Midnight Dare

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Commission for [iconname]Todeskiddy[/iconname]Pledge: PatreonDonate: Ko-fi

At the Shady Acres Summer Adventure camp, a small group of boys chuckled and giggled inside a warm, spacious cabin. The lights were dimmed down low so that they didn't arouse suspicion. The cubs sat around in a circle, all of them boys, huddled in the shielded light with a bottle sitting in the middle.

"Shh! We have to keep quiet, or else the grown ups will hear us." One of the kids murmured, a gray Fox who sported a mischievous, cheeky grin.

"Relax, Starky. They're probably at the campfire drinking, like they always are. They never come round a second time." The oldest of the group, a Fox with a rather laid-back disposition, drawled his own opinion of events, and the group fell into a hushed silence for a moment, before giggling again, a little louder.

There were 5 of them in total, and they had all been assigned to the same cabin. Their ages varied, of course, but their gender was all the same. The 5 of them had spent an awfully long time together, and were admittedly enjoying one-another's company, more than any of them expected for sure. One of those in their group, Nightshade, had been the hardest to coax out of his shell. The black snow leopard was rather reserved and isolated, but once he got to know the group of other cubs, he soon warmed up to them.

The others of the group were Wolfy, a 10 year old Husky/Wolf hybrid, as well as Starky, one of Kiddy's friends that he'd met in the park. Kiddy had initially been surprised to see Starky here, but it had made breaking the ice with the others a lot easier. Starky was always friendly, whereas Kiddy was always nervous to make new friends. They were a good pairing. The last of their group was Cal, a canine that seemed particular boisterous and charming, but ultimately vain and seemed to seek approval from the other kids in the same cabin. Of course, the young boy had been welcomed with open arms, metaphorically.

They all sat around a glass bottle that one of them had managed to pilfer from the cafeteria amidst their rather delicious dinner. After the main camp leader had come around to tell them to bunk down for the night, the cubs had patiently waited, before they gathered together in the floor between their beds, with the bottle in between them. Just about every child knew what this game was: Truth or Dare.

They all sat around, neither one of them brave enough to grasp the bottle and spin it around, but it was eventually Kiddy who decided to the plunge. Gripping the girth of the bottle in his teen grip, he spun it around, and it dully rotated around on the spot on the floor. It only made a couple of revelations, before it eventually stopped. Considering how many were playing, they know that there'd be gaps between people, so they simply moved it to the next person onwards. On this particular occasion, it had landed on Wolfy, and the rather shy hybrid's cheeks lit up with embarrassment when he realised it was upon him. As predicted, he had asked for a Truth, and was given a personal question in response.

This was one way of breaking the ice, but two of the group had already shared some sordid, intimate moments in the past. Kiddy and Starky, both foxes, had done a number of things together near where they lived, and they were relaxed enough around one-another to even say sexual things in company, though were careful to avoid it around their parents. It didn't take long for the two of them to begin asking some particularly sordid questions.

The bottle spun for what had to be the 20th or 30th time, and it settled in on Kiddy, who seemed surprised. It had not landed on him often, and this time, he wanted to do something excited.

"Dare." He puffed out his chest and sported a cocky little grin, feeling nothing but confidence flowing through his veins. Before anyone could think up something suitable, Starky had raised his hand, offering a suggestion of his own.

"I dare you to...let us tie you up on a chair!" It sounded innocent enough, but Kiddy's smile briefly faded for a moment, taken by surprise. He slowly gulped and straightened himself up.

"Alright. Deal." He got to his feet and moved into position, settling down on one of the wooden chairs that was in the cabin. Starky ordered the others around, despite being the youngest of the group, getting them to clamber around and gather ropes. They made their way around the seated Fox, tying the rope around his body and making him virtually unable to move, his arms firmed tied down to his sides. Starky had even gone the extra mile to tie some rope around his ankles, so that he couldn't get up.

Some of the kids were a little amused with it, whilst those such as Wolfy and Nightshade were a little apprehensive. Even Kiddy looked a little nervous, awkwardly grinning as he tried to move his arms and legs, vividly aware just how trapped he was. Though, he didn't have that much to worry about: he knew these kids, and they couldn't leave him on the chair forever. Satisfied, the kids settles down into a circle and spun the bottle again, letting it rotate on the floor.

