Beyond the Weekend

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Salgrus picks up Shakal after a weekend as someone's pet, but after the trick Anubis pulled, what will he find?

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo. It contains M/M sexual acts of a decidedly extreme nature, and is a sequel to A Weekend of Excess.

Beyond the Weekend

As Salgrus rang the doorbell, glancing down at his phone absent-mindedly to check for the fourth time that this was the right house, he couldn't help wondering why he was here. It was far from unheard-of for his friend Shakal to hook up with some guy and spend a night or two engaged in all manner of lewd and lustful activities with them. But even if the weekend perhaps hadn't gone exactly to plan, and the panther wasn't planning on ever hooking up with this particular individual ever again, Shakal had never been the type to be embarrassed or awkward. Surely things couldn't have gone so badly wrong that he would rather ask a friend to come and pick him up, rather than simply getting a lift back into town with whoever had driven him out here, or even paying for a taxi.

The leopard-spotted hyena slipped his phone back into his dark trousers' pocket as he heard footsteps, or rather, what sounded like hoof-beats from within. Sure enough the door swung open to reveal a tall, muscular chestnut coated stallion. A man with a body to make any other male squirm with inadequacy, never mind one so small, lithe and so obviously a twink as Salgrus currently appeared. Dressed in only a cotton bathrobe, the horse actually looked out clear over the hyena's head at first, and only a moment or so later glanced downward to realize that there was in fact someone standing in the doorway right in front of him.

"Oh. Hi there, kid."

Salgrus' cheeks flushed crimson. He hated it when people thought he was young just because of the body-form he was currently inhabiting. It was almost certainly the biggest downside for him of taking on such a meek and miniature physical form, far more so than any inadequacies that may have lain between his legs. After all, some guys really got off on fucking a twink with less then four inches to work with. But the kind of guys who wanted to fuck him because he barely looked legal? They were more likely to get a boot square in the nuts than any positive attention from Salgrus.

Thankfully, both for him and the horse, there was nothing remotely enticing or suggestive in the way that the stallion looked down at Salgrus. Indeed the owner of this house probably hadn't even put two and two together about who he was, given that within his own mind, he was likely waiting for an adult to come pick up Shakal.

"Hey. Uh... I'm here for Shakal."

Sure enough, the horse's eyes bulged as he heard a surprisingly deep voice escape the hyena. His face flushed slightly beneath his chestnut coat, and he lifted a hand away from the front of his robe to cover his muzzle.

"Oh. Oh man, I'm sorry. I was just expecting... w-well, I dunno..."

Salgrus shrugged.

"It's fine. Believe me, I get that a lot. Anyway, is he almost ready?"

The horse's face continued to burn with embarrassment, but he nodded and stepped aside, holding the door open to allow Salgrus entry.

"Yeah. But... uh... you might want to give him a hand. Come on in."

Salgrus didn't move. The stallion looked at him curiously, cocking an eyebrow as he saw the hyena's eyes beginning to bulge. He followed the direction of the twink's stunned, overwhelmed gaze, and cursed under his breath as he realised that upon moving to hold the door open, both hands had now departed from the front of his robe. The white cotton had therefore fallen open at the front, exposing the thick, dappled cock which hung down just slightly beyond his knees.

"Fuck. S-sorry about that, dude."

The hyena finally managed to tear his eyes away from the stallion's crotch as the horse covered himself up again, but was still breathless as he replied.

"D-don't... don't apologise. I think... uh, I think I get why I'm here now."

Without waiting for any confirmation from the even more red faced horse, Salgrus stepped into the unfathomably well endowed equine's home. He walked past the stallion and stood with his back to the home's owner, not only to keep his eyes from drifting back to that flaccid yet still monstrous cock, but also to keep the horse from seeing the small tent which had formed in the front of his own trousers.

Little in the way of words passed between the equally blushing pair as the horse guided Salgrus through his modest but upmarket suburban home, and as the hyena was directed into the stallion's master bedroom, he was overwhelmed with relief at the idea of being able to see and speak with Shakal. Anything to keep from having to engage the horse, and to have to fight his body's almost unbearable compulsion to drop to its knees and beg to just suckle one sweet, potent load from the stallion's baseball sized balls.

Shakal was lying on the horse's bed, naked. His eyes were covered by a custom-fitted leather blindfold, and the fur of his cheeks was depressed in two horizontal lines as though for hours on end he had been wearing some manner of gag. His arms were bound in front of him, locked together by a set of latex-like rubber restraints, and his lower body from crotch to knees was matted and encrusted with an almost seamless coat of dried cum and lube. More strands of what was obviously his own seed ran up the length of Shakal's torso, some even resting on the underside of his muzzle. Salgrus couldn't see the panther's back, but he suspected very strongly that too would be painted with cum belonging to the stallion standing just behind him.

