A New Life, A New Name

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Jeeves wakes up to find himself being offered the opportunity of a new lifetime.

Written by Jeeves

A New Life, A New Name Jeeves went to bed. The kangaroo did this often, practically every night in fact, so he didn't treat the act with any special reverence beyond his normal routine. He stripped off his clothes, tossing some into the laundry and flinging his jeans over a chair for another day's wear tomorrow. He slipped into the bed itself, plumped up his pillows for extra height, and set a podcast to play on his phone to act as his nightly lullaby before placing the device down on his bedside table.

Everything was normal. Everything was usual. Everything was thoroughly standard, and when Jeeves the kangaroo went to bed, he had no idea that it would be the last time he did so in his current guise.

With a start, Jeeves awoke. Or rather, he became aware that he was already awake; already active. He was standing, the first clue that something was very much amiss. Never in his life had the 'roo found himself succumbing to sonambulance, so the idea that he had sleepwalked here was almost entirely implausible. Then, of course, there was the fact that he had no idea where_here_ was. As his mind cleared from the haze of whatever not quite sleep state had brought him to this point, the kangaroo glanced around at the sandy stone walls, not old and dusty but new, crisp and with a polished sheen. He looked at the flickering fire-lit torches upon the walls, each one held in place by a dark band of metal studded with deep, midnight blue stones that couldn't possibly have been actual sapphires, surely. He glanced to the ground between his feet, equally smooth slabs of stone upon which he was standing, and a bashful gasp escaped him muzzle.


Grasping at his crotch, cupping it with both hands as his thick tail tucked in between his legs to cover the curve of his rump, Jeeves realised he was naked. Every bit as naked as he had been in bed. The revelation took his breath away for a few moments, the 'roo's cheeks flushing crimson beneath his pale fur. It didn't take long for him to glance around nervously and realise that there was no-one watching though. No-one here to judge or chide him for being inappropriately nude in... whatever this place was. Carefully, bashfully he released his flaccid cock and balls from within the confines of his hands. Just seconds later though a strange expression crossed the marsupial's features. A look somewhere between confusion and dumbfounded realisation, which blossomed into a grin as once again Jeeves looked at the Egyptian pyramid like corridor around him.

"Well fuck. I'm dreaming."

It was the only rational explanation, but since Jeeves had never really had dreams that he was_aware_in any more than he had ever found himself in a situation where he might sleepwalk to some ancient yet surprisingly well maintained temple, he didn't feel to bad for taking this long to reach that conclusion. What did somewhat take the shine off his supposition however was the fact that before he had a chance to explore it, to see what control he had within the dream or indeed what wonderful dreamscapes his mind had created beyond this first admittedly already rather beautiful corridor, the entire theory was thrown out of the window in a rather direct manner.

"No you're not."

The kangaroo was jolted not just by the sudden presence of the other voice, having looked in both directions down the lengthy corridor just shortly before and definitively confirmed that no-one else was present, but by its_force_. The speaker wasn't shouting. There wasn't even any real urgency or volatility to their tone. Yet every word seemed to cause the very fabric of reality to quake around Jeeves. Slowly, fearful and unwilling to lift his gaze from the ground though he didn't truly understand why, the marsupial male turned towards the source of the powerful voice. His hands covered his crotch again as he saw a pair of dark furred footpaws resting against the stone floor, confirming that somehow there was indeed now a person sharing this space with him. Those hands soon fell limp by his sides once more though, as Jeeves lifted his gaze, and peered into the eyes of God.

Anubis smiled as the kangaroo's muzzle fell agape, his arms fell away from their attempt at retaining his modesty, and just seconds later the marsupial fell to his knees with a stunned, reverent whimper. He knew what Jeeves was experiencing in that moment, for he had seen it countless times. Standing in the presence of a deity, you_knew_. Never mind that there weren't many pure black jackals adorned in golden jewellery in the world, you knew this was no act of cosplay or blasphemous idolatry. The kangaroo knew precisely who and what Anubis was, and thus his reaction was as instinctive and ingrained as the desire to breath, or for one's heart to continue beating.

"None of that, now. Shakal told me that you were cool. Be cool, Jeeves."

