Virgin Virus: The Demon Breeder

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#24 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

[Ch1 - Wave](%5C)

[Ch2 - Earth](%5C)

[Ch3 - Time](%5C)

[Ch4 - Fear](%5C)

[Ch5 - Absolution](%5C)

[Ch6 - Reflection](%5C)

[Ch7 - Reunion](%5C)

[Ch8 - Ice](%5C)

[Ch9 - Conviction](%5C)

[Ch10 - Silence](%5C)

[Ch11 - Anatomy](%5C)

[Ch12 - Fury](%5C)

[Ch13 - Azure](%5C)

[Ch14 - Black](%5C)

[Ch15 - Dust](%5C)

[Ch16 - Light](%5C)

[Ch17 - Evanescent](%5C)

[Ch18 - Intermission](%5C)

[Ch19 - Parallel](%5C)

[Ch20 - Hedonism](%5C)

_ Virgin Virus: Extra Stories _

[The Dragon](%5C)

[Carl and Yun](%5C)

[Tobey and Alex](%5C)

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Side Story 3-

As a note, I think the protagonist is a little crazy. But he's integral to the main plot. If you follow the series, it might make you go "Ooooh" when you finish reading it. That's my goal, at least. He's also the most dominant character I've made, so far. So enjoy, however it is that you shall do so.

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve.

Incubae have a very complex nature. So much so that we take a lot of what we are for granted. For example, the birth of imps. If we're not going to breed, most of us don't even bother with the thought. There are not a lot of imps born per year, because we live long. There lies no risk of overpopulation, thanks to our nature. When were little imps, we fed from our parents. Since a little imp's body demands little energy, that's a possible luxury.

We are weaned at around thirteen years of age, our mothers and fathers have us hunt for human adults in their company. Once we turn eighteen, we can go solo, and at twenty-two we must leave the mother's lair. To a human, imp feeding might seem pedophilic, but that's just how our nature works. Nature knows no malice.

The invisible will of our nature decides who will breed. Of course, that will also have its tangents. If a breeding goes awry, a Cambion will be born. Now, the topic of Cambions is shrouded in a cloud of ignorance. Just like some of us are wingless or royal, Cambions can be varied. A breeding incubus has to avoid ejaculation, which is a mere motor function available to our bodies that we can prevent. However, when slips do happen, there are problems. The way our sperm behaves, humans could categorize it as virus-like. Not only that, but our cells are a magnitude more potent than a humans. Pregnancy is guaranteed with our cells if they enter a fertile woman. Now, our females can't get pregnant by sex with men, only by us incubi. Breeding males impregnating human females result in a baby Cambion. Hybrids created this way inherit blood type, fangs claws, heightened sexuality and overall resilience, as well as wings -if the father had them- , but these are small and flightless. Some even get a small tail.

There is also a prohibited method of conceiving Cambions, a matter punishable by death.

Breeding males can pass on demon traits to human males after they are born. Now, let me clear up why this is wrong. For one, males should not have sex with other males of any species, as their essence give more energy and power overall, but it produces an addiction from the first try, and damages some important body functions, reducing their lifespan and sometimes reacting so badly that they just die on the spot. Secondly, humans can get addicted to demonic sex if it is consensual, and even more so when the orgasm is shared. When a human absorbs our semen in large quantities, they will inherit demonic qualities like those of a Cambion, albeit slowly and proportional to the amount consumed.

I have a theory; that over time, a human constantly receiving our essence will posses more demonic traits than human, essentially becoming an incubus.

Against the laws and nature, because curiosity beckons me so, I will test that theory.

I take a moment to evaluate my own specimen using a mirror in my lair, that same one used as a portal. My name is Dino; I'm part of those blue bloods that are specialized in military duties. The fur that covers my body is mustard yellow, or manticore yellow like some of the fellows say. My mane is brown and spiky. I have hard, chiseled muscles and bigger than average tail and genitals.

Curiosity always fills me, along with ambition, all those probably side effects of my singular feeding (feeding off the same target constantly and repetitively throughout meals.) He is this scientist on a tropical island. He knows about us, constantly searching to know more. I think he knows that he is not having wet dreams every other night, but that he is visited by an incubus: Me. I've thought of revealing myself to him, and let madness run its course. But I don't think yet is the time.

