Who's Coming to Dinner

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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The Druff drops a news bomb at his young protege.

Who's Coming to Dinner






The saga of Druff and Brian continues (written in cooperation with Brian Silverfang aka :iconbriansilverfang: who has been most helpful in lending me his amusing character and assistance. This is another segment in their story, and I do hope that you will have a splendid time reading!

Do remember that your feedback will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



"We should have dinner, Brian."

The Druff awaited for a reply but failed to receive one immediately. He wasn't surprised. The lupine ears he intended to receive his words were flicking slowly back and forth, and telltale cables snaked across his chest and onto the smartphone resting on his chest, screen down. The loud music blasting away into his ears was surely enough to mask the tiger's comments. It left him with no choice but to resort to other means to gain the wolf's attention.

He padded over to the couch and stood behind it. It was then that Druff raised his tail above the backrest and deployed the tip to tickle on the wolf's nosepad and whiskers.

Brian must've been very enraptured by whatever he was listening to, given how he jumped like an electric shock went through him the moment the tailtip touched his nosepad, arms shooting up and eyes flying open as if he were falling over whilst sitting in a chair in a display that made the tiger chuckle audibly, the wolf's arms gripping the backrest and armrest of the couch.

"Huhwhathephuk...?" Exclaimed a startled wolf with a tail still tickling at his nosepad.

The Druff let his tail fall back to its natural position. He leaned over the top of the couch and then placed his paws in front of his muzzle.

"WE SHOULD HAVE DINNER!" the tiger boomed in an exaggerated tone, like using his paws as a megaphone to amplify his voice.


Brian flipped his phone around and then tapped on the screen to stop the music. He tugged one earbud out and then glared at the tiger.

"Why you gotta scare me like that?" the tawny wolf questioned. "It's like you enjoy it..."

The tiger folded his arms across his considerable chest.

"I enjoy a whole lot of things, Brian," the Professor mused.

Brian snorted.

"Hedonist," he accused. "So wassup?"

The tiger clicked his tongue.

"I already told you twice that I think we should have dinner."

This made the wolf's ears perk up thoroughly.

"Hmm...gonna fill up my tummy properly?" he wagged his tail against the couch noisily. "Here I thought I already emptied your fridge..."

The tiger rumbled.

"I did notice that you raided it twice so far, but that is hardly outside the ordinary," Druff said. "But no, I was thinking about something else. A proper dinner that includes soup, a splendid main course, dessert, wine, coffee, Grand Marnier..."

The wolf licked his lips noticeably.

"Well have you ever heard me refuse food?" he said. "When are we eating?"

The tiger chuckled.

"It's not now!" he patted a big paw against the wolf's sturdy shoulder. It was well visible, considering the wolf was only wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. It appeared a rather preplanned choice of attire, all told. "Next week, I think."

Brian drooped his ears theatrically.

"Oh right, get a guy's hopes up and then..." he waved his paw, "poof! Nothing..."

The tiger squeezed the arm he had just patted. The wolf's tail gave another flick that looked considerably more ebullient than his ears.

"Friday next week," Druff said. "Think you can make it?"

The wolf 'pfffft'ed.

"With the menu you just dangled in front of me, just name the place and hour." The bushy wolven appendage swished merrily behind it's owner, most likely spurned on by visualizations of the promised feast. His eyes did begin to narrow slightly in suspicion, fake or not.

"Although...that sounds pretty elaborate...what's the occasion? You tryin' ta seduce me all proper-like all of a sudden?"

"If want to like to think so," was what Druff answered to this, with obvious amusement.

The wolf grinned.

"You can't resist me, pops..."

Brian stretched his arms and legs out to work some of the slight stiffness out of his muscles from laying on the couch for a while, before settling one paw flat over his belly in a stereotypically comfortable pose. "Soo...want me to wear a suit too? Get all pretty for ya?"

Druff chuckled.

"We won't be that formal," he said, "even if the food sounds like it. Your regular clothes will do. Bow ties are optional."

The wolf flinched.

"If you want me to wear one, you won't see me within 100 meters of this building," Brian grumbled.

