Warmth in the Arctic: Chapter 1 (Patreon Platinum)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#1 of Warmth in the Arctic (Patreon Platinum)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome artwork by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/javkiller/

The first chapter of a Platinum series for my Patreon. Platinum story will come every Friday!

Read the full chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/warmth-in-arctic-15959453

Tuska and her team spend the night in a laboratory deep in the arctic desert while a blizzard rages outside. Taking her duty as the team leader, she goes around making sure all of her team members are tired enough for a good night's sleep by fucking each and every one of them.

"I just really feel that you should not brave the storm, given the current circumstances," came the voice of the laboratory's head scientist and director. "The storm is set to last a week, you won't have astronomy to orient yourself on." He was a heavy set man sitting behind his desk, a raccoon with thick glasses that hardly stared up from his computer screen as he talked to his guest.

Tuska was a fearless husky and a determined pack leader. She didn't get to where she was without pushing her team to their limit and taking grandiose risks, but she also didn't get to where she was by being stupid. The storm had come in that day right after they had arrived at the research station five hundred kilometers out from the airport. Unfortunately for her, she had a job to do and a payload to deliver. While she and her team had brought in much needed food and medical resupplies, she was also tasked with bringing lab specimens back to the airport, along with hard drives containing data on their recent core sample analysis.

The husky woman didn't ever really find this kind of stuff to be particularly interesting so she often opted to not talk about it, but hearing the scientist talk about the weather was something that she made sure to pay attention to. Whole sled teams had died out in the snowy desert, and she didn't intend on joining them anytime soon. However, this was a very important mission, one that promised glory and a sizable bonus for her and her team. A good leader never made a decision without consulting their team, and so she would be at their privy.

"I understand your concern, doctor," she replied after a thoughtful silence. "But we have braved as bad of conditions before, and even with the cloud cover we have the trail of beacons set to light our way," she explained.

"Beacons are notoriously unreliable, Tuska," he grumbled and leaned back in his leather chair, the thing giving a slight groan to his shift in weight. "You are too valuable to risk. It's less of a request and more of a demand, I know Webber wouldn't approve of your return either, no matter what day the plane departs for Namod."

"Webber doesn't approve of most of my excursions," she retorted with a smirk. The scientist gave a shrug as his reply. Tuska rolled her eyes and stood up from the chair that she had been perched in since she had arrived. "Look, I've got to go check on my team to see how they are settling. Tell your own people that we will be leaving tomorrow morning, so get whatever equipment you want shipped back to Namod on my sled by then, understand?" she asked, her voice holding the strong, bass, authoritative quality she would often have to use when her own teammates would step out of line.

The head scientist was taken a bit aback from the order, as he likely wasn't used to receiving them himself. But he didn't say anything, not that Tuska would have stuck around to listen to any other objects. She had already pulled the door open to his office and stepped out to the hallway, beginning for the area of the lab where her teammates were held up for the night.

As the husky leader went along down the various halls, passing by rooms where research and experiments were being held and stepping around other scientists, it was easy to see there was a size difference between her and them. She wasn't really much taller, but through years of rigorous sled pulling and hardened hiking she had grown into a musculature that was well defined.

She had stern shoulders that were square, arms that noticeably bulged whenever she would bend them, and thick legs that promised a bone crushing kick if she were to ever deliver one. Her core was flat and tapered to her waist, though the thick fur of her belly concealed her rippled abdominal muscles. By comparison, everyone else was scrawny, though despite her physique she had the angled features of an attractive muzzle, and stunning, light blue eyes that could freeze anyone in their tracks. Back at the airport where she most often lived, it was a running joke that she would often give other men "fear boners". It was a term that never failed to make her chuckle.

From her head cascaded long hair, brushed back so that it fell over her shoulders. One or two braids hung out from under the numerous strands, but for the most part it was all unconstrained and reached to the middle of her back.

Many of the scientists that she passed by would often give her admiring looks, something that didn't go unnoticed by her. She often chalked such things up to her clothing and the fact that it didn't leave much to the imagination. While others were apt to wear long sleeved shirts and thick pants that reached their ankles, such articles would be too binding and uncomfortable for her and her team.

Over her modest bust she wore a top that constrained her breasts so they didn't bounce as she ran. It stopped short of covering her shoulders and her lower belly, of which were fully in the open. A pair of shorts covered her lower extremities, but they stopped midway down her thighs and clung tight to her backside to give it a rounded, eye-alluring curve. From each paw was a glove that made sure to cover every finger and were thick to keep heat in.

Despite how minimalist their clothing was, Tuska and her team never got cold when they ran through blizzards or the bitterly frigid and stillness of night. The hard work they poured into their sled pulling always translated to hot bodies and devious minds.

