Meet Me in the Treehouse

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#5 of Meet Me Extreme (Public)

A treehouse out in the middle of nowhere is the scene of a group of cubs' sexual activities, but some particular activities as of late are spawned from an interesting, magical cock ring that gives its wearer incredible prowess!

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Hidden far away from most of civilization was a small town of just over 1500 residents, just large enough to host a middle school and a few common establishments. Dense forestry and scrub land surrounded the rural area in a way that made it seem remote. Far removed from one of the main highways that lead into the town was a slightly warn in path that went off deep into the woods. It was difficult to see and practically impossible to follow if someone didn't know the specific markers to look for.

Deep enough along the path an interesting sight would be held. High up in a tree that was bent and had its massive limbs splayed out sat a very well built treehouse. It was a peculiar construction, the attention to its structural support and its rigidity gave way that is was built professionally. Its size was another interesting thing, it was quite large as far as treehouses went, but the tree that held it was more than strong enough to hold the weight.

A particular sound emanated from the treehouse, a rhythmic smacking that was very light and was only heard when the breeze would die down. Within the structure the origin of the sound was quick to become apparent.

A young red furred vixen, likely around the age of twelve or so, was bent over a very large pillow. Her pants and panties were pulled down to her knees, her tail was lifted high over her back. Leaning over her form was a husky of about the same age and size, his pelvis repeatedly striking against her backside to reveal the source of the wet slapping. Her cheeks were splayed open to reveal her asshole being penetrated by the other dog's cock, though surprisingly enough his member portrayed a size not befitting his age.

His black and white paws were settled into the small of her back, his hips bucking wildly. Every time he would drive his impressive length all the way into her ass she would let out a soft, squeaking moan, her mouth hanging open and tongue lolling out. She had all but given up trying to resist the canine's venture, and so she resided herself to taking his incredible pounding with paws folded underneath her chin.

This certainly wasn't the first time she had been fucked in the ass by him, it was quite the common occurrence, but as of recent he's had a couple new and very interesting additions to his body. Having sex in their group of friends was about as common as shaking paws, it was often one of the first things someone would do to even get to know each other. She had become quite accustomed to having her holes filled just as much as he was used to filling them.

In the corner of the room sat a female jaguar on a large beanbag chair. She was in the same class as the others, though she did come off as a bit taller than average. She watched the intense pounding the husky boy was giving, her own legs were spread wide and cum leaked from her prepubescent pussy. She was in the midst of recovery, her young cunt already having three loads of the dog's cum and he was on his second with the other girl. Her fingers idly drew circles around her clit, a pool of semen having formed beneath her butt and had rolled over onto the floor.

Suddenly there came a knock at the entrance to the treehouse, a small wooden hatch off to the side on the floor. The door pushed open and a young red panda boy pushed his head in and glanced around. He was quick to spot the feline lounging back and the current state of her pussy, and when he saw the two that were fucking he couldn't keep from being frustrated.

"You guys always do this!" he called out as he pushed and pulled himself up into the treehouse, the trap door shutting behind him. "Can't you at least wait until I get here?"

"Mark!" the husky called out as he continued rolling his hips wildly against the other. Suddenly he pulled his cock from the vixen's ass, making her yip loudly and moan as she felt so empty from his abrupt retreat. The dog's cock was stained white, dripping a mixture of his own cum and the girl's anal fluids. "Check this out!" he continued and pushed his hips out to the other boy with his proud member standing at a full attention.

The red panda blinked with surprise and couldn't help but smirk as he glanced down at the protruding dick, though he was quick to realize that it was quite a bit bigger than the last time he had seen it. The boys in their group were known to fuck along side, and even each other, so they were all intimately familiar with the proportions of one anther's assets. The husky's member was a good three inches longer than last time and half an inch thicker. On top of that his ball sack had seemed to get a bit bigger as well.

"What the..." Mark said and peered a bit closer at his prick. "How did it get that big, Ash?" he asked and scratched the side of his head.

"Dude, check it out!" the husky continued on, his tail wagging in a blur of circles. He brought his paw down and wiped away at some of the accrued cum that was at the base of his cock. When he did there was something shiny that caught the other boy's attention.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's some weird cock ring," Ash explained and shifted his hips, making his cock bob a bit. Indeed, a gold band, not unlike something that would have been worn around a finger was situated down at the base of his shaft. It gripped his flesh securely but wasn't constricting blood flow in the slightest. As the light of the room shimmered over the metallic surface and red panda rubbed at his chin.

