The Mystery Box

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It was a particularly warm summer afternoon, and Kiddy let out a long sigh as he felt the warmth of the sun on his face and fur. Wearing nothing but a loose T-Shirt and shorts, the rather bored and lonely 13 year old made his way down the concrete path not too far form his home. His intention was to go somewhere that he always enjoyed hanging around, at whatever time of the year: the park.

Foxes were known for their particularly friendly and lively personalities, so it was no surprise that Kiddy enjoyed getting invested with some of the younger kids at the park. In fact, he often found himself fitting in better around boys a good 3 or 4 years younger than him, compared to the sophisticated and maturing 13 year olds that he was forced to endure at school. Regardless, he always found solace playing around in the park, which sported a manner of apparatus designed to give children a good time.

As he rounded the corner, the fenced off playing area came into view, and Kiddy quickly crossed the road to get closer, his eyes scanning across the climbing frame and wooden 'castle' to see if he could spot anyone he remembered. In truth, as much as he enjoyed playing around in the park, he found it difficult to pluck up the courage to join in sometimes, and often simply sat back and watched others play. This time, however, he was determined to do quite the opposite; he wanted to make a friend.

As his eyes scanned over the group of children playing around in the climbing frame, his eyes settled on a lone boy who was playing in the sandbox on the other side of the park. Kiddy could immediately recognise the boy as another of his own kin: a Fox, with dark grey fur and light, white patches. At a guess, he looked no older than 9, and seemed to be wearing similar casual attire to Kiddy himself: a shirt and shorts clung to his lithe, boyish body, and his feet were covered with bright yellow shoes.

It was then that Kiddy decided that he was going to try and make friends with this kid. He was no longer going to sit on the sidelines and wistfully watch, for fear of rejection. He stepped back and vaulted over the short metal fence with ease, before making his way across the grass and over onto the gravel.

He lingered by the sandpit for a moment and watched the boy; not because he was perverted, but because he was nervous. The grey-furred fox was happily humming away as he filled up a plastic bucket with sand, piling it in using a shovel he'd acquired somewhere. After a few moments, the 9 year old finally picked up that someone was watching him, and he raised his head, beaming up at Kiddy with startling grey eyes.

"Hi! Wanna play?" He asked in such a friendly manner that Kiddy was caught momentarily off-guard, and quickly obeyed. He settled himself down onto his knees opposite the boy, who held out the shovel for the other Fox to take.

"C'mon! Let's build a castle." The fox insisted, and Kiddy was one again startled at how friendly the boy was. Most other kids his age might have at least been apprehensive about a 13 year old wanting to come play with them, mostly because some of them had older siblings who were likely bullies to their younger brothers and sisters.

"So, uh...what's your name?" Kiddy asked, as he took the shovel and began to scoop sand into the bucket with a little more finesse than the other Fox.

"Starky! Who are you?" The cub replied, and Kiddy snapped his gaze up, just for a moment.

"Kiddy." He replied with an awkward grin, and the 9 year old beamed back at him with all the friendliness he could muster.

The two of them actually got on particularly well, considering their age difference. They spent a considerable amount of time building sandcastles on the sandbox, which the younger fox had continually named 'Castle Starky' in comic fashion, before the two of them moved onto more energetic games, chasing each other around the park and attempting to climb trees. That, in itself, was a challenge for the pair of them, and neither of them were particularly strong or athletic. Neither of them could make it past the first branch.

As the day went on, the two began to grow tried, and rested on one of the benches on the far side of the park, their breathing heavy and their muscles aching. They had done a lot of running and climbing, but it all been good fun. The both of them were enjoying themselves, even if they were tired now.

"C'mon," Kiddy began, getting to his feet. "There's 1 more tree we haven't tried to climb."

The 9 year old bounced to his feet and dutifully followed the older Fox across the park, making their way around the climbing frame towards the large Oak tree at the far end of the park. It's base was surrounded by a sea of bushes, but the two of them were adventurous boys, and a little bit of foliage wouldn't hold them back.

"I'll go first." Starky insisted, and began to trudge his way through the bushes, mainly keeping his eyes on the tree in front of him. Kiddy watched him wade his way through the leaves, before the Fox suddenly disappeared from view, as if he'd been swallowed up.

"...Starky?" Kiddy called, feeling a stab of panic in his stomach.

"In here. Come check this out!" Starky called back, and Kiddy blew a sigh of relief. The older fox waded his way into the bushes until he felt a hand tugging on his thigh. With that, he crouched down, and was surprised at what he found.

They seemed to be in a small clearing inside the bushes themselves, hidden from view from anyone else in the park. What was most interesting was that Starky had stumbled across a sizeable box that was sitting in the small, cramped clearing. It was lined with steel, but the sides were mostly engraved and lined with peculiar patterns. It must be old, or at the very least expensive. It seemed to be roughly a metre or so in length, so it must hold a great deal.

