Bathing with Daddy

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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College grad student Brian Silva is back for some private tutoring with everyone's favorite Druffessor.

Bathing with Daddy






This is another In Bed with Gruffy story, featuring Druff and avatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang - whose fursona Brian has seen a few tangles with the tiger in question so far - and keeps finding himself at the feline Professor's clutches every now and then. One might even call this alarming frequency, but I don't hear any complaints, so...maybe you better read on and find out :)

I hope you have a good time reading, and I shall look forward to your feedback. Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well. Retweeting the story to your friends on your furry social media such as Twitter is another good way to spread the word, and takes very little effort.

Thank you!

With generous creative input from avatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang



The tiger's vocalization happened from the sliding doors into his sitting room. The target of this expulsion of air from his rumbling throat was sprawled on the leather couch, an untidy mess of auburn furs and limbs tangled in curious positions. The paws were pressed together, almost in the position for prayer, but instead of holy incantations the palms held a phone in them, of course. The flicker of thumbs was the only sign of activity, or intelligent life that the tiger at the doorway could detect.

"Uh-hum", the tiger cleared his throat.

The insistent vocalisations got him two perked up ears flicking in his direction in acknowledgement, their owner still seemingly fully immersed in his typing. The lights in the room were dimmed down to the bare minimum levels, the dynamic controls of which quickly became a favored plaything for his now recurring guest. As such, the face of the reclining figure was only illuminated by the glow of the phone he was typing away at.

"Hmmmrh..." Came a low throaty rumble in response. "Need a cough drop, pops?"

Druff did not take that particular bait.

"You're the one who needs something, I think," was the tiger's reply, "and it might come with menthol, too, if I could stand those 'For Men' furcare products with their so-called refreshing ingredients..."

The wolf making himself at home on Druff's couch raised his head from the screen he was most likely pretending to be occupied with in the first place with an amused look on his face. There was something else there too.

"You're all the "Old Spice" I need, pops." He clicked his tongue. "Unless you mean them fruit baskets in shampoo form..."

Now he made a face.

"Though I wouldn't be surprised if you had a bottle or two stashed away somewhere in a cabinet..." Brian put his phone down against his tummy and crossed his arms. "You saying you don't like all this natural man you're smelling and would rather have me walk around smelling like a flower basket?"

The tiger flicked an ear at the unruly guest. He pushed one half of the sliding door further open and made himself more visible. He was dressed in silk pajama bottoms and seemingly nothing else - a sight that never stopped amusing his visitor.

"DIdn't I just tell you that I disapprove of strong smelling fur products?" the tiger adopted a slightly nagging tone, for the hell of it.

"Sheesh, all you're missing are a pair of fuzzy slippers and you could pass for my mom..." The wolf retorted the same way an unruly child would complain to a parent shooing him to go brush his teeth. He took the liberty of scratching over his cloth-clad balls for show before grabbing his phone and jumping up onto his feet from his comfortable seat with the speed and grace of an athlete.

"Were she a huge ass tiger, that is."

The wolf's words trailed off into satisfied groans as he stretched out. His choice of clothing was more traditional than his hosts', clad in only a pair of comfortably fitting boxers, hugging to his body in all the right places. This was at least judging from the appreciative gaze he most often seemed to get from the tiger.

"Want me to go wash up that bad? A shower feels like such a bother right now..."

The tiger chuffed.

"Whoever said I was going to throw you into the shower and toss a bar of soap behind you before pulling the door closed?" Druff formulated.

"You're right, what was I thinking. You'd throw the soap in and step in behind me and wait for me to go for picking it up." Accusing playfully, the amused expression never left the wolf's face.

The Druff gave a proper chuckle at that. The wolf was now close enough that he could take a swipe at a bare leg with his tail.

"Well you should come and check the master bathroom, for I have prepared something more satisfying than a simple shower," the tiger stated.

The wolf rumbled at the touch of the familiar appendage and took a step closer without breaking eye contact. "Why do I get the feeling you've got sinister things in store... "

The tiger thumbed at the wolf's chest.

"Come on," he said. "You'll let it go cold."

Druff chuckled.

"See? You're even making me give spoilers..."

"Was always easy to draw things out of you." Brian teased with that distinct wolfish grin spreading across his face. He stepped a bit closer still to make their shoulders graze against each other in the doorway that couldn't fit both of them comfortably. "Come on, lead the way, pops. "He nodded his head in the direction leading away from the sitting room. "I'll be damned if you call me green again."

"I thought you knew the way..." the tiger rumbled when the wolf passed him. "You're the one who blocked the fur filter in the shower with your unruly pelt."

The wolf let out a chuff at that remark and sauntered forward with slow steps that he knew made a very attractive show for whoever happened to be looking at him from behind. "Not my fault your filter can't handle a real man's pelt. " There was playful challenge in the confident lupine's voice.


"You shed too much of it," the tiger observed, verbally so. His eyes were doing something else. He tracked the wolf's motions alright, "maybe I will have to ask Consuela to empty it more often..."

The wolf stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Druff, a bewildered look on his face. "What?"

"Just what I said," the tiger replied. "My maid empties the filter."

"Now you're just fucking with me." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the hallway. "You've got a maid. And she's called Consuela. "

The tiger gave him a look.

"I told you that before, didn't I?" Druff said. "You would have probably met her if you ever came here when she is around. She is quite chatty."

Brian scratched his cheek in a gesture of contemplation together with his wandering gaze. "Mmmmh, I don't remember hearing about her. "

His eyes fell upon the tiger again.

"Smooth, though. Using her to try to land a date. " The wolf held his posture which was making his arms and chest bulge out quite intentionally. He liked to show off his strength whenever he was flirting.


"I didn't know we were dating," Druff retorted.

Brian clicked his tongue. "That would be the point of going on a date, old man. Though I'm not sure what to expect from you... a candlelight dinner with Liberace in the background or blindfolded and tied with rope to bedposts..." He straightened himself up again. "... with Liberace in the background." He added with a mischievous smirk and kept looking at the tiger. "I'm not even sure what I'm gonna find where you're supposed to be leading me."

"You've watched Misery too many times," Druff commented on the wolf's suggestions. "Or maybe you're just too well tuned into my plans..."

The wolf did continue towards the bedroom, despite his cheekiness. He made a show of peeking in from the doorway when they reached it.

"Hmm...don't see any ropes yet...bathroom you say?"

"Yes," Druff grumbled.

"Okay...but I'm not dropping anything..." the wolf swished his tail about indignantly.

"You are not expected to," said Druff.

Brian walked into the room with the tiger behind him. He did appear genuinely curious about what the Druff might have come up with. He discovered it as soon as he entered. The bathroom was brightly lit and the tub in the corner was filled almost to the rim. The water bubbled gently and it got a curious effect from a purple light that shone through from the bottom.

"Whut?" barked out the wolf. "It lights up?"

The tiger smirked at him.

"It has a lot of functions, that tub," he said, "some of them superfluous, and some of them just ridiculous like the changing ambient lighting..."

True enough, the purple hue of the water slowly changed into red. Druff chuckled at the wolf's expression.

"But haven't seen the jacuzzi in action yet," he said. "I thought it would be pleasant. And there is room for two, I assure you. I have...past experience."

Most of the tiger's explanation went in one ear and out the other as the wolf dashed over the jacuzzi like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Ridiculous my ass, the lightshow's awesome! And the bubbles... " He lowered one hand to the surface of the water to feel the bubbling against his palm.

"Aaaaaahhh..." A pleased sigh escaped his muzzle while he crouched down and swayed his palm over the bubbling surface, the fast paced swishing of his tail a very obvious sign of excitement. "Mmmmh, you've been holding out on me, pops... Those past experiences shoulda featured me well already. "

Leaning his head back to look at the tiger over his shoulder, he added "Then again, knowing you, who knows what you did in here..."

The tiger was all smiles, of course.

"There is no need to be envious," he said, "I've filled the tub for you now, didn't I? And with the bubbles turned on. It's not just a jacuzzi, it has all sorts of functions, but tonight I thought that a little bit of luxury would be appropriate. Somehow I imagine that you like these kind of bubbles better to those who smell like sandalwood and lavender..."

He pointed out several bottles of bath salts that resided on a shelf above the tub.

The wolf's gaze followed Druff's pointing finger and made a face as soon as he saw the distinctly colored bottles stacked neatly on a rack. His nose wrinkled at the sight. "You didn't put any of... that... in this, did you?" The wolf's expression was an amusing mix between worry and accusation. Druff couldn't suppress his smirk at that.

"No," he said. "I've got wholly different bottles there for you in mind, and nothing has been added to the water, so no need to worry."

Brian chuckled and returned his attention to the mesmerizing bubbling and glowing water.

"Different bottles, eh? Gonna bring out the good scotch for me? You really are trying to make this into a date." He submerged his hand into the water and found it was a very pleasant temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. The tiger really did have experience with hot tubs, he opined to himself.

"Damn, this thing is huge..."

"Only as big as needed..." the tiger purred. "You should be nude before you slip more of yourself into it, though..."

"There's an overcompensation joke in there somewhere, but the water feels too nice." The wolf relented and scratched his rear over the boxers pulled quite taut over flesh and fur from his crouching position.

"Don't you know it's rude swimming naked while in company?" He hooked the thumb of the hand that was already there under his waistband but didn't pull down, only scratched idly with the thumb while letting out a pleased murmur at the sensation.

"Remember who you're talking to," Druff said, voice without ire, "a swimming costume is a very new invention. Do you want a lecture on its history?"

He pulled his own silk pajama bottoms down without further ado. He was carefully with their removal, despite the casual attitude he displayed as a whole. He didn't want to step onto the pants' legs and stretch the expensive-looking fabric. He even folded them before putting the newly stacked pajama bottoms on top of the clothes hamper.

"Happier?" the tiger asked.

"Mhh, would be with a view from the back... but it'll do."

The wolf was watching Druff the whole time from the corner of his eye, now turning to his side to properly appreciate the sights. A wide and obviously solid chest that he knew to feel very pleasurable and firm under groping hands. Creamy white furs covered a stomach that had some padding on it, but Druff wouldn't hear any complaints about that from his guest. It was in fact preferred to a completely chiseled look. And further down two thick and sturdy legs with the meaty main attraction of the plump sheath fully on display. It was, crowned by the family jewels in their furry sac. The wolf knew just how nice that smelled like...

Yes, they were all proud signs of a powerful male still well in his prime. It made the appreciatively staring wolf's boxers get ever so tighter. He suddenly found himself hoping that the tub would make a snug fit for the both of them.

The newly naked Druff faced the wolf without any issue about his nudity. He looked like he might've preferred it even to his supremely comfortable pants. Surely the sight of his gently looping tail told his guest that he was feeling very relaxed at the moment. His rumble suggested as much.

"You've been staring at my ass quite enough for one day, Mister Silva," Druff said. "Don't think I didn't notice what you did when I dropped the decanter stopper and picked it up from the sitting room floor..."

The wolf removed his hand from the water, now dripping, and stood up with a grin on his face.

"If you ever feel it slipping from you, I can gladly repeat it."

He hooked his thumbs into the sides of his boxers to stretch out the waistband and simply let them drop all the way to the ground nonchalantly. Brian wasn't going to let Druff make him seem sheepish about being in the buff.

"Without these in the way next time." he kicked the black shorts away to the side while referring to them, and licked his lips lewdly once he was done, "and much, much closer..."

The tiger looked at the wolf. Druff was quite sure that if Brian were a feline, he would have been purring loudly at being the target of the tiger's attention. He stood there in the buff, a broad figure in his tawny pelt, the very same rough fur that they had joked about before. Its thickness masked some of the young man's physical mass, the muscles the tiger knew were hidden under that coat. Druff knew that the wolf enjoyed being looked at as much as he liked having big tiger paws feeling those name muscles up, concerted with rumbles and possibly purrs as well. Druff could provide enough for both of them if required.

"Perhaps the tub will be to your liking," Druff said. "It is just about big enough, and there are a variety of possible...alignments while in it. Not quite big enough for sitting side by side, but where's the fun in that?"

The tiger gestured at the happily bubbling and now golden jacuzzi tub, and then smirked at the wolf.

"You'll never hear me complaining about a tight fit..." The wolf returned the smirk with amusement in the increasingly charged atmosphere.

"Especially if you're involved" he added while stretching out again and gripping his left shoulder with his opposing hand and rolled the gripped arm's elbow in a wide circle all the while slowly turning his back to Druff to face the illuminated bubbling water.

"Hope this thing can loosen some of these knots..." With his back to his mischievous feline host, he cracked his neck from side to side, producing slight popping sounds. "Been needing a good massage for a while now anyways..."

The tiger chuckled, both at the sound that made his ears flick and the sight of the wolf's antics.

"Oh?" he questioned. "Are you talking about the tub or me, about that massage?"

"To be fair, the tub is less likely to fuck me up the ass while my guard is down from the workover." The wolf retorted without missing a beat while smirking to himself out of the tiger's view, slowly walking back over the tub's edge.

The Druff was obviously watching keenly when one large footpaw was lifted from the fluffy grey carpet in front of the tub and then onto its porcelain edge. The wolf's tail appeared to draw even further attention into his movement, especially considering how the new posture highlighted the part of Brian's physique that the wolf had talked about before. it was arguably worth the polemic raised, full and most agreeably displayed by the raised leg. The more scandalous parts still remained hidden from sight.

"You never know what this tub might come up with once it is introduced to your posterior, mister Silva," Druff said. "A water jet might engage at the most useful time and place..."

That declaration made the footpaw stop in it's track on the edge of the tub and it's owner's head leaned back to look at Druff over his shoulder.

"If this thing has a "penetration" setting, you're not getting me in there. Knowing you, it just might."

He cocked his head slightly.

"Or are just trying to get me to pose for you?"

Brian was well aware of his current posture that looked like it was taken from a manly modeling magazine, his tail swished in amusement from side to side over round and muscled cheeks so luridly on display on the porcelain rim.

Druff chuckled at his companion's comments.

"It should have a big red button that reads 'ANAL' on it, shouldn't it?" he stated. "The controls are where your eyes would be if you didn't just stare at me."

He pointed out the watertight touch panel imbed to the wall side of the tub.

His gaze followed the direction of the pointing finger to the controls of the tub to a panel that predictably didn't have anything resembling said button on it. The wolf chuffed and rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe you actually made me look."

Brian went ahead and lowered one hefty footpaw into the perfectly heated water, the water jets immediately washing his submerged calf in pleasurable, tingling caressing sensations that drew a surprised sigh from his chest.

"Though knowing you, you might have a remote stashed somewhere in range."

He pretended to scan the surroundings of the jacuzzi while he brought his other leg into the tub, stepping forward a few steps while at it, sending ripples through the bubbling water.

"Only when I have music with me." Druff said. "There is a stereo in that cabinet over there."

He pointed it out, with another smile of his own.

"But I don't think we need any music tonight, do we?" he said. "Besides, it might make you want to play some of that music you like..."

Murmuring softly to himself from the pleasant sensation of the water jets caressing his skin and fur, the statuesque wolf sauntered on towards the opposite end from where he entered the luminous tub, tail swishing happily along the way. Upon reaching the end, he turned around, hiding away from sight what he knew was Druff's favourite part of his physique. It did bare an equally pleasing front side for a pair of feline eyes that were drinking up every little movement, very simply enjoying the pleasure of watching a powerful body in motion. It took a few moments for the object of their fixation to sit down and submerge himself up to his chest in the warm bubbling water with an unabashed sigh of satisfaction.

Oh well.

At least there was still plenty of beef on display to ogle. The wolf already had his eyes closed, head leaned back and tilted against the rim of the tub with his arms raised and draped over said rim, part in comfort, part in showing off, as it often went with the canine student, paws hanging above the water level. Everything was either a showoff or a competition with the sturdy wolf, which is a quality Druff found very... stimulating since he first met the young man with the in-charge attitude and a surplus of confidence. It made the ensuing dance of domination and submission, and eventual conquest so much more intense and satisfying. He made quite the relaxed picture. Inviting, even, the tiger thought to himself.

"And what've you got against my music, old man?" the wolf spoke without moving his head or opening his eyes. "Too heavy for your sensibilities?"

He bent his knees towards himself slightly to get a bit more comfortable in the tub that would be making him purr loudly if he were of feline persuasion.

"Maybe you'd prefer something softer and... daintier... Or am I gonna find a Lady GaGa and Kelly Clarkson collection around here somewhere?"

"Hungarian and Polish avant garde modernists would probably put even your music into shame when it comes to the weight it puts upon one's sensibilities," the Druff said. He did not adopt a lecturing tone for it. He was just stating a fact. He did have a smile on his lips.

"But you made yourself home right away...just like when you end up on my couch..." Druff observed.

The wolf didn't even crack an eyelid. The tiger decided that he'd have to get the words out of him by other means. He stepped into the tub himself. That caused some water to slap over the rim of the tub and lap against the wolf's chest. He landed to the opposite side of the tub, but considering its size, that meant his knees brushed to the wolf's. The tiger's tail swam on the surface like a striped snake. He smiled once he got himself properly submerged.

"Very good now.," Druff declared amidst the green water.

Another pleased murmur escaped the wolf's throat while the water licked along his chest. But that was about the only reaction to Druff's entrance into the now quite snug jacuzzi tub where personal space was practically non-existant now. He did however brush his knees up against Druff's as soon as they touched to get some nice and firm contact between them that warmed that area of their bodies more than the water itself did. He opened one eye lazily and glanced at his host, now naked and submerged together.

"What, you afraid I'm gonna start marking territory?" Brian rumbled.

"Only with your copious fur."


He spread his legs out slightly more to accommodate the tiger's bulk more comfortably in the confined space while the numerous water jets caressed his body from multiple angles, even going as far as providing a gentle massage of sorts. It made his muscles relax and his posture slouch somewhat in obvious relaxation. He couldn't help another sigh escaping him.

"Ahhhh... you really know how to pick your toys, I'll give you that."

The tiger chuckled happily.

