A New Kind of Exploration

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Anubis trains Shakal in his new mental abilities.

A New Kind of Exploration

If anyone present at the annual Studs and Subs charity auction had glanced into the rear right hand corner of the main hall, they would have found their eyes growing suddenly and inexplicably blurred. At the same time, they might well have found their trousers growing as tight as whatever lay within them would allow, until they had little choice but to look away or risk making a substantial mess in their underwear before even a single beautiful body had been brought up on stage.

The reason for this was simple. At least, simple to the two figures standing in that corner of the room. Two of the only four minds in this entire world, this entire universe, who knew that it existed due to them. Formed to their expectations and wishes... or at least, to those of one of them, with the eager input of the others.

At first, Anubis and Shakal did not talk about anything of consequence, nor anything at all really. They simply stood back and watched the last minute preparations for the auctions continue. They laughed as a few people glanced their way, only to look away soon after with red faces and tented trousers, and they growled approvingly as a muscular bull made his way up towards the stage, a heavy black cock and low slung balls protruding at half-mast from the front of a pair of both crotchless and assless leather chaps.

It was only when the auctioneer appeared on stage and began his usual reading of the rules on both bidding and purchase of the various subs and studs available for dates, nights, or even weekends of fun, that the jackal god finally began to address Shakal. Not simply chatting, there was little small-talk which the deity would ever care or need to indulge in, but rather cluing him in on exactly why they were here in this particular corner of their relatively new universe.

"The powers you asked for. I think today, and this location in particular, would be a perfect opportunity to begin testing some of them out."

Shakal raised an eyebrow, perhaps not the smartest thing to do to the creator of an entire universe, unless of course you happened to be one of its co-creators.

"Some of them? Uh, maybe a stupid question, but can't you just give me all of them right now. I mean, it's not like you don't have the ability to, right?"

Anubis cocked an eyebrow right back at the panther, grinning playfully.

"You're right..."

The feline beamed, only to have his own grin turn to an embarrassed wince as Anubis concluded what he was saying.

"...that was a stupid question."

Without waiting for any further commentary from the Shakal, the jackal deity continued to explain what he had in mind.

"You said you wished to be able to read others. To understand their motives. Their desires. Their fantasies and longings. Everything that makes them tick, and makes their toes curl. This is still on your list?"

With a growl of undeniable excitement, the panther nodded. Anubis smiled.

"Good. Then we shall begin. First, you will need to select someone. Pick out an individual from whatever surroundings you and they are in, so that it is them and them alone whose mind you are able to peruse. I would suggest creating some sort of mental interface. Something which your mind can project psychically, which you alone will see. That should provide a solid lock. Then, we can begin choosing ways in which you will be able to analyse the information you find."

This time, rather than simply shooting his mouth off or looking at the deity with any kind of sarcasm or disdain, Shakal considered what had been said. Only then did he reply, in as measured and thoughtful a manner as possible.

"Okay. That sounds fine, I guess. But... if you can give me these powers, can't you make it so I just know all this stuff about them? Just zap it into my head?"

Anubis chuckled.

"Just... zap it in? You mean, like how I can see and know everything about every person in this room, right now?"

Shakal nodded. The jackal shrugged.

"Well, let's see how that goes. Shall we?"

He didn't snap his fingers. Didn't fold his arms and blink. Didn't wiggle his nose. Anubis did nothing visual whatsoever to indicate that he was channelling his divine power through the panther, and yet a moment later Shakal was bombarded by the first wave of information.

ColinMcCarntneyJorjeSylvesterOrgasmdenialOhgodwhatifnoonebidsonme JacobRayTwentyTwoIhopemywifeneverfindsoutIshouldcallmymotherThatfennecoverthereisprettyhot Watersports ArollingstonegathersnomossYesterdaysDoctorWhowasawesome CumbathIcanhazcheezburgerisstillthefunniestthingontheinternetAmIgayorjustbisexual IwishGavinwashereOtisVanDaalThatshadeofgreenshouldntbewornbysuchalightfurreddogPawfetishThirtySeven...

A millisecond later, a second wave hit him. A third wave followed, at least ten times the size of the first two. Another. And another. And another.

Every thought. Every fact. Every fantasy and dream and hope and throwaway thought which was running through the minds of every person within this one single room of this building on this street in this city in this country on this continent of this world in this whole vast inescapably infinite universe. All of it hit Shakal at once, and even though Anubis cut the flow an instant later, it took almost thirty seconds before Shakal began to recover even the most basic semblance of himself. Of what was him, and what was everyone else. Of where he ended and everyone else began. Of what it meant to be an individual. To be a mortal.

Standing beside Anubis, Shakal suddenly had a whole new level of respect for what it meant to be a God. It wasn't just about creating and provoking endless, explosive orgasms. It wasn't about blinking whole new universes into creation and simply letting them run.

It was about being everything. Being everywhere. Knowing everything, and everyone, and everything that everyone knew, believed they knew, wanted to believe, or simply found passing through their minds on a whim, at any given moment of every second of every day.

A soft whimper escaped the feline, and he barely managed to restrain himself from throwing his arms around Anubis in an almost commiserative hug.

"H-holy shit..."

With a dry chuckle, the jackal waved a hand dismissively through the air.

" I can handle that, because I am a God. You are not. Yes, I can give you powers. Powers that to any mortal in this universe will make you seem like a God. But Shakal? There are limits. And if I tell you that you need to find a way to select and narrow your view before you pluck open someone's mind... it's because you do need to. Do you understand?"

The panther nodded, swallowing thickly.

"I... I understand."

And he did. Truly, he did.

Anubis growled in contentment.

"Good. Now, let's try it the way I suggested. Focus on someone. A single person within the room."

Shakal did as he was asked. He glanced over the crowd, looking for someone who jumped out at him. Someone who at first glance seemed like they might have a lot to reveal. As he did so, he could almost feel a second pair of eyes looking through his; sharing his gaze, seeing exactly what he saw. And just a few seconds later, seeing someone was exactly what he did. For a split-second, he caught the eye of a toned, athletically built otter who seemed rather bored by the auctioneer's explanation of the rules. No sooner had he done so, it was almost as though he heard an audible click, and a flash of amethyst coloured light began to glow around the otter's body.

The fact that neither the otter himself nor anyone surrounding him reacted to the sudden unearthly glow told Shakal that only he was able to see this. He, and of course, Anubis. Sure enough, the deity's voice rang out in his mind soon after.

"Good. Now, tell me, what does this remind you of?"

At first, Shakal couldn't put words to what he was seeing. The more he looked though, the more the amethyst glow seemed to remind him of the way a computer icon would highlight upon a desktop when selected, only far more organic and less linear. Clearly the jackal was reading his mind at that point in time, for no sooner had that thought crystallised, Anubis spoke up once more.

"Okay. Let's run with that... I guess. You mortals and your technology. So many beautiful designs and ordered constructs in nature, and you decide to model your power on the same technology which brought you Windows Vista."

Despite the jackal's obvious sarcasm, Shakal did proceed with the idea of a computer's GUI in mind. Gently, trying not to force anything, he pushed with his thoughts. Sure enough, the amethyst glow brightened for a moment, and suddenly a whole raft of information popped up around the otter's upper torso. Written paragraphs in miniscule font. Folders full of images and video files. A whole hard-drive full of information, but larger than any computer that Shakal had ever dealt with. The panther brought a hand to rest against his head, groaning as he closed his eyes, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Again, Anubis spoke to him. This time however the jackal's voice was softer and more genuine, layered with understanding and reassurance.

"Don't give up. You're almost there. Just focus your mind more clearly. Know what you want to find out before you push for knowledge. Specifics are great, but general ideas and themes will be just as helpful in narrowing it down. So, tell me, what is it about this otter you want to know?"