"Woah..." Kiddy mumbled, crawling closer and caring little to the dirt that might be getting on his bare knees. He pops the catch on the box and hefts the lid open, letting it swing back so the two of them could view the contents inside.

Kiddy had not expected the box to be full of sex toys, and yet, there it was for the two of them to see. From small plugs to outrageously large dildos and bottles of lube, the trunk was full of a wide variety of sexual tools. Starky wrinkled his nose in confusion, but Kiddy was a little more aware of some of these tools, and he knew what the vast majority of them did.

"What are these?" Starky murmured in confusion, taking out a large dildo that he had to hold with two hands. Kiddy felt a lump rising to his throat when he saw the young Fox grabbing a hold of it, squeezing it in his little grip, and the older Fox quickly took it from him.

"They're, to help you feel good." He explained vaguely, and Starky didn't seem to understand, resting back on his heels and pouting a little.

"Can you show me?" The Fox asked, and a wide grin spread across Kiddy's face at the thought. He slowly nodded, and Starky looked pleased, patting his knees and wondering what they might begin with.

"First, you'll have to, uh...undress." Kiddy told him, and Starky looked a little wary, unsure whether he should or not. The older Fox leant forwards and placed his hand on the younger cub's knee, stroking up his body towards his stomach. The younger Fox leant back, his cheeks growing flushed as that brown-furred hand went under his T-Shirt, stroking his white-furred belly. Slowly, the T-Shirt rose up and went over his head, exposing his lithe, boyish figure, whilst the other hand toyed with the waistline of his pants. Soon enough, those were lowered too, slidding past the Fox's rump and being pulled off his body completely, exposing the tight blue briefs hidden beneath.

"We'll try these first." Kiddy reached into the box and pulled out a pair of handcuffs that were sitting right at the bottom. He reached forwards, raising Starky's hands above his own head, and he fastened the handcuffs on the Fox's wrists, keeping them firmly together. Starky let out a little whimper, but Kiddy encouraged him by stroking a hand along his crotch, applying pressure to his small member and feeling it weakly pulse beneath his fingertips.

After that, his hands delved into the waistband of Starky's underwear, and he slipped them down the boy's body, exposing him completely as he pulled them off his feet. He stared down at the young cub's twitching, humanoid cock, barely 3 inches in length. He was surprised to see the 9 year old looking rather erect, but the mere sight of it made his heart pound. A grin spread across his lips as he reached down into the trunk, rummaging around for something suitable.

He eventually pulled out a small dildo, looking no larger than 6 inches or so, that appeared relatively thin with a knotted base. It would do for what Kiddy had planned, and Starky watched him apprehensively, a meek grin on his face. Kiddy winked over at the younger fox as he grabbed a bottle of lube from the trunk, popping off the cap and oozing the liquid along the length of the member. Then, he set the bottle down and used his free hand to smear that sticky substance around, making sure to coat every inch of the dildo in the viscous, gooey liquid.

Then, he wordlessly reached down, grasping Starky's inner thigh and gently spreading the cub's legs apart to exposing his private areas even more. The younger Fox felt the colour rise to his cheeks, getting more and more nervous as Kiddy drew the dildo closer to his body, wondering why it needed to be all sticky, and where he planned to put it. He watched anxiously as Kiddy lowered the tip of the dildo down, pressing it against the taut, pink button that was classed as his entrance. Starky tensed up immediately and a whimper escaped his lips.

"Trust me. I'll go slow." Kiddy assured him, and that encouragement helped the younger Fox to relax a little bit. The tip of the dildo, which seemed to taper slightly like a canine's cock, smeared against that taut entrance and slowly began to push inside. Starky tensed up and his muscles squeezed around the soft silicon tool, but he slowly began to relax as it slid deeper and deeper. He felt a brief pang of discomfort, along with the peculiar feeling of being full, but he was soon met with a delightful feeling of pleasure that made him roll his head back and sigh through his nose. Kiddy was pleased that the boy was finally enjoying himself.

The dildo slid deeper and deeper, and Kiddy made sure to take his time with it, so that the poor cub didn't get injured. After taking half of the member, the Fox paused, before slightly pulling the dildo back. Starky shifted and watched between his legs, his small cock throbbing and pulsing weakly against his stomach as the dildo slid back, almost to the tip. Kiddy pushed it forwards again and sunk it deeper than before, making the younger Fox groan in delight, his eyelids fluttering and a pleasure swimming throughout his system. He had never experienced something to sweet in his young life, but he definitely didn't want this to stop anytime soon.

Kiddy slipped the majority of the dildo into his new friend's tight passage, but stopped when the knot dangerously pushed against the entrance. He didn't bother to try and get it to knot the boy, and instead chose to gently knead the dildo back and forth, sliding it an inch or two backwards and forwards, stimulating the younger Fox even further. Starky huffed and panted with delight, gentle moans escaping his lips, his toes curled and his breathing heavy. The dildo was pushing against a delightfully sensitive spot in his insides, giving him a pleasure that he'd never felt before.