The tiger wrinkled his nosepad.

"No," he said. "A bowtie will not be compulsory. Just wear something you're comfortable in. That's the point."

The wolf nodded upon hearing this. It made sense...but he was still arching his bow.

"Although...it still sounds pretty grand to me..."

"Do you doubt my good intentions?" Druff asked.

"Always with you, pops," was what the cocky wolf said.

"Well, I do want to do something nice since my son is coming to visit, and we'll be having dinner together, the three of us," the Druff stated.

The paw that was lazily scratching away at a t-shirt covered belly froze in it's tracks and the aloof ears suddenly rose to attention straight into the tiger's direction. Druff's tail swished behind him in amusement at the reaction. It appeared he had expected it.

"Back up, your what now?" The wolf chortled. "You were actually being serious before - about having a kid? I thought you were just yanking my tail like usual."

He scooted backwards on the couch to rest his head on the armrest and look at Druff from a more comfortable position. The tiger's expression had not changed. It told the wolf that he was not joking.

"Fuck, big gay daddy's actually got a son, I'll be damned..." The moniker came out casually.

"Yes," Druff said simply.

"Hnnn...considering the unholy and very non-heterosexual things we do on a..." the wolf looked away for a few brief moments and made a face as if actually contemplating something "... semi-regular basis... how the hell did that happen?"

He looked at the tiger, still obviously somewhat weirded out by this strange confirmation. Druff scratched his own chin thoughtfully.

"Let's just say that it was a somewhat unconventional...procedure," he said, "But I do have two wonderful sons now."

The wolf's eyes widened even further.

"Wha - two?" Brian almost jumped off the couch. "Now you gotta be joking!"

The tiger shrugged. He rounded the couch and sat down elegantly next to the rowdy wolf. Brian followed him keenly with his own furrowed eyes.

"Well once you get started..." said the Druff, "why stop at one?"

The wolf facepalmed.

"You gotta be pulling my tail like you always do..."

"His name is Gruff," Druff said. "He is 25 years old. He is a writer and is just enjoying his first success. I am very proud of him and his accomplishments. He will be here on Wednesday and is staying with me, considering my apartment is obscenely big and has a spare room for him to sleep in. Friday would be the best time for the dinner, I think. He will be here for a week, so other days are also possible, of course..."

The wolf was still obviously skeptical, but seemed to relent for now, if only to try to wrap his head around the fact that the very dirty and very gay professor, a fact that he knew from copious personal experience, had not one but two sons. And Brian did have a pretty good idea on how babies were made and the kind of stuff he knew the tiger to like generally didn't lead into bundles of crying joy nine months later.

'He has a bondage sex dungeon for crying out loud!' was what he thought, foremost.

Yet it really seemed to be true, judging from the tiger's unflinchingly serious expression. And not just that, but the one Druff wanted Brian to meet was apparently barely older than he himself was. It made the realization that he was sleeping with a man old truly enough to be his father hit home in new ways. It made it more real, because not only the tiger was a daddy in one particularly naughty sense of the word, he actually was a father as well, and that...somehow that made it seem even more taboo to the wolf, a kind of a rebellious pleasure in the way how they were subverting the natural order of things. Brian almost blushed when he realized that he could've easily grown aroused from thinking about it.

Now wasn't the time. It was the place, but the occasion was unsuitable.

"Humph," he rumbled. Brian tried to refuse his thoughts to the topic at paw. He shook his head and then looked carefully at the stout tiger keeping watch next to him.

"Sooo...I've been screwing around with someone whose family member is a celebrity and you didn't tell me one thing..."

Brian crossed one ankle over the other and made himself appear extra comfortable on the couch. Druff had noticed very early on that the wolf had taken to the couch as his own territory, and would not easily be dislodged from it once he got his ass down on it.

"I thought I was impressive enough on my own merits," Druff said dryly.

The wolf chuffed and swished his tail against a nearby calf. The tiger smiled companionably at that.

"Maybe...though you do make him sound quite the something alright...Gruff, wasn't it?"

The wolf sounded genuinely curious now, which pleased the tiger.

