Camellia Pt. 4 - The Shopping Trip

Story by do_the_math on SoFurry

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Camellia finally gets what she wants, but not how she planned!

This is the final part, as far as I have it planned. Maybe we'll see more of Camellia in the future. See previous chapters for warnings.

It was a nice Friday morning when Charles proposed the shopping trip.

"We can have the driver bring us into town, and just look at a few things. We don't have to spend much," he pleaded with his father at breakfast. Master Bryant gave in, and handed a credit card over to Camellia, with strict instructions that each of the children should not purchase more than $15 worth of items.

Camellia was distracted on the drive into town, as she usually was these days. She had been living with the Bryant household for almost two months now, and aside from the occasional teasing from Charles and Bella, had come no closer to the orgasm she had been denied on her first day. Her pussy lips always felt swollen and hot now. She had begged her master to be allowed to cool her nethers one weekend night, and he had unlocked her and allowed her to lay under the spray of cold water from the tub. It had been a relief, and then she had immediately had to stop for fear of climaxing without permission from the pressure of the water on her clit. It had been such a humiliating failure that she hadn't asked again.

Her clit was so aroused, and cushioned by the little nub inside her chastity belt, that it was often drawn out of its little sheath. She could feel the occasional spark of pleasure on the edge of discomfort as the super-sensitive, engorged tip twitched and rubbed against the silicone cupping it.

Her fantasies, in turn, had grown more ever-present and even more lewd. Just staring out the car window, she became overcome with the desire to rub herself off against a huge tree trunk. It had a protruding, broken branch that she imagined would fit ever-so-perfectly inside her pulsing cunny. She crossed her legs as they drove on by.

As they move into the city, her thoughts take a different turn. An enormous statue looks like a fantastic place to rub herself up against. She sees a young tall-doe standing against the corner of a building, and imagines having the freedom to press back against that corner, grind it against her hungry hole. Her insides pulse around the stick inside her, and she bites back a sigh. A broad-shouldered tall-bear walks by and she wonders about the size of his member.

They reach the mall and she forces herself to come back to Earth. She herds the children inside. First to a clothing store, where Bella insists on trying on every single hair barrette. The crowd irritates Camellia unbearably, they all seem much too close to her, and she feels so exposed in her new chastity belt. She retreats to a corner and lets Charles herd Bella around the store. They retrieve her when they're ready to pay.

They're heading for a small toy store next, but Charles spots a video-game store. Camellia warns him that there probably won't be anything in his price range inside, but he drags her in anyway. She lets him look around while she supervises Bella, making sure she doesn't break anything.

Then, the buzzing starts. It's just a light pulse, the same one Charles teased her with before, but Camellia is so taken off-guard that she straightens up and gasps. She looks over, and Charles is walking over casually from across the store, holding a new X-Cube game in his hand. The price tag says $50.

"I want to get this."

Camellia shakes her head. "No, Charles, your father said - only $15 each. This is too much."

Charles gives her a look, then says, "I want to get this." He reaches into his pocket and waggles his phone at her meaningfully.

Camellia is torn. She knows she shouldn't - of course she should always obey what her master says, even if the children disagree, and he wouldn't approve of her earning an orgasm this way. But the idea of coming is all-consuming. She can't think clearly, with the little finger buzzing away inside her in slow, leisurely pulses.

"Okay," she says finally. "Okay. Come on." She hurries them to the register and hands over the card. Immediately she feels guilty, and stuffs the receipt into the bag without looking - it's even more than $50 with tax, she's sure - and rushes them out into the mall. She's eager to get home, both to get the reward that Charles is teasing her with, and the punishment she knows will be waiting when she tells Master Bryant what she did.

Then the buzzing changes. The pulses begin to hammer inside her again, followed by one long, steady buzz, and the intensity goes up. She turns and stares at Charles. He has his phone out in his hand, tapping the screen.

The intensity becomes even stronger. She gasps. Her legs are spread wide now, and she grips the back of a bench nearby. The pleasure is building inside her too quickly now. "Charles - no, later -" she pleads. He just looks at her and smiles, then taps a few more buttons.

The pattern changes again. Short and rapid pulses hammer inside her. She lets out a wail and bends over the bench, arching her back as the pleasure becomes the only thing she can focus on. She's trying to resist with everything she has, digging her fingers into the wood of the bench - people are staring, she can't come here, not in public! The embarrassment helps her get herself under control just a bit, and she swallows and says, "Charles, please, this is for - at home, not here!"

He frowns at her, then taps his phone again. The vibrator jumps up another level. She moans and closes her eyes. Her knees nearly go out from under her, and she can feel the spark of pleasure building deep inside her, the hours and days and weeks of denial sharpening everything to a single focus. Her hips work against the air and she clenches hard, no longer sure if she's trying to stop herself from coming or trying to make it hurry along. She's aware that she's started making loud whimpering noises on each breath, panting and whining. "Please, Charles -" she manages one last time. Then, for the first time since she's put the belt on, the little nub against her clit comes to life. It vibrates in gentle, slow pulses, a counterpoint to the frantic buzzing inside her cunny. The two competing waves of pleasure crash together in her body, and she comes, shuddering and humping the air, shouting helplessly as strangers look on.

It's been so long since her once real orgasm, she had forgotten the feeling - and that one was never like this. Her eyes roll back in her head as her body moves without her control, contracting over and over again. She slips slowly to her knees on the floor, her hips still moving as the orgasm washes over her again, or maybe it's the beginning of a second one. She sobs with pleasure and presses her chest into the dirty floor of the mall. It's so good, it feels like everything she's been waiting for.

She's shuddering through the aftershocks and on the brink of a third orgasm when the vibrations suddenly stop. She collapses to the floor, limp and damp from sweat, but someone grabs her by the arm roughly and hauls her up. It's a tall-bull in a mall security uniform.

"M'am, you and the children are going to have to leave. Now," he grunts. He sounds less angry and more aroused. She blushes deeply, and nods. The bull escorts them back to the parking lot, where they meet the driver.

"You're gonna be in so much trouble," Bella whispers to Charles as they climb in. He just grins.

Camellia Pt. 3 - The Kids

_Please read previous chapters for warnings._ * * * After her eventful first day, the next few weeks of Camellia's service to Master Bryant passed fairly uneventfully. She looked after the children during the day, and at supper time, her master would...

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Camellia Pt. 2 - The Celebration

_All warnings for previous chapter apply here, too. Slavery, non-consensual sex, and sexual abuse of children._ * * * Once her master had stepped away, Camellia dared to take several minutes to explore her room. She didn't know what she would do with...

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Call Me

_Like usual, guys, beware cub porn - i.e. underage/paedophilia - and incest in this one as well. If it's not your thing, this story probably isn't going to be fun for you!_ * * * Belle, a 14-year-old bulldog, played idly with her phone as she waited...

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