"When someone buys a Bentley, it's not to get to places. It's so that they can sit down on the leather hide seats, turn on the engine, and hit the pedal so that they can feel the car vibrate around them and make their butthole clench with excitement," Druff formulated expansively. "I bought something that is not only cheaper but produces much more pleasure."

"Dissing at cars now, pops?" Brian chuckled. "I know for one that you have a car."

"Mine does not act as a prosthetic penis, only as a mode of conveyance," Druff said. "Quite needed too, considering the state of public transport here."

"Hmm...maybe," Brian concurred. "But I still can't believe you're comparing a car to a hot tub...even as nice as this one."

"A hot car...a hot tub..." Druff shrugged. "Both serve a purpose."

"I can't think of anyone else who could turn a bath into a philosophical debate," Brian opined. "Or who would even want to..."

His laughter sounded dirty, with the kind of a wheezing, almost nasal edge that Druff had learned to associate with the wolf's genuine amusement. It wasn't the kind of reaction one could easily fake. The tiger had not reason to suspect he would.

"I never pass a chance to flex my muscles," Druff said.

The wolf leaned his head forward from it's comfortable position to look at his companion properly, his right leg sliding along Druff's left one as he spoke.

"Never heard about a butthole clenching car, though if anyone would have you would."

His voice was tinged with the same genuine chuckle, and the brush of strong limb against strong limb underwater made Brian's spine tingle in the most pleasant of ways. Their snug fit in the tub made it possible for Brian to slide his foot all the way towards the end of the tiger's thigh and reach the edge of one firm buttock against which he flicked and tickled said toe against.

"Seeing you flexing a few certain muscles for me, on the other paw... that I can get behind..."

There was that same intensity and hunger in the young man's eyes that the elder tiger came to enjoy so much. Almost enough to not mind these playful encroachments at all.


The tiger gave him a dubious look. He didn't shift his rear away from the surprise guest that was making an odd sound while a claw rubbed along the smooth surface of the tub wall.

"I think your favorite muscles of mine are currently submerged," Druff said.

"Hmmmrh... true." Brian let out a pleased murmur while shifting his whole body just slightly to the give two water jets a better angle to his back and kept idly tickling away at Druff with a clawtip.

"But little details easily rectified." He chuffed goodnaturedly. "Just gotta keep you away from those Kate Bush records... or big red buttons..."

Hearing this, the tiger did smirk, showing a line of teeth between his lips.

"At least you have been listening, since you know what my digital playlist contains," he made a point of rumbling out the words describing his audio media of choice, just because he could, "someone less observant would have missed it, I am sure."

The wolf smiled back to him, across their bubbling pot. The tiger let his tail swim to the surface and float about in the gentle currents created by the water jets. It was an amusing sight that attracted the wolf's eyes too, at least for a moment.

"As for red buttons...there is some zinc oxide ointment in the medicine cabinet if you ever find your red button suffering from any ill effects," the tiger said matter-of-factly. "Although the last time I checked, it wasn't particularly red. More a...shade of pink...I mean, excuse me...a shade of coral, or maybe salmon..."

He let out a satisfied purr at the expression on Brian's face. It looked like he'd spit out his drink if he happened to have any at the moment.

"Yours will be ending up red if you keep going through the color chart" The playful warning was issued along with an accompanying jab of a toe against the tiger's hip.

The tiger chuckled.

"I don't think that's the part in question..." he mused.

"Subjects shift..." His smile widened slightly into a smirk as the wolf lounged and kept watching his host, not shying away from openly enjoying everything that was displayed, submerged or not, but mostly watching that feline face with amusement. The rumbling water between them slowly began to turn mauve.

"I am very pleased that you are enjoying the tub," Druff said. "I did not have any real doubts about it but it is very pleasant to see that you like it so."

The wolf grinned at the tiger. His own bushy, now heavy tail flapped against Druff's ankle like a passing fish.

"Oh I bet you enjoy having me here," Brian said. "You wouldn't miss an opportunity to get me naked and vulnerable...and at your paw's reach..."

The wolf let his tail swim upwards to ruffle at the tiger's paw, one of which was under the water and hence easily teased by the said appendage. Druff chuckled, both at the sensation and the wolf's teasing words.

"Do I really need excuses for something like that?" Druff asked. "You do not appear to need too much persuasion, as far as I know."

The wolf's eyes flashed with both amusement and that same cocky confidence the tiger was familiar with.

"Hmmrmm...don't you start thinking I'm a pushover..." the wolf rumbled.

"I certainly would not," Druff said.

"Good," Brian said. "Where would the fun be in that?"

"In what?" Druff asked.

The wolf grumbled.

"In me being a little bitch," Brian said.

"Well it can be a rewarding lifestyle choice..." Druff said.

"Don't you get any ideas, pops," the wolf chortled.

The tiger shifted his back against his end of the tub. He let out a content rumble when he felt his muscles relax further on in the warm water and the massage jets.

"Maybe even I prefer to zero my mind occasionally," Druff said. "You are safe from thought crime for now."

"Pfft," opined Brian. "I know better than to trust you when you say that you're not planning something evil."

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

"You fancy yourself my daddy too?" the wolf proposed.

The wolf made his tail swish back and forth against Druff's submerged paw, the mingling of wispy and freely moving fur under the water providing a curious sensation for both, different than regular contact on dry land. There was a slight underlying tickling sensation that felt quite the opposite from uncomfortable. Brian's eyes didn't roam from Druff's in the least for the time being. There was amusement in the wolf's voice, but also that familiar challenge the stately tiger came to enjoy.

"I will not make you call me that unless you ask me to do so," the tiger replied, half-seriously.

Brian let himself slide forward slightly to be able to submerge his shoulders and lower neck into the tub. That put them right in the way of several new water jets that instantly made him let out another pleasured sigh as they went to work releasing the tension in the slightly sore muscles. His added bulk submerged disturbed the water somewhat just as it turned a dark shade of blue. The sloshing made Druff's ears flicker curiously, but he did not comment on the new puddle on the floor by the tub. Brian simply rumbled away with joy at the unexpected pleasures of the tub.


Comfortably nestled in his new position, Brian hooked his paws behind his head and reclined, the new posture making his arms bulge in a very attractive show of strength for all of them that was above the colorful water. The maneuver also made their legs press and slide against the other, something the wolf was sure his companion enjoyed just as much as he himself did. He was pretty sure by the feel of the tiger's knees on his own that if he slid a bit further down that'd make their asses press together. He ruffed a little at the curious idea and its accompanying mental image. The tub was proving to be not quite as big as he had assumed it to be before they filled it with their bodies.

Brian looked at the tiger in question again after he had shaken off the somnolent bliss created by the water jets, and spoke again.

"So you think you could make me, old man?" There was that particular glint in the young stud's eyes again he knew that the tiger would notice. The Druff never failed to.

"Perhaps," the tiger said. "It would depend on you enjoying it."

The Druff let out a purr that appeared so strong that it might've been the cause of some of the bubbles surrounding them in the water. The lazy-looking wolf flicked his ears curiously.

"I can almost feel that in my balls y'know, pops," he said.

The tiger chuffed.

"Undoubtedly," he said.

The water began to assume a tangerine shade.

"So what's that you're talking 'bout me enjoying something?" Brian asked. His tail made a demanding flap against the tiger's leg under the surface.

The tiger smacked his lips.

"Just an observation."

Brian rolled his shoulders a little, rearranging them against the tub and the blissful jets.

"Are you getting philosophical on simple young me?" the wolf stated. "Especially on this tub...hmmmrr..."

He shifted a little, pretending to sink into it, while actually only moving an inch or so deeper into the water before he moved back into his previous position.

"I am stating that in my understanding of your...preferences..." Druff said, " draw the greatest enjoyment, when it comes to the more...receptive...side of things, when these things are...imposed on you to a degree. In a mutually consensual manner, of course, but I do know that you draw pleasure from that game....that balance."

The tiger drew a deep breath after his long explanation. He let his head loll to one side in his own peaceful enjoyment of the warm water.

"Of course you'd find a way to make a kickass tub feel like a shrink's couch."

The wolf chuffed in an incredulous manner at the casual sexual profiling the tiger did of him. Even if the tiger hit home with some or all of his analysis, the college hunk's proud nature didn't let any indications of it shine through. He appeared nonplussed.

"Like I said... where's the fun in either of us being a bitch?"

"I said nothing about either of us assuming such a role."

"Hmmrm. Could´ve fooled me..."

The wolf inverted the positions of his legs, pulling the outstretched one back while pushing his other one forward, the motion rubbing both their thighs and calves together for a very pleasurable sensation... his foot now pressing with it's entire shape against one half of the round and firm daddy tiger posterior being a planned pleasure for the wolf.

"Ah fuck that's good..." the wolf rumbled.

Druff chuckled.

"That could be interpreted in a lot of ways, given the context."

The wolf's eyes were closed and he appeared unbothered by the remark.

"And there you go again, pops..."

Brian's maneuver disturbed the water again, splashing some more of it out as the now dark red luminescence danced over the turbulent surface. Damn, those water jets felt like an expert masseuse on Brian's leg muscles, he thought.

"Going on about bitches again," Brian said once his eyes were open and he saw the tiger's own look upon him, "Even when you well know that he bigger and stronger the prey... the more exciting the hunt...the struggle for control..."

There was fire in the wolf's eyes as he watched his host intently. Fire and hunger, things that Brian knew that the tiger's gaze mirrored.

"Not referring to anyone in particular, are you by any chance, Mister Silva?" rumbled the Druff.

Brian looked amused by the tiger addressing him in such a deliberately formal manner. He knew it was in Druff's large arsenal of things he did to catch people off-guard. Brian had to admit that they often worked, too.

"Nnnn-nope!"he chuffed out. Brian too had a role to play, the wolf felt. "Just talking."

"Hmm..."rumbled the Druff. "Not to mention, invading my side of the tub."

Druff tilted his hips in a way that pressed Brian's foot more firmly against both the cat's rear and the much more unyielding side of the tub. It wasn't exactly to crush the wolf's toes, but it did catch his attention.

"Hmm...didn't even know we have sides..." Brian replied to the tiger's accusations.

The tiger chuckled.

"At the moment it feels like your digits are invading my backside."

Brian let his smile grow again. He found out that he could use his big toe to poke at the tiger's striped rear, with just a little extra tilt.

"Could be easily arranged, pops..." He poked teasingly with his toe. He found it quite the fun thing to do. "Didn't hear any complaints last time..."

The wolf was feeling bolder by the minute, the warm bubbling water, the insistent jets upon his muscles, their physical closeness and contact... even the lighting contributed. The thought crossed his mind that the tub and situation was most likely engineered to that effect by the crafty master of the house and briefly wondered with amusement just how many fell victim to it. But he didn't really care. The combined sensations of mellow relaxation and excitement that comes from such intimate closeness and teasing touches were working wonders for doing away with reservations.

"You just love that, don't you?" the tiger stated to the wolf. "Get one finger in someone's asshole and you feel like a king of the hill..."

Brian couldn't help but feel his sheath tighten at such a casual mention of what had happened on one afternoon between them.

"You ain't denyin'..." the wolf said.

"Why would I deny myself any form of pleasure that can be had when two beautiful bodies collide?" Druff said.

Brian let out a hearty laugh at that, disturbing the water slightly. He extended his leg to mirror the one currently stuck between a firm and a hard place as his laughter died down. He found the feel of tigerbutt much to his liking, just like every time.

"A cat through and through, aren't you?" The wolf grinned at his companion as he relaxed again, their lower bodies pleasantly entangled. A water jet hit right above his tailbone. It made him breathe out a shuddered sigh. The feeling was sensuous, almost sexual.

"Referring to what particular facet of my personality now, Brian?" the tiger mused curiously.

One of Druff's submerged paws was placed over Brian's right leg, below his knee. The grip was light, in no way meant to crowd the wolf. He felt the wolf flex the affected leg, just lightly. His footpaw rubbed on the tiger's hip in return.

"Why, calling yourself beautiful so casually, Mr. Professor."

The wolf's tone was full of good-natured amusement that, among a plethora of other things, made it pretty clear he didn't really disagree with his gracious host. The touch upon his leg felt especially pleasant, mellowed by the warm water and relaxing water jets. He didn't feel like responding to it any way besides flexing them for the tiger's pleasure. His footpaw upon the tiger's flank was merely mandatory.

"Such a feline thing to do..." His gaze remained firm on Druff. "I'd ask if you were about to groom yourself too, but where'd be the fun in that... "

The more insistent touch upon a springy striped cheek was accompanied by the lewd sight of a wolf licking his lips.

The look on Druff's eyes showed that he had certainly not missed the wolf's more charged gesture. The stroke of a thumb against Brian's knee was a casual way to acknowledge it, affectionate more than suggestive.

"You haven't seen yet how flexible I can truly be," the tiger said.

"Wouldn't mind taking that boast out for a spin..." the wolf said as he stretched out his arms towards the ceiling once again before soaking them into the water to join the rest of his body, hands coming to rest just above Druff's ankles. The paw on his leg felt so nice, he thought it would be bad manners not to reciprocate. The wet fur under his fingers felt slightly unusual, but the familiar firmness of strong muscle was all there and a joy to feel. Rubbing them felt good, and it made the tiger smile, too. He returned the smile with one of his own, a smirk.

"I'm sure you wouldn't," the tiger said mildly.


Moments passed pleasantly, in the bubbling water, the bathroom otherwise silent but for the occasional louder breath coming from either of the two men in the tub. Brian wondered what they looked like, sitting there both almost submerged, just staring at one another. It probably looked silly, he thought. Shouldn't they been saying something, or at least been engaging in further horseplay, to pass the time and tease one another, instead of just gazing deeply into each other's eyes.

The wolf chortled when he realized how their tub relaxation really could have been interpreted by someone not in the know. The scene must've looked positively romantic, he thought, an older gentlefur showing his younger lover the joys of the simple pleasures in life.

His ears began to warm up at the thought, and he flicked them, as if he could cool them down in such a way. He didn't know what to think about that at the moment, so he decided not to think about it at all. He adjusted his position a little and asserted his footpaws again, on either side of the Druff's hips and made those infamous tigerbutt halves feel it good. That was as fine a distraction as anything.

"It feels like you're trying to scoop me up," Druff commented.

"Maybe I'm trying to get you to sit on the best seat in the house..." The wolf husked out a response, his hands gripping Druff's calves, massaging the muscles appreciatively. Intently.

"Hmmr. I hear it has a stiff peg right in the middle that makes the experience...uncomfortable," the tiger replied in the same tone the wolf had used. He rubbed Brian's legs wherever his paws could easily reach. His touch was much more light than what the wolf was doing on him.

"Rumours and hearsay... I've an inkling you wouldn't wanna get up once you get properly... seated." THe shifting orange hue of the water matched the fire in the wolf's eyes and the bubbling water his rising libido. "It also rocks... you older gentlemen like that."

The smirk over Brian's muzzle was tinged with obvious smugness.

Now the tiger went for a proper response. One of his paws gripped more firmly on the leg underneath his palm, still pleasantly submerged. He gave the wolf's thigh a squeeze, but that was only a ruse and a distraction. His other paw found Brian's tail and tugged on it. He held to it low down, enough that his knuckles brushed along the wolf's curved rear when he went for it. He wanted to see just what kind of a face the wolf was going to make when subjected to that sensation.

To his slight dismay, but no real surprise, the wolven face staring at him remained impassive. He knew it was never that easy with this particular wolf. It was part of why he found the young student's company so stimulating. The tiger did however note, with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, that Brian didn't shy away from the touch upon his rear, or try to re-assert his perceived dominance in the situation. Indeed, he seemed to simply be enjoying the touch for what it was. A sensual and quite the pleasurable sensation, if one was willing to let themselves accept it.

The Druff was only spurned forward by this, and tightened his grip upon a generous amount of full and firm muscle. Where the wolf held his countenance in check, his body spoke for itself in it's subtle language. In a flick of ears and jerk of tail, one could read all that was needed. And the stout daddy tiger certainly liked what he was reading. He didn't need a translator, even if the wolf, like himself, hailed from another side of the Atlantic.

"You got the gentleman part right, perhaps," the tiger said drolly.

He let go of the wolf's tail and allowed it to swim back into its original position. Then he moved his paw to rest on the wolf's other leg, mirroring the one already rubbing on a muscular thigh.

"But as for the old part...I have to admit that this bathtub yoga is starting to put strain on my lumbar spine," the tiger said.

The wolf chuffed at the tiger's first remark, but flicked a curious ear at first. The tiger splashed a little water at him for that. It landed harmlessly on Brian's shoulder, accompanied by a snuffle from Brian at being fired upon.

"That's my ass, alright?" the tiger chuckled. "My lower back. I'm rather bent in this position. We may have to find out a better way to accommodate the two of us in the tub."

The wolf grinned.

"Well I did talk 'bout my seat..." he made an obvious wriggle underwater.

"That does give me an idea," Druff said.

"Hmmmmmhrr..." the wolf grinned and rumbled deeply.

Druff nudged the wolf's hip with his own footpaw.

"i can stretch these mostly straight if I'm in the tub alone," Druff said, "which means that you'll have to move if you want to stay in it and I'd prefer you did, so how about you turn around and park yourself on my seat?"

The wolf clicked his tongue.

"I remember what happened last time I turned my back to you. 'sides..." He made heavy stroking motions over the calves in his hands. "We could always stretch these out real good later. The wolfish grin showed no signs of diminishing either.

The Druff pursed his lips.

"Stretch them over my head, I presume, is what you think," the tiger said. He let the wolf play with his legs for now.

"Hey, you were the one boasting about your flexibility earlier! Made the mind wander..." Brian's paws were wandering as well, moving up Druff's legs a little bit more with every stroke he made, almost like he was planning a sports massage instead of what was still possibly counted as a prolonged grope.

"It'd look good on you, pops..."

The hunger was very obvious by now in the wolf's words, husked out in a low rumble, while he leaned forward on the tub just incrementally. His paws had almost reached the apex of Druff's thighs. If he moved his thumbs any higher, he'd bump at the tiger's groin proper and maybe catch a feel of something much more intimate than his legs. Brian thought he could feel the tiger's purr in those legs while he heard it as well.