The bottle shuddered on the floor and finally stopped on Cal, who grinned awkwardly, glancing over at Starky. The gray-furred Fox winked over at the young canine, and Cal felt a surge of courage coursing through his veins, so he puffed out his chest.

"Dare." He insisted, but his voice wavered, if only a little bit. The other cubs glanced to one-another.

"Sit in his lap." Nightshade suggested, and Cal seemed rather surprised, but obliged. He stood up and the older Fox grinned awkwardly as Cal moved into position, sitting down on the Fox's lap. Kiddy could feel the outline of his rump against his own legs, and his mind immediately wandered, imagining just how round and perky that cub's fine ass could be. His face flushed at the thought as he could feel the blood pumping in a certain direction. Thankfully, Cal was anxiously perched, rather than sitting comfortably directly on his lap, so the young cub couldn't feel his steadily growing erection just yet.

"Okay, I sat on his lap." Cal pouted, slipping off Kiddy's lap after half a minute or so, and settled back down in his original place. The bottle spun again as the group of them sat together, and Kiddy tried despreately to not let his erection show. He hoped to god no-one would notice.

The bottle settled down on Wolfy, who despite his nerve and usual shyness, actually had a remarkable amount of courage himself, feeling comfortable around his new friends.

"Uh, dare as well, please." He grinned sheepishly, and Starky was the one who met his dare with something rather peculiar.

"Touch Kiddy's bulge!" Starky giggled out, and Wolfy's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't expected something so lewd, and even Kiddy was surprised, awkwardly squirming in his seat.

"I...what?" He frowned, but Starky appeared adamant, madly gesturing in the older Fox's direction. Wolfy hesitated for a moment, before slowly getting to his feet, shuffling across the room in his pyjamas until he was standing in front of Wolfy. He could hear the giggles of the other cubs behind him, and felt his face burn with embarrassment.

Slowly, his hand moved lower and lower down, and Kiddy's breathing grew more and more heavy. The suspense was practically killing him, and he grew more and more agitated as the hand moved closer to his crotch. Eventually, he felt the fingertips brushing against the fabric of his pyjamas, and he let out a heated sigh as the fingers finally pressed down against his throbbing erection. The knotted member twitched against the fingers, and Wolfy's face flushed when he felt that weak throbbing against his hand. Just about everyone could see the damp, wet spot forming in Kiddy's pyjamas, a symbol of just how aroused he was. The young Fox looked a little embarrassed, however.

Shyly, Wolfy moved away and slid back into his seat, his face burning with a blush as the group fell into a small silence. Then, Starky started giggling, covering his mouth, particularly amused. The rest soon joined in after a little while, until the whole group of them were laughing a little, with Kiddy awkwardly chuckling from his restrained seat.

"Alright, let's see who's next." Nightshade suggested, leaning forwards and spinning the bottle. They listened to the quiet, dragging sound of the glass against the wooden floor, until it eventually shuddered to a halt, pointing right at Nightshade. The young feline raised his head, his blue eyes blinking in surprise, before a grin spread across his face.

"Dare, of course." He told them, and the room fell into a brief silence as they tried to think of something interesting.

"Pull down his pants." Wolfy muttered out shyly, and the rest of the group seemed surprised at such a lewd suggestion coming from Wolfy, of all things, who was always so innocent. Nightshade got to his feet and strode over without hesitation, but he lingered for a moment when his eyes finally centred on the wet spot on the older Fox's pyjamas. He tentatively looked up at the other's face, before looking back down at the spot. He leant forwards, slowly, and grabbed the hem of the other's pants, gently pulling them.

Kiddy shuffled awkwardly, trying to hoist up his hips so that Nightshade could slid them back his hips, revealing the shin crease of his inner thighs, travelling towards his crotch. The other cubs stared, almost longingly, at the Fox's upper pelvis, watching as Nightshade moved the pyjamas lower and lower, to the point where the member was obviously exposed, but angled awkwardly. However, as soon as the elastic waistband passed the tapered end of the cock, it sprang to attention, slapping lightly against the Fox's stomach. The sheer force of his erection springing to life was enough to make Kiddy shudder and lightly groan under his breath.

With that, the feline shimmied the pyjamas slightly further down, until they were sitting at Kiddy's ankles, cover the rope. The group fell into a small silence as they stared at Kiddy's twitching member, a good 6 inches in length and throbbing. It was desperate for attention, but no-one knew who was going to give it.

