Deflowering of Maid Marion - Inspired by Freyrfox-

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Maid Marion, her heart broken, flees to a convent to become one of the celibate sisters - but she doesn't seem to make a good first impression on the Abbess...or does she?

Deflowering Of Maid Marion

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

17thOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Authors Note Inspiration for this story, come from my dear friend Freyrfox, give him some love for the idea :)

Maid Marion trembled, the young Vixen's triangular ears pinned back as she swallowed and reached out with a trembling black gloved paw, the kidskin gloves clinging to her like a second fur. Her fingers closed over the large brass doorknocker, then biting her lip, she rapped three times, the loud bang, bang, bang, sounding like the crack of thunder.

A few moments past, before a black robed nun appeared, the grizzled old Raccoon peering from a shrouding hood, as she looked up at Maid Marion, who gasped and looked down into the Raccoon's masked eyes.

"Hmmph - " Snorted the raccoon, before it turned and began walking away, hobbling on gnarled staff like a walking cane.

"Forgive me, but I'm here to see Abbess Greymane, sister, can you please tell her I've arrived, as my letter promised?" Maid Marion whispered, as she closed the heavy door behind her, then shuddered and heard the loud boom as the door closed.

"Come - " Wheezed the Raccoon, as it made its way across the smooth cobbles.

Maid Marion followed, her eyes sweeping left and right, as she looked at other severe, robed nuns who moved silently - then the white and black robed ones - and the filthy, disgusting once white robed ones - who looked like they'd never washed their robes.

"Sisters, advanced acolytes, and acolytes - " Grunted the Raccoon, her voice sounding like it was coming from the bowels of the earth. "Learn your place young one, speak when you are spoken too, and keep your eyes to yourself. If you're to be accepted by the Abbess, you've better start on your best foot!"

"I will, I promise - " Maid Marion swallowed, her eyes dropped towards the ground in humility, as she then glanced upwards nervously, peering at the tail tip that peeked from beneath the muddy hem of the dark rob, then Maid Marion blinked - noticing the pale lavender border - and her eyes widened in dismay as a weak gasp escaped her lips.

"Welcome to my Convent, Vixen - " Grunted the Raccoon, as she glanced over her shoulder. "It seems you've got much to learn! After your - purity - has been established, you'll be bathed, cleaned and brought before me and other sisters - as naked as the day you were birthed! Come before the God's as a humble penitent, pure of heart, mind and spirit, if you're to be accepted into the Convent's Order! This is tomorrow, tonight, you should spend the night in meditation, praying you are found pure and innocent!"

"I will Abbess Greymane, I promise!" Maid Marion whispered, as she curtailed formally.

"Sister Abigail will show you to your initiates quarters - I suggest - you get a good nights sleep!" Sneered Greymane, as she waved at a waiting Sister, who come over.


Maid Marion tossed on the hard cot, overcome with doubts and indecision's, as she tossed and turned fitfully, trying to sleep but only growing increasingly exasperated and frustrated. Thinking a late night walk would ease her troubled mind, so she slipped from the crude cot and dressed in a dark cloak, pulling it around her shoulders and slipping the hood up over her head.

Creeping on her velvet like paw pads, Maid Marion slipped out into the cobbled convent courtyard, before gazing up at the night sky. It was as silent as the grave, as Marion's triangular ears twitched, before she jumped as the convent bell tower chimed - Marion's heart thumping in time with the bells. Movement out of the corner of her eye made her melt into the dark shadows as she watched a group of thirteen sisters dressed in dark robes, make their way out of the convent and into the countryside beyond.

Curious, Marion padded after them, moving stealth-fully from one shadowy patch to another, before she slipped out the double doors and hugged the outer walls of the convent. Watching them as they made their way down a faint path and into the woods. As quietly as she could, Marion began following, more out of curiosity as to what they were up to - when a haze of hot, foggy breath washed over her shoulder and she frozen, adrenaline squirting into her bloodstream as her muzzle feel open and she gasped in fear - thinking she had been caught out.

A velvety nose brushed against her cloaked back and nudged her hard, nearly knocking her to her knees, as she gasped and twisted about, then found herself staring into the nostrils of a black furred equine - whose snorted through its nostrils and gazed at her, before stepping closer - and Marion's eyes widened as she seen the ebony black fur - and the 3' long horn that sprouted from its forehead.

