Sweet Pony Jock

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Oh, Professor Druff!

Sweet Pony Jock





Heh heh.

It appears a certain avatar?user=161584&character=0&clevel=2 GabrielClyde still hasn't gotten enough of Professor (Druffessor?) Druff's special lessons, which means that he's back for another go with the tiger in question. Let's hope the striped daddy can drive in some hard truths to that unruly colt, wouldn't you agree?

I hope you'll have an interesting read and I shall look forward to hearing your feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



"You know what I am thinking now, Gabriel?"

The horse being addressed gave a brief look at the speaker.

"No," the stallion said.

A chuckle. The deep voice belonged to a tiger seated on a leather-upholstered armchair, with his eyes firmly set on the horse standing a few feet away.

"If I enjoyed smoking..." the voice continued, "that is, if I did do so, right now I think I would reach for the humidor and pick up a nice, thick Cuban..."

The horse watched the odd display of the tiger miming doing just that, the procurement of a cigar, and even opened his maw when the imaginary cigar was popped into his muzzle.

"...and light it..." the tiger mumbled, "puff on it..."

The tiger hollowed his cheeks, as if tasting the smoke, before he blew an imaginary ring of smoke from his maw and remained sitting with one elbow propped to the armrest with fingers held apart for the invisible cigar between them.

"...and just enjoy..."

The horse neighed softly. The whole display was odd and a bit ridiculous to him. But there was also an element of intimidation that he couldn't deny. He wasn't sure if the tiger wanted it to be so, but it could be. He was never entirely sure when it came to...

"...okay, Druff."

The tiger smiled. He mimed tasting his cigar again. The horse's ears flicked back with a hint of confusion. The tiger let out a deep purr.

"Maybe I should have told you to bring a ball with you," Druff said. His fingers preened idly through his short, white mane. His eyes maintained full contact with the sight of the horse posing in his room.

Gabe flicked his ears at the tiger and chortled.

"Regrets now?" he asked.

Druff clicked his tongue.

"No," said the Professor. "It was just an idle thought. An inspired one...for reasons I'm sure you can understand."

The horse's tail swished behind him tensely. The rear it almost snapped with was only covered by a pair of white football shorts that did not reach very far down. On his ripped torso the young stallion only had a red football shirt with the number "12" on the back written down in white. He wore no shoes but had ankle-high stirrup socks, also in white. The tops were folded once over for the perfectly neat look. The stallion appeared like he had just trot out of a football game. The clothes were slightly rumpled, not perfectly ironed and shiny like on a glossy photo on a magazine showing a haughty major league player. No, this horse's kit had seen some action and he preferred it that way. He carried it with the pride of someone who had clip-clopped after the ball, tackled his opponents, taken the roll down on the grass that had created the visible stain on the left hip side of the shorts.

The tiger chuckled again.

"Cat got your tongue?" he asked.

Gabe rolled his eyes, a non-verbal 'seriously?' written all over that look. It only made the tiger purr anew. There appeared to be few things that the horse did that didn't make the tiger cheerful, he had noticed during their relatively brief but thoroughly strange acquaintance.

"I just don't know what to say," the horse finally admitted. "I thought I'm kinda meant to be here to look sexy."

The tiger smirked.

"Oh, but I do think you're much more than just a pretty face, Gabriel,"Druff murmured happily. "A supremely pretty rest of you as well, as a matter of fact."

Gabe nickered. The tiger just wouldn't give him a serious answer, it sounded like. Whatever he said, the cat retorted with something cheeky, and usually sexually suggestive. Gabe thought that he could probably only blame himself, for allowing things to escalate to this particular level of insanity in regards to his relationship with the tiger.

"If you say so," he admitted, finally.

The silk robe-wearing tiger simply smiled.

"It feels almost a shame that this particular...character...is not part of your usual repertoire at the Club," the Druff observed.

Gabe nickered.

"My teammates might not approve of this kind of use for the kit," the horse said.

The Druff chuckled.

"You think they would object to you strutting your stuff?" the tiger said. "Even when that's literally what you do on the field?"

Gabe tapped his hoof against the tiger's carpet in protest of the latest remark. It reminded him a little of the kind of artificial grass he sometimes had to play on. Their games were held on real grass, however. He wouldn't have it any other way.

"There might be a bit more involved in it than that," he said.

"Maybe you should suggest some of your teammates joined you at the Kit Kat Club, " Druff said, "I am sure that you would be a sensation."

