51 Shades of Hay - Chapter Two -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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51 Shades of Hay

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

13thOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved

Chapter Two ~

With a disdainful snort, the young Filly stared at the even younger Paint Stallion, who stood at the entrance of the servants entrance, his suitcase - a ragged, torn and dishevelled thing - beside his left leg, and he bowed his head and held forth the sealed envelope.

"Master Charlemayne said we were expecting a new - staff - member...I'd never have expected one such as you..."

"Master Charlemayne is my new owner, these are my papers and the contract relinquishing me into his servitude." Stammered the Paint, as he quivered, feeling his inferiority before the Dappled Filly.

"No doubt...well, get in here and stop standing there, you've got work that needs doing, and I don't have time to babysit some young Colt...least of all a Paint Colt..."

Turning her back ,the Filly walked away, shaking her head and silently wondering why on earth her master had seen fit to purchase this Colt, but her place was not one to question, but to obey to the best of her abilities - and as such - she passed him off onto another servant and made her way to her master's chambers with his breakfast.


Charlemayne lay naked as the day he was foaled, propped up by some goose feather down pillows, and he grunted non-committally as he heard a soft knock at the bedroom door. With amazement, he wondered how the loyal dappled filly managed to hold the breakfast platter in one hand, whilst working the door handle in the other. Obediently, she backed into the room then turned about and for the briefest of moments, her throat locked as she took in the magnificence of her master - in all his naked glory. Her eyes wandered of their own accord, lingering on the dark, leathery sheath longer than they should have, before Charlemayne snorted in displeasure, snapping the filly out of her temporary lapse of grace and judgement.

"Forgive me master," She stammered, as she crept forward, head bowed submissively and she placed the platter on a table, before picking up the bed table and positioning it over his belly.

Pretending he never noticed her glance, he favoured her with a glance, then lifted off the white napkin from the tray and cast his eyes over his breakfast. As the filly turned away, his voice, barely a whisper, carried to her ears.

"Know your place, little one - don't think I didn't notice..." Charlemayne chastised her gently, his lips betraying a slight smile.

Pausing at the doorway, she swallowed nervously, then glanced back over her shoulder. "Master, your new - servant - has arrived, his contract is on your desk in your study..."

"Excellent, I shall be down soon, to take appraisal of my new servant. Now, be honest Felicity - what are your thoughts on him? Will he serve me as long, and as loyally, as you yourself? Or have I made a poor lapse of judgement?"

Her paw trembling on the door handle, she froze, uncertain how to answer.

"Speak freely Felicity," Charlemayne spoke, his voice calm and peaceful. "Here in my chambers, I give you freedom to speak as you will."

"Master Charlemayne - he is young, Sir, I don't wish to speak ill of your judgement, for such is not my place. You have been a kind and gracious master - some would say - more than was necessary and - "

"Answer my question, please - " Charlemayne sighed, as he sensed her dancing around the issue, possibly from fear of reprisal or punishment.

"I - " Felicity stammered, her ears flattening. "He is young, and I do not doubt you, master, but - sir - a...."

"A Paint?" Charlemayne replied, as he took a bite out of his breakfast. "I know their social status - do you think me a fool young Filly?"

"No milord!" Felicity squealed, as she dropped to her knees and hung her head. "I'd never presume - "

"Rise, please..." Charlemayne sighed, as he rolled his eyes and stared over the table at her. "You know your place - you are my right hand paw, as it were - the one who runs my household, and without you - well - do not think yourself irreplaceable little one - but I would - miss your specific talents. Now, you will treat my new servant as you would any other - if he disobeys your orders, then deal with him as you wish, within reason of course. He is young, the young are often impulsive, headstrong and at times - need to be put in their place..."

Felicity sniffled, and used the hem of her maid outfit to dry her eyes, before she swallowed and nodded twice, memories of her own training swirling back to her like an errant breeze. Indeed, Felicity remembered her own - training - at the hands of Charlemayne, and she did not wish to ever be punished again.

"I see you remember - " Charlemayne spoke softly, but the threat still in his voice. "I never derive pleasure from punishment of my servants - thankfully - it was a once off with you, for truly, I value your servitude, Felicity, I do - and I would be most displeased...if I received word you allowed your personal feelings too - reflect - onto my newest servant. You have served me well for much of your young life - continue to obey and serve, and you shall find my reward for such - are just as lavish...."

