying; 'Money Corrupts'."

He glanced down at the teen to see Oliver eyeing him with a renewed interest. Obviously, the both of them shared similar views in the matter, but the pair of them were too polite to say it to their face, for their own different reasons. He could see the lizard visibly relax beside him.

"My Mother's such an uppity...bitch." He added the last word in a meek whisper, as if she might be able to hear him. Samuel snorted through his nose.

"She sure seems like a piece of work. How old are you anyway? 14? 15?"

"15." The teen pointed out, and Samuel slowly nodded.

"In this kind of 'lifestyle', you just have to stay on their good side until you see a way out. When you do, take it, and you'll be better for it." The canine assured him, but frowned when he saw the boy shaking his head.

"My Father already has me lined up for a place in his pharmaceutical company." He muttered, and his expression darkened at the thought. Samuel sighed hard again; it was a tough call. He wasn't the kid's father, and he certainly couldn't give him advice on the subject when he hadn't gone through a similar experience. That, and he didn't want to consequences of the boy's actions to inevitably fall on him when it didn't quite work out.

"What do you do, anyway?" The kid asked, and Samuel cleared his throat.

"IT. I run a Cyber Security company." He could trust Oliver with what he considered his 'secrets'. Though this wasn't much of a secret in itself, he certainly didn't want word of it spreading to the neighbours, or they might try and line him up with extra work. He couldn't bear the thought of having them coming around to the house every day to help with them security for their own companies or personal computers. They were insufferable as it was, and he already made good money without them.

"Cyber Security? You mean like, firewalls and stuff?" He questioned, which caused a smile to tug at the man's lips.

"Sort of. We essentially consult businesses on how best to protect their assets. Things like where the worst entry points are, where they need to cover up and apply extra security...we also occasionally hold a few servers for some clients so that their data is secure." He explained it as loosely and as succinctly as possible. He'd had a lot of practice smoothing over clients, so it was relatively easy to explain what his job was about without using too much terminology that might confuse people.

"Oh, right. That sure sounds important..." Oliver noted absently, glancing down at his hands.

"A lot of jobs are, you know." Samuel pointed out, which elicited a small nod from the teenager in response. The adult couldn't resist any longer, and he reached over, putting an arm around Oliver's shoulders. He felt the teenager tense considerably for a moment, before he slowly relaxed, leaning in against the canine's side.

He could hear the Lizard's heartbeat. He seemed to be pretty nervous, since his heart sounded like it was hammering in his chest. The canine couldn't imagine why at first, and then it eventually dawned on him. He could only assume that Oliver found him terrifying, or attractive. Considering the way the boy was relaxed against him, he had to assume the latter. He felt a tightening in his gut and felt momentarily uncomfortable.

In truth, Samuel and his Wife hadn't been intimate in a long time. Their work had left little time for romantic gestures, until eventually the magic wavered between them. They were still good friends, and still shared a house, as they had both agreed it was economically viable, but the two had divorced a year or so ago. They simply said they were married to keep up appearances. The neighbours were regrettably chatty, and if word had got out, it wouldn't have ended well.

They were silent, for a time. He could feel the teen fidgeting next to him, but he didn't attempt to do anything out of the ordinary. Neither of them wanted to break the thin tension between them. Of course, Samuel was attracted to Oliver. He knew it was wrong, and he didn't want to admit it either. Plus, taking advantage of an emotionally vulnerable child was not high on his list.

Finally, it was Oliver who took the first move. He could feel his head slowly sliding along his leg, tracing up his jeans and around to his inner thigh. Samuel's heart quickened and he let out a long exhale, watching that lizard hand creep closer and closer towards his crotch. He sucked in a breath and finally reached down to stop his hand, before it was too late.

He immediately felt the teenager shrink and pull away, tensing up against him, and Samuel quickly tightened his grip and pulled him back in, wordlessly encouraging him that it was fine.

"I need to close the door." He muttered quietly, and Oliver relaxed against him at the words, as if thankful he was not rejecting him. Samuel didn't know what he was thinking, taking the boy up on his silent offer for something more sordid, yet he found himself seizing the opportunity anyway, regardless of whether it got him into trouble or not.

He slowly stood and left the boy on the bed, moving over towards the door and gently closing it. The latch clicked into place and he turned a dial to lock the door, giving them some much-needed privacy. He heard a scuffling behind him, and glanced back to see the Lizard pulling his T-Shirt over his head, exposing the not-so-athletic chest once more. Samuel stood there for a moment, staring at him, feeling his mouth go dry. He swallowed his nerves and moved closed to join him back on the bed.

