Amy - Chapter 5

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I told you there was more of this story to come, eh? Heh...come.

If you are not familiar with the earlier parts of this story, please be advised this is cub porn , i.e. sexual fantasy including an underage/minor/child protagonist.

The next morning, Amy almost considered faking sick to get out of school. She still wasn't entirely sure what had happened the day before - or how she felt about it - but she had the feeling, somewhere deep in her gut, that she and Mr. Ericson were up to something that they shouldn't be doing. Something that would get her in trouble, and probably embarrass her parents terribly if anybody found out.

And it didn't help that she was still in heat. It was going on four days now, longer than the two previous heats she had weathered, and she did remember the doctor saying that they would start short and might get longer as she grew, but this was already difficult enough! Her need had been temporarily sated by her orgasm the night before - not that she knew the name for it; only that she had woken feeling mostly relieved, and then guilty, and hadn't come downstairs to face her parents for dinner, instead choosing to go to bed hungry. But by morning the now-familiar ache had returned, and she could have sworn it was even stronger for it, now that she knew what exactly it was her little cunny was demanding, what kind of pleasure it wanted. The need seemed more well-defined now, an emptiness in that hole she had barely explored, throbbing and begging to be filled.

The urge to stay home sick was a strong one. Especially tempting when she considered that staying home would mean not having to lock up her nethers in the cold metal of the chastity belt! But in the end, she just couldn't lie to her parents - and there was her perfect attendance record to think about. So she choked down some of her breakfast, trying to put memories of her little meeting with Mr. Ericson out of her mind, and forget about the magazine he had lent her. She had stuck the magazine into her backpack again, prepared to return it later - surely he wanted it back.

She carefully selected her seat on the ride to school, and it was tolerable. She buried her muzzle in a book to distract herself, and for a brief time, was able to almost forget about the unseemly and demanding state of her cunny. She also forgot entirely about the homework she had failed to complete the night before - again! - and her plan to do it on the school bus...oops. Her stomach dropped as she slunk into her seat in class and spotted other students around her pulling their worksheets out to hand in. But when Mr. Ericson came around to collect the work, he didn't scold her; instead, he gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder and said, "see me after class so we can discuss that...extra assignment." Amy blushed and slunk lower in her seat, trying to ignore the flash of heat in her stomach, a combination of embarrassment and arousal that made her want to squirm.

The hours seemed to pass all too quickly today; she felt alternatively anxious and excited for the bell drawing ever nearer. Her arousal was growing again, not as urgent, but just as demanding of her attention. It occurred to her to wonder if Mr. Ericson wanted to do the sort of things with her - that were depicted in that magazine; she wasn't sure how to feel about that, but the idea made her pussy clench in its metal prison. She tried to push the thought away, aching for the relief she had felt the night before.

Finally, the ring of the bell startled her out of her thoughts. Her classmates sprang out of their desks, excited to get out into the sun and enjoy their afternoon; Amy's movements were more sluggish, hesitantly tucking her books back in her bag and glancing at her teacher out of the corner of her eye. Mr. Ericson was standing at the door, wishing the students a good day and cautioning them not to run too quickly on their way out. As the last one passed him, he closed the door, then turned to look at Amy. She hesitated by her desk before walking to him slowly, meeting him at his desk at the front of the room.

"Did you enjoy the literature I shared with you?" The fox's grin showed several sharp teeth. Amy swallowed, then nodded, blushing through her fur. She dug the magazine out of her bag and held it out to him.

"I - that is, it was - um, thank you. H-here." She stuttered through her words, unsure of how to describe the sensations she had discovered, or whether Mr. Ericson really wanted to hear about it. It probably wasn't normal for a girl her age, just like going into heat. But Mr. Ericson waved the magazine away as she tried to hand it to him.

"No, no, you can keep it. I have plenty of others." He considered her for a moment, then moved to sit in his desk chair, gesturing for her to come closer. Amy approached carefully, and at his further beckoning, moved around behind his desk; just standing back here reminded her of their - activities - the day before, and she felt her face heat further, her pussy seeping. Mr. Ericson's nostrils flared as one of her knees brushed against his.

"It seems your heat still hasn't ended. Poor puppy." He frowned at her sympathetically. "If you like, we can play together again. Like we did yesterday. Even with your belt on, there are many more things we can do together."

Amy's breaths came a bit more shallow, ears pricking forward. She realized her mouth was open and she was panting a bit. After a few moments, her curiosity and the throb in her pussy won her over. What other things could they do together? His smell was intoxicating. She nodded her head slowly and moved closer, shyly putting a hand on his leg. She squeaked when he wrapped one of his arms around her, bodily tugging her up into his lap and arranging her legs so they were spread around his waist. The sudden warmth of his body against hers made her shiver, and she was extremely conscious of her stiff nipples rubbing against his shirt through the thin fabric of her own.

"I feel like we focused too much on me yesterday. That was selfish of me." Mr. Ericson's voice was a low murmur, and the words washed over her; she wasn't able to concentrate very well, his scent enveloping her now. His hand was stroking her thigh, and then he was rolling up her skirt, exposing more and more of her young legs, until eventually the glinting metal of her chastity belt was revealed. He tsked quietly.