The bottle was spun again, and the glass container shuddered to a halt in front of Cal, who seemed rather surprised that it even landed on him at all. He grinned a little awkwardly, and Starky giggled, knowing already what he was going to ask.

"Stroke it! And kiss it, too." The young Fox blurted out before Cal could even suggest whether he wanted a truth or a dare. The canine's eyes widened and he nervously gulped, his gaze flicking towards the twitching member. He anxiously got to his feet and moved over towards Kiddy, crouching down in front of him. The other cubs moved to get a good look as the Canine placed his hand on kiddy's knee. The older Fox looked down at him, sheepishly smiling. He was a little nervous, but also rather tantalised at the thought of being jerked off.

"M-Maybe this is going a little far?" Kiddy suggested, but he seemed to be largely ignored, bar from worried looks from Wolfy and Nightshade in particular. However, the others continued to go through with it.

Slowly, Cal wrapped his hand around Kiddy's twitching canine member, and he felt it pulse and throb beneath his fingers. The strange warmth that spread throughout his hand was rather surprising, but what was more shocking was the obvious bear of pre-cum that formed at the tip of the member, already dribbling down onto the back of Cal's thumb. The canine slowly dragged his hand down and watched Kiddy squirm and delight, a shaky exhale escaping the Fox's lips as that small, delicate hand stroked down his member. The other cubs watched in earnest as Cal's hand begin in on a steady rhythm, slowly masturbating and stimulating the tied-up Fox, who wanted nothing more than to have his hands free and do something ultimately more sordid.

"Oh. Y-Yeah..." Kiddy murured quietly, his toes curling against the hard wooden floor as his member twitched and throbbed, the bulbous base occasionally swelling with each pump of blood that shot into his cock. Cal's hand clumsily dragged up and down, grazing across the Fox's sensitive flesh, with the base of his hand bumping against the fat, bulbous knot at Kiddy's base. The curious Canine raised his other hand up and slid his digits underneath Kiddy's balls, gently tucking the furred package and rolling the two small orbs around in his fingers. The tactile feeling of those nuts being fondled only heightened the older Fox's pleasure, making his panting more laboured, and his pleasure all the more sweet.

"Okay, stop." Starky suggested, and Cal snapped his hands away quickly, much to Kiddy's whining protests. The twitching cock spasmed and jerked mere inches from Cal's face, desperately requiring attention. The canine shuffled back and Kiddy let out a frustrated growl as everyone moved back into their original positions, as if he were nothing but a play toy.

"C'mon, don't blue ball me!" Kiddy begged, straining against the rope that held him in the chair, and Starky winked over in his direction, moving into position and spinning the bottle, shuddering across the wooden floor until it centred on the next person: Starky himself. The young Fox grinned from cheek to cheek, and the others seemed to giggle amongst themselves, already having an idea for what they wanted him to do.

"Stick your dick up his butt." Nightshade chirped, and Cal erupted into a fit of giggles, likely for the words 'dick' and 'butt'. Wolfy's face turned a ripe shade of red, and Starky beamed even wider. He hadn't expected such a sordid little dare, but he was definitely keen to do such a thing, and without hesitation. He got to his feet and made his way around, shedding his pyjamas as he went: the shirt went up and over his head, revealing the fluffy white fur of his chest and belly, and the slim figure therein. His pants shimmied off mere moments later, revealing the small, humanoid cock sitting between his legs.

Kiddy's eyes quickly ran up and down the young Fox's body. He had seen it before, on a number of occasions, and his heart still skipped a beat whenever he saw that boy's supple, naked body. He grinned wider and wider as the Fox came closer, until Starky was standing right in front of him, a smirk plastered across his face. He turned around and bent himself over, reaching around with his hands to spread his cheeks wide. Kiddy's eyes flicked down to the taut, pink pucker hidden between those cheeks, watching the way it periodically clenched and unclenched. He was eager for this.

Thankfully, Starky didn't keep him waiting for long. After a few moments, the cub was lowering his body down, until his ass was lined up perfectly with Kiddy's throbbing, knotted cock. His buns slid up and down the boy's pulsing member, whilst his muscles squeezed and clamped, applying as much pressure as possible. Kiddy groaned quietly under his breath and rolled his head back, trying to angle and push his hips up, desperate for pleasure, and for release.

