Helping the Mailbitch relax 2

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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Wendy gets forced by her boss to take a week off due to overworking herself and she decides to spend it with her best friends, the Stormclaws. Sapphire soon gets something more than she bargained for when a trip to the mall ends up changing her and Talon's path in life completely.

This story is connected to actual lore.

Liberty "Lee" (c)

Sapphire © Me and Turbomcgogo on FA

Talon © (Co-Author and Editor)

Wendy and Story © Me

Length: 2,686 words. 14,642 characters.

Time used to type: 5 hours (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Helping the Mailbitch relax 2

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Ever since the reveal and care Wendy had received from Sapphire and Talon, every morning she had awoken with a smile at the prospect to deliver the mail to Fords Cove, especially to the house at the end of Liberty Street, for the simple reason that whenever she came there, she was either welcomed with a hug, kiss or both of them at the same time. It didn't cause a problem for the wolfdog, but her colleagues had noticed her willingness to come in on days when she was supposed to be off.

Granted no one questioned her reasoning for it, as they were all too busy preparing for any vacations or spending days with their family. To Wendy, it was not possible to spend time with family, seeing as her pay barely covered the rent and phone bills, adding in that she had to pay for her food too and other necessities, it was often that she could be found at the local supermarket where she picked up cups of instant noodles.

Today was no different than the other. Wendy had awoken at 4:45am to get herself clean and fed before getting to work. It would been a normal day however, if it wasn't for the fact her boss stood outside the doors to the postal office that day, "Wendy, what am I gonna do with you?" Wendy knew that her boss was one of those that could take a joke and decided to lay down on her back with her shirt pulled up to expose her wonderful belly as she wagged her tail happily, "Give me a belly rub and tell me I am a good girl?" Her boss put his hand over his face and laughed, "Why are you always knowing what to say?" Wendy barked and wagged her tail some more before standing up, "I just happen to know you well, Anthony." The male nodded and soon looked at her, "Any way, I want you to take this week off. Take some time for yourself."

Wendy looked at him and shook her head, "No, I won't. I..." Her boss interrupted her, "Either that, or I fire you for endangering your health. You need some time off." Wendy was about to object, but then decided against it. He was only caring about her safety, "Okay, Anthony. I will take the week off." The male nodded, "Good to hear that your stubbornness is not as thick as people claim. Go to your friends at Liberty Street." Wendy began to blush, "But... how did you know..." Wendy then realized when she remembered his full name was Anthony Galen.

With a soft smile, she turned away and headed home, heading straight for the bedroom to switch out the panties and bra for the bikini she had been given as a gift from her favorite duo. Once having it on, she put her regular clothes on top of it before heading out the door and making her way to the waterside of Detroit.

"Sapphy! Wendy is coming... but she is not having any mail with her and she is dressed in normal clothes this time." Talon called out to his wife as he finished up planting some chives and stood up as Sapphire came out just as Wendy got close enough, "Hi there, mailbitch. How's today find you?" Wendy smiled and wagged her tail as she leaped over the fence and hugged them both, "It finds me very good, because my boss gave me a whole week off. So my first thought was to come here."

Talon laughed before Sapphire headed inside, "Then let me get us some lemonade." Wendy never understood Sapphire's fascination with lemonade and any sour drinks. Talon had often said that it was her way to balance out the overly sweet attitude, something that had often gotten him a punch on the arm from Sapphire. Wendy did however find it cute how the odd couple got along so well, despite the obvious thing that they couldn't have any kids.

Sapphire came out to interrupt their thoughts as she sighed, "Hey Talon, I gonna head out to get some lemons and lime. Can you get me some scrap metal?" Talon wasn't long with retrieving the very last sheet of metal they had laying around, "Here, dear. I need to head to the scrapyard and get some more metal for you to work with." Wendy didn't understand why she needed scrap metal, until she gasped out when in front of her eyes, Sapphire had transmuted the metal sheet into a slightly smaller sheet of gold, something that made Wendy's eyes go wide, "I knew you were an alchemist, but I didn't know you were THAT type of alchemist too!"

Sapphire smiled and seemed to make coins, smiling to Talon before he took off, "I will take the mailbitch to do some shopping, dear. Find the best scrap you can." Talon nodded and took to the air before Sapphire giggled and placed a hand on the ground, making the ground swallow up both her and Wendy before they appeared above ground again and Wendy was looking shocked, "Wait, this is the mall! How did we get here so fast... you know what? I won't question it." Sapphire giggled before walking into the mall with Wendy.