Next to the panther there rested a hold-all bag that Salgrus recognised as Shakal's portable toy chest. He approached it, unzipped it, and peered inside. Glancing up and scanning the room quickly Salgrus cocked an eyebrow at the stallion.

Clearly, Shakal hadn't explained just how close friends Salgrus was with the panther, for his face was bearing a look of mortified fright. It was like he expected the hyena to pull out his phone and call either for the police or perhaps an ambulance, given the motionless daze in which Shakal had remained all this time.

To at least lessen the horse's concerns, Salgrus asked what was genuinely the most pressing concern on his mind at that moment in time.

"Uh... do you know where his clothes are?

With a snort of embarrassment, the horse shook his head. Salgrus chuckled.

"How about the keys to those restraints?"

The equine's face burned crimson beneath his chestnut coat.

"I... I flushed them. We were..."

Holding up a hand, the hyena stopped the stallion in his tracks. Rolling his eyes, Salgrus realised that if he tried to account for every aspect of the panther's current state, they'd be there for hours.

"No need to explain. I'll take him like this. Though... uh, I may need a hand getting him out to the car."

Glancing from the half sleeping, half dazed, lightly panting stud of a panther, to the even larger and more muscular stallion, Salgrus demonstrated the difficulty he was facing by trying to lift Shakal's bag of toys. With both arms tugging at full force, he was just able to pull it off the near edge of the bed, and begin to drag it over the bedroom carpet.

"Do you think you could carry him for me?"

A few minutes later, Shakal was belted into the front passenger seat beside the leopard-spotted hyena. His blindfold had finally been removed despite some whimpered protests from the black furred feline, and a towel had been placed beneath the panther's bare rump after Salgrus had noted the thick, black rubber plug locked somewhat loosely within the big cat's rather gaping tailhole.

Salgrus waved, chuckling at the dazed expression still resting upon the stallion's face as he pulled away from the kerbside, and as soon as they were out of view drew that same hand just slightly back to tap lightly at one of Shakal's cheeks.

"Hey. Hey, c'mon. Wakey-wakey. We're gone."

Though his eyes had been open since the blindfold had been removed, probably for a long while beforehand too, it was only at Salgrus' insistence that Shakal seemed to rise from his state of semi-slumber. The hyena chuckled as Shakal tried to raise a hand to his face to rub it wearily, only to find himself unable to bend his elbows thanks to the restraint still binding his limbs.

"So... fun weekend, huh?"

Shakal groaned. It seemed the mere mention of the past few days had stirred up some particularly vivid memories, and judging by the way the panther shuddered and squirmed in his seat, Salgrus could tell they were either very unpleasant, or very, very pleasant indeed. Eventually of course, Shakal did manage to compose himself enough to deliver some form of an answer.

"I... I had to get him to hold the phone up to my ear. To make him dial. N-not just because my arms were bound... but..."

The panther groaned more loudly, and this time his shivering was with obvious pleasurable excitement.

"...but because if I'd got him to cut me loose? And if I hadn't made him put on my blindfold... I w-would have taken one look at him, a-and started begging for more again."

Salgrus grinned from ear to ear, the twink's cock still rock hard at the mere memory of the stallion's vast flaccid member.

"Y'know, I think I get where you're coming from there."

A hungry, bashful whimper escaped Shakal's lips, and he shook his head.

"No. You don't. Y-you really, really don't."

The hyena's eyebrows rose, and though his gaze remained firmly planted on the road ahead, his ears perked up with interest.

"Really? Well then, how about you tell me."

And, though the panther looked like he was barely able to string two words together, never mind a whole weekend's worth of events, he did.

Shakal explained everything. At least, everything that he remembered. A great deal of the weekend, particularly the later parts of the evening and portions of each morning, seemed to be nothing more than a haze of pleasure, of his own yowling cries, and of the horse's frantic whinnying as he buried his phenomenal member deep inside the panther again and again and again.

It surprised, but did not shock Salgrus to hear of Anubis' involvement. After all, the leopard-hyena hybrid owed every bit as much to the jackal God as Shakal himself, and they had both experienced the mischievous deity playing games with their sex lives on multiple occasions. If anything, it explained a great deal regarding why the stallion looked so embarrassed about what he had done to the panther. He was no doubt mostly unaware of what had happened to him, and would probably look back on the past few days with almost reverent wonder. No matter how horny, nor how kinky he may have been before, or would be since, chances are that he would never again be able to replicate what he had felt and what he had done over those past seventy two hours.

The simple fact of Anubis' involvement wasn't the whole story though. Indeed, it really only played a role in setting the scene, and perhaps slightly in explaining just how the stallion had been able to seemingly screw Shakal senseless quite so often with seemingly little need for recuperation. It was when Shakal began to go through the weekend day by day, act by act, that things began to get truly interesting.

