Meet Me in Deep Space (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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Space was always quiet, always cold, and always massive. Far enough away from planets, stars, and any organization owned spacestation, and you were left to yourself with hundreds of light years in every direction of pure nothingness. Sometimes it was nice coming all the way out here, to get away from all the loud noises that were had on the many inhabited worlds and the massive cities that often ruled them. But then again, things were quick to get lonely.

Floating out in the darkest reaches of deep space was one such lonely vessel, a single crew, armored freighter that had been retrofitted into a fighter. A lethal assortment of weapons adorned its exterior, and with it being an actually pretty small craft, it was impressively dangerous. But for now it was in no danger, hardly could be said that it was in use. The one person that called this ship home was lazily draped across her command chair, her feet propped up on the command console as she toyed away with a game tablet.

The screen blinked away and portrayed a retro game called Tetris. She stacked the digital blocks and the game became quicker and quicker, but she kept pace. It was easy to see that she had gotten very good at this game. All around her was various trinkets, dirty clothes, and some trash. Empty food containers with dirty eating utensils sticking out of them dotted around her pilot station. From behind her the room opened up to reveal a somewhat large living room, and beyond that was a bedroom with no door and a somewhat small bathroom. It was meant to be a one bedroom apartment, and everything inside seemed to reflect the same chaos that was around her now. More skewed laundry and bits of garbage.

The woman herself was a young, adventurous girl that had an incredibly talented mind for strategy, but a lack of motivation to use it. Most of the time. Despite her being rather fit and attractive, she was actually quite lazy, as was evident from her living quarters. She was a gray furred wolf, the top of her head a messy shock and bright purple hair that was cut short so that the bangs almost always fell over her face. She was athletic and healthy looking, like bounty hunters of her decree were known to be.

In her most relaxed state, like she now was, she would often opt to wear very little clothing. At the moment there was nothing covering her upper body, her medium sized breasts out in the open. A pair of tight fitting shorts were the only thing that concealed her below the waist. She felt most natural like this, and during downtime there was hardly anything else to do but relax and play some games. Hopefully that was set to change.

From outside the triangular shaped, cockpit window there came a sudden flash as another vessel dropped out of hyperspace. It was a lot similar to her own, in that it used to be a freighter, though it was twice the size and was by far much faster, though not nearly as agile. It also had a more impressive array of artillery that ran across the wings of its design, of which was reminisce of a bird of pray. The girl noticed the newcomer right away and snapped to attention.

Her feet pulled back and she straightened herself up in her seat, the gaming tablet set off to the side and paused. She quickly reached over to the radio-comm and dialed in a few numbers. From the side of her seat she grabbed a large headset and settled it over her ears, the microphone coming to hover a couple inches from her mouth. "Hello? New vessel, can you hear me?" she asked as her on-board computer scanned all incoming transmissions in the vicinity. It locked onto the one coming from the other ship and zeroed in on it.

"Jenn? Is that you?" came a deep, manly voice from her headset. She recognized it right away and she had to mute her mic as she let out an excited squeal.

"I'm so glad you were able to find me, Saul!" she called back, her tail wagging happily from behind her chair. "It's been so dull out here!"

"Well, you did leave some pretty precise coordinators. Did you wanna dock or something?" he replied, a smile in his tone.

"Absolutely! Come aboard!" she shouted back. On one of her nearby monitors a small window popped up that specified the ship known as 'Zeus' was wanting to dock. She hit a key on her console that confirmed she wanted to initiate, and her vessel went into autopilot. Communicating and working together, the two ships got closer and rotated in a way that their docking parts lined up. With a thud, Saul's bridge extended and locked into place with Jenn's receiver.

The wolf spun around in her chair, punching at the air in an increasingly elated manner, a broad grin shown over her face. A knock on the outside of her front door called her attention away and she leaped up from her spot, discarding her headset as she meandered over to her receiver entrance. From the small, see-through window she could see him waiting, a warm, inviting smile showing on his handsome face. She smashed a large, red button off to the side and the door panel slid up into the ceiling.

Saul was a tall and very fit red deer. He was taller than Jenn by about a half-foot and easily larger than her muscle-wise. His fur was clean and well taken care of, his eyes a smoldering, dark blue. He wore a simple green vest over a white T-shirt, a pair of cargo pants firmly holding to his legs. When the girl was revealed, his eyes looked over her beautiful form and a blush was quick to form over his cheeks.

cheeks. Read the full story here:

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