Dads' and sons' contest

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#5 of Changing lives

The participation of Lucky in the last night makes him and his dad a aspirant team for a special and hot contest of fathers and sons where the winner not only will receive a gift, a night of fun with a lot of possibilities.

The next morning close the midday, Lucky and Pongo are in the living room playing around.

They pull a piece of cloth trying to snatch it from the other one while they growl of fun, but both stop the game when Anita gets out of the room while she still is naked and with her hands on his head.

"Such headache." She says with bother while she rubs her head lightly by the pain. She cannot believe that she would have drunk so much the previous night, Anita sits on the sofa.

She puts her hands between her legs and he rubs her slit lightly with the purpose of later on taking out her hand and seeing it. Her eyes open completely seeing the remains of the semen of Pongo.

"Pongo, naughty dog." Anita says looking at Pongo. He barks content and gets on the sofa to Anita's left side.

"Certainly you pounded my ass too, I have it in pain." She says caressing the head of Pongo. He pants content and licks Anita's left nipple. She moans smoothly.

"And Lucky...too?" Anita says shaking her head lightly having a blurred memory of what happened the previous night. Lucky climbs on the sofa and he also surprised Anita with one licked on her right nipple.

Pongo licks the left nipple and Anita separates to both dogs before getting up of the sofa.

"I do not know what happened the last night, but I need a bath. I have a lot to do today, and no time to play with a lustful dog and his pup, definitely it is the case." Anita says while she stretches her body and she goes to prepare her bath.

Lucky and his father look at each other before laughing below one's breath. They spend their time resting and watching television while they remain alone in the penthouse, Anita leaves them with enough food and water.

One hour after the evening while Pongo and Lucky are watching television, the door opens and Anita arrives. Lucky sees that she looks tired and something bothered.

"Who would think that having so much money gives so much work?" Anita says letting herself fall on the sofa. She takes her shoes off and drops them in the carpet of the living room before stretching her body permitting that blood flowed freely in her tiresome muscles.

Pongo and Lucky comes closer to get on the sofa and to lean on the cushions reclining their heads on the thighs of Anita. She caresses them with calm and softness for a couple of minutes before going to prepare her dinner.

Lucky and Pongo have a good time enjoying the aroma of food in the place and at suppertime they look at Anita whining, so she invites them a little. Both enjoy the stewed meat that Anita gives them.

After finishing dinner Anita still feels tired and she watches television one more hour before yawning and turning off the television heading to the bedroom. Lucky follows her and sees that she strips and she gets into bed.

The pup notices that she takes out a small bottle of sleeping pills from the bedside table and she takes one with some water before turning off the lamp and looking for a comfortable position to sleep.

Lucky looks at her and sees that his father also watches content to Anita, the pup knows that it would happen something and it would be perhaps other night of fun with the woman.

A half-hour later while Lucky sees from the balcony, his father comes closer and drop something at his side.

The eyes of the pup open completely seeing his pink collar at his side, he looks at his father. He smiles at him smoothly.

"We are going to take a walk and to have more fun." Pongo says winking at Lucky.

He gets surprised and with calm he takes his red collar off with the purpose of later on sliding the pink collar on his neck. Lucky does not know what his father has in mind, but he moves his tail content, the pup gets surprised seeing that the key for the elevator again hangs from the neck of his father.

"Let's move." Pongo says looking at Lucky and being heading for the door. Pongo opens the door without difficulty before pressing the elevator button.

Lucky and Pongo enter in it when it gets to their floor.

In a few minutes again they are the parking spot of the building, both get by the booth of the building and both again go deep into the streets of London walking with calm and care.

"Where do we go, dad?" Lucky asks looking at his father.

"To a special place." Pongo respond smiling smoothly at his pup that looks closely him.

"Do we go to the club?" Lucky asks with enthusiasm and again he moves his tail content.

He had enjoyed that place completely and he wished to return there.

"No to that one in particular, another one that is near and it is more interesting." Pongo responds in the meantime Lucky looks at confused and intrigued.

"You will see it." Pongo says placing his forepaw on the head of Lucky to stir his fur. Lucky moves away a little and Pongo smiles while both keep on walking.

Lucky recognizes streets for where they had passed the previous night, they pass near the alley of the club and when he looks in the alley. Lucky notices that the guards dogs were not there.

The club was closed for his disappointment, but he keeps on walking with his father.

They go over some streets before to enter in a park that is poorly illuminated, a lot of street lamps are off and some lights twinkle intermittently. There is garbage watered in the ground.

Lucky and Pongo see a black Labrador retriever dog to a lot of meters to the distance looking for something to eat in a turned over garbage can. The dog looks at them and smiles doing a gesture that Pongo responds with one the motion of the head and smiling.

It is a place totally desolated, his father leads it toward a sector of several trees and shrubs. Pongo and Lucky make way between the shrubs to an open space, Lucky faces the surroundings and do not understand that it happens.

"What do we make here?" Lucky asks looking at his father. He smiles smoothly and takes a rock that and he uses it to hit the ground three times. Lucky rapidly perceives a hollow sound when the rock hits the ground.

Apparently there is an empty space. Lucky's eyes open when the ground rises up and the head of an Irish setter appears by little trap that Lucky had not noticed before.

The dog looks around and he gets out from under the ground to open a wooden door. Lucky observes with surprise some stairs made of stone that lead to the subsoil. His father does him a facial expression and both begin to go down stair.

The dog follows them and closes the door to go down the stair and to sit at the feet of the stair to wait. Lucky and his father is in a corridor illuminated of improvised way.

The pup notices that walls and the floor are made of cement, it is an old place and there are cracks in the walls as well as some plants that grow between the cracks of the floor.

"Where are we, dad?" Lucky asks Pongo.

"It is an old dugout that the humans constructed during the last war, in order to protect themselves from the bombs." Pongo responds looking at Lucky. He nods in silence when having a more obvious idea from where they are.

Lucky listens again music and animate conversations, he sees a brilliant light at the end of the tunnel. Both arrive there and pass the entrance, Lucky gets surprised when he sees that the former refuge had been turned into a club of dogs too.

He has a central stage that is lightly illuminated in that moment and nobody is there.

He sees as many dogs chat and laugh while they drink a little bit of water or perhaps something like that, Lucky gets surprised seeing that also there are some pups with their parents.

Lucky sees that a Belgian sheepdog of black fur comes closer smiling, the pup rapidly acknowledges him as the dog which father was talking with yesterday before leaving the club.

"It makes me happy that you made it, we will begin in some moments." The dog says coming closer Pongo and Lucky.

"We would never lose the chance." Pongo says looking at Lucky. He nods without knowing of what to say exactly.

"Oh, this looks interesting." The dog says taking Lucky's license and raising it to see it a little better. Lucky gets ashamed lightly using this collar in this so public place, but his father gives him two soft pats on the shoulder with the purpose of later on smiling to him.

"Well we have an empty place." The dog says aiming at a cubicle that is at the right side of the stage. Pongo nods and he does a facial expression to Lucky in order that both head toward that place.

Lucky sees that a lot of dogs look closely at him and they smile in a friendly way while he passes near with his father. Lucky and Pongo head toward an open cubicle, there are others ones.

Lucky sees at the right side in other cubicle, he sees a Doberman dog and his pup that are sitting there. The father of the pup nuzzles him smoothly and smiles before moving his tail content.

The dalmatian pup and Pongo enter the cubicle and both lie on a little mattress. This fences in a corner an old and discolored chest.

"Why are we here?" Lucky asks with curiosity because to this moment he has no clue of what it happens. His father laughs smoothly and he does him a friendly facial expression.

"Today there is a contest of parents and children that enjoy our kind of fun." Pongo says looking at Lucky. He gets surprised and finally understands because the other pups are here.

"All of them?" Moving his tail content. He did not think that there were a lot of families like his and the one of Blaze.

"Yes, this is our space for the contest, we are going having fun with the guests that can be interested in our performance... maybe they will give some gold bones, and the team that accumulates more bones of the other dogs are the winner." Pongo says looking at Lucky that nods and looks enthusiastic though somewhat worried to make it with his father in so public place.

"I will handle the big cocks." Pongo says winking an eye to Lucky. He nods and he feels excited. Some moments later lights become extinguished and two spotlights illuminate on the stage where the Belgian sheepdog appears.