"I exist, to serve you, Master - " Felicity whispered, bowing her head. "You - have been justified in your past actions, for I was young, I forgot my place - and I am - thankful - for your mercy in giving me a second chance."

"I am not cruel - when a simple misunderstanding - is made. Yet, you remember your place, he is my new servant, as such, I expect him to be treated no better, or worse, than anyone else who is in my mansion." Charlemayne reinforced his words, as he pushed aside the bed table and stood, then stretched languidly, his dark brown coat shimmering in the subdued lighting.

Felicity swallowed, once again glancing at her master's naked body and she blushed beneath her cheek fur - the tip of her pale nose turning a light pink. Indeed, she had often fantasised what it would be like, to have her master take her to his bed - to pleasure him in ways she could only imagine, to feel his warm body against her own and...

Felicities eyes snapped open, as she felt his strong paws encircle her hips and then pull her close, his sheath pressed against her lower belly and his strong fingers splayed over her lower back. Gazing up at him, her eyes widened as he looked down at her smaller form, then reached one paw up to cup her chin as he pressed his lips against her own, then his tongue probed past her lips and intertwined with her own. Her moan was muffled as he closed his eyes and pulled her closer, the right paw sliding around to her front then trailing up her quivering thighs before brushing against her velvety folds.

"Mmmmph!" Felicity gasped.

"Shhhh..." Charlemayne smiled, as he broke the passionate kiss, then looked into her dark eyes. "I know what I'm doing..."

Felicity's knees buckled, as he feathered her vaginal folds with his fingers - the cold hooflets against her warm mound making her desires flare like a bushfire, as she nickered at him in almost feral like longing. Her tail flickered behind her, and Charlemayne grinned as he eased first one ,then another finger, into the Filly's tightening folds and pressed them lightly against her clitoris, feeling her natural instincts take command as she gasped and pushed forwards, unable to help herself. As she become more and more aroused, Charlemayne smiled wider, before he knelt slightly and lifted her up off her hooves and pulled her close - then feeling her gasp as she felt his penis starting to slide from its protective sheath and press against her blouse.

"Master - " Felicity moaned, as her eyes grew wide.

"Its not the first time - you've - helped..." Charlemayne smiled, before lifting her head up and kissing her again, carrying her towards the bed, his erection growing with every hoof step.

As he carried her, he used one hand under her hips to support her, her legs and thighs wrapped around his hips, as his other paw unclasped her blouse and drew it up over her head, then he nonchalantly threw it over his shoulder to let it fall to the floor. Leaning back, Felicity exposed her tender, soft furred breasts and Charlemayne grunted before he looked down and gazed lovingly at them. Felicity smiled coyly, before she wrapped both paws around Charlemayne's length and began sensuously stroking - paying particular attention to the medial ring - knowing how pleasurable it was for him - and as he grunted and shuddered - she knew he was fighting primal mating instincts as old as time itself.

"You're tempting fate, little filly - " Charlemayne snorted through his nostrils, as he laid her on her back on the bed, then stood before her, penis fully erect and slapping against his naked belly, as Felicity gazed up at him, before she took the initiative and sat up, once more wrapping her slender fingers around his length and she leaned forwards to sensuously run her tongue from the base of the sheath, up over the medial ring, then tip the flaring head and back again, feeling Charlemayne grit his teeth and quiver.

"Does my master, approve?" Felicity snickered, then before Charlemayne could respond, she flattened her ears as she pulled his length forwards and with the practice only experience can bring - she lowered her muzzle and took the penile head into her muzzle, working it over with her tongue as she began taking deep breaths through her flared nostrils.

Charlemayne gripped her shoulders in both paws, his breathing coming in shorter and more intense pants, as he savoured the pleasure of what Felicity was doing - her powerful muscles of her throat contracting and releasing, as she closed her eyes and pushed her muzzle lower - lips sliding over the medial ring and even further towards the base.

"Oh..." Charlemayne gurgled, as his body quivered and scrotum tightened, aching for the sweet release.

Opening one eye, Felicity winked up at Charlemayne, before she closed her eye again and dropped her muzzle, until the hairs on her chin brushed against his leathery scrotum and she squeezed his length with her gifted throat muscles. Bracing a paw against Felicity's head, Charlemayne ruffled her ears as he panted and snorted - occasionally stamping a hoof as the gifted filly slurped and suckled - lifting her muzzle up to the flared head, but never once breaking the seal she had formed with her lips.

