Early RIser

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Judy awakens early one morning, and with some time on her hands decides to indulge in some intimate thoughts involving a certain fox. <3

This story was written for me by jeevestheroo as part of his Patreon request days. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults and F/Solo masturbatory antics. :3

This story was written for Shakal by Jeeves as part of his February patreon request days. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults and F/Solo masturbatory antics. :3

Early Riser

Judy always woke up extra early on days when she had a morning shift. It wasn't that her routine took overly long in its most basic form. A glass of carrot juice. A jog around the block. A bowl of cereal. A quick shower, and boom, she was ready for another day of defending the people of Zootopia. But while she could do all those things in about an hour, give or take a few minutes for any traffic encountered during the jog, she liked to leave a nice long buffer before any of that began. A good thirty minutes, sometimes longer if she didn't hit her snooze button, to just lie in bed and... contemplate.


Judy squirmed happily under the covers as she slid a hand down the length of her fluffy figure, over the curves of her torso and down to rest between her legs. She closed her eyes, wiggled her rump to get extra comfy where she lay, and began to fantasise. For a minute or so, gently rubbing her fingers between the slightly puffy lips of her nether regions, she let her mind wander over all sorts of situations. One of Gazelle's tiger troupe kneeling between her legs, his hot breath washing out over her pussy and his tongue teasing forward to lap at her clit like it was the button to unleash a saucer of milk. A certain former mayoress feverishly humping at a pillow, much to the excitement of the cell-mate in the bunk below hers. Nick strolling through the naturist club, catching the eye of a certain agile and rough-tongued panther...

She gasped, gave a soft squeak of excitement, and squirmed where she lay once again at the reaction from her body. That was the one, alright.

She focused more clearly on the scene, resetting it and playing it back from the start. Nick would be there for... well, not an on the job matter certainly, otherwise why would he already be naked? Oh. Oh! Unless he was there to meet an informant and thus had to go out of uniform. Out of all clothes, in fact.

He'd stroll through the park-like space at the centre of the naturalist community's suburban neighbourhood, the night sky lit up with fireflies all around him, headed for his informant's home when.... uh oh, he's spotted by someone else. Another resident. The very one he's here to investigate for possible criminal activity. The panther strolls up, all casual and charming, trying to out-Nick Nick himself. Normally it wouldn't work, not for a second, but the fox knows he has to play it cool. Has to act like he really is just here to visit a friend, maybe have some of the kind of fun that naturalists were stereotyped to enjoy.

"Mmmhh... bad girl, Judy..."

Pulling herself out of the fantasy she was constructing, Judy chided herself for letting such preconceptions enter into her masturbatory world. She continued without further pause though, gasping happily as for the first time she allowed two of her soft fingers to run up to the apex of her nether region's and exposed her clitoris, giving it the most gentle and restrained of caresses with the fur of her fingers alone.

"A-ah... Nick..."

She moaned, and returned her attention to her imagination. To the fox, now sitting out on the grass in the middle of the park and just chatting with the panther. Trying not to let himself be intimidated or put off by the way the panther began to lick himself, cleaning himself with his own tongue like one of his own savage ancestors... and becoming visibly aroused as he did so.

Of course, Nick would pass it off with a joke, wanting to ease the tension of the situation. Something like...

"Boy... if I was that flexible, I'd be licking somewhere else..."

...before realising how inappropriate that was and growing red in the face as the panther raised an eyebrow, then smiled at him with a rather passionate intensity.

"Oh, would you now? And where... Mr Fox... might you want to be licked?"

Judy's fingers began to move a little more purposefully against herself now as she moved the scene on. The atmosphere in her mind became more tense. Passionate. Heavy with sexual tension and chemistry as the panther looked between the blushing fox's legs and saw the tip of a red, pointed cock beginning to emerge. He rose from where he was resting, rolling over onto all fours and not just crawling but_stalking_ his way slowly towards Nick. His own erection was fully engorged by now, and throbbed visibly between his legs as he approached the fox with a toothy grin.

"I know you're here to meet someone else, Mr Fox... but we're all friendly neighbours here. All willing to share and be happy for one another's indulgences. If you already have friends here, and you want to have more... why not let me feel just how friendly you can be?"

Nick knew how important this informant was. At least, in Judy's mind he did. Thus, he did the only thing he could do under the circumstances. The only thing a reckless idiot like Nick would think to do.

He rolled over onto all fours himself, lifted his tail, and moaned back at the panther.

"I've gotta say... if you're all this friendly in the neighbourhood, I might not just visit more often. I might move in."

Within moments, a warm rough feline tongue was licking at Nick's ass. Teasing his balls where they hung down, and aiding the fox in not having to fake his moans of arousal as his own cock rose to prominence, throbbing and twitching with excitement beneath him. The panther was of course substantially larger than the fox, and even feeling the feline's tongue sliding into him was enough to make Nick grunt and shudder as it stretched his ass wider than to the degree he was normally accustomed.


Judy giggled to herself, mentally reminding her brain to let her know later exactly in her head canon Nick_was_ indeed accustomed to with regard to anal. A moment later though she pressed a finger deep into herself, and cried out with such hunger that she couldn't do anything more but resume her fantasy as she indulged in the ever more intense masturbatory pleasure she was invoking.

"You ready, fox?"

The panther growled his question as his tongue withdrew from Nick's now glistening pucker, and without waiting for an answer sprang forward, knocking Nick off all fours and rolling him over onto his back. He loomed over the smaller, rusty furred male, and licked his lips as he stared down at Nick's blushing face, and the twitching red shaft of his cock clearly visible against his white belly-fluff.

