A Buck Learns His Place - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A Buck Leans His Place

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

20thOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Timidly, Cederwyn unlocked the door, and he took a single step into the house, his cloven hoof barely clicking on the hard wooden floor, when he heard the snort of Willow, who poked her nose out of a doorway down the hall, then grinned at him.

"Well, look who finally come home!" Willow laughed, before the anthropomorphic kangaroo stepped into the hallway, her ears slicking back as she braced her white gloved paws upon her slender grey hips and stared, before she started tapping a long slender hind-foot on the hardwood floor.

"Hi honey - I'm home!" Giggled the shy mule deer hybrid, as he stepped inside and dropped the keys onto the sideboard, then closed the door quietly behind him.

Willow's hips swayed, as she walked down the hallway, then gripped Cederwyn by the shirt collar and slammed the stag up against the wall, as she leaned close and licked a long, sensual slurp up his throat, pressing her sweaty body against his, then a long hind foot come up and thumped hard beside him - pinning him against the wall.

"I could have helped - " Willow growled, by the gleam in her eye betrayed her love for her stag, as she balled up his shirt in one paw, the other gripping him under the chin and making him look into her eyes.

"You know how sensitive they are when I need to have my velvet shed - " Cederwyn giggled, as he swallowed, his nostrils flaring at the scent of the sweaty kangaroo. "Mmm, you smell wonderful my love!"

"I've been exercising, got to stay in shape you know, now - " Willow grinned, as her eyes become more fierce and predatory, her dominant nature shining bright like a lighthouse, as Cederwyn swallowed and pressed his hooflets back against the wall and trembled. "I trust you got the Vet to give you the shed velvet?"

Willow began licking up Cederwyn's chin, her wet, moist fur pressing more firmly against Cederwyn's shirt and shorts, as he swallowed again and quivered - unable to resist the tent that was beginning to form in his shorts.

"I did - and - " Cederwyn began, before his reply was muffled as Willow's claws dug into the underside of his chin and her lips pressed against his, before she pulled the startled stag close and kissed him long and passionately - her hot breath mingling with his, tongues doing sensual battle as the aroused young kangaroo squirmed and ground herself suggestively against Cederwyn's tightening pants.

"Good - you're going to need it, since its rutting season - " Willow grinned, as she broke the kiss and released him, her foot sliding down the wall and thumping onto the floor.

"I thought i was meant to be the dominant one, being a stag and all, and - eeek!" Cederwyn squealed, as Willow reached into his shorts, then one of her leathery paw pads wrapped firmly around his sheath and squeezed, until the Deer swallowed and tears trickled from the corner of his eyes. 'Hey...easy love - "

Willow smirked, and her paws gripped his shorts, then in one swift stroke, she dropped them down his quivering thighs - as she leaned back and looked down at the pale penile head and some of the slender shaft that peeked shyly from the sheath. Cederwyn giggled and blushed, his inner ears turning crimson. He gasped, as Willow snorted, then gripped it again, her leathery pads squeezing firmly.

"What have you been feeding this thing?" Willow asked, as she quirked an eyebrow, then her eyelids narrowed her gaze into a look of hunger and desire, her scent reeking of her dominant personality.

"A lovely...forceful and dominant Grey Kangaroo - " Cederwyn blushed again, then he trembled as Willow's paw began squeezing and stroking. "I don't understand it my love - it's rutting season, I'm meant to be all macho, and dominant and - sexually aggressive, filled with testosterone and an urge to rut a doe's tail off..."

"You, dominant?" Willow snorted, as he nibbled Cederwyn's throat. "You couldn't dominate the skin off a custard pudding, and we both know it!"

"True..." Cederwyn giggled, then he gasped and bucked his hips, feeling Palen's middle claw slide from the sensitive tip of his penis, down to the sheath base.

"Does the little fawn like that?" Willow smirked, as she leaned closer, then nibbled at Cederwyn's right ear, then breathed against the delicate hairs.

"You...know I do - " Cederwyn giggled nervously, as he swallowed a growing lump in his throat.

"Well, what are you going to do, to deserve release from this pain?" Willow asked, quirking an eyebrow at him, as she then nibbled at his throat. "Well?"

"Anything..." Cederwyn moaned, as he trembled and squirmed.