He began, of course, with morning. Not just Saturday morning, but each morning. Saturday. Sunday. Even today, at least in part. They all began the same, with the panther rising from the near unconsciousness that had claimed him since whichever orgasm had knocked him out during the prior night's fucking. Shakal spared no detail in telling Salgrus exactly how it felt to awaken, and instantly to know not only where he was, but what his place was in this weekend full of fun. No sooner had his eyes fluttered open, he'd feel the lingering wetness from volumes of cum still lingering in the depths of his backside. He'd feel his body gently clasped in the embrace of the larger, stronger stallion, and the continued stiffness; the rock solid throbbing, of the horse's cock still buried inside him.

There was something so simultaneously beautiful, and demeaningly servile, about both falling asleep and waking up with the same man fucking you. Not knowing whether he had simply woken up five minutes prior and resumed the previous night's activities in order to rouse and arouse his partner once more, or if the stallion had actually been gently ploughing him all night long. Shakal's explanation already had the tent in Salgrus' underwear straining violently. Just thinking about it half made the hyena wish that he could have been there in the equine's dominant position, and half made him long to feel as Shakal was describing. So owned. So very much a part of the horse's furniture, like nothing more than a sex toy being used through multiple bouts of masturbation without pause nor cleaning.

Eventually of course, as the sun began to peer in through the bedroom drapes, the horse would stop fucking Shakal. He'd pull his vast cock out, sometimes just after an orgasm, sometimes just before, sometimes mid-way between two, and slap the panther affectionately across the cheeks of his gaping rear. Only on the first day had a gentle suggestion, no commanding necessary, accompanied that smack upon the rump. On the Sunday, Shakal had gotten the message from the touch of the equine's hand alone. It was time to get up, and to go and make breakfast for them both.

The equine's kitchen had apparently been spotless, and filled with all the mod-cons that one would expect of a man who was able to spend a quarter of a million charitably donated dollars on a weekend sex slave. It had almost been a privilege to cook two heaping plates of bacon, eggs, sausage, French toast, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, and a fair few other sides, in such a gorgeous and pristinely kept kitchen. Almost, because through the entirety of the Saturday morning, Shakal had been inescapably aware of the fact that he was dripping puddles of cum onto the cool marble-tiled floor from his stretched out rear end. That had led to the inclusion of a butt-plug on Sunday, inserted by the horse at the panther's own insistence. The plug which Shakal had also insisted on this morning, so that he didn't make too much of a mess on the seating of Salgrus' car.

Breakfast, of course, was no respite from the panther's duties. No sooner had he finished cooking, he was expected to join his master to eat and drink. The equine would sit at the table, sipping coffee and nibbling rather delicately at his meal, while beneath the table Shakal would rest upon his knees. The panther would get his own hefty portion of meat to gorge upon, and all the creamy delight he could swallow. Only then, once the stallion had cum to his satisfaction and had his cock licked spotlessly clean after the fact, would Shakal be able to fill the rest of his belly up with a more traditional breakfast.

Salgrus actually made Shakal cease briefly in telling his tale as the panther described vividly how he would eat his own breakfast. How he would lean over the table, fighting to catch his breath long enough to swallow a delicious mouthful of scrambled eggs with ketchup, while the horse gently fucked him from behind.

It wasn't that the hyena was having trouble believing the details of the story. Anubis' involvement made the horse's ability to fuck, cum, and fuck again without pause perfectly easy to understand. It was more that they were approaching a rather busy stretch of road amidst the morning rush hour, and Salgrus was finding it exceedingly tricky to keep driving whilst fighting not to cum all over the insides of his underwear.

For maybe five minutes they sat in silence, though it did little good for the leopard-hyena hybrid as he kept shooting glances towards Shakal's bare lower body and the panther's own sizeable, throbbing erection. Not once did Shakal attempt to touch himself, probably glad of the opportunity to rest his overwhelmed body a little, but for Salgrus that only made it worse. All he wanted to do was to reach over, perhaps while they were stuck in traffic, and give Shakal a few quick strokes and squeezes. To see just how worked up that weekend of near constant sex had left the panther, and whether the fatigue spread across his friend's face was more, or less intense than his still obvious state of arousal.

In the end, it was almost a blessed relief when the traffic abated slightly, and Salgrus practically begged the panther to continue his tale.

Following breakfast both days had been one of those hazy periods that Shakal could only assume, and Salgrus could only agree, probably constituted much the same sort of activities as the time spent in the stallion's bed. Cum-stains littered across the house which the panther had observed at other times suggested that he and the stallion had at some point been there, but beyond that and the sheer volume of use his rump felt as though it had received over the weekend overall, there had been very little for the panther to go on.

Lunch had been surprisingly fuck-free on both days, and it had been in that small duration of time that Shakal had actually learned a little about the man who was using him as a living cock-warmer for the other ninety percent of his visit. It didn't surprise Salgrus that the panther didn't divulge much in the way of those personal details, for he would have done exactly the same in Shakal's position. It was one thing to talk about sex, something that had very obviously happened given the state in which Salgrus had collected the panther from the stallion's home, but realistically speaking there was no good reason for the hyena to learn the nature of the personal discussions which Shakal and his lover had shared. All that really mattered, and all that Shakal was willing to say, was that as a person the stallion seemed like a really great guy.