"I like to see the faces of the sluts I fuck. To see how much they love my cock in them. To see how I make them howl and moan, and watch their cocks jiggle and twitch as I pound their asses. You okay with that?"

Nick's face burned crimson, but as ever he fought to play it cool as a cucumber about to be used as an improvised dildo.

"I'd expect nothing less from a stud like you. Now, shut up and fu-ahh...aaaahhhgod!"

Judy rolled over in her bed, burying her face in the pillows against which she had been resting until now to muffle her squeal of pleasure as she began to finger herself hard and fast, imagining Nick's attempts at being coy cut short as the panther simply grabbed him by the hips, lifted his legs high up into the air and began to fuck the fox senseless without any further preparation or warning. She pictured Nick's face contorting in mixed discomfort at the roughness of the fuck, and overwhelming pleasure as his prostate was pounded and hammered by the panther's subtly barbed cock right from the word go. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she imagined his doing the same, and thought of his cock flexing and throbbing, spurting streaks of pre-cum out over his chest just as her own juices were beginning to dampen the fingers and palm of the hand now violently fucking herself.

She thought of Nick slapping his hands over his muzzle as he howled for all the neighbourhood to hear, only to hear other animals, not just wolves and other canids but countless creatures of all shapes and sizes answering back. In this neighbourhood, all it took was one lust-stricken pair to set off a chain reaction. And here and now, the source of that explosive sexual awakening was none other than Nick, with of course valuable assistance from the cock pounding him repeatedly and deliciously senseless.

"Oh god! Oohh god it's.... aaahhhh it's too much, I c-ca-aahhhh!"

The fox tried to call out, tried to beg, to plead for the panther to take it a little easier as thick spurts of pre almost long and volatile enough to seem like the full on effects of orgasm surged from deep within him each and every time the other male plunged his way deep into Nick's core. The knotted base of his cock was swelling rapidly, and had his hands not been clenched into tight fists, pounding at the ground either side of him as he howled and yelped Nick would almost certainly have been rubbing and squeezing at the knot with all the strength and sanity he could muster. It wasn't that the panther's thrusting hurt after all. Far from it, his body had become used to the near painful intensity by now, stretched and sloppy as the panther's saliva and pre-cum lubed up his innermost depths. It was that it felt_too_ good. Too overwhelming. His body didn't have the mental capacity to process all the pleasure being lavished so forcefully upon it, and that was driving Nick crazy.

With toes curling up into the night sky, back arched and head thrashing from side to side where he lay, Nick stared up with wide and dazed eyes at the panther bearing down over him. Hot strings of the snarling feline's spittle landed on his chest and neck and face. The larger, rampantly thrusting male's eyes shone with savage fury, and his sharp teeth did little to keep hot, snarling surges of air from washing out over the fox's whimpering, blushing face. He'd never felt so submissive before. So outmatched and... and well used. He was a glove to this panther. A fuck toy and nothing more... and in that moment, Nick kind of loved it.

"Beg me to cum in you. Beg me... and I might let you leave here with your ass dripping and your throat intact, cop."

The panther growled to the fox with a threatening grin, and pressed his muzzle down to Nick's neck, not grasping it between his teeth but coming very close to doing so. The fox thrashed, howled, and nodded in pleading desperation.

"A-anything. Oh god, anything... just please, please cum!"

The dark furred feline threw his head back in a mixture of triumphant laughter and a roar of pleasure, and Nick's eyes bulged as he felt the panther's hips continuing to pound deep inside him even as the big cat's thick cum flooded his ass.

"Oh god! Oohh god. Fuck!"

He howled at the top of his lungs, and without a single touch being delivered to his throbbing, thick knotted cock, he started to paint his belly, his chest and even the underside of his own gasping, wide-open muzzle with hot ribbons of his own orgasm. The panther had claimed him. Had used him. Had utterly outmatched him. And in that moment, he simply didn't care. All he needed was to feel the other male's hot cum flooding into him, and his own seed flooding out of his aching balls.


Judy shrieked happily into her pillow as hot gushes of her orgasmic ejaculate splashed out against the palm of her hand, and the walls of her pussy began to clamp with sharp, intense bursts of pressure around her fingers as she hammered them against her g-spot. The bed creaked with the force and speed she was delivering as she humped at her hand, hunched over on her knees and feeling her orgasm's wetness dripping down and soaking into the sheets beneath her. For as long as she could she clung to that mental image. To the thought of Nick being claimed so savagely, being overwhelmed and outmatched so totally by another man. And then... then she tumbled over onto her side with a final breathless grunt, and a helpless, weak little giggle.


She pushed the covers back with feet that were heavy and difficult to lift, revelling in the relatively cool bedroom air against her bare body, particularly her damp, still twitching crotch.

Lying with her arms and legs stretched out like a star, Judy caught her breath. She huffed, whimpered, and closed her eyes in absolute satisfaction as she recovered from her potent fantasy and the orgasm it had induced. Only when she was a little more settled and clear headed did she open her eyes again, and glance over to the digital click sitting upon her bedside cabinet.

Immediately she giggled again, her blush returning, deepening to as much of an extreme as before, if not a little more.

There were still forty minutes left of her extra early morning hour. Forty minutes before she had to get out of bed.

She looked down the length of her body, to her damp crotch and the wet fur upon her fingers. She moaned softly, and closed her eyes once more.

Again she began to roll through a list of fantasies. Slightly less passionate, more romantic ones this time. The perfect accompaniment for her second orgasm of the morning, and the perfect reminder of why she delighted in always being such an early riser.

By Jeeves

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