Audrey pt 1

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Slavery and sex with an underage character (not quite cub) below. Proceed with caution.

No, there's no first part that you missed. At least not one that I've put on paper yet.

Audrey moaned in pleasure as the rabbit buck's strong fingers dug into the soft fur and tense muscle of her thighs, keeping her legs spread wide. His tongue passed over her folds again, and then again, each stroke sending a slow roll of warm pleasure through her that built on the last, until they were barely distinguishable from one another, just a long, slow throb of heat. She moved to rock against his face, tried to tell him, enough teasing, she was ready to come, so ready...but the words wouldn't come out...his hands, hard as steel, holding her hips almost immobile, and his tongue was coming lighter and lighter, fading - no - she was so close -


Audrey awoke with a hoarse gasp, realizing all at once that she had been drifting, dreaming. The desperate throb in her pussy followed her into reality, as the hands of her handsome buck transformed into the steel cuffs keeping her spread-eagled on the odd seat she had been imprisoned on. It was fashioned from a barrel, she was certain, from the shape, but it had been covered with a layer of cushion and leather to make it more comfortable; a seam ran across the top, intentionally she thought, as it pressed constantly against her clit, driving her mad even now. Her master said it was necessary - for the breeding to occur. He needed her to be receptive to whatever rabbit he found to breed her, and he had been made to understand that her arousal would make her more fertile, and she would bear him more valuable kits. He had explained all of this when he first bade her climb onto this torture device, yesterday - no, wait -

How long? How long had she been unconscious, before the ache in her pussy had dragged her back into the waking world? How long had she been down here? Hard to tell, but this was the first time she had passed out, so surely not more than twenty-four hours? At least, she was difficult to think beyond the need and the heat between her legs. She had cooled enough to sleep, of course, but her dream had gotten her worked up again just as surely as if her master had been working her over again. She could feel an almost torturous fluttering in her pussy, as if it were about to come if only she could get even a finger inside.

She let out a heartfelt groan of frustration, and started desperately rocking against the saddle-horse, with the tiny range of movement she was afforded. The movement was barely enough to tease her again, but as close as she was, she felt almost as if she could get off like this - maybe if she just kept going, if she pressed longer and harder against it - she was so very close -

Audrey became so focused on her need that she didn't hear her master's footsteps on the stone announcing his arrival. She nearly jumped out of her skin as the heavy dungeon door scraped open, revealing the tall wolf - much larger than her; all carnivores were larger than rabbits, although she had heard that one day they may be the same size, just as wolves and dogs had grown when they reached sentience. Rabbits were younger to civilization, and had further to go, in the size department. As it was, she was an adult - well, adult enough; she was 17 - but she was only half the height of her master, not counting her long ears, currently pressed against her back tightly, eyes wide in startled fear.

She simply stared at him for a moment, and he stared back, eyes roving over her naked body. Before she could collect herself enough to greet him - not that she was certain what to say now; her training in table service had never included any protocols for this sort of situation - he stepped closer, eyes still roaming over her almost hungrily. He placed a large paw on her back, rubbing between her shoulders, then brushed the fur down her back, petting her. She couldn't stop herself from shivering in response to the contact, warm tingles flooding out from her spine, and her knees gripped the hobby-horse between her legs. When he continued to say nothing but instead started scratching gently at the base of her tail with his claws, she gasped in a breath, shuddering, and finally managed to speak.

"Master, I - I apologize, but how much longer must this go on? I really - it's - I fear I won't be able to tolerate it much longer!"

At her words, the wolf let out a low, rumbling laugh. "Oh, is that so?" He brushed his paw up her back again. "Well, I suppose you will be happy to hear I have found you a buck. He is on his way here from Lord Fairbank's manor."

"Oh - that is a relief, Master, truly -" Audrey's words broke into an odd whine as her master's paw trailed around her front, tickling the fur on her belly, making her clit twitch hopefully. She missed the broad, almost cruel grin on her master's face.

"I suppose that it is. You've lost much of your composure, Audrey. Don't worry, I don't consider that to reflect on you; my methods have been working well." He moved his paw down to her thigh, observing how Audrey reacted now even to his voice, her back arching in a way that was clearly beyond her control. "Now, we should be sure you are prepared to take him inside you."

"Take - oh - " Audrey blushed, the red glow showing faintly beneath her light fur. "M-master, forgive me, but I do believe I can handle that now without - much problem." But her master shook his head.

"Now, it wouldn't do to have you throw yourself in too enthusiastically, or him to do the same, and have you be injured." He held up the object in his hand, which Audrey had failed to catch proper sight of before. It was a long - glass - well it appeared to be - she blushed even deeper, staring at it. It must be a glass penis. Not that she had yet seen the flesh and blood kind, or at least not in - such a ready state - but it looked to match the organ. The bottom flared into a flat base on a bit of an edge. As her master moved to unlock her manacles, her eyes tracked the glass object. Did he mean to put - that - inside her? The idea made her stomach twist and flutter with nervousness, but lower still, her cunny clenched in anticipation.

