O is for Orgasm Denial

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Can masturbation still be enjoyable if you're not allowed to cum? Ask Jay! He seems to have quite a bit of knowledge and experience on the subject... ^^

This is the fifteenth of twenty six 'Alphabet challenge' commissions, in which the commissioner gave Jeeves a theme or setting to work with and let his imagination run wild .

This is the fifteenth of 26 'Alphabet challenge' commissions. Written for Shakal by Jeeves!

O is for Orgasm Denial!

Jay was in heaven. Sometimes when a man masturbates he hits upon a fantasy or a technique which makes the experience transcend what normally feels possible, and on this occasion the snow leopard had hit upon both. He lay on his bed, sheets turned down and only the soft linen mattress cover beneath him as he writhed and gasped in pleasure, the entire length of one paw wrapped around his throbbing seven inch erection and pumping the organ hungrily. His eyes were closed and his muzzle open, the snow leopard letting loose all manner of cries and gasping grunts of pleasure as he pawed off feverishly. His spotted, grey furred body bucked and trembled wildly, hips pushing up into the paw pleasuring him and his free hand tearing at the sheets with its claws as he approached the point of no return. Beneath Jay his tail thrashed madly from side to side, and as he flew towards his orgasm the snow leopard felt the telltale twitching at the tip of that fifth limb which told him that it was now or never!

With a heartbreaking cry, Jay released his cock and fell perfectly still upon the bed. His eyes snapped open, pale blue hues staring up at the ceiling of the darkened bedroom in a state of sorrowful anguish while his erect shaft throbbed, twitched and drooled in outrage, unable to comprehend why now of all times the male had chosen to hold off at the last possible moment.

The snow leopard groaned loudly, shaking his head as temptation called out to him and biting his bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood just to take his mind off the pure and unabashed need for satisfaction suddenly surging through him. He may have wanted to cum, perhaps even needed to if his body was to be believed in that moment, but the simple fact of the matter was that he couldn't. Yes he was physically capable of doing so, but Jay had promised his master that he wouldn't. He wasn't permitted to cum until his master returned home, and Jay had no idea when that would be.

Of course, the sensible thing to do would simply have been not to masturbate; not to work himself up to a state where to deny himself orgasm would be as big a tragedy and heartache as it currently was. Jay's master wasn't a normal guy though; he had abilities beyond those of mortal furs, and he used them frequently to enhance the little sex games which he and his pet snow leopard shared. On this occasion for example, Jay had been hypnotised. He was to masturbate often, to relive his wildest memories and fantasies in all their glory, but still not to cum without his master's presence!

If he was honest, Jay wasn't sure when this particular trigger had been implanted in his mind, nor indeed when it had activated itself. Looking outside the bedroom window now the snow leopard could see that it was dark, and it certainly hadn't been when he started to masturbate. This couldn't have been the first break he'd taken though, not the way his crotch was aching for relief. His balls felt swollen and full to bursting, his sleek pink cock was a deep red from the frequent and frantic masturbation which had been lavished upon it, and his belly was damp with enough droplets and little squirts of pre-cum to constitute one or two full orgasms in their own right.

Quite rightly Jay assumed that his mind was performing something of a shutdown to keep him from remembering all the previous fantasies he'd indulged in, perhaps because the combined desire from all those memories would drive him mad or overwhelm his body to the point where even one of his master's triggers couldn't keep him from cumming! Thus he knew that when he resumed his fantasising once again, after probably just a little more time taken to let his arousal calm down, he would forget all about this little interlude. He would have to work all this out all over again when next his body forced him to stop, only next time the need raging within his nether regions would be even more powerful than it was now!

"Oh g-god..."

Without warning, an image flashed up in front of the snow leopard's eyes. Almost instinctively he closed his blue hues to the outside world, instead focusing on the images being projected into his mind. They weren't so much the vague concepts or still shots of memories, but rather a complete film real in dazzling technicolour, complete with smell-o-vision, touch, sight, sound and taste! Indeed a moment after he saw those images, he was within them once again; locked away inside yet another memory that was sure to be among the most potent and erotic sexual experiences that Jay had ever had the pleasure of indulging in.