As he took his seat again, he could feel Oliver's hand sliding back into the position it was before, only this time, the intent was clear. Samuel slowly slid his own arm back around the other's shoulder, touching against his scales and feeling how soft they were under his fingers. He pressed his fingers a little deeper, feeling around the muscle of the Lizard's shoulder, and he slowly felt Oliver's hand finally enclose around his crotch.

The boy's hands were slender and gentle, but clumsy and inexperienced. He felt him likely probing and groping, but not always in the right places. However, it was definitely enough to stir Samuel's senses, and the canine groaned gently under his breath, his member pulsing underneath the touch. He hadn't been touched like this in so long, to the point where he was almost a little desperate.

Samuel knew he was hardening underneath the teen's touch, and he knew Oliver could feel his stiffening cock as well. The lizard's hand slowly traced up his crotch towards the waistline of his jeans. He popped the button with some degree of effort, and slowly pulled the zipper down. The jeans parted at the fly with ease, revealing the simple, black boxers underneath.

Oliver clearly couldn't resist himself as he tucked his fingers into the waistband of those boxers, and Samuel leant back slightly, resting back on his palm as he felt those fingers brush along his member. He groaned under his breath as he felt the fingers tuck underneath it and finally pull it into view.

There was a reason why Samuel had been a hit with the ladies, and sometimes the men, in his younger years. He was well-endowed. 8 inches of his humanoid member pulsed into view, drooping slightly as the blood slowly began to pump to his member. He could see the Lizard beside him was clearly in awe, and he watched as Oliver's hands dragged up to the head of his member, pulling the foreskin down to reveal the glans hiding beneath. Pre-cum oozed from the tip of his member in small, tiny dribbles.

Samuel hadn't jerked off in a while, and he felt a pang of worry when he realised he might not last very long. However, the pleasure he felt when the teenager's hand tightened around his member was exquisite, and he rolled his head back, sighing and closing his eyes. He felt movement from the side of him, and quickly raised his head back up to see the Lizard moving from beside him, shuffling onto his knees in front of the Canine. Samuel regarded him for a moment, before he slowly nodded.

Oliver didn't need any encouragement, and his eagerness was evident as his lips immediately enclosed around the head of the canine's member. Samuel knew that he at least watched some videos or had a fair grasp on sex, because he didn't immediately feel the prick of sharp teeth against his sensitive flesh. Instead, there was nothing but the intoxicating feeling of that warm, wet tongue rolling around his member, slathering every available inch. He felt one hand resting on the base of his member, whilst the other trailed further down, grasping his swinging balls in it's grip. The action caught Samuel by surprise, but it certainly heightened his senses.

"Don't stop." The canine murmured, and Oliver didn't plan to. He felt the teen's head bowing down in his member, the head of his cock sliding deep into the boy's maw and grazing along the roof of his mouth. Despite his knowledge, the inexperience became evident when he felt Oliver hesitate slightly as the member touched towards the back of his throat. He pulled back after a few seconds, and Samuel felt the boy's jaw tremble. He knew it would be difficult to keep the mouth open wide for so long, and he resigned to the idea of not letting the boy last too long.

Of course, he expected Oliver to know his limits, and he wasn't going to deny the teen what he was apparently craving. His member pulsed and throbbed as the lizard bowed his head as far as he could manage, allowing the head of that cock to gently kiss the back of his throat once more. He pulled back, and his hand squeezed and stroked the base of the canine's member, whilst he rolled his balls within his other hand, clumsily cradling the pair in his hands and feeling their intoxicating warmth.

It didn't take long for Samuel to feel that familiar pressure in his loins that he had grown accustomed to in his early years, and his chest began to heave, his stomach tucking in as he tried to hold onto it. He reached down to stroke Oliver's head, cradling his cheek as his cock twitched powerfully, oozing pre-cum into the boy's throat. Oliver looked up at him expectantly and seemed to notice his expression, quickly realising what was happening.

Regardless, it was too late. As Oliver pulled his head back, the canine was already orgaming in his mouth. A low, guttural groan escaped the adult's lips as a thick, viscous rope of cum spurted powerfully from the end of his throbbing head. The arc of cum splattered across the roof of the lizard's mouth and deposited itself unceremoniously on his tongue, trickling down towards the back of his throat as another hot spurt dared to greet it. Oliver was momentarily overwhelmed, and pulled his head back, quickly clamping his mouth shut to swallow as his grip tightened on the base of the man's member. That, unfortunately, only encouraged his orgasm to shoot out with his velocity, and the next string shot across Oliver's face, narrowly missing his eye.