The other cubs watched with a mixture of curiosity and arousal as Starky raised his behind up, positioning himself so that the knotted member pressed and pushed against his pucker, prodding and poking through his own volition. Kiddy let out quiet groans of protest until Starky finally gave him what he craved, lowering his rump down and feeling the tapered end of that member sinking into his behind. A gentle hiss escaped Kiddy's lips as he closed his eyes, relishing the sensation of those tight, silky inner walls around his cock. He felt every spasm and squeeze, and it only made the pleasure more and more acute.

Starky moved in a steady rhythm, at first. His hips lightly bounced up and down on Kiddy's lap, barely moving an inch or two each time. His hips rolled with each movement, squeezing around Kiddy's cock as he gently, lovingly milked his member. Kiddy desperate desired to touch the other Fox, to hold him tightly and dominate him as he normally would. This was very much a different kind of power play, and one that he wasn't sure he was in to. However, the sensation of a new position, and a new dynamic, was definitely making him more and more aroused, and his cock pulsed in delight at such an act.

"D-Don't stop..." Kiddy practically had to beg, unable to reach out and just take the Fox for himself. Starky seemed amused at just how pent up the older vulpine was, and that only made him more and more keen to drag this out as long as he could. There was something about making the older vulpine squirm that turned him on in such an intense manner.

Soon, the two were steadily gyrating against one-another. Starky's humanoid member was fully erect, all 4 inches bouncing up and down, slapping against his tummy and dipping down low with each powerful movement, his tiny balls swinging up and down as Kiddy gyrated desperately beneath him, his cheeky flushed with exhaustion and his breathing heavy. Starky rammed his rump down against the Fox's knot every time, but didn't dare to press further, in case of a knot. Kiddy, however, would have loved to have tied him in that very moment.

Kiddy began to feel the pressure build and build, and a feeling of utter ecstasy began to fill his body, coursing through his veins. He closed his eyes, groaning under his breath, his toes curling against the wooden floor, his claws scraping against the wood. He began to pant with more and more earnest, his groans growing more intense with each passing second. Then, finally, he found himself teetering on the edge. Starky only had to rock his hips for a couple of moments, and it was enough.

His orgasm rocked his body and he rolled his head back, moaning in pure and utter bliss. His cock throbbed powerfully in Starky's behind, before it spurted thick, wet globs of cum from the tapered end of his member, coating the inside of the young Fox's behind with his sticky seed. It seeped from the taut entrance, dripping down Kiddy's member and onto his knot, leaving their sex altogether sticky and moist. Starky sighed in pleasure, settling down on Kiddy's rump, lightly groping his humanoid member, his eyelids fluttering with pleasure.

"Wow..." Wolfy muttered, his face practically bright red, with showing no signs of stopping. Nightshade had covered his eyes long ago, whilst Cal had been watching, almost mesmerised by their love-making, to the point where he was sporting his own erection, tenting in his pyjamas. Starky looked momentarily embarrassed, before he cleared his throat and smoothed over his features, sliding off of his seat with a slick wet sound.

The room fell into an eerie silence, save for Kiddy's rather labored panting, coupled with Starky's own. The others were glancing between one=another, either grinning or looking nervous, before Nightshade finally got to his feet, stepping across the room and moving in behind Kiddy. He tugged and pulled, beginning to unravel the ropes so the older Fox could stretch his legs.

The orange-furred Fox, sighed with relied as he finally stretched his legs out and got to his feet, letting his half-erect, knotted member flopping around, back and forth, his member slowly shrinking back into his sheath. He rubbed the back of his head and set the chair aside, crawling into a cross-legged position on the floor and taking the bottle in his hands. With a rather strange confidence, he spun the bottle around. Everyone's eyes were on the bottle as it spun in a spot on the floor, in between the young cubs.

Much to his surprise, the bottle shuddered to a halt, pointing in his direction once more. Kiddy would have normally cursed his luck, but he certainly didn't mind it. He wasn't about to back down, after already such sordid encounters.

"Dare." He didn't even hesitate to say it, and the other cubs seemed rather happy that he was playing along. Starky would have normally been the one to come up with something lewd, but since all of them had 'loosened' up by now, they were all brimming with ideas.