Those brief breaks in which sex had seemingly been traded in for sentimentality were just that however. Brief. After an hour or less of respite on both days, the panther had been led through the lower story of the stallion's home and out into his property's adjoining garage. A garage in which what at first looked like a home gym had been constructed. It was there that Shakal had spent a good few hours helping the stallion train.

Just hearing Shakal talk about those afternoon hours, Salgrus could tell they were an event which even now the panther would have gladly re-lived. He could see the panther's hands clenched into fists by his sides, trembling as they fought the urge to reach up and begin to stroke his twitching, drooling erection. More to the point, he could barely keep himself from drooling and moaning aloud in excitement at the visions of eroticism which Shakal was painting with his words. Never mind the panther re-living those few hours with the stallion. Salgrus was already considering where he could get some similar gym equipment customised, so that he could use it with Shakal for the very same purpose.

The device in question, which had brought such pleasure to the panther and such fevered lust into Salgrus' own mind as he tried to focus on the road ahead, was a free-weight machine. The kind of apparatus which would normally be loaded with metal weights upon a sturdy pulley system, against the other end of which the user would lift and lower repeatedly in order to build upper body strength. For the stallion's own machine however, there were no weights. Nor was the pulley system set up to hold those missing weights behind] the individual doing the lifting, to avoid the obvious squashing that might otherwise occur.

It had taken Shakal only a few seconds of staring at the device to figure out its purpose, and less than a minute after that for the stallion to strap him in place upon it.

With his arms strapped onto padded metal rods upon the pulley system, Shakal himself had served as the weight when the stallion pulled at his end. He was lifted up into the air, tip-toes barely brushing the ground when the machine was at rest, and hanging perhaps two feet higher when the stallion raised him skyward.

It might have been rather uncomfortable to be left hanging that way, almost like some sort of makeshift torture device, had it not been for precisely where upon the device he was positioned. Sitting where he had become so familiar already, astride the equine male's mammoth erection. Left resting there perfectly, stuffed and stretched to the limits and beyond once more, so that as the stallion lay back upon the machine and began to work out, Shakal felt himself being raised and lowered down without any effort on his part. Riding the stallion at a pace only the equine's own arms could control.

How many times Shakal had cum before the stallion's workout finally brought him to a point of fatigue was the only thing about the afternoons which the panther could not quite put an exact figure on. He knew it was a high number, particularly high since with his hands strapped into the device and the stallion requiring both hands to lift the panther's own broad shouldered and muscular figure, each and every one had come utterly hands-free. There had come a point though where his balls were so empty from over-work, unable to keep up with the constant demand for more cum any longer, that he had effectively started shooting blanks. Beyond that point, it had been difficult to tell what was an orgasm and what wasn't. After all, with such a huge cock slamming up into his prostate for hours on end, it had all felt rather like riding out one vast, unbearably constant peak.

By the time Shakal had adequately finished recounting that portion of his days, it had taken all of Salgrus' willpower not to pull off the road, tear off his trousers and give his own erection the pitiful few squeezes it would need to reach what the hyena felt was sure to be a spectacular climax. He was fighting off every wild and lustful impulse his body was creating in order to maintain his focus upon the road ahead, and still it didn't seem enough. Every sign they passed by seemed to come out of nowhere, and already the hyena was finding himself driving at least five kilometres per hour below the speed limit in order to maintain what he felt was adequate control over his vehicle.

It wasn't a struggle, nor a fight, but rather an outright war for Salgrus to get himself and the panther home safely as Shakal spoke of his evenings with the stallion. Evenings that began with a dinner not just for the two of them, but for a whole host of the stallion's friends.

On Saturday night, the panther had been blindfolded and chained by the ankles to the legs of the stallion's large dining table. He had been left to listen, blushing and trembling with embarrassed excitement, as his master greeted a seemingly endless stream of guests, and after a short while invited them through to the dining room for the meal and the night's entertainment. It was only when the panther had finally seen the various guests taking their seat that he realized they must have known that he, or at least somebody was under the table. Otherwise, why would each and every one of the six or seven guests have been naked from the waist down, bare legs and footpaws brushing against him as they took their seats? Why would they have taken such delight in vocally expressing sexually explicit and teasing comments as they ran their feet all over the panther's nude and obviously aroused body? And why else, as Shakal had soon discovered, would they have been hard as a rock when they came to sit down for dinner?

By the end of that evening, Shakal's muzzle had ached from the number of thick cocks he had sucked. The back of his throat was almost numb, gag reflex entirely subdued with the amount of times it had been doused by waves of thick cum. Only when all his guests had departed however, each and every one of them completely spent from the multiple orgasms they had received at the behest of their anonymous, under-the-table benefactor, had the stallion allowed Shakal to remove his blindfold and rejoin him above the table's surface.

