Journeys of Time 14

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#14 of Journeys of Time

Tenchi have learned of a possible sibling that was made by Sasha as a backup. Finding no other way to solve it, Tenchi goes for a straight forward assault on the castle, but things are not all what they seem both there and back home.

Janch the Bladetail, Sasha and Story (c) Me

Peridot © Me and SedrinTheStar on FA

Tarja © Me and Clockwerk on FA

Tenchi © (Co-author/Editor)

Length: 3,722 words. 20,404 characters.

Time used to type: 3 hours (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Journeys of Time 14: Golden Wings from a Dark Past

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Having dropped off the firearm to Tarja, both Tenchi and Peridot made their way down to the main hall in hopes of leaving, only to come face to face with Sasha standing there, blocking the doors with a seal. Tenchi stepped closer, "Out of the way, Sasha. We are gonna save him or her from the castle." Sasha looked at them both before shaking her head, "I cannot allow it." Tenchi growled and was about to speak when she saw Sasha quickly drawing a symbol in front of herself and suddenly Tenchi felt her maw being bound shut as Sasha stepped closer towards her and Peridot, "I ain't letting you leave until I deal with that problem of yours."

Tenchi was looking confused when Sasha reached her and with one tap on the muzzle the seal was undone and Sasha looked at her, "Turn around." Tenchi didn't know why, but her mind seemed to be controlled by her, or perhaps it was the deep respect for her that caused her to turn around before Sasha dropped to her knees to touch the stump of what had once been Tenchi's tail.

Realizing Sasha's intention, Tenchi calmed down and allowed Sasha to examine it before the bigger dragoness stood up, "Your central caudiax nerve as well as your pelvic nerve system is still intact. I can fix this. Would you like to honor one of the Frostclaws by actually becoming more of a 'direct' ancestor to them?" Tenchi looked confused before she realized what Sasha was meaning, looking back at her with an almost sadistic and joyful grin, "Oh, fuck yeah! That is probably the best way you can repay from withholding that information from me."

Sasha had Tenchi and Peridot in the lab again in barely a minute and with a quick shipment from Faarg for more oshorite, more than Tenchi thought Sasha would use, but it soon became clear when Tarja walked into the lab and Sasha gave her a smile, "Good, there you are. I thought you could have a chance to do something good for Tenchi." Tarja gave her mother a nod before holding out a hand to Tenchi, "I am sorry to ask this, but can I take the hand cannon for a few minutes? Trust me, it will be worth your while."

Tenchi noticed that Tarja was holding out her chitin covered hand, making her feel a slight discomfort, but knowing that Tarja wouldn't do anything stupid, she handed over the gun before Tarja held out the other hand, "And the blade too." Now Tenchi was about to object, but the look on Tarja's face was the one that Tenchi could agree with. It was Tarja's own 'I am about to create hell' face, with the very tiniest pinch of 'Better not miss the chance to use it' psychotic fuck on all planes of Hell itself.

As the big sword landed in Tarja's other hand, the snake was soon grabbing some oshorite and got right to work with the weapons before Sasha laid down Tenchi on her front and in front of Peridot, Sasha cut open the stump on Tenchi, causing her to growl out in pain, but the pain was soon replaced with an almost euphoric feeling when Sasha placed a claw against her neck, seemingly cutting off any signals of pain to her brain before getting to work on forming the metals with an intense heat between her hands, finding it hard to actually make everything and as time was going on, she was beginning to put the tail together, but from the looks for it, the details seemed unnaturally flawed for being Sasha, but still seemed to work quite well.

That is until Sasha attempted to connect the tail to the socket on the stump, as the entire tail fell apart, making Sasha lower her head, "I cannot make it. I thought it would be easy. I..." Sasha tried to salvage her pride and quickly had a normal tail made before she got up and left, "I... I need some time alone." Tenchi looked as the former queen left and Tarja sighed, "She has not been the same since she lost that match." Tenchi nodded before she felt the sword landing in her hands, "There. It is no longer a layer of oshorite on top of something else. What you have there is an actual pure oshorite sword."

Tenchi looked amazed before Tarja laid down seven black daggers, "I extracted these and reforged them." Tenchi looked at the daggers before she heard the familiar sound of a barrel being loaded with ammunition and the heavy click of the barrel locking into place before Tarja spoke up, "The Good Samaritan, meet your son, The Divine Samaritan of Lòeón." Tenchi's heart pounded when Tarja put down what had to be the child of her hand cannon and The Good Samaritan. Tarja smiled, "That's right. Your own one made from oshorite. It uses the same rounds you are familiar with. On top of having a second option when integrated into your arm to fire custom 1,35 caliber rounds at a firing speed of 150 rounds per minute."