"I dare you to lay on the bed and let us tie you to it." Cal quickly quipped, which drew the eyes of the other young boys, all of them twinkling with mischief. A smile spread across Kiddy's face and he sprung to his feet, moving over towards his own bed and flopping onto it on his front, shuffling forwards until he was sitting in a relatively decent spot. He hoisted his pyjama top over his head, leaving himself stark naked on the bed, his tail wagging back and forth, his perky cheeks squeezed together.

It was a joint effort to tie him down, with one of the cubs tying each limb to part of the bed to hold him firm, and Kiddy was once again greeted to the peculiar and tantalising sensation of being tied up. However, lying on his front only meant one thing, and he wasn't ultimately sure if he was yet willing to recieve. However, a dare was a dare: even with his unease, he wouldn't back down.

With his ankles and wrists firmly tied, and Fox raised his head and craned his neck back, trying to see the other cubs who were hovering around the bed, overcome with a mixture of arousal and curiosity. They glanced to one-another.

"Y...You're not going to keep me tied up forever, right?" Kiddy asked anxiously, and in return, he got a pat on the back from Starky, a wide grin across the boy's face. That didn't exactly put Kiddy at ease.

"We should use the bottle again." Nightshade suggested, and the others seemed to share the same view. They backed away from Kiddy, leaving him tied to the bed as they settled into seats on the floor. Kiddy couldn't see, but he could hear the dull sound of glass dragging across wood, and knew they were spinning the bottle.

The bottle shuddered to a halt, pointing in Starky's direction, and the Fox grinned from cheek to cheek, puffing out his chest. He announced that he wanted a dare, and the response was almost instant.

"Touch his butt." Nightshade blurted out, which started a fit of giggles in the 4 young boys. Starky bounced to his feet and padded over, still in the nude as he stroked his hands eagerly over Kiddy's behind, kneading the flesh with his fingertips. Kiddy giggled awkwardly, feeling those thumbs deliberately slide down between his cheeks and spread them apart a little, stimulation his tuat little pucker that was hidden away, out of view. His cheeks grew flushed with excitement, and even Starky was panting gently under his breath.

"Alright, c'mon, it's someone else's turn." Cal piped up, and Starky pouted, slowly returning to his seat as the bottle was spun again. The four of them watched in earnest as the bottle slid around, before it inevitably stopped, pointing in Wolfy's direction. The hybrid looked surprised and stared down at his feet, nervous.

"D-Dare." He responded quietly, and the others grinned.

"Put your dick in his butt!" Starky announced with an air of grandeur, and Wolfy's head snapped up, his eyes wide. He hadn't expected that kind of response, but a dare was a dare. He shakily got to his feet, padding over towards the bed. Nervously, he hovered next to Kiddy, glancing between the Fox's face and his behind. Eventually, his shimmied out of his pants and top, until he was completely naked. It was obvious how hard he was, his erect member twitching in the air, desperate for some form of attention.

He climbed up onto Kiddy's body and got himself into position. The Fox wriggled beneath him, briefly nervous: after all, none of them really had any lubricant. It didn't look as if they needed it, however: Wolfy had enough common sense to spit down on his member and lube it up, much to the surprise of the other cubs, who thought he was sexually clueless. The hybrid pointed his member down and slid them between those cheeks, visibly shuddering from the pleasure of his cock sliding between those perky cheeks. He moved around a little until his cock finally found it's mark, and he pushed.

A hiss escaped his mouth as the head of his member was swallowed up by Kiddy's pucker, and the Fox's muscles clamped down and squeezed tightly, milking the head of his cock without hesitation. Wolfy was surprised that his behind so willingly stretched for him, and he could only chalk it down to Kiddy's sexual escapades in the past: he must have received at some point.

Of all the things that Wolfy was known for, stamina was not one of them. It only took him a few thrusts, before he was shuddering and whimpering under his breath, panting heavily. With one final push, his knees wobbled and his tail clicked around as he orgasmed, barely lasting a minute before he pumped his load into Kiddy's behind. Dribbles of cum spurted from the end of his member, splattering along Kiddy's inner walls. His arms wobbled, struggling to prop his body up, and he quickly moved off of the Fox when he was finished, leaving a thin bead of cum to dribble down Kiddy's used behind.