Together, side by side and chatting casually, they had washed and dried the dishes used to prepare, serve and eat dinner. And then, before it had even reached eight o'clock, they had retired to bed. To commence yet another night of non-stop sex, until once more Shakal had passed out through a combination of fatigue and a simple overload of physical sensation.

Sunday night had followed the same basic course, a dinner party filled with sexual delights for host, guests and of course Shakal himself. On that occasion however, there had been nothing hidden about the panther's presence. Quite the opposite in fact. It had been the rest of the guests, in an odd sort of way, which were hidden from him.

Not just blindfolded this time, but with his arms bound behind his back, a thick red ball-gag stuffed into his maw, and a heavy leather hood placed upon him which stifled practically all sensory input, Shakal had found himself sitting upon a sybian machine. With a substantial rubber dildo stuffed into his rear, the vibration caused by the machine had hammered upon the panther's prostate with such force that it had taken him less than fifteen minutes before he unleashed the first volley of his cum. None of this might have seemed quite so extreme as the past evening's activities, had it not been for the fact that all the while Shakal and the sybian were resting in the very center of the stallion's living room. The same living room in which the equine and all his friends were sitting around, laughing, drinking, and enjoying the sight of the writhing, whimpering, living sculpture as time and time again he was driven to overwhelming and overstimulated orgasms.

Again, it was not even nine o'clock by the time all the stallion's guests had departed. This left plenty of time for the stallion to free Shakal from his restraints, to lead him upstairs still wearing his hood and ball-gag, and to guide him back into the now familiar space of his temporary master's bedroom. Fatigued yes, but ready, willing, and somehow still eager to commence yet another night's worth of almost painfully glorious sex.


It was too much.

Too much description. Too much exposition. Too much sex for Salgrus to bear even hearing about, never mind imagining how overwhelming it must have been for Shakal to live through.

Shaking his head, Salgrus used the brief respite of a red light to lift one arm and press his hand firmly over his friend's muzzle. When he saw Shakal looking at him through the rear view mirror, seeing that same mixture of lust and fatigue he had described over and over again still shining within the pather's eyes, once again it took all Salgrus' willpower not to flood his underwear with hot streaks of cum.

"Fuck. Fuck], S-Shakal... why did you tell me all that?!"

Of course, he knew the answer. He knew it, and he knew he knew it. With a growl, the hyena forced the car back into gear and screeched away from the light perhaps a little too quickly in his frustration.

"I mean... I know I told you to tell me. But, jeez... you know me, right? You know how talking about all that stuff is going to make me feel. So... why?"

The leopard-hyena hybrid kept glancing back and forth between the road and the panther. It was only a short drive left to reach Salgrus' apartment now, and he was determined to get an answer before then.

Unfortunately for Salgrus, the answer was far more simple and swift than he'd expected. As a result, he received it not only before he could get Shakal back to his place, but before he could even make it a hundred metres beyond that last set of lights.

With his weary muzzle, and through those glazed, glassy eyes, the panther smirked. He smirked, and chuckled softly.

"Because... I'm not the only one who loves being out of control every now and then."

Licking his lips, catching a few morsels of the dried cum which was still strewn across his fur, the panther shuddered and squirmed within his seat.

"And because, I don't think I could have stayed quiet about it even if you hadn't asked. I know it was all too much. I know how exhausted I am... h-how much I need to rest. But, S-Sal... Fuck, I'm still so horny."

Glancing down towards the panther's crotch, Salgrus could believe it. Shakal's cock was as rigid and urgently erect as ever, and while the panther might not have been able to summon up the physical strength to jerk himself off, he clearly couldn't just ignore what he was feeling.

The leopard-spotted hyena shook his head, not in frustration this time, but with a soft and almost tender sigh.

"I get it."

Through the rear view mirror once more, Salgrus saw Shakal turn his head and the panther's eyes widening slightly. He nodded slowly, making sure that Shakal saw him do so.

"I get it now, okay? So... just hang on a little longer. I'll get you back to my place, and we'll take care of it."

A low, lingering groan escaped the panther's muzzle. A sound not of frustration or pleasure or anything he had let slip thus far, but one of relief. Of relaxation, and perhaps of gratitude. Within seconds, his eyelids were fluttering. A few seconds more, and they were closed.

By the time Salgrus finally pulled his car to a halt in the basement parking structure of his building, Shakal was snoring loudly. His cock was still twitching and drooling with desire, but his mind at last was able to catch up on some much needed rest; safe and confident in the knowledge that his remaining needs would be tended to.


The hyena chuckled as he unfastened Shakal's seatbelt, then his own.

"Getting me all worked up, just so I'd be horny enough to help you out."