Peridot could have sworn that Tenchi must have climaxed from hearing the last part, only proven right when Tenchi flew up and hugged Tarja tightly, making the snake's face go from purple to a darker shade of red and then blue, "Thank you, Tarja! You are the best!" Tarja hissed, "You can thank me by letting go off me before I suffocate!" Tenchi quickly loosened up her hold and Tarja hit the floor while gasping for air as Tenchi blushed, "Oops, sorry."

Suddenly they heard Sasha's voice calling out, "The door is unsealed, Tenchi. You can go now." Tenchi didn't waste a single second after hearing this, as Tarja and Peridot could see Tenchi running out the lab like Leicna after Jigo when she was in heat. Peridot didn't get a chance to run after Tenchi as Tarja lifted her up and in a split second they had caught up to Tenchi, who stood in front of the door, pushing it open as both Arashi and Senshi could be seen cuddling with the guards, who seemed to not mind the wyverns, making both Peridot and Tenchi smile softly, "Awww, you two silly wyverns."

After having taken farewell of the guards, mostly by Arashi causing lightning to strike them both, both the wyverns and their riders took to the air, heading back home to Ri'Co'Va again, Tenchi looking at her tail in disappointment, "I really thought that Sasha would make me a bladed tail, but I guess even she has her limits." Peridot nodded, "Yeah, but she meant well with it." Tenchi sighed, "It is still not a bladed tail." Peridot sighed before she whispered something to Senshi, making her fly closer before Peridot jumped over to Tenchi and held onto her, "Ten-Ten. Let it go. It won't help to grumble about it like this."

Tenchi looked at Peridot before Peridot kissed her softly, "She is after all recovering from a shock in her life." Tenchi murred before giving a sly grin, "Still not a bladed tail." Peridot gave one of Tenchi's horns a soft tug before leaping over onto Senshi again, making Tenchi just shake her head, "No matter how deep down I am in the hole, you are always having a rope the exact length to get me out of it." Peridot smiled before replying, "Because that is what love is."

The rest of the flight back home was mostly Peridot and Tenchi racing to get home, something Senshi couldn't win due to Arashi's better aerial velocity, which came to good use when they sailed down on the wings when coming up and with a perfect front loop they had soon slowed down enough to gently touch the ground as Janch and Hildegaard approached them, "Welcome back home. Seems all went well with the fleabag."

Tenchi knew Janch's dislike for the past events, but also knew that Janch tried to be accepting towards the newer generation that didn't know about the dark past. Tenchi gave them a nod, "Yes, but we got a pressing matter now. Gather all the others." Janch's booming voice had everyone gathered in less a minute, all to meet the news that Tenchi had.

Once the news had been revealed, the expressions were mixed between the Frostclaws. It was all between Janch's 'What did you just say?' to Kichiro's 'There is another of you?!'. Janch was the first one to speak, "So, when are we going to head there and rescue your sibling?" Tenchi was shocked, "Wait, we?" Janch gave a grin, "You seriously think I wanna be left out of this? You would have to be more crazy than a jal'binewa to make me stay here." Tenchi looked confused from Janch's expression, "Jal'binewa?"

Janch rubbed the back of her head, "Oh yeah, I forgot that you are still getting used to our language here. Jal'binewa is the feminine form of the title Jal'binezi, a common nickname for a person getting sexually aroused at the prospect of mating with a being able to poison them. Jal is actually meaning honorless, but in certain context like with binezi or binewa, it is generally used as an implication for a negative action."

Tenchi knew that she wouldn't remember any of this either way, but calmly spoke to Janch, "I understand your will to fight and help, but I would rather have you stay here and tend to the wyverns." Janch knew better than questioning Tenchi, but that answer was not to her fancy and she was making clear that it was expressed, "Come on, I haven't had any fun in a long time. I need to let out some steam." Peridot giggled, "Then why not ask your husband to rut you?" Hildegaard and Tenchi felt their muzzles smiling before they broke out into a laughter at Janch's shocked expression from Peridot's maw, but soon lightened up as she joined in on the laughter, "Oh, got me good there. Fine, I'll stay behind. But you better bring back some good and juicy details."

Tenchi had to quickly keep Peridot's muzzle shut as the dragoness was about to blurt out another obscene comment before pulling her back to Senshi, who stood ready before Peridot was put on her back and Arashi soon had Tenchi on her back, but before they could even take to the air, a dark portal opened up and sucked them inside, causing Janch to be shocked as she leaped inside with Gane following her.