"Good night and welcome friends to another contest of parents and sons, for this night we have a succulent reward." The Belgian dog says smile and looking at the side of the stage.

Lucky opens his eyes with surprise when he sees one great cut of meat enough to feed four dogs. Everyone in the audience give a whistle of surprise that makes the Belgian dog smile content.

"Will we win it, won't we?" Pongo says winking an eye to Lucky. He nods with enthusiasm and moves his tail completely anxious to taste that flesh. Rolly would have a fit of envy seeing such juicy meat piece.

"As you know the winner will be who get more attention and bones before the final bell sounds in three hours." The dog says before the multitude of dogs bursts into approval.

The stage lights become extinguished and the softer lights that aim towards the cubicles are turn on. Lucky's and Pongo's bodies light up by the light of one of the spotlights that comes from roof.

Lucky rapidly gets shoved toward the crotch of his father. He does not lose a moment before beginning to lick his father's balls and sheath, his tongue moves on every one of the testicles.

The pup feels as the forepaw of his father catches his tail and raises it obliging Lucky to raise his ass on the air. Lucky licks and he starts working on the hole of the sheath of his father from a drop of precum leaks.

Lucky shakes when a toe wet in saliva touches his anus, he moans smoothly feeling as the toe moves circularly on his hole. Lucky manages to put his tongue's tip into the sheath.

He feels as heat surrounds his tongue and the tip touches the cock. Lucky moves his tongue the best that he can to touch the meat of his father, it begins to emerge and to push his tongue out.

Lucky moans when his father pushes a toe in his anus with calm, the pup feels like his hole with slowness opens to receive the toe. Lucky's groan is heard when Pongo begins to stretch his hole.

The tip of the penis of touches his mouth and opens it. Pongo moans when his pup begins to suck his member's tip with pleasure. The member grows quickly and it fills Lucky's mouth complete.

He sucks the delicious shaft with pleasure, the spurts of precum sprinkle his tongue and teeth in the meantime to his around is heard moans of pleasure of other all-comers. Lucky forgets that there is audience to his around and he concentrates in the sucking of the reproductive organ of his father.

His dad's other forepaw begins to massage his balls with calm and his penis keeps on sliding out of his sheath. His cock grows up and begins to release precum's squirts on the floor.

After some minutes Lucky whines with bother and refuses to release Pongo's penis when he pulls him, some dog laugh smoothly seeing as Lucky is upside down on the air without releasing his father's penis.

Pongo pulls him with a little more force to oblige him to release his cock.

"It seems that my little Bitch has not enough of my cock." Pongo says placing Lucky on the floor and he turns over seeing what happens. Lucky sees as the pup at in the next cubicle sucks the penis of his father that caresses him softly on the back.

Lucky already sees as two golden bones are set in his cubicle, he likes that in addition to see that some presents have erections. Pongo positions himself behind his pup and he gets comfortable.

His penis gets under the little tail and the tip touches Lucky's sphincter. He moans when his father begins to push. Pongo holds the hips of Lucky with force, the tip presses the sphincter with force.

Lucky moans with bother and pain at the moment that his hole opens to receive his father's cock. Pongo closes his eyes when his penis is squeezed by the anal walls of his son.

He pushes his penis slowly in Lucky. Lucky closes his eyes and he concentrates on what he feels in his ass, his passage stretches around the erection that fills him until the tip touches the passage bottom some moments later.

Pongo begins to move in Lucky with calm, he moans enjoying the anus of his pup. His member enters and goes out slowly, Lucky moans and sees at the other team to see as now the other pup also is in the same position.

His father fucks him with pleasure, the muscles of the dog get marked with clarity every time that he moves in his son.

Lucky looks at him a moment while he concentrates on his pleasure. His father pushes with a little more force.

"Do you like little bitch?" Pongo asks growling while he has his closed eyes.

"Yes... dad!" Lucky responds trying moving back to take more of the erection of his dad.

He listens to a strong groan before him and he opens his eyes, Lucky sees a great semen puddle in the floor to some centimeters of his paw.

A dog has his penis in his right forepaw while the last spurts of seed get out of his penis.

The dog opens his eyes and takes two browned bones to throw them into Lucky's cubicle, tightly on the two bones right now accumulated there.

Pongo begins to expedite his pushes growling with pleasure just like Lucky. He feels as the bottom of his anus is hit with more force and velocity. His penis rocks on the air without control.

His father suddenly stops and he pushes with force raising his ass on the air before his entrails take a bath of cum. Lucky moans and his cock shoots little spurts of seed on the floor.

His paws get wet while semen accumulates in his inside rapidly without being able to be contained in his body. Pongo's seed begins to ooze from the hole and to drip from the hard shaft of Pongo.

Pongo sees as two bones more other ones inside his pup, the two dogs that left them move to look for another spectacle.

Lucky moves and his father's penis slides out of his anus, when the member goes out her semen drips from his dilated hole forming a white puddle of cum that glistens by the light of the reflector over Pongo and Lucky.

They see that a Great Dane of dark fur approaches them coming out from the multitude while they heard moans of pleasure in other sectors. Lucky's eyes open completely seeing the erection of the dog.

It is enormous like the size of its owner. Lucky knew that a Great Dane dog is always privileged in the size in the crotch.

"That was great, but can you handle somewhat bigger, boy?" The dog says smiling and entering in the cubicle where Lucky can see as the hard big organ shines smoothly.

"He can help, but I will handle it." Pongo says looking at the dog. He looks at him and nods while his tail moves.

The Great Dane sits among of Pongo and Lucky the dog leans backwards leaning on the wall that stands behind at the same time that he opens his legs largely.

The action catches the attention of some dogs, they stop to see what shows promise to be a good spectacle. Lucky crosses over the right leg of the dog to see the erection that aims towards the roof.

Pongo smile and he sees to Lucky before bringing closer his snout to the dog's hard cock and beginning to caress it with the nose slowly. Lucky rapidly joins the actions of his father in the other half part of the cock.

His noses moves up and down in the hard member, the Great Dane moans smoothly, Lucky takes out his tongue to give licks at the meat. The taste is different like the one of each cock.

His father also begins to lick the erection, the dog's moans increases with each lick. Lucky sees as the precum slides down on the shaft, he licks it when he catches it using his nose.

It is hot and sticky, Lucky stands up on two legs to reach a highest sector of the member while his legs rest on the knot of the dog. Pongo licks the tip smoothly enjoying the taste.

He in few occasions he used to enjoy such a big cock, the anal muscles close with force when Pongo in his mind cannot wait to take that member in his ass.

Lucky joins his father to lick the tip, their tongues touch repeatedly and he gets surprised when his father kisses him having the member's tip in middle of their mouths. Lucky does not resist it.

The pup hears that more dogs growl of pleasure and for the corner of the eye he sees as a couple of bones join the other right now present in the cubicle. Lucky moves to place his legs on the floor and to begin to lick the big knot in the base.

His tongue moves with calm covering the whole knot with saliva, he feels as the Great Dane big forepaw begins to caress her head while he moans. Pongo opens his mouth and take the erection.

He sucks with pleasure enjoying the taste of meat and the precum that falls on his tongue, his head shakes slowly trying taking more of the masculinity of the dog.

Pongo sees as Lucky begins massaging and playing with the balls of the dog, their weight surprises the pup that needs his two forepaws for just raising one. Lucky continues licking the knot until his father takes the cock out from his mouth.

Lucky gets surprised a little when the dog catches him and he puts him on his erection, he reclines his hind paws on the knot and his forepaws hold the shaft. Lucky opens his mouth and closes it around the tip.

The pup begins to suck the member trying to take the most he can of the meat, his tongue hits the tip. The dog moans with pleasure while his penis is sucked and stimulated.

Pongo laughs a moment before licking the rest of the erection, his tongue moves down slowly and pass over the knot to get to the two balls. Lucky sees that his father begins sucking and pulling two testicles with calm and softness.

"Well done!" The Great Dane dog moans again and pushes his penis a little. The tip touches the entrance of the throat of Lucky. He feels as the spurt of precum spatters the walls of his esophagus.

The Great Dane dog growls with force and release a great quantity of cum that hits with force palate of Lucky and it fills complete he mouth of the pup with surprising speed, Lucky's cheeks swell up.

Lucky gets surprised completely and the dog's semen begins oozing by the commissures of his mouth while he tries to swallow the most he can. Pongo takes off the penis from his pup's mouth and he gets it into his own mouth to keep sucking.