Wendy had always seen the mall from the outside, but never entered, so seeing all the stores was making her tail wag so fast that Sapphire could have sworn that Wendy didn't have a tail at all. Bringing Wendy along, Sapphire headed for the fruit store where a raven stood and attempted to sell his fresh wares. Sapphire giggled as he saw her and happily chirped, "Well, well, if it ain't my favorite customer! Needing some fruits, miss Stormclaw? And who is the girl? Are you cheating on your husband?" Sapphire giggled, "Hi John. I need some lemons and limes. Fresh as can be, please. And she is just a friend, nothing else." Wendy blushed at the idea of Sapphire using her to cheat on Talon, but she had learned during the previous week that Sapphire and Talon never saw it as cheating when they were both agreeing to letting it go if the need ever came. Granted, Sapphire had always been the one getting stuffed by Talon, but the gargoyle had never left his wife unsatisfied.

Wendy was interrupted by Sapphire poking her nose, "Earth to Wendy, I got the fruits." Wendy blushed a bit and nodded, "Sorry about that." Sapphire smiled and soon pulled Wendy with her towards a store that was making the canine's tail wag rapidly again when the stylized sign for Hot Subject was rapidly approaching and once inside, both girls were greeted by an eagle girl with the most massive bust someone could ever imagine, wearing a proper pair of black shorts, white shirt with the text "Devils do not make people sin, I DO" printed in red letters and finished up with the purple-tinted sunglasses she was wearing, "Welcome back, Sapphire! I can see you got another fashion victim there. Thank you so much again for choosing Hot Subject!"

Sapphire giggled, "Hey there, Lee. Be nice to my friend. She cannot help her situation." Wendy blushed before the eagle nodded, "Sorry, just so used to seeing your friends coming in looking like a disaster in fashion and leaving with the looks of a high class model." Sapphire nodded, "Well, then consider herself a 'victim' and I will help her." Wendy looked at the eagle as she was pulled away by Sapphire, "Something about her is familiar."

Wendy had quite a time looking at various clothes together with Sapphire, until they had decided on a bad girl theme combo for Wendy. A black skirt, black panties, white top with a red anarchy symbol on, black gloves and black leather strap boots. Wendy had not questioned the lack of a bra as she walked into the dressing room.

Once inside, she began to undress herself entirely and took a good look in the mirror before she began to try on the clothes, finding them to fit nicely and as a small added bonus, she ruffled up her hair to really go with the look. Staring into the mirror once the boots were on, she was murring and put on a rebellious attitude, "Fuck you, officer. I do as I wish, where I wish and how I wish. I do not follow your pathetic laws."

Sapphire giggled before she saw the door opening to reveal Wendy looking like a little rebel and it did warm Sapphire's heart, as well as other things, but overall she thought that Wendy looked really hot. Wendy spun around with a giggle, "How does it look?" Sapphire smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek, "Like a whole new girl. Now go in there and get your clothes. We're gonna buy it." Wendy went back inside and soon came out in her normal clothes and with the clothes neatly folded before they paid the eagle for the clothes and when Sapphire wasn't looking, the avian snuck a card into Wendy's new top and waved them goodbye.

After having left the store, Sapphire and Wendy were heading towards the doors leading out of the mall as Wendy noticed a photobooth and began to pull Sapphire towards it with a smile, "I think we should get Talon something too." Sapphire was confused and soon found herself being forced into the stall before Wendy murred, "Undress in there and I will be right there."

Now Sapphire understood what Wendy wanted now and quickly pulled off her clothes down to her panties and bra, giggling as she soon heard the machine coming to life and how Wendy came running in and began to undress herself down to her bikini before they both shared a kiss, Sapphire's hands gently grabbing onto her sides before rubbing up and down along her body, drinking in every wonderful curve and texture of this wonderful canine girl.

Their eyes never broke away as the machine began to snap photos of them and Sapphire had reached up behind Wendy to undo the top of her bikini, letting the beautiful twins come free before she cupped them both, breaking the kiss to softly lean up and take one of the ebony nipples into her maw, giving it a suck as the poor canine girl gave off a murr and a yelp as Sapphire had groped her butt and gave it a soft squeeze in her hands, making Wendy sigh in content from how soft the laquine's hands felt.