"Well those legs aren't gonna like you much if you don't make room for them by shuffling over," the tiger said again.

He crossed his legs and jabbed his left ankle at the wolf's rear. His tail almost jumped out of the tub at that.

The rest of his body followed his tail promptly, jumping slightly in his seat, disturbing the water and making it splash everywhere. It was a sensitive area where he got jabbed.

"Those legs of yours seem to like me plenty enough..." He grumbled out. He wriggled his backside again to try to get more comfortable, but Druff wasn't letting up. He just ended up pressing both halves of his rear against unyielding footpaws over and over again.

The tiger's reaction was nothing but amusement. "Well, what's it going to be, Mr. Silva?"

"FINE fine fine..." The wolf sunk himself underwater until all but his closed eyes were submerged and stayed as such for a few moments, savouring the feeling. He then, regretfully, let go of the tiger's generous ass cheeks he grabbed in the process with a farewell squeeze and planted his big paws on the rim of the tub to use it as support to raise his considerable frame up out of the water. It was a slow process to start because of how long he was sitting there and how relaxed the water jets made him. The muscles in his arms tensed up visibly with the effort of hauling up his not insignificant weight up from the relative state of zero G back into the real world.


The wolf rose up to his full height, slowly baring more and more of his naked, dripping wet body to the eyes of his host who seemed positively glued to the emerging feast for the eyes. Eyes that traced every single contour of muscle and curve of the body now highlighted by the matted, exotically colored coat.

Brian knew that the tiger most likely included this bit in his plans. If he wanted a show, he'd get one.

The wolf stood there in his fully naked glory before his host without a hint of shame or embarrassment, with the confidence of someone who knew what he got and just how much it was appreciated by his partners of choice. The hints of cock poking out the tip of his sheath wasn't lost to Druff either when his eyes roamed over that particular part of the dripping spectacle before his eyes.

The tiger couldn't help letting out a satisfied rumble at the sights. One the wolf mirrored to get Druff's attention back up to his upper body where he slowly rolled his shoulders to stretch himself a bit, but mostly for show. The motion had the added effect of flexing and tensing the slabs of pectoral muscles on his chest.

For a few moments, the impact of the water dripping from the wolf's pelt upon the surface of the tub was all that could be heard as their gazes were locked and the tiger was drinking in the very satisfying scene unfolding in front of him. Triumphantly, perhaps. He'd only needed a word to get the wolf out of the tub and do his bidding.

The thought ran through his mind that he could probably just sit there comfortably for quite a while and keep appreciating the virile, young body he seemingly got under his grip for the time being. In various poses, as well.

Brian was the first to break their little moment with a hearty rumble.

"You zoning out on me there, pops? The tub that cozy?" He chuckled. "My offer still stands, if you'd like to reconsider..."

The wolf patted his right inner thigh suggestively. His thumb brushed against his plump sheath, but very casually for now.

The tiger just smiled sweetly at him and spread his legs out while stretching them to their full length and settled into a comfortable pose in the now less occupied tub.

"Hmmmmh, no, I think I'll stick to my earlier decree, thank you."

The Druff's look turned ever so slightly more intense.

"And I'm waiting."

"Humph! Fine, fine..." Brian chuffed at that remark and started turning around, baring broad and sturdy shoulders, a visibly strong and expansive back that tapered down into the flare of his gorgeously full hips, the tiger often thought. The ever-expressive tail swishing over the firm globes of that jutting rear told him the wolf wasn't quite as dismayed with his demands as he let on. He almost wished his honored guest didn't start his downward journey quite that fast, the tiger's eyes glued to his favorite part of the young hunk's anatomy.

"Just don't blame me if your ass gives out or something, old man..."

The downward motion of Brian getting seated back down put him in such a pose for a few moments that spread his ass cheeks and bared the small pink spot the tiger was infamously familiar with by now. It drew a predatory rumble from the tiger. If he wasn't careful, the wolf's new seat would have an uncomfortable bump in it. Or maybe not so uncomfortable.


The tiger let out an aggressive growl. His paws were quick to grab the wolf's hips and tugged down on him to put some speed into his slo-mo approach.


Brian's tail jumped when he lost his balance and sank into the tub again - and to Druff's lap. He almost flapped the tiger's face with his tail and his sudden submergence sent what seemed like gallons of foaming water down to the bathroom floor. The wet and wild wolf's ass landed between the tiger's legs so that they hugged his thighs firmly, from their sheer bulk. He was a cozy enough a fit, with their legs touching and the wolf's back now resting to the cat's chest.

"You're welcome," said the Druff from behind the wolf.

Brian pulled his tail free from between them and wrapped it about his own thigh. He let out an indignant huff.

"You were so planning that," the wolf growled. He folded his arms across his chest and pretended to sulk. The tiger laughed sonorantly behind him.

", you presented..." the tiger said, "...with an opportunity..."

The wolf snuffled when the tiger made the rude remark.

"Well you got what you wanted now," the wolf said.

"Some of it," Druff said.


The tiger put an arm around the wolf, resting it on top of the wolf's own, over his chest. That was a cozy place. The other paw reached for the waterproofed controls of the tub. Druff tapped a button that turned on the tap. He let some hot water flow into the bubbling purple tub to replace the amount that had been lost from the wolf's surprise dive into it.

"A little top up," Druff said.

The wolf slowly relaxed against the tiger's body. He was in no way opposed to the feeling, or the positioning. The tiger's warm chest and his thighs were like comfortable pillows to rest on. Druff's hard shaft tickled the small of his back as a reminder of the effect the wolf's proximity had on him. Brian smirked a private smile at that.

"Enjoying yourself now, pops?" he added verbal teasing to the mix.

"Hmmrrmmmyes,"said the Druff.

"Bet you do," Brian said while flexing the arm that had a tiger limb resting upon it.

The tiger's purr, that he could actually feel now that he was leaning against the sturdy chest that produced it, told Brian Druff liked what he was feeling. He flexed his arm a few more times for his host's enjoyment and then slid himself further down the tub while spreading his legs out to press more firmly and intimately against the insides of Druff's. The friction of both their limbs and the wolf's back upon excited flesh send a shiver through the tiger's body that Brian felt against his own with no small measure of smugness. Now that he could, with them being almost identical in height, he leaned his head back against the firmness of Druff's pectoral muscle and closed his eyes .

"I could get used to this..." The wolf spoke, a hand coming to rest on a striped thigh. "You make for a pretty comfortable cushion, pops..."

Brian's altered positioning allowed him to unfurl his tail and let it come to rest right on top of Druff's shaft. He felt the results of the slow lazy swishes he made over it through the body he was pressed up intimately against yet again.

The tiger flexed his relaxed leg to grind himself lightly to the wolf's back.

"Glad you like it...after all your resistance to the prospect..." the tiger chuffed.

The wolf snuffled, but did not appear too unhappy with the cat's teasing. The way Brian had rested himself down in the tub, he could easily nuzzle the mostly dry furs on the top of his head. Lupine ears flicked against Druff's cheeks. He chuckled and chuffed and kissed the skin under the fur. It felt natural to wrap his other arm around the wolf's chest as well. He didn't as much pull him close as just held his arms there. He let his chin rub along the wolf's temple and below his ear before he rested his head back again.

"It is pretty comfy, yeah," the wolf admitted.

The swing of his tail to tease the tiger again that accompanied his comment could've been blamed on the currents from the water jets that still massaged their bodies. Brian was mostly shielded by Druff but still got his own share across the tiger's thighs. He rumbled with appreciation of all the sensations he experienced under the safe blanket of the bubbling water. It was now turning from green to red.

"Told you," the tiger rumbled.

"A little rough in parts, though."

The swishy tail made another stroke over the tiger's manhood underwater. It throbbed the moment the flowing furs touched it. It had to be a terribly teasing sensation, Brian thought.

"Somebody could get jabbed somethin' fierce..."

The tiger added a little squeeze on his arm across the wolf's chest. He might or might not have aimed to rub on the wolf's nipples, casually so. Just like what the wolf was doing with that silly tail of his.

"Oh the same way you think that a little hole could get plugged if the need arises, I'm sure" Druff rumbled in the same tone the wolf had used..

"Hmmmrh..." The wolf rumbled and the pleasant sensations coming from his chest and returned the favor over Druff's inner thighs, the fingers digging insistently through wet fur to caress skin that was conveniently within his reach. "Good thing I'm always watching where I walk... or sit..."

Brian flexed his arm again. He knew the tiger loved the feel of powerful muscle in his hands. Though the tiger didn't verbalize such a sentiment for the moment, the wolf drew pleasure from the knowledge how he affected him. That prickly stalk prodding his back occasionally had not shrunk.

"I thought we were talking about your penis, and not mine," Druff said. "Although you certainly sound like you know what kind of danger it poses to your professed innocence."

He couldn't help but chuckle after he made his latest statement. It was too silly, what he said, to maintain a full poker face.

The wolf chuffed, and shuffled his posterior backwards slightly to bump at the stick poking him in the back.

"But I know you'd never take advantage of a defenseless guest... " He sounded like he was barely keeping his composure as well.

"You appear to be quite happy with where you are for now," was what the tiger said. He made sure to tilt his legs inwards a little, to make their contact with the wolf's own limbs more firm.

"That should be my line... " The wolfish tail slapped the poker behind Brian's back for emphasis as best as it could underwater. "... all things considered."

The wolf couldn't deny to himself that he did feel happy with his current reclining position. The tiger he was resting against was firm without being uncomfortable and just felt big, solid and strong. And that tickled him the good way. Instinctively, even, though he didn't want to think too much about it. Mulling too much on the topic might sour his mind.

"Why wouldn't I be happy with my current state of affairs?" was what Druff said.

"Dunno," Brian said.

The tiger chuckled. It almost felt like he was making the water bubble with it, was the feeling Brian got from it.

Brian decided to give back to his so-called seat a bit and moved the hand raking through the furs on Druff's inner thigh to the outside of his leg and slowly move it backwards toward the prize of a fleshy globe of attractive muscle. His efforts were rewarded by rumbled purrs from deep within the chest he was resting his head against. The arm over his chest appeared to tighten, too.

Brian smirked to himself. It was like he could turn the stately tiger into a vibrating chair and control the intensity with his touch. The thought amused him greatly. He chuckled openly and re-arranged his rump on its muscled seating of thighs.

"Enjoying yourself, pops?" Brian tilted his head up to speak to the tiger.

"I could think of worse ways to spend my evening," Druff said. "So yes, I am having a nice time."

Brian snuffled. He rubbed his paw against the tiger's rear in the hopes of eliciting a more...involved...kind of a response.

"Why you gotta be so stoic?" he smirked. "You've got a suuuuuper sexy, exotic wolf on your lap and all you say that it's a nice time?"

The tiger chuffed warmly.

"Well I do admit that it is quite the good time," he said. "Is that better?"


The tiger brushed his underwater paw against the wolf's firm abdomen. He was using that touch as a distraction when he leaned forward and lapped his tongue against Brian's ear. That made the pointy-tipped tail flick curiously.

"Besides..." the tiger nuzzled at the spot where the ear met the wolf's brow, "I wouldn't want you to get too excited too soon..."

There was a definite sense of satisfaction the Druff felt at the shudder his younger friend's body gave at the probably unexpected feeling of a tongue over his ear. He knew the ticklish goosebumps by experience quite well.

"Mmmmh... look who's talking, horny old man... and I was barely getting comfortable." Brian opined while grabbing at the tiger with his roaming hand. That prompted a wiggle of the tiger's hips against his lower back and upper glutes. Definitely noticeable, however slight it was, the tiger knew.

And the wolf vocalized as much.

"Ooof... it's still behaving dangerously," Brian said.

Druff just smirked and pressed his palm flat against the wolf's stomach, keeping it a firm presence there. They both knew the tiger was holding all the cards now that he got his guest settled in his lap. It was always an especially thrilling situation when it came to this particular wolf, Druff found. So agreeable that he just had to grind forward slightly, both with his hips as much as the wolf's weight on him allowed, and with both of his legs to get some more of that very pleasant friction between their limbs going. He simply felt like staying still and motionless for too long would be a waste. There were many pleasurable sensations to be had, from the slightest movements of fur on fur, skin touching skin.

"Shouldn't you be glad that I have a healthy libido at this age?" the tiger mused. He pressed more on the wolf's belly, to encourage the cheeky man to tense the muscles a little. He knew how much Brian liked showing off. "It is a sign of good health, after all, cardiovascular and psychological."

Brian snorted. He made sure to swipe his tail at the tiger's sexy bits while he was at it.

"Trust you to start talking fancy on a moment like this..."

The tiger moved his paw lower, all the way so that his wrist definitely brushed against something solid and slick, yet he bypassed it only to wrap his fingers around the wolf's balls instead. He didn't squeeze, he simply held them in the cradle of his fingers.

"...I don't feel you complaining," was the meaningful thing the tiger said in reply.

It seemed like the tiger now found the manual controls for the wolf. Under all the simultaneous stimuli he was subjected to, he relaxed further back into his cozy and very comely seat, letting out a satisfied sigh and even offered some slight friction against the hard shaft insistently making it's presence known. How voluntary or subconscious that last part was, Druff wasn't quite sure. He was quite sure though, about the hard grip against the side of his ass and the hump forwards he coaxed from the wolf with his handsy maneuver.

"Mmmrh, keep that up and you'll be feeling something else..."

"I have a fairly good idea what I would feel if I moved my fingers only a few inches up..." the tiger said.. "Although other things are possible, too..."

He had a paw to spare, and it found the wolf's nipple over his firm pec. Only a brief brushing of pads against the nub made it firm up and grow hard and supple under his touch.

" this..." the tiger affirmed.

The reaction Druff was fishing for was immediate. First the tensing of a hard pectoral muscle at the initial touch, then a sharp inhale coupled with the tightening of the grip upon his rear.

The tiger chuckled and thought to himself, 'Found the control board indeed'.

Contrary to his expectations however, the wolf didn't relax and further mellow out and sink into his embrace. He instead let out a low aroused rumble and pushed his chest out to meet the paw roaming over it. Both in another showoff of strength, and to get more of the very good feelings the wolf obviously derived from it. The tiger's lips curled into a mischievous smirk.


Druff wasn't opposed to the way the wolf's shifting made his back arch and push his delicious posterior backwards against his lap, though he doubted that was anywhere on the young hunk's mind,at least consciously. The sounds the wolf was making, as well as the pawful of beefy chest he was now enjoying made him match the throaty rumbles coming from the wolf... and he wondered how else he might make the wolf's body sing like an instrument under his fingers. But that was a quest for a hopefully not too distant future. The wolf didn't feel like he intended to get out of the tub any time soon.

"You don't waste any time, do you, pops?" Brian said after a while of enjoying the increasingly intense embrace as well as the feel of fingers on his junk.

"I like to pace myself," Druff mused into the wolf's ear. Brian soon flicked it and swished it through Druff's whiskers. The tiger snorted, but only playfully. He soon squeezed his arm across the wolf's chest.

"Heheh," Brian opined.

"Why should I spoil this evening by making everything happen at once?" Druff stated. "You're enjoying yourself I'm enjoying yourself..."


Druff pecked a kiss onto the wolf's crown.

"Just relax," he said, "that's what this is meant for. Everything else is a bonus."

Brian fondled the tiger's rear with his conveniently positioned paw. He didn't see why the tiger should be the one having all the fun. Not that he was the only one having fun, but he got the idea that the tiger was enjoying playing with him and his expectations immensely.

"I remember what happened the last time you told me to relax..." he couldn't help but saying it, however, in the appropriate tone.

"Hmmmrr..." Druff purred. "I remember it very well too..."

"I remembered it very well for about a week too!" Brian growled. "So don't start getting any ideas, old man..."

He grumbled out, as if he didn't know fully well that ship had long since sailed... no better indication for which than the ever present hard mast poking him in the back. The hand roaming over his chest and sending electric jolts of pleasure through his body made him care a bit less about it, though. It was easier to just enjoy the good feelings. Thus he made sure to keep his chest puffed out and welcoming to the tiger's paw.

He felt no small amount of pride at the sculpted bulging muscle won through hard work and determination, and he made sure his body language told as much. His own manhood was completely aroused by now, the wolf's breaths were slowly becoming heavier despite himself trying to control them. He didn't like showing the tiger just how much of an effect he could have on him. It'd make things less fun, among other things. He moved the fingers cupping firm daddy ass into a more optimal position and grabbed a proper pawful, just the way he liked.

"Ideas, you say?" said the tiger.

Damn it felt good in his hand, the wolf thought to himself. He made sure that a finger would come dangerously close to the tiger's hidden valley every time he gave a hearty squeeze and a rub. The forbidden area tempted him, just the way it always did whenever they played together. The mental image of sinking something into the tiger, a finger, his tongue, his made him throb. Brian found himself wishing one of those exceedingly fun water jets was angled more auspiciously. Right now it was making sure that his dick wasn't getting any less hard. He was sporting a knot by now, too. If the tiger moved his fingers just a little he would be able to feel it. He knew how the tiger liked playing with it.


"Hmmrhmm," the wolf rumbled.

Druff chuckled before he placed his muzzle to the wolf's crown and sniffed his fur, audibly so. Brian found the gesture to be oddly intimate, almost tender, in comparison to many other things he knew the tiger to be capable of.

"You should know that I have enough ideas to fill libraries," the Druff said.

Brian pressed himself just ever so subtly against the tiger's thighs.

"Well you obviously can't help it with this much inspiration around all the time..." Brian said.

"Oh, you've got no idea." The tiger mused with a chuckle against the wolf's ear, which he gave a short lick to boot. Said ear flicked reflexively, both from the touch and from curiosity at the tone with which the tiger said what he said. Brian couldn't help but feel that the statement carried more with it than implicitly implied. The tiger had a way of putting his words like that.

"Hmmh..." Brian vocalized suspiciously, which was met by a playful nip onto his ear. from the same sensual tiger.

"Hey!" He yipped in surprise at the lovebite and slapped Druff's rear in retaliation as best as he could underwater. "Watch it back there, or I'll have to go on the offensive..."