He enjoys the piquancy of the seed while Lucky swallows the last portion of seed and he licks his mouth while he feels relieved lightly because he thought that he would drown with the seed.

Lucky feels content when he sees that three gold bones more are add to the pile that already he and his dad already have. Pongo sucks with pleasure until the last squirts falls on his tongue.

He and Lucky again engage on the lick of the cock while the Great Dane moans smoothly by the efforts of the team of father and son. The two tongues move on the entire shaft until Pongo moves and without a lot of ceremony he raises his ass for the dog.

The Great Dane dog takes Lucky by his collar and he places him on the floor before getting up, Lucky sees that the dog positions himself behind his father and he mounts him. The great erection rocks on the air and Lucky clearly sees the difference of sizes between both cocks.

It is the same thing that to compare his penis with the penis of his father. Pongo feels as the big forepaws of the big canine grasps his hips, the penis tip touches his balls while it moves until it touches his sphincter.

He moans with bother when the tip begins to press his hole with force, the precum gets his hole wet in the meantime the Great Dane increases the pressure. Lucky hears that his father gives a barking of pain when the member enters in him.

Lucky sees with a lot of surprise as the thick and long erection of the dog enters in the ass of his father without stopping. Pongo pants feeling completely full at the moment that the tip touches the bottom of his rectum.

The dog moans with pleasure and begins his coital motions with Pongo, he moans when his anal walls are caressed by the big erection. Meanwhile from his position Lucky sees that as the Great Dane's big balls hit his father's testicles when they rocks in the air back and forward.

The pup comes closer and he gets below his father to see as the sphincter moves on the hard meat. Pongo moans and shake with pleasure when Lucky's mouth closes around his penis.

Lucky is standing in two legs while he sucks his father's penis, he feels as the precum flows in great quantity from the opening of the member. He likes very much the savor while he tries to keep himself on his legs, the pushes of the dog that fucks his father are strong.

Pongo moans of pleasure, his hips are held with force and his ass is pounded with brute force. His inside gets covered with precum of the dog that does not stop and he fucks him with a lot of pleasure.

Lucky looks between the legs of his father and he sees as more the bones fall on their pile of bones, in addition to see as other dogs masturbate openly seeing him and his father.

Pongo's body rocks lightly by the pushes and Lucky makes an effort to keep sucking his father's member.

The moans of pleasure fulfill the club while dogs are dispersed observing the different teams compete trying to won the price of the night.

Pongo clenches his teeth when the knot begins to press his anus, pressure is unchanging and strong until his hole opens. Lucky listens to a strong scream of pain from his father and he gets worried for a moment.

The knot of the Great Dane is impressive, in spite of being used to take Jack's knot certainly this was painful for his father. The dog expedites his thrusts in Pongo until he growls with force.

His seed floods Pongo's rectum completely. The anal walls swell out more when the seed accumulates due to the hermetic stopper of the knot of the dog in the anus of Pongo.

Lucky opens his eyes when semen spurts hit his palate, he immediately begins to drink his father's seed rapidly. Lucky tries to not waste nothing while his father quivers and growls of pleasure.

Pongo's semen leaks out by the corner of the mouth of Lucky in not much quantity until the flow stops and Lucky releases the cock before falling seated on the floor.

He breathes with relief and several dogs acclaim him and his father. Pongo looks between his forepaws and he winks an eye to Lucky that smiles content. Two bones more fall in their pile.

Lucky has opportunity to get some rest in the meantime his father and the Great Dane dog remain united. He sees that several dogs come closer to talk with his dad and congratulating him for the show that they are giving.

In the next cubicle Lucky sees as the Doberman is sitting on floor while he raises and takes down the body of his pup as his toy of pleasure. Lucky sees that the pup moans of pleasure and his member bounces on the air without stopping.

Lucky sees that the dog is knotted with his father places himself in position of tail with tail to wait until around twenty minutes later they finally the dog begins to pull his penis.

His father moans with pain just like the Great Dane dog until the penis slips outside producing the same sound that is heard when a champagne bottle opens. But champagne is not what gets out of the anus, a great deal of semen pours in a white waterfall from the gapping hole of the floor between the legs of Pongo.

The balls of the Dalmatian get cover with seed. Pongo ease up on of relief feeling that his hole now is completely empty and lightly open.

Lucky sees as the dog that had fucked his father takes three bones and winking an eye he drops them in the pile of bones that already there is. The dog moves to get in the multitude of dogs of the public and he disappears.

Pongo and Lucky see that a couple of black Labrador retriever dogs get close to them.

Their fur shines by the lights of the surroundings. Lucky sees that the female has a strapon tied around her hips, a plastic penis of purple color rocks below her stomach with each step that she does.

It is a big penis comparable to the one of Jack and the one of her mate. The meat of the male dog rocks between his legs while it glistens shooting spurts of precum that leave a trail on the floor.

"Hi." The dog says entering in the cubicle and shaking the forepaw of Pongo that responds with a smile and Lucky moves his tail. The female dog smiles at him smoothly and she winks an eye.

"My name is Samson and she is my wife: Naomi." The dog says introducing himself to Pongo and Lucky.

"My wife loves pounding pups and I like the good blowjob. Would we do something about it?" Samson says looking at Pongo and Lucky with a smile.

"I would like to see this pretty boy to fuck his dad." Naomi says looking at Lucky that gets surprised a little and his father smiles smoothly. The female dog takes Lucky's license and she smiles at the moment of reading it, Lucky gets ashamed a little having this collar here.

"Of course, an interesting idea came to my mind." Pongo says looking at the two dogs that move their tails content.

Lucky is taken by surprise when the female dog introduces her snout between his legs to nuzzle his sheaths and balls. He is compelled to recline his forepaws to the head of the female that has a better access to his crotch.

The pup feels that his balls are licked and raised by the tongue of Naomi that continues stimulating the crotch. Lucky sees that his father nuzzles the meat and he begins to lick Samson's cock with slowness, the dog enjoys the licks while a new series of dogs get together to see the show.

Lucky gasps at the moment that his penis tip gets out of his sheath and it is touched by the tongue of the female dog. She closes her mouth around the tip and she begins to suck, the pup moans of pleasure while his member grows up and it is sucked with pleasure.

The knot grows on the base and touches Naomi's lips, she also takes Lucky's penis in her mouth and sucks it. Lucky's member gets covered with saliva until the female stops.

Pongo stops licks and he leans backwards on the floor opening his legs completely.

Lucky looks at him and he rapidly positions himself between the legs of his father and he leans his forepaws to his body's sides.

With calm Lucky move his hips aiming his member that touches his father's sphincter, he pushes and his cock sinks in the rectum without problems because it still is relaxed. Both moan of pleasure.

The knot of the pup touches the sphincter after some moments. Lucky quivers when he feels a lick on his anus. The tongue hits his hole repeatedly covering it with saliva.

Lucky moans and sees that Samson positions himself on his father and the Labrador dog takes down his hips putting his member at the reach of the mouth of Pongo. He nuzzles softly the erection that bounces on the air some moments.

The precum falls on the chest of Pongo, he moans when Lucky begins to pump his penis in his ass with slowness. The pup moans enjoying the hot passage of his dad that licks Samson's knot.

Pongo licks the bottom of the member of the dog and get to the tip, he licks it achieving that a groan slips from the mouth of Samson. He shakes lightly feeling that Pongo's tongue moves on the tip of his penis with calm.

The taste of the precum delights Pongo that uses his right forepaw to take the member and to point it at his mouth. He begins to suck the erection with pleasure while Lucky moves his hips and he feels as the licks in his hole stop.

Naomi positions herself on him and she moves her hips a little until the toy is placed in the correct position. The tip touches Lucky's anus, he stops and moans with pain when the tip presses his hole

The female pushes with force until Lucky gives a growl of pain, the tip enters in his body.

Naomi is content while she pushes with calm and slowness inserting the dildo in the ass of Lucky.

He feels as his inside stretches around the toy, it is the same sensation that he feels when his mother fucks him. The tip gets to touch the bottom of his rectum, Naomi begins to move and fuck Lucky.

He moans of pleasure and resumes his thrust in Pongo. The female's rhythm is which Lucky adopts in his pushes. His precum spatters the inside of the rectum and Pongo continues sucking Samson's shaft with pleasure.