"Wow..." Oliver mumbled in awe, opening his mouth again to catch the few, less powerful spurts that followed soon after. Samuel's breathing slowed as he gently stroked his thumb across the boy's head, round to the back and along his neck. He had desperately needed to release that pent-up energy, and the teen had done it in exactly the right way. He eventually leant back and exhaled hard through his nose, his cock still standing to attention, but drooping ever so slightly. He was spent, and it might be a while before he'd be back to attention again.

"Thanks, Oliver. I...uh, really needed that." Now that it was all over, he couldn't help but feel a tight feeling in his stomach, like a rock weighing him down. He knew what it was: guilt. After all, he had effectively cheated on his wife with an under-age boy. That was a scandal, if he'd ever heard of one.

"Listed, uh, you won' know?" Samuel asked tentatively, feeling his heartbeat beginning to quicken. Part of him was scared this might get out, whilst the other was cockily arrogant, insisting that the boy wouldn't utter a word about this. Oliver's expression didn't give much hope: he looked to have some mixed feelings of his own.

Slowly, the Lizard got to his feet, and his hands drew to his own waist, popping the button on his slim-fitting designer jeans. Samuel's gaze immediately snapped down to watch as the waistband of his pants slipped past his lithe, boyish hips, revealing the loose boxer shorts hidden underneath. The tenting on his underwear was plainly obvious, yet Samuel felt his mouth go dry as the possibility that he might get to see what's underneath. He didn't have to wait for long: Oliver briefly lingered his hand over the waistband, hestitating, before yanking the front down in a confident tug.

Samuel's eyes lingered on the boy's member, taking it in in all it's glory. He was average, for his age: having almost come into his prime, the lizard's member stood at roughly 5 or so inches in length, perhaps even 6. It was humanoid, much like the canine's own, and he could see that the head was moist with the teenager's considerable pre-cum. He finally drew his eyes up to Oliver's face, and saw that he looked apprehensive.

"I-Is it okay?" The reptile asked quietly, and Samuel reached forwards, hooking him in by the waist. Sensing a change of position, Oliver quickly stepped out of his pants, pressing his bare feet down into the carpet, as just about every Beastkin didn't wear shoes. Samuel tugged Oliver a little closer and the lizard settled into the older man's lap, his face flushing with embarrassment. His smaller member lined right up against the Canine's own, their cocks pressing together. Oliver was fully aware he was nude, but Samuel didn't care. In fact, it made the situation all the more appetising.

"It's wonderful. You shouldn't feel so self-conscious: you're in incredible shape for a kid your age." Samuel murmured, his mouth tracing down along the lizard's neckline, his lips lightly grazing across his shoulder and down to his collarbone. The boy shivered in delight against him, wrapping his arms around the Canine's neck and curling his fingers around the back of his neck.

Samuel slowly rolled his hips up, pushing his own member up against the reptile's own. All guilt and anxiety had melted away from his body, replaced with the skin-tingling sensation that came with an uncontrollable desire. His hands roamed, touching the boy's body, tracing along his smooth scales and up his spine, following the small dips and bumps of his spine all the way up to his neck. His body was certainly bordering on a masterpiece, and it was taking every ounce of the Canine's willpower not to roll him over and take him. He knew the teen wasn't ready for that just yet.

He could hear the Lizard groaning and breathing shakily against him, clearly unused to the feeling of being touched in such a lust-driven way. Each tender movement was met with a brief tensing of the muscles and a quivering gasp. Their gentle, gyrating sex was tantric, filled with passion and the need to explore one-another's body. Even Oliver's hands began to roam, caressing along his broad, adult shoulders and down towards his chest. Samuel briefly realised he still wore his sweater, and quickly reached down to remove it.

Oliver took in the sight of his body, which looked chiselled by a god. He'd never seen another man naked before, not even his other father: the taboo of bedding a married man, coupled with the intoxicating excitement of his first sexual experience made him both nervous and curious. His fingers moved down, tracing the lines of the canine's muscles and curling around his chest. It was hard to tell just what type of canine he was. He didn't have the brutish-ness of a wolf, but didn't quite have the refined touch of a domestic canine, either. That mystery in itself was enough to drive his desire wild. The uncertainty of the unknown just made everything hotter.

Samuel regarded him quietly, watching with a silent gaze as those hands explored around his chest. His own hands had settled around Oliver's lithe hips, his thumbs gently pressing and massaging into the other's flesh as he watched the smaller twitching cock gently throbbing against his own. Slowly, he gripped him, rolling the two of them over, and pressing the lizard down against the plush, silky sheets.