For a moment or two the panther didn't dare open his eyes, but when finally he did so, it was with a clear image in his mind and a vocalisation of that desire upon his lips.

"His kinks. A list of his kinks."

Sure enough, as Shakal opened his eyes there was only one 'screen of information still floating beside the otter's body. It was still so small that the writing was illegible, but somehow, within his mind, Shakal could now see and understand the words within the window as clear as if he was standing right there beside the otter.

"He likes bondage. He can suck his own cock, and loves when people watch him do it. He hates watersports, and has done ever since a former partner pissed on him without asking while he was tied up... ew, gross..."

The panther winced, but kept going, finishing off the list with a smirk.

"And... whoa. He's never been with a woman, but has always found his mom's best friend pretty hot. She's like sixty, but he still jerks off to old holiday photos with her in them like every time he goes home to visit his folks!"

Turning his gaze away from the otter, Shakal saw and felt the list simply wink out of existence. He grinned towards Anubis, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Can I find out more?"

The jackal nodded, waving a hand back towards the otter as if to give Shakal permission to do whatever he wished. With a grin that was spread from ear to ear across his dark furred face, the panther eagerly acquiesced.

Over the next few minutes, Shakal rapidly began mastering his own interface. He pulled up visual fantasies that the otter had experienced recently, watching clips of each one like each was its own video file. He tried to read the male's arousal level, and was greeted by a graph charting arousal over time for the past thirty minutes. He reached further back, and found himself stunned at the depth and age of information he could pluck from deep within the male's consciousness. Things which the otter himself considered forgotten. Formative memories which had guided and shaped some of the kinks he enjoyed today, but now considered to be something he had simply always enjoyed. It was fascinating. It was thrilling. And, most importantly, it was hot.

By the time the panther withdrew his focus from the otter entirely, the amethyst glow surrounding the male flickering and then fading entirely, Shakal was trembling with visible excitement. Without a word to Anubis he tried again, seeking to probe the mind of another and learn yet more gloriously personal, intimate details. His gaze swiftly settled upon perhaps the most prominent figure in the room, the auctioneer himself. No matter how hard Shakal tried though, at first he was not able to establish contact. The ram was now concluding his introductory speech to all those assembled, and as he did so his gaze drifted warmly over the whole room. It was only when the auctioneer looked towards the panther, and for a moment or so Shakal met his gaze head on, that the lush purple glow sprang up around the ram's smartly suited figure.


Shakal murmured, only half maintaining his attention on the ram as he finally found himself able to tease the male's thoughts, wishes and desires from his mind. At the same time he found himself glancing over to where Anubis was still patiently standing, waiting, and watching through the panther's own eyes.

"Eye contact? That's... what? Another limitation to keep me from overloading myself?"

The jackal chuckled. He shook his head, and as he did so Shakal could feel the deity withdrawing from whatever connection he had temporarily forged with the panther's vision.

"Not exactly. You could probably juggle two or three minds at once without giving yourself too much of a headache. The eyes... well, that's just a mortal flaw I'm afraid. On your behalf, and theirs. You can only open up the minds of those whose eyes you've looked into because unlike me, you can't walk through walls at will. You need to use a door. Or a window. And them... by which I mean all mortals, can't help but provide a window. Surely you've heard the expression before? The eyes are the windows to the soul?"

Nodding slowly, the panther's lock upon the ram faltered slightly as he grew more and more enthralled by what Anubis was telling him.

"So, that's true?"

Anubis simply shrugged, smirking dryly.

"The window bit? Yeah. Mortals have been taking peeks into one another's hearts and minds through the eyes since the first earths were created. The soul bit... well, that one's a little trickier to explain unless you have seven or eight lifetime's worth of anthropological knowledge tucked away in your head. So, I'll get back to you in about five hundred years."

Shakal considered the deity's answer for a few seconds, then with a shrug of his own cut the tie between himself and the auctioneer. He hadn't seen much, little more than a scraping of the surface really, but having at least begun the process and now having ended it on two separate occasions, he felt that at least he had gathered a good understanding of the basics. A fact which he relayed to Anubis with great pride.

"Well... cool. Now I know how to get into their heads, and out of them again... I think I'm set."

He turned to face the dark furred jackal head on, chest puffed out with pride and eyes sparkling with excitement. Clearly he expected something from Anubis, whether it be a congratulations or a next step to help him develop even further. Thus, to that end, the omnipotent God gave Shakal a friendly wink, and gestured towards the stage once more.

"In that case, perhaps it's time for a more substantial field test. Not just reading a mind, but acting upon what you learn."

Seeking to follow the direction of Anubis' gesture, Shakal spun on the spot yet again and faced the stage and the assembled crowd once more. He sought out an obvious target, someone whom the jackal would almost certainly have picked out or placed there especially for this trial run of his abilities. To his disappointment however, no-one immediately jumped out from the crowd. Not even the first 'lot' of the day, a butch tiger of a similar build to Shakal's own who was now striding back and forth across the stage in red leather hot-pants, seemed particularly eye-catching.

Glancing back over his shoulder one last time, the panther sought clarification from the jackal. He opened his muzzle to ask which one of the hundred or so furs present in the room was to be his test, only for his mouth to fall silently shut once again as he found himself looking not into the twinkling, ancient eyes of Anubis... but directly into the cool, off-white painted wall against which he had last seen the deity's physical form leaning.

Anubis was gone, and Shakal, it seemed, was on his own for this test.

For the few minutes that followed, Shakal simply hung back and continued to observe in the hope that maybe a more obvious test subject might appear. He paid close attention to each new auction lot who walked out onto the stage, only to rapidly lose interest as they performed the same routines of seduction and teasing in order to get the bidders riled up, not displaying an ounce of the individuality that the panther was looking to probe into. Indeed before long Shakal's attention began to stray away from the furs striding around on stage, and he left his cosy little corner of the hall to walk around amongst the bidders. Perhaps one of them was the one he was looking for, and Anubis expected him to do a little hunting for his perfect prey.

Once or twice, the panther did spot someone who at first seemed like they might have potential. No sooner had he gotten a glimpse into their eyes however, and pulled open their deepest, darkest fantasies for him to pour over at his leisure, that supposed potential was hurriedly cast aside. Yes, they may have been kinky. And yes, they may have been a lot of fun to spend a night with. But that wasn't what Shakal was looking for. That wasn't what he assumed this test would focus on, for that was neither fun nor challenging enough to enthral him, and certainly not enough to interest a living God such as Anubis for even a fraction of a second.

It took almost ten minutes of idle and increasingly half-hearted searching and scanning before Shakal found the target he had been waiting for. They appeared from the left-hand side of the stage to a similar series of whoops, cheers and wolf whistles as any other, but as Shakal raised his eyes to give them a cursory but non-expectant once over, his breath caught in his throat. This creature, this man, was not like those he had seen on stage thus far. It didn't matter about size, whether stud, twink or somewhere pleasantly in between, every individual who had taken to the stage thus far had been brimming with confidence. They'd either been naked or semi-nude, and even if their cock hadn't been physically hard, they displayed all the signs of being overtly eager to engage with whoever won the bid to secure their affections.

Needless to say, the man that Shakal and the rest of the crowd were looking at now certainly did not fit that description. The jackal was clearly shaking with embarrassment, his face bright red beneath a soft coat of pale sandy fur. He was dressed in a button-down moleskin jacket with a white shirt beneath it, bottle green trousers, and polished black shoes. For only a moment or two did his head remain raised high enough to take a look out at the now silent crowd, Shakal amongst them, before his gaze dropped almost shamefully to the floor. He was cute, that was undeniable. The kind of twink that many of the more buff and dominant men here would delight in eating up. But even before the auctioneer had introduced him or asked for a single bid, Shakal could practically feel the crowd losing interest. They were thinking exactly what he was thinking. That there was no way a guy as withdrawn and meek as this, even if he did have some secret side devoted to a love of all things sexual that had somehow convinced him to register as an auction lot, would actually go through with whatever was meant to happen after he'd been purchased.