The dog has his closed eyes while he pants, his tongue hangs from his mouth enjoying the oral stimulation of his penis. He feels Pongo's sucking, his knot touches the Dalmatian's mouth.

Pongo does not stop while he swallows the dog's precum, it is as delicious as the one of Jack. His own penis shoots little squirts of whitish precum that get his stomach wet. His pup moans of pleasure.

His anal walls are stimulated with each push of the female, she increases the velocity of her thrust in Lucky. He grunts with more force and moves his tail content.

"Do you like to be the bitch of dad, don't you?" Naomi asks whispering in Lucky's ear. He responds with a moaning and nodding.

"That pink collar attracts attention, a lot of dogs drooled of desire waiting to fuck your ass, dad's bitch." The female says smiling and doing a strong push that makes grunt to Lucky.

"Suck dad's cocks, certainly you like it very much." Naomi says looking at Lucky with a smile.

"Yes he does, he loves milking me like a hungry calf... he can do it like a female in heat". Pongo says grunting and continuing sucking the member of the other male.

Lucky pumps his penis and takes the penis of his dad. The pup caresses the shaft using his forepaws, he takes the tip of the penis in his mouth to suck it with pleasure.

Pongo growls of pleasure to feel that his son takes care of his member that throbs with force and it hardens. Pongo takes out Samson's penis from his mouth and he licks it completely even to get to the balls and descending even more.

The dog gives a groan of surprise and gasps at the moment that Pongo begins to eat his ass. Pongo licks with care and calm the brown wrinkle below the tail of the dog, he moves his tongue circularly.

He takes Samson's penis with his right forepaw and he begins to masturbate him, the dog moans with pleasure and opens his eyes with surprise feeling that Pongo's tongue penetrates into his rectum.

The anal walls squeezes it and even so Pongo moves it with pleasure. Naomi pumps more rapidly and moans with pleasure, her thrust makes that Lucky's knot enters in the anus of Pogo.

The pup moans and sucks with more eagerness the cock in his mouth. Pongo feels as the penis of his son moves with more velocity in his body.

Pongo no longer he can resist more and his penis begin to release semen that fills completely Lucky's mouth. His cheeks swell up he shakes when Naomi's pushes caresses the correct places in his rectum.

Lucky shoots his seed in the ass of his father. The pup listens to the growl of pleasure of the female dog that stops and that quivers lightly.

After some moments a sticky and warm substance hits Lucky's face, he opens an eye to see what happens. Samson is growling and ejaculating semen with force from his penis.

His cum sprinkles the stomach of his dad and other nearby places. Lucky sees what happens without stopping to swallow his father's semen completely.

Samson gets up shaking lightly, Pongo's tongue leaves his hole, the seed is dripping on Lucky. The dog moves and shortly after Naomi withdraws the toy from the inside of Lucky.

He moans smoothly when his hole gets empty. Lucky and his dad look at each other, the pup moves his tail when his father smiles at him and winks an eye.

With a pull Lucky takes his penis out from the inside of his father. His cock hangs below his stomach, he sees that Naomi and Samson smiling drop five bones plus in the pile.

Lights suddenly on and the Belgian dog that had welcomed Lucky and Pongo again appears on the set.

"Well is time for a break before the second part. You can buy more bones to support your favorite teams." The dog says looking at the audience that howls with emotion before dispersing.

Pongo gets up and he comes closer to the right where there is a bowl with water, he makes a gesture to his pup that comes closer and both drink water. Lucky enjoys water sliding in his throat.

After drinking water, Lucky leans next to Pongo. He nuzzles his pup smoothly making it rolling a little and Lucky laughs by the accurate caresses of his father.

He stops after some minutes and Lucky can stop laughing.

"Are you enjoying the contest?" Pongo asks doing a friendly facial expression to Lucky.

"Yeah, it is incredible like the camp of dogs." Lucky says with emotion while he moves his tail.

"But here we are the spectacle." Pongo says laughing smoothly.

"I think that I will bring your mother here the next time that we come to London, usually we used to go to the first club that we visit." Pongo says while he sees as dogs hurry from one place to another.

His sight focuses on some wobbling penises that are seen when dogs walk, Pongo sees that in a corner two dogs are mating. This catches the attention of several dogs that gather to see that it could be call the part time spectacle.

After around twenty minutes lights again become extinguished to start over again. Pongo takes his sheath and he starts to give it fast pulls, he smiles seeing that Lucky does the same thing.

The pup feels that his penis again hardens and the tip gets out of his sheath. His member slides outside and he moans smoothly taking his meat to stimulate it.

His cock grows rapidly on his paw just like the penis of Pongo. When both are sitting side by side and the difference of sizes between their penises can be seen clearly.

Lucky sees that a brown dog of average height and short hair comes closer with his member hanging between his hind legs. It is a penis of a little smaller size to the one of his father, but for this moment the size no longer is very important to Lucky.

"Both put a great show, it is the best that I have seen today." The dog says looking content at Pongo and Lucky.

"Thanks, but without a nice couple I could not make it." Pongo says laying his left forepaw on the back of Lucky and giving him some friendly pats. Lucky smiles and moves his tail content.

"I love the teamwork in my ass." The dog says looking at Lucky and winking an eye and smiling smoothly.

"I am Shaun by the way." The dog says introducing himself to Pongo and Lucky.

"Well, let's start working." Pongo says looking at Lucky. He nods with enthusiasm to have more fun.

"Then it is my turn to begin first." Shaun says licking his mouth while his sight is placed on the penises of father and son. Pongo leans backwards just like Lucky that leans at his side.

Shaun leans back of chest and moves his tail content introducing his head between the legs of Pongo. Shaun sniffs the shaft for some moments delighting in the aroma, Pongo moans feeling the first lick on his cock.

The tongue moves completely on the member going up from the knot to the tip. Pongo's penis begins getting covered with saliva by the licks, his precum is dripping from the tip sliding for his member to the knot slowly.

Lucky moans when the dog's right forepaw takes his penis and he begins to masturbate him slowly, the dog's paw moves up and down with calm and slowness. The pup moans of pleasure slowly.

Shaun licks the knot before putting Pongo's penis in his mouth and sucking it with great pleasure enjoying the taste of the hard meat, the precum drips on his tongue. The sucking in the penis of Pongo lasts for some moments before that Shaun decides to change for the young meat of Lucky.

He closes his eyes and growls when his penis enters in the mouth of the dog, heat and wetness surround it completely. The dog's mouth surrounds his penis completely even his knot.

Shaun likes very much the savor, he always loves the young cock that not yet has reached its full size. He feels as the spurts of precum splashes his palate while his left forepaw massages Pongo's balls.

The two balls are squeezed before the forepaw moves up and takes the father's shaft.

Pongo closes his eyes and enjoy the manual stimulation of his penis while Lucky moans at his side.

He feels that his pleasure grows and it intensifies with every moment that pass. Lucky moans and he begins to push his hips, it this the moment when Shaun stops and he takes out the penis of the pup from his mouth.

Lucky breathes agitatedly feeling that his penis relaxes on his stomach while it is completely covered in saliva. The pup sees that Shaun places himself on his father.

He dog catches Pongo's member and points at his the hole below his tail, the cock's tip touches the sphincter after some moments. Shaun's hips go down and Pongo's penis enters in his anus.

The Dalmatian moans with pleasure when his member tip is embraced by the internal heat of Shaun, he closes his eyes and takes down his ass slowly. The erection keeps on filling him slowly while Lucky positions himself behind him.

The pup looks closely as the penis of his dad is disappearing slowly being devoured by the sphincter of Shaun that touches Pongo's knot after some moments.

Pongo feels as the tip touches the bottom of the anus of Shaun, the dog is too tight.

Shaun moves his anus a moment in circles before beginning to ride Pongo with pleasure, he moans every time that his penis enters and it gets out of the anal passage of the dog.

Shaun's member wobbles on the air in the meantime it shoots squirts of precum that get wet the chest and Pongo's stomach. Pongo's and Shaun's moans bring the attention of several dogs.

After around five minutes Pongo surprisingly pulls Shaun to lean him on his chest. Lucky sees that his father takes the tail of the dog and moves it to showing his shaft introduced in Shaun's anus.

