Camellia Pt. 3 - The Kids

Story by do_the_math on SoFurry

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Camellia earns a reward, but it isn't quite what she was hoping for.

Please read previous chapters for warnings.

After her eventful first day, the next few weeks of Camellia's service to Master Bryant passed fairly uneventfully. She looked after the children during the day, and at supper time, her master would come down and eat with them before putting the children to bed while Camellia went to her room.

The children were mostly well-behaved. The youngest, Bella, was sometimes a brat and had trouble sharing. But really, they weren't much trouble.

The main trouble was, well, her own needs.

During her time at the Cloister, her locked-up pussy had only been an occasional bother. Embarrassing sensations, frustrating dreams, and distraction had all been a part of her life, but now, after her dinner with Master Bryant and his friends, it was overwhelming. Often, she would be sitting with the kids and be overcome with a fantasy - often something lewd and inappropriate, like how good it would feel to sit on Bella's rocking horse without her belt on and grind her clit into the polished wood, or how she could fit the dull, slightly rounded handle of her butter-knife inside herself if she only had access. These fantasies would consume her, making her insides flutter and pulse. Sometimes at night she would wake sobbing and rocking her hips, desperately humping her mattress in a way she hadn't done since she was young and just going through puberty.

And whenever her master was around, it was worse. She could feel his presence as if he were inside her, as if his tongue had worked its way up her skirts again. Just sitting beside him at the dinner table had her cunt clenching and working on the air.

He had his friends over again, after that first night, and there were more tests, but none of them even involved taking her belt off, and she simply couldn't pass them. He made her stand on her toes for as long as possible, and it wasn't long enough. He introduced her to orally pleasuring him, but she couldn't bring him off within the time limit. (He did let her finish him off after. His penis was very similar to his tongue, long and flexible, and it seemed to have a mind of its own; it curled and pressed into her mouth, rubbing against her soft palette. She was unable to sleep that night, imagining over and over again the feeling of having that member inside of her, pressing against the hot folds of her cunny.)

Finally, one Sunday afternoon, after she had tried - and failed - to masturbate him to climax within the time limit, he guided her to his room instead of her own after the guests left.

"I have something for you," he explained. "A gift."

She didn't know what kind of gift it might be. She followed him silently into his room. She had been here a few times before - it was much larger than her own, and his bed was enormous. More than big enough for the two of them, her mind insisted. She would never say that out loud, of course.

There was a small box sitting on the bed right now. Her master closed the door behind her, and walked over to it. "Take your dress off, please."

She pulled her dress up over her head obediently, and hung it carefully over a chair. Anticipation was beginning to build within her, even as she told herself not to get her hopes up. She had failed test after test; she hadn't earned an orgasm yet. Maybe a ruined one again. She ached even for that.

Her master turned, and held up - a new chastity belt. But this one was different. There was a small protrusion inside, about the length and width of one of her own small fingers. In front of it was a very short sort of y-shaped nub. She couldn't imagine the purpose, but the sight made her blush.

"The children say you've been making them very happy, and I thought that deserved a reward. Well, maybe this isn't a reward in itself. It's a chance to earn a reward," he said. She felt a bit crestfallen. Another test? He pulled the key out of his pocket and walked over to unlock her belt. She was fairly soaked, all over her privates and between her thighs; she usually was, now, but it was the first time she had had her belt off since that first day. She couldn't help letting out a small whine. He smiled gently.

"Yes, I'm sure it's becoming very difficult for you. Perhaps this will make things a bit easier. Come here."

He steered her over to the bed and directed her to kneel on her hands and knees, sticking her butt in the air. It exposed her so much, and yet, she found she was mostly over her embarrassment, especially in front of him. Her clit twitched against the cold air, seeking pressure and sensation. She kept her legs spread carefully to avoid aggravating it any further.

He brushed a hand up her thigh and she jumped. "This will feel quite good, I'm sure. Please keep still," he instructed. She nodded and closed her eyes.

