No Place Like Home - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of (ZOO) No Place Like Home

Cederwyn, a mule deer/human hybrid, adopts an abused and neglected shetland palomino x mare, and he thinks that it'll take months to teach her to love and trust again, but this mare might surprise him...

No Place Like Home

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

17thOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Cederwyn unhitched the horse float, his long floppy ears twitching as he walked back and unfastened the thick locks that held the rear doors and window closed, before he carefully lowered the ramp to the ground and looked at the dishevelled and mangy Shetland who looked back over her shoulder, then snorted and flicked her silvery tail.

"You weren't kidding - " Cederwyn whispered, as he glanced at the sickly looking mare, then at the human who had dropped her off at his property. "Just look at her, her fur is matted and tangled, she's probably riddled with parasites and her hooves desperately need attention - how can someone let a horse - or any animal - get into such a condition like this?"

"Mate, I wish I knew, they up and left the property, and she was left to fend for herself - had a hell of a time catching her, she's pretty wild and untamed - poor thing was probably abused if the former tenants were half as bad as I heard...but she's all yours now, just sign here and I'll leave you two alone - good lucky, you're going to need it!"

Cederwyn smiled weakly, as he signed his signature and the man returned to his 4WD and drove off down the driveway - as Cederwyn waved him off then walked timidly into the horse float - watching the Shetlands body language with care and attention. Her ears flattened as the human/mule deer hybrid walked closer - his emerald green robes brushing against his ankles and his cloven hooves clicking on the hard floor - but Ceder had spent many years working with abused horses - and he knew first meetings with a strange horse could either make or break a friendship with them.

"Easy girl - " Ceder whispered, as he pressed back against the edge of the horse float and untied the lead rope, then with some difficulty, managed to turn her about and watch as she hobbled out of the float and stood on the grass, looking around before her eyes locked back on Cederwyn, watching him with a look of confusion and mistrust.

"I know you're scared - " Ceder whispered, as he smiled and gently pulled the lead rope, surprised as after an initial baulking, the mare began to follow him - but only at the fullest extent the rope allowed. "That's it, good girl, follow me, come on, that's it!"

He led her into a large round yard and cautiously walked towards her, then knelt down about mid-way and rested his black furred paws on his thighs, adopting a pose he knew would put her at ease - as he was now more or less on an even height - and he remained there, his long legs folded beneath him and the sharp nails at the back of his cloven hooves digging into his rump, but a bit of discomfort was necessary, if this strange mare was to ever trust him. Ceder looked at her, the thick, matted and stained golden/brown fur - it was obvious she was a cross between a palomino and a chestnut, or something like that. Timidly, the mare kept her distance for two hours, and Ceder's legs had long since gone numb from lack of circulation, before at last, she took a half step towards him - reaching her short neck and head out to sniff suspiciously.

Inwardly, Ceder was encouraging her - never had a rescued horse shown such promise, so early, but he tried to keep himself still as he watched the mare, who took another shy half step and froze again, her eyes wide and alert, ears witching between fully flat against her neck and forwards in curiosity and interest. Patience was the key - let the horse come to you, when they felt comfortable with physical contact, they'd initiate it - and after three and a half exhausting hours, the mare finally closed that last insurmountable gap - and sniffed at Ceder's paws. He smiled and turned them over, watching as she flicked her ears and sniffed up his robed forearm, then she frowned and backed away slightly as Ceder sighed and resumed patiently waiting.

"Are you hungry, thirsty?" Ceder asked, as he crawled on his knees and paws, feeling the ache of blood rushing back to his legs, then using the steel bars on the fence, he pulled himself upright and unlatched the door to the fed room. Hearing the lids come off the drums, the mare snorted and cautiously approached - but stayed a fair distance back - but Ceder could see in her body language, she was indeed hungry at the very least.

Using a scoop to mix together different grains, barley, what and bran into a dish, Ceder carefully backed out and distracted the mare with gentle calls, until she turned and followed him towards where he set down the bucket of feed for her, then he backed away and watched her shyly sniff at it - almost as if she thought it'd be snatched away.

"You poor thing, you've been so abused and neglected..." Ceder sighed, then walked back to the feed room and closed and latched the gate, before he returned and watched as the obviously frightened mare began feeding. Taking a risk, Ceder approached from he front, watching as she looked at him, before he carefully placed a black gloved paw on her neck and felt her flinch - but she didn't try to be aggressive or run from him. "Good girl!"