"No...I..." Charlemayne grunted, as he felt his scrotum beginning to ache, the first precursory squirts being short down Felicity's throat, his fingers splaying out over her head and unconsciously pushing her muzzle down - before he whinnied and bucked his hips, tail flagging like a piston as he ejaculated down her throat with reckless abandon.

Felicity flinched, but swallowed as best she could, fighting back the instinct to gag and cough until she had milked Charlemayne of his hot, sticky semen and she lifted her head, savouring him with a long, sensual lick before she gazed up at him from the top of her eyes - head held in a coy, submissive pose as she kept licking.

"How..." Charlemayne croaked, as he tried to remain standing ,his knees quivering and a fine sheen of sweat starting to dampen his body.

Without asking, Felicity reached over to the discarded breakfast table, then snatched up the large bowl of orange juice and slurped it down in three quick gulps, before she brushed the back of her right paw over her lips and swallowed a few times.

"Practice...master - I do so...enjoy my infrequent - breakfast..." Felicity smiled, then began to rise off the bed, but Charlemayne's paws pushed her back down, as his penis slapped against her throat.

"Not...so fast - " Charlemayne snorted, looking dominant and assertive. "I'm - not finished with you - just yet..."

"Master - I have chores that need to be - " Felicity whispered, gazing up at him, but her paws once again encircling his impressive length.

"They can wait - " Charlemayne told her, before he looked down at her and pushed her down against the bed.

He straddled her ankles, gazing down at her, before he leaned forwards and brushed his fingers lovingly from her ankles up to her groin, before feathering his fingers against her folds and crossing them to work them back down. Again he raised them - before dropping down onto his elbows and nuzzling first one furred knee, then the other as he locked and lipped his way up her thighs - feeling them willingly part before his probing muzzle - and he pressed his velvety nose against her folds and inhaled deeply - taking in her scent - before he whiffled through his flared nostrils and used his long tongue to lap delicately at the dark slit - tongue sneaking its way inwards with every lick.

Felicity moaned and her hooflets gripped the bedsheets, as Charlemayne used his experience and knowledge to sensuously pleasure the filly beneath him - tongue curling and flatting as he lashed the tip against her clitoris.

"Oh...master I - but I can't - " Felicity squealed, becoming breathless as she arched her hips up off the bed and worked Charlemayne's tongue deeper.

Charlemayne snorted, then his eyes narrowed as he reached up with both paws and forcibly pushed Felicity back down onto the bed - knowing full well she was a filly - and as such - he had to use care and attention to preserve her purity. As his tongue flickered against her clitoris again and again, she squealed, whinnied and writhed in pleasure - her nipples engorging with blood and rubbing against the blouse she worse - but her scent was what Charlemayne drank in through his nostrils like a fine Chardonnay.

He worked her to the verge of her orgasm multiple times, before letting her catch her breath - before he did it again - savouring the taste of her tight, virginal depths and knowing the pleasure that he would experience - when he finally claimed her and made her a mare. His erection rubbed against her ankles and the bedsheets, the occasional dribble of his pre-ejaculate soaking into the sheets, but he didn't mind - all that mattered was pleasuring Felicity - and in no small way - pleasuring himself as well.

Finally, his diligence was rewarded, as Felicity whinnied and writhed, caught in the pleasures of her orgasm and Charlemayne held her quivering body tightly against the bed, never for a moment did he relax in his flickering and curling tongue - until he at last lifted his head and gazed down at the panting and sweating filly, whose head was tilted back and her loud, fractured panting indicating she indeed was well pleased. Charlemayne rose, then pet Felicities belly gently, before he snickered to himself and walked into his bathroom, quietly closing the door -and before it closed completely - he heard the deep snores from the bed, which only made him smile as the door clicked closed behind him.

To Be Continued...

51 Shades Of Hay - Chapter One -

51 Shades of Hay 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 13thOctober, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Charlemayne stood before the battery of cameras, both Digital SLR's and High Definition Videos, the blinding lights reflected in his dark eyes, as the Thoroughbred wiped...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Six - Finale -

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Room Service - a promised story for the dear Nicky Matos -

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