The horse flicked an ear at him.

"Not happy with just one football player?"

The tiger purred.

"Why have one when you could have a whole chorus line?" the Druff postulated. "Tails and...some other parts swinging in perfect synchronization..."

"You're hopeless." Gabe said.

"Only in my dedication to my admiration of the male form, perhaps," Druff replied. "Anything else is negotiable."

The stallion didn't say anything to that. He continued his aloof brooding, under the tiger's careful gaze. He was almost surprised that the tiger didn't make a move for anything further for the moment. He simply sat on his throne-like chair and appreciated the horse's presence. Usually he was much more...pawsy...when it came to the horse's visits.

Gabe had told himself that he should stop coming, but here he was, again, and even playing along to the Professor's lusty games. His request for the apparel had been fulfilled with enthusiasm that made Gabe feel almost ashamed of it. Embarrassed, for sure, and his cheeks had burnt when he had taken the kit out from the hamper. He had trouble fitting his cock into the jockstrap her wore under the shorts due to the natural reaction of blood rushing into his nethers while he imagined the dirty tiger and his tendency for indiscretions. He even had to lie to Clarissa that the guys wanted to get together for an extra session of footie. The mare had told him to fuck off to be with his friends and had threatened him with an extended period of having her legs crossed due to being upset at being cock-blocked by Gabe's friends.

Gabe didn't expect her to last long- Her libido matched his in that respect.

"What are you thinking, Gabriel?"

The horse shook his head and looked at the quizzical tiger.


"You looked like you were somewhere else, which I did find quite curious," Druff mused. "All things considered."

That braided tail flapped once more against Gabe's taut buttocks. It sounded almost like the crack of a whip. He faced the tiger in a new position, to give him the full sight of him, from the front. A lean, strong stallion body, in red and white, and the shorts were true to their name. His thighs were properly thick, worked over from hours of running after the ball. The stallion knew that he was attractive - the tiger knew that he knew, and how it affected the stud's behavior as well. Gabe could be a flirt, and in the tiger's eyes, that made him a prime target for some...corrective attention.

"Nah," Gabe said.

The tiger winked conspiratorially.

"Hmm...pony secrets, I am sure..." he said.

Gabe threw his head to the side. It was another of the horse's infuriating sexy gestures, at least in the tiger's mind, watching his mane shift and move. It was only missing appropriate background music.

"Feisty stallion...potentially needing to be shown his place again," Druff observed.

Gabe avoided the tiger's eyes. Druff liked that. He liked it when the horse looked guilty, or behaved in such a manner. It was a wonderful reminder of the illicit nature of their relationship.

"Maybe with the crop..."

He could see the college jock flinch at the mention of that implement of pleasurable, if painful, discipline. Druff knew very well that the stallion had a special affinity for that particular tool.

The tiger smiled lightly.

"Come here, pony boy."

The stallion clip-clopped slowly to stand in front of the tiger. Druff was still lounging in his chair and looked up at the horse who now hovered in front of him. Gabe's tail flicked behind him again. It made a noise when it shuffled against the fabric of his footie shorts. The front of the shorts had its noticeable bulge well presented. Its curve suggested of fantastic masculine prowess that only horses could project. The tiger obviously enjoyed having such manly energy under his control.

"It's not a coincidence that they talk about horsepower..." the tiger rumbled softly.

Druff put his paws to the stallion's hips. He felt Gabe tense from his touch. The thighs were deliciously strong. Natural build combined with conditioning made the horse into a complete stud to behold His body was so taut that it even sounded good under the tiger's fingers. At least in his mind. For now he was simply holding his paws there and not doing anything more...active in terms of punishing the stallion's flesh.

The tiger did allow his fingers to press more tightly on the horse's hips.

"Just remember one thing, Gabriel," the tiger said.

The looked down to him quizzically. A little smirk played on Druff's lips when he allowed his paws to slowly slip along the curve of Gabe's rear.

"A girl will never be able to appreciate a male's ass like another man would," the tiger crooned.

Gabe's ears flicked with surprise. He chortled at the strange declaration that had passed the tiger's lips. Yes, it was a typically outrageous thing for him to say, but it still had the power to surprise. He was about to nicker at it but instead huffed when the same fingers pressed more firmly on the muscles of his rump. There was a sense of tugging too, like the tiger was trying to massage the stallion's rear through his footy shorts.

