True Meanings of Christmas

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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Christmas is at the doorsteps and a trio living under the same roof decides to go shopping, but one visit to a store gives one of them the final part for their gift and soon it becomes apparent that the planning has to be carried out a bit earlier than expected.

This story is connected to actual lore.

Sapphire © Me and Turbomcgogo on FA

Talon © (Co-Author and Editor)

Wendy and Story © Me

Length: 2,218 words. 11,915 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour 15 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

True Meanings of Christmas This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

December, a month of joy and happiness, snowballing and snowboarding. Every kid flooding the malls worldwide with their parents to get everything ready for christmas. There was however one family that had it a bit easier this day, especially a werewolf gargoyle leading around his two dear girls as they were shopping for this year's christmas feast.

Normally they would celebrate it over at Sapphire's old home, but this year they had decided to bring the entire family to their home and knowing how big the family was, they had to expect at least over thirty people to come, if not more. Also given that Sapphire's mother would show up, they might as well prepare food for fifty people.

Looking over the various assortment of meat, fish and some venison, Sapphire was licking her lips and had her adorable tail wagging at the sight, something that Talon and Wendy found cute while the old male cougar standing behind the counter looked a bit shocked at a herbivore showing delight for the prospect of meat, not to mention the families walking by.

"Young lady, are you going to scare off my customers or are you picking something?" The old male asked, bringing Sapphire out of her very un-herbivorish behavior before she looked up at him and blushed, "Oh, sorry. I would like one-hundred and ninty-eight pounds of ham, ninty-nine pounds of turkey, twenty-two pounds of venison and twenty-two pounds of your finest herring."

The expression on the cougar's face made Talon and Wendy burst out in laughter as he was looking like someone had just given him a hefty sum of cash. Shaking himself out of the shock before looking at them, "Are you being serious? How will you use all that?" Talon called out, "If you haven't seen her mother, you wouldn't know how much a woman can eat."

This was making the cougar's jaw hit the floor at how forward and oddly collected Talon was with breaking the codex of never implying a woman to be fat. Turning around, he went right to work cutting the meat as Sapphire looked at Talon with a smirk, "You wouldn't have said that if she was here." Talon laughed, "True, then I would have just said that he should look at her and imagine her emptying this whole store by herself just for a breakfast."

Sapphire could only shake her head and giggle. She had learned that Talon was a honorable male, but he could have his moments of pulling a few jokes, some which could be read by others as offensive, but to Sapphire it was only a compliment.

Hearing the cougar clearing his throat a few minutes later, Sapphire took the many bags from him and smiled before Talon handed him what amounted to the sum for all the meat before he took the bags from Sapphire and began walking towards his favorite store in the mall, the antiquity store.

Sapphire and Wendy knew the male enjoyed looking at things of the past, including what was exactly the same thing he stood and inspected this very day as well, a beautiful painting from the early 19th century of a church under a starry night sky. The store owner and cashiers didn't mind him looking at it. In fact, they had told many stories of the church, something Talon and company enjoyed a lot as the cashier telling them the story was really living into it, at times ending up having her warned by the owner for the more naughty details.

Talon sighed a bit when the owner suddenly took down the painting and told him that the painting had been purchased by someone. As if saying farewell to it, Talon patted the frame before leaving the store, followed by Sapphire and Wendy when she noticed they had walked out the store, but she was carrying what seemed to be a giant wrapped book of sorts, but they couldn't tell as it was wrapped up as a gift, "I just found something that I know someone would like." No one asked a thing and the journey home from the mall was rather quick with the help of Sapphire's instant transport through any matter.

Back at home, Sapphire had told both Talon and Wendy to use the shower to clean themselves off, something neither of them had gone against, especially Wendy who knew it would mean that she was going to have Talon helping her wash off her back and if she was lucky, he would give her that backscratch she loved so much.

With just those few things on her mind, she was quickly heading out of her room after dropping off the gift before heading into the shower, turning the water to just a bit hot, but close to lukewarm. She knew when the water was ready as Sapphire had installed a shower head that switched color depending on warmth and was powered by the flow of water.

Once the water had switched between green and red, she knew it was ready and walked into the stream of water, suddenly hearing the heavy footsteps approaching and the sudden feeling of strong arms around her waist and a soft nuzzle along her neck when Talon joined her under the cascading water, "Hey there, mailbitch."

Wendy's nickname, the very one that always put a smile on her face. The way he said it made her feel like she was in the realm of dreams, also granted that she soon felt the sponge touching her abdomen, softly applying the shower gel into her fur and how it moved upwards from her belly and up to her breasts, very carefully applying the gel and then down towards her belly again and then lower to her pelvic area, but Wendy didn't feel any sexual will in this, more like a caring and loving way of silently saying "Don't you worry, I will take care of you".