Lucky with a jump positions himself behind Shaun and rests his hind legs on the stomach of his father, in a good position. His penis tip rubs the hard meat of his dad before touching the sphincter.

The pup begins to push and his penis slips without entering in the anal passage, Lucky tries it again and fails until he gets surprised when his father's right forepaw closes around his cock.

Pongo keeps Lucky's erection in place while he pushes with force. Lucky makes an effort and Shaun gasps when the second penis slides in his anus. Lucky's member slides in on the member of Pongo until just the knot is outside.

"Well Lucky, begin." Pongo says looking at his pup, he nods. Lucky fastens with force to the hips of Shaun and he begins to pumps his penis in the tight ass.

Pongo does not wait beginning to move inside the dog. Shaun moans with pleasure and he enjoys feeling as both members move in his body. Pongo's member has bigger reach, but Lucky's penis hits points of interest in his rectum.

Shaun's sphincter is pretty stretched out around the two shafts that enter and that get out of his body without stopping. Lucky moans with pleasure by the heat that surrounds his penis, he feels the friction of his cock with the hard meat of his dad.

The pup feels its hardness and he enjoys it in the meantime he moves. Pongo moves, his penis moves inside and outside without problems. The spare pressure of the shaft of Lucky makes experience be much more exquisite the experience.

Shaun also enjoys it, his penis is trapped between his stomach and the one of Pongo while it flows a great quantity of precum. His prostate pressed much and rubbing on it is magic.

The three moan and grunt of pleasure while they do not notice that a lot dogs surrounds the cubicle to see what happens. Pleasure grows and surprisingly Shaun takes air when the father and son push their knots.

Both knots try to enter in their body being the one of Pongo in first on in achieving it and making things easy for Lucky. He pushes with force and his knot slides through the hole of Shaun.

He moans with pleasure and some pain, Pongo resumes his thrust just like Lucky.

Both knots rub and stretch the anal walls of Shaun, he closes his eyes and enjoys both penises in his ass. The fast rhythm of both does not allow Shaun resist much more.

He growls and whines of pleasure, his semen is shoot out from the tip of his penis and it smears in his chest and the chest of Pongo. Shaun's anal walls begin contract with more force around the two penises.

The anal spasms make Lucky clenches his teeth and moan at the moment of shooting his cum that spatters the penis of his father and the inside of Shaun. But the little spurts jets do not compare with the powerful semen spurts that are shoot out from the penis of Pongo and that flood Shaun's rectum covering both cocks inside him.

Lucky pants rapidly and listens to several applauses and howls of approval of several dogs behind them. The pup does not move for several minutes until he turns over and he almost falls down.

The pup begins to pull his penis out, he and Shaun moan with a little bit of pain until Lucky finally manages to stretch the dog's anus enough to slip outside. Lucky feels as his father's semen drips from his member.

He sits down to catch his breath and he notices that their pile of bones had increased a lot since the last time in which he saw it. After around twenty minutes Shaun gets up and moans when his sphincter opens and Pongo's penis slips outside.

A lot of white seed drips from his hole lightly opened and forms a puddle on the floor.

Pongo finally can sit and having a deep breath of air.

"That was incredible, thanks." Shaun says winking an eye and getting close to a group of bones that he has in a corner of the cubicle, he takes them all to add each bone to the pile of bones of Pongo and Lucky.

The pup moves his tail content while the dog smiles at him and shortly afterwards disappears in the multitude.

"I think that we enough to win." Pongo says looking at his son that nods with enthusiasm. Lucky was not sure that they would win with their pile that for now has a good size.

"So we are going to take a break, just a show more." Pongo says with a little bit of worry that his pup passed out of fatigue.

"Yes dad." Lucky says. The night had been great, but he also needs to rest.

A half-hour after many dogs still move about seeing the shows that the teams put for them.

Pongo sees that two Samoyede dogs come closer to their cubicle.

Their white fur are printed with the different colors of the lights of the club. The two dogs enter in the cubicle and shake paws with Pongo and Lucky.

"Hi my name is Buck and he is my brother Lenny." The dog to the right says to introduce himself to and to his brother.

"The shows that have you had put until now are the most interesting ones that we saw, that's why we want to have an opportunity before the night finishes." Lenny says looking at Pongo and Lucky.

The dog winks an eye to Lucky, he moves his tail with emotion.

"What do you have in mind?" Pongo asks with interest and enthusiasm just like his pup.

"Well... Lenny wants to fuck your ass and I have your pup's hole." Buck says looking at Pongo and next to Lucky. That does not surprise Pongo a lot neither to Lucky, he expected something more interesting.

"But with an interesting turn that I believe that would be pleasurable to everybody." Buck says looking at his brother nods pleasure while he looks at father and son. Pongo raises an eyebrow and look at Lucky to know what opinion he has.

Lucky nods and Pongo does the same thing with the purpose of later on looking at the two brothers. Both get content and Buck changes places with his brother, the dog opens his front legs and smiling at Lucky.

He gets between the legs of the dog and sniffs the sheath and the balls covered of thick fur. Lucky begins to nuzzle the dog's two testicles, his nose touches them and it moves in the fine and long fur.

From the fur comes the apple's aroma, Lucky intuits that he had a bath some hours ago.

Lucky takes out his tongue and he licks one of the balls, but he stops when his tongue gets dry by the fur that absorbs his saliva.

Lucky sits and uses his forepaws to begin to give pulls to the white and soft sheath of the dog. They move up and down, Lucky sees that the red tip appears by the opening.

He rapidly closes his mouth around the tip and he begins to suck it. The pup listens Buck's growl of pleasure. The member's taste pleases Lucky, he licks the tip slowly while he sucks.

The cock rapidly grows on the mouth of Lucky filling it completely, Lucky closes his forepaws on the shaft and he caresses it at the same time that he sucks. The precum falls on his tongue.

Lucky moves his head lightly while he listens the moans of both brothers. The saliva of the pup slowly moves down along on the cock covering it completely.

The aroma of the hard meat gets to the nose of Lucky that has a good time, the forepaws of the pup touch the knot and caress it over and over again. He feels the hardness of the mass of flesh in the base.

Moans and growling of pleasure of the dog increase and Buck takes Lucky for the collar and he pulls him rapidly to move him away from his penis. Buck's member leaves the pup's mouth, the saliva is dripping from it.

"That was a good job, boy." Buck says giving two soft pats on the back of Lucky that almost loses the equilibrium by the strong pats of Buck that laughs smoothly.

Lucky sits and he sees what is doing his dad, he sees that Lenny rests backwards while his father rides him with slowness and pleasure. Pongo moves his ass without stopping, the shaft enters and gets out of his anus, and the precum covers his rectum.

Pongo feels that his anal walls are caressed and his penis wobbles on the air releasing spurts of precum. Lenny moans and enjoys the ass of the father of the pup, Buck does him a facial expression.

Lenny nods and he stops Pongo. Lucky sees that his father nods and he turns over with difficulty without permitting that the other dog's penis slides out from his tail hole, he finally is in the correct position to lean backwards on Lenny.

The dog does two pushes in Pongo that moans with pleasure, the balls of the dog hit Pongo's testicles when they bounce. Lucky gets startled a little when Buck picks him up from the floor and he charges him holding his collar.

Buck lays Lucky on the chest of Pongo and the tail of the pup is close to the nose of his dad.

Lucky feels that her father pushes him forward until his cock's tip touches his nose. Lucky feels the aroma of the member of his dad.

Pongo moans at the moment that Lucky closes his mouth around the tip of his penis and he begins to suck it. Lucky enjoys the known taste of the meat of his father, he feels that the father moves his tail with his right forepaw.

In some moments later Lucky feels that something dampish touches his sphincter, he looks back and notices that it is Buck's penis. The Samoyede dog begins to push his penis against the hole of Lucky.

He closes his eyes and moans with bother feeling the pressure in his posterior entrance, Lucky moans with pain when the tip finally enters in his hole. The member begins to penetrate in him slowly.

One more time his anal walls distend around a canine shaft that keeps on filling him slowly, he hears that the dog moans with pleasure and delight while he pushes his cock.

The tip takes no time to touch the bottom of the anal passage of the pup, Lucky gets surprised when her father's penis enters in his mouth and goes out again following the thrust of Lenny that begins to move.

His brother follows him and soon the four dogs begin to moan. Lucky sucks the penis of his father that enters and that gets out of his mouth with pleasure, the precum falls right into the entrance of his throat and goes into his stomach.