Oliver spread his legs to accomodate the canine, tentatively glancing between his legs to watch as the canine finally removed his pants entirely, letting himself lean in, completely nude. The two of them were naked now, and there was no time for secrets. Oliver gulped down his nerves.

"I-It's my..." He began to murmur, and a gentle kiss along his neck made him pause, his muscles tensing. A small moan escaped his lips, which coaxing a dominating growl to escape the canine's mouth.

"I know." Samuel replied huskily, his hands roaming greedily, sliding down the lizard's body to cup around his cups, squeezing his rump. He felt the boy's ankles hook around his waist, locking him down against him. That was just fine.

Slowly, Samuel started again, his hips rocking down against the boy's body, his cock angled to the side and gently grazing against his inner thigh. He reached down, worming his hand around until he could finally get it into the right position. He hooked his fingers around the lizard's member, joining it with his own and holding them in place. Then, he thruat again.

Oliver let out a weak gasp and rolled his head back, overcome with pleasure and desire. His skin tingled and his body quivered against the Canine, his little cock throbbing and pulsing against the 8 inch member pressed up against his own. Samuel tilted his head up, tracing his mouth along the boy's cheek, until their lips finally met. He opened his mouth and pushed his tongue against the Lizard's maw, and Oliver opened his own for his tongue to greet him.

Their tongues wormed together, caressing one-another and curling around. Samuel pressed his mouth deeper, tilting his head to lock their jaws together, ever so slightly, as his hips picked up speed. Oliver continued to quiver, moaning into his lover's mouth as his hands settled around Samuel's neck, dearly holding onto him as if he were the last thing in the entire world. The older man propped himself up with his free hand whilst he firmly clenched their cocks together, their balls lightly grazing and touching each other.

Their groans soon turned to pants, and their pants to gentle grunts of pure and utter ecstasy. Pre-cum oozed from the ends of their members, coating their cocks and Samuel's hand in a fine film of the sticky substance. Their breathing quickened as Oliver's toes curled down tightly, his tail flicking back and forth, bouncing between the canine's legs. His hips thrust up against the man, desperate for release. He was just about on the edge.

Samuel could feel him tensing up against him, and his movements slowed as Oliver thrust and buck against his body. The cock throbbed against his own and he felt the small dribbles of the teen's orgasm. Most of it had splattered onto his own stomach, but a few stray strings hit the end of Samuel's member and occasionally dribbled down far enough to reach his fingers. The lizard groaned quietly beneath him, panting harshly. His chest was heaving, but it inevitably began to slow. Samuel pried his mouth off of the reptile's own and kissed along his neck in the reptile's post-orgasm bliss.

"Don't you need to...?" Oliver panted out, and Samuel smirked slightly, rolling over to lay on his side next to the reptile.

"There are ways." Samuel assured him. He reached over, gently pushed the reptile onto his side, and Samuel cuddled up to his behind, spooning him. Oliver felt a flush of embarrassment spread across his face as the canine's rock hard member suddenly pressed up and ground up against his behind.

Samuel knew he couldn't last long, of course, but it would at least make the moment meaningful. He had already worked himself up considerably from their frotting, after all. He curled an arm around the reptile as his cock settled in against the lizard's rump. The pre-cum that had collected up along the underside of his member was spread firmly along the reptile's behind as he rolled his hips up and down. Oliver groaned quietly under his breath with each movement, lightly pushing his hips back where he deemed it appropriate.

Samuel's pace picked up startlingly quickly, but it was only because he was already on the verge. That, and the boy's silky behind was enough to send him over the end. Daring to go further, he rolled his hips back and angled his member, suddenly pushing his thick, 8 inch cock between the boy's cheeks. Oliver tensed immediately and Samuel groaned at those cheeks squeezed against the head of his member. He wriggled his cock around until he found his mark, and he lightly probed the head of his member against the boy's behind, pushing at his pucker and gently spreading the entrance.

"You're not gonna, you know, fuck me, are you?" Oliver asked anxiously, and that elicited a small chuckle from Samuel's mouth. The canine leant in a little, stroking along the boy's neck.

"No. Just giving you a nice surprise." He muttered, dragging his hand back and quickly stroking along the base of his member, coaxing his cock to a quick orgasm. It didn't take him long: in a matter of moments, he felt that familiar pressure in his loins once more, and even Oliver was growing excited. The Reptile pushed back against him, enough for his tight pucker to briefly spread open and swallow a portion of the member. The sheer tightness of the behind, coupled with the canine's stroking, was enough to send him over the edge.