Another whimper escaped the 'roo's lips as an actual, literal God told him to chill out. He stumbled back to his feet, using one of the smooth stone walls of the corridor to steady himself. His cheeks were bright red, and as he found himself staring down at Anubis' feet once more Jeeves realised to his horror that he could feel his crotch starting to swell. He was terrified. He was scared out of his mind, but apparently his body decided that_now_ was the right time to take advantage of its freshly wakened state and catch up on the morning wood he had avoided until now.

"I... o-oh god... I mean, fuck...fuck..."

Hissing under his breath in self induced frustration, Jeeves tried to will himself soft. He tried to think of the unsexiest things possible, but none of the normal images he would have conjured up to avoid such situations would even begin to form within his mind. Instead he was filled with images of Anubis himself, the jackal deity standing with his arms folded and a mirthful smirk spread across his face. He wasn't even looking at the God, eyes tightly shut, but still he was all that Jeeves could see. Inescapable. Undeniable. Naked, and so very beautiful to behold.

A hand touched his cheek. The marsupial's eyes shot wide open, and a strangled grunt of wonder escaped him as he felt, and saw, Anubis standing with an arm outstretched, gently cupping the kangaroo's face. Soft, velvety fingertips caressed Jeeves' furred and flushed pink cheeks, and his expression changed from one of shock to one of goofy, giddy relief as Anubis forced their eyes to meet.

"Relax, Jeeves. You're safe here. You're safe with me. I'm not going to harm you, or judge you, or do anything you don't want me to. So just...relax."

The jackal's other paw reached out for the 'roo. It touched Jeeves' chest, just over his heart, and began to slide downward as the sandy coated marsupial did as he was told. By the time Anubis' fingers grazed the now rigid and protruding tip of Jeeves' pink cock, sliding down over its six inches and wrapping them up in a gentle squeeze, the kangaroo was gazing at the God before him with rapturous and unabashed joy. And when his eyes bulged once more, and another strained gasp escaped his lips, it wasn't because he was worried or embarrassed or confused. It was because as soon as Anubis squeezed his cock, Jeeves began to cum.


Hips bucking, toes curling down against the stony floor, Jeeves painted the jackal deity's hand and the fur of his forearm with thick strands of white seed. Anubis growled in delight as each strand of cum poured from the kangaroo's cock, but beyond the joy and satisfaction of feeding upon the mortal male's passion and release, the primary goal of making the kangaroo cum was exactly what he had asked of Jeeves already. He wanted him to relax, so they could talk. After all, if the mortal male was going to be able to truly understand the offer which the God had to make to him, it was important he enter this discussion with a clear head. To begin with, at least.

Trembling and moaning, Jeeves stumbled forward slightly, throwing his arms instinctively around the jackal's neck. He blushed and murmured in satisfaction as Anubis' fingers abandoned him, his hips bucking slightly and one last dribble of seed issuing forth. The deity didn't return his embrace, but he did stroke almost fondly at one of the kangaroo's ears before teasing it gently towards his muzzle and whispering to the 'roo.

"Now, clean off your God like your seed is the sweetest treat you have ever known."

He lifted his cum-stained forearm, presented it to the kangaroo, and grinned as with a ravenous hunger Jeeves grasped at the jackal's dark furred limb. Seconds later the male's tongue was going wild slurping and lapping at every last cum-coated strand of hair which the jackal possessed, gurgling and moaning every bit as loud as he had when he'd cum. Anubis growled happily, pleased by the kangaroo's willing devotion. He hadn't even applied the tiniest portion of mind control to his words, and yet still the 'roo before him was working like he really was lapping up some delectable ambrosia of a dessert. Clearly Shakal had been right in putting this individual forward for the job at hand. Jeeves wasn't just eager to be pleased. The marsupial was eager and enthusiastic to please others, in whatever way he could.

Waving his arm behind him, mostly clean but with a few visible strings of seed still resting upon his fingertips, Anubis pulled away from Jeeves and beckoned for the kangaroo to follow. They proceeded down the long, seemingly endless stone walled and torchlit corridor for about thirty seconds, before Anubis turned to the left. Jeeves blinked, and where there had most definitely not been a door just a fraction of a second earlier, there now stood a large and broad stone archway. Taking the marsupial's hand the jackal led this new visitor deeper into his palace's interior. He smiled softly, looking back over his shoulder with knowing delight as they approached their goal. He waited for Jeeves to spot it. To spot_him_. He waited for the 'roo's reaction, until finally...