This man has grown to crave for me; he chants it when I dominate him in the shadows. To the point where I think he will miss my visits once I begin breeding. I have him to thank for my body and knowledge, but he is not a good candidate for my breeding, for he knows too much. I will pick a young, naive male. I will breed him into my son. The first of many. but it is only uncertain. I may die in the process; hell, I'm amazed I still live. Part of me takes this flow of events as fate. If I don't pass away for defying my nature, then I am meant for it, to evolve. I will give birth to something new. No one among my peers would understand, thus why I don't socialize with them.

But now, its time to get rested...


I had picked out a disguise based on the kind of outer skin humans wore in that island. My first target would come from the same place where I singular feed. The disguise I had was taken just hours ago, the result of a daytime snack in an alley. The foolish human wore a white coat, baggy pants; a cap put the wrong way, and gold chain around his neck, as well as some fancy sneakers. I left him naked on the ground, face down.

Waiting was a big part of my mission, much time was spent idly. But it eventually paid off.

Using knowledge that leaked into me, I went to a college where my previous meal was well known. Shaped as him, replicating parts of who he was wasn't difficult. I had my blue blood traits to thank for that, it allowed me to absorb those details that made people seemingly unique.

A few people came along and talked to my disguised self, and I managed to answer without arousing suspisicion. They were mostly females, unattractive and irrelevant to my interests. But then I finally saw him, my test subject. My first "son" .

His smell was intoxicating; his skin had an olive tone to it that greatly accented his muscles. He was quite muscular for his age as well, and he approached me.

  • "Hey, dude. What are you doing today?" - Just like all the others, he was fooled by my disguise.

  • "Nothing. Got a boring day ahead." - I answered with the borrowed voice.

  • "Then you can over my place. I want to show you a demo I've been working on." - He concluded with a smile.

I just kept absorbing how good a specimen he was. A gray muscle shirt covered his body snugly, and the baggy jeans he had low on his hips revealed a hint of his underwear. Of course, he'll never notice just how thoroughly I'm checking him out.

Once I agreed, he led me to his car, a dark green coupe with nice contours. He slipped in and opened the door from inside, having started the car with a swift motion of the keys. And off we went.


Midway through the ride I felt that this was too easy. My unaware victim was silent, enjoying the repetitive and lyrically lacking music that the radio shouted. It was terrible, simply put.

I managed to amuse myself and enjoy some of the tracks by interpreting some songs with an all-male context. Since a lot of then were full of lewd themes, I managed to rouse myself a few moments.

  • "You like this song?" - He asked at one point.

I guess I was involuntarily bobbing my head to the rythm, and he might have seen that.

I nodded in reply.

  • "Wait till you listen to what I have." - He beamed at me for a moment


His house was not far from where he studied. It was part of a pretty pleasant complex; the houses were traditional and inviting. Once inside his house and leaving the car parked in front of the garage, he showed me to his room, where I took a seat on his big, comfortable bed. The room felt small even though it wasn't, due to the space that his commodities took. The actual space to move was minimal. Nonetheless, he quickly landed his butt in front of the computer, searching for the demo in question.

He was giddy for my opinion and babbled on and on like a child, all to which I truly paid no attention. I just focused on how to make the first approach. Normally, this is something I do without any need to plan, but this required some patience. And that was hard to maintain.


Three hours passed.

We played videogames and listened to music... all things I never grew to like but still pretended to for the sake of the charade. It made this more... fun; I admitted to myself.

Then he asked if I wanted something to drink and I nodded, making him go for the fridge. I took that moment as my cue, exiting the room and intercepting him half way.

  • "Boo!" - I snapped at him.

He had cans of energy drinks on both hands, but the fool drops the cans upon my sneak attack. I had his crotch on a surprise grip, quickly noticing that he had a nice full package even under his clothes.

  • "Good God, Daniel. What's with you?!" - My victim yelled out after a breath, eyes open wide and hands in the air.