"Oh they love butts, of course they do, they will check them out, think about, joke about them, even fondle them, perhaps.."

He did just that on Gabriel's buns while still grinning at the horse. The bulge on the front of his footie shorts looked like it was adding more stretch to the poor fabric.

"...oh they can say that they like your ass, and maybe they do, but to truly appreciate all it can represent... oh no, you need something else..."

The devious fingers travelled all the way to Gabe's waistline. The college stud did not do anything to stop the Druff's paws when he slipped pads under the elastic, to touch genuine, warm, suggestive, silky stallion skin on his shelf.

"...someone who will acknowledge the strength, the beauty...the feel.."

The tiger pressed his wrists to Gabe's hips when he continued to stroke his pads along the wonderful, smooth skin and fur. The horse's breathing deepened.

"...and all the potential for sexual pleasure as well, without ill thoughts..." the tiger lectured in his soft, purring voice.

Gabe's tail swished behind him. He made a tiny adjustment to his hooves, and even this subtle movement pressed his rear into more substantial contact with his tormentor's paws.

"...oh only a particularly sexually adventurous girl would be keen enough to explore such potential...too much shame and taboo attached to suh lovely things that can be achieved with just a little...courage..."

Gabe wasn't even sure if the tiger was really talking to him, or dictating some sort of an academic paper in his mind. Both sounded possible, knowing the cat.

"I do not deny that there is potential for it to be dirty and it is unquestionably a harsh, unnatural thing to do...but when have we ever been kind to ourselves or our bodies?"

His fingers reached the strands of hair on the base of the stallion's tail. He practically had his arms around Gabe's waist now. The tail in question bounced. The sensations were subtle but made him feel unquestionably aroused.

"..such a sweet punishment...for a sweet pony..."

The tiger clasped the stallion's rear once more before his paws were withdrawn and he laid them simply over his lap.

"Take off your shorts, Gabriel."

Now the stallion nickered. The command was so blatant, though issued in such a soft voice that not at all suggested the kind of naughtiness the cat cold get up to. Gabe wriggled out of his footie shorts quickly and let them drop to the floor. Even the quick stroke of fabric on his hips and legs felt sensual now that his whole body was being erotically charged. His nipples stood as hard and very much visible nubs against his shirt.

"Well, well..."

The tiger was looking at Gabe's bulge. The stallion's cock was out of his sheath but not in full sight yet, though not much imagination was required by his onlooker. The horse worse a black and white athletics jockstrap under his shorts and now the elastic pouch at the front looked like it might tear from the sheer bulk of what it was trying to contain. He was tenting heavily, though the fabric and the sturdy elastic straps kept him from extending to his full length.

Druff chuckled at the sight of the stallion's trapped spear.

"That must be uncomfortable,"he commented. "Is it so, Gabriel?"

The whole bulge swayed up and down when the horse's dong flexed, from the close attention the tiger was paying to him.

"Yeah," he confessed.

"I have always admired horsecocks,"the tiger said. "They have quite the broad visual appeal don't they? Almost symbolic..."

Gabe looked like he had definitely no idea how to comment to such an admission. His cock continued to throb like a pendulum, along the deep thumps of his young, strong heart.

"Tell me, Gabriel.." the tiger drew out the horse's name, and he expected only the worst, "have you ever shared that big, thick cock of yours with another stallion?"

Had he? Thinking about his escapades made the insides of his ears heaten up. Was the tiger going to make him talk about it? Confess all his sexual secrets while he stood here, blue-balled and throbbing and leaking enough pre-cum to musk up the jockstrap permanently with its owner's sexual scent.

"Tell me,"repeated the tiger. Gabe looked at Druff guiltily. He must have taken too much time before answering.

"Yes,"he said quickly.

The tiger licked his lower lip.

"Splendid, isn't it?"

So he was going to question him, Gabe thought, almost panicking at the thought. Yet the statement did make his mind wander to those trysts, fuelled with lust and adolescent curiosity about anything sexual, and enough hormones to fuck anything that was willing to try and take his humongous dick. All those girls, crying out his name when he spread them open...

"Two big, hot, nasty, fucking horny studs rutting each other," the tiger elaborated.

Gabe shuddered at the memory of the shy white horse, as drunk as he was, sweaty and with a cock to match Gabe's own stick. Their drunken frottage, rubbing of their huge, hard cocks together until his friend had whinnied and spilled prodigiously between their bodies. It was quite incomparable to anything, just like the tiger suggested. The stallion didn't want him to be right all the time when it came to his psychosexual analysis of Gabe's mind. But he knew that the tiger knew. He wasn't going to be able to hide the fact from him.