The playful threat was met with a low rumble that resonated from the tiger's broad chest. He made sure to make Brian feel it as he grabbed the meaty pec and squeezed firmly while at the same time lowering his head sharply to nuzzle and kiss along the wolf's neck in a gesture that in its tenderness contrasted the very lewd fondling of his chest. He even gave a slight jerk with his hips to grind himself against Brian's back.

"Like this, you mean?" The tiger husked out against Brian's neck.

"Uhhhh..." the wolf huffed despite himself, "like - "

But then the tiger's muzzle was on the wolf's and he kissed Brian, who was now unable to voice any further opinions about what he thought about the Druff and his dirty, dirty ways.

The tiger must've synchronized his four sensual approaches on the wolf. Paw on his chest, gripping on wet muscle, his tongue brushing past Brian's surprised lips, the firmness of his erection on the small of his back...and the worst of all, and most suddenly, he abandoned simply toying with the wolf's nuts and went to grab his knot instead. The wolf's hips flexed and drove his cock into the tiger's firm hold on him, and it felt his whole body quivered, and rolled on top of the tiger who now had him, simply put.

The wolf couldn't gather his thoughts for a few moments, let alone decide what to do. His mouth was frozen open in a half-gasp half-moan while his body moved as if on it's own, both pushing into the grip on his chest and on his manhood. His... captor would have no issue feeling the knotted dick throbbing in his grasp. The sudden motion that was forced out of the wolf pushed more water onto the already wet floor. A tidal wave of eroticism, in a way.

"Haaaaah..." It was all Brian could vocalize at the moment, the rest coming out as heaving pants.

He didn't even notice how tightly he was gripping the rump cheek in his paw, his other paw having shot reflexively down onto the one gripping his cock and held it. This in turn only served to tighten the fist he was trying to jerk his straining cock through... all the while a paw was groping and massaging his pectoral muscle, teasing the fleshy nub of his nipple with flicks of fingers. It was lighting his nerves on fire, and considering how the tiger was everywhere, these tracts of signal highways crossed his entire body. It made him feel as bubbly as the water that still somewhat covered their activities.

"Someone's eager," Druff told once he stopped the kiss, and stilled his paw so that Brian was now struggling with an unmoving paw covering his most sensitive flesh. The wolf's eyes flashed with desire, looking at the tiger behind him who held him so intimately, all over his body. He felt the wolf stop his efforts as well. His dick still strained in the tiger's grip, full, hard, and loaded.

"In a hurry, Brian?" the tiger said lightly.

The wolf said nothing for a few moments, still under a sort of shock from being washed in a myriad of sensations so suddenly, and have them cease just as such. His hips still slightly jerked forward and back in attempts to get further stimulation out of the gripping paw around him, inadvertently grinding himself back against the poking shaft behind him. The wolf was left feeling somewhat frustrated with the sudden removal of so many pleasurable feelings.

"" the wolf said indignantly at the state of affairs for now, feeling greedy as he did, "I just stopped in case you were getting know, cats and their hair triggers and all that jazz..." He was barely keeping in the needful pants.

The tiger rumbled cheerfully, even amidst the kisses their raunchy banter only briefly interrupted.

"Have I ever made a surprise...arrival?" the tiger suggested.

"Hmrrmhmh..." Brian flexed his hips against the tiger's paw, "hard to know with a dirty old man like you..."

"Or maybe I just make you lose the track of time," Druff winked before pressing his face so close to Brian's that seeking such expressions was somewhat redundant. Then all you felt was lips and tongue, a warm body, and all too many finger,s all over Brian's thrumming body. It was warm. Sexual energy was flowing as freely as the water that swirled around them as a hot, wet cocoon to their activities.

"Mmmmh, yeah riiighaaaaaah..." Any retorts that might have been brewing were swiftly silenced with the lips and tongue attacking an exposed neck, so readily available to the tiger in their current position, as Brian's voice trailed off into a pleased groan.

The wolf wanted to protest, felt like he should do... something to retain some measure of control of the situation... but the bubbling water, the warm, solid body enveloping him, and the myriad of sensual touches upon him were making it really hard to concentrate on anything in particular besides floating in the sea of melded stimulation. Even the paw still resting on Druff's rear appeared forgotten for the moment, although the butt under his palm was still just as tempting as ever before.

The tiger enjoyed the feel of the wolf in his embrace. He was a sexually charged menace, ready to go to great lengths to receive the ultimate pleasure he craved for. Yet the tiger was being all too teasing for the moment, simply holding onto him despite having his paws on some of the most sensual areas of the wolf's body.

"Yes, right," he stated before licking the wolf's lips wetly and tasting him deeply once his tongue pushed deep into Brian's muzzle once more.

He liked the feel of the wolf's body against his. The wolf was so strong, and so unabashed in his masculinity. Touching someone like that was a pure joy for the the tiger. He could not see anything that could be wrong about such a touch. How could anyone claim such a thing was an abomination when the wolf and their embrace was a thing of beauty?

Being caught off guard by the sudden invasion of his muzzle, the wolf took a few moments to respond, but he did so with fire and force. Something that the tiger particularly enjoyed in these intimate tangles with his wolfish partner was how he never handed over the reins, not truly. He always remained active and challenging in his motions and body language... and this instance was no different. The body in his grip sought purchase and further contact with the tiger's roaming paws, legs were pressing firmly against one another in slow sensual friction.

The wolf's tongue attacked Druff's own as if trying to wrestle it back into it's owner's muzzle and take over. Druff massaged the meaty pec in his paw more firmly and lashed his tongue all over the young hunk's teeth. Brian just simply felt bursting with energy and virility to him, locked in their increasingly heated embrace. The feeling made the daddy tiger groan out with desire into their locked muzzles.

The tiger kept it going for as long as he dared, but only to a moment. He had other plans, of course he did.

His paws moved up and down Brian's body, before coming to rest on his hips. His palms cupped the strong flares of his rear but the thickness of the fur and muscle stopped him from properly feeling the bones underneath. The muscles rippled when the wolf felt them touched and held in such a way. Another challenge and a tease, the tiger knew, and appreciated it with an even more firm squeeze on the said buns.

"Lean over," he said, almost softly, though with clear intent.

"Hhhrrnnnhuh?" the wolf flicked an ear. He sounded almost groggy.

"Put your paws against the other end of the tub," Druff lifted his footpaw to indicate the spot he liked, and made the surface of the water undulate while he did so. "There..."

"Uh huh?" the wolf on his lap said more coherently now, looking up to him.

"Like I said...bend over," the tiger said. "And keep these...islands...floating above the sea, if you understand what I mean..."

He squeezed down on the wolf's ass and smiled innocently.

Brian let out a snort at the tiger's choice of words. He leaned his head back to give the tiger a dubious look. All in part of their game. "Are all your other men that easy?" His tone was questioning, but the pushing back into those cupping paws told the truth. The fact that Druff could never be sure if these wanton gestures were intentional or not made these games they're playing so much more fun.

The Druff chuckled.

"Only when they want to," the tiger mused. He made a point of pushing his footpaws against the end of the tub so that he could use that leverage to push the wolf's ass upwards on his lap with his thighs. That of course stroked his own erect cock against Brian's rear, but he did not make too great a point about that. It felt good, that was what mattered, and the wolf's rear clenched most pleasurably in his grip. The wolf felt in fact almost too comfortable with where he was.

"And..." the tiger said, and with that slid his tongue against the wolf's ear, "...when they know that the end result is going to be...fantastic..."

Druff was rewarded with a flick of the slobbered ear onto his muzzle and the swipe of a tail over the pole that was making it's presence known in... dangerous areas. The wolf appeared nonplussed by the tiger's urging maneuver, but he did move the paw on his rump, albeit slowly, back down along the length of his leg, feeling up the muscles appreciatively as it went.

After one last farewell grope, of course.

He did let out a chuckle in the end,

"And you keep calling me cocky, old man.You sound pretty sure that you'll be curling my toes and making my eyes roll back..."

Well, the young stud was rolling something back alright. It made the swollen tigerhood throb and it's owner hiss into Brian's ear when he felt the wolf practically wag his ass at him.

The hiss turned into a growl when the tiger moved. He was doing it with the wolf's quiet consent, of course, well aware that he wouldn't be able to force the sturdy man to do anything without his permission. But that didn't stop the Druff from manhandling the wolf to the rim of the tub, a push and a lift of his legs so that the wolf who once sat on his lap slipped to his knees on the bottom of the tub. Druff pulled his own legs back and leaned forward, his body hugging Brian's while he maintained maximum, close contact with the wolf.

"I'll show ya..." the tiger was almost drawling. Water rolled off him when more of the tiger rose from the tub and moved on top of the college stud, whose paws now sought purchase on the slippery ceramic surface material.

"Whoops, pops!" Brian huffed, although having plenty of wet tiger land on him soon turned it into a rumble. More of the water flowed across the edges of the tub from their motions, and had prompted the wolf's warning, as much as having the watery blanket of a cat drop onto him.

His tail was sopping wet and batted the striped thighs and Druff's hard cock, too, now out of the water. His own would have touched the bubbling surface of green-glowing water if his erection didn't have such a strong upwards curve from being so very aroused.

Druff pushed his knees to the backs of Brian's thighs and pushed his muzzle to the small of his neck. He bit on the loose skin there, openly so, to press a sharp canine onto the warm flesh. His hips had never left Brian's hips and remained there, although now he pressed more firmly, and held to him good.


He did not speak. He simply tasted the wolf, grounding his hips to the wolf's invitingly warm rear.

Brian let out a series of huffs, both from the strain of supporting his own weight and the weight of the cat that wasted no time in falling upon him, and the plain old dirty feeling of a hard tigercock rubbing it's way along his ass for it's owner's pleasure - and obviously for the wolf's joy as well. Brian's arms bulged visibly, even more so because of how matted down his furs were from the bath. It made an even more attractive sight to the tiger on top of him who certainly didn't miss the show from his own blessed vantage point. It just prompted another insistent grind of his hips against the springy mounds of young college ass.

He couldn't help running his paws up from the flare of Brian's hips, along his sides and down again, slowly, insistently, tracing the curves of firm muscle whose strength was evident under his fingers. He made sure to press them down firmly as he went along. He didn't want to miss the slightest sight of tension, whether from the position or the touch. The knowledge of what was driving those reactions made it all so much more erotic.

However slight, Brian's reactions to his teasing were well noticed by the tiger because of how close they were now. From the tightening of his fists over the rim of the tub and the noise that made to the visible bunching of his shoulders, to the reflexive clenching of his rear against the hunk of flesh grinding against it that the tiger was pretty sure wasn't involuntary this time around. But despite all of it, he could tell the wolf was trying hard to keep himself in check and appear as impassive as he could, as it was usually the case with him. He appreciated the stalwart attitude.

Why wouldn't he?

The struggle to break down that stoicism was always a special kind of pleasure for the devious tiger, and made the sense of conquest all the more satisfying when he finally did bring the wolf to lose himself in raw heat and sensation - passion, even, when everything went perfectly according to his plans. Or at least close enough. The tiger knew better than to run his sex life with the help of a flow chart.

Right now putting the tab C into slot A seemed like a splendid idea, but he didn't want to hurry. Humping the wolf's haunches was enough of a distraction for the moment, and the college boy didn't appear to mind the sensations that involved.

"Hmmmmrr..." the tiger rumbled to the warm, wet fur between Brian's shoulders. "Good thing I didn't add any soap to the water...that would make you taste much less sweet..."

He buried his muzzle onto the slick fur and rubbed his chin there while he breathed in the smell of wet pelt. His paws sunk down the wolf's inner thighs and clasped onto fur and skin, and muscle. He could push them almost to Brian's knees without straining his arms.

Granted a slight reprieve, Brian could steady his breathing and gather his thoughts. The first thing he noted, besides the barbed menace grinding up and down along his ass was the ticklish sensation of whiskers and a feline nose tracing along the skin between his shoulders.

He chuckled at the feel and lowered his head downwards, as if trying to escape from the teasing by the cat. "What's this now, you getting all tender and misty eyed on me, pops?"

He adjusted his posture a bit, spreading his legs out slightly to get a more secure footing, and flexed his thighs for the fingers slowly snaking along them. He found the act highly sensual and agreeable, almost surprisingly so. He wondered why the people he had had sex with hadn't spent more time doing something as simple as that.

The things you learn every day!

The tiger chuffed good-heartedly and spent a moment simply collapsed on the wolf like a beached whale instead of trying to eat his neck. Brian huffed at the increased weight on himself but allowed it. He could take it. He felt like he was a brickhouse, on all fours on his paws and knees. The tub made the position feel slightly less preposterous to be in for a proud college stud like himself. Plus, there was a water jet that was bubbling right onto his glans and made his cock throb in a strange way, the stimulation unlike anything he could accomplish with his own paws, or any other body part he had encountered with a partner.

"I know some parts of you are more tender than others. Just like mine are."

The tiger spoke matter-of-fact, but giving the wolf the eye also distracted him enough so that managed to slip his paws to new positioning. The right one held onto the wolf's balls and pulled the skin covering them tight. If that didn't make the wolf rumble and tense, what surely sent Brian to such a state was when the tiger's left paw clasped his rump cheek and the thumb was pushed into the newly exposed crevice. He knew how to trace the cleft of the muscled rear and then go all the way to the underside of the curiously swinging tail. He propped his arm on his own thigh to relax himself into the touch, even if he knew that it caused a particular kind of tensing in the college wolf's body, to have a blunt academic digit poking at his infrequently knocked back door.

He kissed the wolf's neck again and appeared to be feasting on the tense roll and the rumble coming from the wolf, as much as the subtle flexing of hidden wet muscle. Just gently so. It was quite responsive to the touch the tiger found, to no small amount of glee. He ran his tongue along Brian's neck again slowly, almost lovingly. The shivers it sent through the strong body he was so intimately pressed against were simply delicious. Almost as much as the tensing of the very sensitive muscle under his fingertip. It made the tiger rumble possessively against the neck he returned to kissing.

The wolf, on the other hand, vocalized his current feelings with a huff and a low growl. "There you go again, dirty old man... always the same thing on your mind..."

His response was as intense as was his own rumble. A twist of his wrist pressed his finger into a more deep contact with the wolf's hole and caused further pleasurable contractions to wash through the college stud's body. If that wasn't enough in the way of dominant actions from the big bad tiger, the way how he lifted his paw out from the water and grabbed the wolf's muzzle wetly before sticking two fingers into his surprised muzzle was more than enough to tell the wolf that he wholeheartedly agreed with Brian's statement about his current desires. The way Brian turned his head up at the sudden intrusion also meant he had a nice fold of loose skin to bite onto, at the wolf's neck.

It was sublime.

And for the second time in a short span of time, the wolf was left stunned for a few moments. The feeling of this particular tiger's digits upon his most hidden and untouched of places was frustratingly familiar by now... but the fingers... the fingers in his mouth were new. He didn't quite know what to do, the tingle of the bite on his neck even more of a distraction. His tongue almost rose to meet the invading digits and he almost closed his lips around them before he caught himself and realized what he was about to do and that it's probably just what the daddy tiger behind him wanted.

So naturally, he bit down on the two fingers so rudely spearing his mouth.. Not enough to actually hurt the tiger, but hard enough to certainly make Druff feel the gnawing and the challenge in the gesture. Brian knew it was a very domineering thing to do to a partner, and he sure as hell wasn't going to make it that easy for his devious playmate. He made that evident in making an effort to keep as stoic as he could under the merciless assault and kept his reactions in check... besides the things that he couldn't control, such as the quivering of his sensitive hole under an experienced fingertip and the beady drop of pre that was being forced out of him. He hoped the tiger wouldn't catch that but knew that it was most likely a thin hope.

The fingers caught between the wolf's teeth twitched. The tiger let out a growl that told his opinion about the gesture. He was quick to move to bite down on Brian's ear.

"Two can play that kind of a game, you know..." the Druff rumbled.

He didn't pull his fingers out of the wolf's maw despite his response to his aggressive treatment of Brian's muzzle. He trusted the wolf not to actually hurt him with his gnashers.

His other paw was positioned in a much more compromising place when it came to the wolf, of course. What was only a cursory tease became a more intent attempt at penetrating the wolf's rear. The fingertip he had used to merely play with Brian's tender hole was applied with more pressure into the center of that clenching bud of muscle. He twisted his wrist and pushed further, trying to break the somewhat zealous and mostly involuntary defenses that had been put up when it came to this entrance into the wolf's body.

The tiger did not want to be rough, or to cause pain, but he was not gentle, either. He let the wolf know exactly what he wanted and where he wanted the wolf to be in this moment, on all fours and with his tail up, just the way he had grudgingly accepted as his place for now. That last fact was what made it the most delicious state of affairs, Druff thought, and encouraged him to continue his determined fingering as well as the action of his maw against the wolf's ear.

Brian would have gritted his teeth as a natural reaction as well as a distraction from all the things those darn fingers were making him feel - just to keep himself steady - and he almost did before the fingers he was gnawing on came to the forefront of his mind.

'Damn you, old man... ' he thought indignantly. He didn't say it aloud. He didn't want to give that satisfaction to the tiger.

It was probably all part of Druff's devious master plan to get him to... bend the knee, as it were. There wasn't much else he could do. Both of his arms were needed to support his own weight and that of the tiger pressing down on him. He had no issue with supporting them both, it even felt good to a degree... one wide and sturdy chest that spoke of obvious strength upon his shoulders and upper back and a slightly padded but still very firm stomach that seemed to mould itself to the curve of the young wolf's back. It was a pleasurable pressing together of two powerful bodies thrumming with sexual energy.

But it did leave his arms completely occupied. The same went for his legs that tensed every so often, from the outrageous activities going on between the springy cheeks attached to them more than anything else. Even his head was locked in place by the bite on his neck and the fingers practically fucking his muzzle. It all felt strange to the captured wolf... dangerous and charged and full of primal heat and lust.

But whose lust was it? Just Druff's, or his own too?

He wasn't fooling himself, he knew what he was feeling. It all made his eyes shut tight, his assaulted muscles convulse, and his straining meat throb dangerously. And thus the first drop of male excitement hit the bubbling water of the jacuzzi that was currently in a quite fitting shade of orange and red.