  • "Just teasing." - I grinned at him, and realized that I'm impersonating some said Daniel.

  • "Slim, let go. heheheh." - He laughed nervously, glancing at my gripping hand. Slim?

I just let the feeling seep in, and he got exasperated.

  • "Just wiggle your crotch out of my hands, if you can." - I murred, still grinning.

The teen acquired a puzzled and frustrated look that certainly amused and aroused me.

Squeezing his well developed package, I drive him towards the wall behind him, with my other hand sliding under his left arm. Our bodies bump chest to chest with a loud thump, his loins warm in grip already reacting to the bumping and grinding.

  • "Buddy... what are you doing?" - He looked at me worried.

His heart beat faster with anxiety.

  • "You afraid? Don't be." - My eyes focused on his pupils, leaning my face closer to his. \

  • "Daniel, don't... I don't... I'm not gay. Its cool if you are... but stop fooling around." - The boy faked composure, probably the only thing he could manage.

His fear just made me harder, pleasure for the mind. I let go of his crotch to better pin the fool against the wall, squeezing myself further into him, every muscle, contour and bulge rubbing together. With the side of his neck in my mind, I gave it one big lick that makes him shiver in reaction.

  • "Please... no..." - He feebly pleaded.

  • "Just let yourself go. You're gonna like this." - I whispered into his ear, and then opened my mouth.

I sank my fangs into his olive skin, then I wrap my mouth around the wound to lick it clean. He writhes and moans in protest. The wound was meant to be superficial, the goal not being to drain blood but to influence it, all part of breeding. His twin wounds didn't bleed more than a second. I then lapped it thoroughly, sucking on it and nibbling gently around it. His body was reacting involuntarily, moaning softly, sliding his hands along my shoulders.

  • "Good boy. Now, I think you can feel my big bulge tucked next to yours. Slide down and nurse it." - I whispered with lust, glancing at him for a moment.

That made me smile wide, almost wanting to kiss his lovely face. His eyes were half open and glazed over, in the trance that I was looking for. It was all the work of chemicals...

He followed my orders and slowly slid down the wall, until his face reached my hot, trapped loins. I quickly unzipped the trousers and thrusted the released bulge that my dong formed against the underwear fabric, squeezing his face to the side.

  • "Peel of the underwear with your teeth." - I ordered, looking down on my subject.

It took him a few tries, but by biting the top of the waistband, he pulls down and manages to allow my cock spring to action. It bumps wetly against his cheek, and I grab it to slap him a few more times with my rod. He looks up, eyes still lost and without emotion.

  • "Come on, take it boy. It's good for you." - I gripped its base hard... there were eight inches by three and a half of cock that he had to swallow.

The tip of it was smeared with its natural lubricant, and so were his cheeks. He gets his cheek slapped by the big cock one more time before he hunts for the gland using his mouth. Getting the tip of the large dong between his lips, he slowly accommodates it into his mouth.

  • "Oh, aahh." -

I hadn't had lips around my tool in a long while, so my slave's forced act was really sparking pleasure. His mouth could barely contain my penis, the pressure on his jaws could be felt, as well as some of his teeth and the roof of his mouth. It reached all the way to the back of his throat, and thankfully, the trance inhibited the gag reflex. There was just enough room for him to breathe, and merely the moist environment of his mouth proved delightful. Enjoying it as I was, I held his head and began to pump myself into his mouth.

The fool was moaning, and his tongue flexed as his body drank the pre cum juices. This was an interesting experience for me... sex as a human, with another human. Ah, his mouth felt wonderful around my penis; but as minutes passed, climax seemed very near; that was not part of my plan. He would not drink the seed today...

With hesitation, I get my cock out of his mouth, with a wet pop and some saliva slipping around. My slave whimpers with sad brows at the suddenness, sucking the thin air for a second.

  • "Stand up." - I growl, and he swiftly gets on his two feet.

  • "Time to plant the seed." - I murred, lifting up his shirt and discarding it.

His tanned body had sweat decorating it as morning dew would, his muscles were firm, juicy and on the right places.

  • "Yum." - I wet my lips, using the head of my cock to slather some precum on his lower abs.