His penis rocks on the air while Buck pumps his member in rectum of Lucky, the tip hits the bottom time after time. The dog enjoys the squeeze of the anal walls around his shaft.

The boy is pretty tight as he had waited, his precum sprinkles the rectum helping to that his motions are easier inside Lucky. He moans for the pressure of his gland that makes his penis becomes harder.

Pongo moans with each push, his sphincter moves on the shaft of Lenny, he holds him hard while he pumps his cock in the anus of the Dalmatian father.

Pongo has a good sight of how the penis enters and gets out of his pup, Buck's balls rock on the air hitting his chest at times. Something else that Pongo's attention calls is the brown hole below the tail of the Samoyede dog while he moves rapidly.

Buck gasps and moans when Pongo's tongue touches his anus, Pongo licks and moves his tongue in the posterior entrance. The Dalmatian takes the balls of the dog to massage them with pleasure.

Lenny rapidly fucks Pongo's anus, in spite of having been fucked by a Great Dane, the pup's father even is tight. His knot touches Pongo's sphincter repeatedly with each thrust.

His balls hits with force the balls of Pongo, the dalmatian dog feels it and he does not pay attention to it beacuse his pleasure is double. Lucky sucks with pleasure and he chokes every time that a strong push makes the penis of his father enter in his throat.

Lucky moans just like the three other members of the orgy. His father's precum increases and his penis hardens. The pup opens his eyes when his father's right forepaw catches his penis and he begins to masturbate him rapidly.

Lenny pushes with force and Pongo clenches his teeth when the knot opens his hole and it slides in his inside. Both brothers increase the velocity of their thrust in the father and the pup.

Lucky's body rocks lightly while his walls are stimulated with more velocity. He sucks with more eagerness until his father's member suddenly begins to throw semen spurts in his mouth.

The seed accumulates and Lucky swallows it rapidly while her cheeks swell up, her father growls with force enjoying the moment of maximum pleasure. Few seconds after Pongo feels that its rectum is covered by semen of Lenny that pushes with force.

The dog growls and releases his seed feeling the anal spasms of the anal walls of Pongo. Lucky sucks with force and whines with despair because his pleasure increases, his father's paw had not stopped at no time.

The pup growls quietly when his penis shoots white sticky cum on the stomach of his father, it gets wet with the reproductive substance of Lucky that takes no time to feel that his rectum becomes flooded with semen.

Buck pushes her penis and clenches his teeth emptying his balls in the pup, Lucky's inside squeezes with more force his penis. The cum fills each crack in the anal passage of the pup that cannot contain the whole quantity of material and the semen oozes out from the body of Lucky.

Lucky releases the penis of his father that slips out of his mouth, the pup breathes agitatedly in the meantime he hears the applause of several dogs. For the corner of the eye he sees as more bones are added to the pile.

Buck with calm moves and takes out his cock from the tail hole of Lucky, his shaft slides outside and a semen cascades on the chest of Pongo. He laughs smoothly seeing the opened hole of his pup.

Buck takes Lucky by his collar and he places him on the floor, Lucky leans on his chest to rest and to wait to that his dad and Lenny separate. That happens around fifteen minutes later, and when it is done, both brothers take a moment before they added ten bones to the pile before going away.

Pongo and Lucky use the rest of available time to rest playing a moment until the contest finally ends. The Belgian sheepdog again appears on the set.

"Now... it is time to know the team that is the winner of the night." The dog says looking to the presents that begin to howl with emotion. Teams one by one keep climb on the stage charging their bones with them.

Lucky sees that there are ten teams in total, they are the unique team of Dalmatians.

The count begins, and Lucky does not know, if they are going to win. The team that is at their right has a lot of bones too, it seems that they have more bones than he and his father.

The team of Lucky's and Pongo and the couple of Dobermans are the two teams that clearly have more bones.

The Belgian sheepdog begins to count the bones of the team of Dobermans during some minutes while the audience helps in the count.

"Sixty bones!" The Belgian sheepdog tells looking at the public's dogs that burst into applause. After that the dog begins to count Lucky's and Pongo's bones.

Lucky feels nervous and his father places a forepaw on his right shoulder winking an eye.

The pup moves his tail content and he calms down while he sees that the Belgian dog counts his bones one by one for a couple of minutes, Lucky's heart accelerates when the account gets to fifty five after that it surpass the sixty bones.

"Sixty seven bones." The Belgian shepherd tells looking at the audience that howls with emotion and they applaud while Lucky feels incredibly happy to have won.

"I believe that we will have to make an effort to be again the favorites." The Doberman says smiling at his pup, he looks up and nods.

"I hope that you will not come the next week or we will not have a chance." The Doberman says looking at Pongo and Lucky.

"That will not happen, unless our masters have other plans." Pongo says doing a friendly facial expression to the other dog that nods and smiles. His pup becomes happy again thinking about the next time.

The Belgian sheepdog gives the reward to Lucky and Pongo. Pongo takes Lucky by his collar and to place his pup on his back. In this way Lucky can raise the cut of meat of a victorious way while the dogs of the public applaud and they bark with emotion.

After the short celebration Pongo believes it is time to return, he and Lucky head toward the entrance of the club and they come across the team of Dobermans that were in second place.

Pongo and Lucky rapidly greet them and initiate a friendly conversation with the other two dogs that show up friendly and happy to have had a good night.

Both couples get out of the club and they say good-bye after chatting a while, Pongo and the other father shake paws while they expect to be able to make a united team in the next occasion. Lucky and the other pup also look content for this possibility.

Pongo and Lucky start to walk for the streets of the city charging their prize.

"I liked it very much dad, we should repeat it." Lucky says while he gives a jump of emotion on the air.

"Of course, but as I said, everything depends on our masters." Pongo says doing a friendly facial expression to Lucky.

Streets are in complete silence and deserted for that moment, both walk with calm without hurrying up too much. When they walk close to an alley, Lucky and Pongo listen the voice of a female pup coming out from the alley.

"Mom I tell you that I found meat." Voice says and Lucky sees that a pup of yellow fur gets out of the alley with the closed ones while she sniffs on the air. The pup rapidly arrives as far as Pongo is.

The pup's nose touches the bag that contains the cut of meat. The pup opens her eyes and she gets surprised seeing to Lucky and Pongo. Laughs are heard and soon Lucky sees another female pup and to her mother getting out of the alley.

The other pup has a color of black fur with sky-blue beautiful eyes just like her mom. The female has a yellow fur with narrow hips that do not show some body fat trail.

"I am sorry, apparently Daisy has a very good sense of smell." The mother says looking at her daughter that gives some steps back without stopping to observe the bag that Pongo has in the mouth.

"There is no problem." Pongo says placing the bag in the ground and smiling at the girl.

Lucky notices as the girls look at the bag with hunger, the pup sees that his father looks at him and both exchange opinions. Lucky nods softly and Pongo smiles taking the bag and giving a step to place it before the mother and the two pups.

"Take it, you need it much more than us." Pongo says looking at the girls and to the mother that get surprised. Girls get excited and move their tails with pleasure while the adult female dog smiles content.

"Thanks a lot... thanks." She says trying not to cry for the gift of Pongo and Lucky that show up content.

"My name is Dottie and they are my daughters: Daysi and Selene." The female dog says shaking paws with Pongo. Lucky sees that from a close alley, a Black Labrador dog appears.

"It seems that somewhat interesting is happening here." The dog says getting close to the girls and the mother.

"Dad Look... meat." Selene says while she jumps with joy around her father just like her sister.

"Reginar, both gave us this juicy package as a present." Dottie says with emotion looking at her mate.

"Thanks I did not find nothing good... I know you, you entered in the club and apparently won the night's prize." Reginar says with a little bit of surprise looking at Pongo and Lucky while he sits beside his wife.

They get surprised and Pongo rapidly recognizes the dog that he and Lucky saw in the park before they entered in the club.

"Yes we did." Pongo says smiling.

"We had sixty seven bones." Lucky says proudly.

"That one is a fair amount." Dottie says laughing and looking at her husband that smiles too.

"With effort we got fifty, but we win at times." Reginar says looking at Pongo and Lucky.

"Do you participate too?" Pongo asks with interest and a little bit of surprise while his tail moves slowly content to know another family like his. The couple that feels the same way.