Druff felt the shudder go through Brian's body and eased down again. His fingers withdrew to tease only the wolf's tight little pucker, just a gentle stretch of the muscles there, not really attempting to burrow his way deeper into him anymore. He also stopped biting, because that could certainly get uncomfortable if kept up for too long. The purring tiger turned that into a nuzzle on Brian's temple. The same way he moved his paw so that he was simply cupping the wolf's chin.

"You feel splendid..." the tiger murmured.

As soon as the fingers left his mouth, the wolf took a deep breath and exhaled. Still catching his breath from the intense experience, he was panting in ragged huffs, lowering his head down to let it hang in much the same fashion as he would when catching his breath from a long and exhausting running session. The motion made the hand cupping his chin slide along his furs slightly in a caressing manner. It wasn't pleasure he felt from it in the conventional sense... merely a pleasant feeling that sent gentle tingles through his face and down his spine. It was even enough to take the much more lewd sensation of fingers poking around in his hidden valley from his mind.

It dawned on the wolf that he was actually blushing under his furs. He flicked an ear at the realisation in a very annoyed manner and felt thankful that his head was hung low and out of sight.

"Not the word I'd use, but thanks... I guess... "

The tiger simply smiled knowingly at the remark. He was quick to run his paw down to the wolf's arm, to feel up a strong bicep.

"I could've also expressed my enjoyment of your scent..." the tiger sniffed at the wolf's furs, "or your taste..."

He replaced his nosepad with his tongue and made the wolf chortle again, although the roll of tension in his body was equally noticeable.

"Pffft," Brian huffed. He still kept his head down and did not meet the tiger's eyes, not even when Druff went on to rubbing his chin against the wolf's neck.

"I know, I know," the tiger chuckled, "you think I'm a silly old fool."

He treated Brian to a squeeze of his rump, with his asshole safe for the moment when the tiger's fingers withdrew and moved to caress at the curve of his rear instead.

The wolf snorted at the remark, as well as the once again strangely tender touch, his tail swishing over the hand cupping his rear as if on remote control activated by that paw. The gentle, admittedly loving caress upon his rear was making him feel strange. The tiger was touching him in the same way a lover would, he thought, or at least felt they would, or maybe even should, an intimate caress conveying appreciation and affection for both his body and himself, with the intention to bring pleasant sensation to the wolf as well.

It made him wonder just what the tiger who was making him feel so infuriatingly vulnerable at times was really after.

The pleasant tingling sensations coming from his rear and the warmth on his face that just refused to go away were making him feel very mellow, and were a constant distraction on his mind. He didn't like what it was doing to him, and how easily it was making his control of the situation slip. This seemed to happen more and more when the tiger made his moves at him. The wolf didn't really want to think of it, or how satisfied with himself the tiger must've felt, he thought, to be able to turn the boisterous and confident college hunk so docile at will.

So he just did what he always did. It was easy to fall back to what he knew.


With a chuff and a tensing of powerful legs against the tiger's own, he exclaimed, "I think you're a horny old genius who knows exactly what he's doing."

And with the same cockiness and challenge in his voice the Druff knew so well by then added, "If you wanna enjoy my taste though, you're facing the wrong end..." He made his painfully hard and leaky shaft bounce for effect. He wasn't sure if Druff would catch it, but might as well. How he had stayed at full mast during the entire ordeal wasn't lost on Brian either, or the fact that the randy tiger poking at his asshole did nothing to make it any less so, and mostly acted on the contrary.


Druff patted the wolf's rump, as if congratulating someone on a job well done by doing the same thing on their shoulder instead of their ass. Maybe that was how the tiger did it in general, and not only when he was manhandling college boys in his bathtub, Brian thought dryly.

"Horny, yes," Druff mused. "Old, preposterously so. Genius...admittedly, yes, but don't hold that against me when we are in the bedchamber..."

Brian chuckled.

"We're not in bed, pops," he said. He slapped his wet tail against the tiger's thigh.

"No..." Druff said, "but the same things apply..."

Druff used his paws on Brian's hips to pull their bodies flush again. The wolf's tail swung to the side in such an opportune manner that Druff could easily put his hard cock between those lush cheeks and ground onto them. Marking territory, perhaps, Brian thought, although the initial sensation was how the warm flesh stroked against the equally bare skin of his hole, and how its reflex-like clenching made his cock hop up and down again, propelled by those inner muscles that seemed to have some sort of a weird connection with such an unexpected body part. This anal admission made Brian grumble as much as it did cause a huff to escape from his throat.

"Hmpph...dirty tricks again..." Brian accused. He drew his shoulders up, instinctively, to roll them, to show off just what kind of a slow manly explosion the tiger was playing with.

"When presented with such an... opportunity..." the Druff emphasized with a slow and slight grind of his hips forward, just enough to serve as a reminder that he was still there. Not that he thought his captive could forget about a substantial piece of meat making itself at home between his springy cheeks... he just liked reminding him of it. It made the tiger grumble appreciatively and bury his muzzle against the nape of the wolf's neck again, alternating between kisses and playful, yet substantial love bites, teeth on skin.

All these assertive gestures the wolf made even while having a hard cock grinding up between his cheeks and making his hole clench reflexively... it just fueled the tiger's desire for his younger lover. It was such a delightful thrill, he thought to himself as he made sure that Brian felt his strength through the grip on his hips. He knew the wolf would appreciate it.

"...of course I am going to take," Druff added while kissing the corner of the wolf's muzzle, "and you should tell me..."

He licked the wolf's lips and made him gasp probably against his will, although the resulting rumble and shudder in the wolf's body felt equally good for both of them. Druff rubbed his paws down along Brian's chest and belly and felt up every muscle he came across.

"Hrhhnrnh...what, pops?" Brian grumbled.

"...tell me how you want me to take you," the tiger said.

Druff could feel the wolf tense up against him at the question. It just made him smirk against the side of his muzzle he was kissing slowly and possessively.

It went barely noticed by the wolf, however, next to the weight of the tiger's bold question. He didn't even know why it struck him like it did, but the hard shaft sandwiching itself insistently up and down his cleft and the feeling of firm hips pressing themselves down against the springy muscled globes of his rear made it difficult to concentrate on anything else. He felt confused and unsure and vulnerable, but most of all he felt his face go flush with heat as all the numerous ways the tiger could impale him and take him for his own raced in images and scenarios through his mind.

From being flat against the wall with the tiger's bulk pressing against his back to being raised up and down on the tiger's lap by two large paws gripping firmly on his ass to just being speared right here as they were now and made to bear the weight of both their bodies crashing together in rapture and abandon. In all of them he saw his muscles tense with the intensity of the experience, his tongue lolled out of his muzzle and his eyes rolled back slightly... and most of all, his straining shaft pulsing rythmically to the thrusting of the tiger's thick piece of meat with beads of precum rolling down from his tip.

He opened his maw slightly as if to actually answer the tiger with the last position that came to his mind, but once against caught himself before he actually said anything and shook his head slightly in disbelief.

Was he actually about to ask the tiger to fuck him into cloud nine?


The wolf wasn't quite sure what was happening, but he didn't like it. He always retained a measure of control over the situation in his sexcapades with the tiger, or was actively wrestling him for it, asserting himself with the goal of possibly climbing on top as it were, with the tiger working for every bit of ground, or body in this case, gained. But this time he came dangerously close to just surrendering himself unto the tiger, where otherwise his natural response would have been a challenging retort and assertive posture. It was all very new to the wolf, and scary.

He wanted to reclaim some control over both the situation and himself before Druff noticed just what he was doing to him. So he braced himself against the edge of the tub, made all the muscles Druff was flexing against roll with tension to show off their strength and remind him just what he had in his grip and twisted his head to the side to meet Druff's surprised one in a deep and heated kiss. He felt the cat rumble into it, and the tiger's clutch on him tightened for the duration. Brian used this to his advantage while pulling his muzzle away.

"Uh huh. I'd want you on your back with your legs spread and raised up in the air, pops..." He husked out in a low rumble, turning the tiger's question back onto him in the best fashion.

The cat stopped mid-grind upon hearing the cheeky remark. He let out a chuckle, too, which made Brian's ears flicker curiously. Perhaps he had expected the tiger to appear more offended by that prospect.

"I'm sure that is what your jolly junior here likes best," the tiger commented.

Brian gasped at the feel of the tiger's paw brushing over his hip and then quite suddenly grabbing his hard tool. He hadn't expected how good it felt to be touched after being teased from everywhere but there for so long. Sometimes the classic feeling of fingers on his shaft felt just the best, and the tiger proved that to be right in this case as well. His hips flexed and drove into the loose tunnel formed by the feline fingers.

" know it..." Brian grumbled.

The paw disappeared all too soon. Brian looked at the tiger uglily, perhaps planning to complain about the lack of fingers. Yet he found his cock throbbing anew at the sight of the tiger sniffing at his paw, now surely fully scented by Brian's flesh, and then lick on his thumb that had previously teased along Brian's tip. It was so unabashedly sensual that the wolf had no idea just how the tiger had learned to become this...lacking when it came to his inhibitions. He lived through sexual situations like he was eating and not grinding his body to someone else's, or even sticking parts of himself into them.

Perhaps it was something to take heed from, the wolf thought, lamely, when he felt his body grew even more aroused and his mind clouded with erotic thoughts that included not only his own body slamming to the bathroom but alternatively doing exactly what he had threatened in his own quip and show the tiger what it felt like to get pounded in the ass by a college wolf.

The tiger saw his lusty look and blew him a kiss across the few inches that separated their faces.

"Perhaps you will catch me in one of my unusual moods one day," the tiger winked. "But before that..."

He pressed his hips flush with Brian's, and just let them stay there, the message more than clear.

"...I'll make you forget what is happening to you, when everything you know is pleasure."

The wolf inhaled sharply and nearly faltered in his stance once again at the words husked out into his ear. He felt the flush on his face flare back up full power.

"Hmm..." the tiger made a sound like a moan against his neck. Was he suggesting the noises Brian would be making, if given the chance to show what he could do?

Brian grit his teeth together so as to not let out any other sounds that would have been... compromising.

How does he always fuckin' do this.

"Hrhhhmm," was the wolf's rumble.

It lasted merely a few moments, but there was no way Druff didn't catch it, the lapse. It made the tiger smirk and he snaked the fingers that were now caressing his younger lover's chin back closer to his mouth, but not by much. Only to potentially make the wolf's thoughts go into that direction by themselves... to make him picture himself under such a domineering act again and rouse and tickle at those deeply buried submissive urges that the tiger found such a stimulating pleasure to put his skills to use and try to grab and drag up to the surface. The successful results of which he knew no better words to describe than exhilarating and beautiful to behold and feel against his body. The Druff rumbled deeply, to remind the wolf of the strength and power of who he was dealing with, as he knew he would appreciate it. The gesture was accompanied by the establishing of a slow but powerful and insistent rhythm of strong hips grinding against delightfully firm and springy muscled globes of ass barely a couple of inches at a time, driving that thick piece of man meat up and down between the hard cheeks.

"But you know it's true," was what the tiger said.

Typical, thought the wolf.

The firm muscles of the young hunk's rear provided a wonderful sleeve for the Druff's cock, and the teasing caress of the short furs of the wolf's invaded valley made the tiger grumble in lust and arousal from deep within his chest. Perhaps most of all at the sensation of the wolf's sensitive little pucker clenching helplessly against the underside of his cock as if kissing it, the tiger thought lewdly, betraying the wolf's albeit faltering stoic bearing. He might make a mess out of the furs on the wolf's lower back and beefy cheeks with precum before long if he wasn't careful, Druff mused to himself. But then again, the mental image it conjured only fanned his fires more.

"Hrhhmmm..." Brian grumbled. It was hard to concentrate on anything but the thick throb of his own cock under the little sparks of pleasure that came from the bizarre sensation of having a barbed cock hump his ass.

Whoever had designed this system had not made it easy to be a tough, dominant, self-assured young stud in the presence of a tiger who had decades of experience to go by.

"Hrhhm alright..." Brian grunted. "But you better know, my ass is starting to get sore from all these...'nothing but pleasure' sessions, you am I gonna keep up my training sessions if I'm walking funny all the time?"

The tiger laughed cheerfully. He tightened his arm around the wolf's torso and squeezed him in a backwards hug while lavishing Brian's cheek with a lick and a kiss.

"Needs more practice then," he said.

The wolf chortled. He tried clenching his ass cheeks around the intrusive tiger weapon in the hopes of distracting the evil cat just a little. The rumble that ensued suggested he was at least somewhat successful.

"And let me guess, you've got this sure to work revision program, pops..." the wolf muttered.

"You get an A for that," was what Druff replied.

Brian rolled his eyes. He was about to give the cat an ugly look but Druff's muzzle was already in the move. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening but the tiger was slowly submerging into the tub with his paws running along Brian's hips. His heart (and his cock) leaped when he had an idea on just what the tiger might be planning.

"F...fuck..." Brian grunted.

The tiger grabbed the wolf's tail and pushed it aside before he dug his muzzle between Brian's wet and well-fondled rump cheeks. The hot breath and the raunchy tongue sliding into his taint made his tail jump quite naturally.

"...a for ass eating...fuuuuhk!" Brian huffed. His paws clenched at the edge of the tub.

The bent over wolf let out a hiss at first rough cheek to cheek contact. Both of Druff's large paws as well as his devious muzzle were all over the muscled globes of his prized posterior. Where his mouth wasn't, paws were grabbing as much firm muscle they could, squeezing and massaging the springy sensitive flesh with eagerness and a definite sense of possessiveness. The tiger found it quite the fun thing to do to just shove his muzzle into the wolf's valley and squeeze his rumpcheeks together against his muzzle, nipping at the flesh with his molars. Nowhere near hard enough to puncture skin, but hard enough to make the shuddering wolf feel it.

"Ah - " the wolf grunted, reticently.

The backwards shove of Brian's hips told the tiger more than enough about how well it was received. But the tensing of his entire body, and the shudder that went through the wolf and seemingly forced the groan dripping with pleasure out of his muzzle when he pressed his tongue flat underneath the small quivering hole and swiped upwards almost forcibly enough to penetrate the unsuspecting pucker was simply delicious. The Druff was reminded just why this was his favorite part of the wolf's body. He couldn't resist giving the left beefy cheek an appreciative hearty smack and extra firm squeeze. The powerful muscle shook slightly from the force of his paw but otherwise remained as firm as ever under his grasp. It made him purr against the cleft of the wolf's ass as he repeated the forceful swipes of his tongue with more gusto, frequency and most of all, hunger for the young hunk in his grasp.

Brian's whole body was tense, paws gripping tight at the rim of the tub, trying to contain and deal with all the intense jolts of pleasure that were rampaging through his body. He was taken off guard by the shift in intensity of the tiger's actions... this wasn't like the gentle and teasing and loving gestures the tiger was confusing with him with earlier... this was raw primal lust and desire. What the wolf was familiar and comfortable with. It made a growl rise up from deep within his chest, feeling excitement swelling up.

"FUCK yeah!" The wolf vocalized more unabashedly through clenched teeth and with a shove of his hips backwards that bumped Druff straight in the snout.

He felt the familiar urge to wrestle back control over the situation and one-up the tiger for a change... there was a fire in the wolf's eyes and the thought of what he was about to do that came to his mind made his dick bounce and leak into the bubbling water almost as much as the tongue assaulting his backdoor.

The wolf lifted one arm from the rim of the tub and reached backwards. He found his target instantly as his paw landed on top of The Druff's head and gripped firmly. Druff barely had the time to register what happened before the muscles of Brian's arm flexed and he found his face shoved with force and insistence between two muscled ass cheeks and his lips and tongue pressed firmly against the wildly flexing pucker.

"Get up in there like you mean it, old man!" The wolf's low timbre dripped with dominance and lust and hunger and need mixed together. "And you better not disappoint me..."

Brian almost regretted adding the last part, but his lust was simply too much for him to handle properly. It was very much an act that blurred the lines of power. Brian felt powerful and in charge because from his perspective he was making the tiger stuff his snout up his crack and eat him out... he was making Druff pleasure him in a way that could be interpreted as quite submissive for the giver. And from Druff's perspective, he was the victorious one by making the wolf give in to his carnal desires and overwhelming lusts, reducing him to a pleasure-addled state and giving himself up willingly and eagerly to anything the tiger might feel like doing to him. It was an intense and multifaceted experience for both of them, and they were both getting drunk off it, challenging the other on and wrestling for dominance of the situation.

Oh, the tiger did growl, and it felt fantastic, going directly into the wolf's core. He gnawed at the wolf's hole like he had only just invested this pastime. His paws squeezed on Brian's ass more roughly. He could play this game too.

" that ass..." Brian growled throatily.

He pushed his ass back again, hoping to keep up his own dominant role on their exchange for a bit longer. Brian suspected that the tiger would not let his lapse last for more than a moment or two. He was much too dominant and evil in Brian's opinion for that.

Brian groaned.

It was like a challenge, he knew, and he both dreaded and wanted to know the reaction this would raise out of the tiger still slamming his tongue against the wolf's hole. It felt like he just might penetrate it right there and then and slip that dirty tongue right in. His balls churned at the thought, as did his poor little hole. It wasn't going to be little at all by the time the tiger had his way with it.

Brian spread his fingers and pressed more firmly on the tiger's neck. If he was doing this, he was gonna enjoy it for every panting, sweating second it lasted.

Druff was merciless.

He tightened his grip on his pawfulls of rump cheek like he owned them, slobbering with his tongue expertly over that infamous tight little pucker. He didn't give his target a moment's rest, alternating between slow and forceful swipes that gained a fraction of an inch of ground into the wolf's body every time and rapid flicks of his tongue that teased the small opening into fluttering in response and relaxed it enough to make the next forceful swipe always coming dangerously close to penetrating it fully. The tiger would probably have little trouble to actually do it if he so desired. Always in control despite Brian's own aspirations. Damn it.