"O-oh. Fuck, that's...hot."

Jeeves' paw slipped free from Anubis' grasp, and the kangaroo stepped forward without being asked. He didn't know why he felt so comfortable doing so, why he thought this was in any way appropriate, other than of course what he had already been through since arriving in this place which he still wasn't wholly convinced was anything more than a strange but wonderful dream. But it did feel right. So right, as he stepped towards the figure who stood in the centre of the room. A white wolf, a thick golden ball-gag stuffed in his muzzle, golden chains holding his arms up over his head and rising to where the shining links were looped through a hook in the ceiling, a silk blindfold wrapped around his head several times to ensure he was entirely blinded. And then there was his cock. Thick, swollen, knot bulging, and a constant stream of pre-cum drooling from its pointed, twitching tip into a stone trough on the floor below. Golden rings hung from the white wolf's nipples, and wrapped around the base of his cock, beneath even his hefty knot, another thicker band of golden metal was obviously squeezing and constricting the lupine male's aching shaft.

Circling the God, for once again Jeeves was overcome with wonder to find himself in yet another deity's presence, Jeeves saw that the male's tail was bound by a small leather cord, which ran from a golden ring close to the base of the lush white furred limb all the way up to a loop in the back of the golden collar which was resting around his neck. It held the tail up, exposing the wolf's ass and revealing the base of the thick butt-plug, not golden metal but what seemed to be more modern black silicon, which protruded from between its cheeks. Given the low buzzing in the air, the kangaroo could tell that the toy was vibrating, even if it was buried so deep and so tight in the wolf that any visible motion was counteracted by the male's constant, ceaseless trembling where he stood in his bound state of total restraint.

It was only after several minutes of looking; of drinking in every last detail about the obviously lesser deity, that Jeeves turned his head. He looked back towards Anubis, and there was joy in his eyes of course, but clarity too. He was beginning to understand, even before the jackal addressed him.

"This is Wepwawet. And Wep has been a very naughty boy indeed."

Through his gag, Wep snarled. Anubis grinned, watching the wolf's cock throb impotently with lustful rage. He saw Jeeves glancing between the pair, obviously curious.

"Wep played a rather mean trick on me a while back, and it was only recently... relatively speaking anyway, that I was able to return the favour. Since then, Wep has been in something of a holding pattern while I figured out what to do with him. Calculating and power hungry or not, he is a God. He is my brethren, and I cannot just turn him out into the cold dark of the multiverse's infinite abyss. Gods require worship. Devotion. We require service. And that, Jeeves, is why you are here."

The kangaroo blinked, and blushed as he looked at the wolf's rampant erection once more.

"You... uh... you want me to_service_ Wep?"

Anubis snorted with laughter, something that seemed to catch even him off guard. Beyond Shakal and Salgrus, who were mortal only in the most abstract sense of the word given their positions in this world, it was very uncommon for a mortal to be able to make him laugh.

"Indeed. Though, in more ways than just the one you might be thinking."

Jeeves smirked.

"So, hand stuff_and_ oral?"

The jackal grinned, but was glad when Jeeves motioned to show that he was done making jokes, for now at least, and was going to let the God say his piece.

"Wepwawet requires priests and acolytes to serve him. To ensure his needs are tended to and his shrines and temples kept in good condition. But beyond all that, he needs one High Priest. To serve as his direct envoy between this and the mortal realm, and to tend to his more personal requirements. He is God of several domains in this world. Domination and Submission. Bondage. Orgasm control. Practically all elements of Sexual Power Exchange."

Jeeves held back another quip, but thought it so loudly that his raised eyebrows practically screamed it.

'A god of sexual power exchange? Kinky!'

Anubis nodded, and the 'roo blushed as he only now realised that if he was in the presence of a god it wasn't just what he said, but every thought in his head, which was laid bare to the jackal. Possibly to Wepwawet too.