Willow grinned, and leaned back, pressing her pale furred nose against his black one, gazing into his eyes. "Anything? Such a suggestive opening...now, you know what I'd like my dear, sweet buck..."

Cederwyn twitched, and giggled nervously, before Willow stepped back, and keeping him firmly collared, she led him to the bedroom, before she sat on the edge of the bed and pointed at the floor.

"Down buck - " Willow told him, her eyes glinting.

Obediently, Cederwyn sank to his knees, before he gazed up at Willow, his eyes wide and expressionate, before she reached down and gripped him by the antlers, then pushed his muzzle against her groin. Cederwyn needed little encouragement - the scent of her arousal was like an intoxicating liquor to his mind. He leaned forwards, his cold, wet nose brushing against Willow's cloaca before he inhaled deeply and she squirmed, then tapped him lightly on the head.

"What, are you hourly?" Willow teased him playfully, before she gasped as Cederwyn snickered and his lips parted her warm folds and his supple tongue teasingly licked first the outer folds, then worked its way inwards and upwards, until he found the sensitive clitoris and began licking at it, feeling Willow tremble and moan in pleasure.

"Mmmm, I knew I mated you for a reason -" Willow panted, as Cederwyn giggled shyly and continued to pleasure his beloved mate as only a deer can. "Oh, yes my buck...right...there - "

Cederwyn used his hooflets to peel apart Willow's sensitive folds, his supple tongue bathing the pale pink walls in his saliva as he pleasured Willow for nearly two hours, bringing the young Kangaroo to three orgasms, each more powerful than the last - leaving her panting, breathless and trembling in pleasure. Finally, she pulled sharply at his antlers, and he froze, then gave a last, long slurp and lifted his head, gazing into her eyes and using his tongue to clean his wet, soaked muzzle.

"Good little stag - " Willow wheezed, as she wiped her leathery paws across her eyes and shuddered.

Cederwyn bit his tongue, then giggled and blushed, his inner ears turning crimson, before he gasped as Willow smirked and her long feet curled inwards, gripping his exposed penis between them as she began stroking it with her foot paws, making him moan and tremble in aroused pleasure.

"I could bring you to orgasm, just with my foot-paws - " Willow smiled, before she teasingly dropped them back onto the floor, before she sat up and made a come hither gesture with her middle finger.

Cederwyn obeyed willingly, crawling on his knees, until he was muzzle to pouch with Willow, who smiled at him and licked his forehead, then his muzzle - and finally - pressed her lips against his as she again kissed him long and deep, tasting her own sexual pleasures on his damp muzzle.

"Mmmm, now, you know what I want from you bucky - " Willow whispered, as she cupped his muzzle in her left paw, the claws on the tips of her fingers pricking the fine fur on his chin.

"That could be one of two things - " Cederwyn replied quietly, as he frowned slightly, then giggled and took things under his own volition - and licked long and sensually across Willow's pouch opening - feeling her tremble and instinctively relax the taught sphincter that held it closed.

Cederwyn gently pressed his muzzle into the opening pouch, taking his time and gently licking and nuzzling, working his head up to his antlers in Willow's pouch, licking, suckling and nuzzling like a joey would, his ears back-swept as he listened to Willow's moans and felt her paws on his back trembling. For fifteen minutes, he pleasured her this way, feeling her paws begin to tremble on his neck, before she gasped and her whole body quivered, as she squeezed his nape painfully and threw her head back as she squealed - her orgasm convulsing her body and the sweet relief made her instinctively tighten her pouch until Cederwyn was gasping and slapping her belly with his paws.

Willow giggled, then relaxed the taut muscles, as Cederwyn pulled his head free and began coughing and rubbing his furred throat.

"Oh, quit it you big baby - " Willow giggled, as she nuzzled his throat and cuddled him close. "That was incredible...but I'm not through with you yet..."

Cederwyn's eyes widened and he swallowed a visibly lump in his throat, before Willow smirked and gripped him by the shirt collar and led him down the hallway and into the bedroom, her left foot kicking the door shut behind them, Cederwyn's high pitched squeal...

To Be Continued...

51 Shades of Hay - Chapter Three -

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No Place Like Home - Chapter One -

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Deflowering of Maid Marion - Inspired by Freyrfox-

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