There was one key difference between the rest of the crowd and Shakal, of course. While they had to simply rely on their instinct, he did not. Now, thanks to his powers, he could pluck from the jackal's mind exactly what had brought the cringing, bashfully blushing male here, and what he could say and do in order to ensure that the twink not only agreed to go home with him... but that together both of them would have a weekend of unfathomably incredible sex.

As Shakal waited for the jackal to raise his head once more, eagerly anticipating the moment when he could make eye contact and begin to strip away all the secrets which this male held within him, he couldn't help but chuckle at Anubis' lack of imagination when it came to providing what was obviously supposed to be the panther's test. Even for a deity, one who was occasionally prone to underestimating the intelligence of even the mortals he cared for most dearly, making this twink a jackal too was a little on the nose. But then again, perhaps Anubis had spent so long associating his own form with that of a deity, that a traditionally coloured and mortal jackal did not trigger even the faintest twinges of familiarity within him.

"Let's get under way with an initial bid of... two hundred and fifty dollars. A bargain price for a chance at bringing this cutie-patootie out of his shell."

The panther's attention was drawn back to the stage rather sharply as he heard the auctioneer beginning to accept bids. Still the jackal hadn't raised his head, and thus still Shakal knew nothing about him or his intentions. Frowning, he glanced from side to side, concerned that someone else would bid and snatch up the jackal before he could confirm without doubt that this male was supposed to be for him; that the jackal the core component of his test.

In reality however, the truth was far, far more worrying.

Silence echoed around the room, broken only by a few awkward coughs as absolutely no-one placed a bid.

Clearing his throat, the auctioneer tapped at the end of his microphone expectantly.

"This is it, folks. Bidding is open. If my starting price was too high, remember you can always throw out a low-ball. Don't expect to hang on with it for too long though. This is a charity auction after all."

With every word the ram spoke to the crowd, and every second of silence he received in return, Shakal could see the jackal not only squirming with horrified embarrassment, but scowling as he muttered something at himself in sheer frustration. Silently, the panther willed the jackal to raise his head for just a moment. To look out pleadingly to the crowd for even a single bid. That was all he'd need to confirm his almost certain suspicions, and then he would bid and bid as high and long as it took to secure the jackal's companionship. He just needed one moment, one split-second of eye contact.

"I have to say, I'm disappointed. In the seven years we have been running this auction, we have never once had a lot which did not receive any interest. Do I really need to pass on this lot and move on?"

The auctioneer was trying, truly he was, but the crowd just wasn't having it. Their lack of bidding was a message not just to the jackal, but to the auction's staff. If they expected their clients to give generously, they needed to provide genuine incentives. Yes, it was all for a good cause, but the bidders were choosing to give their money to this charitable foundation rather than any other because of the unique rewards that their donations could help them acquire.

Raising his gavel, the ram shrugged and looked around the crowd searchingly one last time. He barely turned his eyes towards the jackal, and when he did so it was with frustration and disdain of his own. Clearly he was as disappointed with this lot as the crowd seemed to be.

"Lot number nine will go unsold, then. Going once..."

Shakal growled under his breath. This couldn't be happening. The jackal had to be the one he was looking for. He could feel it. But if that was the case, why wasn't Anubis telling the test subject to lift his head.

"Going twice..."

Unless... could it be that the mischievous deity wanted him to buy blind? To have already committed to a night with this mortal jackal before knowing what he liked and what he wanted?

"Going for the third and final time..."

Was that the test? The lesson here? Not just reading the jackal. Not just acting on what he read. But acting on whatever he discovered, following through on what his new power had allowed him to learn no matter what it might have been, after he was already committed to spending time with the man in question?

Shakal's eyes bulged as he realised that such a test sounded exactly like something Anubis would ask of him, and his right hand shot skyward like a rocket.

" One hundred thousand."

The room fell silent. Far more intensely silent than it had been at any point prior to now. All eyes turned towards Shakal, so much so that he found multiple amethyst auras beginning to glow faintly around various individuals as he met their gaze without any intention of doing so. There were only two pairs of eyes that the panther had any lingering interest in however. Those of the jackal, which despite having obviously heard Shakal's bid were still rooted to the floor; their owner frozen, standing perfectly still in abject shock. And those of the auctioneer, possibly the widest in the room.

"Sir, would you please confirm that you are making a genuine bid, and repeat the amount. Unless you back out now, we will insist that you pay as stated in the contract you signed upon registration for this event and countersigned upon entry."

Face calm and sincere, the panther nodded to the auctioneer.

"I bid one hundred thousand dollars, for the chance to spend a weekend with the only genuine man I have seen here today. No pretensions. No acting. No arrogant strutting as if he's god's gift to each and every bidder. Just a man. A normal man... here because he wants to raise some money for a good cause, and because maybe, just maybe, he wants to prove something to himself and the world. That no matter the package, the gift wrapped up inside can still thrill and delight as much as any cock-slut in a thong."

Shakal glared at all the bidders surrounding him sneering slightly for added effect.

"I thought maybe everyone else was just fooling around. That someone else was going to jump in once the initial surprise at seeing his choice of attire and lack of outward confidence had sunk in. But if everyone else here really is that shallow? That selfish, that they'd deny giving their money to charity just on the off-chance that maybe they wouldn't get a hot hole to bury themselves in while their wife is out of town..."

The panther's gaze returned to the stage, and though the jackal's head was now raised, though the jackal's tearful eyes were now staring in stunned amazement at the man who had bid on him, he did not try to read him. Not yet. For now, he simply smiled up at the stunned, overwhelmed twink, and repeated his bid one last time.

"One hundred thousand dollars. And I promise you... if anyone bids against me? I'm willing to pay much, much more."

It was barely twenty minutes later that the panther found himself leaning back against the comfortable, heated leather passenger seat of the jackal's car. Only a few words had passed between himself and the jackal, which almost exclusively included their having exchanged names, and a heavily stuttered and mumbled query from the freshly purchased twink regarding whether Shakal wanted to come back to his place. Of course, he had, and that was where they were now headed. Still the panther knew nothing of what was supposedly his soon to be lover beyond what he could see, and still as the city swept by on either side of them, neither one of them seemed about to change that by opening their muzzles to speak.

Miraculously, it was the jackal who broke the silence first. His voice was still wracked with nerves, as though at any moment he expected Shakal to tell him to pull over and forget about the whole thing, but at least he was trying.

"I... I um... j-just... that is, I w-wanted to say... y-you can't possibly know how, uh... how much I... I mean... t-thank you, Shakal. For this. For... uh... um..."

They pulled up at a red light, and the jackal's voice trailed off into shameful silence as he saw Shakal turn his head towards him. Their eyes met, and though the panther could feel his new companion tensing up violently as he reached out and placed a firm hand upon his shoulder, that was nothing compared to the nervousness which he saw first-hand as at long last he set his new powers loose upon the meek male and teased open the first few layers of the trembling twink's mind.

Taylor, a suitably ambiguously gendered name for such a lightly built and delicate man, was terrified. So much so that when Shakal took a look at the jackal's emotional state, it wasn't simply spelled out for him but seemed to be flashing with a bright red warning light. In response, the panther did the only thing that seemed sensible. He began to search through Taylor's mind in search of a countermeasure. He scoured the jackal's memories, his dreams and longings, and even his subconscious, for things that Taylor might find soothing and relaxing.