Druff seemed quite happy with his current endeavor, french-kissing a young stud's hole in an effort to make it submit. When he felt the firming of the grasp on his neck he knew he was making good headway. The wolf's increasingly heavy breathing told him so as well.


It just felt like a good thing to do at the moment. It made the wolf's tail jump and his hole clench upon his tongue in response. He was quick to do it again.


Both ass cheeks were now not only slobbered but also spanked.

The wolf could only take it like a man and grunt out, staring down at his painfully hard manhood throbbing and leaking pre like a faucet. It could've only felt better if there was a pair of hot lips wrapped around it. Brian was quite sure that at this point a mere breath on his cock could have caused him to erupt.


The tiger applied another smarting blow. Brian wondered if he was about to get his hide tanned due to his indiscretion with how he had forced the tiger's muzzle where it was now.


"Owh!" the wolf huffed. He hated to admit it but the ideas that crossed his mind under this spanking involved the tiger bending him over his knees and telling him that he'd been a bad boy.

He wasn't even into that kind of shit!

Goddamn tiger, converting innocent studs into sexual deviants as a weekend hobby.


The remarkable in the blind spanking turned into another round of groping. And the Professor also managed to tug his head out from under the grip of Brian's paw. The wolf's freshly licked butthole clenched at the sudden lack of stimulation. The wolf let out a deep breath. His panting had deepened and grown noisy.

"Good sport," was what Druff said. He rose from the tub and made water fall poetically along his flanks while he did so. He kept his paws on Brian's hips and leaned over to kiss and nip on the wolf's neck again. His hips were nowhere to be felt, though, not even a hint of the hard cock that had teased Brian's rear previously. Now its non-presence was equally effective.

It's absence was suspicious to the wolf... he was sure Druff was up to something. He chuffed at the thought that he spent enough time with the tiger to turn him paranoid when it came to these things. His breaths still came out in ragged pants which interrupted his words.

"Could say... the same... to you..." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "At least you didn't disappoint. "

He managed a self-satisfied smirk at that. The memory of the intense rimming session and the power he had over the tiger while it lasted kept his leaky dick from losing any of its hardness.

Druff simply chuckled.

"Let's see if we can get a contender to the ranking list, then..." the tiger said.

"Hhmmhuh?" Brian quizzed.

The tiger squeezed down on the wolf's oft-teased rump.

"Well if you can deem each session good or bad...there has to be a ranking list..." he stated.


The tiger removed one of his paws from Brian's person so that he could reach for one of the small shelves above the jacuzzi. There was an unmarked bottle next to what was probably shampoo or some bath salts. Now he palmed the mystery bottle.

"Or maybe just go with the I do..." Druff mused. "It's more fun that way, isn't it?"

Brian swiped the tiger with his tail.

"You make it sound like I gather notches on my bed posts..." the wolf rumbled.

Now he heard a noise that was definitely a bottle cap being opened. He could imagine just what the source for that would be.


The tiger kissed down the wolf's neck. They might've been in a bath but his guest really started to smell like he needed a shower back there. They had managed to work out a musky sweat, more locker room than the tiger's fancy home spa like environment with its gleaming white walls and two different colors of toilet paper that Druff called "tones" instead of white and 'kinda-white' that they were in Brian's mind.

"Going all kissy on me again?" Brian wondered. He was certainly not complaining. It even felt a bit taboo, having that same tongue that had earlier swirled in his ass now touching him elsewhere. Not exactly dirty but...he knew what he knew.

The tiger simply rumbled, and replied to the wolf's inquiry by jamming a lubricated finger into Brian's ass.

"Shhhfuuuuhkhhrrr..." The wolf exclaimed incoherently, the syllables might as well have been forced out of him by the shove of that finger. His muscles tensed at the unexpected intrusion. The digit was thick, and it went in deep, the vigorous tonguing he was just subjected to not helping all that much. His muscles tensed up and he hung his head down.

"At least warm me when you're about to.... shit..." He didn't want to finish that sentence and admit to what was happening, and would very obviously still happen.

The breached pucker spasmed around Druff's finger in obvious inexperience, he noted to himself. There was still plenty of breaking in to do with this one. The knowledge, as well as the vicelike grip on his finger made the tiger lick his chops in anticipation.

"And here I thought you said you knew exactly what was going to happen..." was what Druff said.


The tiger soothed the wolf in his own way, by stroking his ass with his free paw. He left the finger inside his catch, however, to allow him to once again grow accustomed to its presence.

"Always remember to use plenty of lube," the tiger said matter-of-fact. "But I'm sure you have already figured that part out..."

"You tend to drive that point... hnnnh... home..." Brian's breathing was more steady now, and the erratic spasming of his backdoor was calming down as well after the shock of initial penetration came and went. It was still a lot, though, for someone barely a newcomer to having anything at all shoved up his ass.

It gave him newfound appreciation and respect for his previous partners. It was an intense experience, to say the least.

The wolf's gaze was focused on the bubbling water taking on a calming shade of blue, and the protruding length of his rigid shaft, as hard as ever, with pre oozing from it's tip. It lost none of its hardness throughout this ordeal, and it wouldn't through the things about to come the wolf knew, much to his persisting annoyance. Maybe he could ask the tiger whether it was normal. He just might.

"I did make you a promise, after all," was what Druff said. He didn't stop thrusting his finger in and out of the wolf's hole, hoping to relax him further both to the sensation and the idea, "only pleasure..."

He began to kiss Brian's neck again. The Druff was not going to miss out on another opportunity to worship on the wolf's body. It just beckoned for it, especially during such a sensual moment of their sexual exchange.

Brian tilted his head to the side upon Druff's lips touching his neck. It happened almost by itself, and felt like the most natural thing in the world to do. Once his mind caught up to his body, lagging behind in no small part thanks to the finger seesawing through his tight opening, he felt his face go flush once more.

It felt so strange, he thought as he imagined the sight from an outsider's perspective... bracing himself against the edge of the tub, being prepared for being taken for the tiger's pleasure like a blushing virgin... strangest of all was the much smaller amount of offense he felt at the image and idea than he felt he should have... felt he would have in an earlier time and different place. He gripped the edge of the tub tight as he lost the mental struggle to keep his hips still and pushed them back to meet that finger on an inwards thrust to make it sink deeper... just to see what it would feel like.

The tingling jolt of pleasure it sent down his spine made him curse silently under his breath and let out a "Tch..." in defeat.

He dreaded to think what the tiger would make of his lapse in self control.

What he initially did was just to lick along the wolf's neck and close to his ear. It was a very sensual way to approaching him, as much as whatever his fingers could do with the wolf's receptive rear. By now he was in double digits, although only used his first knuckles for the moment. Having two fingers to run around the stretchy hole and spread it open made for an even more amusing experience for both of them.

The tiger was obviously taking keen pleasure in preparing his catch for the main event. His fingers rolled and turned and twisted when he gently scissored them in the wolf's hole. And he even spared his other paw to grab at the wolf's tail and tug it up. The pull on the wolf's tendons and muscles was curious, to say the least, combined with two fingers in his butt.

The tiger pulled hard enough on that fluffy tail to coax a natural reaction from the body attached to it... the act might have looked painful on the surface, but Druff knew that the wolf could both take it and that he liked to play rough as well. Brian yelped at the tugging sensation and raised his bottom half instinctually upwards to follow his tail which just pushed his ass out at Druff and impaled himself further on the plundering digits touching upon places inside of him that made him squirm with conflicting feelings.

He was panting heavily again. His tongue was lolling out the side of his muzzle slightly. He felt weak in the knees. His cock was straining with need. The realisation that he was being prepared for fucking seemed quite distant suddenly.

The tiger mouthed on his muzzle lightly, warmly. He made sure to push his fingers upwards to meet the wolf's elusive prostate, hidden as it was in the wall of his passage. It made him tighten up and rumble. His rear was pushed backwards again.

"You want it..." the tiger murmured. "Good. The more you want it, the more ready your body is, and the more you will enjoy it."

In a pleasure-addled stupor he might have been, but the wolf wouldn't let everything slide. He managed to lift himself up and press his back to the tiger's chest firmly and rolled his shoulders against his captor's.

"I want you to go and get it over with already..." The wolf grunted out in as manly and gruff a voice he could muster given the state he was in.

The tiger rumbled at the young stud's renewed defiance, but knew it was all part of their game. The way the wolf's hole squeezed his fingers as if it was trying to milk them whenever he touched upon Brian's nut told him as much.

Yes. The wolf wanted it. His body gave him away. But he still maintained the bravado.

The Druff simply purred into his ear.

"As you command," he put special emphasis on the last word.

The wolf chortled, but did not complain otherwise. The tiger's fingers didn't move fact they stopped moving altogether. Brian wondered what kind of a devious plan that was indicating, but then the paw on his tail disappeared too and the tiger moved slightly behind him.

He was starting to get an inkling of what was going on. The wolf took a deep breath and put both of his paws on the edge of the tub. The porcelain became tiled before it melded with the fall so there was more than enough room for him to brace for it there. The tiger had busied his paw with the application of lube on his own cock.

The very sound aroused him.

"Damn you know how to keep that stuff handy," he said. He wanted to break the tension a little, with another terrible joke.

"I know there are times when even the five meters of walking from here to the bedroom is way too much to handle," Druff chuckled.

Brian had to agree.

"...and what a thing to handle..." the tiger commented.

He put a paw onto Brian's rear. The other brushed on his cleft before his cock slipped between Brian's ass cheeks. He was simply guiding himself into the spot by his own finger.s

"Hmmmmr..." purred the tiger.

For the third time now, the tiger wasted no time or spared any pause when it came to jamming something between his muscular glutes. The unceremonious wiping of excess lube on his ass made the wolf snort. It was a very lewd thing to do. But that thought was quickly pushed from his mind by the feeling of the thick piece of barbed flesh that was pretty much making itself right at home by now. The tiger wouldn't even sandwich himself, the wolf thought from the feel of it. Just head forward like a battering ram.

His whole body was tense with anticipation as he did his best to prepare himself for the inevitable plundering of his by now not so innocent rear. He tried pushing his rear back and relaxing himself to make what was coming easier on himself, even though he knew how the tiger would probably understand it.

His wanton gesture certainly helped the the tiger with the initial taking of Brian's rear. His tongue and lube-slickened hole, combined with their mutually horny efforts was more than enough to cause his tip to slip inside. The hole clenched immediately and so did Brian's paws on the edge of the merrily bubbling tub.

"...hmmm...relax..." the tiger murmured.

Brian couldn't believe how the tiger could be so...controlled...even at that moment. He suspected if he was in that position he would have just rammed it all in. He was glad for it. He knew his body wasn't like a revolving door in this respect. He had to be tamed, quite literally, for things like this to become pleasurable...or even tolerable in the beginning. It did smart a little, like it always did.

And again.

The slide of his shaft into the wolf was inevitable, and slow. The little nudges, no more than an inch at a time, grew into full strokes, and still moving very languidly. He was giving the wolf time to get used to it,without forgetting their mutual pleasure. For now the wolf was experiencing the first hints of joy from the penetration, the stretching and the fullness that ensued, setting nerves alight. The surprised reaction of the college jock's body, every clench and twitch, transmitted into the tiger who was slowly enveloped in such wonderful tightness and heat.

Every thrust was pleasure for both of them, the Druff would ensure that. He put his paws to the wolf's sides and held them, and stroked them, a gentle, affirming touch. It spoke much like the rumble from the tiger's throat and the feel of his lips against the wolf's neck. Druff mouthed there, slowly, affectionately, and with warmth.

They soothing gestures were very much needed, the tiger could tell. From the tense state of the body underneath him to the erratic tightening of an already very snug sleeve of a highly inexperienced tunnel that filled him with an urge to simply sink himself all the way into that wonderful gripping warmth and claim the wolf as his. But he knew better. Of course he did. He had more courtesy and care than that, to just plunder and plough away.

He provided as much distraction to his young charge as he could, to make the difficult part as easy as it could be. His hands stroked along the length of the wolf's sturdy sides slowly and gently while his muzzle travelled up and down a tense and sweaty neck, one feline tongue licking softly between gentle kisses as if to carry some of that tension away with it's passing. And every so often, the daddy tiger would coo into Brian's ear in a low, sensual, but also soothing voice that spoke of affection as much as barely restrained lust and desire

"Relax... " he said repeatedly.

Like a mantra to make the defiant body and mind submit to all he had to give.

It made the wolf shiver.

His hands were gripping the edge almost painfully hard. It hurt. There was no way around it. Even with the preparation he was put through, there was a lot to take. The tiger's ministrations offered some reprieve, proving a very effective distraction. The confusing warm feelings they sent down his body that made his face go flush with warmth once again something that he was no more used to than the feeling of a hard cock slowly making it's way inside him, claiming more and more ground with the brief back and forth motions.

Claiming more of him.

The thought made him hang his head low and shut his eyes close. The tiger upon him wasted not an inch of neck and skin that was bared to him with the motion, infuriatingly enough.

He was relentless. In all he was doing. And it was starting to bear fruit. The wolf could very slowly feel the sharp ache of initial penetration begin to fade and dull into a vague feeling of fullness and being stretched wider than he could possibly be, it felt like to him. He knew there was much more to take. He couldn't believe he was actually feeling grateful for being put through this by the tiger already and having the knowledge that it will get easier. And he felt like slapping himself at how the memory of just how intensely good it made him feel the last time his mind inevitably wandered to made his cock throb intensely. Something he knew the Druff would be feeling. He was glad their position didn't put them face to face for it. The tiger would have seen his hard cock - perfectly so despite the initial discomfort - and his face, that surely would have spoken in very clear terms on what he experienced.


The tiger sounded satisfied, and he had reason to. His slow back and forth had made the wolf's tight grip yield enough that he was able to take him fully. He let out what was a rapturous purr when his hips softly bumped to the wolf's rear.


The wolf bit down his teeth and tried to be quiet, but couldn't help it. The tiger pressed down on his prostate on his way in and made him throb powerfully. He felt full, perhaps even fuller than usually from such an experience. He wasn't sure if that was possible. Surely the tiger's cock didn't change in size...they weren't meant to do that, he thought. He almost snuffled at this trail of mental questioning. He was imagining things, he was sure of that.

But he knew he didn't imagine the warm paws, the even warmer lips, and what felt like a humongous barbed prick that was jammed up his ass to the balls, literally. The tiger's nuts sat there, warm against Brian's own. The warm water had loosened up the tiger's sac and now his balls hung quite low and made their presence well known flopped onto the wolf's pair. It was almost symbolic, in a way, a miniature version of their whole full body embrace, wet fur on fur.

The tiger stayed still only for as long as it was necessary to make sure that his lover was comfortable. He knew that it was best to continue, to make sure that the pleasurable sensations did not stop flowing from the joining of their bodies. Druff intended to make good of his earlier promise of providing knee-weakening joy to the wolf instead of regrets and wishes to purchase a ring-shaped pillow.

The wolf's mind was not conjuring up such silly ideas for now. He was too busy focusing on all the sensations flowing through him, and indeed, the many conflicting emotions that his entanglement with the Druff had been rising over the past few months and weeks. Getting a cock jammed under his tail was a good distraction, either way. A barbed, seesawing monster connected to one mischievous tiger who knew what he was doing.

Cocksmaster Druff.

Now that would be an interesting title, the wolf thought, huffing away while he took it in the can.

His mind really did tend to go to funny places when he was trying to distract himself. Brian chose to focus on the feeling of that barbed baton making it's way through his stretched tunnel. The physical side was simpler, if not necessarily easier, to deal with than the emotional to the speared wolf. It appeared like the more pressing matter. His prostate certainly seemed to think so.

That treacherous little spot inside him got bumped and ground against by the tiger's deliberate and experienced thrusts. He definitely knew what he was doing. The Druff managed to keep his composure unflinchingly where a man with lesser mental fortitude wouldn't be able to keep himself from just pummeling the tantalizingly gripping hole hard and fast. Knowing just how eager Druff was for him made it all the more impressive to the young wolf. He also kept the slow and gentle pace he established without fail or pause, constantly stimulating nerves that were slowly but surely coming down from the initial shock of penetration.






Unyielding drive of thick cock against his sensitive prostate. The wolf knew it wouldn't be long now until it became extremely difficult for him to maintain his stoic composure and keep in all the noises the tiger was seemingly pushing out of him with the stroke of his hips unsuccessfully for now, until those mind numbing sensations started raging through his body and driving him to lose himself in the intense heat of the joining of their bodies, both inside and outside. He dreaded it as much as he looked forward to it, he realized.

Damn it.

Brian reached back with one hand to grab at the tiger's side to distract himself from conflicting thoughts with further physical contact. The strength of the muscle in his grip felt right to him. Just good and reassuring. Not threatening at all.

And then he lost the first tiny bit of the struggle... his hips gave a small jerk backwards when the Druff came in for another thrust. The firm and springy cushions of his ass cheeks pushed just ever so more firmly against the tiger's groin and their balls slapped together almost aggressively.

Slight as it was, the tiger smirked triumphantly. And the wolf wasn't even realizing how much he was leaking into the bubbling waters below. Maybe the tiger needed to disinfect the tub afterwards.

He approved of the wolf's growing eagerness, and showed it physically. The sex continued as it was, but Druff's paws moved to provide even more sensual caresses on the young wolf's body. His still wet fur and warm skin were receptive to the feel of fingers gripping and stroking. Over his flanks. Across his belly and infuriatingly avoiding his erection but for the briefest brush of knuckles.


It was impossible to stay quiet when the tiger touched his cock. It was just unholy, the way their bodies interacted. It still felt forbidden enough that every touch brought an extra thrill to him. Maybe the wolf didn't even know who he imagined to outrage with his actions, such as the suggestive curve of his tail raised to receive the tiger in his body.

But he knew his hips were pushing back with abandon now, joining in the flow of flesh on flesh. And the tiger simply revelled in it. In Brian's opinion, Druff was beyond shame. The wolf decided he'd have to ask what the tiger had to do to get rid of all the hangups that came with this kind of territory.

Man-sex. Fucking. Two men mating. Biologically superfluous functions to organs bumping together with intense and inexplicable pleasure. Probably felt too good to be entirely right.

