Meet Me in the Wasteland

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#4 of Meet Me Extreme (Public)

A doberman meets an old friend out in the wasteland to retrieve a prize and exact revenge on the girl that sold him out and killed his brothers.

Please support me on Patreon if you like my work and wanna see other stories there as well!

The air was arid and hot, carrying with it winds of radiation and a history of forgotten battles. With hardly any bit of green, the desolate wasteland stretched on and on for miles. Wreckage dotted the landscape in the form of massive pieces of mech soldiers that once stood forty feet tall, their bodies all but partially buried beneath sand. Through years and years of neglect the course wind had scraped away nation insignias and bleached the color from the various kinds of debris.

Nothing grew in this area, fewer things resided within. Depleted Uranium from turrets and the aftermath from nuclear strikes made the air toxic and not many thought to stay for long within its potent atmosphere. Despite the harsh climate there were copious amounts of activity. Armored cargo lines drove their routes through the landscape as the biting climate warded off most pirates looking for an easy payday. Crime was rampant as well, no one ventured into the wasteland to investigate. As such was the case.

Trailing a cloud of sand and dust wove a large black truck, armored place and grid work was welded all over its body and external weapons were propped on metal limbs alongside targeting cameras. Instead of wheels it housed four track assemblies, allowing for easy maneuvering among the dunes and mech trash. A bright red wolf skull with knives for eyes was painted across both doors, the allegiance for where it came from being obvious.

The vehicle hoped and skittered around, the cab was airtight and the armor came with lead sealing that allowed it to stay for hours within the wasteland's most dangerous areas. Having rode for about two hours, the vehicle came upon a very flat area of ground that had another, much larger machine settled on its terrain.

The truck slowed as it came closer to the machine, of which turned out to be a massive tank that had been reclaimed and restored from the old war. It had a main turret as well as several affixed rocket pods and external guns that were not apart of its original design. More armor had been welded to it in several odd places as well as barbed wire strung across its large form.

Set on the front of the tank was a massive X shape of welded together girders, and stuck to it was a female snow leopard in a state of bloody undress. Chains and wire held her firmly to the metal frame, her body slumped with exhaustion as she had likely been there, baking in the hot, radioactive environment all day. Her limbs were spread out on the arms of the shape, her body forced to be exposed. Her clothing was ripped and pulled apart from her form in places, both breasts hung free and the remains of her shirt hung around her midsection.

Her pants were ripped at the crouch to purposely expose her hairy vagina. Her arms and legs were covered in dried blood were the wires had dug in all along the the time that she was forced to ride out on the front of the vehicle and then wait. Her head hung limply like she had given up, though her gaze turned to see the familiar vehicle come to a stop a few yards away. Suddenly she became more animated, a fear struck mask holding her visage and for the first time in many hours she began to struggle again.

The roaring engine of the truck was cut and the heavy door to its driver side popped open. Out stepped large doberman, his body adorned in a leather jacket and tattered bluejeans. Over his shoulder and down his sleeves were some chrome spikes, some of them covered in dried blood. Strapped to his chest and close to his right shoulder was a large, serrated knife firmly wedged into its sheath. Over his muzzle was a large gasmask, not perfect, but more than adept at filtering the toxic dust of the region. He began to slowly step closer to the tank. Behind the plastic visor of his mask he and the girl locked eyes, hers still rolling in terror while his smoldered in fury.

Before he had come too close, the top hatch of the tank popped open and a wiry mongoose hopped out, wearing a similar styled gasmask. With nothing more than a dirty white tank top and cargo pants, the new comer climbed down a makeshift ladder that ran along the vehicles side and dropped to the ground. He approached the larger dog with a skip in his step, hoping in a carefree way as he advanced and even dancing a little as if he were listening to music. A large purple mohawk on top of his head seemed to defy gravity as it would swing and bob with the rest of him and not lose volume.

