Meet Me in the Parking Lot (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#35 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A male akita and doberman have a secret, passionate meeting late at night in the parking lot of a closed restaurant.

Read the full story here:

The call of insects and amphibians from the nearby river echoed out to the open, night sky. From the road, cars drove past but not many, as the evening had progressed to a point that many people were going to sleep. That wasn't the case for a parking lot off to the side of a restaurant that had closed for the evening. Set against a backdrop of trees, the black Sedan was difficult to see, as a slight shadow from the foliage was cast across its size.

Leaning against the vehicle was it's owner, a tall individual that slowly took draws from a lit cigarette as he waited for his friend to arrive on the scene. Few street lamps were around, but from what little illumination was offered by the crescent moon and the star filled sky, it was easy to see that he was a very fit akita.

Though not easily seen behind his loose fit T-shirt and blue jeans, this dog took very good care of himself, having a regular workout routine that kept him busy and very healthy diet. Despite his obvious addiction, he was the epitome of fitness. Perhaps the only one that took care of their body more than him was the owner of the Yellow Ford Fusion that turned into the parking lot and approached at a slow roll.

The bright headlights flashed over the dog's form, his blue eyes squinting and a paw lifting to shield his view. He was a very handsome individual, his light brown over coat mixing smoothly into the white fur of his belly and arms. As the new vehicle slowly parked in the space next to his car, he flicked the cigarette away and smothered it with his shoe.

Silence took over again when the engine was cut and the headlights turned off. The door creaked open and the akita watched with a wanting smile as he saw a very familiar doberman step out from the driver's side.

The black and brown furred canine held a lot of the same features as his friend, deviously good looking with a strong jawline and intelligent eyes. His frame was solid and strong, the result of many longs hours weight lifting and staying active. Unlike his friend however, he was more more professionally dressed. Dress pants, a dress shirt, and a tie accentuated his form, everything fitting perfectly to his maintained form. He didn't quite wear the same happy expression on his face, instead having one that conveyed a bit of irritation.

"Hunter!" the akita said as his smile turned into a grin. "It's like pulling teeth to get you out of your house,"

"Cut the shit, Tyler, you know our rules," the doberman said with a low growl and took his cellphone out from the pocket of his pants. "Don't text me on this phone! I can't afford a divorce right now if Mary finds out what the fuck we're doing."

"Well, you don't ever answer me on your other phone! Besides, I missed you," Tyler retorted and folded his paws over his angular chest.

Hunter gave an exasperated sigh and his hard expression became a bit softer. "We see each other pretty much ever day at the gym."

"You know what I mean!" the akita grumbled. "I'm tired of us not getting away to be intimate like we used to. It used to happen every weekend, now we're lucky if it happens every other month," he continued as he stepped around his vehicle to join the other dog. When he got around he rested his backside against his own vehicle.

"Thing's have been busy, especially at home and at the office," the doberman explained.

"Speaking of, is that where you just came from?" Tyler said with a smirk, looking the other up and down.

"Yeah, kind of. Why?" he asked with another growl.

"Oh, it's nothing! I just think you look sexy with a folded collar and tie," the akita defended and put his paws up. The doberman stared the other in the eyes, and as hard as he tried to keep a glare maintained, something about his friend always made his facade break.

"God damn it, Tyler," Hunter said with a smirk and stroked his other paw over his face and against his cheek. "Look, I told Mary that I was going out to get some groceries, so whatever we're gunna do, we have to do it quick," he remarked. The sound of his lover's words made the akita's heart leap with joy.

"Oh I don't think that'll be a problem," Tyler said and stepped closer, paws coming up from his sides to settle against the other's hips. Hunter relaxed a bit more as the two came together, their muzzles coming close to share in a passionate kiss that had their heads tilting and their lips melding close. Tyler missed his friend's taste and smell, a combination of earthy tones and cologne. He wanted nothing more to bath in it and be marked.

Hunter gave a soft moan, affording the other the opportunity to slip his tongue between the other's lips. The two mingled within each other's mouths, the akita's paws coming up to gently rest on the other's shoulders. Tyler felt his sides get caressed, their bodies pressed very close together with the doberman's being just an inch or two taller.

Without warning, Hunter pulled away and smirked as he stared into the other canine's dazed eyes. "Hmm, what did you tell Abby?" he asked, of course referring to the akita's own wife.

"I told her I was just going out to get some cigarettes," he confessed and tilted his head. "Why?"

"Well, it's just that we both seem to be on a bit of a crunch for time," Hunter explained and let his paws slip down to feel over the other's muscular rear end, the pants doing well to show off the toned curve of his butt.

Read the full story here:

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