"Yes, tomorrow is my turn and the one of the girls, it is night of parents and daughters." Reginar says winking an eye to Pongo, he smiles.

"Why don't you come tomorrow?" Dottie asks looking at Pongo and next looking at her husband that nods.

"No thanks, but this is our last night in the city." Pongo says looking at the couple that disappoints a little. Pongo laughs smoothly seeing that Selene stands up in two legs and he whispers something in his father's ear.

Reginar laughs below softly for some moments until his daughter releases his ear.

"Well in any case, my daughters want to show their gratitude." Reginar says looking at Pongo and Lucky. Both gets surprised and Pongo nods looking at the two girls kindly.

"I believe that if it is what I have in mind, we need some privacy." Dottie says looking at her husband, he smiles and nods. Dottie takes the package of the meat and he enters in the near alley followed by her daughters.

Reginar winks an eye to Lucky and Pongo before entering in the alley. Pongo does a gesture to Lucky, he moves his tail and next to his father they go after the family of dogs.

Lucky and Pongo see that the two girls are waiting for them moving their content tails, Pongo sits in front of Selene and smiling in a friendly way he spreads his front legs. The girl immediately gets between both and begins to nuzzle his balls.

Lucky sees that Daisy watches this content and she moves to introduce his head below his stomach, the girl's tongue begins to move on his sheath slowly. Lucky feels as the saliva gets his fur wet while Daisy licks with slowness and care.

Her sister at his side licks Pongo's two balls with pleasure without stopping, she proceeds to lick the sheath and to use her forepaws to give soft caresses to Pongo's testicles. Soon he feels that his member begins to harden and a drop of precum slides out through the opening.

Selene stimulates the sheath of the Dalmatian using her forepaws and she smiles seeing as the cock's tip slides out. Pongo closes his eyes when the girl's mouth closes around his member.

Daisy sucks his cock that grows quickly slowly. Lucky pants while Daisy sucks his balls with pleasure, the girl sucks his testicles with calm. Lucky's member already is completely erect resting on the head of the girl between her two ears.

She moves her head back and Lucky moans with pleasure when his penis enters in the mouth of the girl. The girl sucks the hard meat of Lucky enjoying its taste that she likes.

Her head shakes off lightly and Lucky's penis enters and gets out of her mouth from where the saliva drips the floor.

Her sister also enjoys the member in her mouth that is full, Pongo's precum drips on the tongue of the girl that stimulates the rest of the member using her forepaws.

"She does it very well." Pongo says looking at Reginar and Dottie. The two parents laugh smoothly and with complicity.

"Daisy and Selene spend a lot of time sucking their father's penis." Dottie says laughing soft and impishly.

"They do not like to share with their mom." Reginar says doing a funny face while he sees as his two girls pleasure Pongo and Lucky.

"I understand, my daughters neither get away from my cock, mainly one of them." Pongo says growling of pleasure that increases rapidly. Selene moves her head with more speed having the feeling that the Dalmatian father is about to release his semen.

Lucky grunts of pleasure, the tip of nose of Daisy touches his knot repeatedly, the girl takes all her erection in her throat without problems. His precum slides directly to the girl's stomach.

Pongo closes his eyes and he growls smoothly at the moment that his cock begins to release powerful semen spurts that fill Selene's mouth. Dottie laughs smoothly seeing that his her daughter's cheeks swell up completely.

The girl's eyes open completely by the amount of semen that fills her mouth, she swallows rapidly without stopping, but it is too much obliging her to take out Pongo's penis from her mouth.

Pongo's seed splashes on the girl that tries to cover herself up while her father laughs just like her mother. At her side Lucky shakes and clenches his teeth, he pushes his penis pressing his knot against the mouth of Daisy and releasing his cum.

Squirts spatter the tongue of the girl and she savors cum before swallowing it without a lot of problems like her sister. Lucky moans smoothly while the girl sucks his member to drink all the possible semen.

After some moments Daisy stops and takes out Lucky's penis from her mouth.

"I also want to taste it." The girl says to see that her sister cleans off Pongo's semen. He laughs seeing as the Daisy licks Selene's fur to help her.

"They still are hard." Selene says to see Pongo's penis and the one of Lucky. The two girls look at each other and they laugh impishly.

"Don't even think about it. Tomorrow is your day, girls; besides it is my turn of having fun." Dottie says looking at the girls and taking Lucky's leg to pull him toward her. Lucky gets surprised a little when the female dog's forepaw gets between his forepaws and takes his penis.

He moans of pleasure when the adult female dog begins to masturbate him.

"May I?" Dottie asks looking at Pongo. He nods and the female dog licks her mouth.

"As my wife is busy, my ass this free." Reginar says doing a gesture to Pongo and moving his ass. Pongo nods and he follows the black Labrador retriever that moves away a couple of meters to make room for Lucky and Dottie.

Reginar shakes and moans when Pongo introduces his snout under his tail. He feels as the Dalmatian sniffs his hole and he begins to lick him with pleasure. Pongo moves his tongue in circles.

Lucky sees his father eating up the ass of the other dog, but his attention focuses on Dottie that leans backwards on the ground and she opens his legs completely while she looks at him sensually.

Lucky rapidly positions himself between the legs of the female, he places his forepaws on the sides of the hips of the mother and he aligns his penis with the pink and glistening vulva.

With a fast push Lucky sinks his cock in Dottie, she moans just like Lucky.

The inside of the mother of the girls is hot and wet, the whole length of Lucky's cock is in the female dog. She enjoys the erection of the pup in her body, Lucky begins to move with pleasure in the adult female.

Dottie moans and closes her eyes to completely enjoy the sensation. He sees that Reginar pants with pleasure and has his closed eyes.

The Black Labrador dog enjoys the tongue of Pongo in his tunnel, he feels as his anal walls are touched and gotten wet in saliva. Pongo's tongue feels very well there.

Pongo's member hangs below his stomach releasing squirts of precum that sprinkle the ground. Pongo opens his eyes and he moans with surprise when two tongues touch his meat.

The Dalmatian takes out his tongue and he sees below his body.

"Thank you for help." Pongo says doing a funny facial expression to Selene and Daisy that lick his penis completely while they are standing in two legs. The two girls stop and smile.

Pongo mounts Reginar and he clings to his hips, Pongo's penis rocks on the air while he moves his hips until the tip touches the sphincter of the father of the girls.

Reginar moans with bother when Pongo pushes his penis and it penetrates in him until the knot is under his tail. The Dalmatian lets out a groan of pleasure feeling that the anal walls surround his shaft.

He begins to pump his penis in the dog with the same speed and force which one he fucks his wife or Jack. Reginar moans with pleasure and his tongue hangs from his mouth.

His anal walls are caressed with each push in his ass, Pongo's member has a good size and thickness that makes him to moan with pleasure. His own penis wobbles on the air until a little mouth catches it.

"Those are my girl!" Reginar moans feeling that his two daughters begin to give him oral sex increasing his pleasure.

Lucky moans and pumps with pleasure without stopping, all his penis enters and gets out of the soft vagina of Dottie. Juices cover it while his precum is losing hold inside the female dog, she moans without stopping.

"Boy... you are fucking me well!" Dottie says moaning and seeing Lucky. He moves his tail content without stopping to pump his penis.

The female's vagina is as good as the one of his mom or Lucy, she loved to fuck an adult female, it made him feel not so small in the department of penis because he also could make a mature female moan just like his father, Jack or Thunderbolt.

Dottie closes her eyes to concentrate completely on the penis of Lucky that enters and gets out of her pink tunnel. Lucky's growling accelerate and he stops suddenly when his seed begins to sprinkle Dottie's vaginal walls.

She shakes and whimpers with pleasure at the moment that her orgasm fills her body completely. Her juices get free in more abundance and her vaginal walls squeezes with more force Lucky's penis.

The pup moans with more intensity before having to lean upon the female dog while he breathes agitatedly.

"Oh boy your mother must be proud." Dottie says raising the head to see Lucky. He nods and moves his tail content achieving that the female laughed, both see as the mating of Pongo and Reginar continues.

"Reginar always enjoys a good cock, and thinking that he usually did not make it." Dottie says for herself laughing smoothly. She moans when Lucky takes out his penis completely allowing her to get up and sit to see the show.