"I forget, you are from a different layer of reality than ours. When you walk amongst the people of our world, you will see that the sexual sphere of power from which deities can draw power is far larger. Far more prominent. And as such, it is not only important for me to pass some of the responsibilities of handling that sphere to Wep. It is vital. And his high priest will be a big part of helping_him_ to manage those responsibilities... not to mention the urges that come with them."

To demonstrate his point, Anubis wandered over to where Wep was standing. He wrapped one hand, the same one that had instantly brought Jeeves to orgasm with its touch, around the white wolf's cock, and began to jerk him off. Not lightly. Not gently and tenderly. He began to slide his hand rapidly up and down the length of the wolf's ample erection, squeezing hard and taking full advantage of the natural lubrication already spread over the length of the wolf. Beneath the Greater God's touch, Wep began to thrash. To howl through his gag, and to buck uncontrollably. His toes curled. His hands clawed at the air into which they were raised. It was obvious that he was desperate to cum, and as the jackal wrapped his free hand around the wolf's knot and began to squeeze it without mercy, that desperation reached new and wild heights. But no matter how much he wanted, how much he_needed_to cum... Wepwawet did not. The golden band wrapped around the base of his cock wasn't just restricting his flow. It began to glow, to shimmer as he thrashed and howled more and more pleadingly in anguished, lust-stricken denial. And the brighter, the longer it glowed, the more Anubis grinned as he continued to torment the wolf.

Jeeves watched, his own cock rock hard once again and his cheeks flushed as he saw that Anubis was hard now too. The God's member was thicker and larger than Wep's own, of course, but both the canid males dwarfed the roo's perfectly average six and a bit inches almost double in length and even more so in girth. He observed Anubis' glee, and Wep's torment for almost a solid minute, the God relentless in his 'pleasuring' of the lesser deity. But then, as he continued to hear Wepwawet's desperate and pleading wails, a thought crossed his mind.

The kangaroo stepped forward.

He held out a hand, placed it on Anubis' shoulder, and did the stupidest thing of his entire life.

"Hey... uh... can you, stop? Please?"

Anubis froze, except his head which swung sharply round to glare first at the hand touching him without his permission, then the face of the kangaroo responsible. Jeeves' paw withdrew rather sharply, but the damage was done. The jackal did stop, and Wep gave a low, muffled gurgling moan of both anguish and relief as his denial was continued, but at least without the anguish of being held so agonisingly close to the brink of orgasm.

The God spoke to the now red faced and undeniably nervous kangaroo, his tone measured, but laced with subtle frustration at having his fun cut short.

"I know that I brought you here, Jeeves. And that I have been kind to you thus far. But please tell me, what makes you think that you can tell me to stop, in my own realm, or indeed_any_ realm. What gives you the right?"

Jeeves couldn't bring himself to meet the God's gaze, but that didn't stop him from answering honestly.

"Nothing. I... I don't have any right to tell you. And, I didn't. I_asked_. It was a request, not a command."

Anubis bristled, but knew that what the kangaroo was saying was the truth. He glanced from the marsupial to the trembling, rock hard and drooling wolf, then back again with a grunt of dry mirth.

"If you knew what Wep had done. What events transpired to bring him here... to bring me here. To bring us all to this situation, this very moment, I doubt you would be so lenient and kindly."

The kangaroo shrugged.

"You're right. I don't know. But, if you're telling me that you want me to be some High Priest to Wep, and you're offering me that position without telling me all the details? Either I don't need to know, or I don't need to know_yet_. Either way, if I'm supposed to be serving him... even if he answers to you, doesn't that mean I should be looking out for him?"

Anubis' eyes widened slightly, and he barely held back a growl as he saw Jeeves look at Wepwawet with what was almost certainly a degree of sympathy.

"Your duties in_serving_ him are tied into his domains, Jeeves. The things I have told you he controls, the sources from which he draws his power. These are the things you must use to serve him. Bondage. Domination. Control. It will be your duty to inflict all of these upon him, as often and as long and as hard as you are able. It is from this he will draw power from you, and grant you power in return to better serve him, and to spread his word when you are elsewhere."

The kangaroo looked a little surprised, but nodded slowly.