  • "Come on." - Bending over, I bump my shoulder on his middle, lifting him over my shoulder with my right arm wrapped around his waist, then I carried my slave with his torso hanging over my shoulder to his room.

Standing at the foot of his bed, I stripped the fool from his pants, boxers, and sneakers, then laid him over the green plaid sheets, taking a moment to stare at his strong naked body. Oh, I had a great specimen laid out for me to plow, to breed. We were equally endowed as far size went, but I wasn't going to take care of that now, hard and juicy as it was; wet and inviting...

  • "Turn around." - I tell him, he does so without haste, presenting to me his round youthful ass.

With a grunt, I pull his lower base to the edge of the bed, then wrap my hands all over his bubble butt, loving how soft yet firm it was, and how much of it was there for me to grope. Spreading both cheeks reveals a small, unused pucker, no hair in sight. For a second I wondered why would this hetero fool shave his loins, as opposed to other straight men, and also I was a bit irked by the fact that human anuses weren't built for sex like our demon bodies.

I could hear him breathe slowly and expectantly, so I slid my middle finger into his opening once it was wet with my saliva. He sighed contently while I explored his insides. The second and third digits entered without warning after a minute, he wiggled as I slid them in and out. With the fourth finger entering later on he was oohing and aahing happily with a hint of pain.

The thumb came in and made him yelp as his hole was forced wider still.

Further toying around with his rear had warmed my boy up, I held his waist hard with one hand, and my big cock in my other fist, directing it to his butthole. slowly it kissed the boy's pucker, trying squeeze into it. More force went behind the push and inside my cock tip went.

  • "Aaaahhh!" - My slave was indeed in pain, and I was in ecstasy.

More of my cock was accommodated by his ass until it was all in.

  • "Shh. It's all in. Big, isn't it? Now just enjoy the ride." - I muttered, petting his head like the good pup he was.

Then I proceeded to fucking his brains out. There would be no luxury to this. No changed positions. No kisses. Just the sounds of his screams as he is played like an instrument. My balls slap loudly against skin from the force of each push and pull, them drastic and powerful and growing more so. The minutes came and I remained humping the beautiful boy.

My first orgasm of the night exploded with scald and viscosity inside him, but I would not stop. My victory roar echoed, but there was still more. More. It did not slow down. A second orgasm came and filled his tight cavity to the brim. I still did not slow.

Time seemed to stand still as the third orgasm blasted him with a force of its own. Semen now escaped from the hole I was madly fucking and puddled below my feet. And I kept going, and going, and going...

Then the final orgasm hit me like a meteor. It paralyzed me as it ejected more seed into the already overflowed cavity. It had my boy in a riot, making all sorts of euphoric sounds, barely able to breathe. I was sure he orgasmed a few times into the sheets, and was surprised to see him conscious. But I did not take his energy, I gave him a lot of it. And his body took notice, it began to absorb all the seed I had filed him with. So much of it.

The buff boy writhed as his body absorbed this new substance, I held his shoulders to hold him still while my cock remained inside him to make sure his body would take it all in.


  • "You see? It wasn't so bad, was it?" - I said after he took in all my seed and had most of my breath back.

The boy just groaned loudly.

  • "I'll be back everyday I can to make sure you get stuffed with my cream. You're fine with that, right?" - I declared, finishing by slapping his bouncy ass.

  • "Uh-huh." - he mumbled to the sheets.

  • "Good. I'll see you same time tomorrow." -

With that said, I slipped my dick out of him and rearranged my clothes, then headed to the bathroom, leaving the boy a sloppy mess and the room full of musk. I got to the bathroom and stared at my reflection. I wanted to just shed the clothes and return to being a demon, but I had to keep the clothes for future use. So, I step through the mirror, the gate back to where I belong, with a longing for my favorite man meal, and wondering just how many years I probably shaved off my existence this one night...


The man I constantly dominated for my meals was tall, hairy, muscular but not overly so. In my first visits I would have to strip him, but later he began to sleep naked. To make it more convenient? Heh...

The second day came for breeding, and this one would prove as important as the first. I had to see the results of last night.

