A Simple Office Job

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Donny works in an office, just as lots of people do all over the world. The particular task he performs for his employers however is... maybe a little more intimate than most. ^^

This story was written for me as part of Jeeve's Patreon Request Day work for October! It contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a semi-public setting.

This story was written for Shakal as part of Jeeve's Patreon Request Day work for October! It contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a semi-public setting.

A Simple Office Job

When people asked Donny what he did for a living, they were often surprised by the enthusiasm and glee with which he gave his answer. Not that it was a bad thing to be passionate about one's job, of course, but... to an outside observer, his description of his work didn't sound like the kind of thing that was worth getting so giddy about.

Donny worked in an office, as the personal assistant to one of the company executives. That was it. That was all he did. Or at least, that was all the vast majority of people heard before changing the subject, and Donny never argued. If they didn't want to hear more, that was fine by him. It may have just been a simple office job to them, but to him... it was Donny's dream career.


The door to the office swung violently open, hitting the wall with force enough to rattle the pictures upon the walls and cause the heavy wooden structure around the fox to shake slightly. A loud snort rang out as the door slammed shut again, and heavy hooves thundered their way to the desk, appearing before Donny's vision where he was kneeling before his boss's luxurious leather swivel-chair.

Falling with another grunt into his seat, the burly Clydesdale stallion rolled his chair close to the desk, only to make it shake with such a violent impact that could only have come from a clenched fist slamming down upon it. At the same time though he stamped his right foot more modestly twice in rapid succession, thus letting Donny know that his daily service was due to commence. The fox's paws flew forward, and began to unfasten the belt of the stallion's smart black trousers as he heard a phone rise from its cradle.

"Get me McAvery in the West Coast office. Now."

With practised ease the lithe fox unbuttoned and unzipped the stallion in near silence, his naked body trembling as he heard the powerful horse's fingertips drumming impatiently upon the desk above. He gently worked the fabric of the male's crisp suit trousers down over his powerful, muscular thighs, and followed suit with the boxer briefs that lay beneath, already filled out and stretched even though the cock that lay within was entirely at rest. That fact alone made Donny feel awful. He knew his boss's job was never easy, but if the stallion wasn't even hard despite having already called for Donny's aid... whatever had him angry today had to be pretty damn big.

Taking the stallion's flaccid shaft into his hands, its length the best part of a foot even soft and malleable as it currently was, The twinkish vulpine began to tease and squeeze at its length. He nuzzled at the tip. Kissed it. Licked it. And as it began to respond to the physical ministrations as any cock would, Donny took this rare opportunity and took it into his muzzle already, eager to feel it stiffening against his lips and tongue when normally it was already rock hard by the time he was able to wrap himself around it.

"McAvery. What the fuck was that I saw on the overnight reports?! You were meant to be conducting basic consumer research. Polling. Questionnaires. Online fucking surveys. Please tell me you didn't hand it off to some intern. Please tell me you didn't hand them our new product, tell them to go conduct customer research, and just leave them to figure out what the hell that meant!"

Donny suckled and stroked the horse's cock as it grew, and grew, and kept on growing. It got thicker as well as longer, swelling to over double the length of its flaccid self, and as he felt the tip of the equine erection beginning to flare and force his muzzle open with its sheer girth, the fox gave his all with the motion of his tongue against that sensitive tip. He knew how hard his boss worked, and the amount of stress he was under even on an average day. That was why he was here. Why he had the job that he did, dedicated to keeping the stallion motivated and _calmed_no matter the struggles he faced from behind that desk. But on a day like today, just making his boss feel good wasn't enough. He had to push himself. He had to force the pleasure upon the stallion no matter how much his boss seemed to be embracing anger over the more relaxed and contented managerial style that Donny's actions helped him to achieve.

"Yes, Frank, it got fucking leaked. Our new product design all over the goddamn internet. Months of development. Hundreds of thousands in man hours alone spent on research and production. Jesus fucking Christ, what were you... a-ah... what were you thinking?!"

Donny's eyes widened, and though his muzzle was held wide open by the cock upon which he was suckling, the corners of his lips turned upward as he heard that stifled little gasp amidst the stallion's frustrated cries to his coastal office's counterpart. That was what he liked to hear. That was progress. And sure enough, with that one small score upon the board, Donny's buoyed confidence propelled him to yet greater success. He bobbed and sucked. He slurped and teased at the dripping tip of the stallion's member, and ran his hands rapidly up and down the length, squeezing and rubbing at all the sweet spots he knew that the horse loved having handled. He even took one paw off the stallion's member itself to pay a little attention to his boss's balls, and little by little he heard the once angry male's tone growing more calm and measured.

It wasn't that the stallion was suddenly okay with the massive fuck up by the other office of course. Donny was a stellar cock-sucker, no denying it, but even his skills couldn't outweigh hundreds of thousands in potentially wasted outlay. The simple truth of the matter was that the only way his boss could keep from starting to moan and whinny over the phone, or obviously show his pleasure to the clients and visitors to the company who might not have known about the special assistants whom many of the staff here kept on payroll, was to act. To pretend he wasn't being slowly but steadily driven towards ecstasy by a hungry fox's muzzle, and thus to pretend that he wasn't holding back moans, and cries, and frantic snorts of pleasure. Thus, he acted calmly. He kept his tone measured and gentle. And not only did he keep Donny's actions a secret, but he found himself unwittingly defusing the rather tense situation that was brewing between the two ends of this phone call.