Ceder smiled, happy with this result, as he knelt down and touched her neck, shoulder and upper leg, before the mare snorted and skittered away - then returned to the feed.

"Alright, bad touch - " Ceder whispered, as he carefully walked his hooflets along her back, feeling the vertebrae and her ribs. "You'll need some conditioning love, but first, lets get you fed and cleaned up - a nice warm hand-bath and a brushing, ,get that mud and knots out of your mane and tail, then we'll see about maybe giving you a dose of worming paste - definitely looks like you haven't been wormed in months..."

Ceder's fingers gently explored the mare's rump, finding a few places where he felt her flinch and one place that caused her to kick - obviously a very sore muscle that'd require special work - but all in all, he was surprised at her willingness to let him begin feeling her all over from ears to hooves - even tolerating him running his fingers down her tail and pulling a few twigs and burrs out. Ceder couldn't help but notice as he pulled one burr out, the dark, velvety folds of her labia, then he giggled nervously and resumed lightly tugging his fingers through her tail.

"Alright honey, time to get the stuff to bath you..." Cederwyn chuckled, and he gently touched her back and he saw her quiver, but made no aggressive movements at the touch. "Maybe you're not as broken as I'd feared..."


Ceder returned shortly with two large buckets filled with warm water and assorted brushes, before he timidly poured water down the mares neck and back, watching her body language as she trembled and glared at him - but stood patiently as he began adding some special horse shampoo and using his fingers to work it into her rough, matted coat. A snort from the mare made him giggle nervously, but he kept bathing her and rinsing off the water from her pelt - watching as some of it was almost black with dirt and other unsightly contaminants.

"Gods, I don't think they ever bathed you honey - " Ceder kept talking to her, as he used a large comb to run back along her back and sides, scraping dead skin cells and dirt out of her pelt then washing her a second and a third time - over two and a half hours, he scrubbed, brushed and groomed her- until at last she was as clean as she was going to allow - and he looked in satisfaction at the clean fur.

"Finally!" He exclaimed, then looked down at his wet and muddy robes, before he giggled quietly and shed it, hanging the robe over the nearest fence. Now as naked as the day he was birthed, Cederwyn didn't really care - he was home alone on his property, and the place where he had unloaded the mare was fairly sheltered - but if someone come there and was offended by his nakedness, well, as far as Ceder was concerned, that was on them.

He crouched down before the mare, and gently brushed the fringe away from her dark brown eyes, before he lifted her head and in an amazing show of trust - she exhaled through her nostrils directly into his. Ceder blinked, then giggled and timidly cupped her chin, before exhaling back through his slender nostrils and into hers, forming a bond of love and trust between the hybrid and the mare - then to his surprise - she licked his forehead with her broad, rough tongue and lipped timidly at one of his long, floppy ears.

"Ooh..." Ceder gasped, then shivered from ears to hooves, before he gently extricated his sensitive furred ear from the mare's muzzle. "Honey, no, don't nuzzle them...they..."

Ceder swallowed and giggled nervously, as he shivered and looked down, the firm feral like sheath swollen and quivering.

"My ears...are sensitive and get me all hot and...aroused, when licked, nibbled and caressed, so please don't - I love you dearly, but I don't think - "

With a snort, the mare looked down, and Ceder blushed, his inner ears turning a brilliant crimson, as he swore she looked right at his groin, then back up into his eyes - before she nuzzled his chest and he carefully caressed her neck.

"You're a beautiful young mare and I'm sure you don't understand half of what I'm telling you - " Ceder rambled, as he smiled and stroked her wet neck, feeling the much cleaner fur free of tangles, dirt and knots.

At his touch, the mare shivered and her tail swished, before she suddenly turned about without warning and Ceder squealed, falling backwards onto the sandy loam - thinking she was about to kick him - but she frowned and swished her tail over his belly - then to his shock and surprise, she lifted her tail up and glanced over her shoulder at him - as if he were a stallion and she was a receptive, willing mare - Ceder could only stare, then giggle shyly as she backed up two steps and lifted her tail higher - the labial folds parting, revealing for a single blink of an eye - the pale pink walls of her vulva, as she winked at him and snorted, swishing her tail and glancing back at the trembling hybrid who lay sprawled in the dirt behind her...

To Be Continued...

Deflowering of Maid Marion - Inspired by Freyrfox-

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51 Shades Of Hay - Chapter One -

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