"A...unicorn?" Marion whispered, her eyes widening as she timidly reached out and touched the unicorn's nose, feeling the nostrils flare as it inhaled her scent. "You can't be real, the last of your kind was hunted thousands of years ago and - "

Lipping gently at her furred fingers the unicorn lipped at her as he stepped closer and Marion tenderly stroked up his forehead, then felt the hard ivory horn - a strange warmth emanating from it.

"You're really real - " Marion whispered, disbelieving as she felt the silken mane, then the powerful neck muscles.

Nibbling her shoulder, the Unicorn snorted and bowed formally, stretching one ebony foreleg out, whilst it folded the other one, laying its horned head along the outstretched foreleg. Marion blinked, then stepped up beside it and gripped it's mane, before she leapt up and settled on it's back, feeling the power and the strength as it rose back to its upright stance.

"I can't believe you're real..." Marion whispered, as she leaned forwards and stroked his neck, then she gasped in fright and alarm as he instantly leapt forwards and began a muscle stretching gallop as Marion moaned and tightly gripped his mane, feeling him galloping, his breaths coming in easy movements of his chest and sides. "Hey, woah!

Ignoring the vixen astride his broad back, the sable furred Unicorn ran wildly, its tail streaming out behind it, until after an hour - and what felt like dozens of miles - it finally slowed to a trot then made its way into the forest, seemingly as if by magic, making the trees and shrubs move aside then close after they had passed through. Marion sat astride his back, until finally, he come to a clearing and stopped, before he knelt down on his forelegs and let Marion slip off his back. Marion stood next to him, pressing back against his shoulder, before the stallion snorted and twisted his head around and bit down on her robe collar - then began shaking his head, the thin fabric tearing and shredding as Marion squealed and slapped at him - but he was too strong and soon, the young vixen was naked - and she crossed her black gloved paws over her breasts, trying to hide her nakedness.

He gazed at her, flicking one ear, before he snorted and nudged her hard enough to drive her onto her back.

"Hey!" Marion squealed, as she looked up and saw him step over her, then lower his head, the dark ebony horn inches from her dark, wet nose, before she shut her muzzle with a snap and trembled in genuine fear - her eyes widening.

He snorted, his hot breath billowing through his nostrils, as he glared at her - and Marion blinked, then frowned, for a second there, she swore there was a hint of red in his moon-light struck eyes - but as she looked again, they were just a vibrant, dark brown - almost black as they seemed to stare into her very soul.

"Why did you bring me here..." Marion whispered, as she began to push herself up using her paws, but the stallion snorted and with his velvety nose, shoved her back down onto the cold, dewy moistened ground.

He shuddered, and Marion frowned in confusion, before he stepped closer, his dark hooves either side of her chest as he lowered his head even further, curving his neck into what seemed an almost unnatural posture. Without warning, he used his broad, rough tongue to slurp over her forehead and down her muzzle - then laterally across her furred breasts, making Marion gasp and arch her back up so only her rump and shoulders touched the cold ground - and she squealed as she felt something pressed against her furred thighs - something that was warm, heavy, and trembled - and Marion moaned softly, her eyes widening in fear and disbelief.

" can't - " Marion squealed, as she slapped at his nose, making the stallion pull his head back and his eyes narrowed, before he moved forwards another step and Mario felt his large penis pressing against her thighs with more instance, then he lowered his head and bit her left shoulder with his large, blunt teeth - causing Marion to howl in fright and pain - before he snorted and pressed forwards - and Marion gasped, feeling the large penile head push against her vaginal folds.

"No, no!" Marion yelped, as she tried to sit up, but the stallion snorted and flattened his ears, wide leathery nostrils flaring in anger and displeasure, before he trembled and Marion screamed long and loud - as the stallion thrust twice and in that moment - claimed her virginity for himself.

Pain lanced from Marion's groin, as she felt the impressive penis of the stallion rupture her hymen - the blood that spattered his penis seemingly of insignificance to the stallion, as he held his position for several heartbeats - almost as if revelling in the deflowering of the young vixen - before he moved slightly and dismounted just enough to let Marion catch her sobbing breath - before he snorted and thrust again - this time there was less resistance and pain, and he whinnied in pleasure as he felt her formerly virginal folds stretching and giving as he eased forwards - showing remarkable self control, as he grunted and Marion began gasping in surprise and growing pleasure.

