Call Me

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Belle is texting at the dinner table. Her father is not happy.

Like usual, guys, beware cub porn - i.e. underage/paedophilia - and incest in this one as well. If it's not your thing, this story probably isn't going to be fun for you!

Belle, a 14-year-old bulldog, played idly with her phone as she waited for her mother to bring dinner to the table. That bitch Sandra was causing trouble with the other girls again. Sandra was the only one in their friend group who wasn't a purebred, and her parents had "different values". As far as Belle could tell, that mostly meant that Sandra was allowed to talk to any boy dog she wanted to - and that, unlike Belle and most of the other girls at their private school, she hadn't been locked into a purity belt at age 13. She had acted really weird about it at first, but now she was downright mean, reminding them at every opportunity that her pussy wasn't under lock and key and she could just masturbate whenever she wanted, didn't need her daddy's permission to come like the rest of them did.

Today she was spamming them all with pics of her own naked pussy. It practically had Belle growling in rage and - yes - frustration. Her father was a little more strict than even most of the other purebred parents; she knew a lot of her friends were let out of their chastity belts over the weekends. Her father had sat her down and explained to her when her belt was put on that it would only be taken off if she earned an orgasm or a punishment, and he would oversee either one, until the day she married an acceptable bulldog mate who would get the key to her belt. Since then - almost a year ago - she had only gotten to come twice; once for getting all A's at the end of the last school year, and once as a surprise for her birthday over the summer. Now, months from her last come, it took all her self-control to keep her young and hungry pussy off her mind - she didn't have any left to waste on stupid mongrel bitches like Sandra!

She scowled down at her phone, tapping out several choice words into the group chat to let Sandra know just how much of a pain in the rear she was. So absorbed was she in her anger that she didn't notice her father approaching until he spoke to her.

"Well, that's not a very attractive expression."

Belle swallowed a guilty yelp and looked up quickly, her stubby tail perking up a bit despite her nervous response. Her cunt had figured out pretty quickly where relief came from after she got locked up, and her father's presence never failed to make her doubly aware of her constant need. "I, um - well - it's just this girl at school," she tried to explain, but he was already shaking his head.

"Your mother is working her tail off to get dinner on the table, and your little brother is helping her set the table - and here you are, playing around on your phone. I'm starting to think you spend far too much time on that thing." He eyed her consideringly, tapping one finger against his muzzle. She jumped up quickly to go help her mother, but he waved her down again.

"No, there's no point now, dinner's about on the table. Here she comes now." He grabbed his wife as she set the casserole dish on the table, kissing her hello. Belle looked away and tried not to blush as her mother moaned quietly, pressing closer to her husband. It was unusual, even in their community, for a man to keep his wife's chastity belt on, but Belle knew now that her mother still wore her belt. She got to come a lot more than Belle, of course - they had sex pretty regularly, Belle thought - but she had learned to keep out of her mom's way when daddy was away on a business trip.

After a long moment, the two broke apart, and mom called Cassie to the table. Cassie was only ten, not old enough to be locked up in her belt yet. John, their brother, was the youngest, only eight. As a boy, of course, he would never be locked in a belt. Father had explained them to him, though, and made Belle show hers to him when she first got it fitted. He was too young to really understand, except that talking about it was an easy way to embarrass and annoy her, which he delighted in.

As her family gathered around the table, Belle's phone lit up again, and she picked it up without thinking, frowning at Sandra's latest pic - it was a bad angle, but it was clear that she had two fingers in her pussy. Belle growled softly, her pussy clenching reflexively in its cage - then she yelped as her father's paw descended, snatching her phone from her.

"That's it, young lady. I've had about enough of you and this device." Her father's voice was stern, but his eyes were on the phone rather than her. "I think it's about time you learned when to put it away. I'll be right back."

The table was silent as he stepped away, Belle shrinking down in her seat. Where was he going? And why was he bringing her phone with him? A few moments later he returned, holding in his hand - her key? She was confused, but her pussy twitched in interest, hoping it was about to get rewarded, even though all signs pointed to 'no'.

"Stand up now, Belle, and take your pants off," her father instructed. Belle only hesitated for a moment before doing as she was told, her ears down; there wasn't much expectation of privacy in their home, with spankings having been a public event held in the living room when she was a child, but it had been a while since any of her siblings saw her in the nude.

Her embarrassment only grew when her father leaned down and put a steadying hand on her hip - making her shiver - as he unlocked her belt, exposing her damp crotch to the cool air. She didn't understand what was going on - her two rewards so far had been given privately, in her own room after bedtime, with her father gently rubbing her clit with his paw. Not in front of her brother and sister! And besides, he was obviously going to punish her, but what kind of punishment would require taking her belt off?

She only became more confused when her father set her belt aside, then placed her phone, screen-down, in the middle of her chair. "There. Go on and sit down now." She hesitated for a moment, staring at her father in bewilderment, but he waved her forward and she hurried to do as she was told. Her father examined her for a moment, gently pulling her knees apart so he could check how she was sitting; then he reached down and pulled the phone forward a bit. One of his claws brushed her clit as he did so, and she couldn't stop herself from gasping, making him laugh quietly.

Once he was satisfied, he patted her shoulder, then circled around to his seat at the head of the table. "There. I've put your phone on a silent setting, so it shouldn't bother us for the rest of dinner. I expect you to finish your entire meal. And," he pointed his fork at her for emphasis, "I want your paws on the table at all times, where I can see them. This is a punishment, not a reward."

Belle nodded obediently, her face still the picture of confusion. The smooth phone case felt cool and soothing against her heated flesh, and once her brother started nattering on about his stupid school project, taking eyes off of her, it really wasn't so bad. Maybe the idea was just to embarrass her? If so, mission accomplished. But her father's eyes were still on her - waiting...