"So... I'm, what? His dom? His master, sexually speaking?"

A deep, savage snarl escaped the wolf. Anubis laughed.

"He will be subservient to you, yes. But... master? A God will never have a mortal master. Your job however will certainly be to make him_feel_like he has one. To enforce your every lustful whim upon him. To drive him wild. To dominate and control him wholly. To make him feel powerless... that is what will make him thrive."

Jeeves thought about this for a little while. For several minutes he stood in silence between the two Gods, looking Wepwawet's trembling white furred figure up and down. Eventually he looked back towards Anubis, and nodded.

"I can do that. I can try, at least."

Anubis grinned, and Wep snarled once more. The kangaroo wasn't done yet, though.

"But... if you want a_torturer_? Look somewhere else."

The wolf's ears perked, and Anubis raised a sharp eyebrow once more as Jeeves continued to explain himself before this curious and increasingly impatient deity.

"I'll make Wep beg if you want me to. I'll make him get on his knees and kiss my toes if he wants even the slightest chance to earn any control or satisfaction. I'll tease him and work him until his balls are going to burst if he doesn't do as I say. But... I won't be cruel. I won't be unfair. If he_earns_ his release? If he puts his pride and his Godly might aside and does exactly as I tell him? If he deserves a break? I'm going to give it to him. Good behaviour should be rewarded, no matter how intense the dom and sub dynamic. Sexual power exchange isn't just about control. That much I know. It's about control which is earned through_trust_, which allows you to push to greater and greater extremes when that trust is given."

Anubis said nothing at first. He considered the kangaroo's proposal. He considered how much easier it would be to just send the mortal back from whence he'd come, and spend a century or two listening to Wep's howls reverberate through the temple after he hired ten less thoughtful mortal acolytes to hold ten powerful vibrating wands against the wolf's ring-bound cock. He wanted so badly to tell Jeeves that he had made a mistake, and that Shakal had been wrong to shortlist him as Wep's High Priest.

And yet, the God could not deny how he honestly felt. He couldn't lie, neither to himself, nor to Jeeves, nor even to Wepwawet.

"Shakal chose well selecting you. Clearly he understood what... or rather who, Wep needed. Almost certainly better than myself."

Anubis looked towards Wepwawet. There was drool dripping from the male's golden ballgag, almost as liberally as the pre-cum flowing down the length of his shaft and dripping off the plastered white fur upon his swollen, sodden balls. The God's eyes were bulging, and his body was trembling from top to toe with desperate and unending desire. Anubis knew just how that felt. That need. That frustration. That knowledge that everything would be okay if you could only cum, combined with the terrifying knowledge that despite all your power, you were incapable of granting yourself that release.

He didn't feel the slightest sympathy for Wep. Not after what the Lesser God had done to him. But he did understand how the wolf must have been feeling in that moment, albeit a number of millennia removed. And so he could understand why, seeing Wep in that state, Jeeves might feel some degree of desire to_help_ the poor, pathetic deity before him.

Taking a large, purposeful step back from both Wepwawet and Jeeves, Anubis waved a hand towards the wolf. He smiled gently.

"Show me, then. Show me... how will you tend to your God, if given the chance?"

Wepwawet growled as he felt mortal fingers touching the fur upon his head. Hands roaming around the sides of his smooth, lush white fur, and grasping at the clips holding his gag in place. His eyes widened as with a sharp click, he felt the thick golden ball come loose. His muzzle gaped for a brief moment or two, and thick strands of saliva dripped from his bottom lip as he forced the stiff muscles to close. Several times in quick succession Wep swallowed, the sensation of his jaws able to rest together almost alien after how long he had been gagged this most recent time. He ran his tongue over his teeth, flexed and curled the pink muscle within his jaws, before opening them again in preparation to speak.


Before Wep could say a single word though, he felt lips pressing against his own. His eyes widened anew, and though he hadn't expected nor desired this intimate act, his still lustful, pleasure-hungry body could not and would not deny itself this opportunity. The mortal male's tongue pressed between the God's lips, and his own responded. He grunted in delight as Jeeves' hands caressed his cheeks with tender affection, the lightest and most delicate touch he had received in a long, long time, and actively whined when the kangaroo pulled back.