At the far end of the laboratory was the crew quarters, a few empty rooms having been given to her and her team. Though there was five of them, they really only ever needed three. The first room she came up to was occupied by her second in command: Arthur. She rapped on the wooden panel with her knuckle and waited.

"Come in," a deep voice thundered from inside. She turned the handle and stepped in. As far as scientist quarters went, unoccupied ones were very barren. A bed, dresser, TV stand, and TV were all that were in the rather small living space, and out from the room was a small, dedicated bathroom with a lone toilet and a small shower.

Arthur was laid out on the bed, turned on his back as he held a book aloft in one paw. He wore the same kind of clothing as her, though he had yet to take his harness off from when they had arrived. She smirked as she saw him and meandered further in before closing the door behind her. Arthur was the largest husky among them, he was a head taller than her and had about thirty more kilograms of weight on her. His shoulders were broad, his chest barreled. Thick arms bulged as if he had bowling balls hidden beneath the fur.

Despite his brawn and size, he was surprisingly intelligent, disarmingly so. He loved to read books, almost to a fault. It was hard pulling his attention away from a good story, but Tuska had her ways. She grinned to herself as she hopped up onto the bed with him and straddled his hips. His eyes never left the page that he was reading though, one blue like hers and the other brown.

He didn't seem to notice, like she expected. She slipped the gloves from her paws and tossed them off to the side. She then went about unbuckling his harness, pulling each strap from around his back to drop them to the floor as loudly as possible. There still came no reaction, and she smirked at that fact.

Tuska moved up further on him, straddling his waist and setting her butt right on his groin, her cheeks getting split over his noticeable bulge as she straightened her back. She gripped either side of her sled shirt and pulled it over her head. Nothing was underneath, and so her perky breasts came tumbling out, bouncing and jiggling as they settled, and she made sure they were put on display right behind the male's book but in clear view.

That seemed to be the final straw, and Arthur's attention was finally caught by those gorgeous, soft orbs. His eyes lifted over the page of his book and a blush quickly spread over his cheeks. It was as if he had just now realized that she was there, and with her already in a state of partial undress, his strong heart began to gallop.

"Tuska!" he chuckled and slipped a book marker between the pages and set the novel off to the side. "I'm sorry, you know how my mind is," he smiled and stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Oh I know, no reason to apologize," she murmured back and stroked her bare paws up her belly and over her breasts, feeling over their curve and even giving their perky, cold-hardened nipples a playful twist. Arthur responded by bringing his colossal paws up to her hips and stroking over them while also firmly holding her there.

"What's the news for tomorrow?" he asked as his eyes locked to her quarter sized tits, becoming mesmerized as she continued to play with them.

"The blizzard is just going to get worse, but there's a nice bonus in it for us if we get back to the airport in a timely manner," she explained and leaned her chest down towards his muzzle. He craned his head and nuzzled between her gorgeous breasts.

"Bonuses are nice," he said, his voice becoming slightly muffled. He couldn't keep himself from latching his lips to one of her nipples and begin suckling on it rather hard.

"Mmmh, and you know what's better than a bonus?" she asked as she brought a paw back and began to slip it past the waistband of his shorts.

"Hmm?" he mumbled.

"A good night's sleep," she giggled and leaned back, abruptly pulling her breasts from his mouth. He reluctantly released and looked up at her with a grin.

"Is it that time of night already?" he asked as his paws moved up to begin playing with her tits like her own had just seconds ago.

"Afraid so. So how about we get you out of these bottoms then, eh?" she asked as she suddenly undid the front of his shorts. He could feel her paw stroking over his thick sheath, feeling its warmth and how soft it was. Arthur didn't complain in the slightest, he even shifted his hips from side to side so that she could disrobe him faster. When he was naked bellow the waist, her paw pulled back his sheath to expose the flaccid cock within and began to stroke it.

Arthur let out a held breath and murred as the woman drew her face closer. They began to kiss as she rubbed his quickly hardening dick. Precum beaded at the tip and ran down the length, getting her fingers wet and adding as lubrication. She pumped her paw faster and didn't stop until he had grown to a size that she wanted. The male's cock was so thick that she couldn't close her fingers completely around him, which only added to her desire for him.

She broke the embrace for a moment as she brought both paws to her own shorts and practically tore them from her body. With her pussy exposed, she straddled Arthur at the waist and lowered her pussy onto his cock. They shared a mutual moan of elation as the woman's tight, wet confines were stretched, taking every delicious inch the other husky had to offer.

Read the full story here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/warmth-in-arctic-15959453

Warmth in the Arctic: Chapter 2 (Patreon Platinum)

Eight hours into their run and things had steadily gone from bad to worse. The blizzard was far worse than Tuska had ever expected, the wind screamed in her ears to the point that no matter how hard she would shout orders behind her, only Arthur would...

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