Suddenly, a pulse nearly made her jump out of her chair, gasping loudly. Her pussy was tingling as if electrified. It took her a second to piece together what had happened - her phone had vibrated! Her father must have put it on vibrate, and one of her friends had texted her!

She realized the rest of the family was staring again after her outburst, and her ears went back again as she sheepishly began shoveling food in her mouth. The sooner she finished eating, the sooner the punishment would be over and she could go to her room. She caught her father's amused look out of the corner of her eye and ducked her head lower.

It was only a few seconds before the phone buzzed against her again - and again. Oh, no - the other girls must have seen Sandra's stupid pics finally, and were telling her off in the group chat! Belle lost track of eating for a moment as her pussy pulsed, the vibrations teasing but obviously not enough to make her come, even as desperate as she was. The phone wasn't even touching her clit, mostly pressed against the puffy lips of her cunt, and each pulse of vibration from her friends' texts tingled into the depths of her young, horny tunnel like a teasing feather.

She came out of her daze and started eating again, even more urgently this time. Her vacant stare had caught her father's eye, and he was openly grinning now. Belle managed several more forkfuls of casserole, stoically ignoring the occasional, fleeting buzz against her crotch.

But soon her pussy started rebelliously demanding her attention. Starved for sensation as long as it had been, and fueled as it was by young teen hormones, the random and unpredictable vibrations were making it incredibly excited. Belle's paw tightened on her fork as she felt her entire pussy clench and pulse on a pseudo-orgasm, small tingles of pleasure spreading out from her core that only served to make her more desperate for the real thing. She nearly yelped as her phone immediately buzzed again, and realized she was rocking her hips slightly, pressing down against her phone. This made the buzzing even more intense, but she knew without a doubt that she could never come this way; the vibrations were too short and far apart. Each one just caught her unawares, shaking apart her mind and leaving squirming desperately. She could feel her phone was starting to get very slippery under her.

Belle shook her head to clear it, resolutely focusing back on her plate. She wasn't going to come, even if her body obviously expected differently. The only way to put a stop to this torture would be to finish her dinner and ask daddy to put her belt back on. She shoved another bite of food in her mouth - her plate was over halfway clear now - and the next bite was halfway to her mouth, when it happened.

Her phone vibrated again, but not a short buzz like the texts she had been feeling. It was several short, sharp pulses, then a long vibration lasting several seconds, before the pattern repeated again. Belle froze, waiting for it to stop, struggling to keep control of herself, but it wasn't stopping - someone must be calling her, she realized in a flash, maybe that bitch Sandra to tell her off for her insults earlier. By the time it abruptly stopped, Belle was panting, her mouth hanging open. It must have only been a few minutes, but it had felt like ages.

And then it started again. Belle moaned, unable to stop herself, and dropped her fork and knife on the table, barely stopping herself from reaching for her shuddering pussy. She kept her paws on the table, fisting the tablecloth, and pressed her hips down as hard as possible, mashing her desperate cunt against the vibrating phone. Each long pulse seemed to bring her closer to the brink of orgasm, the short pulses in between pushing it further away again, but she was getting closer and closer, breathing heavily and rocking her hips eagerly. By this point, Belle had forgotten entirely that she was being punished, her pussy convinced it was being deliciously rewarded.

Before long, Bell was gasping loudly as each long pulse broke off, her pussy clasping and fluttering as the short interrupting pulses took her a bit back from the edge. Her hips were rotating now more than rocking, her back arching as she tried to present herself on instinct, but lifting herself off the seat would take her further away from the source of her pleasure. The next long pulse made her shiver all over, bringing her right to the brink, her hips tightening around the wide chair seat - she whimpered as it ended, digging her blunt claws into the tablecloth, she was almost there, just one more time -

It took her several seconds to realize the next pulse wasn't coming. Whoever was calling her had hung up. She actually sobbed out loud, her pussy still twitching expectantly, anticipating satisfaction. She looked over to her father desperately, knowing he was the one who was in charge of her getting that satisfaction. "Daddy!" she pleaded, rocking her hips in short, uncontrollable bursts against the now-still phone.

Her father chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, alright, I suppose you've learned your lesson." He stood up, and for a moment she hoped he might take pity and get her off - she didn't even mind if it was in front of her brother and sister, now - but her heart sank as he picked up her chastity belt again. Nevertheless, she stood up obediently, blushing as she felt the wetness between her legs cooling in the air. He locked the belt back on her and gave her a gentle pat on the rear.

"Mind that you're more respectful in the future. I don't expect to see that phone at the table again, unless you want another punishment." She nodded obediently, and he picked up her phone, handing it over to her. "Now, you'd better go dry this off before it gets damaged." Belle nodded again and scurried to her room, trying to ignore the way her pussy was now throbbing furiously at being denied. She didn't know when she'd be rewarded next, so it would be best to just put it out of her mind.

Amy - Chapter 6 [Incomplete]

_ **Edit: So, the whole second half of this totally disappeared?** Sorry y'all, I don't know what happened! I'm leaving this bit up for now in case anyone enjoys it as is...I'm kind of upset that several hours of work just disappeared, probably my...

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Audrey pt 1

_Slavery and sex with an underage character (not quite cub) below. Proceed with caution._ _No, there's no first part that you missed. At least not one that I've put on paper yet._ * * * Audrey moaned in pleasure as the rabbit buck's strong fingers...

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Amy - Chapter 5

_I told you there was more of this story to come, eh? Heh...come._ _If you are not familiar with the earlier parts of this story, please be advised this is **cub porn** , i.e. sexual fantasy including an **underage/minor/child** protagonist._ * *...

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