But so damn good.

Better than it used to.

Increasingly better every time the tiger manhandled him, against much resistance, into such a position. The wolf doubted the veracity of that resistance in moments like these where he was actively angling his hips to make that jolt of pleasure every thrust sent through him just a bit more intense than the previous one. He scoffed mentally at how he must have looked now... panting in lust from getting a thick cock up his tail and even pushing back against the tiger's groin like... like... he was the tiger's bitch.

Brian's mind raced inevitably towards the curious idea that Druff had been progressively turning him into his bitch without the wolf noticing and the thought evoked a sinking feeling in his stomach. Could he have been so easily brainwashed to become an obedient tail raised raiser for the tiger's private pleasure?

But as soon as it came, both the thoughts and what it provoked were washed away by a particularly strong and insistent hump forward by the tiger upon his back, grinding his hips against lush lupine cheeks upon hilting balls deep and massaging the wolf's prostate while at the same time gripping the base of the straining knotted cock and rubbing up along its length.

As if the tiger knew what his young lover was thinking and decided such things had no place in the primal act they were sharing. Maybe he did, the wolf thought briefly. It was impossible to know when it came to Druff. Maybe he had been in this situation many times before and could read the signs.

The reaction was immediate and intense. The wolf was made to break his stoic silence with a drawn out groan dripping with pleasure. His back arched, pushing his ass harder against Druff's groin and thighs which felt like a brick wall in the moment, firm and unyielding no matter the force applied to them. Brian's cock throbbed dangerously, and he had to calm himself down lest he'd really be a bitch and blow so fast from being pounded in the ass.

The message was clear; Druff wouldn't allow him to to think about anything else but their heated coupling and focus on nothing else than the electric jolts of pleasure that were raging through his body and the sensations of their bodies crashing together in wanton abandon and desire. He really did intend on making good on his boast from before.


Being so closely pressed together, groin to ass, belly and chest to back, cheek to cheek, Brian could slide his hand around Druff's flank and grab a pawful of daddy ass. Besides greatly enjoying the feel of it under his fingers as always, he intended to keep at least a semblance of dominance in his current predicament...even if he did apply some pulling force to press their hips even firmer together. The Druff certainly didn't seem to mind, if the deep rumbling purrs he felt against his back directly from that broad chest were any indication. The wolf couldn't help the shiver it sent down his spine and the slight weak feeling he got in his knees.

Having the Druff's paw on him had the extra benefit that he could mask make his pushes back towards the tiger to be simply the backstroke from him humping the daddy tiger's grip. He could even add a little twist and make the tiger need to work for it more.

Brian Silva, the great ass escapist. He thought of himself running with his rear wagging and the tiger chasing him, huge erection pointing the way. He would have laughed aloud if it wasn't for the tiger crashing on (and in!) him again, gripping hard and shoving his tongue into Brian's maw from the corner of his half-open muzzle.

He fucked the wolf with enough force that Brian's paw almost slipped off from the edge of the tub. The falling sensation was almost sensual in his belly for the fraction of a second it lasted. The tiger closed him in his embrace and held him tight. His hips continued to rock away even through this smooth maneuver.

Got you.

That was what the gesture wanted to say, Brian realized in his haze.

As the realization hit him, it was like a wakeup call. Something clicked, and the myriad of conflicting thoughts and feelings racing through his mind gave way for clarity and carnality of the moment. The wolf didn't worry about his position or the cock up his ass or what he may or may not look like. There was only the physical sensation of pleasure in the background and at the forefront one thought.

'Got me, did you, old man? Don't think so...'

With a rising growl from deep within his chest and re-assertion of his muscles and posture against Druff, the fire of challenge was reignited with a vengeance. Just with that one possessive gesture that spoke everything that needed to be said... in a way perfectly suited for the situation.

Brian tightened his grip on the tiger's rear and pulled hard while at the same time pushing his ass back into Druff's groin with force, and churned his hips up and down and from side to side in deliberate motions to massage over his prostate... as if using the dick inside of him as a mere tool, with the wolf being the one extracting his pleasure from the tiger and not the other way around. Complete role reversal under the circumstances.

In concert with the growl raising up into their entwined muzzles, Brian tilted his head for better access and smashed his tongue against the one belonging to his older lover that was at the moment leisurely exploring his teeth, wrestling it for dominance. He might as well have to work for that too.

Brian opened his eyes to look straight into the tiger's, gaze full of fire and passion, and indeed, defiance.

'Come take me if you think you still got me...'

Gripping fingers snaking slowly towards Druff's cleft, as far as they could reach, fingers teasing just the barest rim his hidden valley, but still enough to stimulate him anew. The wolf arched his back further and pressed his upper back and shoulders to Druff's chest, tensed taut as a show of strength.

'We'll see who's got whom...'

The knotted dick in Druff's paw throbbed dangerously with a newfound excitement. Its owner was still determined not to come off as too easy, despite his obvious enjoyment in the whole act.

The tiger growled and mouthed on Brian's maw, excited by the wolf's newfound spiritedness. He had been hoping for it to be manifested, perhaps, and now he saw the opportunity coming up.

It was almost cruel, what he did. The wolf was suddenly all too empty when the tiger's cock slid out of him, brushing on his rear once he was all the way out and plopped on the curved muscle. Brian's maw opened from the surprise of this departure and the last brushing rake of barbs against his hole. He must've gaped openly momentarily before his insides pursed themselves zealously shut and another twinge of pleasure flowed through his now sadly empty bowels.


The paw on his cock didn't go anywhere. The tiger gripped on him and was practically milking his shaft for pre-cum now, having not missed a beat for what must've been a tricky pulling out from his rump. The tiger was panting in a way that suggested he too had been affected by both the wolf's earlier actions and now this sudden lack of action, so to speak.

All too hot panting that came so close to Brian's ear and made the whole flicky appendage burn.

"Hmm...good boy..." the tiger drawled.

"Huh...tired...pops?" the wolf retorted right away despite the distraction of the paw stroking on him.

For a moment he thought the tiger was intending to jerk him off now and make him shoot his spooge all over the wall of the tub alcove. His balls itched with that telltale desire to get rid of his load, spill it everywhere, and for the pleasure that awaited.

His balls got another jolt of surprise when something poked on his asshole again, but it was not the tiger's cock. His dick throbbed merrily against the wolf's rear, having stayed close, his entire body pressed flush with Brian, slightly from the side now after a little position adjustment.

"Do I feel tired?" was what the tiger spoke in a low, almost whispered voice when he jammed his thumb into the wolf's ass.

Brian's insides gripped on this surprise replacement to the penetration of the tiger's dick inside him. Muscles gnawed down on the thick digit like welcoming a friend, in a way, and the wolf found the pit of his belly warming up again now that he had something filling his rear again and stoking those sensations up again that could only be had from such a condition.

"Any of me?" was what the tiger suggested when the wolf snorted, gripped on the tiger's ass and the rim of the tub, and grunted when that same finger just about reached his prostate and nudged on it. His twisting digit ran on the walls that had been stroked by barbs for many minutes now and were super sensitive for the tiger's touch. His ever hard, slick cock pumped pre-cum with every throb to the wolf's furs.

The only indication of joy at the thumb poking around on sensitive inner spots was a jerk of cock and clenching tight of the tunnel around the intruding digit... something the Druff couldn't not notice. Still, the wolf didn't back down from the game and managed to snake two fingertips to the rim of the tiger's hole and tease as best as he could, still limited in his movements by their position. It made it feel more exciting, truth be told, the way how he had to stretch himself to do what he wanted to do.

"Got a bit over excited then." The wolf smirked, voice still tinged with slight pants he couldn't quite get under control yet. "That's alright. I hear it happens to older gentlemen."

He was being particularly ruthless for a man with a thumb jammed up his asshole and a dangerously hard and thick shaft right next door. He angled his hips down and slightly to the side and got the thumb to poke him right in the prostate, and matted the fur on the fingers of the tiger's other hand with precum much the same way the tiger was doing to his left ass cheek.

It didn't quite happen, but it made Brian wonder if this was what it felt like to see stars. Those barbs had done a number on his prostate and this meant that every touch was bliss, almost to the point of pain. He could only describe the sensation as a glow, more or less. It wasn't something he really could put into words. Brian was quite sure that it felt different for everyone. He could only guess what someone else went through under such a teasing touch.

"Hhhhh..." he hissed. It was impossible to keep the noise in.

The Druff maintained the pressure on him for a moment more before the thick digit finally departed. Brian almost pouted afterwards. He'd felt very good.

"Since you're so keen on doing the work... " the tiger commented. He made a point of wiping his paw on the wolf's hip after the thumb of that same paw had just been pulled out of the wolf.

The wolf looked somewhat dazed for the moment but managed to marshall a response.

"I promise I won't stretch that sweet little hole of yours too hard, pops," Brian boasted.

The tiger chortled.

"In your wildest dreams," he said.

The Druff moved then, settling himself onto the tub so that the water threatened to tidal wave itself out of it again with the extra bulk of tiger-man in it. Brian watched this curiously, how the precious stalk of his erection disappeared under the bubbling red surface, slowly turning into green around the edges.

"The lube might be waterproof but even it doesn't last forever," the tiger commented matter-of-fact. "So you better sit on it quickly or it is going to be much more dry than anyone would like it to be."

The wolf's tail gave a switch behind him at the thought...and the prospect of doing what the tiger suggested he should. He realized that once again the Druff had put in him a situation where he truly had to show his own secret, dirty desires and...truly actively seek the submissive pleasure of taking it in the ass.

"Huh...guess you really need some muscle power then..." was what he said, trying to sound as boisterous as before but falling short and he knew it.

Druff put his paws to the edges of the tub.

"Come on."

It was an obvious command and the wolf followed it. He had turn around to face the tiger and then shuffled forward the one step that he needed to get to the position where he had to be in. His feet were planted on either side of the tiger thigh's. His cock hovered in front of the tiger's appreciative face.

"You want a taste?" was what Brian said automatically.

Heavy paws landed on the wolf's hips and tugged him down.

"Perhaps later," was what Druff said.

Brian was pulled into the water. He put his own paws to the edges of the tub for balance and control. It felt funny to submerge his ass now, after being upright so long that he had almost gotten dry. Maybe it was the friction from their rumpy pumpy, even, he thought wryly.

The tiger's right paw disappeared underwater, with a clear purpose. Brian soon felt Druff's cock push itself between his ass cheeks, naturally spread by his crouching posture. His own cock twitched at the sensation. So did his hole when the barbed monster found his opening again.

He didn't have to tell Brian what to do. The wolf was happy about it as well, considering that direct commands still managed to rub him in a way that made him feel odd in his skin. But now the tiger didn't say anything. He was simply smiling, a deep, confident grin on his lips when the wolf sank down on him again and Brian's eyes rolled back in his head.


The tiger kissed his chest when Brian's rear went flush with Druff's thighs.

Once his ass met the daddy tiger's lap, Brian shifted his legs to rest on his knees and straddling the outside of Druff's legs. He knew it to offer more control for himself and more freedom for a wider range of motions from the many times he was the one being ridden. And as he lowered himself down again, he found it to be much more comfortable, resting his weight on his ass, and by extension, Druff's strong thighs. A few experimental wriggles of his hips to get as comfy as he could, and the hard shaft seemed to be deeper inside of him than ever, pressing against his prostate constantly.

'This is how you ride dick properly.' The wolf thought, uncharacteristically, with a sense of pride. If he was gonna do this, he would do the job right, one way or another.

Somewhere in the back of his mind came the realization that Druff couldn't see his face when his own was buried in the wolf's chest, kissing away sensually, so he tilted his head to the ceiling and let his tongue loll out the side of his muzzle from just how good he felt right now... from simply feeling full to the pressure on his sensitive nut to the lips caressing over and between his pectoral muscles.

The tiger's paws were firm on the wolf's sides, and once they accomplished their task of guiding him back down where their owner felt his charge belonged for the moment, they slid around to his back and rested on the firm curve of muscle that were slightly deformed from bearing all of the wolf's weight, but it just made their round shape stand out even more, in a way.

The tiger simply rested his paws on them, the touch a purely sensual one, perhaps how a lover would touch him in gentle caress of a place that was reserved but for him. Combined with the soft kisses and gentle licks the Druff was lavishing over the wolf's strong chest and the stillness of the tiger's hips conveyed that he was quite happy just enjoying the moment for now... sunk deep within a very willing and very eager partner and sharing the heat and intensity of every little sensation that flowed between them.

The tiger was in no hurry, but he knew what he wanted. His muzzle was pressed warmly to the wolf's fragrant chest and breathed him in. He smelled good, a hint of wet fur, and mostly warm skin and manly musk, sensual to the highest level on this wonderful moment.

He began to flex his hips again, to drive inches of himself in and out of the wolf again. He was as ready and receptive as he would ever be, open to enjoying this particular kind of pleasure. It felt good to just wrap his arms around the wolf and hold him close, to encourage the wolf's own movements.


Brian was happy that he had assumed the new position, riding the tiger's lap. Druff pumped into him only leisurely, which meant that he left most of the work to the wolf, just like he do.

The horny wolf was almost happy about it. He could show the tiger that a little cat cock in the ass was no reason to curl down and whimper. Instead of that he wanted to do the exact opposite, if only knowing just how damn good it felt to be on the receiving end.

With his paws properly free for the first time since their raunchy entanglement began, he only did what felt most natural to him. The wolf put one paw against the back of the tiger's head and simply held it there, just slightly massaging with his fingers. No force, just letting the tiger know he was doing a good job and was well received. He vocalized a rumbling "Mmmmhyeah..." more for fun than anything. The flick of rounded feline ears against his paws signaled the tiger's amusement. Brian couldn't help but grin in response. It felt nice, the way they understood each other without the need for more words.

The wolf put his other paw on a strong striped shoulder and squeezed both in appreciation as well as a show of strength. The magic was in the myriad of little details, after all. The balance it provided him was also helpful, when he felt the tiger's hips jerking slightly. His body was barely moved a fraction of an inch from it, but it still felt funny and strange... how something so slight and simple could feel so dirty and sensual. He chuckled to himself and spoke down to the top of the tiger head.

"Getting excited again are we, old man?" he asked, knowing full well any response would be muffled by thick muscle and fur. The paw caressing the back of his head would make sure it would should he feel the tiger trying to pull back from his chest. It felt far too good to the wolf as it was right now.

Druff swirled his tongue against Brian's chest and deployed another firm, if short stab into the wolf's body. Brian let out a less than composed rumble when he felt the barbs do their thing again. His own cock throbbed between their bodies in this increasingly heated embrace. Muscles, fur and warm water surrounded his flesh from all sides and kept him well stimulated despite the lack of more direct contact, such as a paw. He was sure the tiger would have loved to just tease him with his fingers and see how he reacted to every stroke that pushed him closer to the end.

He decided not to think about it. There was a risk that Druff could read his mind and proceed to do just that and extend Brian's pleasurable torture until he was blue balled beyond belief and unable to think of anything except sex.

The cock in his ass got him close to that point, too. Brian thought he had felt horny before and of course there were various states of it, different levels of intensity, but the tiger certainly knew how to prod it out of him. Perhaps he enjoyed it so much because it was so new, different from the urge to stick his own dick somewhere and pound the owner of that hot hole into submission. This wasn't the same urge, or the same feelings. This came from within, and from the hold of strong feline arms and those big paws that cupped his rear and encouraged even more humping motion to drive the piston engine that was the core of their intense sex.

"Hmhmhm..." Brian growled when he felt the tiger shift himself within his body again. The tongue corkscrewing towards his right nipple was almost more distracting than the barbs poking at his prostate.

Feeling those barbs raking along his insides once again, he clenched down reflexively. Even if it didn't hurt anymore, mostly, but for the briefest twinge, it was intense... and a lot to take. Still, the wolf decided he wasn't going to be brought down to his knees by that barbed prick, so he growled again and shifted his hips backwards... and then forward, churning the dick inside him in the warm tightness that hugged it like a sleeve.

He gyrated his hips a few times over again, each stroke of his hips making Druff's tip pass over his prostate.

It felt good.

It made him grit his teeth and tighten his grip on both Druff's head and shoulder, pressing the tiger into his chest more firmly. The steady bumps over his prostate made him go into almost an autopilot mode where all that was on his mind was the repeat of that sweet sweet jolt of pleasure that made his tunnel massage the barbed menace invading it as if it was milking the tiger... and made one knotted shaft twitch furiously and would have soaked the tiger's creamy-furred belly with pre if it weren't submerged already.

Once again the wolf was glad that the tiger didn't see his face. He was probably making all sorts of undignified faces as a result of getting it up the butt. Druff would've probably wanted to take pictures and put them on his bedroom walls as an amusing reminder of what tiger dicks did to cocky wolves. Brian wasn't sure if he liked the thought.

He did like what he was doing, and what the tiger did. Druff was letting Brian set the pace for now. The motion of his shaft inside the wolf's ass was dependent on the wolf's activity, on the way he twisted his hips and applied his knees to the up and down motion needed to keep the pleasure flowing between them. It was probably what was usually referred to as power bottoming, but he didn't care much about terminology for now. He just knew that each time the tiger burrowed in deep due to Brian humping his ass down, the wolf felt like someone sent an order for his own knotty cock to flex and try to shoot his load into the water swimming between them. Yet it didn't happen. His body was confused by the penetration and wasn't quite ready to do that.

He didn't even stop the tiger when Druff began to mouth on his nipple and pec. On the contrary, he flexed his muscles and pushed the tiger into a more firm sandwiched position between his paw on the tiger's neck and his pec. If he really wanted some tit action, he could get it, Brian thought.

'Seems about right...' the wolf thought to himself when he felt the tiger purr amicably against his chest. He was alternating between gentle kisses and teasing swipes of tongue over his nipple to keep things unpredictable. Brian was certainly pleased with the performance.

He looked down at the top of the tiger's head and chuckled mentally. It was a funny sight... holding the tiger's head to his chest and rubbing his head as if he was comforting him all the while that same tiger's rigid dick was making his insides sing.