"Jeez, you didn't even last that long!" Starky exclaimed, which brought about giggles from the other two sitting near him. Wolfy felt the colour rising to his cheeks as he moved to take his seat, not bothering to pick up the rest of his clothes, leaving them strewn across the floor. After all, Starky was naked as well. He felt a little more at ease, knowing he wasn't the only one.

The bottle shuddered around again, but the same thought was on everyone's minds: the lewd idea of fucking Kiddy until he was a gooey, gaping mess. They all watched excitedly as the bottle churned around, until it landed on Nightshade. The black leopard hadn't really gotten much action all night, but the 11 year old looked pleased to finally be blessed by the gods of the bottle.

"Dare." They insisted, but the dare was obvious, and on the tip of everyone's tongue.

"Put your dick in his butt." They repeated the same dare as before, and Kiddy begun to realise that they all effectively wanted a turn as his behind, one way or another. He heard the creaking of the floorboards and craned his head to see the black leopard stepping over people to make his way to the bed, brushing the brown hair from his face. He shuffled out of his pyjamas, but decided to leave his top on, letting his barbed member hang free, twitching weakly. He would have normally done the same as Wolfy, but he had another idea in mind.

He climbed up onto the bed, leaning down and grasping Kiddy's beghind in his hands. He massaged the flesh with his fingers, before he reached down deep and spread the behind with his hands, admiring the pucker hidden beneath. Kiddy hissed through his teeth, a little anxious, and Nightshade's eyes centered in one the small dribble of cum seeping from the Fox's behind. Slowly, he leant in, pressing his mouth between the cheeks. His barbed tongue roughly can up Kiddy's taint, causing the Fox to shudder and groan a little under his breath, before that rough tongue touched against his sensitive pucker.

His body tensed, and he felt his skin prickle with a mixture of desire and sensitivity as that rough feline tongue scraped against his taut ring, collecting and scooping up Wolfy's cum in his mouth. Nightshade eagerly gulped the fluid down and pressed the tongue in a few more times, making sure to spread spittle around the ring. His tongue rolled in a clockwise motion against the tight pucker, and it was enough to make Kiddy shudder in utter delight. When Nightshade was finially finished, he clambered up onto Kiddy's back and wasted little time in doing what he wanted. Grasping Kiddy's rump firmly, he directed his member between those spit-covered cheeks.

Kiddy bit down on his lip and wriggled a little as he felt the member quickly entering him, easily lubed up by Wolfy's cum, making the entry all the more easier. Nightshade pushed in as far as he could, a small groan escaping his lips as he felt those inner walls squeezing around his cock, making his member pulesd and throb, the barbs flaring on his cock and gently probing Kiddy's flesh.

As he pulled back, the barbs grazed against Kiddy's insides and made his entire body tingle. A gentle groan escaped his lips, accompanied by Nightshade's own moan of utter delight. The young leopard pushed down again, his hips bouncing off of Kiddy's behind, emitting a wet slapping sound.

Nightshade began to pant with earnest, but he was definitely lasting a lot longer than Wolfy, who sat watching with a strange sense of wonder. The leopard's hips gyrated against Kiddy's behind, slapping down into his rump as the cock moved back and forth, lubed up with the hybrid's cum, as well as the pre-cum leaking from the young cat's cock.

Kiddy's muscles squeezed and clamped, gripping like a vice. The Fox hissed through his teeth, feeling a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. He chalked it down to the barbs: he could feel them grazing against his flesh, but it wasn't always a pleasurable feeling. Nightshade seemed to be enjoying himself however, letting out little whimpers and pants with each thrust.

"I-I think I'm gonna..." The leopard began, but it was too late. He pushed forwards and his body violently shuddered. He groaned under his breath, his fingers digging into the Fox's hips as his cock throbs with pleasure. Dribbles of cum spurt from the end of his member, coating the Fox's inner walls with his own seed, allowing it to mix in with the hybrid's own cum. Kiddy let out a small groan, his knotted member already hard and gently pulsing against the bed sheets underneath him. It desired attention, but he had a feeling it wouldn't get any for a while.