"Alright. Okay, Frank. Look, I'm sorry I yelled. I just.... mmmh... I know how hard you guys worked on this. I know how much it meant to the company, not bottom line or anything like that, to its people. But, we can fix this, right? You've got your best people on it already, I'm sure. And, if there's anything else you need from us... anything at all. You know you can ask. Right?"

That was the boss Donny knew. The boss Donny so admired. He drew back from the horse's cock, just for a moment, and kissed it. He kissed its tip, and somewhere above he heard another breathy gasp, followed by a soft chuckle. Again the male's right hoof bumped at the ground beside Donny in quick succession, reminding and encouraging the fox that his job was haste and passion, not being cute and tender. At the same time though, a hand reached down; the hand not clutching at the phone still, and tousled the rusty red fur upon Donny's head. Had he not known that his silence was imperative, Donny would have whimpered with happiness and leaned into the stallion's rare, affectionate touch. But he maintained his professionalism, and got right back to work giving his boss the best and most rapidly orgasm-inducing blow-job he knew how to give.

And sure enough, just a couple of minutes later...

"Right. Good, o-okay then. I'll make sure we have people ready to start going over the files as soon as you send them. We'll figure this out, Frank. Yeah. Yeah, I know. And, I am too. I know how tough this job can be. You take care, okay? Alright. Yeah, seeya, McAvery."

The phone clicked as the stallion set it down, and a soft, muffled whimper escaped Donny as he felt the cock already drooling hot streams of pre-cum down the back of his throat strain with excitement. He knew what was coming, and between his own legs his rock hard cock twitched in its very own glee.


First one hand, then two appeared under the desk, and grabbed the fox's head within their combined grasp. The wheels of the stallion's luxurious leather desk chair began to slide back and forth upon the hardwood floor, not padded and carpeted like the small section upon which Donny was kneeling, and as he rocked his hoofed feet back and forth the boss began to hump more urgently at the muzzle servicing him.

"A-ah... I'm... fuck, yeah... I'm gonna be working overtime on this for weeks. Late nights. Early mornings. Ah. Ah. G-goddamn..."

The thick equine cock fucked Donny's muzzle with ever growing speed and force, and the fox's eyes rolled back in his head as he found his hands suddenly entirely irrelevant as more and more of the stallion's erection was pushed deep into his throat with every sharp thrust of the male's hips forward out of his seat. The twink's paws fell to his own cock, and with one hand wrapped round the shaft and the other groping at his already swelling knot, he howled breathlessly around his boss's cock.

"I'm gonna need you hear with me, soft-lips... y-you understand? Ah. Ohhh fuck, yes. I'm g-gonna... ahhhh... whatever the cost. Whatever the raise you need, I need you here every minute. Every day until this thing is solved. I can't do this without you. W-without... oh. Oh god. I'm... fuck. Fuck. Take it. Take it... aaahh... take it all. Yes!"

Donny yelped and gurgled as his boss's hot cum flooded down his throat. Once more he felt and heard a heavy fist hammering against the desktop above, while his muzzle was continually fucked by the wild and passionate humping of the horse's hips. Powerful spurts of the fox's own cum lashed out across the office floor as his boss's release sent him over the edge too, but thankfully missed the crisp black legs of the stallion's trousers. However long and intense his own release though, the fox's seed still seemed like mere droplets compared to the torrent of cum that soon found itself spilling down Donny's chin. He whimpered as he found himself overflowing, unable to handle the sheer volume of his boss's potent release no matter how rapidly and hungrily he gulped it down. But it was a whimper of joy. Of pride, and of respect. Not only was his boss an incredible businessman, he was the envy of every other special assistant in the office. He had a cock like no other, and a capacity like no other. He was a cock-slut's wet dream... and it was Donny's absolute privilege to work with him and on him day in, day out.

It wasn't just the fact he got to suck cock all day, every work day that made Donny so proud and delighted by his job. It was the fact he got to suck that particular man's cock, and the fact that he knew no other special assistant, however much they tried, would be able to keep up with his boss's volume, or indeed the frequency and urgency of the stallion's needs.

"Don't stop..."

The Clydesdale might have ceased cumming, but still he held one hand tight against the back of the fox's head, ensuring that Donny didn't bring an end to the blow-job he was still delivering with passion that went far beyond mere obedience and obligation.

"Good. A-ah... that's... keep going, you know what I need."

The hand withdrew soon after, but on its way back up to the desk to begin what sounded like a long shift of requisitions, paperwork and probably more stressful phone calls, it still took the time to tousle Donny's hair once again.

The stallion might not have known his name. He might not ever have looked under the desk or seen Donny's face, just as the fox had never seen anything more of the stallion from the waist up. But just because their relationship was wholly professional, it didn't mean the stallion didn't care.

"You always know. J-just... ohh... just what I always need, you sweet, cum hungry slut. Ah, y-yeah..."

Donny shivered. He blushed, and he moaned around his boss's still throbbing, rock hard erection. He might have just been a muzzle and a pair of hands to the stallion, but the Clydesdale always knew exactly what to say to make him feel special. To make him feel more than wanted. More than needed. To make him feel like he was a part of something far greater than himself.

This was no simple office job. This wasn't even just a career to Donny. This was his calling. His destiny. And his boss knew it, too.

"Oh for fuck's sakes. Here comes the VP of marketing, and she looks pissed. Please... ahh... harder. Faster. I... a-ahh... I can't do this without you. Please. Take me to the edge... t-take me there, and... don't let me cum until she leaves. When this is over? I'm gonna need something to look forward to."

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