"No, you've got too - " Marion panted, as she slapped at the stallions chest, making him snort and look down at her, before he twitched and took another half step forwards, sliding himself deeper until the medial ring brushed against her quivering labia. "No....I can't...we can't - "

He ignored her moans, his nostrils flaring as he breathed deeply, then he held that poses for several heartbeats until he felt Marion's body respond favourably, then he edged forwards and the medial ring slipped inside her ans she squealed long and lustfully - her first orgasm ravaging her body, the scent making the stallion nicker in pleasure and slide himself backwards - before he trembled and felt Marion's folds squeeze tight - before he began to whinny, his tail pumping like a piston as he squirmed and began to ejaculate in powerful spurts, his semen flooded Marion who writhed and moaned beneath him - her blunt claws dragging through his ebony pelt as he filled her in ways she'd never imagined possible - her muscular contractions squeezing his length inside her like a vice as the stallion's penis flinched and another thick, explosive release was pumped into the vixen's body - this time she threw her head back and screamed in lust and passion - even as he snorted and nipped at her shoulder, feeling his semen squirted out of her body and spattering against her tail and the cold, damp moss on which she lay.

"I've...never - " Marion moaned, as she wrapped her gloved paws around his shins and held him tight - the pleasure from their bestial lovemaking washing a way any residual fear and pain from him claiming her.

As the stallion grunted and his penis wilted, then he stepped backwards - Marion felt the gush of his hot, sticky semen mingled with her own natural secretions, making her moan and quiver - as the stallion backed up and stood at her foot-paws, before he lifted his proud, noble head to the sky and whinnied long and loudly - then from the surrounding woods, Marion shrieked in fright as she seen the flicker of torches approaching from all sides - then the soft chant in a language she had never heard before - as hooded and cloaked figures dressed in black stepped forwards, raising their torches high as their chanting voices blended into a harmonious melody.

"No,'s not what..." Marion gasped, as she rolled over, then tried to stand, but the stallion snorted and stopped over her, pushing her down onto her paws and knees, then gripped her tightly and Marion felt his penis slapping against her violated and trembling labia again.

"Hail and well met!" Spoke a voice, as one of the robed figures stepped forwards, then laid a gloved paw on the stallions nose and gave him a loving caress. "Thank you brother Shadow, for your assistance this night, may you go in peace and love!"

Marion blinked, as she felt the aroused stallion step back off her, then he bowed graciously, stretching out one long foreleg and folding the other, before laying his head along the outstretched leg, then with a nicker at Marion, he nuzzled her and walked off into the woods, vanishing like a ghost into the darkness. Marion rose on her foot paws, the base of her tail sticky and matted with the stallions semen, as she stared wide eyed and trembling at the robed figures who stood solemnly around the outside of the circle of the grove - and Marion's blood turned to ice water, as she realised what it was - this was no normal clearing - the stones that lay strategically placed around the outside - and there was one she had taken for a natural rock outcropping - which on closer look, revealed itself as a stone altar, the top of which were stained with melted bees wax from candles that had adorned it.

"You come to us as a maiden, a lost and lonely soul - seeking solace and wisdom - for such you have found, and I am honoured to call you sister - hail Sister Marion of the Coven of Blackwing Grove!"

"Hail and well met!" Chanted the others.

"I - what?" Marion moaned, turning and looking at them all, before turning back

Abbess Greymane peered up at Marion, before she smiled and advanced, the frighted Marion backing up until her back hit the colt stone altar.

"What's going on here!" Marion squealed, as her paws splayed out behind her, and she watched as the others moved in closer, still holding their torches alight.

"You have passed your initiation, young Vixen - rejoice, for you are one of us - for you walked the path of your own volition, you did not have to follow us - but you did - you did not have to mount Shadow, but you did! Now, Shadow has blessed you with his gift - a celebration of life and joy - as he has done for countless generations of our Sisterhood...what, you thought our Abbey was a Christian one? Oh, my dear, sweet, naieve young have much to learn child - and from this night until your last - we will welcome you with love, warmth and friendship - in perfect love and perfect trust, so mote it be..."

"So mote it be, as above, so below!" Come the chant, then the covens dropped their torches to the ground and began celebrating, as Marion's eyes grew wider and wider, in disbelief and bewilderment...


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