The leopard moved and shifted, doing the same thing as Wolfy, and quickly sliding off him. The reason for it quickly became apparent as Nightshade steadied himself on his feet, his knees shaking a little. He staggered back over to his seat, a little exhausted from the pleasurable thrusting. That only left Starky and Cal, and both of them seemed keen to get on with it, to the point where they didn't even bother with the bottle. They stared at one-another, until Starky finally conceded. He gestured, and a grin spread across Cal's face.

The Samoyed got to his feet, making his way over towards the Fox and clambering on top of him. Kiddy felt the weight of the boy atop him, and glanced back, realising it was Cal sitting on top of him. The fluffy white canine grinned widely down at the Fox, tugging down the front of his pants to expose his member, waggling the humanoid cock to and fro, peeling back the foreskin to reveal the head. Cal had a modest-sized member: 4 inches at most, which was typical for a kid his age. Kiddy grinned awkwardly, but part of him with a little intrigued. At least it didn't have barbs on it!

Cal angled his member down, sliding his member between Kiddy's cheeks, his fingers digging in and massaging the Fox's behind as he rocked his hips back and forth. A small groan escaped his lips as he picked up speed, and Kiddy heard quiet, wet sounds falling on his ears. He could only assume that Cal was lubing himself up with the cum leaking from his behind and making sure to his perky cheeks.

Cal didn't last very long doing that, and Kiddy soon felt him pulling back. It took a matter of moments before he felt the member sliding in between his cheeks, aiming for his used, slightly gaping pucker. He wriggled and readied himself, wincing briefly as Cal pushed the head of his cock inside that tight passage, sinking himself deeper and deeper. The Samoyed sighed out in bliss, his hips gyrating a little, pushing and pressing against Kiddy's behind. The older Fox wriggled a little to get into a better position, though he couldn't exactly move that much.

The young canine rolled his hips back and thrust forwards, his knees wobbling and a shaky exhale escaping his lips. The pair of them heard the sound of pattering feet to their left, and glanced over to see Starky making his way across, clearly a little impatient. He climbed up onto the bed near Kiddy's face, and wiggled out of his pants, exposing his own humanoid member. He gently stroked himself, trying to get into a good position for Kiddy to give him some attention. He eventually manage to settle himself so that his legs were spread either side of the Fox's head, with Kiddy's face buried into the other Fox's crotch.

Kiddy begrudgingly obliged to what Starky was after, having no real way of moving aside. Part of him was aroused by the idea nonetheless, and his member pulsed against the covers beneath him, forming a small, damp spot around his stomach. Cal began to thrust with earnest, his hips slamming back and forth as Kiddy wrapped his mouth around Starky's member, rolling his tongue around the throbbing humanoid member, much to the younger Fox's delight. He felt Starky's hands on his head, gently stroking his fur as Kiddy tried his best to bow his head back and forth. He soon felt Starky thrusting up into his mouth, and he let him do so.

The three of them were panting and squirming, caught up in a sea of pleasure. Cal's hips bounced off Kiddy's own, his muscles tense, his face scrunched up with the exertion of it all. Starky rolled his head back, pumping his hips up into the older Fox's mouth, his cock sliding along the flat, wet tongue, grazing against the roof of his mouth. Pre-cum dribbled from the end, trickling down Kiddy's throat. The older Fox quickly swallowed it down.

Starky began to pant harder and harder, and Kiddy knew he was close already. He pushed his head down as far as he could, sticking his tongue out and lashing it against the Fox's balls, trying to coax him to an orgasm. It seemed to be enough: he felt the younger Fox's fingers curling in his hair and heard his guttural groan. A small string of cum spurted into the back of his throat and he quickly scooped it up, gulping it down, feeling the cock in his mouth pulsing and twitching and with convulsion. Despite all of that, Cal was still humping and thrusting without any regard for Kiddy's pleasure.

The young canine's breathing soon grew heavy, and his thrusts grew irregular. Kiddy continued to suckle on Starky's member as he felt those thrusts quickening in his behind, and he clenched up his muscles, adding some extra friction. That seemed to be enough, and Cal let out a tiny whimper of pleasure, sliding his hips back. He withdrew completely and grinded himself against Kiddy's behind, before it finally orgasmed, shooting tiny dribbles of cum across Kiddy's back, dashing his fur with tiny droplets of cum. The older Fox sighed quietly under his breath. He counted 4 now: all of them should be satisfied.