It took only a few seconds before a warm smile crossed the panther's muzzle, and he lifted his hand away from Taylor's shoulder. Instead, he boldly moved to cup the jackal's face in the crook of his palm, leaned over the divider between passenger and driver's seat, and planted a soft but lingering kiss upon the jackal's quivering lips.

Taylor was terrified, yes. Terrified of being inadequate. Terrified of disappointing. Terrified of being rejected, and being alone. But he didn't want to be, and it frustrated him to no end that he couldn't control that fear. If he was so pathetically nervous and edgy, how was anyone supposed to get close to him? Sure, he dreamed of the kind of man who could see through all his fear to what lay beneath. The kind of man who would gladly endure through all his whimpering and stuttering, and prove to Taylor that he wasn't going to be driven away by a little crippling self doubt. The kind of man who would just take the chance and kiss him, proving once and for all that Taylor's fears were all utterly baseless. That he was wanted.

But surely... that kind of man didn't exist.

Or at least, hadn't existed, until the moment when Shakal leaned over and proved to Taylor that he most certainly did.

Their lips parted only when a loud honking of the car's horn behind them reminded both men that they were sitting in traffic, now holding up a queue of cars at what had changed to a green light. Taylor straightened up, and a helpless little giggle of the most gloriously gleeful variety escaped his lips as he slipped the car back into gear and set off once more. Shakal simply continued to smile that warm, knowing smile of his, as he watched the emotional readings within Taylor's mind perform an almost instantaneous one-eighty, transforming from fear and self-doubt into overwhelming and wild excitement.

"Y-you kissed me."

Despite the statement being one of the most obvious things that Shakal had ever heard, he chuckled, nodding in agreement as Taylor's stunned but now giddy voice rang out through the car.

"Of course I kissed you, Taylor. I paid good money so that I could kiss you... and more than kiss you, if that sounds good to you."

Not only was what Shakal said to the suddenly red faced and happily squirming jackal the truth, but it was also a quick little experiment on his part. He wanted to see if he could read portions of a mind without actively searching for them himself. Sure enough, no sooner had he mentioned the idea of sex to Taylor, the already active interface between his mind and that of the jackal emitted a suddenly and brightly flashing white dot. The panther focused his attention on the flashing point of light, and a display popped open revealing exactly what Shakal had hoped to make Taylor think about. What he could possibly have meant by the more in kissing and more.

To Shakal's delight, the very first thing that he could see emerging from Taylor's vivid and now eagerly active imagination was the idea of the jackal wrapping his delicate jaws around whatever hefty mouthful of manhood the panther had to offer. Whatever nervousness the jackal still possessed, for there was no way a single kiss could entirely shut down what had to have been decades of gathering self-doubt and shyness, it was undeniably clear that he didn't want to be that way. Quite the contrary, in his mind Taylor wanted to be wholly open and shameless about his sexuality. He wanted, for lack of a better term, to have himself be a slut.

And yet, not just for anyone. Taylor had a particular kind of man whom he wanted. A vague, shadowy outline of a person that had been occupied by a thousand different faces in a thousand different masturbatory fantasies over the last few years alone. A man who was strong, both physically and mentally. Not a dumbass, but someone who he could easily trounce at chess or general knowledge, were they ever to get into such a contest. Most importantly though, as far as simple sexual desires were concerned, the man in question had to be packing. If they weren't at least half again as big as the jackal in the undercarriage department, they simply weren't worth looking for.

It was no wonder, when combining his outward nervousness and his rather picky tastes, that Taylor had only shared a handful of sexual encounters throughout his twenty nine years. Indeed the vast majority of the jackal's sexual partners had been far from his ideal, most of them other twinks like himself. Other self-confessed and proud geeks, many of them his friends to this very day, who whether gay or simply desperate had found themselves falling into bed with Taylor at the end of some night full of booze and most likely the same loneliness on their part which Taylor had been battling with for years.

Only once had Taylor ever been with a man like Shakal, physically speaking, and that night had not gone well at all. So badly in fact, that not only did the jackal seem to have no active interest in pursuing anal sex in either a giving or receiving capacity, but he was already subconsciously thinking of ways to call off this dream night if Shakal even attempted to insist upon it.

A slight shiver ran down the panther's spine as he caught an unwanted glimpse of memory from Taylor. He didn't quite feel the same pain that had been inflicted upon the jackal by that poorly planned and even more poorly lubricated attempt at accepting a stud's cock, but he bore witness to it, and in his mind heard the undeniably and outright pained screams that had been mistaken for pleasure by the idiotic and inexcusably negligent man who had caused Taylor such agony and injury.

"You okay?"

Glancing over to his passenger, slight concern re-entered Taylor's eyes as he saw what looked like a shiver of repulsion run down the panther's spine and flash momentarily across his face.

Shakal, inwardly cursing himself for not better maintaining his outward composure as he worked on unravelling the jackal's mind, chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah. It's just... y'know when sometimes, totally out of nowhere, a really weird memory that you'd rather not remember at all decides to pop up out of nowhere?"

The jackal nodded, but the worry remained lingering at the back of his eyes as Shakal felt him second guessing whether or not that distasteful thought could possibly have been about him. Once again though, the panther had no intention of letting his new companion's concerns get the best of him.

This time, Shakal didn't wait for them to reach a traffic light. He simply reached out, and placed his hand upon Taylor's thigh. His fingers slid forward, to the inner edge of the thigh and ever closer to the convergence of the jackal's legs, while his thumb encircled the outer portion of the thigh and squeezed in gentle, intimate reassurance.


The panther nodded tenderly, chuckling as Taylor swerved slightly across his lane at the unexpected and personal contact.

"It's nothing, so don't start second guessing yourself. I'm here. With you. And right now, there's nowhere I'd rather be... and no-one else I'd rather be with. Okay?"

He didn't release his grasp upon Taylor's thigh, and in fact continued to caress and massage the twink's rather skinny limb even after the rosy, giddy delight had returned to the jackal's face.


The rest of the journey passed by in a flash, with neither male speaking but both of them dividing their attention perhaps a little unsafely between the road ahead and Taylor's crotch. For Shakal, his attention on the road came only due to the fact that he was knowingly distracting the jackal, and thus figured that a second set of eyes on the cars ahead and behind them might be beneficial just in case. His focus on Taylor's crotch however was as unwavering as ever, as one by one he leafed through some of the jackal's many masturbatory fantasies in search of common denominators; inspiration to best fuel what he hoped would be a spectacular night ahead for the twink.

Taylor's own division of attention was far more simplistic. He was focused on the road because he was driving, or at least attempting to as he grew closer and closer to the block on which his terraced home was located. And he was thinking about his crotch because with every squeeze and stroke from Shakal's surprisingly delicate fingers, he could feel his member swelling and stiffening within his trousers. He could feel himself getting hard, and was overcome by a combination of lustful excitement, and intense embarrassment as he wondered whether the panther was aware of it.

By some miracle, they made it safely back to the jackal's home. It was there, before they had even entered through the front door, that Taylor received the answer to his crotch's ever insistent questioning.

The jackal's whole body shook as he fumbled in his moleskin jacket pocket for his house keys, while from behind he could feel Shakal's much taller, stronger body pressing up against him. A soft, desperate whimper escaped his lips as he felt two powerful hands come to rest upon his shoulders, only to begin sliding down the front of his torso mere moments later. He could feel his keys within his pocket by this point, but his fingers didn't seem to be listening to his brain's commands as the panther's own fingers groped lower and lower, until soon they were cupping his crotch. The palm of Shakal's right hand was grinding against the tip of Taylor's straining erection, and deep, rumbling growls of what sounded like pride were escaping the panther.

As his keys finally slid into the lock, Taylor could barely keep from squealing loud enough for the whole block to hear as he heard a deep, tender voice whispering into his ear.