"Was that nice, pet?"

Both Anubis' and Wepwawet's eyes bulged as Jeeves' muzzle twitched upward at its corners only briefly, the marsupial doing his utmost to ensure he played this role as straight as he could, at least to begin with. Anubis however snorted with laughter, and with a twitch of his fingers a large bowl of popcorn appeared floating in the air beside him. It seemed he had underestimated the kangaroo. And if this was Jeeves' idea of being kind to Wep, then this was going to be a good show indeed.

The wolf snarled, and now that he was able to, he spoke with passionate vitriol.

"Fuck you! You are my priest. My servant. I command you to get on your knees and suck me! To turn around and back up that ass so I can fuck you senseless. I demand you make me cum, mortal. Now!"

His hands strained at the chains holding them aloft and keeping his boy predominantly immobile, similar but shorter chains holding his feet stationary and legs spread upon the stone floor. He flung his body forward, baring his teeth and with his eyes glowing brightly in an attempt to terrify the kangaroo into doing as he commanded even though Anubis' chains and the various accessories attached to his body prevented him from exerting any physical or mental control over the mortal.

To his anguish however, Jeeves smirked, and spoke a single, simple word.


Wep roared. He thrashed and strained at his bonds, and howled with teeth bared and claws flexing at the utterly unfazed figure of the 'roo.

"No?! You do not get to tell me_No_! You spoke of relief! You spoke of not being cruel! Not being a torturer! Live up to your word, mortal. Please me. Satisfy me. Indulge me as I know you wish to!"

Jeeves folded his arms across his chest. Between his legs, the kangaroo's own erection twitched with excitement as he patiently waited for Wep to fall silent once more. Only then, with the wolf was reduced to growling and shuddering in impotent rage, did he speak again.

"If you want to cum, ask nicely."

Wep howled in frustration. Was this mortal really trying to teach him_manners_?

"Please. Please make me cum, mortal. Now."

Jeeves raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Do I have to spell it out. Ask nicely, and mean it. Wep. I... I want to make you cum. Believe me. But, I'm not gonna do it if you're going to be such a colossal prick the whole time. If you really can't learn to be nice? To appreciate when someone is trying to do something nice for you? Then maybe I should just leave you to Anubis."

The kangaroo looked towards the watching jackal, who had a handful of popcorn in one paw and his cock in the other. He smirked, and winked towards Anubis.

"If you wanna jerk him off like you were before, that's fine. I guess he must not want to cum that badly, if he won't even let go of his pride for just a second or two and really ask for the help he needs."

Jeeves turned towards the archway through which he and Anubis had entered this room. He began to walk towards it, hoping that his gamble would pay off as he really had no idea how to get out of whatever and wherever this place was. Sure enough, as he began to walk away and Anubis rose from the seat that had materialised around him, flexing his fingers as he moved towards Wepwawet, the wolf wailed in horror.

"W-wait!! No. P-please. Please mortal! Please don't go!"

Anubis froze, stunned to hear the tone of the wolf's voice. Desperate, yes. Horny as hell, of course. But... vulnerable, rather than rageful. Pleading, rather than demanding. He looked towards the kangaroo, who span around upon the spot with a glowing grin spread over his features. Casually, wonderfully slow and deliberate in every step, the mortal marsupial wandered back over towards where Wep was bound, the wolf's face glowing crimson beneath his furred cheeks as he stared down at the ground in abject humiliation. A mortal had made him beg. A mortal had made him, a God, plead not even for release. Not even for a moment's relief from his desire. Just to not be left alone with Anubis, and subjected to the Greater God's torment once more.

The wolf deity shuddered as two warm hands pressed against his chest, over where his heart would have been were he mortal. Those hands ran through his soft white fur, teasing oh so briefly at the gold rings running through his nipples before sliding down his torso and caressing his trembling sides, right the way down to his hips.

"Look at me."

Jeeves' voice was delicate and tender. Everything Wep possessed told him to reject that tenderness. To seek to use it, to capitalise on that weakness and manipulate the mortal to his will. And yet... he looked up, breathless even though he technically did not even need to breath, and bashful as he met Jeeves' warm, affectionate gaze.