The doberman grinned as he watched the display, the mongoose even twirling a time or two and snapping his fingers, of which were clad in thick white gloves. With a clap of his paws had made a quirky side step the rest of the way to the dog, holding his paw out for a shake. With a chuckle the canine accepted the gesture firmly. He was much smaller than the canid, his body thin where the other's was muscular.

"Never fail to amuse, Rockson," the Doberman said, his deep voice muffled a bit from behind the mask.

"When life gives you. No meaning to live. You have to. Make your own!" The mongoose said and gave a shake of his backside. "Oooh. Your girl noticed you," he pointed out by twirling and giving a hip thrust in her direction.

"So I see," he replied and took another glance at the constrained individual. She hadn't stopped trying to yank at her restraints and as a result fresh blood began to leak from her wounds.

"Now my half. Of the deal. Is complete!" Rockson continued to say as he stepped in place and waved his arms out at his sides.

"What's my motto, Rockson?" the Doberman said with a smile as he dipped a paw into the pocket of his jacket.

"'Mr. Cransten. Keeps. His. Word'!" the mongoose replied and did a spin kick in the air before striking a pose on the landing.

"My man," the dog grumbled and grinned from ear to ear as he held out a small gold coin between his thumb and index finger. At the sight of the trinket the mongoose froze mid action.

"A lovely payment. For a lovely delivery," he commented and straightened his form to approach the other. Before he got too close the doberman slipped his finger and revealed a second coin that was hidden behind the first. Making an audible braking sound, Rockson shimmied his form and bent at the hip to peer closer. "D-d-d-double the p-p-payment?" he exclaimed and pointed with gun fingers at the shimmering pieces of metal.

"You've done me a great service, Rockson, I want to show my gratitude," the dog explained and let both coins fall into the the mongoose's open palm. He bent his knees and peered longingly at the two perfectly circular metal pieces.

"Mr. Cransten. Doing me. A considerable gratuity. Family ties. Much stronger with. Mr Cransten!" Rockson said and took up his dancing like before, though amid his hoping movements he made a gesture with his paw towards his tank.

The hatch popped open again and out stepped two very large males, far bigger than the Doberman. The first was bear and the second was the meanest looking boar the dog had ever seen, and easily the fattest. His size was so great that he even had a difficult time squeezing his gut out from the opening. They climbed down the same ladder that Rockson had and then went about the front of the tank to the girl.

"No! Get away from me!" She screamed and thrashed at her bindings. The two ignored her, the chains soon falling away and the wires that bound her limbs were unraveled. Despite her being lowered from the huge crossed beams she was hardly without constraint. A long steel bar was placed between her paws and feet with metal rings locked around her wrists and ankles. Despite her no longer being stuck to the X she was still forced to assume its shape.

The two massive men released her and she tried to struggle more, but when she found her feet on the ground there was a new problem she had to deal with. Her legs were incredibly week and in a lot of pain, added the effect that the spreader bar between her feet kept her off balance and so she toppled forward. A cloud of dust went up and she belly-flopped on the ground, her breathing quite loud as she tried to struggle to freedom but was getting nowhere.

"You two. Play nice!" Rockson said and and the two shook paws again before departing.

"No promises," the doberman said under his breath and turned his hard gaze back to the flailing snow leopard. The mongoose danced his way back to his tank, allowing the two others to go ahead of him up the ladder before he followed. As soon as he had vanished and the hatch clamped shut the massive machine gave a snarl and began to move backwards. The feline froze as she heard the retreating vehicle and began to scream again.

"No wait! Come back!" she howled, "I'll pay you double! Triple! Please don't leave me here!" she continued on as tears sprung to her eyes. He tried her best to stare after the slowly vanishing machine, its wake marked by a trailing cloud of dust and sand.

"No way you're getting out of this," the doberman said and began to step over to where she was lying.

"Don! Please, let's talk about this!" she pleaded while panting, her face resting back against the sand.