The first thing she felt was something small and rounded poking at her pussy lips. It took her a moment to realize that it must be that thing inside the new chastity belt. She gasped quietly at the feeling, and at the realization that this thing would be inside of her - all the time!

Her master pressed it in slowly and carefully. The smooth glide made her moan. There was a slight taper towards the bottom, allowing her entrance to close just a bit around it, which made it press up just against that spot inside of her, that tight knot that often throbbed like a second clit. She whimpered quietly, and her thighs shook with the effort not to thrust and grind her hips.

As her master fully fitted the chastity belt to her, another point of contact became extremely important. That little y-shaped nub was pressing directly against her clit, cupping it gently at the base. Her clit began to pulse, flutter, and twitch wildly, and she let out a low moan. Her master stopped touching her for a moment, and she whimpered pitifully as the light sparks of the almost-orgasm faded into nothing.

"That's alright, good girl," he murmured, and finished tightening the straps. They were a more comfortable nylon, and didn't dig into her legs and waist as much. He patted her lightly on the rump. "All set." She rolled over to sit on the bed and looked up at him with round eyes. The movement just barely shifted the little stick inside of her - the chastity belt was fitted to her perfectly, just like her old one. The intrusion was teasing, but she no longer felt like she was about to come. This was going to be even more distracting, though! How was it supposed to help?

Her master chuckled at the look on her face. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. "There's a specialized app that comes with this belt," he explained. "There are two different vibrators in the belt. Now, I'm fairly sure you've never felt a vibrator before." She shook her head. "Alright. Here's a little taste for you." He tapped on his phone screen, and suddenly, her cunny was alive with a tickling, burning sensation. She gasped and began to thrust her hips, unable to help herself - it was going to make her come, in just a moment, she was almost there - the sensation stopped. She whined, and her master chuckled again. "Careful, now. The other vibrator is in the bit against your clit. I think if we test that out now, it would be too much. But you see the potential." She nodded reluctantly, and he continued. "Of course, I could use this to reward you at any time I wish. But tomorrow morning, I'll be downloading the app onto Charles' phone, as well."

Camellia's eyes went wide. Charles, his son, would be able to turn the thing on? "But, sir," she gasped. "He'll - he might make me -"

Master Bryant nodded seriously. "He might. And that's fine. I'll explain to both the children that this should only be used to reward you. If they see fit to give you a reward, then that's fine."

She nodded, mouth agape. The idea of the children giving her orgasms was both humiliating and enthralling. She really wanted it to be her master - but she needed it so badly...

"Alright. I'll see you at breakfast," Master Bryant said. She took this as a dismissal, and grabbed her dress before hurrying back to her room. By the time she got into bed, her nethers were still tingling and itching from her brief introduction to the vibrator. She shifted her hips, experimentally, and let out a quiet huff of frustration and pleasure at the tiny sensation she got from the movement.

She knew it was wrong, but she had to try. She climbed onto her hands and knees, and began thrusting against the air. She moved her hips slowly at first, then faster. The little stick rubbed just the slightest bit against her insides, but it was more sensation than she'd felt in weeks, and her cunny was desperate for it. She clenched down around it, trying to get more sensation, but that just made it stop moving inside her. She buried her face in her pillow and moaned in frustration, then collapsed on her stomach and humped hard into the mattress. She was getting pleasure, a soothing slide within her heated folds, but it wasn't enough to get her even close to the edge. Finally, sweaty and exhausted, she gave up and fell asleep.

Breakfast was humiliating. She stared down at her eggs while Master Bryant showed the app to Charles and Bella, and explained to them how it worked. He didn't tell them what it was hooked up to; instead, he explained that pressing the controls would reward her for pleasing them, and that turning the power up would reward her more. Charles seemed uninterested at first, but Bella immediately wanted to try it out. She grabbed the phone from her brother and gave it a tap. Immediately, the bit inside Camellia began to buzz away, and Camellia yelped. Master Bryant reached over and tapped the phone to turn it off.

