Tales of the Scarlet Suns 11

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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This is the chapter about what happens when Irving fights the demon and how he learns about a horrible truth.

This is sure to bring you many good reads.

Chae and Naphalee Garven and Tavia Tohka © Me and https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/

Irving Tohka © https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/

Story written by me

Glinocyre is a world copyrighted by me and https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ and we ask no one to use it as their own.

This story is 927 words long and consists of 5,009 characters/letters.

The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 11: Stains of Crimson

The demon grinned when Irving rushed at him, quickly pulling out a massive axe to swing towards him, "You fool! I tricked you! You will all die!!!" Irving noticed the axe coming for him and jumped before feeling the axe coming back and hitting him in the back, hearing the sound of the metal surfaces colliding as Irving attempted to hit the demon with Átta, only to watch the demon actually moving backwards and cleaving a tree down almost to Chae's head, "Careful. Do not want your wife to be dead, do you?"

Irving's eyes focused on the demon as he watched the scum laughing while Chae and Naphalee looked at the axe being near their heads, "Irving, do not worry about us. Save yourself!" The demon laughed, "How cute. They actually want you to run away and have them being killed." He looked at Naphalee before grinning, "Such cuteness makes me vomit from disgust." He slapped her, making Irving put a foot forward before the demon put an axe against Chae's throat, "No closer or she will be dead!"

Irving looked at him and suddenly began to run towards him again, the demon lifting his axe to swing it, "You fool! She is dead now!" Chae's eyes widened and Naphalee's scream echoed loudly in the open sky, "Chae! No!!!" The axe came down quickly, but a sudden wind blew and the demon had a shock as a sword blocked its axe as Tavia had arrived just in time and looked at the demon, "Stay away from my sisters-in-law, you demonic ass-scratch!" Irving noticed as Tavia struck the demon with her shield and sent him flying into the forest with a stream of water pushing him away before she looked at her brother, "You go and fight him, I will protect Chae and Naphalee. GO!"

Irving gave her a nod before running after the demon, following the trail of water into the deeper and darker area of the woods before the axe welcomed him and chopped down a tree that got in their way, "That little bitch! I will have her head and yours for this!" Irving's eyes pierced the demon's before he sheathed Átta and clapped his hands together, "You are not worthy of my blade. I will beat you with my bare hands!"

The demon began to laugh before pointing at Irving, "Are you seriously that foolish? You are not even armed, let alone looking like you can handle anything I throw at you. Save yourself the burden and just let me kill you." Irving just looked at the demon before running in closely to it, "You are welcome to try." The demon merely smirked before swinging the axe at height with Irving's head, witnessing that Irving caught the axe in his hand before the wind grew stronger around him and with an intense and raw stream of energy was cutting itself through the metal and soon had the blade split in two, Irving grabbing the cut off piece and with another cut had it being split in two before he began to fight the demon with his own weapon, or parts of it at least.

The demon was looking unamused at how the seemingly easy target had turned into more of a hassle than he had anticipated, "Come on, you are seriously going to fight me with a weapon of my own? You are quite a boring little one." As the demon swung his axe again, Irving slid under him and cut his shins, severing the blood vessels and ligaments to force the demon onto his knees, the axe soon coming towards him as Irving grabbed the hilt and quickly had the demon's arms being cut cleanly off, listening to the agonized roars of pain before he kicked the demon back and jammed the two sharp axe blades into the eyes on the defenseless demon before taking a hold of the axe itself, turning it so the blunt part was well aligned before swinging it down to hammer the shards straight into the brain of the demon, watching the body slowly igniting before burning out to reveal the dead corpse of the mead hall's former owner, Irving looking at it in shock as the demon's voice spoke to him out of nowhere, "You are good, but that was merely an avatar of mine. Make sure you collect your prize, because next time you won't be so lucky."

Irving picked up the corpse of the elderly male and carried it through the woods until he arrived back near where Naphalee and Chae were waiting with Tavia, their faces turning shocked upon Irving's explanation before Irving began to walk towards Ampwick under silence, the girls following him as he carried the corpse up to the gate and the guards quickly called for the new owner of the mead hall, her eyes widening upon seeing her father's corpse and then turning into pure anger as Irving told her what had happened. Her face was fully expressing anger, but Irving was quickly bringing her out of it when the air blew his hair away from the eyes, "Vengeance can wait, right now we shall hold a ceremony for your father. At least now I am back and can pay my respects to him." As his words were spoken, the gates closed behind them and life resumed its normal course, for the time being at least.

To be continued in chapter 12: Tales of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Tales of the Scarlet Suns 12

**The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 12: Tales of the Eastern Kingdoms** Life back in Ampwick had been easy during the first two weeks with Chae and Naphalee returning to their workplaces and Irving together with Tavia leading the new improvements...

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Tales of the Scarlet Suns 10

**The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 10: Truths and Acceptance** The Watchmen on duty looked down from the top of the gate as they gasped and without a second to spare the gate swung open and one of them called out, "Hey everyone! Our leader is back...

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Sergal Tails 10

**Sergal Tails 10 - The European Standof** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not...

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