"Yes, that is his name," the tiger said. "And I am sure that you will find him to be pleasant company, once you meet each other."

"Well if he is anything like his pops..." the wolf scratched his chin thoughtfully. His expression was definitely mirthful, "he can't resist my exotic European charm..."

The tiger snuffled.

"My sons are Finnish too, you know," he said.

Brian shrugged.

"My...different European charm then?" the wolf said.

"Perhaps," the Druff concurred.

The wolf's countenance remained thoughtful. Druff watched him for a while before he made the question.

"You seem to be thinking hard about this, Brian," he said.

Brian threw one arm over the backrest of the couch. It was one of his signature moves in the sense of 'mine!' when it came to the tiger's sofa. With his sleeveless T-shirt, it had its own visual appeal as well. The tiger didn't dwell on such things for now. He had a feeling they had something to talk about and it didn't involve muscle worship with sturdy tiger paws and soft feline lips.

He smiled wryly at his own lapse, and continued and to stare the wolf down gently.

"It's just...I dunno...it's pretty big, huh?" was what Brian said. "You having kids..."

The tiger shrugged.

"It is not that unusual," he said, "all told, I mean, it is not exactly physically impossible..."

The wolf chuckled.

"I didn't imply that...it's just a lot to put my mind around," he said.

"I did mention my family before," Druff observed.

Brian tugged on the furs on his chin.

"I honestly thought you were kinda joking with me," he said, "you know...uh..."

He looked almost bashful, apparently going into the kind of direction with his mind that he didn't exactly like, or didn't want to share too keenly. Yet the tiger's calmness was infectious at this moment, and he soon spoke.

"I mean, you know...you are old enough to be my father...I thought...you know...that you've known...other young guys too..."

The tiger chuckled.

"And some have insisted calling me that, yes," he smiled. "I admit as much."

"Or..." the wolf said quickly, "you could have meant your godson or something, hah, or a nephew..."

His bushy tail continued its bounce against the edge of the couch.

"I probably should have been more explicit about it from the start, then," Druff said. "I apologize."

"No, no!" the wolf's ears flicked up sharply. "I didn't mean it like that, seriously, not at all."

"Alright," Druff nodded.

The wolf began to scratch his neck now. He was obviously running thoughts through his mind while under the tiger's scrutiny. The Druff maintained his steady, gentle gaze while he gave the wolf ample space to think and act as he wished.

"Well, I gotta admit, never thought you'd bring me along to meet the folks, pops," the wolf said finally, with a thin smile.

The tiger chuffed. The wolf's words evoked a curious image.

"In a manner of speaking, I suppose," he said.

"Hmm..." Brian nodded. "I do know what it means where I come from but not sure how it works around here, or in Finland, or..."

He waved a paw meaningfully in the space between them. The tiger seemed to catch onto the implication. He gave the wolf a smile of his own. Druff put his paw to the wolf's arm. Brian glanced at where the big paw landed, but did not comment on it.

"Well he told me that I can have a friend over if I like and I didn't have to think twice on who would be the most interesting person to introduce to Gruff," Druff said.

The wolf smirked at the sound of that, the old confidence definitely surfacing in the toothy expression.

"I can't say I'm surprised about that..." he chuckled.

"Hrmhmhmph," the tiger harrumphed appropriately.

"Easy there, pops," Brian gave him a mock warning at the sound of it.

"I enjoy your youthful energy," Druff said. "I am sure it will be of interest to him too. He does have a great interest in psychology, through his own work."

"Oh so you're thinking we're gonna chat up a storm huh?" Brian asked. "Aren't you confident about us getting along..."

"Why wouldn't you?" Druff said. "Or do you plan to be all tight lipped and shy and brooding?"

The wolf almost pouted at those words, but did give the tiger an indignant flick of his ears at such an implication.

"I am confidence on legs!" he puffed out his chest. The tiger chuckled at the sight, though he did admire the sight of that. That much the wolf saw too, and winked, before he did relax again without making further suggestive remarks.

"Yes," Druff said.

The wolf did grow more thoughtful after their exchange of banter, and the tiger noticed this. He didn't comment on it yet, giving the wolf some time again. He didn't have to wait too long.