"Did I do that to you? Did my big, strong hands really make you so very hard?"

A happy, affirmative whimper escaped the jackal as the front door burst open and he was partially shoved, partially lifted up and carried inside by Shakal. A louder, more urgent growl escaped the panther as they stumbled into the front hallway together, and the studly feline slammed the door shut behind them with such force that pictures rattled in their frames upon the walls..

"Maybe now I can see? Hmm? Maybe at last, I can get a look at what it is I've bought myself for the weekend. Every adorable, fluffy furred, or rock hard inch."

Practically scooping the jackal up into his arms, Shakal did not hesitate to take total control. Already he knew that was exactly what Taylor wanted, and with his mind still focused on each new thought crossing the twink's mind it was clear that the more the panther showed that he was boss, the more openly Taylor was overjoyed to accept his dominance. To the jackal's mind, the stud's hungry control over him was an irrefutable sign that he was wanted. He didn't have to do anything. He didn't have to ask, didn't have to beg. He barely had to breath, in order to have his fantasies turned to reality with each passing second.

The sandy furred canid yelped and howled with laughter as Shakal peeled his clothes off him one article at a time, pausing between each one and practically pinning Taylor to the nearest wall while he removed an item of his own clothing. Soon, much to the jackal's glee, they were both naked, and he was staring in complete awe at the swollen, straining length of the panther's cock. The vast, thick shaft of pink flesh was nearly double that of Taylor's modest five inches, and the heavy black furred balls beneath them looked so full and rounded that it caused the jackal to start salivating almost uncontrollably.

"Take me to your bedroom. Show me where you're gonna spend the weekend satisfying my every desire..."

Taylor needed little encouragement to show the panther to his bedroom, and whimpered with bashful but intensely pleasurable excitement as no sooner had he turned his back upon the panther and begun to ascend the stairs, he felt a sharp slap reverberate across the cheeks of his lean, tight ass. His face flushed crimson, and he practically toppled backwards down the stairs as in his giddy euphoria he entirely lost control of his primary motor functions for a moment or two.

Of course, as far as the jackal knew that playful spank was just a one off. Shakal had no way of knowing, after all, that he had always fantasised about being spanked by a much larger, stronger man than himself. Just as he had no way of knowing that Shakal could read and view his every sexual thought and fantasy, and had long since discovered that Taylor's slightly strained relationship with the idea of anal sex had led to him exploring other ass-related experiences, fetishes and fantasies through a whole host of online porn sites.

Shakal resisted the urge to spank the jackal again even though on several occasions during their rapid ascent to Taylor's bedroom he was certain that the twink was leaving his cute little derrière purposefully exposed. Indeed it was only when Taylor scrambled up onto his bed and knelt there on all fours, giggling like a teenage virgin as he playfully wiggled his rump at Shakal, that the panther touched his soon-to-be lover at all. With a growling burst of his own eager laughter, not only enjoying the playful side of Taylor but overwhelmed by how fiercely the jackal craved this within his mind, Shakal slipped one arm underneath the twink's torso and dragged him up off the bed once more.

Taylor yipped and yelped happily once more, his cries growing almost frantic with arousal as he felt the panther's own rigid cock rubbing up against the thighs of his flailing legs. Strangely though, he fell almost silent when Shakal's free hand reached down and began to tenderly stroke at his five inch cock. Aside from heavy breathing and the occasional uncontrollable whimper, he fell rather limp and lifeless as the big cat actually started to touch him. So much so that when after thirty seconds or so Shakal laid him out flat upon the bed, he was barely able to squirm up far enough to rest his head upon his pillows before the panther had scrambled up onto the bed too, bringing not his hands, but his muzzle to bear against the jackal's crotch.

The panther made certain to pause, to let the moment linger, before he actually touched his lips to the trembling tip of Taylor's erection. He looked up along the length of the jackal's body, growling hungrily and playfully licking his lips as the twink's wide eyes stared down at him. Inwardly, he savoured the way he could feel Taylor's heart practically skipping a beat in anticipation of what was about to happen. He had known right from the start that Taylor loved oral, the number of fantasies he'd enjoyed which involved either giving or receiving a blow-job, or more often still both at once in a heated sixty-nine, outstripping any other method by which the jackal imagined himself being brought to sexual satisfaction by a considerable margin. However, Shakal was rapidly beginning to understand that while he could certainly recall feelings and emotions that had been associated with certain fantasies and memories, just like the person whose mind he was scanning there was no substitute for how it felt when it was actually happening; right there in the moment.

Thus, it was almost more as a result of what he was feeling from within Taylor's mind, rather than his own excitement and arousal, that led Shakal to groan with such volume and passion as he readied himself to imminently go down on the jackal. A groan which of course paled in comparison to the frantic howling that erupted from Taylor's own muzzle, when mere moments later Shakal did wrap his lips around the jackal's eagerly twitching member.

"O-oh my god... oh my god."

Both amusingly and pleasingly to Shakal, it seemed that never once had Taylor considered this particular permutation of events in any of his fantasies. Plenty of times he had imagined a buff, powerful male joining him for the night, his own comparably meagre body doing everything it could to serve and please the stud in question. On many other occasions he had fantasised about a loving, eager muzzle lavishing affection upon his cock, suckling upon him and using their lips and tongue to bring him to an incredible climax. Not even once though, had the jackal ever dreamed that a stud like Shakal would drag him up to bed, throw him down upon the sheets, and whilst still remaining in complete and total control, choose to suck him off rather than the other way round.

This mixture of dominant control and lustful affection was more than Taylor knew what to do with. He writhed and whimpered in joyous desperation as he felt the panther's rough tongue lashing up and down every inch of his cock's sensitive underside. He bucked his hips, humping helplessly at Shakal's hungry maw as the sweet suction of the stud's lips around his shaft left him out of his mind, grunting and howling with almost constant pleasure. At a record pace he was being half pushed, half dragged kicking and screaming to the brink of orgasm, and all the while his mind was still fighting to wrap itself around the simple fact of who was doing this to him, and how his near nightmare of a visit to the auction house had been transformed into a dream come true by that same guardian angel of a lover.

"Oh... ohhh... ohhh... o-ohh... ahhhh..."

Moans and breathless whimpers were all that Taylor could use to express the extent to which he was being consumed by the panther's pleasurable actions, and Shakal drank them in like they were notes of the sweetest musical score he had ever been blessed enough to hear. With each passing moment though, he was still busily rooting around in the depths of the jackal's mind. Seeking out more and more evidence for a particularly interesting theory he had stumbled upon amidst his replaying of some of what Taylor's own mind considered his most pleasantly memorable sexual and masturbatory escapades. In each of them, Taylor had been interrupted. He had been disturbed, or denied climax at the moment when it should have been granted to him. He had been forced to wait, still desperately horny and frozen on what was practically the very brink of orgasm, until whatever situation had cropped up had gone on to resolve itself, and only then had been able to resume.

There was even one occasion, probably one of the kinkiest memories which Shakal had come across within the jackal's mind, where Taylor had found himself nude and erect in the changing room at a local pool. Outside the door, the reason for his arousal, were a college swim-team fresh from practice; having recently emerged from the shower block, many of them neglecting to don towels or re-dress in their trunks before doing so. For close to an hour the jackal had stood there in his little cubicle, feverishly stroking himself to thoughts of the swinging, sometimes semi-erect shafts and gorgeous pairs of balls he had witnessed. He had been so turned on, so desperately needy, that he had barely been able to give his cock a single squeeze without moaning aloud. Thus time and time again he had paused, frozen and certain he was going to be caught, as other pool users entered, changed, and left again. It had become a desperate race, fighting to use those small patches of calm to drive himself all the way to rapture amidst a flurry of shamelessly needy whimpers and yelps. Trapped, staring down at his drooling, throbbing erection as he was interrupted over and over again, so close, but so painfully aware that he would not be able to cum without letting loose an almighty howl of pleasure.