"That's what made your cock so big? How?" he asked confused, just gazing at the impressive dick and its new found jewelry. "Wait, is that what you wanted to call this 'emergency' meeting about?" he accused.

"Dude!" the husky exclaimed. "It's done more than make it bigger, I've never cum so much in my whole life!" he replied quickly.

"It's true," the jaguar girl chimed in, her soft yellow eyes having settled on the conversing boys. Mark had to blink back his surprise as he was allowed a better look at the relaxed girl's pussy and the pool that had resulted from it.

"You did all that?" the red panda asked, unbelieving.

"It's not just that, though," Ash explained and gripped his cock by the ring. "Cumming doesn't make me tired like it used to, and I never run out. I can keep fucking for hours, just watch!" the husky said excitedly and bounded back over to where the vixen was. She hadn't bothered to move, her own tiredness having caught up to her a bit. She suddenly became more lively as she felt Ash's cock push back into her ass, the semen soaked hole having almost closed back up from its once gaped state.

"H-h-h-hi, M-a-a-a-ark," the fox girl whimpered as her body began to jostle from the fevered movements now resumed. The red panda stepped closer to observe the marathon session in more detail, and to his surprise his friend had been able to reach a speed that he hadn't seen before. For the first time ever he had pity for the girl's poor, abused asshole.

"Hey, Suzy," he mumbled his reply. He let his backpack fall from his shoulders then and even pushed it off to the side. It seemed he had arrived at the treehouse just in time, as just a minute after the husky's re-entry he hilted and gave a loud howl, his balls jetting another sloppy salvo of his cum deep into the her bowels. She was forced into an orgasm herself, a shrill moaning scream that seemed to match the dog's in volume.

The two slumped together, panting hard but true to the husky's words he was fast to recover. His cock slopped wetly from her well used hole, his length drenched in thick semen that dripped to the floor. Mark gasped as he watched the separation, long sticky strings of jizz still connected him to her winking hole.

"Whoaw, can I try it?" the panda asked and peered a little closer.

"Yeah, sure," Ash said and brought his paws down to his cock some. His tongue stuck from the side of his mouth in concentration as he tried to work the ring off, but the slick coating of his cum made it impossible to get a good grip. "'s too slippery. I need some help," he mumbled and glanced up at the other boy. He blinked a bit dumbly at first, his eyes trailing from the cum covered member up to the husky's pleading eyes.

"Uh, okay, but I don't know..."

"Just use your mouth," Ash said, cutting him off and holding his still erect cock out. Mark frowned some and nodded as he got down on his knees in front of the other. This hadn't been the first time the red panda had sucked a cock. Hell, it wasn't even the first time he had sucked Ash's cock, but the the husky's new found size was intimidating to say the least. "If we can get the cum off I can get the ring off."

The young boy opened his mouth and gingerly began to take in the husky's length. The thick semen tasted interestingly pleasant. He swallowed down the first mouthful that he collected on his tongue and found himself wanting some more. More and more of the slick surface disappeared into his maw and even when it nudged the back of his throat he didn't stop. He was amazed at himself. He had the worst gag reflex in the past, how was he able to push his nose down against the husky's pelvis without a flinch? Did the ring have that kind of power too?

Ash was moaning softly and shivering. His paws had settled on top of his friend's head and even after he was sure that his dick was clean his friend didn't bother to move away. His tongue still worked circles around his girth and his cheeks were concave with suction. He had even begun to bob his head a bit, which made his shaft push further into the other's throat. Without realizing it the dog had begun to pump his hips a bit, his fingers stroking through the red panda's fur.

What was he doing? Mark asked himself. It was almost as if his body was moving on its own as he suckled harder. He loved the taste far more than usual, it was like he couldn't get enough of it. Ulp, ulp, ulp. He would take a breath every so often when he would pull back but they were short lived as Ash would pull his muzzle back onto his length. He gave a slight grumble to himself. Ash was always so overzealous, he'd have told him to be more gentle if not for the fact that he was enjoying himself as well.

"Ah, Mark! I'm gunna c-u-u-u-m," Ash gasped. Before his friend could react there was a sudden gush of semen that flooded into his mouth and down his throat. He was sure that he should have gagged or begun to cough but his throat reacted accordingly. He swallowed back every drop as quick as he could as he had burred his nose into the dog's pelvis. With another sudden gush, Mark finally found the will power to pull back.