And as such, it was like clockwork. I waited for him on the same place as yesterday, same clothes, same appearance. He soon stepped into view among all the other students that exited the building, and he approached just like he was supposed to. Only his face seemed different.

This time he wore a black muscle shirt with plaid shorts and the same sneakers he had yesterday.

  • "Hey, Slim." - He greeted monotonously.

  • "Hey there. Ready to go?" - I replied, keeping a laid back attitude.

  • "Eh, sure." - He shrugged and led me to his car.

  • "Hey, we'll have some fun today." - I grinned and squeezed his shoulder.

  • "Yeah..." - He drifted, and I thought that this state of mind he was in was amusing.

Confused yet resigned, with a hint of denial, probably sore...


The car ride was silent, no radio and even light traffic. So I broke off with curiosity.

  • "Why do you shave your whole body?" - My question made him flinch.

  • "Girls... like it." - he replied with agony after a pause.

And I just laughed.

You could see the deathgrip he had on the steering wheel. He could tear throats out with that much tension.

  • "Relax, fool. I'm just teasing." - I squeezed his right thigh, and he flinched again.

Boredom ate time away and soon we found ourselves inside the house. There, he acted like a domesticated animal. He went about things like he did yesterday, but a bit more silent. He treated me like a friend but with caution, and babbled much less. I just followed the script nonchalantly, I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wished with him.

We ate and watched TV for an hour before he took a bathroom break. I thought that I could inspect last noon's results in his bathroom.

He had closed the door like any human would do; and I defied the custom of privacy by barging a moment later.

He was taking a leak, and he almost spills his business all over the place when he sees me, but he manages to finish up without making a mess.

  • "Whoah there." - I chuckled at his reaction.

This kid's a riot. He just glanced at me, then stared at the toilet.

I stepped behind him and wrapped my arms around his sides in a tight hug, resting my head on his shoulder. He just gasped and tried to fix up his pants.

  • "Dude...! I mean... really?" - He mumbled, but I held his hands to stop him from zipping up his trousers.

  • "Now, now, just drop the pants and undies. I'll take off your shirt." - I told him, and he obeyed with a sigh, shimmying of his shorts and black boxers while I rid him of his shirt.

His buff olive body was as it should be, naked between my arms.

  • "Inspection time." - I whispered as my hands roamed his shoulders, slowly feeling their texture and their contours.

They slid across the mounds that formed his chest, teasing their peaks before flowing along the valley between. My hands carefully scanned the muscle formations that formed his core, the bulging six pack, slithering my fingers along the curvatures of his strong waist, all before reaching his equipment.

My slave's penis jutted semi hard at an angle, its tip slightly wet. I squeezed it from the base with a firm tug, while my other paw had his nice balls cupped. To clear doubts, I fisted the cock that I held in my hands until it got fully hard, blood pumping furiously. All for a more accurate measurement.

He moaned as I did all this, his body enjoying every little thing I did even if his mind didn't. He will grow to crave this and more...

  • "You have some pubic fur, and you have a bit more muscle. About two millimeters of mass. Not bad considering the meal I gave you yesterday." - I explained to him, his pulsing member still prisoner of my hand.

  • "Slim... are you... crazy...?" - He just breathed heavily and mumbled.

  • "Well, time for you to eat and get big!" - I cheered, squeezing his left pec and getting a meep in return.

  • "Just bend forward a bit." - I ordered and he did, using the flushing box as support. I took half a minute to disrobe myself, then rested my semi-hardon between his wonderful asscheeks.

  • "Just hold on." - I told him while gripping his waist myself.

I slid my cock down the valley between his cheeks, then back all the way, and did this for a pair of minutes. How his ass felt so pillowy against my belly and stimulated my cock with comfort. I sprang to an adequate size quickly, so I grabbed my piece tight.

  • "I'll stick into you, then we'll walk to the tub." - I slapped his ass upon relaying my order, then had one of my hands reveal his puckering hole.

Since its initiation, it didn't look as tight, so I decided to skip stretching and tinkering with his hole, instead I went gung ho.

  • "Gaaargh!" - My slave screamed at my power thrust.

I managed to bury half of it and further slid in the rest as it should.