Wendy softly murred at the feeling of the attention she was given, which soon amplified by ten when the sponge went onto her back and every single inch of her back was given a generous amount of it and Talon knew how much Wendy liked having her back taken care of, especially when he did THAT thing to her. But right now it was the sponge doing its job and Wendy soon barked out when the sponge rubbed over her butt and she was then feeling it coming down to the back of her legs, slowly working its way down to her feet, where Talon paid attention to every claw she had.

Once it was done, he guided her under the stream of water so she could shower it off. Her mind was already set on that he was going to scratch her back, which was soon making her whine like a puppy when Talon didn't scratch her back at all, but instead asked her to return the favor.

Wendy decided it was something she had to live with. Not everyone would scratch a dog on its belly even if it rolled over to be cute. But for now she had to wash Talon's back, but he always said that she only needed to wash his wings. And Talon was not disappointed when Wendy grabbed one of his wings and began to wash it, which was mostly to just rub the sponge over them, but with a different gel that worked with removing dirt and other particles and give the wings more of a shiny luster.

Sapphire was the one that had made the gel, knowing how Talon usually took pride in his wings and wanted them to shine. However, not every gel had been working. A few times they had consisted of some mishaps like Talon suddenly having wings looking like they were made of emerald.

None of them had told Wendy about it, so she would never know until Sapphire messed up. This one had not been a failure as once the last of the dirt came off his wings, Talon could reflect the sunlight in his wings and this made Talon happy, "Okay Wendy. I think you have done enough now." Wendy just nodded before the shower was turned off and Talon walked out to grab two towels, putting one on Wendy's head before using the other one to dry off her body and then letting her dry him off afterwards before they shared a quick kiss when Talon scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Wendy knew that Talon wanted a round with her, but something felt off when he laid her on her belly on top of the bed, her cute butt sticking out as she barked, something she knew would trigger them, or at least she had hoped until Talon sat down just behind her butt and leaned over to put his hands on said butt, groping it as Wendy murred happily and closed her eyes, unable to notice what was happening until she gasped out when Talon shoved his erection right into her tailhole, a soft murr coming from him as his hips worked themselves back and forth on top of her while he was giving her that backscratch she loved, with an additional pleasure.

None of them noticed that Sapphire was checking in on them and saw how Wendy was getting fucked and scratched by Talon, who seemed rather happy to give the girl something she loved, which wasn't questionable to anyone when Wendy's face was twisted in pure excitement and pleasure and she was moaning with every thrust Talon put into his hips and how every scratch went down into her back.

Sapphire giggled to herself snuck slowly into the bedroom and behind Talon, feeling a bit neglected from the fun time of theirs. Something that Talon was noticing when he was suddenly assaulted by a tongue against his pucker as Sapphire rimmed him, but he couldn't turn his head to look at her as Sapphire had quickly created something to force him into looking forward the whole time.

With his claws working on scratching Wendy's spine, his hips working the dick deeper into her ass and his own ass being assaulted by his laquine partner, it was clear to him that it wouldn't be long until he was going to cum, as Sapphire knew his weak spots.

The last part wasn't just a praise to her, but an actual fact when she was pushing the tongue into his warm butt and eagerly licked around, rubbing his balls and applying just the right amount of pressure to force the poor guy to give in and Wendy to whimper like a cute little puppy when the warm sensation filled her butt and was leaking out the sides of her butt, the eyes slowly closing when Talon was beginning to pull his dick out of her and Sapphire took a moment to clean it off.

Both were unaware of Wendy having crawled over to the edge of the bed and pulled out the gift from before and laid it down on the bed, much to the questioning looks of Talon and Sapphire before Wendy murred, "It is for you both." Talon and Sapphire knew that Wendy was aware it was too early to give gifts now, but Wendy explained it, "We will barely have time to open the gifts with the others around from the sound of it, so you can open mine now. You both did give me yours already."

Sapphire and Talon both smiled as it had not been their planned gift to her, but soon Sapphire had torn off the gift wrapper from what they had thought was a giant book, but once the last part of the wrapper came off, both Talon and Sapphire felt as if they would need medical attention for their jaws hitting the floor and sliding away (Okay, not literally that they did, but they are just very shocked) as they saw the painting of the church and also saw three flight tickets to a destination that Talon knew very well, "You bought the painting and also got us tickets back home? How much did it all cost?"

Talon soon felt a kiss from Wendy and noticed her winking, "Love never comes with a price tag, only a will to make the one or ones you care for happy in every way imaginable." Sapphire smiled before Talon hugged Wendy tightly and a warm smile decorated his face before Sapphire was brought into the hug too, "This is a christmas miracle in the best way I could ever have asked for." It was then that the fire alarm went off and Sapphire flew up from the bed like a bat out of hell, "Shit! I forgot the meatballs on the stove!" Both Talon and Wendy laughed softly before with a final look at each other, they fell onto their sides and drifted off to sleep in the warm embrace of one another.

The End.

Helping the Mailbitch relax 2

**Helping the Mailbitch relax 2** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved...

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Journeys of Time 15

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Journeys of Time 14

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