Sure enough the grey furred, fluffy tailed male found himself standing naked in a small room, a full length mirror covering a substantial portion of one wall and allowing him to view his lean, lithe figure and strikingly cute facial features. Looking down, Jay confirmed what the mirror was telling him. He was aroused. Pleasure surged through him as he touched his erection, gasping it both in the fantasy and lying on his bed in reality too, and began to stroke the length of his shaft tenderly.

A door swung open as Jay watched himself in the mirror, masturbating thanks to a great deal of unsatisfied arousal which he didn't remember from living this in reality and a slight degree of narcissism that had indeed driven him to paw off when this event actually took place. The snow leopard swung round on the spot, blushing fiercely and moving his paws to cover his obvious erection before he'd even had a chance to take in the sight of who was standing there in the doorway. Almost as soon as he did see who it was though, a soft whimper escaped the feline male's lips and the paw that had been wrapped around his cock returned to its task. Two other males, a long haired fox who was the very stereotype of the gay twink and a ram with large, curled black horns, entered the room. They too were naked and erect, and Jay instantly recognised them as two of the pets of his master's friends.


A voice boomed out of nowhere and into the three male's heads. They didn't flinch though, each of the trio more than experienced enough with their master's skills not to mind a little telepathic invasion.

"...is a play date."

Lying on the bed, Jay moaned loudly as he remembered how he and the other two males had looked at each other, grinning and almost weeping with joy at this news. The snow leopard began to paw his cock faster, and whimpered loudly as he felt himself rising towards orgasm with surprising speed, almost as though he'd already been horny before he started fantasising. God only knew that he felt horny of course, but when he tried to think of why he might feel that way... well, it was almost as though his mind casually reminded him about something else more intoxicatingly pleasant that had happened to him, so that he could think about that instead.

A play date was something which Jay was only allowed once or twice a year normally, and they tended to be pre-planned. A surprise play date was therefore something glorious to imagine, and to actually find himself as a part of one... it was no surprise that Jay had thrown himself into the arms of the fox and ram, moaning and whimpering happily as their naked bodies pressed against one another without the slightest shame or embarrassment.

On a play date, the masters involved left their pets to their own devices for an entire day. The pets were free to talk, to fuck, to do anything they wanted together, and for twenty four hours the magic of their combined masters would allow them to remain alert and excited in perpetuity. They could quite sincerely fuck for twenty four hours straight without a break, and come out neither sore nor fatigued in the slightest!

It was the beginning of that day which Jay was remembering now, as he lay back on his bed and snarled in wild, savage lust while his paw flew over his erection almost as fast as it had been the last time he was forced to stop. The snow leopard remembered the first act the three of them had shared, simply standing together and giggling like school children as they each fondled and groped one another's arousal, creating an impromptu combination of a circle-jerk and a cuddle that had left them all messy and entirely at ease with one another. After that they'd engaged in a three-way fuck, with the fox sandwiched between the ram's cock and Jay's ass, giving the snow leopard a wonderfully passionate reach around from the very start. From there it had gone on and on and on in a similarly intense series of sexual kinks and acts, and in what felt like a matter of seconds Jay relived it all.


The snow leopard pounded his cock hungrily with his paw, groaning with savage delight as he felt his orgasm rising. It was going to happen, he was going to cum! He could feel his balls tightening, so full of cum that it seemed to be sloshing around physically within the swollen orbs. Already his cock was throbbing and twitching wildly, spilling vast quantities of pre-cum out over his fingers and the soft fuzz of his belly and sheath. Jay tossed his head back, ready to let out an almighty howl of lust at the moment his orgasm struck, and...

His paw released the violently throbbing length of his shaft, and the snow leopard all but sobbed in frustration and desire. This time it took mere moments for the truth of his situation to flood back into his mind, but even when it had it didn't make the savage need for orgasm any easier to deal with. Jay didn't think he'd ever felt denial like this before, never having been brought so close to the edge and then forced to stop so absolutely cold turkey!

"S-so close..."

If he touched himself, just once, he'd cum. Jay was completely and utterly convinced of that fact!

"So damn close... oh god, w-why?"