When his maw came away he found that the husky's didn't stop, and so a few thick strings of jizz splashed him across the muzzle, painting him like garland on a Christmas tree. The red panda fell back on his butt and grumbled a little at the hard landing. Ash was left panting and shivering, his cock finally drifting from its erect state down to something that was much more flaccid. The husky looked down at his bottomless self and realized his member size had turned to normal, and that the gold ring was no longer on him.

Mark blinked a bit in confusion before he spat the metal band out into his paw, not a single drop of cum on it. He tilted his head from side to side as he examined the piece of jewelry and realized it had shrank quite a bit to something that seemed to be only suitable for a finger.

"Hey, what gives?" he asked and held it up to the husky to see.

"Oh, it gets bigger when you put it on, I promise!" Ash panted as he tried to catch his breath, the real amount of exhaustion from his marathon fucking coming around to effect him. The red panda closed an eye and peered through the yellow circle. It looked like a plain old wedding band but without any precious stone or identifying features on it.

"Where did you find it?" he asked and tried fitting it over his finger, but curiously enough it wouldn't fit. Did it contract to keep him from putting it on?

"I found it stuck in the tree on the playground near the school gym. I thought it would be funny so I put it on my cock to show Sarah and it got really big and drippy. And after we fucked for a while I wouldn't go soft," he explained as Mark quickly worked his bottoms down. It wasn't even just to try the ring on, their group was called 'The Bottomless Club' and anytime someone was in the treehouse everything below the waist had to go.

The red panda took his member up in his paw and settled the gold ring against his tip. Strangely, the metal band not only expanded to accommodate his meager size but seemed apt to slide down his length to the base. As soon as it settled against his body there was a sudden jolt of pleasure that hit him hard. He wasn't expecting it, and he was doubled over for a moment as the feeling passed. To his astonishment his cock grew incredibly fast, lengthening and become thick like a long balloon being inflated. It felt so natural.

Despite what he wanted to make of the situation, the result was the same as his friend. Dangling between his young things was a fully erect, nine inch cock that began to quickly drip a thick white fluid to the floor of the treehouse. "Wow! This is incredible!" he called out excitedly and gripped his length with both paws. Its thickness was so much that he couldn't fully wrap his fingers around it and there was still enough room for two more paws. It went without saying that he felt pretty god-like.

"Pretty awesome, right?" Ash said with a grin as he stepped over to where Suzy was still lounging, her pucker having since recovered but a long, sticky line of his cum still trailed from her butt and over her prepubescent pussy.

"I gotta try this out!" the panda said and his eyes suddenly glanced up at the jaguar girl, who had been enjoying the little exchange between the two boys. Their eyes met for a moment and her ears quickly splayed back against her head, a bright blush burning up her cheeks. "Sarah!" he called out, "Lemme fuck you!"

The feline opened her mouth to protest but she suddenly found him bounce up and flop down on the beanbag chair between her legs. "Hey!" she yowled, "Don't come near me with that, I'm still recovering!" she huffed and growled, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Mark slipped his paws under he knees and lifted her up so that her feet were almost on his shoulders. She pushed her pussy juice soaked paws against his shirt in an attempt to push him away but it only seemed to steady her form for him.

With great accuracy, or more likely due to the magic of the ring, Mark's cock pressed up between her butt cheeks and nudged firmly against her dark tailhole. Her butt was a bit soaked with cum, and it had yet to dry. The red panda ground his member into the slick white fluid in an attempt to lube himself up before pressing back against her pucker again.

"God, Mark!" Sarah wined and settled a paw on her face to try and hide her embarrassment. She peered out between her fingers and gave a soft yelp as she felt his cock tip push past her ring of muscle and begin to ease into her bowels. "Ugh, careful. Ah!" she moaned and shivered as she felt more and more of the male push his rod in. Before long he had pressed the gold ring to her stretched asshole and sat there to let her adjust.

He found the entry to be easy enough, he didn't know if it was the ring again or if his friend's left over cum made for an excellent lube, but she felt so warm and slippery inside. He wiggled his hips a bit before he began to move, and right away he became aware of a heightened sense of prowess. His actions were quick and strong, his heftier sack slapping her butt cheeks as he would lean over her form. His large tail curled up behind as he began to really enjoy the powerful pleasure. The two were groaning and grunting together as he rutted her backside without mercy.

From across the room Suzy was slowly getting up to her feet, the inside of her thighs were still wet and mated down with Ash's cum. The husky had stepped over to help her out, which she graciously accepted. "I need a break," she said with a little giggle, more semen flowing from her tailhole as she stood up fully.