"You don't want me to go, because you know I'll help you. Because you know all you have to do is work with me. It'll be so easy. Just... ask. Ask nicely, and_mean_ it. It's such a small thing, but it'll get you everything you want."

The kangaroo's hips rocked forwards, and both he and Wepwawet grunted in pleasure as the mortal man's six inch cock rubbed up against the far larger, thicker and drooling length belonging to the deity before him. Jeeves' muzzle leaned in closer, and he groaned softly as his nose bumped to the wolf's own, lips instinctively pecking and smooching Wepwawet oh so playfully.


It took a few seconds, but when that single word escaped Wep's lips, he meant it. And both Jeeves and Anubis knew he meant it, which made it all the more impossible for the wolf to hide how humiliated he was to be reduced to such shameful begging. At least now though, he would get to cum. He would get his release. The first of many, once he had this mortal's trust and was able to find a place to truly show the kangaroo who was boss.

"Please... what?"

Jeeves encouraged the wolf tenderly, both with the tone of his voice and the continued gyration of their hips against one another. Wep groaned, but once more spoke truthfully.

"Please, let me cum.Make me cum."

The kangaroo giggled, but to the wolf's dismay shook his head.

"No-no... you misunderstand, my pet. Please,master. That's what I need. You can't just beg. You have to beg me. As your high priest. As the one who knows what you need. As the one you know is in charge of making sure you get what you need. Beg your master to let you cum."

Anubis leaned forward in his seat, watching transfixed, popcorn forgotten and one hand flying up and down the length of his straining cock. Could the kangaroo actually do it? Could he make Wepwawet call him Master before the job of high priest was even officially his?

"...fuck you."

A savage snarl of anguish escaped the wolf, and Anubis sighed. Of course not. Wep wouldn't call a mortal master. Not for anything. Not if he had to mean it.

Jeeves shrugged, and stepped back.

"Nope. Bad pups don't get to fuck. Bad pups get to wait. And wait. And wait... until they learn to be good."

Once again the kangaroo looked towards Anubis, but before he could even open his muzzle to speak...

" FUCK! O-okay. Okay! Master. Master, please let me cum. P-please!"

Jeeves grinned. He looked at Wep, proud and gleeful, and reached out to tousle the wolf's white headfur.

"Good boy. There now... was that really so hard?"

He glanced down, to where the lupine deity's cock was throbbing and straining urgently.

"Well, maybe it was. But... it's okay. It'll all be better soon."

Wep yelped in delirious joy, bucking his hips pleadingly towards the kangaroo.

"Do it. Please, master. M-make me cum, n-nnhh... now!"

Jeeves wrapped a hand around the wolf's cock. He squeezed, and Wepwawet wailed in elation. He stroked up and down its length, fingertips teasing at the bulbous swelling of Wep's knot, and the Lesser God howled with frantic euphoria.

"I will. I'll do it, pup. My sweet, needy little Weppy..."

The kangaroo's eyes flashed with excitement.


The wolf's latest wail of pleasure was abruptly cut short, and transformed mid-cry into one of stunned horror. BUT?!

"But... first, I believe Anubis has a title to bestow upon me. I'm not actually your high priest yet, and... I wouldn't feel right in doing my honoured duty without the authority to deserve it. So, I will make you cum, Wep. I will. Just... not yet."

Jeeves turned one last time, releasing his grasp on Wepwawet's cock as he did so, but this time he wasn't fooling or testing the wolf as he padded towards Anubis. The bound God wailed and thrashed in his restraints, but was helpless to do anything but scream and curse at the kangaroo. And of course, to listen as Jeeves addressed the Greater God with a proud, knowing smile upon his face.

"So... was that kind of what you had in mind?"

Anubis grinned, shuddering in delight as he continued to stroke his cock while glancing at the thrashing, cursing figure of Wepwawet. He had never seen him so wild and anguished by a mortal's influence. Not even Shakal or Salgrus had been able to get such a reaction from him without relying on some form of supernatural power. The jackal eventually tore his eyes away from the wolf however, and instead looked at Jeeves, who now met his gaze with warmth and pride, not the slightest bit afraid any more. After you'd sexually tamed a God, somehow simply making eye contact with another wasn't that much of a big deal any more.