  • "Now that its in, lets step in the tub." - I mused.

He leaned back up with a bit of trouble, and I helped us step into the other section without any tripping or dying. Left foot, right foot. One at time.

  • "Just hold onto a wall and try to stay awake." - I announced.

Then I had the duty to feed my slave with the same unluxurious power fucking that he first received.

My pumping began and rocked his body hard, he cried with sheer pleasure and I roared with duty and dominance. It was an orchestra, and climaxes came in between minutes of animalistic humping. The floods of semen varied but all were copious, his rectum could not contain it all. He was drunk in hedonistic haze as his body took the nourishment I generously offered.


  • "Huff, huff... there you are. I'll... feed your body tomorrow." - I managed once my energy was spent, four orgasms later.


Another day, with much waiting and mundanity in between ran its course.

I was half past its duration when my boy came to me. He was smiling this time, wearing a white V-neck shirt and sport shorts.

  • "You should change up your outfit, Slim. It stinks." - That was the first thing he said the third day.

  • "Point taken. How was your day?" - I smile.

  • "Um, good." - he shrugged as we walked to the car.


Today I was very horny for him. He did not babble during the car ride, but the radio did, and I had a very intent mound on my pants.

I was not going to waste time in feeding my boy. We went inside the garage this time, where he had training weights and two training benches. He shed his shirt before he warmed up and so did I.

Then we proceed to work the weights. We worked out for what seemed like an hour, before my boner started to really hurt. It was at full mast just by anticipation.

  • "Hey, come here." - I motioned my slave to come as I lay on the nearest bench. He stepped beside me.

  • "Sit on my lap, champ. Time for you to eat." - I patted my crotch, making him stare at the huge tent he had to sit on.

  • "Be a good boy. Back towards me. Butt where it should be." - He had slight uncertainty in his face, but he obeyed, laying his supple bottom on my throbbing bulge.

I leaned forward to better embrace my boy, feeling my hands slip with the hot sweat that covered his body. Squeezing him here and there, he had gained a dozen or so millimeters of mass to the ten that the first meal added. His muscles were better defined, even if the improvements were subtle. Little by little.

We got rid of his gym shorts and sweaty briefs, then he returned to his place, keeping my boner under his naked buns.

  • "You can feel how hard I am, cant you?" - I humped upwards, making him gasp and nod.

  • "Just do it." - I concluded, wetting my lips.

He lifted his hip a bit to ease my gym shorts off, releasing my cock with a spring. Taking a sigh, he then lowered himself onto it, holding my penis in his fist for precision. This time it went easier than the other two, but still tight for me, and bizarre for him.

I installed my hands around his waist, grasping each buttcheek, before initiating the reaming.

I fucked him hard, and in that position, it was a deeper experienced. He bounced on it helplessly, the room quickly filled with musk and our sexual cries. The minutes flew and my slave was rewarded with four powerful orgasms during all the rutting.

I was surprised to not have lost my energy until after the fifth climax, giving him extra seed to nourish on. And as it is expected, the boy was taken to his peak and back again like a roller coaster, time and time again. when we both tired out, the bench I was on got severely sticky, which made my getaway a little slow.

Still, I said goodbye to my boy, and expected the same ritual tomorrow.


His name was Jordan, and slowly he became my kin. At the end of the first week, he had put up a few centimeters of mass and fur that he could not shave, shaped like a V covering his chest and neatly trailing down his six pack and around his growing dick. Fur like what all incubus have, short and copious. During the second week I played around with several outfits I took from the fools I fed from, and Jordan was opening up, treating me with more confidence. He still did not wonder aloud about the changes, but surely enjoyed feeding. During this week, he'd naturally have a boner by the time I got to give him the seed, and also I allowed him to face me as we rutted.

His changes at the end of it were pleasing: fur now covered his inner thighs, armpits and part of his forearms. The boy gained another good amount of mass and definition.

Time passed with the same sexual ritual, and soon we found ourselves at the beginning of the fifth week. One month of breeding had passed, and his bulging muscles were sculpted, firm and supple. He was now owner of a bigger package as well, bigger than mine, and his face was framed with a neat thin fur beard on his jaw.

