Food Courting

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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Jonathan has a chance encounter with a surprisingly charming panther. But it's when the panther leaves that he gets his real surprise.

Written by Jeeves

Food Courting "Hello there."

Jonathan couldn't help but blush as the tall, dark, handsome figure of a black panther sat down across from him in the mall food court. He hated eating alone, so having someone sit down beside him was a joy in itself, but the fact that the feline was such an attractive man... well, that was just a delightful bonus. The husky smiled shyly, and his tail wagged happily back and forth through the slot in the chair behind him. He said nothing yet, his mouth currently full of a rather tasty sandwich, but his smile made words absolutely unnecessary. He kept on smiling even when he saw how intensely the panther was looking at him, and even when he gazed deep into the big cat's shining amethyst eyes, captivated, transfixed, utterly enthralled by them, his smile only grew wider.

The panther grinned, and Jonathan giggled again, feeling as though he was utterly under his spell.

"I was wondering, you look like a fun kind of guy. The kind of man who enjoys himself. His body, I mean. Do you masturbate often?"

If anyone else had asked him such a question the husky would have slugged them across the face and called them a pervert. To this male however, this handsome, trustworthy male, he felt as though he could say anything. Jonathan licked his lips, nodded, and answered.

"Yes, every day if I can find the time."

Slowly and carefully, as though taking this information and writing it down on an internal memo pad, the panther nodded back. He purred deeply, a sound that sent delightful shivers rushing down Jonathan's spine, and asked another question.

"So you like it? You like cumming?"

Jonathan cocked his head to one side, curious. He still gave an answer though, not wishing to disappoint this handsome figure.

"Well, yeah. Doesn't everyone?"

At this response, the panther's grin grew even wider. He laughed warmly in agreement.

"Yeah, I suppose so. I've never met anyone who enjoys sex and says they don't really enjoy the finale. Anyway, I was wondering... since you enjoy masturbating so much, cumming in particular, would you be willing to help me out with a little experiment?"

Something deep down inside Jonathan knew that something was wrong here. That part of him, however small, was screaming for him to say no, to stand up and walk away from this situation right now. Before he could though, Jonathan looked into the panther's deep purple eyes, and all of those worries melted away into nothingness. The husky wagged his tail harder than ever, and nodded eagerly.


A devilish smile crossed the big cat's face.

"Good. That's good. Well then, what I'd like for you to do is sit here. Sit here for half an hour, and try not to let anyone notice."

Jonathan's head tilted once more.

"Notice? Notice what?"

A deep, rumbling growl of excitement escaped the panther's throat, and he chuckled softly. He stared deeper, deeper than Jonathan had ever believed possible into the husky's bright blue eyes, and whispered a soft but firm command to the hypnotically entranced male.

"Cum. Cum like you've never cum before. So hard and so fast, and not just once, not just twice, but until I tell you to stop, or thirty minutes have passed."

With those words he rose from his seat across from the husky, patted Jonathan fondly upon the head, and walked off into the crowded mall. Jonathan sat there for a few moments, watching him depart with a curious sense of wonder. Then, without warning, he gasped. He barely held back a cry of pleasure as immense waves of blissful sensations began to roll over him, his toes curling against the smooth tile floor and his fingers scrabbling at the tabletop. He felt his cock swelling, stiffening within his jeans, and barely found himself able to disguise a grunt of pleasure as a cough when he felt a wave of cum lash the inside of his boxer shorts within his tight jeans, orgasmic ecstasy crashing down over him without warning.

Glancing frantically around to ensure that no-one was watching him, Jonathan did everything he could not to appear too conspicuous. He gently jogged his legs up and down beneath the table, half to disguise the obvious throbbing of his cock but half to further stimulate his pleasure stricken body. His upper half meanwhile tried to sit in something resembling a state of ease, attempting in particular to pull a face, any face that didn't in any way resemble an o-face. Jonathan could feel his jeans growing damp at the crotch as more and more cum poured from his balls, the supply seemingly endless, but all that wetness did was make him ever more aroused. He couldn't smell his cum thanks to the myriad scents around the food court, which likely meant no-one else could do so, but that was of little comfort to the helpless male.

After what must have been thirty or so solid seconds of orgasm, cum stopped erupting from the tip of Jonathan's cock. Of course that didn't mean he stopped climaxing, just that he stopped physically_cumming_as his body ran out of seed to produce. The pleasure persisted, even grew in intensity as the seconds ticked slowly by, and after just one minute of the thirty which Jonathan vaguely remembered the panther promising him he felt as though he might explode if he didn't cry out. Nervously, desperately the husky glanced towards the toilets, somewhere he could go and sit and jack himself off into a coma if necessary, at least it would have been somewhere marginally more private than the middle of the mall on Saturday lunchtime. He soon realised that avenue of escape was impossible though, for there was no way he could walk that far in a straight line with the current levels of pleasure bending his mind, let alone walk that far in a straight line without anyone noticing the vast wet patch encompassing almost the entire crotch of his jeans.

The minutes ticked by, and Jonathan felt himself losing his mind little by little to the ravenous pleasure assailing him. He couldn't even try to hold his face steady anymore, resorting to staring up at the ceiling or down at the table, holding his face in his hands or even raising his sandwich to his lips in an attempt to disguise a gasp or muffle a heated moan. Worse still he could feel fresh cum oozing from his cock little by little as his balls began to overcompensate for the vast production being asked of them, small but noticeable trickles of seed beginning to work their way down his thighs and through the fur of his legs. How long would it be before white cream began to drool out from the base of his trousers, puddling on the floor around him? Surely then there would be no denying what was happening.

Jonathan took one last, frenzied glance around the food court to see if he could find and signal the panther, telling him to stop whatever mad game he thought they were playing together. There was no-one to be found though, not a soul he recognised. Except...

Except one.

The husky whined deep in the back of his throat as he saw a familiar face, and they saw him too.

"No... o-oh god, no..."

Jonathan stared, horrified, as his mother began to pick her way through the crowded food court towards him, arms already partially outstretched in readiness for a hug. He turned his head away briefly though, and stared up at the clock on the wall at the centre of the court.

Eighteen minutes.

Eighteen minutes to go.

By Jeeves

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