"No panties on over your belt, hmm?" He didn't really sound angry, but she flushed with embarrassment anyways, and tried to explain.

"Well - they just get all wet, and - it c-covers everything anyway..." she trailed off as Mr. Ericson slid one of his own fingers into his mouth, sucking on it thoroughly. He shook his head as he pulled his claw back out of his mouth.

"Not everything." Before she could ask him what he meant, he slid one hand under her behind, lifting her up slightly and spreading her cheeks - she shuddered and squirmed as cold air against her pucker made her shiver - and then he placed his saliva-wet claw right against it, against her hole! She felt the sensitive sphincter shudder in shock, and she gasped, kicking her feet a bit.

"M- Mr. Eri-" she tried to protest, but he started circling his claw around her pucker, and she gasped sharply, overcome by the sensation. It wasn't like anything she had felt before, and the feeling was shooting straight through her, making her want more. But the devious fox just continued to lightly brush his blunt claw in circles on the delicate flesh, almost tickling her, giving her time to really feel it - feel how the shocks in her anus began to translate to shocks in her pussy, despite the complete lack of stimulation in that critical area of her anatomy. She finally let out a low, stuttering whine, her knees squeezing a bit around the larger fox's waist. He chuckled.

"Are you ready for more?" he questioned. She nodded eagerly, her brain clouded with the sensation of his claw against her ass, the twinge it caused in her pussy, and the scent of an aroused male so near to her. She didn't have any idea what was coming next, and when he slowly began to sink his finger into her, she yelped in shock. At first she tried to pull away, but he gripped her ass more firmly with his other hand and kept pushing, until the first knobby knuckle on his finger was swallowed by her virgin pucker and suddenly the sensation changed from unpleasant to something so very good. She squirmed again, this time pressing down against his finger, her chest heaving as she felt her cunny clench desperately on the empty air. He pressed more of his finger into her, and she gasped and shuddered, her hips moving without conscious thought, moving just on instinct as she rocked on his hand.

Finally, his finger was in her as far as it was going to go, although Amy showed no sign of understanding that, still squirming and pressing hard against his hand as if trying to get it deeper into her. The teacher crooned to her quietly to calm her, the thumb of his hand rubbing soothing circles in the fur of her thigh. "I know, it feels good, hmm?" he murmured quietly, and she nodded frantically, squirming her hips back and forth. It felt so good, incredibly good, so alike and yet so different from the pleasure she had felt the night before while exploring her other hole. She wondered vaguely if he would be able to make her reach that peak again, toying with her asshole like this - then Mr. Ericson began to move his finger, gently curling it inwards, pressing against the fleshy wall inside of her. She yelped aloud as she felt the corresponding pressure deep in her cunny, and she went very still, her back arching automatically.

The fox laughed in delight, curling his finger more, until it was almost perpendicular; he knew he was nowhere near her g-spot, and that was by design. He wanted to show her the pleasures of penetration in this alternative spot, show her how it was so close to her cunt that he could practically make her feel as though he was inside that hole for all that it was locked away. But he did not want to make her cum like this, with only his finger inside her. Better to leave her aching for more, and maybe soon she would be begging for his cock in her ass all on her own.

He continued to stroke and press against her insides for awhile more, careful not to overstimulate her or bring her near to cumming. Finally, as she began to grow used to the feeling and seek even more by grinding down on his hand again, he slowly pulled his finger out, making her whimper.

"I think that's enough for today," he said quietly. The wolf pup panted, looking up at him desperately. Her ass felt unbearably empty now, the muscles fluttering, and her cunny was absolutely soaking wet, clenching and drooling in its prison.

"I - but - oh," she managed. He gave her hindquarters a light, affectionate rub, and her legs squeezed him again lightly in response; then she started to come to herself a bit again, and she climbed down from his lap unsteadily and began righting her skirt.

"I know you were enjoying yourself, but it's getting rather late. Your parents will worry," he explained kindly. "You should hurry on home."

At his words, Amy glanced at the clock over the chalkboard; her eyes widened as she saw the time, and she nodded in agreement, hurrying out of the classroom, her gait a bit wide as she tried to keep from rubbing her swollen pussy lips against the inside of the belt. The older fox grinned as he watched her go. Yes, it wouldn't be long now before he would have his cock buried in that tight body.

Amy - Chapter 6 [Incomplete]

_ **Edit: So, the whole second half of this totally disappeared?** Sorry y'all, I don't know what happened! I'm leaving this bit up for now in case anyone enjoys it as is...I'm kind of upset that several hours of work just disappeared, probably my...

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_This story contains cub porn and feral/zoophilia fantasy subjects. I do not, **under any circumstances** , condone sexual relationships with minors or with nonhuman animals. That's what fantasy porn is for, folks, don't fuck up someone else's life...

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Amy - Chapter 4

_This chapter is much shorter than Chapter 3, yes. I couldn't find a better way to break it. Sorry! Hopefully it's just as satisfying. And no, this is not necessarily the end of the story._ _Beware cub porn ahead!_ It wasn't until Amy was...

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