"Heh, sorry about that. Not my fault," he chuckled and gave her an affectionate nuzzle. The two stepped over to where Mark and Sarah were still going at it. The poor jaguar was moaning hysterically, his legs splayed as far as they would go, her poor asshole subject to the boy's will. The vixen came up to the other girl's side and watched her writhe around. Sarah whimpered loudly and turned her eyes up to the kit who offered an apologetic smile, knowing all too well about getting that size of a cock up a vulnerable tailhole.

"How are you feeling?" Suzy asked sympathetically.

"I! A-a-a-ah!" she yowled as the young girl was sent into a spirally orgasm. The dog's cum that was still trapped inside her pussy sprayed out along with a gush of her own femcum.

"Oh wow!" Suzy laughed as she saw the spray and licked her lips as the jaguar's pussy was coated in a fresh layer of her own musk. The kit leaned down between the other girl's legs and began to lap tenderly at her clit and cunt lips, making a new volley of whines emanate from the feline.

Ash stepped out from the feline's other side and knelt on the chair right beside her head. The action made Sarah turn her and blink her dazed eyes as she saw his smaller, dog cock hanging from his sheath in a limp state. He grasped his member by the base and brought it closer to her head, and almost like she was in a trance the girl craned closer and opened her mouth. She brought his soft member between her lips and began to nurse on him like a hungry kitten.

The husky moaned and settle a paw between her ears to keep here there. Suzy was busy with cleaning away girl juices though at some point she had slipped a finger into Sarah's cunny and was sawing it back and forth. She could even feel the pumping cock through the inside, an interesting sensation to say the last. The vixen's lips wrapped around the other's clit in a way that wasn't too different from how she was doing to the husky.

Ash was brought to a full standing erection in no time and he had found himself leaning over the jaguar's head just like the red panda. With his member so much smaller than it was with the cock ring it wasn't at all difficult for her to bring it all into her mouth. With the tip barely touching the back of her throat she could freely swirl her tongue around on his preteen prick.

The four worked on each other in a loving reciprocating group. As they were all so close together the effects of the ring was felt on all around, though none of them really knew it. Time fell away and the four worked harder and harder. It seemed strange, but everyone but the vixen felt n encroaching orgasm, entirely orchestrated by the magical artifact.

With a bounding, gyrating mass between the three the peak of their bodies rose rapidly and a familiar pressure was shared. Ash was the first to cum, a meager spurt that gushed down the back of the jaguar girl's throat. She swallowed it all back without a single protest but before he was done cumming she pulled from his member and screamed out. She struck her orgasm hard just as Mark unloaded his massive blast deep into her bowels and filled her up in a way that she had never felt before. She felt like a water balloon fit to burst, though there was a ton of the red panda's seed that oozed from around his member.

Her fem juices gushed again over Suzy's fingers and mouth as she went into shuddering convulsions. The vixen gasped and leaned back, Mark seemed to do the same and his huge cock yanked free of her gaping asshole. Strings and globs of his cum splashed across her belly, and after a couple seconds his orgasm finally died away to leave him panting hard with a wide grin on his face.

"Wow! This thing is amazing!" the red panda exclaimed and gripped his cum covered cock.

"Yeah, I knew you'd love it!" Ash replied, panting hard as his dick quickly shrank away, its tip dripping some. Mark shifted a little and gripped the ring at the base of his shaft before he expertly pulled it up and over his cock.

"We gotta show this to the group. Even Mr. Cransten! He'd love it too!" Mark went on and peered down at the band as it shrank back to a normal ring size again.

"Yeah!" Ash agreed and hopped up. Sarah lied back and panted hard as she tried to recover. Everything ached on her and she didn't want to move. Her eyes were closed, so she didn't see Suzy climb up onto the beanbag with her but she certainly felt it. When her eyes opened and were finally able to focus she came to find the vixen's sloppy tailhole being lowered down to her face. Oddly enough she opened her mouth without any command and held her tongue out to the flexing anus.

As the boy continued to chatter about the cool little object they suddenly found themselves to be in the possession of, Suzy pushed out a long roll of Ash's cum into Sarah's mouth. The feline drank it greedily and eventually the kit settled her rear down all the way, the other girl's lips sealed to her pucker.

"Bye girls!" Mark called out and the boys waved goodbye. They had pulled on their clothes and had secured all of their belongings, the Husky already climbing down the ladder that lead up to the hatch. The jaguar and vixen waved back, and certainly while the boys were away the girls would play on their own.

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