On the other side they felt as if they had returned to Hu'O'Zevan, as the complete darkness from the black clouds swallowed up any light entering. Peridot looked around and shivered, "This place is giving me the creeps." Tenchi nodded, "Not to mention it is darker than Hauga's heart here." Janch called out from behind Tenchi and Peridot, startling them as they looked at her, "Did she even have a heart in the first place?" Tenchi and Peridot didn't giggle or laugh, but rather gave Janch a look of disapproval, "You were told to wait back at home." Janch lifted her hands, "Well excuse me for caring about you two. A portal like that suddenly opening and sucking you both in, anyone would leap in there to get you both back."

Peridot and Tenchi calmed down as they couldn't find a problem with her logic at all, "Fine, but keep yourself calm." Janch nodded before pulling out her polearm and with Gane by her side, she began to follow Peridot and Tenchi as they headed towards the castle a distance away, "So, this is where your mother came from? I have to admit, this place is darker than even Hu'O'Zevan."

The landscape below them shifted from granite to less porous rocks and when they stood almost at the doorstep to the castle, they felt the ground below them being warm, almost hot, as if they were walking on top of an underground source of heat, which could explain the dark glass-looking rocks below them.

Stepping up to the doors, Tenchi and Peridot climbed off their wyverns, watching them take to the air as Gane joined them and soon the trio of dragonesses watched the massive doors to the dark past standing in front of them, ominously intimidating them into turning around and run, only difference being that neither of them backed down as Tenchi gave the door a powerful knock.

The giant doors slowly opened and a guard stood there with a calm grimace on his face, before noticing Tenchi as she stood with a warm smile on her face, "Hi there, missed me?" The guard realized quickly who she was and swallowed, "Well, shit." With an almost second nature of movement, Tenchi drew her new gun, remembering that Tarja had loaded it already as she pulled the trigger and the sound of a rumbling storm could be heard when not only did the guard end up having his head blown right apart, but the impact also compressed his body and armor into a sphere that flew right to Tenchi and seemed to spin around the muzzle of the gun itself.

Peridot had no words at the sheer brutality of what she had witnessed, but Janch had to look down in disbelief when she noticed her panties had become wet from an orgasm. Tenchi looked at the gun before a grin appeared on her face and in the words of a certain general, she called out at the top of her lungs, which was very loud, "Knock knock, bitches. Here comes justice!"

The sound had awoken the golden dragon, who listened to the sound of the storm, or at least what they had thought to be a storm, until the feminine voice reached their ears, "Someone is coming. And they are strong. Sis... is that you?"

The shot had alerted the rest of the guards who advanced from their stations and upon showing their ugly mugs, they were met by either a gunshot from Tenchi or metal shards from Janch, as they turned the hallway from a shade of darkness to a shade of blood red, the guards only coming more and more, some even taking over, which wasn't exactly the best idea when Janch winked to Tenchi and after making a clicking sound with her mouth jumped onto Gane's back as he dove and where pillars used to be were suddenly just rubble, and where guards had hidden behind said pillars, were now just corpses impaled facedown with a metal spike into the floor.

Tenchi had always enjoyed the feeling of slaughtering the bad guys, but seeing Janch turning even the entire castle against the guards was a sight only rivaled by the fact she lifted an arm to the sky and a roar was heard when Arashi called down the lightning into her fist, the electricity flowing through the arm creating an intense whistling sound before she slide the gun into her right hand and with the quick readjustment, she soon aimed the cannon at the walls and with multiple lightning strikes, the walls soon crumbled and it wasn't long before she had caused an entire half of the castle to cave in, but the prison cells left intact as the thick floor above them prevented any further damages.

Peridot could just stand and watch the massacre that was happening as Janch came flying out on Gane's back and laughed loudly, "Oh yeah! Now that is what I call tearing down the house!" Tenchi did notice the flow of guards slowly growing less frequent and not before long did the final guard come around the corner, only to look at Tenchi and her gun before calling to the ones in the cells, "Everyone! Tenchi is here! Elizabeth is dead!"

The dragon reacted to what the voice had said and was confused, "Tenchi? Is that my sister?" They didn't have to wait for long as soon the sound of death by gunshot was heard and heavy steps approaching the cells before a growl could be heard as Tenchi had gotten to grab the one guard remaining, forcefully slamming him into the wall, "Where is my sibling?" The guard growled in pain before spitting out in anger, "You will not find her." Tenchi growled, "So it is a sister, isn't it? Then where is SHE?" The guard laughed, "Like I will tell where she is. I admit, Bjorn and the others were lucky to have you to fuck with. We had to stay away from hurting your little sister. Little did your mother know that I personally enjoyed using her for my own pleasures."