"Though...I guess your son would know...you know..." he waggled his brow.

The tiger gave him a pointed, though not unamused look.

"...that I invited over someone who has been here for a different kind of a party?" Druff said.

Brian chortled at that, but did not offer a word of disagreement.

"Did you tell him already then?" the wolf asked.

The tiger smirked.

"Do you tell your parents about your sex life?" he inquired. "Or do they tell you about theirs?"

The wolf flinched visibly. It didn't appear to be a an affected gesture but rather a genuine reaction to the idea the tiger postulated.

"Bhuh, you do intend to scar me, I swear you do!" Brian grunted.


The wolf shook his head as if to throw away the thoughts the tiger's comment attempted to invoke and looked at him suspiciously again, from his claimed piece of comfortable furniture, his pose unchanged. Druff could have easily mistake nhim for a cat with how much he liked to show off.

"Still... hmmmrh... can never be too sure with you... daddy Druff..." He let it roll off the tongue smoothly, finding himself to enjoy the prospect of using that double-faced monicker on much more varied occasions, given current revelations. It really did feel so much more dirty now

"I mean, if I was sleeping with me, I wouldn't be able to not brag."

The wolf was all toothy grins and swishy tails... but the tiger could sense there was... something off. They had known eachother for quite some time by then, enough for a seasoned eyes such as the tiger's to pick up on subtle little things. How the wolf's ears weren't as perky as they usually were when he was in particularly good spirits, for example. Druff wondered if something was in fact troubling the young hunk spread over his couch so invitingly. He gave no real indications of such, at least. But the tiger knew to worry.

"Do you really think I would be one to brag about my lays?" the tiger asked.

"Hmmmh, well, I've seen some of what's under that sophisticated and dignified exterior..." The wolf teased.

The Druff poked the wolf's nearby ankle with his tail, much like he had surprised his visitor with the striped limb earlier on as well.

"Indeed you have," he said. "But I certainly do not advertise my conquests too much. It does have the potential for the wrong kind of reputation, after all."

That made the the wolf puff his chest and huff out as if by button press. "So you consider me a conquered piece of ass, do you, old man?" He spoke out in a low tone and with perhaps surprising agility caught the striped appendage between his big toe and the one next to it.

The Druff did appear both bemused and curious about the sudden grip on himself. He gave his tail a slight tug, not really trying to pull it all the way off the wolf, but still showing him what he was thinking about such a thing.

"Such a sweet piece too," he said in his dirtiest voice.

Brian gave the captured tail a cursory tug, just enough to make the tiger feel a slight pulling sensation just above his posterior. "Don't make me pull this over here now." They were trying to out-baritone the other by this point.

The tail coiled appropriately, but did not perform a total escape from Brian's clutches.

"You may try but you will fail," The Druff said. He sounded adamant, and amused.

"Oh I dunno about that... you don't seem to mind me getting my hands on it... among other things..." The wolf tugged more insistently in response.

The tiger bared his teeth playfully. Brian did not seem affected by the gesture in the least. Instead he played innocent.

"But indeed, he won't think anything less of either of us even if he assumes that we have been sleeping together," the tiger said. "I don't see why he would."

Brian shrugged.

"People can get pretty iffy about their parents finding new partners," he commented. Brian realized how that must've sounded and chuffed briefly after the thought hit him. The tiger didn't pick onto the remark, at least not yet. Brian was glad about that. He knew that he was teetering on somewhat dangerous territory, as far as what he was thinking about his relationship with the tiger. It wasn't just that, but also how it might appear to any outside observer, let alone someone who was a family member.

"And I have never hidden from him the fact that from time to time I enjoy the pleasant company of pleasant gentlemen," Druff said. "And he, and Deux, my other son, they understand and accept the fact. They are hardly prudish about it."

The wolf did look weirded out again despite the tiger's best cheer.

"Why," the tiger chuckled, "are you afraid that Gruff would start making questions? Nudge nudge wink wink eh?"

He elbowed the wolf twice while he enunciated the suggestive line. Brian grumbled at that and gave the tiger's ankles a swipe from his own tail.