"You can tell me all about it later, boy," the tiger's voice grew lower with his next remark. "Right now you should turn around and present yourself for me."

Druff's words were like treacle, flowing from his lips. Gabe wanted to whinny and nicker, to complain about such commands, but he felt his hooves move almost before he realized what he was doing. And he knew what to do, from his illicit stripping at the club.

The tiger watched how the stud put paws onto his hips, let that his ass jut out and and then stood upright, shoulders pushed back a little and his legs spread just enough that the maximum enjoyment could be received by anyone staring at his rear. The white straps of the jockstrap lines the two muscled halves, and the pouch, viewed from behind, contained his nuts, his heavy, radically pent up balls currently churning up a storm of sexual energy. His tail hung in front of them initially, but the horse knew what his Professor wanted to see.

Gabe held his breath when he raised his tail and let the tiger glimpse at his crack. Those eyes were surely running all the way along this sacred crevice and witnessing its secrets. The knowledge made Gabe's easily visible muscled doughnut clench obscenely. He was trying to keep himself in check but at the very latest the tiger's previous lecture about the wonders of male ass had turned him on too much for him to stop the reactions of his body. His asshole was probably inviting the tiger to comehither like a cheap whore spreading her pussy lips at a customer about to climb on top of her for fifteen seconds of paid pleasure.

Was he the whore now?

At least the tiger wasn't shoving dollar bills under the strap of his jock. He almost felt happy about that fact. On the other paw, it might have made this just a hint more acceptable. Take some of the responsibility away from him.

A little creak and a click brought the horse's ears back, as it did his eyes. The tiger had opened a small wooden box that sat on top of the little table by his armchair, like something where a girl would keep cheap jewellery, or a mother would hide her sewing supplies in. True to his reputation, the tiger's box contained a black butt plug, condoms and a bottle of lube.

Gabe nickered. That was so typical, as was the way how the tiger reached for the contents of the box.

"Just stay like that, pony boy," Druff commanded when he saw Gage's gaze.

The stud nodded briefly. Behind him, the tiger undid the cord holding his silk robe closed and then pulled the whole flimsy thing open to reveal the striped fuzzy body and his no means cuddly erection. Red, hard, angrily barbed, ready to go where it wanted to go.

The tiger wanted to plunder ponyhole, Gabe realized. He was resigned to his fate. He wanted those barbs running along his nut again and again when the tiger pounded his ass.

"Back to me, Gabriel," said the Druff. "I'll need to apply some of this or you won't walk right afterwards."

He waved the bottle of lube. Gabe's feet barely dared to take him the steps required to put him at an arm's distance from his tormentor.

"And keep your hands where they are. I like it."

Of course he would, Gabe thought. His hands were prying his ass cheeks apart in a most rude display of stallion rump for the tiger's pleasure. It was acting like a magnet.

Horse ass magnet. The gravitational pull of brown-furred rump. The black hole of stallion anus.

Tiger fingers slathering on horse hole. Gabe's braided tail jerked upright at the sensation. The fingers were slick and pressed onto asshole. His cock throbbed helplessly. The jockstrap felt like it might snap under the weight of his dong.

"...I am sure you wish it was one of your stallion teammates..." Druff mused. "...big blunt horsecock splitting you open..."

Gabe shuddered at both the words and the physical sensation of the fingers playing with him. He would have loved to get it on with any of the equine members of the team, that was undeniable. They were a bunch of rowdy, horny, strong men. Any one of them would have likely been an excellent fuck, if they were into that sort of a thing.

Shame none of them took Druff's history class. He if anyone was bound to bring out any bisexual qualities in a male.

Now he just tried to keep his breathing steady. The fingers in his ass weren't going anywhere but deeper in his rear. The tiger's fingertips were about to find his prostate and reming Gabe just how easy it was to become the Professor's ass bitch when Druff played his hand right.

Got it?

The fingers withdrew with a splurt. The ring-muscles clenched and a drop of lube squeezed out of the horse's ass and onto his taint before it got absorbed by the wick-like material of the jock pouch.

The tiger opened a condom and put it on himself before covering his length in another pawful of lube.

"Sit down on me, boy."