When we got to his house that day, he was eager and energetic.

And it was completely unexpected when he pushed me into the white sofa in the living room and dove straight to my crotch. My trousers were swiftly unlocked and opened, and my dick was inside his mouth getting nursed in seconds. All this without any order of mine.

  • "Hoho, you're really thirsty for daddy, aren't you? I didn't tell you to feed, but I'll let this one slip." - I said to him with a smile, caressing his cheek while I looked upon him.

He slid his lips off my cock with a loud slurp, giving it a tight tug before looking at me.

  • "Sorry pops. Its just that you don't always feed me through the mouth. And I love it any way you give it, but I really wanted to drink your milk. And... can I drink all the shots you have for me today." - He had puppy eyes on him, and he talked with a shallow breath.

  • "Fine, but it'll get messy." - I granted.

  • "That's okay. I love the smell. It gets me going when you're not around." - He added, and that got a bright smile out of me. It even warmed my heart.

Then he shoved that thing back into his mouth in one smooth motion, and got me to moan for him. The boy played my horn with every trick in the book, and it worked out for him. The orgasms came and his face got repeatedly drenched in the white stuff. He would try to drink and swallow, but it was too much. So once he managed to coax out my quartet of loads - and he came a few times too - , Jordan had my seed splattered all over his body, and part of mine, and the floor all the way to the other end of the living room; trail after trail of spooge.


I was growing to truly love Jordan. Outside the rituals, he confided me with everything. I stopped playing a charade and became a part of his life. During the second month, I allowed kisses in our sessions, and that was a perfect decision. Love seemed to flow along all the hedonism, dirty as it were.

By the time of seven months, Jordan was a full blown Cambion. He inherited my eyes, fangs and claws, his body revealed as much musculature as was possible and brown fur covered a lot of it. He was also starting to grow wings and a tail, and his endowment had grown to almost twice its original size, as well as his orbs. It was also around that period that he asked about me, my own life, what I was or what I was turning him into.

  • "All this time I've been sort of adopting you. And you have turned out gorgeous, and I love you." - I answered once.

He had picked up on the fact that I was not Daniel nor Slim, and that I was not human. I promised to show him my true self one of those days, and he would masturbate during our car rides to his house. He was really that expectant.


  • "I'll show you this time." - I whispered into his ear.

Jordan was readily impaled on my dick, in all his Cambion glory.

  • "This will be just like the first time." - I added.

We kissed on the lips, then slowly pumped at his hole. My body committed to the change and my mind raced. I kept my Jordan locked between my arms as I changed.

Shapeshifting was mundane for me, but somehow, committing the change as I fucked my Cambion made everything hypersensitive. Then the rush blasted my body, rejecting the human shape. My form abruptly bulged out into my true size and shape, and Jordan was forced along. Pleasure arrived as an explosion, and I orgasmed prematurely just because of the transformation and everything that it included.

Jordan yelled as his insides were expanded in an instant. The cock he was used to now felt so much bigger. Eight inches became eighteen, and the ecstasy magnified.

  • "Ahh, here you are, son. I'm a lil' bit bigger when I'm not disguised. And my name is Dino." - I held his face to mine, then gave him big, deep kiss.

  • "Dino... so much better... this way." - He was in throes as he smiled.

Then I carried his face to my chest, squeezing him gently against their shape.

  • "Suck there, you'll be rewarded." - I told him.

As a breeder, my man nipples produced liquid nourishment. He sucked on the little mounds needily, and we were both instantly rewarded. And I fucked him while he nursed on my strong pecs, wildly like our rituals always were.


I contradicted nature so severely, but I was still alive.

The curse has yet to claim me. But you see, our nature contradicts itself. A father can feed his imp without any mutual risk, which is in essence a sexual act, at least until certain maturity is reached. Then it becomes a problem.

Why is that? I may never find out.

I had to experiment. I had to defy what Pazuzu created, and rival him...

Virgin Virus - Ch20: Hedonism

Incubus: Virgin Virus [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch19: Parallel

Incubus: Virgin Virus [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch18: Intermission

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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