True Meanings of Christmas 2

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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Christmas Day, oh Christmas Day, bet some people got a lot to say.

That is at least what we can expect when Sapphire's family and their friends, loved ones and pets joins the festivities.

But there is more to tell than what the title could say.

This story is connected to actual lore.

Ainohi, Elysia, Hikarinoai (Kari), Sonata and Tahirah (c) Me and

Akari, Arashi, Kin, Leona, Melody, Talon, Tatsuya and Tenchi © (Co-author/Editor)

Alexander, Atalanta, Azula, Azura, Bast Jamila, Chika, Jae XXV, Jigo, Jokeress, Leicna, Lyra, Magea, Maria, Ocarina, Phoebe, Sas'Ha, Solan, Violetta, Wendy, Yang, Yin and Story © Me

Aphrodite "Venus", Athena "Pallas", Jove "Jupiter" © Me and Fox3087 on FA

Avril © Me and Ragnarakk on FA

Elizabeth © BHawkes on FA

Jaeger © Clockwerk on FA

Jane and May © Me and

Julie Ruby © Me and Romanthony on FA

Juna © Me and SerasGreil on FA

Marcia © Me and BHawkes on FA

Margret (c) Dragonmaster2653 on FA

Onyxheart © Onyxheart_Wolf on FA

Peridot (c) Me and SedrinTheStar on FA

Rhealla (c) Oreldir on FA

Ruby © Romanthony on FA

Sapphire © Me and TurboMcgogo on FA

Sariya © Ragnarakk on FA

Sedrin © SedrinTheStar on FA

Tarja © Me and Clockwerk on FA

Topaz © Me and Onyxheart_Wolf on FA

Vee ©

Zeus © Fox3087 on FA

Length: 2,378 words. 12,826 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour 25 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

True Meanings of Christmas 2 This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Christmas Day, the day most young ones waited for. The day when family, friends and loved ones gathered to spend a week or two together before the new year arrived. To Talon, Wendy and Sapphire, it was more the day for when their house might need repairing next month, as Sapphire's entire family would show up.

Sitting back in the chair, Sapphire was really into the spirit of the season, sporting a very sensual red dress, red gloves and red thigh-high boots that really brought forth every single luscious curve of her body and topped off with a red santa hat. Talon had the bad luck to be wearing a green elf costume, but he had permission to skip the elf ears, as long as he wore the green santa hat that Sapphire had gotten him. Wendy had not revealed her clothes yet, which had been a secret to even Sapphire and Talon, so they had not paid much mind.

At least it would have been so if Sapphire had not been feeling something or someone sit down in her lap. Looking up, she felt her cheeks burning like fire when she saw Wendy sitting in her lap, wearing what could have been a suggestive version of Mrs. Claus with her red bra, red panties, slightly open red christmas robe and a red santa hat with a mistletoe hanging from the top of it. Sapphire couldn't look away before Wendy spoke up, "Hi there, Santa. I would like a kiss and a hug for christmas."

Sapphire couldn't keep herself from laughing as she played along, "I don't know. Have you been a good girl this year?" Talon had heard what was going on and walked into the living room as Wendy replied, "Oh yes. I have been a good girl. I made both my loved ones feel really good." Sapphire quickly pushed Wendy off her lap, but almost as quickly as she was off the lap, Wendy was already back on it, this time with her belly laying right across the lap while Sapphire lifted a hand, "Then why are you on my naughty list? Forget the coal, you get a christmas spanking instead." Wendy barked out as Sapphire pulled up the robe to lay it over the wolfdog's head before proceeding with spanking her, making Talon have a hard time keeping himself from laughing.

Sadly for them all, the fun was cut short, when a knock was heard on the door. Talon quickly made his way to it and unlocked before opening to be greeted by almost all of Sapphire's family, "Darlings! They are here. Stop playing mall santa now." He didn't know who was more red now. Wendy and Sapphire, or the entire family having to hear that implication.