The rage filling Tenchi was enough for her to pull out her gun, aiming it at his head, "Tell me before I blow your fucking brain out and smear it on the walls, you sick fuck!" The guard grinned, "If I die, then you will never find your sister." Tenchi was about to pull the trigger before Peridot sighed, "Let me try, Ten-Ten." Tenchi looked at Peridot and noticed both her arms glowing, quickly putting him down before Peridot threw her arms forward and wrapped the chainwhips around the guard's throat, but her aim had been more than perfect as the hooks came and impaled themselves into his eyes, causing the male to growl out in pain before Peridot pulled hard on the whips.

"Now, lets try again. Where is she?" The guard felt his mind succumbing to Peridot quickly before he lowered it in defeat, "Cell number 14." Peridot smiled and seemed to loosen up the whips, before she turned around and smirked, "Badasses don't watch explosions." She pulled the whips hard enough to cause the the guard's head to explode from the sheer pressure asserted, making Tenchi whistle and Janch to lift her hands, "Look out, we got a tough girl here."

After having brushed off the remaining blood and body parts, the trio was quickly locating cell number 14. Since no one had even bothered to pick up the key, Janch drew her polearm and sliced straight through the door, causing it to fall apart before they got to see the golden dragoness sitting collared. Tenchi slowly stepped inside before noticing the girl moving her head, opening her eyes to look at Tenchi before standing up slowly, "Sister? Is that really you?" Tenchi moved in closer before the dragoness jumped at her and cried as she held her closely, "You are finally here! I have been waiting for you to come and save me!"

Tenchi felt bad for having left her sister, or twin sister, alone with their mother. Their mother? It would be something that she had to accept to say now, but she didn't mind it. Holding the dragoness closely, Tenchi took the collar and broke it off before she lifted her up, carrying her a bit before looking at Janch who was working with cutting the doors open to all the other cells, making Tenchi smile, "I guess they all deserve a chance at life." Peridot nodded as she followed Tenchi out to meet the wyverns.

Well outside, Tenchi looked at the dragoness, "Introductions can wait. We need to get you some medical attention and assessments." The dragoness didn't respond as she looked up at the dark clouds, putting her paws together, "Please, allow the sun to shine through the darkness and bath everyone in the hope of your majesty." Tenchi smiled, but soon looked in shock as the clouds were disintegrated by the rays of sunlight and with a few seconds to spare, Janch got out before a powerful beam of the sun struck the castle, tearing it down entirely until nothing more than just gravel was remaining.

Tenchi looked at the dragoness who prayed again, "Please, allow the waters of life to shower our new beginning and let us all feed and grow a new life." The sun was soon covered by clouds and rain began to fall, bathing the infertile and dry land with a healthy dose of water, as well and allowing the dragoness to be cleaned off as the dust and dirt soon flowed off her body, the sparkling golden metal scales shimmering when the rain finally stopped and allowed the sun to come back to say hello to everyone.

Tenchi could have sworn she was never going to question any decisions after what she had witnessed here. Arashi was curious when Tenchi put her sister down, quickly instructing her how to meet a wyvern. Arashi did what most wyverns would do and soon nuzzled up to the dragoness before a portal back home swallowed them up, leaving the former dark world to work on its own, now freed from the oppression of its dark past.

Back in the castle in Morgova, Sasha stood with the goddess of death herself nearby and also Diopia next to her, looking out over the lush jungle while sighing, "You know? They are all good to me. They care, they love and they always make sure that I am feeling welcome to love them and get love in return. But I feel that I cannot help it anymore. Making Tenchi a tail I thought would be an easy task turned into an actual failure. The details are too hard to make with my lack of dexterity." Diopia and Gaceia looked at Sasha before noticing her closing her eyes. Gaceia was asking her, "What do you plan, Sas'Ha?" Diopia put a hand on her shoulder, "Are you sure about this, Sas'Ha?" The dragoness opened her eyes, the sclera now black as the night itself and the eyes a hint of red and purple. With a single motion of her hand, a pillar of light emerged from the island of graves before she nodded, "Yes, it is time for them to know the truth about the real me."

The End.

Journeys of Time 15

**Journeys of Time 15: The Chronicle of Noble Evil** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own...

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Journeys of Time 13

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