Grade A and Beyond

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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What kind of extra credit can you get from your cute TA when you're already top of the class?

Written by Jeeves

Grade A and Beyond

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Terrance was unable to deny his surprise that of all the students he could have seen walk into his office at that moment, it was Calvin. The ferret had exchanged a few emails with the tiger over the course of the semester, mostly regarding extra-curricular work that could be done when homework and reading assignments were completed well ahead of time. Not once had he ever been required to give aid or assistance in his position as TA for the BioMed course in which the rather buff, muscular tiger was enrolled. Indeed, when he graduated at the end of the year, Terrance fully expected his professor to offer this job to Calvin. And yet, there the tiger stood, not saying anything but standing before the much smaller, lithe ferret's desk with a warm, hopeful smile on his face.

"Is... is there something I can help you with, Mr Lythe?"

The tiger nodded. His studly, powerful figure leaned forward, over the ferret's desk. His burly torso cast a shadow over the ferret, and he grinned toothily at the TA.

"I was wondering... do you offer extra credit?"

Leaning back in his chair, away from the rumbling voice and sharp, twinkling grin of the tiger, Terrance cocked an eyebrow.

"Forgive me for asking, but, why are_you_asking? I mean... you're smart enough to know the answer to that. To know that any extra credit courses and supplements are available online. And of course, to know that you're already in the top percentile for this class. You couldn't get extra credit, even if there was a way, because your score just can't get any higher."

The ferret ran a hand through his rusty brown and cream coloured headfur. He watched the tiger continue to stare at him, almost oddly unwavering in his gaze, and sighed.

"Look. I get it, okay? Sometimes being top of the class isn't as glamorous. Everyone else gets the attention. The Professors help them, because they know you can handle it without any additional support. You can feel like you aren't appreciated. Like you have to search for affirmation, or try even harder to_earn_that respect. But trust me, Mr Lythe... Calvin. Can I call you Calvin? Trust me. The Professors respect and admire you. And I wouldn't be very surprised at all if before you're thirty, you're working here alongside them as colleagues, not superiors."

Still Calvin said nothing, and didn't move from where he was standing. The ferret shook his head, frowning, and rose from his seat.

"So, unless there's anything else?"

As politely as he could, he gestured towards the door. Finally, Calvin rose to his full height once more. He drew in a deep, calming breath of his own, and chuckled softly.

"You misinterpreted my question, Terry. I didn't ask if the class offered extra credit. I asked if_you_ did."

Calmly, Calvin padded back across to the office door. He reached down, and twisted the lock even as his other hand was moving towards the belt of his jeans. By the time he turned back, unbuckling his belt and freeing what was now the beginning of a definitive bulge as he exposed the front of his boxer shorts, Terrance was no longer confused about what the tiger wanted. He was, however, confused about_why_. Bashfully, feeling his own far smaller cock beginning to swell inside his own crisp black slacks, the ferret murmured as he slunk out from behind his desk, and towards the disrobing tiger.

"O-of course. For... for a guy like you?Always. But... w-why? Normally, it's guys trading favours for... f-for a bump in the essays I mark for them. But like I said, you don't need that, so...?"

Calvin grinned as he peeled off his t-shirt, revealing a powerful bare torso almost as simultaneously delicious and intimidating to behold as the ever swelling, gloriously large bulge in his straining undergarments.

"So maybe it means it's not the grade I'm after. Maybe it's what I said all along. It's_you_ I want the extra credit from."

With a giddy, whimpering gurgle of anticipation, Terrance rushed around his desk once more and began to rummage in one of the drawers. He pulled out a bottle of what was labelled as hand sanitiser, though the consistency of the fluid within certainly didn't look like what the label claimed. Before he could return to be closer to Calvin though, the tiger advanced upon him. Dressed now in nothing but his tented boxer shorts, the bulge straining the fabric to what looked like breaking point, he waited just long enough for the ferret to get the hint and drop the bottle of what was obviously lubricant onto his desk before beginning to rather firmly and rapidly disrobe Terrance one item of clothing at a time. The five foot ferret whimpered as the tiger, taller than him by several feet, peeled away his clothes like he was a doll, until he was pressed back against the side of his desk in nothing but the shamefully stereotyped pair of tighty-whities he had put on that morning without any consideration to potentially being_called upon_during office hours. Normally, those he helped with their grades tended to prefer a more secluded and less public location than a faculty office to fuck the ferret in the ass. But for Calvin, this seemed like it wasn't just the ideal location. It was the_only_ location that had crossed the tiger's mind.

"Such a cute little thing..."

Pushing Terrance back with ease, hoisting the ferret up so he was sitting on the edge of his desk, Calvin used one finger to tease the front of the twink's swollen underpants. A finger thicker, and longer, than the entire length of the ferret's cock, but which drove Terrance crazy with delight along with the tiger's playfully teasing words.