Samuel grunted under his breath and sighed as the knot of pressure inside him loosened, and a powerful throb spread across his member. A thick spurt of cum shot directly up into Oliver's behind, primarily spreading around the interior of his entrance and not spreading in particularly far. The new sensation was enough to make Oliver's skin tingle, and the strange warmth spreading across his behind made him groan gently.

The canine's cock throbbed gently against the reptile's slightly stretched pucker for a few more moments, before Samuel finally pulled back, slipping the member out from inside him and squeezing out the remnants of his orgasm between those cheeks, spreading the cum around as much as he could. He sighed, rolling flat onto his back and feeling that strange pit in his stomach forming again. It didn't feel as heavy as it had the first time, but it was still niggling at him, reminding him that he was making a grave error. He didn't want to admit that he was as Oliver rolled over to cuddle up to his side.

"...Can we do this again sometime?" The Reptile asked quietly, and Samuel glanced down at him.

"I don't know. I work a lot," He admitted. "And you have your studies, and so on."

"Oh, right...but I thought that..." Oliver trailed off, and he could tell that the boy was disappointed.

"Maybe you could some around on Sundays, or something. I don't work Sundays, but my wife does. We could disguise it as teaching you about business." Why was he even considering this? He knew he was making a mistake by even entertaining the idea, but he couldn't help but get excited at the prospect of doing this again, in a different setting. He knew his wife wouldn't complain if he'd move on and found someone else, but he knew she would go ballistic if he found out he was consorting with one of the neighbour's children. Not only it is a scandal, but it's also illegal. He felt an unfamiliar feeling in his stomach that wouldn't go away.

Oliver's eyes lit up beside him and he cuddled in deeper into Samuel's side, apparently pleased with the result. Samuel was secretly glad that the age of consent in their country was 16, or he'd be in hot water for a lot longer than he though. He anxiously glanced over to the door, before looking at back at the Reptile.

"We should get cleaned up and get back to the party. If we're gone any longer, people will start to suspect something." Samuel suggested, and Oliver only now seemed to realise they were at a party at all. He quickly got to his feet and began rooting around the room for something to dry himself off with. He turned to face Samuel and ask, but the canine was already tossing a towel in his direction, one that he usually kept in a drawer by the bed.

The canine got to his feet, tugging on his pants and pulling his sweater back over his head. Oliver got dressed soon after, and they made the bedroom look relatively presentable, before they made their way downstairs again. Samuel caught the eyes of his wife from amongst the crowd and she shared him a crooked smile, apparently glad that he had taken on the responsibility of looking after the boy and cleaning up the mess.

"Sorry, my son is a lot of trouble," Oliver's mother suddenly appeared at his side, taking the lizard by the arm. "We'll return the shirt, don't worry."

"I can buy shirts. It's no big deal. Your son is a good kid. Don't squander that." Samuel's reply was the same as ever: curt and dismissive. Oliver's mother looked momentarily shocked, and the canine shot a quick glance at the teenager, spotting the smirk on his face. A smile tugged at the corner of Samuel's lips, before he stepped over towards his wife, parting ways with the silently fuming mother.

"Was he alright?" His wife asked, snaking up to his side and putting on a good show of the two of them acting like a couple.

"Of course. A little shaken. His mother's a bitch." Samuel snorted, not really caring who heard them. His wife gawked at him for a moment, before chuckling under her breath.

"Behave, big guy. Go grab a beer from the fridge."

"Yeah, yeah." The canine replied begrudgingly. His gaze swept across the room and he caught the eyes of Oliver standing out from the crowd. For a split second, it felt like there were no-one else in the room, before a pat on his shoulder shocked him back to reality. His gaze faltered.

Samuel turned to gaze out the window as the snow continued to fall. Was this the start of something new and exciting, or something that could end in tragedy?

Who knows?

Midnight Dare

At the Shady Acres Summer Adventure camp, a small group of boys chuckled and giggled inside a warm, spacious cabin. The lights were dimmed down low so that they didn't arouse suspicion. The cubs sat around in a circle, all of them boys, huddled in the...

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Humiliation #8

"Alright, we're here. Come on." A chorus of squeals erupted from the back seat of the gun metal Land Rover, and Wolfy groaned under his breath as he pulled the handle on his side of the car. He slipped from his seat as his sister, along with her two...

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The Mystery Box

It was a particularly warm summer afternoon, and Kiddy let out a long sigh as he felt the warmth of the sun on his face and fur. Wearing nothing but a loose T-Shirt and shorts, the rather bored and lonely 13 year old made his way down the concrete path...

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