"Now, Bella, remember this is a very good reward. We can't give it to her too often. Alright?"

Bella pouted, but nodded. Charles was looking at Camellia with more interest now. Camellia looked away, blushing. Both her cunt and her clit pulsed for the rest of the meal.

From that point on, Camellia was always very aware of the little stick inside her and the nub against her clit. She could feel them all the time, the gentle prod and cradle of silicone, providing just enough sensation to keep her grounded while also reminding her of the possibility of more.

But more was not forthcoming immediately. Bella wanted to play with the app frequently, but Charles didn't let her touch it. Not until a full week later, when they were all stuck in the play room on a rainy day, playing tea party. Bella was cranky from the bad weather, and starting to get tired of the tea party, when Charles made a proposal.

"Let's play Simon Says!"

"I don't like Simon Says," Bella pouted, kicking at the legs of the play-table.

"You'll like it this time. We don't have to do anything. We'll just tell Camellia what to do," Charles said. Bella looked more interested at this. Camellia stood up, very happy to be told what to do if it meant keeping Bella from a tantrum. But then Charles took out his phone and said, "and we can give her rewards for it." Bella's eyes lit up.

"Okay! Umm, umm," Bella bounced in her seat, then said, "Simon Says...Camellia gives me a piggy-back ride!"

Camellia picked Bella up obediently and seated the girl on her back, then walked around with her. Bella squealed in delight, then said, "oink, piggy, oink!"

Camellia made oinking sounds obediently. Immediately, Charles fiddled with his phone, and it started. A slow buzz inside her - the same low setting that master had introduced her to before, but now she was more used to the intrusion. And it wasn't a continuous buzz, this time. It slowly pulsed in and out, fading and then returning. She felt her knees wobble a little, and gently dropped Bella back to the floor.

"Simon Says...stand on your head!" Bella said.

Camellia hesitated. "I haven't done that before," she admitted, looking to Charles. Charles just shrugged and stared back at her.

So she moved over to the wall, and tried to lean herself into a headstand against it. Bella ran around in circles and demonstrated for her, throwing herself into headstands with the ease of a small child. Camellia eventually, with much exertion, managed to walk herself up the wall and get her knees over her head. Her dress, of course, began to come down, but she maintained the wobbly headstand against the wall.

Until the pattern of pulses inside her changed. It became more rapid, almost hammering her with sensation. She gasped and fell to the side, then found herself crouched, with her behind in the air, overcome with sensation. Her hips twitched and rocked as she tried to chase the pulses, but the build inside her was so slow. Maybe, if they kept playing for long enough -

Bella jumped onto her back. "Horsey! Horsey!"

The sensation inside her switched off. Camellia stifled the urge to whine, and looked over to where Charles was sitting. The boy was staring at her with a calculating look.

After a moment, she began shuffling around on her hands and knees obediently for Bella. The vibrators didn't start again that day, but Camellia felt the phantom buzz inside her for hours after.

TBC in Pt. 4.

Camellia Pt. 4 - The Shopping Trip

_This is the final part, as far as I have it planned. Maybe we'll see more of Camellia in the future. See previous chapters for warnings._ * * * It was a nice Friday morning when Charles proposed the shopping trip. "We can have the driver bring us...

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Camellia Pt. 2 - The Celebration

_All warnings for previous chapter apply here, too. Slavery, non-consensual sex, and sexual abuse of children._ * * * Once her master had stepped away, Camellia dared to take several minutes to explore her room. She didn't know what she would do with...

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Call Me

_Like usual, guys, beware cub porn - i.e. underage/paedophilia - and incest in this one as well. If it's not your thing, this story probably isn't going to be fun for you!_ * * * Belle, a 14-year-old bulldog, played idly with her phone as she waited...

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