When finally, eventually, Taylor had managed to make himself cum, he had done so with such force that his seed had shot up and over the changing room door, clear of the cubicle and arced down onto the tiled floor beyond. It had been the most intense and overwhelming masturbatory orgasm of the jackal's life, and he had never been able to replicate anything close to it ever since. Sure he had tried for a few weeks after the event, but it was almost impossible to resist the allure of orgasm when you were that close, and had no real motivation to stop.

That was it. What Shakal had been looking for, and what the panther now knew he could use to turn this wonderful weekend for the jackal into something truly phenomenal. It wasn't about letting Taylor loose amidst all his most carnal desires. It was about using all the things that the jackal craved, and then making him wait. Taking him to the edge time and time again, and only letting him loose when he was in such a state that not even Shakal's intimate knowledge of the jackal's mind could hold him back any longer.

"S-Shakal... ahh, y-yes..."

Even now, the panther could feel Taylor rising towards what would surely be an incredible peak. His arousal was already off the charts, and in his mind's eye Shakal could see a graph plotting the jackal's progress to orgasm passing from ninety-two to ninety-three percent and rising further with each passing moment.

Eagerly, not holding back nor slowing in the slightest, the panther continued to feast upon Taylor's cock. He lapped up every droplet of pre-cum offered to him, he suckled and slurped at the jackal with shameless delight, and felt Taylor rising past ninety-six percent. He hoped that his gamble would pay off, that his new senses were accurate and that without stimulation the percentage of Taylor's progress would not continue to rise. This way, he could take the jackal right to the edge. Truly hold him over the cliff of his own orgasmic bliss, without once risking accidentally sending him hurtling off the brink.

Ninety seven.

Ninety eight.

Ninety nine percent...

Abruptly, Shakal pulled his lips back from the jackal's cock. His strong arms grabbed at Taylor's hips, holding them firmly down against the bed as the twink yelped in horror and attempted to instinctively hump at thin air. The jackal knew that was all he needed. The tiniest little bit more stimulation of any sort, and he would go sky-rocketing towards the heavens. But no matter what he tried, Shakal would not let him. He tried to hump. He tried to reach down and grab at his own cock. He even attempted grasping the hair upon the panther's head and shoving his face forcefully back onto his crotch. Needless to say, none of them worked, and each second that passed as he tried desperately to send himself over the edge left his body thrashing and howling in pleasurable frustration. It was agony, but it felt so very, very good.

Only when Taylor had settled down, panting and whimpering but no longer physically fighting against the powerful stud now pinning him by all four limbs to the bed, did Shakal address the jackal. He looked down into Taylor's strained and haggard face, and grinned as the twink whined pleadingly at him.

"Patience, cutie. Surely you can wait a little while... surely you aren't so needy that you'd rather jerk yourself off the rest of the way, than have my tongue tasting you as you finally cum for me."

The jackal only whimpered louder in response to Shakal's comment, but when after another ten seconds or so the dark furred feline removed his hands from where they were pinning Taylor's wrists to the bedding, he was pleased to see that indeed his little lover did not immediately attempt to reach down and stroke himself.

"See... I knew you could do it."

Still wanting to strike a balance between the powerful dom and the tender lover eager to give Taylor the weekend of his life, Shakal's voice softened, and he craned his neck down to plant a longer, deeper kiss upon the jackal's lips. Their tongues teased and played with one another for almost a minute before they parted, relishing the fact they both needed to gasp for air. Again and again their lips met in a more gentle and intimate series of smooches, and with each one Shakal could feel something rising within Taylor. Not the urge to cum, though that was still boiling just below the surface. Bur rather, a question.

"C-can I..."

Between two feather-light touches of their lips, the jackal began his pleading whisper. He concluded it after the next tender peck.

"...suck you, now?"

Shakal growled happily, and nodded down to the red faced, wild-eyed twink lying in the shadow of his far larger body.

"Nothing would make me happier... or hornier. Where do you want me? On my back? Sitting on the edge of the bed? Somewhere else? It's your call, Taylor."

The jackal's face flushed an even deeper shade of red, the insides of his ears burning particularly deeply with bashful delight.

"M-maybe, if it'll feel good for you too... like this? With me on my back, a-and you... if you can just, crawl up?"

Taylor's eyes darted away from Shakal's own gaze, and in the jackal's mind a slight pang of doubt suddenly reared its head out of nowhere.

"I... I know I won't be able to deep throat you from this angle, but..."

Before he could even finish his potentially self-deprecating comment, Shakal cut him off.

"Hey, it's fine. Really it is. I'd never ask you to try and take my whole cock, not unless you were absolutely sure. And even then... I'd go slow. You'd be in control every step of the way. I mean... look at me. I'm a big guy. And you... you're..."

Clearly touched by Shakal's understanding of the situation, and somewhat enthused by it too, Taylor giggled as he offered up an ending to the panther's comment.


The panther grinned, but shook his head.

"No, not little. More like... snack sized."

He looked down at the jackal's five inch cock as he made that comment, licking his lips in a way that made Taylor's whole body shudder. Still grinning, Shakal pushed his teasing commentary a little further still.

"So tasty. So more-ish. And just like anything snack sized... it means you always want to go back for another taste. And another."

As he teased the jackal with the idea of not just one but multiple climaxes at the mercy of his muzzle, Shakal shuffled his way up the twink's lithe little body. He even allowed his thick trunk of a cock to brush up against his lover's comparably lean twig of an erection as he worked his way up and over Taylor's crotch, provoking a series of deep grunts and whimpers from both of them at once.

Before long of course it was only his growls, snarls and gasps of pleasure that were echoing around the jackal's bedroom. Taylor was still moaning and yelping with desire as he had his muzzle stuffed full of the first five or six inches of Shakal's hefty cock, but no matter the intensity of his own delight at finally having such a vast erection all to himself, his vocalisations were muffled by the throbbing flesh holding his muzzle wide open, not to mention the torrents of pre-cum now lashing at the roof of his maw and pouring down the back of his throat.

It was quite the experience for Shakal, having his cock sucked while he explored the mind of the male doing the sucking. He got to experience, to almost feel for himself, what it was like to be worshipped as he and his friend Salgrus had worshipped Anubis. To be adored and revered beyond lust or even love, as he truly, with no pretension or arrogance involved, changed the very course of Taylor's life by sheer virtue of what he had already done for the jackal. By his presence, his intervention, and even the simple act of allowing this cute little twink of a man to indulge his oral fixation by feasting on the most spectacular cock he had ever witnessed in person.

Unsurprisingly given the jackal's enthusiasm, what was actually a fair amount of natural talent, but most conclusively the fact that he was effectively feeling this oral assault from both sides, Shakal was drawn towards his climax every bit as swiftly as Taylor had been to his own. The only difference was that where Shakal had intended to deny and edge the jackal at the very last moment, he could feel no such intent in the jackal's mind. There were other things which Taylor was thinking about, things that Shakal reminded himself to mention after his orgasm had run its course. For the time being though, the panther was happy to indulge any and all of the jackal's wishes. If it meant that Taylor could enjoy his approaching peak even a fraction as much as Shakal was going to, it would be worth it.

"Oh gods... T-Taylor..."

The jackal wanted to hear Shakal moan his name, and with very little effort required the panther did so.

"So good. S-so fucking good. That tongue... o-ohh fuck, that tongue..."

The jackal wanted to hear Shakal lost in pleasure, barely able to believe what he was feeling. Again, the panther didn't have to stretch too far to hear those words slipping out of his panting maw.