"O-ohh fuck... yeah. I'm your little toy. D-do whatever you want with me."

Calvin grinned toothily, licking his lips.

"Mmm, I will, don't you worry. And all you have to do is try not to scream... wouldn't want the Professors knowing what their star pupil and trusted TA are up to, would we?"

Flipping the lithe ferret's body over onto the desk, leaving his ass and legs dangling over the edge with his feet barely able to reach the floor, Calvin tugged down the smaller male's underwear. The ferret's modest balls and lean, barely five inch pink cock were exposed, and the latter twitched urgently as Terrance felt his balls aching, feeling like they were suddenly swollen with cum and desperate for release, even though he'd jerked off that same morning. He gave a sharp squeak as something cool began to trickle down the crack of his ass, and shuddered happily, groaning in pleasure when he realised that Calvin had just grabbed hold of the lube bottle, up-ended it over the base of his tail, and squeezed. Seconds later the once half full, now empty bottle was dropped with a clatter to the floor, and the thickest, hardest,_biggest_cock that the ferret had ever encountered began to rub itself between his slick, lube soaked cheeks, coating itself in the slippery substance in preparation for what was surely about to happen next.

Terrance had taken big cocks before. He was a small guy, so most cocks were big to him anyway. But this?Fuck. When he felt its tip finally come to rest against his hole, Calvin giving the ferret the opportunity to choose his position and grinning as the twink rolled over onto his back once again, wanting to look Calvin in the face as this happened, he wailed in anticipation. It felt like the tiger's cock was thicker than his arm, and he wasn't far off. Its length was almost certainly over a foot from base to tip, and even by those standards of size it looked and felt girthy beyond the expected average.

Closing his eyes, feeling his own comparably tiny cock twitching in delirious glee, the ferret wiggled his ass against the tiger's cock; the universal signal to commence. And then...

When Christopher arrived in the waiting room for the TA's office, the door was closed. The noticeboard confirmed that indeed he was open for office hours at this time though, so the otter approached, ready to knock. A split-second before he could do so though, something slammed up against the far side of the door; a shadow, visible through the frosted glass, pressed up against it. A frantic, squealing wail rang out, followed by the gruff roar of what sounded like a big cat.

"A-ahhh yeah... y-you adorable little slut.Again. Cum for me, one more time. I know you've got more than three in you."

The outline of two hands writhed and scrabbled at the glass, and as Christopher's eyes were able to focus more clearly on what he was seeing, he realised that there was a second, more faint shadow behind the first. The door shook on its hinges as the first figure was pounded against the glass and wood, and the second figure continued to grunt and roar amidst what was presumably the ferret TA himself squealing and whimpering in pleading ecstasy.

"Harder! Oooohhhh h-harder... you're everywhere! You're... a-aaah... you're hitting, a-all of it! My... ohhh god, I can feel it, o-oozing out... so much. Oh god, p-please, tell me you haven't cum. Tell me there's more..."

The larger, shadowed figure growled in pleasure, followed by a knowing laugh.

"Don't worry, Terry. I'm not even close to being done with you. And when I cum? I swear to you, cutie, you'll know it."

With a strangled wail of happiness, the ferret's face smooshed up goofily against the glass. His eyes were wide open, visible through the frosted effect, but they were rolling and twitching with such frequency that as Christopher stumbled backwards, he was almost certain that he hadn't been seen. The otter's cheeks flushed crimson. He'd heard stories about Terrance. About what the TA would do to help out a student who was falling behind on his work or lacking in the grades department. But all he'd wanted was some pointers on his next essay. He swore, that was all he'd wanted when he visited.

Now, though? The otter shuddered as he stared down at his trousers, and the respectable bulge within them. He'd never fucked someone in the ass before. In fact, the college Sophmore had never fucked anyone, period. And... if it was that easy to find a guaranteed lay? Maybe he'd just forget about this essay. Maybe he'd wait till it was due, and then pay Terrance a visit when the ferret wasn't so... busy.

"O-ohh... ohh god.Ahhh! Aahhhhhh yes _! Harder. _Faster. I... I'm c-cumming, again!"

He paused by the reception area door, and listened as the twinkish ferret squealed and whined in orgasmic bliss of a type beyond anything that the otter had ever heard before. Christopher's face flushed even brighter beneath his lush brown fur. Maybe he'd pay Terrance a visit, and fuck the ferret for himself. And while he was there... maybe he'd try to find out who had done that to the TA. Who was responsible for causing such devastating pleasure in that other man, and whether_he_ was available for some extra-curricular tutoring too.

By Jeeves

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