She yelped as her legs finally came free and dangled down, putting more weight momentarily on her crotch and pressing it harder against the teasing seam in the leather; then her master wrapped one great arm around her, scooping her up as easily as he would a child, and he carried her to the small cot in the corner of the dungeon. He deposited her there, leaving her hands tied as they were behind her back, and wasted no time in bending her forward. She gasped, but didn't dare object, even as she felt the cold of glass pressing against her - would it even fit? She had only ever pressed a finger or two inside of herself, never something this large - then it was in, and in, and in, sliding home inside of her until the flared bottom was flush against her pussy lips. At first it was almost anticlimactic...and then her master let go of the base, and the simple weight of the glass inside of her overcame her senses. It was exquisite, beautiful pressure, right in all the places her cunt had been aching for all this time. She let out a stuttering gasp, panting roughly into the soft bedsheets as her face was pressed into them, and her hips twitched several times without her permission, humping against the air. Even these small movements made the glass rod jog inside her, pressing in slightly different and infinitely maddening ways, and she let out several quiet and desperate squeaks, shifting her legs against one another and then pressing her knees together, trying to stimulate her clit. All thought of her Master or his job for her had washed from her mind, leaving only the wonderful pleasure of the object inside her, and her body's crushing need to come.

Her Master grabbed hold of the base again, and she gasped sharply, almost a sob, at once remembering him and also tingling in anticipation - and he twisted it slowly, shocking her; the slight curve she had not seen with her eyes when she looked at the object, but now she could feel it, pressing into her, making her gasp again, and again, each sound becoming louder and more voiced, a series of desperate squeaks. Her knees parted again instinctively, thighs trembling with anticipation, her body convinced it was about to be soundly fucked. Even as he released the object again, she remained this way, dizzy from the blood rushing to her head and unable to think of anything but the tremble of her cunt around the false penis.

For some time, he left her like this - how long, she was not sure, dazed and desperate; she was aware of the time passing slowly, or perhaps quickly, in a haze, drifting in and out of fantasies of being fucked by this mysterious buck, or by her Master himself; coming to to find herself rolling and twitching her hips, humping at the air, the glass bouncing inside of her. She felt as if her sanity had left her, replaced only by this throbbing, hot need between her thighs.

When her master returned, she was lucid enough to anticipate it when he touched her, feeling the warmth of his paw under her belly before she felt the brush against her fur. The light contact made her twitch, hips shifting again, despite her attempt to control herself. Then, without warning, her master pressed his hand against her belly, putting pressure on the object where it was inside of her - pressing it even harder into the sensitive walls of her virgin cunt - she was overwhelmed with desperation and sensation, letting out a series of "oh - oh - oh -" sounds that devolved into desperate, yelping grunts, almost as if she had been injured. Then her hips took over and she shoved down against his hand once - twice - and then he took it out from under her, grabbing her instead by the tail, and she wailed, the waves of orgasm fizzling just at the top of her spine, entire body shaking as she panted, cunt clenching on the object inside of her with unbearable desperation, her body not comprehending that the orgasm that had been less than a second away had been snatched out from under her.

"M-master - Master, please, I must - I -" she babbled desperately when she finally regained her words, then latched onto an idea. "You - you said I shall be more likely to conceive if I reach pleasure when I - when this buck enters me? Well - if I were to - if you were to bring me to the peak now, perhaps it would make my body more ready - and I promise I shall be able to again once he is inside me, after all you have done to ensure I am prepared for him." She turned her head to the side to look up at him, hopeful, but the grin he gave her was unfamiliar and almost frightening.

"My beautiful Audrey. I fear I may have been a bit dishonest with you. In fact - from my research - it seems you, as a rabbit doe, will be at your most fertile when you are on the cusp of orgasm, and not nearly as much afterwards." He continued to grin down at her, brushing his paw over her ears and waiting for those words to sink in, then continued. "So it certainly wouldn't do to have you come now. And in fact, it is probably not in our interest to allow you to come while he is mating you, either. Don't you think?"

He brushed his hand lightly down her back as Audrey stared at him, struggling to process what he had said - or at least communicate it to her body, still so certain that she was about to come any moment now. "But - not even - Master - but then...when?"

He laughed again, the low rumble not a comfort as it had been to her. "I suppose when your part in our breeding program is complete. You will certainly have earned your pleasure by then." With a final pat on her exposed behind, he left the room again, closing the door behind himself and leaving her to consider her future.

Audrey pt 2

_Slavery and sex with an underage character (not quite cub) below. Proceed with caution. Yes, I know it's been literally years since part 1. Sorry!_ * * * During the two days leading up to Audrey's scheduled mating, she walked a tightrope between...

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Amy - Chapter 5

_I told you there was more of this story to come, eh? Heh...come._ _If you are not familiar with the earlier parts of this story, please be advised this is **cub porn** , i.e. sexual fantasy including an **underage/minor/child** protagonist._ * *...

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_This story contains cub porn and feral/zoophilia fantasy subjects. I do not, **under any circumstances** , condone sexual relationships with minors or with nonhuman animals. That's what fantasy porn is for, folks, don't fuck up someone else's life...

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