Even as he pulled open his door and stepped out into the cool subterranean air of the parking structure, Salgrus' body was growing. Swelling. His clothes were growing tight upon his body, and he barely managed to pull his shirt off in time to keep it from ripping. Tossing it onto the back seat, the hyena continued to murmur under his breath as he strode around the back of his car. A journey which would have taken him practically double the number of steps, had he still been his diminutive and twinkish self, rather than the hefty, hairy hyena now reflected in each of the car's windows.

"You know I'd have helped you out, even if I'd just gotten back from a ten day fuck-fest with Anubis myself. Even if the last thing I wanted to do was fool around, you know I'd do it to help you out. But no... you had to play the game. Had to make me almost flood the car just thinking about what you'd been doing for the fast few days. And now you drop it on me."

Rolling his eyes, the hyena pulled the passenger side door open and with relative ease pulled out the limp and snoring form of the panther; Shakal's muscular figure now actually a little smaller than his own beefy frame.

"Now you tell me... 'oh, by the way, I need someone to get this weekend out of my system', and expect me to jump at the chance because you've gotten me so horny."

With a grunt of effort, Salgrus hoisted Shakal up over one of his shoulders. He placed one arm around the panther's bare rump, shuddering as he felt a little more leftover cum drooling out from around the butt-plug still lodged inside Shakal's gaping rear, and felt the panther's still rigid cock prodding at the crook of his arm.

"And the worst part is... even if I would have done it anyway? Y-you're goddamn right."

The hyena's free hand fell down between his own legs, a breathy groan slipping through his lips as he re-arranged the now vastly swollen bulge tenting and threatening to tear his now extra-tight trousers.

"You played me like a fiddle, Shakal... just like Anubis played you. And now... I'm gonna give you exactly what you want.

Once Salgrus had gotten Shakal up and into his apartment without anyone seeing, the pressure was off. The now stud-sized hyena practically dumped the panther out of his arms and into the bathtub, and after turning the taps on full blast he fought to free himself from the trappings of his now straining and painfully undersized clothes in record time. A loud, joyous moan escaped him as his cock sprang free, showing off it's excitement at its newfound freedom by sending a thick spurt of pre-cum lashing across the length of the bathroom floor.

Salgrus resisted the urge to touch his now exposed cock, but instead simply opted to revel in his nudity for the time being. He dropped to his knees by the side of the tub, and watched as it filled up with water and bubbles all around the still sleeping black furred feline. Only when it was mostly full, the water coming up to around Shakal's chest and submerging both his gaping rear and the lower few inches of his rampant erection, did the hyena begin to attempt cleaning the layers of cum from his friend's fur.

All in all, it took almost twenty minutes to get Shakal clean. It might have taken a few minutes less, but once Salgrus had pulled the butt-plug free from the panther's rear, it became swiftly evident that he would either need to replace the water, or risk simply giving Shakal the rest of his bath inside a tub that now seemed to be fifty percent stale stallion cum. The muscular hyena set the plug aside, drained the tub, and started all over again.

He had practically finished the job of cleaning Shakal from top to toe, avoiding only the panther's cock as he figured that the direct stimulation of a wet wash-cloth might well lead to more of a mess than anything else, before he glanced towards the butt-plug again. Upon doing so however, Salgrus let slip a snort of knowing laughter. Where the thick but not substantially large plug had once lain upon the bathroom's linoleum floor, there now lay a rubber dildo composed of the exact same material, a golden ankh glowing in its base. A thick, gorgeously ridged and flared stallion shaft, easily the biggest that Salgrus had ever seen. No doubt this was what had been bringing Shakal such tormented rapture these past few days, and it was being left for the panther as a permanent reminder of what he had been through.

Glancing across the bathroom towards the steamed up mirror, Salgrus grinned as he saw a dark and shadowy shape looking out of it. The figure didn't vanish as their eyes made contact, but simply winked at the hyena. Mere moments later, a soft but omnipresent voice echoed in the leopard-spotted male's mind.

"I'd say it was a gift for both of you to enjoy if you wished... but unlike our mutual friend, I think you know your limits."

Salgrus' cheeks flushed, but he nodded in agreement.

"I'll make sure he takes it home with him... though maybe in his bag, rather than his ass. He could probably use a few days... or maybe months, rest in that department."

Anubis said nothing more in return. His warm laughter simply echoed in the hyena's mind as his shadowy form faded from view in the mirror's reflection, until that too was gone, leaving Salgrus' ears twitching at only the gentle and continous sound of Shakal's snoring.

Without further delay, the hyena manhandled Shakal out of the bath and into the embrace of a large, thick towel. From there it was only a short journey from the bathroom to the bedroom, where the panther was deposited flat upon his back on Salgrus' bed.

It was there, as if some instinct deep within the panther's mind had been triggered, that Shakal's snoring ceased and his eyes fluttered wearily open once more.

He looked up, blushing and gasping as he saw Salgrus already kneeling upon the bed, half way towards straddling the still damp, bare body of the panther.

"Y-you're... you're gonna do it?"