"Dunno if I'd like that," Brian rumbled. "He might start to make assumptions..."

The tiger gave him a curious look. Brian noticed this and immediately looked like he regretted what he had said. Druff saw the averted eyes and less than buoyant ears.

"What kind of assumptions?"

Brian brought his paw down to scratch his chest instead. The gesture looked like one of comfort, rather than showing off or the simple pleasure of rubbing claws through skin and fur.

"Bhuh, are you gonna make me say it again?" the wolf grimaced.

"Hmmh," the tiger retorted. "Despite what you might think, I am still not a mind reader."

Brian didn't look very happy about the prospect, but he understood that he had managed to talk himself into a corner. The tiger would not relent until the wolf spilled the beans about what bothered him most. Brian knew that, and the tiger knew that the wolf knew.

It all came down to Brian, the wolf knew, opening his silly muzzle and letting it all come out.

"Well, I'm sure you think I'm an idiot again like the last time, but..." he said, barely meeting the tiger's eyes, "...but it still does bother me that your son...well, anyone, would think that I'm the one who doesn't wear the pants, so to speak."

One of his paws clenched against the leather surface of the couch. He let out a rumbling breath. The tiger's ears flicked upon listening to this exclamation that communicated much more about the wolf's state of mind than his simple words.

Druff put his paw to the wolf's arm again. This time it was a gesture of kindness, understanding...indeed, one the wolf might have taken as being truly fatherly without the other implications that followed every time they happened to touch one another.

"So what you are thinking is that when I introduce you to him, the first impression in his mind will be that you like taking it up the ass from me like a good boytoy," the tiger formulated in less than poetic terms.

The wolf's face scrunched up at the direct statement. He never liked confronting such uncomfortable topics that bluntly. It seemed easier to deal with that way. But the tiger wasn't doing much to prove the veracity of his earlier statement of not being a mind-reader.

"Geez, first a sweet piece of ass and then a boytoy, you're really in a mood, aren't you," the wolf muttered without looking at the tiger.

Druff's paw was still on his arm and he had not evicted it yet, though the tension in his body told the cat that the temptation was probably there. Brian suddenly found the bottles in the Druff's open drink cabinet very interesting while he actively avoided the tiger's gaze still.

"You must think I'm a hopeless idiot, getting so hung up on...that stuff..." Brian stated. "Appearances..."

He kept staring at the multiple differently colored bottles with a twinge of longing, but did nothing about the tiger's paw on his arm, a reassuring warm presence upon his skin that blended away into the background of his consciousness. He'd gotten so used to these little touches that he was aware of only the pleasant warmth of their presence. Part of him wanted to get more upset and pull away from the tiger who had again dredged up the issue at aw, but he was also glad that the cat had so much patience for him and his thoughts. That didn't mean that he liked thinking about it much, especially when he was also expected to open up on the topic.

"No," Druff said. "You're just young."

Now Brian glanced at the tiger.

"You're really getting into this parenting business now, huh?" he said dryly.

The tiger chuffed.

"I may be an educator, but a great parent...that is still up to debate," Druff said. He did not sound too reflective, however, more light in tone now.

"Hah," the auburn wolf grumbled.

"Well, do you know what I always thought whenever I ever heard someone heckle someone for taking it up the ass?" the tiger spoke in no uncertain terms once more.

Brian laughed briefly.

"Let me correct myself," he said. "You're really getting into this up the ass business instead."

"Me embracing the male posterior is old news," the tiger replied. Brian snorted at this admission. The tiger squeezed on the wolf's warm arm with reassurance in the gesture. "But what I wanted to say, before we descend into the exchange of ass-related comments, what I think is that anyone who thinks that those who bottom are pussies should really try to see just how much of a macho man they would feel like when presented with nine thick inches going under their tail?"

Brian's tail gave a sharp twitch at the thought. The tiger really knew how to paint a picture with his words and he wasn't even sure if it made him imagine himself as the recipient of such a...delivery...or someone else.

"I think I see where you are going," he commented.

The tiger patted his arm.