The introductions to the ones they had not met before yielded many new bonds. Jane, Magea and Leona showing off their beautiful kids; Chika telling about Bast Jamila and showing off her daughter Tahirah; Jigo proudly showing off the big bellies on both his wife Jae and his wyvern Leicna; Alex was proudly kissing his wife Lyra while rubbing her big belly; Yin was even there with Ainohi and both seemed really happy as Ainohi was showing the beginning to a little baby bulge on the front; Tarja and Tatsuya sat in their black santa outfits while their daughter Elysia was sitting and listening to rock music together with Yang; Julie Ruby and Akari sat together on the sofa while rubbing their noses together as Julie Ruby was looking like she was in the last month of pregnancy; Ocarina and Sonata sat with Melody laying in their laps, Sonata scritching the belly on her while Ocarina was tending to the little bunny's sensitive ears; Aphrodite was holding her beloved wolf girl close to her in a hug next to Jupiter sitting with his beautiful wife in his lap, rubbing her belly gently and kissing her; May was sitting and holding Lanta and rubbing her swollen belly with pride.

Sapphire and Talon had taken a place in the kitchen to heat up the christmas food while Wendy was getting to know Sasha better, especially since Sasha had decided to dress up as Santa, so sitting in her lap wasn't a problem at all, especially when Sasha seemed to already like her as she was scritching the belly, "You gonna be a good girl to my daughter and her loved one, right?" Wendy murred and nodded, "Yes, if I get more belly scritches like this." Both of them laughed before a dinner bell rang out and Sapphire smiled, "Come and eat!"

The family gathered and their eyes widened by how much food that Sapphire and Talon had prepared, but no one denied it looked tasty. Everyone took their seats until a growl was heard and Jigo looked at Leicna, "Oh, they forgot to make some food for you?" Sapphire giggled, "What does she eat?" Jigo smiled before bringing out some berries and a slice of meat from a bag he had brought along before handing it to Sapphire, "Mash the berries, cover up the meat in it and bake in the oven for 15 minutes." Sapphire got up to do it and felt Leicna poking her leg with the muzzle; she was happy that Leicna had been shrunk with a spell to allow her to be in the house, because Leicna wasn't exactly the smallest girl and would with her normal size turn the house into nothing more than rubble.

Hearing everyone murring, squeaking and enjoying the food, Sapphire was happy once the meat was done and Leicna carefully bit into it before carrying it away with a wag of her tail and Sapphire could finally take a seat and dig in as she was noticing that everyone looked shocked at Sasha behaving like a scrapyard when the venison had been lifted off the serving plate and was being chewed down by the massive dragoness. Tenchi shook her head, "Come on! I have seen wyverns with better table manners than you." A growl nearby agreed to it as like with Leicna, Arashi had been shrunk down too and was enjoying a slice of turkey breast.

It wasn't long before the last of the food was eaten; the drinks now remaining. Leicna and Arashi had been served a sample of the soda that Sapphire had especially imported from Sweden for the family. But no one wanted to even burp as to not show disrespect towards the royals; something that was broken when Jae let out a loud belch that made even Sasha jump in shock; triggering a chain reaction as one by one the family and wyverns belched and broke into a laughing fit; especially Jae who knew there is never a shame in being yourself near family if they truly cared for you.

"Okay, who is ready to open their gifts?" Sapphire called out before a collective agreement was heard from everyone before they took their seats in the living room and both Leicna and Arashi laid down near the christmas tree and nuzzled the gifts before Sapphire took a look at the mountain of gifts laying there, "You all didn't save on the currency there." Everyone laughed before Sapphire took the gift at the top and read it out loud, "From Jokeress to Ocarina, Sonata and Melody. Your rule of a realm may have been short, but you can still rule of another sort. I have scouted the worldwide landscape, to provide you three with..." Melody jumped over to take it from Sapphire and began to open it as she bounced back to Sonata and Ocarina; once reaching them, she opened up the box inside to reveal three neatly stitched capes in matching appearances, except for Melody's having a pair of wings on it. They smiled before looking at Jokeress, "Thank you, miss Joker!"