His tone wasn't one of surprise. It was simply thankful. Overwhelmingly thankful.

Salgrus nodded.

"Of course I am. I told you that I get it, and I'm beginning to think I get it better than you do."

The panther's eyes narrowed slightly with confusion, and he moaned as he saw the fur upon Salgrus' body beginning to grow lighter. The thick muscles of the hyena's beefy body beginning to shrink, but not to the same form he had taken before. Now, if anything, Salgrus' body seemed to be balancing between the two. Sleek, lithe and only lightly toned as his coat turned to a foggy grey, speckled with dark rosettes.

As he changed himself once more, altering his body to a state that would please both Shakal and Anubis, wherever the jackal god was watching them, the former hyena spoke to the panther with heated longing rattling in every breath and syllable.

"You aren't just horny because you got fucked so much. What kind of sense does that make?"

As though it was only occurring to him now, the panther's cheeks reddened.

"N-not much, I guess."

Still changing, Salgrus laughed in a softer, effeminate voice.

"No. Not much at all. You're horny, my friend... because you weren't just fucked by a horse. You said it yourself. Anubis was there with you. Inside your equine companion. Changing him. Helping him do what his mortal body alone could never have done."

The panther's eyes widened. A deep, urgent moan escaped his lips as he felt the soft, fluffy tailbase of the snow-leopard which Salgrus was becoming brush at the very tip of his cock.

"O-ohhhh... oh gods. His cum."

Both Shakal and Salgrus had experienced divine cum first-hand on multiple occasions. This clearly wasn't quite so potent, as the panther had not at any point in his storytelling mentioned howling and launching veritable buckets full of seed into the ceiling for hours on end. But it seemed that even second-hand, when channelled through a mortal simply inhabited by Anubis' spirit, the effects of that seed upon the libido were far from insubstantial.

Seed which, as Salgrus had found out upon removing the panther's plug, had still been in contact with the intimate reaches of Shakal's body until very recently.

"That's right. So, unless you fancy me tying you down to the bed and leaving you until its effects wear off..."

The mere suggestion was enough to make the panther whimper in abject terror, despite the obvious jest in which it was spoken. Salgrus chuckled, running his now delicate hands across the panther's broad, fluffy and freshly washed chest.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. In that case, just lie back and do what you were doing before. Relax. Let your mind take the rest of the day off, and let me take care of your body."

The snow leopard wiggled his rump slightly, shifting it into position and letting slip a happy murmur of his own as he felt the cheeks of his rear end making contact with the drooling tip of Shakal's erection.

"Let me ride every last drop out of you. L-let me squeeze every drop of arousal from your cock."

Already, seductive and enthralling as his words may have been to any other lover, Salgrus could see Shakal's eyes beginning to flutter and grow heavy as he was reassured and placated by the twink's passion.

"Let me let your body rest at last..."

Salgrus' soft voice trailed off as he shuddered with excitement, his own cock aching and twitching hungrily with anticipation. His cheeks flushed, and with a husky growl he spoke up once again.

"...b-but... not before I've had my turn. I might not have you for a weekend. Divine cum or not, I might not be able to handle a whole weekend full of fucking like you. But right here, right now? Your cock is mine , Shakal, and I intend to use it until neither of us can stay hard for a single second longer."

Throwing his head back and biting down on his bottom lip, the feline began to lower himself down onto the panther's pre-cum slickened erection without any further delay. He had already waited far too long for this. Already endured more than an hour of constant desire just looking at the rigid length which was now slowly having its thick, swollen tip driven into his tight rump.


He felt his breath catching in his throat, grunting with passionate hunger as the panther's tip slipped through the initial resistance of his pucker and began to increase the pace with which it was swallowed up by his tailhole. Still though, it wasn't fast enough. He needed more. Needed every inch, every last little bit of the panther's rigid cock.

"More. More."

Salgrus growled savagely as he jammed himself roughly down upon the panther's erection, thoroughly abusing the tight body he had granted himself, but relishing every moment of exquisite pleasure as it hung on the very verge of crossing over into pain. All the while, he stared down at the panther's closed eyes and peaceful, if rapidly panting, face. Waiting. Hoping.

"He... he had his turn. Now it's mine."

He scanned every last fibre of hair upon Shakal's dark furred face, hoping, praying for some small glimpse that might suggest Anubis was in there.

"You said I should know my limits? W-well... maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want them pushed, j-just like Shakal."

Harder, faster, more forcefully with every passing moment, Salgrus began to ride Shakal's practically unconscious body. He called out loudly, not restraining his vocalisations in the slightest, but it did nothing to wake the panther nor to dissuade or slow the rock hard cock in his rump from doing what it so desperately wanted to do. Pre-cum gushed from the panther's member and flooded into Salgrus' back passage, but no matter how voluminous it may have been there was nothing about the flood of fluids which felt any better to the snow leopard than any other occasion on which he had fucked the undeniably well endowed panther.