"Didn't he make it?" Lucky asks at the same time that they listen to the growl of pain of Reginar when he is knotted. Dottie looks at him with surprise when she realizes that what she said was listened by Lucky.

"Uh not he was not attracted to males just to females, when I got pregnant of the girls there was not a lot of food and I thought that could get it with certain favors to other dogs. Do you understand?" Dottie asks looking at Lucky.

He nods opening his eyes with surprise to understanding the subject.

"But Reginar refused and he said that he will get the food, unfortunately his first client was a Great Dane, I listened as he was trying to keep quiet while the dog pounded him and it was very clear that he was hurt when he limped." Dottie says with some nostalgia and sadness.

"With time he took more dogs and he got used and learning to enjoy it." Dottie says smiling and looking at Lucky.

He looks at his father and Reginar, in that moment the Black Labrador dog begins to release semen squirts that the girls try to catch it with their tongues. Lucky sees as his father growls ejaculating in the anus of Reginar filling it with semen.

His father pants satisfied completely and places himself in position of tail with tail with the other dog.

After drinking their father's semen, Daisy and Selene pull Lucky on one side to play in a while they wait that their dads separate. Pongo make good use of the moment to be able to chat better with the two adult dogs.

Around forty minutes later Lucky and Pongo finally are getting out of the elevator and getting in the penthouse. Pongo feels content seeing that Anita even sleeps soundly in her bed.

Lucky sees the wall clock and he notices that it is nearly midnight.

"Let's take a fast bath." Pongo says looking at Lucky. He nods in silence and both go to the Jacuzzi. Pongo skillfully manages to fill enough in order that both can take a fast bath.

When both finish their bath they get dry with a couple of special towels for dogs that Anita and Roger have in the penthouse. Pongo hopes that the two towels would be dry for tomorrow and the woman will not notice nothing.

"Dad... while you and Reginar were having fun I got to thinking in them, I mean Daisy and Selene had a lot of hunger." Lucky says looking at his father while he takes off the pink collar to again put on his own red collar.

"The live on the street it is not easy. It is dangerous uncounted with the cold and the hunger that you can feel, dogs look for food in garbage, steal it or exchange sex for food." Pongo says drying Lucky's head with the towel.

"Dottie said that Reginar made it or he makes it when it is necessary." Lucky says shaking his head and taking the towel to dry his right ear

"It is regrettably and the most common, Lucy also dedicated herself to that until Jack took her out from the streets." Pongo says looking at Lucky. The pup gets surprised completely because he did not know that.

"Did you and mom use to go to clubs like the one of this night?" Lucky asks looking at his father, he laughs smoothly

"No, clubs like the first one that we visited or similar. Later she changed because she did not want us to be bad examples for our pups." Pongo says making out the quotation marks using his toes.

Lucky laughs and his father makes it also for some moments. At the end, his mother's intentions did not last a lot. Lucky yawns largely feeling tired and next to Pongo, they go to their room.

Both get on the bed and they get comfortable, Lucky is the first to fall asleep because he is completely tired.

A couple of hours later Lucky wakes up with the sensation that his bladder is full and that indicates to him that me must pee. He yawns and sees that his father is not in his place, but that does not matter to Lucky because his urgency to urinate is intense.

He gets out of the room and listens to a groan that comes from the bedroom of Anita, Lucky does not pay attention to it and he runs towards the designated place to urinate.

The pup with relish and pleasure he pees.

Now that he relieved, Lucky gets close to Anita's bedroom and listens to her moan.

"Pongo... bastard dog fuck me... give me your pups...!" Anita says moaning. Lucky comes closer and puts his head inside of the room. He does not look with a lot of surprise that his father is pumping with force and velocity his penis in Anita, she embraces the pillow with force and moans.

Lucky yawning returns to his bedroom and gets on the bed to make himself comfortable, he does not have enough desire for more sex and he decides to let his father the whole fun.

Two days after, after midday day Lucky walks on the farm enjoying the sunny weather.

He had decided to take a break of sex, he had too much in his travel to the city with his father, Lucky only wishes to expect the return of Blaze that would be on the next day.

Lucky passes close to the trailer of the family of Blaze, he sees his father for the window.

The content pup runs to the door and at one bound he enters in the trailer by the door of the dog.

Lucky's eyes open with surprise to see that his mom is leant backwards in the sofa of the trailer while his father is standing in two legs fucking her with force while his forepaws are backed up in the cushions of the sofa.

His mom rapidly becomes aware of his presence and she smiles at him softly while she moans.

"Lucky... Why don't you join us?!" She asks moaning and doing a gesture to her pup in order that he comes closer and he participates in the fun.

"No thanks mom... I just want to take a walk." Lucky says looking at his mother that gets surprised a little, but she nods while she closes her eyes. Lucky and Pongo look at each other and smile.

Lucky didn't want to bother them because his father now has to keep his agreement with his mate. Lucky's eyes open when he feels that his penis tip slides out from his sheath.

He rapidly gets out of the trailer and he bumps into Penny, Patch and Tripod.

"Great, we have one more." Penny tells to see the tip of the penis of Lucky that gets surprised a little.

"Come one Lucky, Penny loves three for herself." Tripod says looking at Lucky and doing a friendly facial expression. Patch nods and Penny looks at him with a look of entreaty.

"Yeah let's do it." Lucky says looking at his brothers and sister. They nod content and rapidly penetrate between the shrubs to look for a good place for the fun.

"Well... it is good to see Lucky to share more with her brothers." Pongo says laughing and seeing for the window as his four pups disappear behind the shrubs.

"Of course he worried me much in that subject." Perdita says moaning of pleasure and taking a gasps when Pongo's knot enters in her vagina.

For midafternoon of the next day, Lucky and the other ones expect Roger's arrival with the family of Blaze. The pup feels restless and excited to see his friend again, he cannot wait for talking and fucking with him.

After waiting half-hour Roger's automobile finally enters in the farm and it stops in front of the house. He gets out of the automobile and stretches his body a moment before Pongo received him with a lick on the face.

Roger with a soft and playful pushes moves way to Pongo and he opens the door in order that Jack and his family come down while Anita embraces him and kisses. The family of German sheepdogs comes down from the automobile with enthusiasm.

Lucky gets surprised seeing that Jack has a medallion that proves that he won the first place. The pups of both families rapidly meet and begin to disperse in groups.

"How did you do?!" Lucky asks looking with great emotion to Blaze.

"It was incredible, Thunderbolt was there!" Blaze responds with emotion. Lucky gets surprised and rapidly pulls his friend to place him at his side and both go away to be able to talk to and comment what both made during these days.

"Well another victory more." Pongo says looking at Jack that inflates his chest proudly.

"And certainly you must have had a lot of fun." Perdita says looking at Lucy with complicity and licking her mouth.

"Yes, if you just knew it" Lucy says laughing impishly remembering everything that happened in the travel.

"Interesting things happened here too." Pongo says looking at his friends that look at him with attention.

"Your husband perverted to my husband and my son." Perdita says accusatory to Jack, but a funny tone. The two German shepherds open their eyes with surprise and confusion.

"When they were in London, Pongo discovered Lucky fucking Anita while she was drunk." Perdita says arching an eyebrow and looking at her friend. She gets surprised just like her husband.

"Apparently he saw us that night." Pongo says laughing smoothly and looking at his friend and lover that gets surprised and laughs a moment.

"Well, three can make much more for Anita." Jack says looking at Pongo and winking an eye. Pongo nods with enthusiasm and he moves his tail content.

"Men." Perdita and Lucy say rolling their eyes with some bother, but they laugh some moments after. Pongo and Jack also join to the laugh, and the four dog walk at the house to chat and to learn about the rest of the news.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy Kaleb and others characters no mentioned above are my characters.

Family time

The morning, the two families say good-bye while Roger loads whatever is needed in the trunk of the car before Anita gets close to kiss him to say good-bye. Blaze and Lucky shake paws while they say good-bye. Both cannot wait for being together...

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An invitation

On the next day Lucky wakes up moaning smoothly, he opens his eyes and rubs them slowly while he raises his head. His eyes adjust in the light and he sees as a pup between his legs sucking his penis slowly. "Hi Penny." Lucky says yawning and moaning...

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Routine and new discovery

Just a pair weeks ago, the life in Dearly's farm had changed for the two families of dogs that now live there. Jack and his family had lost their master by a heart disease. The man had always been very good with his German shepherd and his mate that...

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