"I feel funny..." Starky complained, but that only enticed Kiddy to slide the dildo in deeper, watching the young Fox struggle and groan in pleasure. Kiddy seemed to enjoy watching him pant and moan in delight, and he could feel the tension of his own erection pressing against the inside of his shorts, aching to be touched.

Kiddy slowly slid the dildo in harder and faster then before, watching the way Starky gasped and tensed as it brushed and pressed on his sweet spot. His toes curled and his chest heaved, his breathing growing more and more ragged. The older Fox could only assume that he was getting rather close.

Starky let out a small gasp, followed by a series of desperate groans of pleasure, as the pressure built up within his groin, making him squirm and groan in pure ecstasy. Kiddy knew he was close, and pushed the dildo in as deep as he could manage, gently kneading the silicon tool in and out for a few moments, just to send Starky over the edge. The young, 9 year old fox let out a whimper of pleasure and arched his back, groaning his approval as he finally reached his peak. A tiny dribble of cum oozed from the end of his convulsing, twitching cock, dribbling down his member and forming a small, tiny pool at the base of his cock. His cock continued to throb, even as Kiddy kneaded that dildo into his ass, and his muscles squeezed and gripped around the dildo with all the strength he could manage.

"You like that?" Kiddy asked with a smirk, reaching his hand forwards. He curled it around Starky's member and lightly stroked the humanoid cock, before scooping up the cum on one of this fingers. The younger Fox panted, his mouth agape, looking up at the tree above them as Kiddy leant forwards, dragging the boy closer. He brought the finger to Starky's lips and placed it into his mouth, and the younger Fox dutifully suckled and gulped the strange liquid down, the salty taste spreading around his mouth. His felt his cheeks grow redder in embarrassment.

With that, Kiddy pulled back, and reached down to slide the dildo from Starky's behind, not wanting to cause him too much discomfort. He placed it back inside the box, hoping to clean it up a little bit later. However, he had some ideas of his own, which were mainly going to involve his twitching, throbbing erection that was still achingly hard and demanding attention. He reached into the trunk and pulled out something else entirely: a mostly wand-like tool with a rather rounded end.

"What's that for?" Starky asked tiredly, and a smirk played upon Kiddy's lips as he unzipped his shorts, sliding them down a little bit, along with his underwear. His knotted vulpine cock quickly sprung into view, and the Fox settled back down, spreading his legs apart so he could get a good angle on his member. He wrapped his hand around it and groaned under his breath, before he twisted the wand in his other hand, pressing down on a button with his thumb. The wand began to rapidly vibrate, and the Fox licked his lips as he brought it closer and closer to his member, quivering with anticipation.

The vibrating wand met with his member, and he let out a quivering groan of pleasure as the strange sensation tickled his cock, stimulating it beyond his wildest dreams. He had dealt with such a thing before, but that didn't make it any less pleasurable. Starky watched in wonder as the strange device aroused the Fox, and his eyes centered on that knotted member, watching the pre-cum suddenly ooze down the cock's length. Kiddy knew he wouldn't last very long, and he wanted to do it in something, rather than letting it spurt all over the floor. He reached out and grabbed Starky's underwear, balling it up in his grip and holding it poised, ready for his climax.

It took very little time. Kiddy ran the vibrator up and down his member, from his base to his tip, and felt the pleasure build and build rather quickly. He rolled his head back, his chest heaving in delight as his toes curled within his shoes. He groaned under his breath, his balls tightening up against his body as he felt his orgasm reaching it peaks in barely a minute or so.

With that, he orgasmed, and he quickly placed the underwear over the tip of his member as he climaxed, spurting strings of cum into the young Fox's underwear. He coated it with his seed, his breathing heavy as he unloaded his aching, needy balls, and Starky watched in awe. He had never seen something so interesting before.

To avoid over-stimulation, Kiddy quickly shut off the wand and placed it back in the box, breathing heavily. He pulled his hand back, staring down at the string of cum that hung between the tip of his tapered vulpine cock and the blue briefs that were firmly in his grip. He gently unfolded them in his hands, exposing the cum that stained the front of it. Starky watched and wrinkled his nose as Kiddy brought his mouth to it and lapped some of the cum off of the underwear, before Starky leant down and did the same, their heads mere inches from one-another. Their tongues occasionally touched, and that was too distracting for them to continue. Kiddy eventually dropped the underwear and focused on the young Fox's mouth, the the two fell into a deep, passionate kiss, their tongues worming around.

Their lips eventually parted, and the two stared at one-another, rather ensnared with each other, just for that brief moment in time.

"I, um, I should go home," Starky said. "...Can we meet up here tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Kiddy beamed. Looks like he'd found a new friend.

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