Meet Me at the Party (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#31 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

A bunny needs help from a friend at a college party, but what happens when his savior turns out to be another tormentor?

Read the full story here:

Rounding another corner, the sound of bass heavy music came to the coyote's ears. It was distant but grew with intensity the nearer he came, leisurely walking down the sidewalk that was adjacent to so many fraternity houses. His friend had called not too long ago, and since he lived so close he didn't think it much to just walk, fearing he might be early to the party. As it turned out, things were already getting pretty exciting when he arrived.

So many others were already there, decorating the front yard of the massive, two story fraternity house. The huge Greek letters, Alpha, Theta, and Sigma were embroidered on the front of the building with wood cutouts. From the windows came bursts of LED lights that strobed to the beat of the music. Cheering, talking, and shouting already filled the air as he began his way up the path to the front door.

"Hey, Rich," a wolf greeted and gave a nod as he leaned against the wooden railing of the front porch, a cigarette held between his fingers.

"Hey Jason, what are you up to?" Rich replied as he trotted up the steps and paused to stand near his friend. The lupine gave a shrug and took a quick drag before speaking.

"Not much, just getting away from things. You here to see Leah?" he asked and turned around to brace his rear end against the railing.

"Yeah, is he still here? He texted me a while ago, I hope I haven't missed him," the coyote said and pushed his paws into the pockets of his jeans.

The wolf chuckled and scratched idly at the side of his cheek. "Oh yeah,. He's still here all right, I doubt he'd be able to move after what he's been through already," he explained and stuck out his tongue.

Rich smirked. "It doesn't take him long does it? What sort of shape is he in?" he asked and leaned his back against the railing as well.

Jason shrugged. "Not for sure, it's been a couple hours since I had my turn, I just know that Rodger and Phil where around here earlier, they always enjoy having a go at him," he explained and flicked the butt of his cigarette onto the lawn. "You heading in?"

"Yeah, better make an appearance, you know?" the coyote said with a laugh and went up to the door.

"Right on," Jason said and followed him in. As the coyote stepped into to the house he was immediately greeted by a large crowd of bodies and the distinct smell of pot and booze. A few people recognized him right away and shouted his name above the music. He gave an enthusiastic waive at the various friends he had known from his college courses and the various activities on campus. There must have been at least fifteen people crowded into the house, dispersed through the living room and kitchen, groups of guys and girls alike of every different species talked among themselves.

Jason peeled off to do his own thing, and Rich began to immediately head for the nearby stairs. Hardly anyone stopped or noticed him, aside from a few people giving a nod or saying hello, he went pretty uninterrupted as he ascended the steps. He picked up his pace as he came to the second floor, a long hallway stretched out before him that had three bedroom doors on each side. As he walked down the hall he could hear couples or groups having sex. The wail of a girl getting pounded and the howl of some guy cumming caused his heart to race. At the very end of the hall was Leah's door, of which was opened just a crack. Inside it seemed to be pitch black, save for a few twinkling strips of Christmas lights that decorating his door frame.

As the coyote got closer there came movement from Leah's room, the door swinging open to reveal a tall equine that was in the middle of pulling his shirt down over his muscular torso. Rich came to a halt just a few feet away and the equine immediately recognized him and grinned. "Hey Rich!" he said with a laugh. "Just in time, I just finished up. He's all yours," the chestnut colored stallion said and stepped past him, but before he got too far away he clapped his hand down on the canine's shoulder and whispered, "I got him all warmed up for you even."

The horse's laugh was drowned out by the thunder of a new song coming over the stereo. Rich watched after the man as he totted down the stairs, eager to join the rest of the group in their partying fun. The coyote swallowed hard and a blush filled his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He stared at Leah's door that was now ajar and began for it again. He nudged his way inside and peered around at the inside of the room. A lone lamp was the only thing that was casting any sort of light, and set on a bedside table it didn't help much. Everything else was cast in an uneasy ruby glow from the Christmas lights, even more of them lined the corners adjacent to the ceiling.

Pushed off towards the corner of the room was a large bed, of which was disheveled with blankets and pillows. All over the ground there were pieces of discarded clothing and some trash, but nothing too out of the ordinary as far as what the coyote often saw. And settled right in the middle of the bed with no clothing on at all was the bunny boy himself.

Read the full story here:

Meet Me in the Dungeon (Patreon)

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