"You also begin from the assumption that every time someone sees a gay man, whether it's a gay or straight person, the first thing that comes to mind is to speculate on what they like to do in bed," Druff said.

Brian wrinkled his nosepad.

"Now you're making me feel like I'm on some sort of a lecture," he said.

"But I know it's what you are thinking," Druff said ."Even I'm guilty sometimes."

The tiger received a glance from the unruly-furred wolf.

"You keep thinking if people think you're a bottom?" he asked.

The tiger smirked.

"Perhaps more like taking the observer's role when...hmm...checking out a potentially interesting gentleman..." he mused.

The wolf snuffled.

"You don't have to tell me that you're an ass bandit, Drufferssor," Brian said.

This made the tiger rumble out pleasantly. The wolf dared to look at him more now, although there was still obvious physical tension on his body. The tiger wanted to comfort him further, but he was still intent on treading lightly.

"But still...I know it's hard to not to think about it, but it's definitely not anyone's business but your own," the tiger assured him. "And when it comes to my son...like I said, children rarely want to imagine their parents in any kind of a sexual context, and I am sure that my friends belong to that category by extension too."

The word "stepfather" popped into Brian's mind and made him want to tease the tiger more about it, but he didn't really feel like going that far. Perhaps he could do it later. He saved the idea for further use.

"Hmhm...either you've had to deal with this situation before, then, or you really are super smart," the wolf said. "I mean, knowing what to say..."

The wolf brought his free hand up to cover his face and then slide it down as if swiping it clean of something. It was a common gesture, the tiger recognized. "You always tend to..."

He chuffed in a way that conveyed frustration, but mostly with himself, Druff noted. It was there, in the way he stared at his own crossed feet. "While I'm still struggling to form a coherent sentence on the... issue..."

"Will it be one?" the tiger asked in a warm and comforting tone, and gave another squeeze for reassurance.

"No." The wolf spoke after a brief pause. It dawned on him what he was acting like. Exactly like what he didn't want people to think of him; a sensitive little wimp. He was going to be a real man and deal with any and all issues as such, insecurities and worries about public image included.

He felt really stupid as well, like the proverbial stick in the mud. Here was the tiger generously inviting him to what sounded a lordly dinner that he obviously planned to put much effort into and felt the wolf was interesting, agreeable and enjoyable enough company to introduce to his apparently prodigious son and enjoy a nice evening together... and what did he do in return ? Create an issue out of nothing and bring the mood down, especially Druff's, who seemed quite enthusiastic and mirthful about the idea of having his son meet his so-called friendly.

He suddenly felt like slapping himself.

'The fuck is wrong with me? He just wants me to meet his son and have a good time over good food. There probably won't even be any mention of sex.' The wolf mentally chided himself. He also found he felt an urge to live up to the tiger's expectations, and whining about his little tail raising problems was not going to be a way to do that.

"Of course there isn't." He looked back at Druff with a noticeably brighter look to his eyes, even if he wasn't 100 percent behind it quite yet. "And I actually do look forward to meeting him, after all you said about him. He sounds very impressive. I just hope it's alright for him if I don't have any books for him to sign..."

The tiger chuckled.

"He doesn't expect a mad mob of fans everywhere he goes, so I think you are safe."

The wolf flashed a lopsided smirk. "I'll be holding you to that Grand Marnier, too..."

Druff winked.

"I'll even get the really nice coffee service out," he said. "We can sit down like gentlemen and sip our post-dinner coffee and liquor while we discuss intelligent topics."

Brian shook his head.

"I thought you didn't want to make me feel like there were lots of expectations on how I gotta present myself..." he grumbled, though obviously more playfully now than before. "If I gotta sound smart..."

The tiger tousled the wolf's head furs with his free paw. He received a lot of flicked ears and rumbles as a result of messing about with the wolf's do.

"Hey!" he grumbled, even.

"I am sure you will have many things to talk about," Druff said, "he is the renaissance man of the family. He reads all the news and knows everything, it seems to me, sometimes, or at least enough soundbites to make you feel exhausted when trying to follow all the anecdotes he can pump out. You ought to find some common ground, surely."