"It was. It most definitely was."

The kangaroo beamed, though his cheeks did redden slightly as he spoke once more, acknowledging the role that he had been promised in the hopes that it wouldn't seem overly presumptuous.

"High Priest Jeeves. Sounds a bit... weird, doesn't it?"

Grinning back, Anubis nodded, and thought for a moment.

"Though... there's no reason it needs to be Jeeves. You are beginning a new life by taking on this role. You will be joining our world. Becoming a part of this creation that I have forged. Perhaps with that, a change is in order. High Priest... let's see... High Priest Jeeves isn't working. So, how about... High Priest...Xander."

His eyes flashed as he said those words, and so did the kangaroo's pale green hues.

In another layer of reality, Jeeves awoke from his dream with a start. He gasped, sitting bolt upright, before realising that he was safe and well in his own bed. The rabbit flopped back down against the pillows, and chuckled. Not only had he been dreaming of a whole host of weird things, it wasn't even him that had been the starring role. But rather, some kangaroo. Imagine. Him, a 'roo. Weird!

He chuckled, rolled over onto his side, and closed his eyes once more. Soon, he was asleep again. A peaceful, quietly resting bunny, just as he had always been.

In Anubis' world however; a world of sexual excess beyond anything the kangaroo or rabbit could ever have hoped, Xander remained before the jackal deity. He blushed, and he nodded eagerly as he accepted that new name, and indeed the title which came with it. Xander, High Priest of Wepwawet.

"Xander. I... I like that. A lot. It's a good name. A good name... to hear people, to hear Gods, screaming in pleasure."

Looking towards Wepwawet once more, the Lesser God no longer howling in rage, reduced to sullen and desperately mournful whimpering once again, Xander licked his lips.

"So, how about it, pup? Want a reason to scream my name, my Lord. My God. My great and glorious Deific Sluttiness. Want me to make you cum, finally?"

The wolf shuddered. He whined, and he nodded. He didn't even need to be prompted this time.

"Yes. Please, Master. Xander, please... just... o-oh god. Please, just let me cum."

And Xander did. Just as he had promised, just as he had sworn to the wolf that he would, he let Wepwawet cum.

At least... eventually.

"Soon. So soon, my Lord Puppy. Just... one tiny, quick little thing first, then you can cum long and hard... get those balls emptied of all that cum so we can start building it up again,together. And all you need to do now... one last favour for your master, since you're so eager to have me helping you."

Xander grasped his own cock, and stroked it as he walked around the back of Wepwawet's body, peering at that tight rump with the black butt-plug buzzing and vibrating away within it.

"Wouldn't it be so much hotter... so much more fun for us both, if you could cum_with_ your master? Wouldn't it be just incredible, Weppy... if you could cum, knowing that I've already cum inside you?"

He squeeze the bound wolf's ass, stepping in close behind Wep and rising up onto the tips of his toes to whisper into the God's ear.

"Ask me to fuck you. Ask me nicely to fill you with_my_ cum. God, Wep... you're so close. So close to me letting you cum right now. And all you need to do... is beg_for my cock in your ass. Or maybe... yeah. Maybe you should cry it out. Scream that you want my cock inside you. Loud enough for Anubis to hear every word, so he knows what a wonderful, obedient little bitch of a God you are... and how grateful you are to know that I'm being so nice. So kind, in letting you cum like he_never would."

By Jeeves

A New Kind of Exploration

**A New Kind of Exploration** If anyone present at the annual _Studs and Subs_ charity auction had glanced into the rear right hand corner of the main hall, they would have found their eyes growing suddenly and inexplicably blurred. At the same...

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Beyond the Weekend

**Beyond the Weekend** As Salgrus rang the doorbell, glancing down at his phone absent-mindedly to check for the fourth time that this was the right house, he couldn't help wondering why he was here. It was far from unheard-of for his friend Shakal...

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five

**Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five** Standing in the doorway of the glyph chamber, Salgrus and Shakal peered into the room, and stared in stunned disbelief at the sight which awaited them. Needless to say, Anubis had not warned them of this....

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