The three of them panted to themselves, sitting there for a moment and recuperating their stamina, before two of them began to move. Starky eased himself away from Kiddy's head as he undid the ropes that held his hands to the bed, whilst Cal pulled back and took after the Fox, tucking in his cock and undoing the rope that held Kiddy's ankles. When the older Fox finally felt himself free, he rolled over onto his back, sighing tiredly. His cock stood to attention, and he tucked his hand underneath it, forcing it to stand upright. If he was truthful, he was now incredibly pent up, but he had no idea who might help him.

The 4 cubs were staring at his member and looking to one-another, wondering who was the most tired, and who might step up to the plate. Surprisingly, it was Cal who got up, shrugging himself out of his clothes and making his way over to the bed. He had only just finished himself, so it was surprising to see him going for another round already. Kiddy was complaining, of course; the Samoyed was remarkable attractive, and that fluffy fur was cute.

The canine clambered up onto Kiddy's body, straddling his stomach and grinned sheepishly down at him, his soft, flaccid member hanging between his legs, with his small balls resting on Kiddy's stomach. The older Fox reached up and gently stroked across the boy's hips, before Cal finally shuffled back, lifting himself up until the tapered end of that knotted member was poking between his cheeks. Kiddy drew his hand up to quickly smear whatever pre-cum there was around his member, before he angled himself to find his mark. Once he was on it, he pushed his hips upwards as Cal lowered himself, and the young canine too nearly all of his cock in a single thrust.

Cal let out a small whimper and winced, briefly, but quickly grew used to the Fox's member. He rolled his hips back and forth, the knot pushing against his tight entrance as his insides spasmed and squeezed, clamping down hard and deliberately milking the rock hard member inside of him. Kiddy's hands gripped around the boy's hips as the other cubs moved in to watch.

Slowly, Kiddy began to thrust up into the boy, and the young canine bounced atop Kiddy's crotch, riding in unison with his thrusts. The two began to pant and groan with pleasure, the pair of them moving slowly, methodically, with a steady rhythm. Cal whimpered gently, and it was clear he wasn't going to get hard anytime soon, but a tiny bead of pre-cum dribbled from the end of his foreskin. His floppy member bounced up and down with each thrust, and his cheeks quickly grew flushed from the exertion and pleasure. Kiddy grunted and huffed under his breath, feeling the inevitable pleasure building within his loins.

He began to thrust harder and harder, and his cock pushed and bounced up against Cal's behind, the knot dangerously pressing against the taut pucker, trying to gain entry. Cal winced every so often, whimpering a little, his eyes rolling up as Kiddy picked up even more speed. He head to lean back and place his hands on Kiddy's knees just to balance himself.

With a sharp thrust, Kiddy bucked up into Cal's behind, and the knot finally forced it's way into Cal's behind. The young canine let out a small gasp as he felt the bulbous knot stretching his tight ring, and his insides spasmed and clenched hard out of pure instinct. It was enough to send Kiddy over the edge, and the Fox rolled his head back, his toes curling against the covers as he orgasmed. Strings of cum spurted up into the canine's behind, urged on by the tying of his own member. He tugged Cal down against his body and curled his arms around him, hugging him tightly as he unloaded himself completely into the canine's behind. Cal panted down against Kiddy's shoulder, his insides flexing and squeezing.

The room fell into a silence. The 5 of them were left mildly panting, used and spent, but there still seemed to be a degree of tension in the air.

"Can we go again?" Starky asked without a second thought, which coaxed a fit of giggles amongst the others.

"No," Kiddy eventually said through a chuckle. "Let's sleep. We'll do this again tomorrow."

Humiliation #8

"Alright, we're here. Come on." A chorus of squeals erupted from the back seat of the gun metal Land Rover, and Wolfy groaned under his breath as he pulled the handle on his side of the car. He slipped from his seat as his sister, along with her two...

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The Mystery Box

It was a particularly warm summer afternoon, and Kiddy let out a long sigh as he felt the warmth of the sun on his face and fur. Wearing nothing but a loose T-Shirt and shorts, the rather bored and lonely 13 year old made his way down the concrete path...

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Spoilt Brat Blues

Leppy was pissed. Being cooped up in the house all day tended to do that for you, especially if you were a bratty 6 year old who wanted to do nothing more than whatever he wanted, at any moment in time. Leppy watched with frustration as his parents...

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