"Taylor. Taylor... I... I'm... g-gonna..."

And of course, the jackal wanted a warning. Well, not really. He didn't mind being surprised by the panther's orgasmic eruption, he just wanted to hear Shakal announce it. To hear the panther's voice trembling in pleasure that he had caused. Truthfully, even if Taylor hadn't wished for Shakal to do so, the big cat didn't know whether he would have been able to stop himself.

With an ear-splitting roar of pleasure that shook the bedroom and no doubt awoke whatever neighbours lived either side of Taylor's place, Shakal felt his balls tightening and his cock straining desperately within the hot, wet embrace of the jackal's maw. A moment later, his whole body was trembling and he was fighting the urge to grab the back of the twink's head and fuck his face as thick ribbons of cum began to pour themselves down Taylor's throat. Again and again Shakal grunted and yowled in ecstasy as he pumped his load out into the jackal's muzzle, watching with fevered glee as Taylor swallowed what he could, the rest gushing out from the corners of his shamelessly grinning, panting lips and spilling down over his chin. He drained his balls of what felt like every drop before the flow finally abated, and even though Shakal knew that before long he'd be ready and eager to go again, he truly was impressed by the skill Taylor had displayed in bringing him to such an intensely pleasurable climax.

It was almost worth forgiving the jackal for his current, ongoing crime. A crime which no doubt Taylor thought he would get away with, given Shakal's current position and his state of mind.

Still lost in the midst of his post-orgasmic reverie, Shakal feigned a soft grunt of surprise as his long, lithe tail whipped across the bed and the majority of the jackal's body upon which he was still sitting. Quite by chance, though obviously carefully planned, the panther felt his tail brush against something hot, erect, but much thicker than it should naturally have been. Slowly the panther widened his eyes as he looked down at Taylor, and allowed his pleasure-strained, rather goofy smile to turn to a knowing grin. In response, the jackal's face began to glow an even brighter red than was already the case as it continued to nuzzle and lick at Shakal's now flagging erection.

"Taylor... are you masturbating?"

Before the jackal could answer, and certainly before Taylor could bring himself to tear his hand away from the cock which was straining, twitching, and throbbing in the mid-nineties of its progress towards orgasm, Shakal turned his head and glanced back over his shoulder. Sure enough one of the jackal's sandy furred hands was wrapped tightly around his erection, now frozen, but with such a staining of pre-cum upon the side of its upturned fingers that it had obviously been at work for quite some time.

"And here was me thinking that you were a good little pup. That you were going to wait, and let me take you over the edge when I felt the time was right..."

Still obviously lost in his own pleasure, Taylor simply whimpered and feverishly shook his head from side to side. Under the circumstances, with Shakal's semi-stiff cock still lying across his muzzle, this simply had the effect of making him knock the spent, fleshy shaft gently back and forth. After less than four full shakes of his head, the jackal couldn't help himself, giggling mindlessly even as he attempted to continue to look apologetic. Shakal meanwhile simply continued to stare down at him with playful, obviously mock-frustration.

"Such a naughty, needy little cutie. I've got a good mind to flip you over, take that rump of yours and..."

He let the threat hang in the air for just a split-second, long enough for the first twinges of concern to arise in Taylor's mind as the jackal remembered his prior experiences with a man near Shakal's size and his rear, but not long enough for any true fear to show itself before continuing.

"...and spank you. To lie you across my lap, and make that tight tush of yours glow like your other cheeks already are."

A wordless, pleading whimper escaped Taylor as he shook his head frantically from side to side, but the tone of his almost yelped exclamation did not quite gel with his negative physical response. Indeed, both his whimpering and the sudden flood of wild, unexpected arousal within the jackal's mind seemed to suggest that he wasn't terrified or upset by the idea of being spanked at all. Quite the contrary, now that the idea had been seeded in his conscious mind there was nothing he could think of that he wanted more right now... except perhaps to have his cock returned to the warm, wet embrace of Shakal's muzzle.

Again the Jackal shook his head, but this time he giggled warmly and stuttered out a plea for mercy in the same teasing, playful tone that Shakal had used to address him.

"Oh n-no. Please d-don't, Shakal. Don't spank me. D-don't take your big strong hands and... a-and spank my s-sweet little butt... ohh g-god..."

The jackal's whimpering turned to giddy, urgent squealing as Shakal pulled himself away from Taylor's trembling body and sat down, legs crossed, on the other side of the far from king sized but still double bed. With one arm alone he reached out, grabbed at Taylor by one ankle, and flipped the lightweight male over onto his belly in one swift motion. Again the jackal squealed in delight, and his giddy cries of obviously faked fear rang out over and over as he was dragged, thrashing and giggling, across Shakal's lap.

No sooner had he got the jackal in position, using one hand to push gently down on the small of Taylor's back and hold him in place, Shakal took advantage of his lover's lack of preparedness and delivered a light, early first slap to the tightly clenched cheeks of the twink's rump. It was only a gentle contact, but the flat palm against those rather lean muscles still made a substantial smacking sound, and forced a genuine but painless cry of shock to escape Taylor's maw.

"_ Aaahhhhh _!"

His whole body tensed, and Shakal grinned as he felt Taylor's five inches of what was now like hardened steel throbbing urgently against the flesh of his beefy right thigh.

Taking advantage of his momentum, he struck again, slightly harder this time. The jackal managed not to cry out quite so loudly, but his whimper of slight discomfort at the actual contact of the spanking was rapidly overwhelmed by a louder, more vocal whining as arousal flooded through him a mere moment or two later. Again his cock strained and twitched against the panther's thigh, and this time Taylor's body even rode the spank to allow himself a makeshift grind against the soft, furred flesh.

"You're loving this, aren't you?"

Shakal growled to the jackal accusingly, waiting until the exact moment that Taylor opened his muzzle to answer before delivering his next flat-palmed strike. That third spanking echoed around the bedroom and rang in both males ears, and shortly after his cry of pain, Taylor wailed in answer to Shakal's question.

"Ohhh g-god... yes. Yes. Please, j-just... don't stop..."

The panther grinned from ear to ear, his spanking hand landing infinitely more gently upon the jackal's rump, caressing the cheeks tenderly for a second or so before drawing back and delivering the fourth heavy blow with sharp accuracy. The fifth followed immediately after, as did the sixth. He felt Taylor's whole body arching and quivering with the intensity of the overwhelming sensation, both discomfort and ecstasy rolled into one, and let slip a groan of his own delight as he felt Taylor's member throbbing and twitching against his thigh with such ferocity that he was certain it was about to let loose.

"Don't stop? Why would I? Why would I stop spanking such a kinky, dirty-minded, adorable little slut?"

Again Shakal lashed Taylor's rump with the palm of his hand. And again. He didn't know how the jackal was holding on, whether it was the pleasure counteracting the pain or something else entirely, but the graph which the panther could still see hovering just above the jackal's rapidly reddening rump was seemingly locked between ninety-nine and one hundred percent. It was as if Taylor truly was hanging on the very edge of orgasm, but not just for a second or so. On and on, lost to the near orgasmic ravages of pleasure without any of the satisfaction or relief of release, as he was gloriously and shamelessly spanked by the powerful stud.

In the end of course, Shakal did find a way to make the graph tip over that final percentage on the vertical axis. Actually, it didn't just hit one-hundred when the panther did what he did, but rocketed inexplicably up beyond the limits of the Y-Axis and beyond what Shakal seemed to be able to see even within the jackal's mind. It therefore fell to the big cat's true vision to bear witness to what followed in the lead up to that glorious moment, as he laid down a flurry of rapid spankings upon Taylor, only to stop when the male's wails and haggard cries of ecstasy grew so piercing that even Shakal's ears were beginning to ring.

