Meet Me in the Subway (Patreon Extreme)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#4 of Meet Me (Extreme)

In the long abandoned subway tunnels beneath New York, a traitor from an organization of drug dealers is taken care of.

Read the full story here:

Deep beneath the bustle of New York City came the constantly roaming trains of the subway. The rickety screech of their wheels on steel rails could be heard all through the massive network of tunnels that wound themselves beneath the metropolis. The huge subway system had a considerable history, and with the growth of the city came the growth of the network of tunnels.

Expansion had happened to the point that there were some parts of the subway that had become abandoned, old terminals that had been boarded up and forgotten about, only accessible by knowing where to go and timing yourself so you weren't hit or seen by any trains. It was illegal to delve into some of the darker parts of the underground, which made sense that frequent illegal activity would go on down there.

Particularly in one of the hardest to get areas of the subway, the most secluded and most forgotten section, a couple individuals waited. They didn't care to be quiet, no police officer or subway attendant would ever patrol this far out. And with a considerable amount of stealth and a bit of luck, here they were, enjoying themselves in the depths of an abandoned terminal, the general decor practically untouched by time and reminiscent of the eighties. A few LED lanterns had been set up to provide some decent light for the area without being too much that they might get caught by a passing train.

There was the song of slurping and reluctant whimpers that echoed off the tiled walls. Chelsey was a lieutenant in the local drug trade, it was her job to make sure that the stream of narcotics into New York for her region was smooth. Recently there had been quite a few hiccups, ones that could have been avoided and arguably looked intentional. Her organization had its fair share of enemies, and interrupting or damaging the cash flow was just as effective, if not more than, killing high ranked officials. Luckily the culprit had been caught and justice was going to be delivered.

Chelsey was a strong dalmatian and one that had a significant air of authority around her. Just in the way she would stand and walk, you would know that she held herself to a very professional level. Not to mention she was quite beautiful in her own way. She often wore T-shirts which showed off her arms, toned from numerous fights she had been in in the past and awash in tattoos. Her breasts filled her shirt out well, their shape giving way that she was young, perhaps only in her mid twenties. Of course one of the more well known features about her was the impressively sized dog cock that hung between her legs. Gifted with both sets of male and female genitals, she was able to enjoy anything that her money could buy, and if there was one thing she had a lot of, it was money.

Nestled into her lap was the head of the would be disruptor. Chelsey's cock was out and rock hard, being fed back and forth into the smaller girl's mouth. Being just beneath the dalmatian in rank, Mai was at a position that she could cause quite a bit of damage to the organization, and she had. She let other gangs in on supply trains and warehouse locations for raids, and a substantial amount of product had been pilfered. No one was more upset by this than Chelsey herself and her boss, one of the organization's heads.

Mai was a smaller girl than Chelsey, yet older. She wasn't nearly as tall, strong, or as busty, in fact many would have likely mistaken her as someone barely over the age of eighteen. She was a squirrel that many would have underestimated to be as scheming or intelligent, she didn't talk very often and liked to stay more towards the shadows of rooms. Interestingly enough, she was incredibly weak. Even now as she was forced to take the canine herm's cock down her throat, tears were streaming down her face, smudging her mascara into black rivets that ran down the contours of her cheeks. She sniffled and whimpered loudly, though she dared not to bite down on the rock hard shaft between her lips.

She had dark brown, shoulder-length hair that was held in Chelsey's tight fist, completely controlling the movement of her head, of which was set in a steady bobbing motion. Mai's arms were tied behind her back and she was forced into a kneeling position. No matter how little she wanted to contribute to sucking off her superior, she needed to, or face punishment. Her left eye was already bruised from getting cuffed after she wasn't seen to be as enthusiastic with her tongue.

The dalmatian would often moan and tilt her head around as the smaller girl's tongue would hit a particularly sensitive spot. She already had a group of close individuals who were more than happy to make her cum regularly, so getting to throat fuck this little traitor was little more entertaining than masturbating.

As Chelsey fed her girth back and forth into the gagging girl's throat, she flicked her thumb across the smartphone that she balanced on the palm of her other paw. She responded to a couple messages and browsed social media, all while rolling her hips to fuck Mai's sloppy mouth. Drool was rolling down the squirrel's chin and dripping over her dirtied, torn tanktop. She seemed to be in a constant state of struggling to breath, the dick pulling back every once in a while to allow a quick, shuddering breath before plunging back in.

Despite the sobbing and cough that hurt her throat, Mai's tongue worked over the musky surface, slurping on in and trying to apply as much pleasure as she could. She suckled away and swallowed back mouth fulls of precum and saliva all so she could do it again. She had seen what would come of traitors in her position, it was either one of three things: Burned to ash, fed to the ferals, or buried alive. She didn't want to become any of these things, and it seemed like she might get away with her life if she cooperated enough right now. It was why she was trying to show that at the very least, she could be a good fuck toy, even though she desperately wanted to be anywhere but there.

Read the full story here:

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