"Oh, we're far beyond talking about anything," he snarled and gave her side a hard kick with his steel-toed boot. He felt and heard a couple ribs give way under the strike. She screamed a pitiful wail and tried to curl on herself to protect her side but it was no use. "Aww, did that hurt? Good." He spat down on her and knelt by where he had kicked.

"Please...Don..." she said softly and began to openly cry and sob, tears streamed down her face in a way that surprised him as she had likely not had anything to drink all day.

"What the fuck did you think was going to happen, Alice?" he snarled and grabbed a fistful of her long, silver hair and yanked her head up so she might better hear him. "You sold my clan out, gave the Arbinskies rocket launchers and fucked that god damn warlord behind my back. I didn't die that day but a lot of my brothers did, so I'm going to repay you in the same way that you repayed me for saving your life," he continued on as he began to undo the front of his pants. She couldn't see it but she heard his zipper come down along with his pants and underwear. "Mr. Cransten keeps his fucking word."

"I-is this what y-you want?" she sniffled and looked at him with those big hurt eyes, icy blue irises pleading. She raised her rear end up into the air a bit and gave a pitiful shake like she often had when the two were alone and the mood was much more romantic. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

"You can't fuck with me this time, bitch," he snarled and jabbed at her broken ribs, another crack sounding out. She screamed in agony. "You aren't leaving here alive!" he roared above her sobs and cries for help that fell on no other ears. When she had calmed back down to her sobs and blubbering he leaned down to her face and whispered. "I remember how much you hated anal. Guess we'll see what I've been missing out on, eh?"

She blinked in horror at his words and tried to squirm away but lightning bolts of agony wracked her small body as she moved. "No no no!" she screamed. With his pants pulled down to his knees, Don pounced her backside and held her form against the ground. His large sheath was exposed and a healthy amount of his cock was protruding from the opening. He began to stroke over its length and encouraged it to get longer. His heart pounded as he pinned her down and stared over her back.

From where he once held care and love he now only harbored hatred. While one paw lathered his quickly growing member the other reached down to feel over her rear end. Her pants hadn't been ripped quite far enough to show much of her ass, but he was quick to change that. Curling his fingers into the already torn opening he yanked and began to shred the fabric. He didn't stop until the back of her pants and underwear were in tatters and her bare ass was exposed. He licked his lips at the sight of her gorgeous and well toned rear end, it was something he had lusted over for years.

She whimpered and cried into the dirt, unable to do much to stop him. In his paw grew nine inches of rigid canine length. He gave it a few extra strokes and shivered, oh how he had dreamed of this moment for months. He settled his weight over her form and with his free paw, he shoved her tail out of the way and pushed one of her cheeks to the side. She braced herself for the hit but nothing could have truly prepared her.

As his cock forced open her virgin tight asshole she let out another blood curdling scream. He didn't bother to be nice, he pushed his tip to her opening and then let his weight drive every last inch of himself to the base. She wiggled around again but it was no use, he was going to get what he had come for. He sighed in pleasured excitement. She was so warm and tight, he couldn't have wished for a better sensation.

His hips began to move immediately, working back and forth but slowly at first. She couldn't believe how dirty and painful it felt, like she were going to the bathroom. It was everything she knew she wouldn't like, and the doberman was picking up on it. He seemed to feed from her discomfort like actual food.

Don's hips rolled against her unwilling frame, the sudden intrusion had torn her hole open a bit and he could feel fresh blood doing a terrible job of lubing his cock. Every once in a while he'd draw his thick member back and let a long drop of spit cover its surface before shoving it back in.

Alice stopped crying after a while. She tried to not make any noise but it was hard. She grit her teeth and clenched her eyes shut, the dirt sticking to her face from her long spent tears. With the rough movements her body was forced to endure she found the front of her body begin to hurt. Grinding hard into the rough sand, her exposed breasts and nipples began to get warn down. Her tits were likely bleeding as she was forced to endure the feeling of them being scraped off.

