Meet Me in the Maze (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#37 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Late one night in late october, two friends steal themselves away in a corn maze for some fun.

Awesome art by:

Read the full story here:

Nothing was more fun that running the gauntlet of mazes that had been carved out of the numerous corn fields just outside of Platteville. With Halloween around the corner any and all roadside attractions were in full swing. The haunted houses nearby were all decorated and running people through their spooky tours. People with their kids showed up to chase each other through the silly mazes, all of them rated for certain difficulties.

The farthest maze out from the town was known as "The Gargantuan Spider" which was the largest and most difficult maze of them all, and in fact often won awards for how it was always so ingeniously laid out. Year after year it was made differently, the maker being an old farmer that always enjoyed having fun this time of year. The maze was also full of little spring loaded traps and triggers that would often make cutout ghosts and ghouls jump at unsuspecting patrons.

In all it was a very fun thing to visit and go through, but more so, it was a perfect place to get in some devious fun. The moon was full and high overhead, basking the maze etched field in a white glow. It was bright enough that someone could read by it. Off in one of the distant corners stood one body in particular, a large zebra named Carlos had staked out the area that he and his friend had been around numerous times.

This part of the maze was far removed from the entrance and exit, and had even fallen into a bit of disrepair. As such, most people that went through the maze often took the path most traveled and found their ways out. As such, this was a secluded spot to enjoy themselves. Instructions had been laid out, they both knew how to get there, and so it was only a matter of time.

Forward past two right passages, take a left. Left, right, right, left, forward past two more left passages and one on the right. Take a left and go all the way down where there's a damaged section of wall and then hang another left. These were the instructions that a lone donkey was following, ones that he had helped make. He wore a pair of simple jeans and hoodie to stave off the growing cold of the fall season. He wasn't very large, perhaps average as far as build and height. A red beanie rested between his ears and he walked with a leisurely pace with his hands folded into the front pocket of his hoodie. When he rounded the last corner and saw his friend, he couldn't keep from smirking.

Carlos was in the middle of stripping when he arrived. He had taken off his shirt, which showed a muscular frame, trained from a lifetime of doing farm work. His stomach and love handles were a bit pudgy and stuck out from his form, but in all his stature was quite intimidating. Having kept a vigilant eye out for anyone coming by, he zebra was quite happy and flashed a grin.

"About time, Wayne, I thought you were gunna skip out on all the fun," Carlos teased and began to fold his shirt. Right after he tossed the clothing on the ground there came a strong set of hands that clasped his ass. He startled for a moment, not expecting the donkey to rush up and be so bold, but this night was rather special.

"Like I'd ever miss an opportunity to nuzzle up to this ass," he laughed and gave a harder squeeze.

"Grab me any harder and you'll be getting a whole lot of something else," the zebra huffed and threw a strong glance back over his shoulder. Wayne grinned and lifted his hands in front of him, showing his palms.

"Consider me warned," he replied. Carlos huffed again and then turned to face his friend. His hands were balled into fists and set on his hips, which did well to show off his broad shoulders and barreled chest.

"Were you followed?" the zebra asked.

"Of course not. Think I'm some amateur?" he retorted with a grin.

"Hmpf," was all Carlos offered before he leaned in and gave the donkey a quick kiss on the lips. The quick affection was returned and the two lingered for a few moments, basking in the night beneath the full moon. When they did finally pull away, the stronger man looked to his friend with an affectionate smirk. "Shall we?"

"Fuck yeah!" Wayne breathed and shivered. Carlos took his hand and lead him over to a blanket that he had laid out on the ground in preparation for the night, a discarded dufflebag off to the side being how he was able to inconspicuously bring it in. The zebra undid the belt at the front of his pants and pushed them down to his ankles, along with a pair of white boxers. He kicked them off and settled down onto his knees.

Wayne couldn't keep his eyes from the muscular backside the zebra had to offer. A prominent ache formed between his legs as he watched his friend get down and rest his chest to the soft covers. With both hands he reached back and grasped his buttcheeks, if only to splay them as far as they would go. The donkey felt weak in the knees as his eyes settled on that gorgeous ass and the pucker that winked in the open air.

As Carlos waited, the other began to hastily strip. His hoodie came off and was discarded in the similar lump of clothes as the zebra. His pants and underwear were tossed, as he came to be with his friend while being just as naked. His own hands fell onto those meaty cheeks and held them open. There came a strong musk that wafted from those heavy balls, their velvety heft causing them to sway. Wayne leaned down and pushed his face against those massive orbs, his lips scouring their curvature and drifting up towards the equine's pucker.

Read the full story here:

Meet Me in the Hot Springs (Patreon)

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