"A-ahh... ohh god. Please. Please, I... I'm gonna cum. Please, i-if you're here, Anubis. Now. D-do it... do it now. Please."

Salgrus was so worked up from seeing the stallion's cock, from driving Shakal home whilst listening to his stories and observing his continually rampant erection, from bathing the panther and now from riding the panther too, that he had always known he wasn't going to last long on his first attempt. Until now though, he had been so horny and desperate to feel even a little of what Shakal had described that the hyena turned snow-leopard had practically convinced himself that Anubis wouldn't be able to resist inflicting some similar torment upon him. Only at this point, with his orgasm looming imminently over him, was he beginning to worry that maybe it actually wasn't going to happen. That his climax was simply going to be... normal.

Perhaps on any other day, that might not have been so bad. A normal orgasm with Shakal's cock hammering his prostate all the while, after all, was anything but average. Today however, such a fate seemed almost cruel.

And, after all that Salgrus had helped Anubis achieve, surely he wouldn't be cruel to the poor, needy twink of a snow leopard.

At the last possible moment, just when Salgrus was ready to admit defeat and release his body to the ravages of a painfully ordinary orgasm, Shakal's eyes sprang open. The pupils behind them were still glazed and unfocused, and the expression upon his face still one that mirrored both the pleasure and the peaceful slumber he was experiencing. Within those eyes however, within the inky black of the panther's pupils, Salgrus could see him.



From deep within the sleeping panther's eyes, the jackal god grinned out at Salgus, and winked playfully once more.

Shakal's back arched up off the bed. His eyes, already open, suddenly bulged with awareness as he sprang back into conscious control, and his muzzle fell slack. His hands sprang up from his sides, clutching at the lithe figure of the snow-leopard already bouncing hungrily astride him, and dragged Salgrus hungrily back down to the hilt upon his erection.


It was the panther, not his twink lover, who roared in ecstasy as seemingly out of nowhere a devastatingly powerful orgasm crashed through him. It wasn't the type of climax that came from being briskly ridden for just a few minutes, but more akin to that which came about after hours, perhaps days of constant torment and denial. An orgasm which struck with cataclysmic pleasure and relief all at once, that it overrode every rational impulse and replaced them all with a single, unarguable command.

To make every thrust, every pulsating eruption, every instant of ecstasy, count as if it was going to be the last he ever experienced.

Sitting astride the suddenly thrashing, cumming, howling panther, Salgrus couldn't do anything else but cry out too. He wailed happily as his own orgasm crashed over him, and as he shot ribbons of cum across Shakal's chest, he grunted and gurgled with satisfaction upon feeling himself being filled by wave after wave of the panther's own liquid lust.

Except... he knew it wasn't just the panther's lust. It was Anubis too. It was partly that of the jackal. Partly divine cum, flooding his back passage and streaking across the already well worked surface of his prostate.

It was with that thought in mind that Salgrus began to whimper. Not with continued pleasure. Not with growing anticipation, but with horrified realization.

Already he could feel the panther's cock beginning to soften. Not to grow flaccid, he still had at least one more climax worth of leftover arousal lingering within him, but certainly to lose some of the desperate urgency that had been present within the throbbing length of his cock until now. Salgrus himself meanwhile was only getting hornier. More and more frantic and desperate for his next orgasm and his next chance to ride the panther as fast and wild as their two bodies could handle.

Before, he might have just been able to maintain his own arousal for long enough to satisfy Shakal. But now...?

Now, it wasn't the panther who was desperately in need of a lover to save them from their own overwhelming lust.

It was him.

"O-oh god... Shakal."

All Salgrus could think about as he cried out the panther's name, already beginning to buck and grind himself down against his companion's shaft once more, was not letting this feeling go. Not letting his pleasure diminish for even a moment, never mind letting it come to an end entirely.

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Harder."

All he could think about was what would happen, what unbearable and agonizing lust might overcome him, were he to let himself spend even a split-second not lost in constant sexual stimulation.

All he could think about was how Shakal had spent the last two days locked in a constant cycle of being fucked, and longing to be fucked with every fibre of his being... and how if he had anything to say about it, the panther would not be allowed to stop, would not be allowed to rest, for another two days.

They might have been beyond the weekend, beyond the remit of Shakal's paid-for servitude, but as far as Salgrus was concerned, the panther's true duty had only just begun.

By Jeeves Edited by Shakal

Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five** Standing in the doorway of the glyph chamber, Salgrus and Shakal peered into the room, and stared in stunned disbelief at the sight which awaited them. Needless to say, Anubis had not warned them of this....

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four** "Salgrus, I don't know if that's a good idea. We should do more research. Read more of these inscriptions. After all we've seen in this temple..." Shakal began to warn his companion, but before he could...

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Three

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Three** White wolf and black jackal stood face to face, their bodies practically bare. Clothing was ultimately unnecessary, as were the jewels and precious metals which they donned as one of many pandering...

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