The doberman was huffing and moaning as he shoved his cock as hard as he could into her warn in ass. His aggressiveness had paid off and her backside had become much more loose. Her bravery didn't go unnoticed though, and that was something he wasn't going to have. He struck her ass as hard as he could with an open palm and a new howl of agony escaped her already ragged throat. Fresh tears sprung to the sides of her eyes and she sobbed sullenly into the ground. The sight brought back his grin enough for him to strike her other buttcheek just as hard.

Everything on her hurt, the amount of torment exceeding all other precedents. The adrenaline had all gone away and with every rough drive he'd make of her bloody, abused anus caused her ribs to throb. She could barely breath, but even when she did she could feel the wasteland slowly siphoning her life away. She had been breathing radioactive air for hours and she was certain without proper medical treatment she'd be dead by nightfall. She could only hope that his revenge wouldn't last much longer.

No matter how many times he'd force every inch of his girth into her bowels she never got used to it. She whimpered every time, her resolve disintegrating as minutes upon minutes ticked on. The sound of the wind and Don's rhythmic hip striking was the only thing that was heard. She felt so disgraced and humiliated, her pride crumbling as time went on.

The doberman relished in her torment. He'd make sure to pull is bloodied cock from her ass every so often and stare down at her gaped anus, of which would clench painful in an attempt to close. He'd force himself back inside after he'd see her recover enough that the fresh pain would make her stir and whine. Hearing her lament for so long drew out his orgasm in an exquisite way.

With his hips turned into a blur of movement he disregarded the growing knot at the base of his cock. As the pressure built and released in a gushing torrent of his cum he forced everything he had inside. Alice screamed in tandem with Don's vibrant, orgasmic snarl. Forced to take an object the size of an orange, her insides ripped even more and when his thick semen mixed into her fresh wounds she felt as if her insides were on fire.

Don moaned and released a grunting sigh as he gave a couple of quick bucks against her, making sure to squeeze out the last of his viscous fluids as deep into her rectum as he could manage. As his climax slowly faded he looked down at her shivering form and licked his lips. The fucking her gave her was almost as good as seeing her suffer at his whim. He wondered if he was going to miss her when this was all over, but a brief memory of his friends burning to death gave the answer to that question.

Both paws had clenched fist fulls of sand amid the relentless sexual assault, now released as she felt she might have a moment's reprieve. She was of course sorely mistaken. With hardly a second to recover the large dog began to jerk and pulls his hips back. The pressure and pain from his knot being forced inside was rekindled four times over. She screamed and clawed at the ground, her nails cracking beneath the stress. He was so incredibly strong there was no doubt in her mind he would succeed in separating.

She screamed and pleaded for the first time in a half hour. "Stop stop stop!" she howled, her eyes going so wide she thought they might pop from their sockets. "Please stop!" she continued to shriek, her throat bloody and hoarse. His body didn't falter or stop. Both paws pressed to the small of her back and with his knees braced to the ground he was able to draw back as agonizingly slow as he wanted.

She raked and gripped at the ground so much that the tip of her fingers became stripped and started to bleed. In a last ditch effort to make it stop she began to strain her bowels and push against his knot in an attempt to expel him faster. It was just the action he was waiting for, and feeling her abdominal muscles begin to work with him he gave a hard yank backwards.

The lightning bolts of excruciation made Alice see stars and her jaw fell open in a silent screech. His knot tore her anus so much that it was audible, the same going for the loud pop of his cock coming free. The action was so sudden that the feline's backside prolapsed and her rectum was momentarily exposed to the toxic air. It was only when she had almost lost consciousness that it was pulled back inside and dripped a pink slurry of her blood and his copious amount of cum.

She lied there panting with closed eyes, her nightmare slowly set to come to an end. Don sat back on his haunches and waited as his cock slowly deflated and retracted back into his sheath. He took his time with pulling his pants back up and fastening them, giving his prize a few extra long looks in the hopes of solidifying the image of her battered and defeated body into his mind. When he was sure he had gotten a good enough memory, he nudged her bruised side with his boot again. She gave a soft sound and twitched a little. Good, he thought, she was still alive.