Upon trying to lift his right hand from where it was now dragging its claws through the tattered mess of the soft linen beneath him, Jay discovered that he was incapable of doing so. Apparently his hypnosis had been taken to a new level, so that any attempt at disobedience was met not by punishment but by a simple inability to commit said disobedience. The snow leopard whimpered loudly as he tried with all his strength to lift his arm, if only one finger and by a single centimetre, but as long as the idea of using that hand to touch his crotch remained in Jay's mind he knew that it would be a hopeless effort.

In a vain, fleeting hope that his master may not have planned for all contingencies, Jay tried to roll over onto his belly. Even humping at the sheets would be enough to send him over at this stage, and if that was what it took in order to relieve himself of that wild, unbearable ache emanating from his loins then so be it. Again however his body refused to cooperate, just as it refused to allow him to buck his hips up into the air, to try and use muscular contractions around his crotch in order to set himself off, or even to start fantasising again! Any portion of his mind that contained anything but the most rudimentary sexual knowledge and awareness seemed to shut down as he reached out for it with his thoughts, catching fleeting glimpses of lewd acts and toe curling memories before his mind shut them down and they were lost to Jay entirely.

Then, suddenly, he was able to move again. Jay whimpered in disbelief as he felt a strange tingling sensation wash over his entire body, and suddenly felt the impossibly absent weight that had kept him almost perfectly stationary until now abating over a matter of seconds. He raised a paw nervously, then began to edge it closer and closer to his crotch. His fingers touched the head of his throbbing cock lightly, and Jay groaned as they came away sticky. Hurriedly, not wanting to waste this apparently golden opportunity that had been afforded to him either by his master or some other higher power, the snow leopard wrapped his other hand around his cock whilst the fingers of that paw flew to his muzzle. He tasted himself eagerly, slurping at his fingers and letting slip a breathy groan of pleasure as his other hand swept up and down the length of his cock once again. Something deep inside the male told him that this was it. This was the time when he'd cum!

There was no fantasy now; no memories or images to turn the snow leopard on, just his own desire to cum fuelling his masturbation! That was more than sufficient though, and before long Jay's paw was a blur upon his cock. Again he took the most direct approach, wasting no time or effort as the entire length of his paw wrapped around the seven inch shaft and began to pump it from top to bottom with feverish delight. Several times he thought about changing position, stuffing a few fingers up his ass, something to make it feel even better! That would take time though, and right now what would feel best for Jay was quite simply to achieve orgasm. That goal alone would make any climax he received far greater than anything the additional stimulus added by his fingers or a change of position.

"Oh y-yes! Yes, g-gonna shoot! Ohh fuck, gonna do it! I... oh god... I'm..."

The snow leopard pawed at himself hungrily; crying out, yelping, snarling and moaning with giddy joy as he tore towards his orgasm at a feverish pace. Again and again he felt certain that he was about to blow, but each time the pleasure simply kicked itself up yet another notch and left him wondering even more breathlessly than before just how good it was possible for a fur to feel without going completely mad! Pre-cum drooled from the tip of his throbbing arousal in a near constant stream, his balls seemed to pulse and throb physically with the pounding of his heart, and from top to bottom every inch of Jay's body trembled with ever building euphoria.

Finally, with his toes curling and his hips driving savagely up into the paw masturbating his throbbing erection, with his muzzle wide open and his eyes squeezed tightly shut, Jay reached the absolute pinnacle of his pleasure. The feline male drew in a deep, shuddering breath, ready to release it in a scream that would doubtlessly reach his master wherever he may have been!

It was then, without warning, that Jay's paw fell away from his cock once again and that irresistible sensation of being pinned down by a vast, invisible weight swept over him in a single instant.

The snow leopard's eyes snapped open, and he did scream, but that scream was a world away from one of orgasmic release. He screamed in horror, in anguish, and in pure rage at his master for being so damnably cruel as he hung on the very knife's edge of climax, and slowly, painfully began to sink back into the same state of hellish, blue balled desire from which he had just fought so hard to escape.

Jay's cock throbbed with need, drooling and twitching, begging for contact as it spilled vast quantities of enticing, intoxicatingly scented pre-cum over the male's belly. But none came, and nor was it going to without the presence of the snow leopard's master.

He would have his release, that was an absolute certainty. But when that would be, precisely how much longer Jay would have to wait on the very edge of orgasm in order to achieve that release... that remained to be seen.

By Jeeves

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