Without any warning, Shakal stopped spanking the jackal, grabbed him roughly by the shoulders, and tossed him off of his lap. He flung him down flat on his back upon the bed, and practically pounced on the rigid five inches that had drooled a veritable puddle of pre-cum into the normally smooth, unblemished black fur of the panther's thigh.

"Cum, Taylor. Cum for me. Now."

In a voice again equally commanding and affectionate in its gruff passion, Shakal told the jackal exactly what he needed to hear. It wasn't his words which set Taylor off though, but rather what the panther did with his lips after they had stopped moving in speech.

Once more he leaned down low over the twink's lithe, trembling body, placed his hands firmly upon Taylor's hips, and wrapped up the jackal's desperately needy five inches within the warm embrace of his lips and rough, wet tongue.

It was that which made Taylor cum. The panther's final few moments of suckling upon the jackal which made him scream, and howl, and sob with the sheer volume and force of the ecstasy which tore through his body over the following thirty five carefully counted, unforgettably intense seconds.

And through every moment of it, every twitch, every drop of cum to lash out across his tongue and drool down the back of his throat, Shakal was overwhelmed not only with arousal and excitement at what he had done to this sweet, wonderful twink of a man; what he had made him feel and experience using his new powers. He was overwhelmed with humility, realising that the powers he had asked for in order to enhance his own pleasure and his own enjoyment of each and every possible sexual encounter he faced had far greater potential than he had ever hoped.

Potential not just to make people feel good, himself included. But to truly, genuinely, and to the bottom of their hearts, make them happy.

A fact of which Taylor, right now, was living, breathing, heavily panting proof.

"T-thank you..."

He whimpered happily, scrambling up shakily from where he had been lying sprawled upon the bed since the thrashing convulsions of his orgasm finally ceased.

"Oh g-god, thank you..."

Throwing his arms around Shakal's neck, he embraced the panther tightly. He pressed his lips to the panther's own just for a moment before withdrawing and nuzzling affectionately into Shakal's shoulder instead, joyous tears flowing into his lover's lush dark fur. His small, lean body shook with joy as he wept, but even that happy shaking lessened, his emotions calming and settling slightly as Shakal sniffed happily and clutched at him tightly, tenderly in return.

"You're welcome, cutie."

The panther murmured softly into Taylor's ear, kissing the twink fondly upon the top of his sandy furred head.

"And... thank you, too. Today... r-right here, you've showed me more than you could possibly imagine, and I'll never forget it. I'll never forget this moment... this night, or this entire weekend."

It was early the next morning when Shakal awoke to the sound of a running shower shutting off. He glanced instinctively towards the bathroom door, expecting to watch Taylor come through a moment later. However after a few moments it occurred to him that the diminutive jackal was still sprawled and snoring atop his chest, never having left the comfort of the bed. Instead when the door opened, it was a black furred jackal with a towel around his waist that walked into the room.

The immortal jackal's lips began to move, but it was only in his head that Shakal heard Anubis' voice.

"You did well, my friend. Better than I could have possibly hoped for your first time out. You're more than just a stud. You're a natural lover, in all aspects of the word."

Shakal's cheeks flushed, and he began to stroke up and down the length of Taylor's back fondly with the tips of his fingers. With a warm smile, Anubis continued.

"But with your task complete, there's no need for you to spend the rest of the weekend with this mortal twink. Trust me, he'll cherish this past night for the rest of his life, and I can make him forget that he was ever supposed to have you around for longer than that."

The panther's brow furrowed slightly, and the deity chuckled.

"Oh, come now. It's not like I'm asking you to give up your weekend of fun. I'm simply suggesting that you spend it with someone a little more... experienced. Someone who won't just suck you off, but who can take you to places... literal places... where you can experience an orgasm that lasts one thousand years, compressed into a matter of minutes."

He paused for a moment, his hands gesturing down to the tent in his towel.

"I mean me, if that wasn't already clear."

Shakal smiled warmly, but as he felt his hands continuing to roam up and down the light-coated, mortal jackal's back, and felt Taylor's tail beginning to wag back and forth over the tops of his legs as the other male began to stir, he shook his head. Turning down an offer of sex from the creator of the entire universe in which he lived wasn't something that the panther wanted to make a habit of, but on this occasion there was really no decision to be made. Right now, this was where Shakal wanted to be. Where he needed to be, making fantasies and dreams of this wonderful little man come true not just for a single night... but for the whole weekend he had promised him.

"Thanks, but... rain check? I think if it's okay with you, I'd rather stay with Taylor this weekend. We have... well... we have a lot more that I think he'd like us to share, before we part ways."

Anubis did look surprised at Shakal's answer, but only for a moment. The edges of the black furred jackal's muzzle twitched upward into a smile, and he nodded with warm acceptance.

"I understand. You've forged a connection with this man, and now that you're inside his head... it's hard not to care about how he feels."

Gently, Shakal nodded. He couldn't help feel a little guilty though, particularly as the usually cheeky, mischievous deity continued to speak.

"Believe it or not, I'm not just saying that because I can read your mind either. I feel the same way about every creature in this entire universe. More so, even, because they all share a portion of my divine spark. Of course, they're only a trillionth of a fraction of a fraction of what I'm thinking about at any given moment. But... they're all a part of me, so I do still care, about each and every one of them.

As he stopped talking, what almost looked like a slight blush lit up the insides of the black jackal's ears for a moment. It faded again almost instantly, but by that point Shakal had already seen it. The panther simply smiled, and squeezed the sandy furred jackal a little tighter within his strong arms.

"In that case, Anubis... that means right now, I'm hugging a little bit of you. Right? I'm holding a bit of you in my arms, and promising that for the rest of this weekend... I won't stop making this tiny little fraction of you have the time of his life."

The black jackal stared at Shakal for a moment, seemingly dumbstruck by the tenderness and insightfulness of that comment, before sticking out his tongue and pretending to retch comically.

"That, my dear Shakal, might well be the most sickeningly sweet and stupid thing that has ever been spoken so far in this new universe of ours."

Before the panther could reply, the jackal turned and left, walking through the bedroom's wall, the towel falling to the ground behind him.

Just a few seconds later, Taylor sighed softly. He began to shuffle and murmur towards wakefulness, and before long he whispered drowsily to the powerful male upon whose torso he was so comfortably resting.

"Mmmh... morning. Were... uh, were you talking to someone?"

Shakal smiled as the jackal's eyes fluttered open, sparkling with delight and excitement as they made contact with the panther's own, as though still not quite able to believe that this was anything more than a dream. He shook his head, and craned his neck forward to bump his nose affectionately up against Taylor's own.

"Nope. It's just you and me here, cutie. And we've got a whole day ahead of us, so..."

Licking his lips, the panther grinned as he plucked open his lover's mind and perused the fantasies currently floating nearest the surface.

"...shall I suck you off in the shower? Should we do it together right here, while our morning woods are still all... wooden? Or would you like to suck me off while I'm making us breakfast?"

The jackal whimpered happily, almost painfully so, and squirmed with eager, buoyant confidence as he offered his own suggestion.

"Well... d-do we... uh, do we really need to just pick one?"

By Jeeves Edited by Shakal

Beyond the Weekend

**Beyond the Weekend** As Salgrus rang the doorbell, glancing down at his phone absent-mindedly to check for the fourth time that this was the right house, he couldn't help wondering why he was here. It was far from unheard-of for his friend Shakal...

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five** Standing in the doorway of the glyph chamber, Salgrus and Shakal peered into the room, and stared in stunned disbelief at the sight which awaited them. Needless to say, Anubis had not warned them of this....

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four** "Salgrus, I don't know if that's a good idea. We should do more research. Read more of these inscriptions. After all we've seen in this temple..." Shakal began to warn his companion, but before he could...

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