"Hmmm..." Brian mused, and then let his smirk spread to a toothy grin, "Now you're starting to sound like a matchmaker."

The tiger guffaffed.

"Am I trying too hard to make him sound interesting?" he offered. "That might backfire if he hears about it..."

The grin never left the wolfish face as he observed his companion. Druff didn't have any time to react, really.

In a display of agility and strength befitting his frame, the wolf twisted the arm Druff was holding around to grab at said striped limb and pull, muscles bulging with the effort. It sent the stout tiger flying off his feet and over the backrest of the couch. As soon as he was within range, Brian brought up his other free hand to grab a hold of the tiger's substantial frame by his side to balance him out and prevent him from careening off too far, instead guiding his momentum to fall down straight on top of the wolf.

"Oof!" And so the tiger did, with a surprised huff and grunt from the impact of their bodies colliding. It was mirrored by Brian's grunt, which was inevitable when you've got a large framed professor fall down on you. He didn't seem to mind, though... the pressure of the strong and weighty body on top of him a particularly good feeling one. He squeezed down on the shoulder and flank he was grabbing appreciatively and spoke in a deliberately mischievous tone,

"Don't worry about it... it'll be our little secret..." the grin on his face probably couldn't get wider if he tried.

The tiger puffed out his cheeks and rumbled, all appropriate noises for the occasion now that he had found himself momentarily weightless and then spread on top of his wolf-shaped mattress. He had landed somewhat hard and had to draw a deep breath to replace the air that had escaped from his lungs. His paws moved into position to carry some of his weight and to push his head up so that he could look properly down on the wolf.

"What are you calling little now?" the tiger grumbled. His tail swung expansively in the air behind him, his rear quite raised and his knees position as if he was planning a counterpounce despite already sprawling on top of the wolf.

It was so easy to just snake the hand on Druff's flank a little down and to the side and have it sprawled over the firm mound of tiger rear, the muscle pulled taut and it's shape perfectly accentuated by the tiger's pose. It would've been a criminal offense not to squeeze appreciatively.

Just to say hello. They'd been talking about the gluteus maximus enough already. Some practical measures were needed by now.

"Definitely not this" the wolf spoke cheekily, his attitude as assertive as ever in spite of the position he found himself in that would look to the casual observer as if he got caught by the big predator feline. And in a way that was the case, too, but he didn't really care. He made sure not to care. His earlier mood drop had been caused exactly by that, and he didn't want to go back to that state of mind.

Druff pushed his rear back to meet the cheeky paw. He continued to glare down at the wolf. He was glad to see that his usual rowdy behaviour was slowly starting to reassert itself.

"I probably should be upset about you calling my ass big, but considering the amount of work I put into ensuring that the stripes do not become zigzags on it..." he rumbled.

"Oh you've got nothing to worry about..." rumbled Brian. The receptive and enthusiastic reaction of the daddy tiger over him made more throaty rumbles swell up. It tickled his dominant personality just right. He decided to reward The Druff with an appreciative squeeze "Big is good."

And another, more insistent one.

"Big is very good..." Brian felt the urge to slap the muscly juting cheek, but didn't want to push his luck too much too soon. But teasing the older man and trying to catch him off guard, as per his own game, now that was a different story.

"Thick springy daddy ass..." He made a show of licking his chops while locking eyes with the tiger, his earlier dour mood seemingly forgotten. "Just the way I like it."

"Hrmhhm..." growled the tiger. "Then I'm sure you won't mind having that silver muzzle of yours making very close friends with it once again."

He pressed himself more firmly down on the college wolf, and kept his smile bright, and toothy.

The wolf's smile mirrored the tiger's own. Now he did give that captured rump cheek a friendly pat.

"Among other things..." This is where he would purr if he were a cat, the wolf thought with amusement. And it wasn't for lack of trying now.


"You just can't keep us apart," the wolf attested.

"Hmmmmrhhhh it feels like you are pulling something apart alright..."

"Soon, pops." The wolf husked out with a low voice and fiery eyes.

The tiger let out a highly pleased rumbling purr, and pressed his hips low to the wolf's.


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Bathing with Daddy

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Sea Legs

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