Meet Me in My Laboratory (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#34 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A Scientist calls his friend in to be a test subject for an experiment that generates interesting results.

Read the full story here:

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Deep within the mountains and far removed from the civilized society was this facility, hidden away among the massive trees that drew up the mountain's slope. It was a grand structure, partially embedded in the mountain side to be further undetectable. The research and experiments that went on inside weren't considered to be the most ethical, or even allowed in modern society. Stowed away within a region that was just gray enough to not be claimed by any one nation, the laws of man and God didn't apply.

Experiments were carried out as the day progressed by various individuals. The building was sectioned off by type of sciences that were going on, leading some to be a bit more busy than others. Deep within the building's basement laboratory was were a very important procedure was set up to take place. Despite how his colleagues appeared, a mouse that was the youngest in the whole building had his equipment squared away. Now he only waited for his helper and subject to arrive.

Coming off as very feminine in appearance, he was short and had supple hips that lead to soft thighs. From behind he might have been able to easily pull off looking like a girl, but if anyone had taken a closer look they would have known better. He stood next to a large operating table that was set up on a huge, robotic arm. He glanced over a clipboard in his paws and smiled contently at the data that it showed. A pair of thick glasses hung against his nose and over his ears and would frequently get hit by the light of the room in such a way that they would shine white.

He wore a white lab coat and gray slacks, like most others that worked there. In all he looked the part of a mad scientist right out of some cartoon, and truth be told he played the part very well. Just over the age of eighteen, he was well documented and revered among his piers as having contributed greatly to his field. Biology was his forte, and it seemed like there was no one that knew the methods and science better than him.

Suddenly the front door of the lab swung open, revealing a panting greyhound that had just spent the past twenty minutes racing down to the mouse's lair. The scientist smirked without turning his eyes away, though he did eventually look up as the significantly larger canine approached. He wasn't wearing the same garb, only a blue T-shirt and a pair of tan cargo shorts told of how casual his particular position was. He wasn't muscular or even that fit, but he did have a head up on the other.

It was easy to see that the dog wasn't a part of the educated faculty, though he did work there as a technician. He and the mouse had grown close, the facility situated in the middle of nowhere had made sure of that. While romance wasn't something the other scientists dabbled in, he and the dog had formed a relationship that was very physical. It seemed to be a pretty regular basis that the mouse found himself knotted to his friend, often falling asleep in the canine's arms.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Rolland, I didn't mean to be so late," the greyhound puffed as he stopped at the other side of the operating table.

"Please, Oscar, you can call me, Fen. Always so formal with you," the mouse laughed and let the clipboard hang at his side. "We aren't in the presence of my superiors, we can relax for the time being." His voice was very girly, a high pitch inclination that would have been able to easily fool the straightest male around. It was soft and soothing even, pleasant on the ears as most other academics in the building still retained nasally voices from their youth.

"Oh, uh, sorry," he said, pausing for a moment. "Fen."

"Much better. Now, be a good boy and hop up onto this table," he explained and patted the smooth, metal slab. Oscar blinked in confusion and then glanced down at the fixture.

"Uh, why?"

"Science of course! Come on, up you go!" he continued and smacked the table again. The dog stared at it dubiously but then shrugged and turned. He hoped up backwards onto the cool, steel plane and looked to the mouse for further instruction. "Lie back," he explained with a smile. The great dane did, and as he tried to get comfortable a few mechanisms suddenly popped out of the surface and latched themselves to the dog.

Oscar yelped in surprised, his wrists and ankles secured by vices that he hadn't seen before. He struggled and threw himself at his constraints, but the feminine boy's words cut through his concerned thoughts. "There's no need to struggle, everything is going to be okay," he said casually as he meandered over to another table that was set against the far wall. From the pocket of his labcoat, Fen produced a small remote control and began to tap on a couple buttons. A light flicked on over the bench, revealing a few piece of lab equipment and a large briefcase that was splayed open. The table that the dog was on became animated, lifting Oscar so that he was almost facing his friend.

Set in an indentation of rigid foam was a small syringe filled to the brim with a glowing green liquid. The mouse ever so gently lifted the needle from its home and held it in his hand like a doctor ready to administer a booster shot. He pressed the plunger just enough to excrete a hair-thin line of the strange concoction before he strode back over to where his captive subject was.

At the sight of the new instrument the dog began to struggle a bit harder, straining as hard as he could against his restraints as fear took him over. He began to panic, his eyes searching around for some means of escape. "Please calm down, Oscar, this won't hurt at all," the doctor reassured.

Read the full story here:

Meet Me in the Swamp (Patreon)

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