Gabe nickered. Yet he knew that he wanted it and he wasn't going to tell him no. A tiger paw appeared on the small of his back to guide him, when he backed down towards the cat.

It was so damn hot, the pointed, barbed tip that touched his taint. It moved an inch upwards and kissed on his asshole. The tiger was about to have him. Gabe would let him.


The stallion sat on his Professor like he'd been told to. He let out a deep, almost mournful neigh when his innocence was once more reduced to nothing. The tiger felt huge on the first go, perhaps not stallion huge since that was a wholly different ballpark, but Gabe certainly knew what was happening.


His poor prostate met all those barbs. Yet the tiger still went deeper, all the way until rock hard stallion rear touched fluffy, padded thighs.

Arms wound around Gabe's waist. He shuddered, he panted, his insides squirmed.

"Ride it," the tiger growled. "You're doing the work today."

Lazy bastard!" yelled Gabe's mind.

He put his own hands down on the armrests of the easy chair. This was going to get very sweaty very quickly.




The horse began to piston himself on the tiger's shaft, buried deep inside his ass. The Druff stayed true to his words and didn't do a thing to help the horse. Gabe was going to have to work for every single inch that he craved for. The tiger must've been in a particularly evil mood today, to put the pony through such an ordeal.


The tiger began to nuzzle the stallion's sweaty back. Gabe's footie shirt stuck to his skin and felt awkward, with the cat's hot breath on it. It felt like he was licking him there, even while his cock pumped back and forth through the hot slick grip of the stallion jock's hapless ass. Gabe's mane was thrown back and astray and only contributed to him looking incredibly attractive.

He was irresistible. Beautiful, even. Possessing his body, even momentarily, through their mating, was an incredible thrill for the tiger. He tasted him, touched him, fondled every part he could reach while the horse worked himself in the essential motion.

Taken like a slutty cheerleader behind the football field. Buttfucked by a man. Man on man. Tiger on stallion. Old enough to be his father. He was enjoying every sweaty second of it. He had thought he could control his lust but there was just nothing he could do to resist. The tiger had him by the balls.


By the ass. His prostate was his undoing, that and the feel of the strong body against his own, teaching wordless things about what it really meant to be man. Sometimes being a man meant surrendering yourself to another man.

Cock in ass.

Tiger balls slapping cloth-wrapped horse nads. Burning tailhole clenching on that invading cock. His muscles shuddering under the strain he was putting himself through. Gabe pumped himself on the endless ride the tiger provided. Who was using who remained to be determined.


The stallion groaned. The tiger's paws pushed under the hem of his shirt. Claws stroked increasingly slick skin and fur. The horse rocked his hips back and forth as if he was the one straddled on a horse and not the other way around.

Gabe panted like he was running after the ball on the field. Streaks of pleasure-pain flowed from his ass to his groin, his thighs, all the way to the torturously untouched tip of his cock stroking on sweaty cloth.


The tiger moved, so suddenly that for a second Gabe didn't know what was happening. But then the carpet was under his knees and his hands and he was bracing himself now. The Professor didn't kneel down but crouched over him. His paws pushed down on the stallion's back.

Now it was Druff who did the fucking. He put his own weight to him and truly rode the horse underneath him. Gabe grasped at the rug but found very little purchase. His grunts were joined by moans that he couldn't keep back. Nickers and whinnies exploded out of his throat.

He was dominated suddenly and completely. Face down ass up.


It sounded like he was choking and then he was splurting into the jockstrap. His tortured nut pulsed inside his rear and sent more and more waves of pleasure through the tense stallion body. Gabe's mouth opened in a neigh that rose from his throat. He couldn't keep it back.

The jockstrap became soaked and began to drip his cum onto the carpet.


The tiger's dominant growls rose in intensity. His cock was massaged and sucked on by that hotly clenching doughnut, powered by the stallion's illicit anal orgasm. Druff slammed his hips down with a ragged grunt of satisfaction at owning such a sweet pony. His paws clasped and almost tore the fabric of Gabe's shirt. There were going to be claw marks on it, and on the stallion's skin.

Druff's cock jerked inside the horse until he was sated. He lingered on the mount, savoring his conquest. Gabe remained toppled over. His mind was somewhere else. He kept panting and huffing.

Warm tiger paws stroked his back.

"Hsssh...sweet pony jock...I'll soothe you...I'll eat your ass next..." the tiger murmured.


Thank you for reading my story! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

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