Jokeress smiled before Sapphire took the next one and read, "From Zeus to Aphroe, Jove, Thena, Rhea and Marge. You five are wonders to see together, even if one misses a special one for her. But I want you to remember that you are never alone, so I am giving you and your lover each..." Athena took the gift from Sapphire and headed back to the other four, opening up the gift to reveal six brand new Iphones. Athena was quickly getting up; winking to the others before pointing at Zeus with a smile, "You are under arrest for being the best father in the world. You are sentenced without a chance to a legal trial. Your punishment will be to hug all of us!" Zeus raised a finger, but was too slow when he was buried under the combined weight of Aphrodite, Jupiter, Athena, Rhealla and Margret, "Thank you!"

Sapphire giggled before the gifts came raining down and hugs, kisses and emotional tears fell and after the last gift had gone to Peridot from her father, Sapphire looked at her mother and tilted her head, "Mom? Didn't you give us anything at all?" Sasha sat and looked at the painting before turning her head towards them, "Oh? Yeah... but I am curious about that painting. What is the history behind it? It has quite a special look on it."

Talon sat silent before turning away with a sigh, "I will tell why. That is the very same church where my mother was a priest and where I spent most of my life. My father was the church's protector for some time before he fell in love with my mother and got married to her and they had me, on October 30th 1813. I was homeschooled for my own safety, being that my mother was a werewolf and my dad a gargoyle. Then on October 30th 1835, when I turned 22 years old, my world was broken apart as my parents got murdered and my home was burned to the ground by marauders hired by the mayor of a village five miles south of the church. I don't know what prompted the attack, but I do know that my mother's head was removed and displayed on a pike in the village. I was out hunting at the time of the attack, which is why I survived. When I came back to the church, I discovered the charred, headless corpse of my mother."

Talon didn't want to show it, but he was in pain from remembering it and they all knew it, especially when he attempted to swallow it down to continue his tale, "I was in despair and horrified, so I ran into the still burning wreckage of the church to find my father, but all I could find was my mother's bible and rosary beads, which were both untouched by the flames. There wasn't a single trace of my father except for his axe that laid shattered next to a marauder's charred corpse. My father had been killed trying to protect my mother. He fell before my mother did. I flew to the village, because I wanted to know why they had done this. When I arrived, I witnessed my mother's head on the pike, like a sick and twisted trophy and the villagers celebrating and the mayor handing a large pouch of gold to the leader of the marauders. I wanted to avenge my parents, but I wasn't anywhere near my father's battle prowess, so taking on a full band of marauders would be suicide. I knew there wasn't anything I could do other than fleeing and hoping they didn't see me. I fled north while the image of my mother's corpse and my former home still being fresh in my mind. All I had left was her bible and rosary beads and of my father, I had only memories. Memories of being taught how to read and how to hunt."

Everyone sat with handkerchiefs and dried their eyes from the sad story, even the wyverns showing sympathy towards him by rubbing the top of their heads against him gently. The sound of a giant standing up broke the tears as Sasha was stepping closer to the painting and touched it very gently before turning to face Talon, Wendy and Sapphire, "Your past is like fantasy novel about vengeance, love and surviving the harsh environment of reality of a world we can only read about. But this is the reality we live in and not a novel." Sasha closed her eyes, "I know what gift to give you three."

Talon looked at Sasha as she stepped over to him and soon her eyes shifted to look like his before she spoke, "I was planning to drain out all that negative past from you, but seeing as how it grew you, I cannot remove the pain. Neither can I bring your parents back, but I do know this for certain." Sasha smiled before laying a hand on Talon's right shoulder, "They would been proud to see what a wonderful man they gave this world. And I do know something that can be done." Sapphire and Wendy suddenly felt Sasha poking their foreheads before she removed the fingers and smiled, "I have slowed down your aging so you can live longer. A male with such a past shouldn't have to see his own loved ones die in front of him."

Sasha finished her speech before she gasped out when two arms wrapped around her waist while Talon was openly crying on her shoulder, "I got no words for what you did, other than thank you! Thank you so much!" Sasha smiled before Sapphire and Wendy joined the hug and everyone that was watching from the seats were giving Sasha a thumb up before her wings wrapped around them and she held the trio close to her before Avril blurted out loudly, "It is a bloody christmas miracle!" No one could deny it and Sapphire smiled, "Indeed it is, sister. Indeed it is."

The End.

True Meanings of Christmas

**True Meanings of Christmas** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and...

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