He wedged his foot beneath her shoulder and gave a firm enough kick that she rolled over onto her back, her bloodied and scraped up breasts gently heaving in shallow pants as she tried to breath through her broken ribs. He set a foot on each side of her body and straddled her chest, the action making her jump and cry out, her eyes coming open to stare up at the doberman. The look she gave him was almost entirely hollow. He was surprised that she still clung to a sliver of hope for survival, she refused to give up despite all that she had been through. Perfect.

He grasped the bar that held her paws spread far apart and brought it close so that he could settle it behind his head and lean back far enough that her arms were fully extended. She didn't know what was going on, her mind barely focusing on anything, but the familiar sound of a metal running across nylon and the shimmer of sunlight across gray steel made her suddenly become more awake.

"Don, no, please!" she said and began to struggle pitifully against his weight, the spreader bar jingling uselessly behind his head. He had drawn the knife on his shoulder and aimed the serrated edge down for her throat. "Please let me go, you've had your revenge," she pleaded. She'd cry but her tear ducts had long since gone dry.

"Sorry, babe," the doberman said as he grasped a fistful of her thick, silver hair and forced her head back to the ground, "but I'm not gunna leave a pretty face like yours be alone all the way out here in the middle of nowhere."

"No! Noooooo!" she screamed, calling out every last bit of energy she had in the deepest recesses of her body to ignore the pain and throw him off. He didn't move, and the most she accomplished was the same old struggling and jerking limbs as before. The razor sharp edge lowered to her throat and began to saw back and forth. As easily as cutting a steak, her fur and flesh yielded beneath his blade.

A spray of blood gushed from the wound and her last cry turned into gurgles as her trachea became split and flooded. Her body went from defiant thrashing to spasming as he worked his weapon deeper and deeper. On it went, hacking through vein, artery, and muscle. Gore covered a good portion of his arm with quite a bit of spattering across his gasmask and jacket. There were a few parts that were difficult to get through and for a moment he realized his knife wasn't as sharp as he had thought. Needless to say he didn't stop.

Her voice silenced and her body still, the sound of his crimson stained tool slicing through meat and a sparse grunt or two were almost not heard as the wind began to pick up again. When it came to the task of getting through her spine he drew his arm back and hacked down like a cook would with a cleaver. It only took one strike and her head came away from her shoulders.

He held his trophy up in front of him by her hair and looked it over a bit. Her face still held mask of shock, pain, and fear, though one eye twitched and the other had drooped off to the side. Surprisingly her face had very little blood on it and it appeared to be completely free of bruising. Rockson was a professional when it came to keeping prey orders in tact, he should have given the man a third gold coin for all his effort.

Don shrugged off her arm bar and wiped his blade as best he could on her dirty fur. It was a fruitless effort and so he slipped it back into its sheath dirty and stood up. He continued to look over her disembodied head that continued to faintly drip blood as he stepped over to his truck. He was going to be the envy of everyone he came across for having the prettiest trophy.

He moved up to the front of the machine and one of the steel spikes that had been welded to its body, a couple others having heads of their own stuck on on their sharp ends. He hefted his prize and drove it down, stump first onto the most forward placed pike. He did so with enough force that it would be firmly set but not enough to make the tip come out of her skull.

He stepped back and looked over his handiwork with a prideful smile on his face. He gazed as best he could into her lifeless eyes and then leaned his covered face until he was barely a few inches away. He stayed like that for a moment before he brought his clean paw and quickly slipped the gasmask from his muzzle.

With no barrier he leaned in and did his best to give her a quick kiss on the lips. The moment didn't last long and a second later he was climbing into the front seat of his truck. The beastly machine roared to life and peeled out in the sand, spitting up a cloud of dust as it made its quick escape from the wasteland and the horrid event that had just occurred there.

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