He felt good this way, he found. He felt in control. He felt like he was taking his pleasure on his terms, despite being the one currently dicked. It matter little now amidst the pumping of hips in manly union and the intense tingling pulses it sent up his spine and down his cock. He really felt like he could use a paw on it, but he had none to spare. Still, that didn't stop the throbbing in rhythm with the grinding motion of his hips and the flow of precum he was fucking out of himself with Druff's barbed rod.

The thought was inevitably strange to him, if amusing in all the right ways. The short, measured motions of the tiger's hips seemed to complement his own perfectly, like an old master tuning a sensitive instrument. They moved in unison towards a common goal, working their bodies against each other in heated friction. A deep groan of satisfaction escaped the wolf's throat, and he decided to flex his pectoral muscle against Druff's muzzle, as a reward for a job well done so far as much as another show of strength.

The tiger continued to tease and nurse on the wolf's nipple, but did not leave his mischief there. Brian was well aware of the paws holding onto his submerged rear while he continued to ride the stout daddy stalk for their mutual pleasure. This time Druff ran his fingers down the curve of Brian's rump, all the way until the wolf thought he was going to push his palms underneath and give him such a curious pick me up assistance in the act of bucking himself up and down on him.

No, the tiger would not be sated in such a way. Instead his paws gripped on where rest became thigh and spread on the speared ass cheeks on either side. The sudden tugging on his crack made Brian's hole clench down on the tiger.

"Ffuuck!" he exclaimed and bucked into the touch.

But even that wasn't all the tiger wanted. He pushed his fingertips all the way to where their bodies were fused together and hence practically encircled his own cock with his fingers. The touch put additional lurid pressure on Brian's hole and he still continued to fondle the wolf's rear and work the muscles there.

It was a lewd reminder for the wolf who almost forgot about the paws that were cupping his rear. They were making their presence well known now, stretching his already spread hole around the intruding shaft in such a curious manner... it made the tunnel clench around the tiger's shaft at first, which he no doubt enjoyed, judging from the pleased purrs and rumbled that were coming from the spot where his muzzle met Brian's chest. The tiger even pumped his hips a few times, working his shaft through the massaging sleeve of the spasming tunnel, the friction of the shaft and thoroughly stretched hole making the wolf gasp out and back backwards against and upwards thrust. It felt strange... different from the usual stretched feeling that came from having that barbed cock inside of him. Different, but nothing he couldn't get used to. He wasn't gonna let the tiger get to him with such a cheap trick, he thought.

He made his hole tighten and his firm taut cheeks flex against the appraising grip of the tiger's paws that were all the while massaging the springy globes of muscle at the same time as they were assaulting that poor stretched pucker. The wolf grinned to himself and smashed his ass down against Druff's lap with some force, hitting the daddy tiger's cock inside of him and seemingly trapping the offending fingers where they were.

'Should know better than to stick your fingers in dangerous places, pops...' The wolf thought to himself playfully and ground his hips in a circular motion, drawing more stimulation from the barbed tool inside of him.

Druff's shoulder felt so wonderfully firm and sturdy as he squeezed onto it. His paws were practically cradling the tiger's head to his chest now. His hips continued to buck and roll, not giving the tiger a chance to pull his paws away yet. If he really wanted to keep them there, let him. There were worse places.

The tiger was still the master of the situation, despite Brian's best interventions to change the balance. And what the tiger did was affecting the balance, using their hips as a seesaw when he pushed the wolf backwards. The contact of their paws meant that Druff had to lean forward to follow him. It put more of the wolf's weight down on him, too, and he responded in kind by bucking his hips more intently. He had made the wolf do much of the work, but now he was taking charge again.


Brian had to be mindful so as not to smack his head on the wall of the jacuzzi cubicle when he rocked backwards. The newly modified position made the tiger's cock slide in and out of him at different angle. It rubbed on Brian's own dick from the outside, with the increasing contact on his flesh, trapped between their bodies so deliciously.


He mashed the tiger's face onto his chest and hoped the daddy cat would not stop nursing on his nipple. It felt so odd and so good. He found himself rolling his hips more intently, seeing just what kind of sensations he could get out of that cock that still pumped into him with intent and desire.

For a moment it felt like the tiger was challenging him for territory, lunging forward and forcing him to bend backwards, but it was a silly thought, the wolf concluded. They were very much the other's territory for the time being. The increased weight on the joining of their bodies meant that Druff couldn't move as much, but Brian still had free rein to do as he wished.

'Lazy bastard probably just wants me doing all the work again... typical cat' the wolf opined to himself as he slid his whole body forwards against the tiger's.

Their chests and bellies pressed and slid against the other in intimate friction with a rock hard wolf cock trapped between their stomachs. The ticklish sensation of their fur mingling all around it in caressing it from all sides was almost too much to bear. The wolf hissed in pleasure, the raking of the barbs along his sensitive inner walls as he made the shaft withdraw from his tunnel no less intense to feel when he rode on the tiger.

He didn't move much, only about two inches, but it was plenty. The wolf exhaled audibly as he sank back onto hard daddy dick, hilting back home. The tiger made sure to slurp around a nipple and lightly pinch it with his teeth just as he was fully hilted inside the steaming hot tunnel. The jerking twitches of wolf cock it provoked felt marvelous to him. He didn't want to appear completely passive in this altered position. Although the Druff's thought of just sitting back and enjoying being ridden by a big, confident hunk of a man in desperate need for the pleasure his barbed weapon brought them was highly appealing, he had to admit... even though the wolf wasn't showing any signs of desperation.

'Yet.' The tiger thought to himself devilishly while a distinctly feline grin spread across his muzzle. He jerked his hips as much as he could, just to torture that poor prostate some more. He still had leverage he could use, to alter his attack on the wolf's sensitive parts.

He moved his paws higher to cup the wolf's ass, both for better grip and to steady their positioning at the moment. The wolf's tail swam by their sides and swished against their thighs, soppy wet and reacting to the sensations flowing from the wolf's jacuzzi-humped rear.

The tiger tore himself away from the wolf's grip, after a final parting lick, and kissed the wolf's neck instead. Brian's rumbling throat was his target now, for tongue and teeth and lips to play with the newly exposed, inviting stretch of skin and fur.

Brian's eyes snapped open. His head had been thrown back still, both for balance and the sheer abandon of their continued rutting. Now his chin collided with the crown of Druff's head when he tried to look down at exactly what was going on with the tiger escaping from his clutches. The teeth were part of the answer, but the rest came later.


The wolf clasped on the tiger's shoulders. He wasn't really sure what else to do as his own gesture to retaliate the Druff's new sensuality. His mind wasn't exactly working at full speed to provide him with an inventory of sex tricks to pull on his seasoned partner. He was always supremely glad when he managed to do one that caught the tiger off guard, but right now...he was distracted.

"Uhh...damn...ah...auhh..." was what came out of Brian's throat instead. It was a new distracting stimulation, but made the intense feelings in his rump any less overwhelming. Brian wondered if he was going to walk properly afterwards, or if his poor little hole would gape open as a sign that the college stud had surrendered his charms to the tiger's mercy. He was pretty sure it wasn't physically feasible, but when could you be absolutely certain with the Druff?

The tiger purred in pleasure against the wolf's throat. His goal of reducing Brian's words into a barely comprehensible mess had been fulfilled. And if he got his way, he was going to fill something else too. The growing waves of pleasure were starting to accumulate into a comfortable glow that he knew could go over the brink soon enough, should he just let himself get up to that point.

Soon, he reminded himself, as he tasted the wolf with joy and gleefully continued to claim his ass.

Those hands were getting pretty grabby, the wolf felt... where they were just cupping before, now they were unashamedly groping every inch of firm rounded muscle they could. The tiger moved his paws in slow circular motions that stretched the impaled wolf's cheeks, and by extension his stuffed hole, and brought them together again before repeating the cycle all over again. Besides being an absolute delight under his fingers, Druff was using the twin globes as just another instrument to make the young hunk's body sing with pleasure to his dirty tunes. He nuzzled upwards against the underside of the wolf's chin as well when he tried to look down... swiping his tongue against skin slightly salty with sweat built up from their workout. Just another sign of a job well done, the tiger thought to himself with a purr and another pump of his hips... aided this time by his hands that lifted up the entire weight of the hunk on his lap a few inches before pulling him back down onto his lance.

'Since you're so fond of shows of strength, Mr. Silva...'

The tiger opined this to himself as he repeated the motion one more time, this time slamming the wolf harder down onto his meat. It had a very audible effect, the half gasp-half groan Brian let out was music to his ears. He almost wished he was further back to see what his young lover looked like now in his full glory, impaled on a thick cock, face surely distorted in confusing jolts of pleasure wracking that young and very strong body, eyes crunched tight and gritted teeth to not let on too much just how deep in the throes of passion his was... it must've looked simply beautiful.

But no, he was still happier right where he was, entangled so completely with the wolf, and feeling all those things through the language of their bodies, that raw primal grind of muscle against muscle in search of release and the sweet oblivion of bliss. He didn't have to see it all to know that it was glorious.

Just driving himself into the wolf's heat and holding him so very close was perfect. The water swirling around them from the energetic motions of their bodies was another odd additional stimulation, with the warm water lapping up on their sides and hips.

The Druff lifted the wolf up again despite the slight burn on his arms from such effort. It was worth it, however, the way how he seemed to enter the wolf's rear extra deep when he came down with force. And the grunts that the wolf expelled were equally pleasurable, as was the feel of his cock throbbing merrily against the tiger's own muscle-gutted belly.

The college wolf was pent up and horny, it was simple as that. He was horny...lusty...practically in heat for more of that nerve-wracking pleasure that was being pumped through him by daddy cock during this raunchy ride on the Professor's lap.

It was exquisite for the recipient of his ardor, the tiger who continued to ram himself into him, to make sure that the wolf was going to to get the maximum amount of pleasure from taking the tiger's cock inside his body.

Part of the wolf's pleasure addled mind didn't like being manhandled like a bitch up and down the tiger's cock, but he just couldn't be bothered at this point. His nerves were on fire with intense sensation, and he felt the crescendo of their raunchy symphony wasn't that far off anymore. His tunnel was spasming more and more erratically around that thick barbed tool that seemed to send an electric shock up his entire body with every single thrust and making him see stars. It even felt like it pushed the air out his lungs on inwards stroke... but he was sure he was imagining it.

The wolf's hips were seemingly out of his conscious control, rolling around in almost perfect sync with the tiger's motions, always trying to get more of that oh so pleasantly tingling pleasure flowing from his pummeled rear. He hoped the tiger's shoulders wouldn't bruise from how hard he was gripping them.

Then it hit him like a thunderbolt, the realisation, and the impending doom.

I'm gonna explode.

His insides squirmed and clenched and his chest burnt with the growl that rose from him.

I'm gonna cum and it's because of him.

His legs were starting to ache from the effort of driving that thick dick in and out of him.

He's gonna fuck it out of me.

Here was the macho wolf sitting on a tiger's lap, big cock pumping into his ass, breeding him like a bitch made to show his ultimate submission by orgasming from the very act.

He's got me by the balls. By the ass!

He'd heard about wrapping someone around a little finger but now the tiger had wrapped him around his long hard tigercock instead.

Fuuuuuuuuhk those barbs feel GREAT!

He felt like he would explode with just a few well placed smashes of that devilish cock against his overworked prostate.

Oh please is this gonna -

His toes curled up.

I'm not sure I'm gonna -

His back arched, his hips pumping back. There was a burn in his belly that was spreading everywhere. He'd known it before, the strange kind of a glow that came when your ass was filled with something and you were going to cum.


His head rose upwards and his eyes rolled back into his skull. He threw his head back even more, unhappily pulling it away from the tiger's feline kiss, for now.


He couldn't even cuss now. The wolf shuddered in the tiger's embrace. e felt his insides clamp down on the tiger, and that, along with the long-going stroking of tiger hide and fur on his own shaft made his body explode,almost literally. Gushes of cum spurted between their bodies. It added not only a new kind of musk but wetness too, since the water had started to dry through their activities. It came out in that strange, almost powerless way of splurting that he associated with this kind of a climax. That didn't mean there wasn't a lot of it. He thought he could feel individual globs coming out of him and landing on their still writhing bodies.

The tiger still wouldn't stop. Brian's orgasm made his ass especially tight and alive, and that encouraged him to continue thrusting up into the wolf, even through the gripping joy of his climax. He even managed to spare a few seconds to watch the wolf's rapturous orgasmic face before he buried his own muzzle against the wolf's tawny shoulder and bit down.


The wolf shuddered, in all the right places, while held in the tiger's lap. He thrusts with his whole strength, a few more times he managed before his own orgasm took him by force. He was jammed completely inside the wolf, making their connection as deep as it ever could be, and he held himself still.

Now he truly let Brian do the work. Even though their bodies no longer moved, not properly, inside many things happened. Nerve impulses fired and seldom exercised muscles worked, often to spill out even more of their sexual fluids. Where Brian's mingled with their furs and dribbled into the water, Druff's made its way deep into the wolf's body. He couldn't exactly feel it, not among the many sensations coming from the sex, but he knew it, and it was sensual, a bit strange but definitely good. Being marked from the inside still freaked him out a degree, but he also knew he wouldn't have it any other way, not with this particular tiger. He could deal with the associated mess and the odd feelings that followed.

Neither thought much about the philosophy of their mating, not for the moment. There was too much happening between their bodies, warm, hot, wet things that required their full attention.

It was incredibly odd, the way the orgasm felt for the wolf. His muscles were tense and he was gritting his teeth and all in all feeling like he was having the most explosive orgasm of his life, but it just came out in slow spurts and trickles that seemed to match the tiger's thrusts while he was still fucking away through the blissfully convulsing sleeve around his cock, before he joined his young lover in the joy of a shuddering orgasm. He could feel it gushing into him... that liquid heat claiming him and marking him as conquered. He felt so powerless and so alive at the same time. He still couldn't quite wrap his mind around being claimed and seeded by another man. Luckily, there was plenty enough to lose himself in.

Like the mating bite that always felt so raw and animalistic an act, sharp teeth pricking on his sturdy shoulder. Never enough to puncture skin but always enough to not let him forget he was there. Brian had no idea why it felt so exhilarating to be on the receiving end of that instinctual urge every man possessed.

'To keep his bitch in place.' he thought wryly.

But still he kept spending himself in lazy bursts across the mingling fur of their stomachs, the warmth slowly spreading out from his painted tunnel through his groin and stomach. He even thought he could feel some of the heat return to his cheeks.

And still the tiger pumped into him a fraction of an inch while he continued claiming his prey, his firm grip on those two jutting globes of muscle unyielding. Possessive.


Along with the bite on his shoulder, it told only one thing, but it told it crystal clear.


And Brian couldn't help but concede to the fact, captured and conquered now as he was, with a thick hard cock spilling it's owner's seed inside of him after it was done forcing it out of the wolf.

That was the thing he was most annoyed about, perhaps. That he was the first one to be pushed over the edge. Like despite all his attempts to control himself, he had simply...exploded once the tiger had gotten him to that point. Maybe he had even planned it like that, that the idea of being the bottom would be reinforced in the wolf's mind by the experience of reaching his climax before the tiger, from all the internal stimulation for most part. Not entirely so, he knew as much. Their bodies sliding together had done much too.

But still. He cummed from/while having a huge dick churning him a new one, and it was still there, now plugging him away to keep all that musky cum inside.

It took him a while to realize the tiger had stopped all his motion, and that even the bite had become just a nuzzle, of sorts, with Druff's chin resting on his shoulder. For now his embrace was more a comfortable one than anything overtly sexual, even though his glowing skin did find it very erotic indeed. Brian knew that his own nipples were hard and pressed to Druff's chest. The tiger's own nubs were more subtle, but they were there.

It was almost peaceful, how they were now, surrounded by bubbling water and each other's breaths and heat, and musk, of course. They had put out quite a sweat and a serving of scent. The water was filled with their combined seed - Brian's being washed away, and most of Druff's still inside the wolf, although some had already leaked out from his now raw hole.

'That is gonna be sore' was one of his first thoughts that came to mind, when his mind drifted back from the place where Brian had gone to during the great finale of their session. His asshole clenched around the tiger's still stiff meat and reminded him of everything they had just done.

Brian opened his eyes and looked about lazily. He mostly saw stripes, for the moment.

"Hmrmhhmmh," the wolf opined.

The tiger patted his back. He had moved his paws so that he was no longer firmly groping on the wolf's ass but instead rested them on his hips in a most comfortable manner.


"Pffft," the wolf chuffed. "Falling asleep on me now, pops?"

The Druff chuckled.


"Heh..." The wolf lowered his chin to rest on top of Druff's almost without realizing it. It simply felt like the most natural thing to do. " Coulda fooled me..."

His voice was still tinged with light pants, the intensity of his release had taken an audible toll. The tiger was simply purring.

"Unless you went and pushed yourself too hard." Brian chuckled merrily. He didn't know what it was, but he suddenly realized he felt... light. Carefree and content. In very high spirits. The wolf felt like he was barely containing exhausted laughter. There was no other word for it but that he felt good. Must've been the post-orgasmic haze. The long drawn session with its many parts and physical activity was probably to be to blame.

"Am I gonna have to stay overnight and nurse you?" it was as playful a jab as they got.

The tiger chuffed.

"I do have this nice leather nurse outfit just in your size," he said.

The wolf grumbled.

"I can never tell if you're joking about that kind of stuff or not," he complained, playfully.

Druff patted the wolf's back. It was still a wonderful pleasure to touch him, even with his most urgent erotic energy spent for now. The wolf had absorbed a good lot.

"You still haven't peeped into my dungeon to find out if it's true or not,"Druff detailed.

"Hmph. I can't help but feel that one day I'm gonna wake up here tied down on some bondage thingy and you're waving some dangerous looking toy at me," Brian opined.

The tiger chuffed and licked at the wolf's ear.

"Only if you want to..."

Brian chuckled at the comment. He did note that his asshole did appear to clench around the tiger's still buried dick when he heard the promise of sorts. He wasn't sure what to think about it, really, but he also knew that the cat was a patient Professor indeed.


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