Both decided it was of no use to hold back as Sapphire pulled her panties down a bit to show off her massive equine erection, making Wendy gasp from the surprise that the one she thought was a bunny this whole time had been a laquine. As she had already pushed the bikini bottom aside to expose her ass, Wendy was looking back at the wonderful laquine girl and then remembered Talon's kind nature and also his rough pounding of her ass. What was that feeling she felt. That warm and enticing feeling of need greater than anything her toys could ever bring.

She knew what it was and with her mind made up, she bent over to retrieve something from her pants and much to Sapphire's surprise, she had procured a condom and was already tearing the foil off to get the rubber sock before turning around to place it against the tip of Sapphire's dick, the rubber strapping itself over that mighty erection and once there wasn't much left to use, Wendy turned around and pulled her bikini bottom the entire way to the side to also expose her pussy before she aligned herself with the tip against her pussy before barking out happily when the massive tip pushed inside of her.

Sapphire's hands were putting her body into motion as she was riding the massive horsemeat that was currently inside of her warm pussy, and her mind going through so many different scenarios while Sapphire was thrusting up into her hard, watching the canine's bushy tail wagging in excitement as her moans went as loud as her barks did.

The photos kept on being taken and Sapphire had begun to question how much that Wendy had put into the machine, but with her condom-covered dick inside of Wendy's warm pussy, she was not caring as she was too busy either way to hold onto her hard while bouncing the eager canine in her lap, listening to the happy barks before she quickly had them get on all fours as Sapphire began to breed Wendy like ferals would, causing Wendy to moan loudly as she wasn't used to fucking someone.

This was a bit apparent as soon she was leaking pre inside the condom and Wendy was turning her head when she felt Sapphire leaning in and kiss her deeply, moaning into the kiss before Sapphire was pushing deeply inside of her, moaning as she gasped out, "I am almost there. Where do you want it?"

Wendy moaned before pushing Sapphire back into the seat, turning her so the last few snaps of the camera were taken of her giving Sapphire a titjob after having removed the condom from Sapphire's dick, not taking long before she could hear the laquine moaning out when she came all over Wendy's breasts and face, watching the naughty girl licking her face clean before smiling, "Mmm, best meal I have had today."

With the final photos being snapped, the curtain was pulled aside as the mall cop looked at them both and seemed really pissed off, "What the fucking hell do you think you are doing? What will your husband think about this?" Sapphire looked behind the mall cop and smiled warmly as she pointed right behind him, "Why don't you ask him? He is right behind you!" The mall cop turned around to expect a small male, but to his surprise, there stood a massive muscular werewolf gargoyle that gave the mall cop a soft smile, "Hi there. And I say it is fucking hot!" The mall cop looked at Talon, then at Sapphire and Wendy before walking off with a blush on his face, "I think I need to maybe change uniform."

The laughter from the trio could be heard clearly before Sapphire and Wendy quickly got their clothes on and followed Talon out before Sapphire hit the ground and before they could react, they were back in front of Sapphire's and Talon's home and the couple smiled, "That was one of the funniest trips to the mall ever!" Wendy looked at them before she considered her options and then cleared her throat to get the attention of both Sapphire and Talon.

"Sapphire. Talon. Could I move in with you two? You have always been so nice to me and I really do not wanna live alone anymore. Please?" Sapphire and Talon looked at one another after Wendy had finished speaking before they gave her a warm smile, "Call your landlord and then we will arrange the rest. But first." Sapphire looked at Talon before they nodded and Talon pulled out a metal piece that Sapphire transmuted into two platinum rings with a obsidian-colored clear diamond encrusted in one and a blue clear diamond encrusted in the other and soon she kneeled with a warm smile as she discarded the remaining metal, "Talon and Wendy, will you both marry me?" The reaction from Wendy and Talon was all the old vixen down the road needed to see before she walked back into her home with a soft smile on her face, "Thank you, Stormclaws, for helping the mailbitch to finally relax."

The End.

Journeys of Time 15

**Journeys of Time 15: The Chronicle of Noble Evil** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own...

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Journeys of Time 14

**Journeys of Time 14: Golden Wings from a Dark Past** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...

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Journeys of Time 13

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